The key is 19 sizes. Sizes of wrench keys. Production of turnkey holes

Universal for plumbing works can be called gas (He is tube) Key. Such a key will help keep a metal pipe or Sgon during work. The adjustable key can also be attributed to universal: it will come in handy when the hexagon nuts and countertices are wrapped. However, no adjustable key is compared by the convenience of working with conventional wheelboards. The table will help properly pick them up:

Name of the element of the pipeline
Image №№ 1 (G)
1 / 4 " 3 / 8 " 1 / 2 " 3 / 4 " 1" 1 1 / 4 " 1 1 / 2 " 2" 2 1 / 2 " 3"
Keys wrench Rozhib (mm)
Nipple bilateral 00 2600 14 17
60 77 90
Nipple transient
(Definition is indicated for the larger reservoir)
? ?
Cork with internal thread (plug) 41
Cork with outdoor thread 40
? ? -
Cork with outdoor thread and flange
Snacking hexagon

Coupling straight
? 17
? ?
Round extension cord
(Definition of the inside of the twelve edge)
? 12
Hex extension
Connector (socket) for hose with internal thread F1
Connector (nozzle) for hose with outdoor (external) thread D9 2600 14 17 21 27 34 38 44-47 54 66 85
Collector ** 2700 - - - 32 38 - - - - -
Filter of mechanical cleaning of oblique type (oblique cleaning filter, mud) ? ? - - 24? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Machine Cleaning Filter Cork Type (Kind Filter Coarse Cleaning, Mud) ? ? - - 18, 20 or 21? ? ? - - - - -
Knot attaching counter
(Schedule is specified by Stacher)

? ? - - 19? ? - - - - - -
Crane Sharovy (Normal) 300-326 17 21 25 31 38 48 54 67 84 99
Crane ball (reinforced)
400-457 19 22 27 32 40 50 55 70 - -
Ball Crane Nut 320-322 - - 30 37 47 52 - - - -

1. By cataloging the manufacturer - General Fittings (for fittings) and Bugatti (for challenge cranes).

And about the size of sanitary pipes:

Cylindrical carving pipe (G) Metal pipe
(including galvanized)
Plastic trumpet
(including polypropylene)
measured by internal diameter
(The external pipe diameter will be greater than its size)
measured by external diameter
1 / 2 " 15 mm 20 mm
3 / 4 " 20 mm 25 mm
1" 25 mm 32 mm
1 1 / 4 " 32 mm 40 mm
1 1 / 2 " 40 mm 50 mm

Rozhkov keys

The types of wrench there are quite a lot, as they need for different nuts, bolts and are used in different situations. Somewhere more convenient to take advantage of one species, somewhere else, it all depends on the size of the nut, as it is located, and how to approach it. Consider all the main types of keys, their size, form, advantages relative to each other. Manufacturers in this market a lot, therefore and prices are very different. It can be said that there are no high-quality and cheap keys. A good thing is not seeing, it applies to them.

Horn keys bilateral (1 photo). Probably this is the most frequently used appearance. It is called that because the ends remind him of horns. Sold both in sets and piece.
These keys have two different sizes at the ends. For example, 8 * 10, 10 * 12, 13 * 15 and so on. The dimensional range is quite wide, ranging from 4mm, finishing 55mm.

Keys horch one-sided.

It is used mainly on production, it is unlikely that such will be useful in everyday life. Dimensions start from 36mm, maximum 95mm. You can work with an effort, putting on one side of the key metal pipe, which increases the power of the tightening.

Caucasic keys bilateral.

Have two different sizes at the ends, for example, 17 * 19, 19mm * 22mm and so on. Sizes from 6mm to 55mm. Unlike the horn, the ends in the form of a ring, which allows you to turn the nut without a separation, without rearring the key constantly, and it will not break away.

Caid one-sided key.

It has a ring only on the one hand, for greater tightening force you can use together with the pipe. Dimensions from 30mm to 50mm.

Caid shock key.

It has one ring. Unlike simple, the shock is noticeably thicker. There is a special place to hit a sledgehammer or hammer, are used mainly for a powerful tightening. There are dimensions from 27mm to 105mm.

Such on the one hand has a ring, with another form of a conventional horn key. Sizes are the same on both sides. For example, 10 * 10, 12 * 12, etc. Combines the advantages of the horn and cape.
Minimum size 5mm, maximum 32mm.

End keys (tubular).

Good in cases where the nut is in depth of the part, and it is simply impossible to bring out other keys.
As a rule, two sizes are in different sides. There are simply in the form of a tube, this can be twisted with a simple screwdriver, for this there is a special hole, there are L-shaped, in shape resemble the Latin letter L, it can be twisted without the help of foreign objects, just with hand, since the form allows you to.
This can also include candle keys, are also made in the form of tubes, especially for the spark plug.

Deployed keys.

The main plus it is that it is adjusted for a variety of sizes, has sliding sponges. There are several species, small and large, up to 19mm, up to 30mm, up to 35mm, up to 46mm. Often the nut has a non-standard size, or did not turn out the desired key at hand, then it will completely solve the problem that is separable.

They are universal, sliding sponges, therefore it is covered by several diameters at once. Dimensions - from the smallest zero number capable of clamping the diameter of a maximum of 28mm, to the largest number 5, such a cup of 120mm.
In foreign nomenclature, dimensions are marked in inches. For example, the key is 1 inch, 1.5, 2, 3 inches.
The shape of sponges is L-shaped (straight) and S-shaped (rounded sponges). To capture a round billet, a S-shaped shape of the lips is suitable, since three points of contact are obtained if the blank is flat better fit L-shaped lip shape.

Keys-stars (TORX).

There are in the form to twist faster, there are simple for manual use. As a rule, such apply to the repair of household appliances, in cars, cell phones.
I have sizes from T5 to T50. The smallest (T5, T6) is sold only in sets for cell phones.

Hex keys.

Applicable for repair of technology, assembling furniture (4mm key under the confirmation - furniture screws). There are in sets and piece. Dimensions from 1.5mm to 24mm.

Belligent keys.

Very specific. Apply only on explosive industries. They do not give a spark when hitting the metal or fall, if the work is associated with gas, then such. They are easy to learn about color. It can be yellow, or the color of copper is reddish.

In order to spin or unscrew the bolt, nut, crane head, coupling, and so on, a horn wrench is applied. Each wizard who performs everyday work in the house or deals with technology, at least once in life, I have been faced with this tool.

Size of horn keys

Any tool has its own characteristics and parameters. There are generally accepted standard sizes of horn keys. To determine the sizeIt is necessary to pay attention to the span parts that have real sponges. This is the so-called zev tool. The knob of any horn key has a digital marking. This is the size of millimeters, which determines the width between sponges.

The sizes may be in the range from the minimum (2.5x3.2 mm) and to the maximum (70x80 mm). it permissible norms GOST, which cannot be disrupted under any circumstances. In GOST, other characteristics of horn keys are also indicated, for example:

  • A special calculation of the maximum developmental deviations are made;
  • Any manufactured horn key must have established strength and hardness;
  • Marked marking of the trademark;
  • The decorative and protective coating of the key T. d.

Types of keys

Now let's look at what kind of varieties are. The most used keys in which two oz are within the composition. Another name is two horn key (GOST 2839). If you need to unscrew the fastening with a magician at 18 or 20 mm between opposite edges, then you need to choose a tool with a handle on which the designation 18 and 20 are located.

It happens that in force majeure circumstances are not always at hand there is a tool of the desired size. In this case suitable key one size more. When using an inappropriate tool, you need to use a knife or screwdriver, set them into an empty space.

Types of horn tools:

  • composites (GOST 16.983). In their designs there is a nozzle of the end structure, a hollow socket and a handle, short or long;
  • divorced (GOST 7275.75). These are horn keys where the size may vary;
  • keys of a narrow-controlled profile. These are specific keys for a certain type of activity;
  • there are star-like, Bristol and hexagon (GOST 11737.93) keys that are used to work with cycling and computer equipment, with screwing fasteners in hard-to-reach places that border almost with jewelry work.

How to choose a horn key?

How to choose a tool to answer all the standards of GOST? The variety of models shows that for any need there are its types of products. It is necessary to take into account the purpose of its use and the complexity of the task you put in front of it. Material production of modern wrench is special tool steelIt consists of a vanadium and chromium alloy.

There is also one unique tool that will help solve all the problems at once, and will get rid of the need to think about how to choose a horn key. There are universal models that all products contain at the same time. This tool under the nuts of various sizes With any kinds of heads. It does not slip on a smooth surface at the expense of its powerful teeth, which is its main advantage.

There are also electrical keys, this name speaks for itself. This tool can work on the battery and batteries. Therefore, each home master itself determines which products are better for it.

The price category is rather diverse. Most often, the price depends on the multifunctionality of the technical characteristics and the manufacturer. The cheapest is the one-sided Horn tool, where the open ZEV has 3.1-85 millimeters.

While buying also need not to forget about a long handlewhich can limit the amplitude of the movement of the key on turns. If some of the sponges are shortened, then, naturally, the radius of the key rises. In this case, it turns out to throw the head on the nut on the side. If the handle is artificially increased, the accompanying effort increases, and the grooves of the point will disperse either in general break. The hammer will be able to help establish them in place during breeding, but the material will not be so durable as before. When you have a product, from steel 40 chops or40x, that is, the way of hardening the sponge.

There is one more option, how to repair the rated or worn zev. Using the welding of the metal layer, you can adjust the volume of Using an abrasive tool. When an open zev is more than 25 mm, then this option to restore the product will be the most efficient.

The operation time of the horn products may vary from year to five. If they talk about the durability of operation, it is always implied by a ring key (GOST 2906). He cannot let me out, but can wear out. There are restrictions in the use of this key type. They can be used only if you wear on the nuts, but will not be able to use for unscrewing, for example, flexible hose bolts. The advantage consists in a hex or twelve-marched zoo, which makes it possible to carry out more intensively.

How to make a horn key with your own hands?

Those who decided to make this tool itself, there are minor recommendations. It is necessary to start the manufacture using a sample of a ready-made similar product. Perform drawing of the required product, with which you will make your key.

First we make a blank made of steel sheet with more than several millimeters than the appearance of the sides of the finished product. There are difficulties with fat tools. With the help of the hacksaw it should not be cut. And select the gas burner contraindicated in the role of a cutting tool. It is advisable to put in the process for blacksmithing. This can be performed through the compounds of the metal rod.

Then, when the workpiece is ready, we start to mark the markup. If the workpiece is not very smooth faces, then it is desirable to cut them to remove the scale. After it is necessary to apply paint on the treated surface. You can use quick-drying varnish or paint. The sample imposing is done after the painting is completely dry. It is advisable to use some press so that the sample does not slip down when the outline.

The treadmill is a metal sharpened wire. Then, on the disconnection of the workpiece and sample, it is necessary to bring the final risks, retreating several millimeters from the already made, after to put them. Kern first put on the risk at risk, and when applying a hit, align the hammer. The step between the pits in Zeva needs to be made 4-5 mm.

Then drill zev. You can use an electric door with a drill with a diameter of 5-6 mm. It is impossible that the drill is strongly heated. It can be cooled in water. Then, when you make the second zev, you must remove too much.

Well, at the end you need to harden the item. At home, this can be performed using gas. If you use special oven or blacksmith mountain - It will be perfect. Ticks are used to remove the product, lowering the key in the water. It is necessary to remove and immerse the full darkening of sponges. This is the technology of manufacturing a horn key.

There are several types of wrench keys. They are used to attach compounds consisting of nut or bolt. They are made of chromium-vanadium alloy. To prevent key rusting, chromium is used. The invention of the first wrench belongs to Solonomu Merritic, which patented it in 1835. Types of wrench are different. In them, an ordinary person needs everyday life for a variety of purposes.

Keys - An integral part of the tool box

After watching the types of wrench keys in the photo, it can be understood that in addition to those models that are often found in our homes, there are still a huge variety of their varieties. They differ from themselves not only by the form, but also the purpose of use.

For example, several wrench keys, such as fire hydrant wagon, are used only for one target. While others, say, combined or adjustable key can be used for various purposes. Types of wrench and their diversity are designed to ensure comfort in their use not only by professionals, but also by ordinary citizens. Properly selected tool will help you quickly fulfill the task.

Types of wrench, sizes, description, photo

The size is usually denoted by such parameters as the distance between sponges. In the XIX and at the beginning of the twentieth centuries, it was customary to determine the nominal key size in accordance with the thread parameters, which it should have been used. Modern practice uses the designation based on the distance between the planes.

The wrench size is determined by the following parameters: ZEV (Distance between Sponges), the size of the thread (for the nut), the length of the handle. The first parameter has the following range - from 3.2 mm to 155 mm; The second - from M1.6 to M110; Third - from 150 mm to 500 mm.

Horkin keys single and double-sided

This type of key has open "ends". These are holes U-shaped. Often they are different sizes. These wrenches are useful when working with nuts and bolts to which it is difficult to access. They provide greater freedom in unscrewing them.

Caucasic keys bilateral

This wrapped wrench at both ends has a closed circuit. It is often intended for nuts or hexagonal bolts. However, in certain cases, it can be designed in square form. The loops at both ends have different sizes. Wrench keys of this type are used in cases where open models cannot perform the task.

Combined keys

The combined key, as follows from the name, is a combination of a horn key with a cape model. It has a closed circuit at one end, and the other is open. It can be used to unscrew the nuts and bolts, and then quickly removes them with the open end. Combined keys are commonly used to perform the described combination, and, therefore, both ends have the same size.

Divorced or adjustable keys

This is a type of open-type wrench. They can only be used from one end. The size of the opening is not fixed. It can be varied depending on the size of the nut or bolt. However, such types of wrench keys are almost impossible to use in hard-to-reach zones.

This is the most common type of adjustable wrench that is used today. The adjustable terminal wrench differs from the key of the usual in that the gripping surfaces of the sponges are shifted, as a rule, by 15 degrees relative to the instrument handle. Modern adjustable was invented by Johan Petter Johansson.

Let's now learn how to use the adjustable key model.

  1. Determine the nut or bolt you want to tighten.
  2. Open the rotary key by turning the screw. Check if you have discovered it enough for the nuts to fit well: if not - it needs to open more. Make sure it is open a little more than the nut size.
  3. Slide the open part of the head on the nut and hold it on the spot. Turn the screw of the mechanism so that it climbs the nut tightly.
  4. Turn the key in the direction clockwise to tighten the mount, or counterclockwise to weaken it. Continue to rotate until the nut becomes dense or free enough so that it can be removed.
  5. Remove the wrench, weakening the screw of the mechanism.

Torch models

In the case of an end wrench, it is completely put on a nut or bolt. When this type of tool is used, it is not necessary to completely remove it from the head head or bolt after completing the rotation. The handle can be removed and inserted again, while the socket remains over the nut or bolt.

"Impact" wrench

The species and sizes of wrenches are the most diverse. "Impact" wrench is a specialized thick, short, chunky tool with a block end of the handle specifically designed for use with a hammer, which allows him to give it more power. Usually used with large fasteners, especially with nut and pin, which have index tags.

Impact wrenches withstand and high power, which is designed to release large or stuck nuts and bolts. They will be useful in the event that the space does not allow to apply a large wrench.

Hex wrench

This key has a hexagonal end. These tools are used to spin bolts with hexagonal recesses at the ends. The method of their work is similar to the method of working screwdriver. For a better understanding of the features of each model, the types of wrench keys should be examined, the photo require special attention. Illustrative material helps to easily assimilate the features of each model.

Hexagon wrenches are two common forms: with L-shaped and T-shaped handles. L-shaped wrenches are made of hexagonal wire, while T-shaped handles are the same hexagon wire with a metal or plastic handle attached to an end. Types of wrench and their name are presented in detail in our article. Many of their names occurred from the external form of the instrument.

These hexagon keys have a head on a short shoulder and a hexagon ball head on a long shoulder. It offers a large contact surface on the screw head. This reduces the likelihood of wear and rounding the corners in the screws. The bowl on the long shoulder is designed so that the key can be easily inserted into the head, which allows you to rotate it at the right angle, it is indispensable in hard-to-reach places.

Round key shafts are conveniently stacked in hand and help to make work as easy as possible.

Since stainless steel is used for these high-quality tools, there will be no problems with rust. If you notice it on the tool surface, the reason can be only one. This occurs as a result of their active use in order to turn screws or bolts from ordinary steel. The pressure inevitably leaves traces or particles of a different type of metal on a stainless beak, and then under the influence of oxygen it occurs its corrosion.

Ballon keys

This is the name of the type of the end key used to attenuate and tighten the nuts on the automotive wheels. In the United Kingdom and Australia, it is widely known as Wheel Brace.

Wrench keys can be L-shaped or X-shaped. The most common form is a L-shaped metal rod with an end wrench on the curved end and an inclined tip on the other end. The exciting tip is mainly designed to remove wheel caps that can fix the wheel tip nuts.

In the instruments market, Gedore acquired great popularity. It makes high-quality products that motorists from around the world are actively used. The appearance of the first Gedore wrench was to taste car enthusiasts.

Another common type, sometimes called spider-key, is made in the form of a cross with spaced sockets on each of the four ends.

Ideally, nuts (or bolts) must be tightened with a torque tool. Wrench keys are much cheaper. Installing the wheel with their help requires the use of greater power. Excessive force can lead to the fact that the nuts will be very difficult to remove. In addition, the uneven use of force between different nuts and the tool can lead to the deformation of the brake rotor if the car is equipped with disk brakes.

For this reason, the balloral wrenches should be used correctly only for removing nuts with tips, and not for tightening them. In practice, this rule is often ignored for convenience even professional mechanics.

For an auto mechanic or just a person whose profession is associated with the use of a huge amount of tools, you can purchase cutlery in the form of wrench keys. This funny gift will surely make an impression.

Wrenches are applied to work with bolted connections. They are several varieties, each of which is used for certain purposes. The tool configuration selection depends on the complexity of access to the threaded connection. If it is in an open location, then any wrench will suit, but if you need to remove, then you need a special form of the tool.

Varieties of wrench keys

First of all, the tool is characterized by dimensions. Each of them is designed for a special hex nut. The key size is indicated by numbers that correspond to the diameter of the seating in millimeters. Foreign tools may have an inch designation, but they are practically not applied in the CIS.

There are more than 10 types of wrench, which are divided into the following groups:
  • Monolithic.
  • Divorced.
  • Composite.
  • With a special profile.

Special keys can also be noted, but they are used very rarely and only in special designs. Most of these tools are almost never used, so they can not be taken into account.

Monolithic wrench

The monolithic wrench is a solid metal structure. Such a tool is the most common. It is mostly manufactured from special steel, which includes chrome and vanadium. The monolithic type is divided into several subtypes:

  • Rozhkin.
  • Caid.
  • End.
  • Combined.

The horn tool is used for nuts and bolts with a size of 3.6 to 95 mm. This is the most common key that is used in all spheres, including car maintenance. Its design is a flat profile, at the end of which there are two axes to cover the hats of threaded connections. The horn tool is one-sided and double-sided.

One-sided has horns only on one side, while the second is a cropped profile. Often to work with a strongly clamped connection on the second end of the key, you can put on the tube to increase the strength lever, and relieve spontaneous. The bilateral key has horns at all ends. Usually they are designed for nuts of different diameters.

Thanks to the flat design, the horn keys are quite compact. The direction of their sponges has a deviation of 15 degrees. This reduces the risk of slipping and adds additional maneuverability. Lack of roofing design in the calculation of fixation of the compounds. When spinning with a strong force, metal is erased on the edges of the bolts. In addition, it is possible to bowel or the expansion of the rood.


Caid wrench has a size from 6 to 55 mm. Its working part is a ring with edges, which provides a complete crimping of nuts and bolts. When working with such a tool, the risk of faces is excluded. Caid design is also one-sided and bilateral. One-sided variation includes a tool with a size of 30 to 55 mm. The lack of a cape type is the need to have open access to the threaded connection. If the Nut is just a few millimeters to the obstacle, then the key will not be able to fix it.


The working part of such a tool is a tube with an internal notch for fixing faces. The key is used to spin deeply planted bolts and nuts. The reliability of fixation corresponds to the cape. Depending on the form, there are tubular, "T" and "G" shaped. The first are a straight tube, with fitted under the edges and a small pass-through hole in the center, which are used to make a pin, facilitating turning. Such keys are called candles, as they are used to change the spark plug in the engine. "T" and "g" shaped keys have 6 or 12 faces. Their curved form is adjusted under certain working conditions.


Such a double-sided tool has at each end along the horn and the cape. Size from 5 to 32 mm is proposed. A variant of the same or different sizes of the horic and cape key is possible. This tool is often included in standard sets for maintenance of motorcycles and other small machinery.

Deploy Type

The adjustable wrench is more perfect, but not so reliable design as monolithic. It can change the size of the clamp of the working part, therefore suitable for a wide range of nuts and bolts. Distinguish several subtypes of adjustable tools:

  • Divorced.
  • Pipe.
  • Restable.
  • French.

Droke reminds the roar, but is more massive. His feature lies in sliding sponges. Such a tool is universal. It allows you to work with non-standard sizes of nuts. Changing the width of the capture is performed by a simple worm-type regulator. Such a tool fixes only two faces, so it can lick nuts. It is impossible to beat the hammer on it, since the worm regulator can bump and bend, which will make further attempts to set up the width impossible.


Pipe wrench refers to a universal tool. It is available in 5 sizes, the coverage range is from 0 to 120 mm. Adjustment is carried out using a clamping nut on one of the handles. The capture of the faces is carried out by two sponges by the type of lever. The stronger it is to clamp, the more reliable there will be fixation. There are several options for lips shape. There are flat and rounded. The first work with conventional nuts, and the second can capture rounded connections.


The stopping key also provides capture on the lever system. To work with it, it is necessary to use a strong force, since its design is more primitive than the pipe. The surface of the stopped mechanism is bodied, which provides more dense contact between the two handles. There is also a notch on the lips. It increases the reliability of the root of the roar to the surface of the faces.


The French wrench is a very old design. Despite this, it can be found in the instrumental set of many motorists and locks. The French construction was invented in the 18th century. Since that time, the principle of adjusting the tool has changed a bit. It should be noted that such keys suffer from the presence of hopes, which complicates reliable fixation of sponges. They do not tolerate shock, so if the nut is not amenable, it is best to use the tube to increase the impact lever.

Composite type

The composite type is the end heads. On the one hand, they have 6 or 12 faces for fixing nuts, and from the second 4 faces to hold the turning. As a collected form, the composite key repeats the design of a conventional ends. The advantage of the heads are that they are fitted under one knocker. Thus, a whole set of end nozzles and one handle can fit in a small box. At the same time, it will feature all popular sizes that are required for work.

Pens multiple structures can be used for heads:
  • Hinged.
  • With a rattling.
  • Mr.
  • With a screwdriver.

The lack of heads is that they are not suitable everywhere. For hard-to-reach places, they are often unsuitable. This is due to the thick walls of the nesting. In addition, when working with dirty and rusty connections, there are cases when the head tightly climbs on the nut or bolt, after which it is difficult to remove. With an effort, the knob simply comes out of the landing opening, while the nozzle remains in place.

Keys with a special profile

The keys with a special profile represent a covered tool that is inserted into the special holes on the bolts, and does not capture their cap. There are hexagon and star-shaped keys. They have a small diameter and are mainly used to secure furniture connections. They are also used for assembly and disassembly of household appliances.

The hex key is a regular M-shaped rod, crazy for 6 faces. It is he who is used for conformat when assembling and repairing furniture. Available keys with a diameter of 1.5 to 24 mm. You can often find a smooth variation of the key in the form of a bit for.

The star-like wrench is a M-shaped rod with a figured sharpening at the end resembling a screwdriver. It is used to work with small bolts in the household appliances and elements of the car's interior. Small keys are used to disassemble mobile phones and tablets. Often, instead of a star-like type, a special screwdriver is used.