Kobeya growing temperature. Kobea climbing seed growing at home planting and care in the open field photo. Potential pests and diseases

Kobeya is a beautiful tropical liana with delicate leaves and huge bell flowers. The seeds of the plant are available for sale, and the kobea is successfully mastering the gardens of Central Russia.

Popular varieties

There are 9 known species of kobei, the most common species in horticulture - kobea climbing... This is a perennial grown in our country as an annual. The plant has shoots 4–6 m long and complex, wrinkled, opposite leaves. The stems cling to the support with strong antennae. Flowers are large, growing from the axils of the leaves, 2-3 pcs. In the buds, the flowers are greenish, in blooming, they are purple or white. Long stamens and a pistil protrude from the flowers. An adult kobei is not afraid of autumn cold snaps and temperatures down to -5 ° C. It blooms from late June to the very frost.

You will find information about other types of vines popular among gardeners in the article "".

Variety "Lady Hamilton"

Spectacular kobeya 2-3 m high with double lilac-white flowers 8 cm in diameter.

Variety Jingle Bells

This kobeya grows up to 3 m, has milky white flowers with a diameter of 8 cm

Plant varieties "Kalando" blue-violet flowers with a diameter of 7-8 cm.

Growing from seeds

Seedlings of heat-loving kobei are prepared in mid-March. With such a planting time, it will bloom in June. For seedlings, take universal soil for flowering plants or prepare a mixture of equal parts of garden soil, compost and peat. Small containers or individual peat or plastic pots are suitable as containers if the seedlings will grow without picking.

The containers are filled with a damp substrate, slightly compacted and dry or Epin-treated seeds are spread over the surface.

Dry seeds take a long time to sprout. And to get guaranteed shoots, it is better to sow pre-germinated seeds. To do this, put a damp cloth on a saucer, on which flat and round seeds are laid out so that they do not touch each other. The saucer is covered with a plastic bag and placed in the light in a warm place. Every day, the seeds are checked, aired and the resulting mucus is removed - it makes it difficult for the seeds to germinate. The fabric should always be kept damp. If mold appears on the seeds, then the fabric and seeds are washed with a solution of potassium permanganate. As soon as the seeds hatch, they are laid out in pots.

The seeds are sprinkled on top with a 1.5 cm layer of soil and left to sprout in a room with a temperature of + 17–20 ° C. The soil is periodically watered as it dries. Seedlings appear within 14–20 days (if dry seeds are sown), germinated will sprout faster. With the appearance of sprouts, the pots are moved to a bright and cooler place with a temperature of + 15-16 ° C. Suitable living conditions on a glazed balcony - there is more air and sun.

Kobei seedlings grow rapidly. The grown seedlings dive into separate pots, if the seedlings were first grown in a common container. After transplanting, a small support is placed in each kobei cup and the shoots are tied to it.

Until the moment of planting in the ground, they are monitored so that the plants do not intertwine with each other. Kobe pots are not placed close to each other. If the seedlings have grown, and the timing of planting in the ground has not yet approached or the weather does not allow, then you can again transplant into larger pots, or pinch too long shoots - so the plants will bush more.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

Kobeya loves well-lit and wind-protected areas, but can grow in partial shade.

She loves nutritious, loose and drained soils. Planting holes for kobei are prepared in the fall. They are filled with humus, peat, river sand and sod land. Superphosphate or mineral mixture for flowering plants is added to the soil mixture. In such areas, the kobei grows rapidly and fills large areas. The acidity level of the soil affects the color of flowers. On more acidic soils, the flowers have a bright and rich color, on alkaline soils, the blue color of the petals is more pronounced.

Landing in open ground

Kobei seedlings are planted in the ground in late May - early June after the onset of stable warm weather. The distance between the plants should be at least 60–70 cm. Before the planting, the seedlings are well tempered, otherwise the tender leaves and shoots will turn white from the burning sun in a couple of days.

The fragile stems of the planted bushes are carefully fanned out and tied to a support. Most often, kobei are used in the form of a net or lattice. Within 2 weeks, the young kobe will take root in a new place and begin to rapidly increase the green mass.


The soil around the plant should always be moist, but without excess water. It is especially important to adjust the watering regime if the kobea is growing in partial shade.

During the summer, the liana is fed 2-3 times with mineral complexes for flowering plants.

The faded flowers are removed, but the kobei can take care of the decorative effect herself - the wilted petals will fall to the ground and the plant will look neat. In autumn, nets or lattices are freed from shoots and tendrils-springs.


The plant is propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Large seeds ripen inside the capsule fruit. Own seeds do not always have time to ripen due to weather conditions, so it is safer to use ready-made ones from the store. Seeds remain fresh for 3-4 years.

In August, you can prepare cuttings for planting kobei next season. Cut petioles are planted in pots with a loose substrate. The queen cells will spend winter in a warm room on the windowsill. In early spring, the required number of shoots is cut from them, rooted and planted in open ground with the onset of heat.

Pests and diseases

Of the diseases, the kobei is most often affected by various rot. The reason for their appearance is waterlogging of the soil.

On a kobei, and can settle. Pests are controlled using biological or chemical insecticides.

Kobei is a worthy garden decoration. A dense green carpet of leaves with large flowers draws attention to the site. Only 3-4 plants in a short time can change the appearance of a country house, fence, gazebo, balcony.

You will learn more about planting and growing kobei from the video.

It is considered one of the most beautiful vines. This thermophilic plant prefers to grow in the southern regions. Here kobea has been blooming for several years. In our climate, the plant belongs to annual species. If you wish, you can hide the plant for the winter in a warm, sheltered place. However, many growers prefer to grow kobei from seed every new season.

What are the features of the presented flower, how it is planted and cared for, each grower should be considered in detail before breeding vines in his area.

general characteristics

Kobei (photo of flowers presented below) is a beautiful exotic plant. This picturesque liana got its name in honor of the Spanish explorer Barnabas Cobo. The Jesuit lived for a long time in Mexico and Peru. Here he first saw this lovely flower. Since the 18th century, kobei have been grown in vertical gardening by many European landscape designers.

Today there are 9 types of kobei. In our country, mainly only two species are grown - with white or purple flowers. In terms of its decorative qualities, this liana is much superior to other tropical climbing plants.

Kobeya is developing very quickly. Many tendrils appear on the stem. The shoots cover the leaves. They cover the whole vine with an openwork carpet. Plant height can reach 6 m. Tenacious tendrils help the liana to climb to a great height. It adheres firmly to any surface.

Flowering kobei

Kobei (photo of flowerspresented in the review) is famous for its delicate charming bell flowers. They cover a dense green carpet of leaves. The buds can reach 8 cm in diameter. In nature, there are lilac, white, light salad, burgundy varieties of kobei.

In our country, only one type of vine is grown. This is a climbing kobe. Its buds are purple or white in color. Long stamens and pistil protrude outward. During development, the bud may be green in color. After the flowers change their color to purple or white.

The flowering period lasts from July to October. With the first frost, the vine withers. Although the plant is able to withstand the first frosts. It will not fade even at a temperature of -5 ° C if the cold snap is short-lived. When stable cold weather is established, the kobei will wither. Therefore, every year gardeners acquire new seeds for breeding this beautiful plant in their area.

Due to the insufficient duration of the warm period in our climatic zone, the seeds of the plant do not have time to ripen. Therefore, the seed is purchased in a specialized store before each new season.

Growing features

Almost every gardener is able to breed this flower. Kobei, (growing from seeds this vine requires certain skills) is a photophilous plant. If she can somehow put up with a small penumbra, however, it will not grow in darkening. Therefore, you should choose a sunny place on the site.

The soil should be fertile and well fertilized. Also, the plant loves moist soil. However, over-watering, like most plants, causes rot. In this case, the plant is attacked by pests (mites or aphids). Therefore, maintaining a certain level of humidity for the kobei is extremely important.

Breeding features

Kobei flower, cultivation which is planned to be produced on the site, requires the gardener to choose the correct planting material. For this, seedlings or seeds are suitable. If the kobe has been grown for more than a year, you can save its cuttings for the winter. Most often, summer residents purchase seeds in specialized stores.

When choosing planting material, it is recommended to give preference to trusted suppliers. You can sow seeds from the end of February. For this, greenhouse conditions are created for the plants. The deadline for starting to seed the soil is in mid-March.

Before planting, the material must be properly processed. If you add dry seeds directly to the soil, they can sprout poorly; such vines have practically no strength to bloom. Therefore, it is recommended to soak the planting material in a special growth stimulator before introducing them into the soil. For this, for example, HB-1 or other similar solutions are suitable.

Some growers grow cobei by cuttings. Shoots suitable for transplantation are taken from the uterine vine. They appear on last year's plants transferred to a warm place. The cuttings are transplanted into separate containers. Wet sand is poured into them. In such soil, the kobei takes root. With the arrival of stable warm weather, the vines are planted in open ground on the site. This method is less common, as many gardeners find it difficult to keep last year's kobei until the next warm season. She needs constant proper care.

Landing in the ground

Kobei flower, planting which is carried into the soil of a mini-greenhouse, requires a careful approach to each seed. They are usually packed in 5 pieces. You can buy 2 bags of seeds to get seedlings for sure.

Seeds soaked in a growth promoter can be planted in the ground. They will germinate in about 2-2.5 weeks. The first shoots should appear in the second week after transplanting seeds into the ground. The place for the mini-greenhouse should be bright and warm. The ambient temperature should not be less than 20 ° C. The container with seeds must be covered with a plastic bag.

In order not to subsequently violate the integrity of the roots of the kobei, it is recommended to protect each seed with a separate foil pot. This helps to speed up the growth period. The seeds should be covered with a layer of soil about 1.5 cm. They are brought into the soil flat sideways. This technology, proven by many growers, allows you to quickly and efficiently grow a vine, even in our climate.


Kobei flowers, planting and caring for which require certain skills from the gardener, are easier when using special growth stimulants. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the germ to break through the shell. When the first shoots appear, a container for planting and soil should be prepared. You can use plastic cups for this.

Water the sprouts abundantly. The foil is then unrolled. An escape with a lump of earth must be carefully removed from the greenhouse soil. Care must be taken to ensure that the roots are not damaged. This will significantly slow down the growth of the vine. Foil molds allow you to do this as accurately as possible.

The transplant substrate should be loose and light. It should contain a sufficient amount of nutrients. After transplanting, you need to give the sprouts time to adapt. After that, you can begin to gradually harden the sprouts.

Seedling care

After transplanting young shoots, proper care should be taken. The soil must be watered periodically (as it dries). It is recommended to ventilate the room containing containers with small vines. The window should be opened in the first few days for only 2-4 minutes. Then the interval increases gradually every day.

You can make top dressing with humate. During the growth of the flower in the cups, this procedure can be done no more than 2 times. Otherwise, the shoots will be too long. It will be difficult to transplant them. Gardeners disagree on the issue when you can pinch a kobei flower. Some experts recommend performing this procedure before planting outdoors. Other growers do not pinch the shoots at all.

You need to pinch the plant when its shoots do not develop densely. In this case, new stems up to 20 cm long are grafted before transplanting the plant into open ground.

If the kobeya develops properly, it will develop brown, thin branches on the shoots. These antennae will look for something to cling to. However, they can be easily removed from the wall, clothing or other items. Antennae are strong enough, it is difficult to damage them.


What else is interesting about these curly flowers? Kobeya is a plant that, when grown should dive. It is recommended to transplant the sprouts into a large container 3-4 weeks after their germination. This will allow the vines to develop a powerful root system. The rate of growth and development of the plant will depend on this. By the time of transplantation into open ground, the kobei will be able to form strong shoots.

A large flower pot is required for transplanting. Its capacity should be about 3 liters. The soil must be nutritious. Before transplanting, the soil is watered and the plant with an earthen clod is transferred to a pot. In a spacious container, the kobei will begin to actively develop. Liana must be tied up with ropes so that it strives to grow up.

Before transplanting to the selected site on the site, the kobei should be prepared for the environmental conditions. For this, the plant is tempered. This process is convenient to carry out on the balcony. The first time a kobei is brought here for 15 minutes. This interval is increasing every day. After a while, the pot may not be brought into the room.

Preparation for transplanting into open ground

Flowers (kobei purple or white, it doesn't matter) can be planted in a summer cottage in early summer. Some growers even decorate balconies or loggias with the curly stems of this tropical liana. First you need to choose the right landing site.

The growing area should be well lit. There should be no drafts here. Next, you need to prepare the ground. It should contain nutrients and be loose. Water should not stagnate on the site.

The soil should be dug up and leveled with a rake. A week before planting kobei in the ground, it is necessary to make holes. They should be at least 50 cm apart from each other. The bottom of the holes is covered with peat and humus. Watering is done just before the transplanting process.

Kobei, which grows on the balcony, should be untied and folded into a ring. By the time of transplantation, its height will reach approximately one meter.

Transfer to soil

Should be transported to the transplant site in a folded state. So it will be more difficult to damage the vine. The potted plant needs to be watered well. Then it is taken out of the container along with a lump of earth. Plants are planted at a distance of at least 50 cm (up to 1 m).

The transplant hole is watered, and then a kobei is placed in it. It is buried in earth. It is necessary to compact the soil. Then the vine is watered again. A plant twisted into a ring must be carefully expanded. If it was tied with a cord, it should be cut with a knife.

Kobei is planted near the support. If not, an artificial hedge should be installed. Otherwise, the vine will creep along the ground, entangling neighboring plants. The antennae must be raised to the place designated for it. The liana will look beautiful on an arch or hedge. It can also be a large mesh. The tenacious antennae of the kobei will immediately begin to firmly attach themselves to the support intended for them.

The soil around the stem of the vine is mulched. To do this, sprinkle it with peat or sawdust. Competent care contributes to the early development of the plant, the appearance of a lush green carpet of leaves. The first buds in this case will appear very soon. Kobei will decorate any landscape design.

Liana care

Requires proper care after transplant. It is required to make regular watering, feed and create supports until the vine clings to a hedge or arch on its own.

Also, the plant can be affected by root rot. Improper plant care can be the reason for this adverse phenomenon. Black spots appear on the leaves. If the soil does not have a good drainage system or the grower periodically floods the soil, the roots may start to rot. In this case, the plant quickly loses strength, withers. To avoid this, water the plant as the soil dries. Pouring in kobei is strictly not recommended. All affected leaves are removed. The soil near the creeper needs to be loosened and dried. Then the kobei is poured with a special solution of fungicides.

During the dry season, the vine needs to be watered abundantly. If it is rainy outside the window, it is necessary to stop periodic watering until the soil dries out. It is recommended to apply top dressing to the soil once every 2 weeks. The first time this procedure is performed a week after the transplant. Until the kobeya has released its buds, it is watered with nitrogen fertilizers. They contribute to the development of green leaf mass.

When the first buds appear, the dressing is changed to phosphorus-potassium varieties. This will encourage large, luxurious flowers to bloom profusely. During this period, organic and mineral fertilizers can be alternated. The plant will look strong and healthy.

The kobei climbing flower is considered a perennial plant. If the grower is unwilling to seed it again next spring, he can keep it in greenhouse conditions. After the end of flowering vines in October, the plant must be dug up. This is done very carefully so as not to damage the roots. Then it is transplanted into a bulk container.

Liana is installed in a dark and cool place. The room temperature should not exceed 10 ° C. This could be a dry cellar. Here the kobei will spend the winter. Watering is done once a month. In this state, the vine does not require feeding. In March, it can be taken out of the cellar and transferred to a warm room. Also, the plant will need a lot of light during this period.

Watering is increased. After a while, the first leaves will appear on the shoots. During this period, attention is paid to nitrogen fertilizers. When the cobea begins to grow, you can take cuttings for transplanting. They are carefully cut from the vines. They take root by early June. Such a kobea will bloom faster. However, there will be more buds on a seed-grown plant.

If the plant does not develop well, then it is not satisfied with the growing conditions. Perhaps there is not enough light, moisture on the site, or, conversely, the gardener waters the vine too often. The reason for this condition of the kobei should be identified. Many unfavorable factors can be eliminated.

Having considered what features the kobei flower has, every gardener will be able to independently grow a lush, beautiful liana with stunning, luxurious buds. It will decorate any site, delighting its owners with flowering almost to the very frost.

Kobeya is an amazingly beautiful decorative liana of the cyanose family. She comes from the humid mountain forests of South America. And it got its name in honor of the Spanish monk Barnabas Cobo, a famous naturalist.

Kobei have very tenacious climbing stems, often reaching six meters in length. Multiple tendrils help the plant to cling to any support.

The root system is strong, fibrous, with ramifications and cord-like processes. The flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter. They grow singly, and can be grouped in leaf axils by 3-4 pieces. They have an elongated peduncle and a graceful bell-shaped shape.

The stamens and pistil protrude significantly beyond the petals, which gives the flowers a special sophistication. Soft leaves have a light green hue and a complex-pinnate shape that includes three lobes. In vertical gardening, gardeners began to use kobei since the end of the 18th century.

At home, the flower is represented by 9 species, but in our gardens and at home, only one is grown - the climbing kobe.

Its other names are creeping, winding, Mexican ivy and monastery bells. Kobeya produces a large number of shoots reaching 4 meters in length. The leaves are in the form of feathers, very delicate with small wrinkles, and the ends are crowned with branched tendrils. During blooming, the buds of the plant are greenish and smell like musk. Gradually, they acquire a lilac hue, later - dark purple and exude a honey smell. Breeders have bred another variety of kobei - Alba, which has white flowers.

In South America, this plant is perennial, but in the conditions of our gardens, the kobei is grown as an annual - because of its thermophilicity, it does not survive the winter. It is usually bred with seeds. This is a simple but rather interesting procedure. Here you need to know the specific features of the preparation of the seed. Sometimes kobei are propagated by cuttings from uterine stems.

Sowing Kobei seeds

You can prepare seeds for planting at the end of winter. They are quite large with a hard shell, which makes it difficult to germinate. Therefore, before sowing, a certain preparation is carried out, which makes it possible to remove the crusts manually. To do this, the seeds are laid out in a wide container at some distance from each other, poured with water and covered in such a way that the moisture evaporates as slowly as possible. After the shell is soaked, it is removed, and the seeds are folded back.

When the planting material is cleaned, take toilet paper, fold it in 2-3 layers and moisten it with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are carefully placed on it and placed in a plastic bag, which should be warm and well lit. The germination process takes about 2 weeks, during which time you need to ensure that the seeds are moist. If mold appears, they are carefully washed and the paper is changed.

After the seeds germinate, they are transferred to loose soil, placed on a flat barrel, and covered with about one and a half centimeter of soil. Due to the fact that the kobeya does not withstand the first pick, it will be optimal to use small individual cups, tightening them on top with polyethylene. The containers are placed in a light room at a temperature of 20 ° C. The film should be removed daily to ventilate and moisturize the planting. If you previously germinated the seeds, then the seedlings will appear in the second week.

Diving seedlings

When the first two leaves develop well on the plants, they dive. To do this, use volumetric pots (at least 3 liters), which are filled with drainage and on top with a nutritious soil composition. Due to the large volume of the container, by the time of transplantation into the open ground, the seedlings will form a strong root system. And this is the key to active growth, strong shoots, size and number of buds. Before the dive, the soil is spilled well, then the sprouts are carefully removed, preserving the earthen ball as much as possible, and transplanted into new containers. Youngsters definitely need supports to support fast-growing stems.

Transplanting a kobei into the open ground

Plants should be planted in an open, bright area, but protected from drafts. Kobeya is able to endure partial shade, but shady places are contraindicated for her - growth and flowering will slow down greatly. Young seedlings do not like cold weather, therefore, it is optimal to pre-harden the plants, for example, by rearranging the flower on a glazed loggia.

If low temperatures are still possible, the kobei is covered with non-woven material folded in 2-3 layers.

Plants are planted at a distance of 0.5-1 m from each other. Sod soil, peat and humus are poured into the pits in equal volumes. The soil must certainly be loose. The seedlings are watered for easy extraction, and after transplanting, they are covered with earth and slightly moistened. Subsequently, the soil around the kobei can be covered with sawdust or peat mulch. It is imperative to install supports for weaving, along which the stems will climb with antennae, or plant plants near trees, walls, gazebos, fence.

Note! If you want to admire a more lush and compact bush, periodically pinch the tops of the stems. So the shoots will gain great strength, will not be strongly intertwined with each other and will not lose their decorative effect.

Watering kobei

The tropical beauty is very moisture-loving and needs systematic abundant watering, especially during the heat. But an excess of water should not be allowed at the same time - the roots will rot, so water after the upper soil layer dries.

From the moment of development of the first leaves until the stage of forcing the buds, the plant needs nitrogen-containing fertilizers, which contribute to the growth of green mass. Then they are replaced with phosphorus-potassium to stimulate and maintain flowering. Due to the fact that the kobea is a large liana, it is fed every two weeks. Mineral fertilizers and organic matter can be alternated if desired.

Kobei in winter

If you don't want to mess with the seeds every year, you can try saving the plant as a perennial. For this, after the end of flowering (usually October is the month), the kobeya is dug out, trying not to injure the roots and transplanted into a container of a suitable volume. Then the plant is placed in a dark and cool (8-10 ° C) room, possibly in a cellar, and left there until spring. At the same time, the soil is moistened once a month so that the root system does not dry out and die. In March, the kobei is taken out of the winter shelter and transferred to a bright and warm room, the number of watering is increased, and when the first leaves appear, they begin to feed them with nitrogen compounds.

After the activation of growth, young plant cuttings can be taken for propagation. But at the same time, their fragility should be taken into account and cut off very carefully. The shoots are immersed in pots of wet sand and placed in a bright place, covered with glass jars. Until the beginning of June, the branches will take root, after which they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Important! Kobeya, grown by cuttings, blooms earlier, but the flowers of plants obtained from seeds are more intense and effective.

Disease and pest control

Aphids and spider mites often like to settle on kobei. That is why the plant needs to be regularly examined preventively, and, having noticed an infection, treatment should be started in a timely manner. The plant is treated with solutions of household or green soap, infusions of onion peels and garlic. If these methods do not help - insecticides.

Black spots found on leaves and flowers indicate root rot. In this case, remove all damaged areas, dry and loosen the soil. Then the soil is spilled with a fungicide solution. So that the problem does not recur, in the future it is necessary to adjust the amount and volume of irrigation.

Causes of poor growth kobei

If the flower does not please you with tall, lush stems, then it is not satisfied with the planting site or care. In order for the kobei to initially be distinguished by active growth and early flowering, if possible, the seedlings should be covered for the first time. In this case, young seedlings adapt faster, develop a more powerful root system and form buds earlier.

How and when to harvest Kobei seeds

In our country, the kobea begins to bloom in July and pleases with its purple lights until October. That is why in most of the regions the seed material simply does not have time to ripen. And since the seeds of even the best producers have a germination percentage of only about thirty, it makes no sense to collect them yourself in an unripe form, since seedlings will hardly appear. Therefore, the best option would be to buy planting material in a specialized store.

If you take good care of a kobe, it will very quickly please you with a lush green carpet with large bright bells. This gorgeous shelter will perfectly shade the gazebo, become a hedge, climb any uneven surface without assistance and decorate your garden in an original way. Often, flower growers breed kobei on balconies if they are facing south. And with the help of this wonderful liana, they create original compositions and amazing living curtains, attaching the stems to various supports.

Climbing plants can be a great decoration for any garden if they are properly positioned and well cared for. And now, in almost any flower shop, you can buy seeds of beautiful annuals or perennials, which will braid hedges, altanka or even trees. They can be decorative deciduous, or they can delight the eye with attractive flowering. One of the climbing crops for the garden can be kobei. We will discuss growing a kobe from seeds at home, clarify how such a plant is planted, and what care it needs in the open field.

Russian gardeners grow kobei as a perennial plant. But even in one year, it can grow very quickly and help in creating a hedge. Kobei is a climbing vine, it has a tenacious stem, on which grows many small antennae, flowers and leaves, which are similar in shape to hearts. The diameter of the flowers of such a culture reaches twelve centimeters; they can have different shapes and colors, depending on the variety.

Growing kobei from seeds at home

In order to enjoy the attractive flowering of kobei in your area, you first need to grow its seedlings from seeds. It is best to do this in late winter - early spring. The planting material must first be soaked in a growth stimulant solution. It is advisable to plant each seed in a separate container.

Lay it on top of the ground and sprinkle with a little soil. Then spray the ground with a sprayer and cover with plastic. The soil for sowing kobei seeds should be used nutritious, light and loose.

The first shoots of kobei should appear in about a couple of weeks. If you want to germinate a little earlier, germinate the seeds before pecking. To do this, you need to soak the planting material in a wet piece of fabric and leave it until the first shoots appear. At the same time, the fabric must remain constantly moist, and it must be kept at a temperature of at least twenty degrees.

After pecking, the seeds must be sealed in the soil with a flat side, cover the container with polyethylene and send it to a bright place with a temperature of at least twenty degrees.

The sprouts that have hatched must be periodically ventilated and, over time, the shelter must be removed completely. You also need to provide the plants with sufficient watering.

Somewhere in April, the first leaves should appear on the seedlings. After that, she needs to organize hardening, which will help the plants take root faster and easier in the open field. Usually, the seedlings are taken outside for a while, gradually increasing the hardening time.

Growing kobei outdoors

Kobei landing

To successfully grow a kobei, the first step is to find a suitable place for it in the garden. Since this plant is very light-requiring, readers of Popular About Health should plant it in well-lit areas, protected from drafts.

In the chosen place, there should be nutritious and loose soil, and good drainage is also important. First, you need to dig up the ground and level the surface using a rake.

About a week before the planned planting, holes should be prepared. They should be at a distance of half a meter - one meter from each other. They should be filled with a mixture of humus and peat, and tamped a little. The soil must be shed before planting.

Planting seedlings in open ground should be carried out in early June. It is important that at this moment the threat of recurrent frosts has completely passed. If you are not sure about the weather, it is better to additionally protect the kobei for a while with a couple of layers of non-woven covering material.

Features of caring for a kobe

Kobeya is not a very capricious plant. It must be watered periodically. Systematic moisture is necessary for the liana in extreme heat and drought, in this case it should be abundant enough. But it must be remembered that excessive dampness can harm the plant and cause the development of root rot in it.

As for dressings, they are carried out throughout the entire growing period with an interval of one and a half to two weeks. For this purpose, it is best to use various fertilizers. Experienced gardeners recommend carrying out the first feeding of kobei even at the stage of growing seedlings, after the first leaf appears on the seedlings, using humates. Next, you need to alternate mineral dressings (for example, "Kemira"), with organic (mullein infusion). Fertilizers are used until the beginning of the flowering period.

Among other things, a kobe in the garden needs periodic loosening of the soil and the elimination of germinating weeds. In addition, the plant needs to be supported.

This liana is capable of blooming until frost, and in the fall it must be removed. Unfortunately, the seeds on such plants simply do not have time to ripen, so there is no point in collecting them.

Growing up in the open field, the kobea is quite resistant to diseases and pests. However, it can be attacked by spider mites, which can be dealt with with the help of insecticides. Sometimes, insufficient care is fraught with the development of root rot, in which case the plant may die. You need to let the soil dry out a little and establish proper watering.

Kobei are very beautiful flowering vines that can decorate not only a summer cottage, but also a balcony.

28.09.2017 7 550

Kobea climbing growing from seeds - the main secrets of obtaining healthy varietal plants

If you do not know how the climbing kobe is cultivated, growing from seeds will be an important initial stage for obtaining a gorgeous flower, so you should know when to sow, how the seedlings grow and what care should be taken, what is the correct cultivation technique, when to dig for the winter, how to preserve in winter as well as other important aspects ...

Preparing kobei seeds for sowing - what is important to know about

Climbing kobea is a plant native to the South American jungle, which grows in nature as a perennial, and in a European climate it is an annual. The way in which the climbing cobea reproduces in nature and in gardens is by growing from seeds, and in the tropics they spill out of the capsules as they ripen, and then germinate, forming powerful thickets. In Russian gardens, this is impossible - the seeds will not have time to ripen due to the early onset of cold weather, therefore, in the northern latitudes, the liana is grown in seedlings.

The first question for those who are interested in climbing kobe is when to sow seeds for seedlings? It is easy to determine the timing - this tropical guest has an extended growing season, one third of the so-called "childhood", in the first 3-4 months of life, the plant is extremely unstable to temperature drops, does not tolerate fluctuations in soil and air humidity.

To get a climbing kobei resistant to external influences, cultivation from seeds must be started at the end of February. Purchased seeds must be soaked in any stimulant:

  • (4 drops / 100 ml of water) - the seeds are soaked for 4 hours
  • Aloe juice with honey (1/1) - the seeds are placed in the mixture for 1 hour
  • Zircon (5 drops / 100 ml of water) - soak kobei seeds for 4 hours

These preparations are used to accelerate the germination of planting material. After this treatment, the seeds are dried and placed on a cloth napkin. They need to be laid out at a distance from each other, the seeds should not touch. Next, the fabric is moistened, the seeds are covered with a film to create a greenhouse effect.

You need to keep the greenhouse in a shaded place at a temperature of +22 ْ С. Seeds of kobei climbing germinate after 2 weeks, and if the temperature is higher, in the range of +25 ْ + ... 27 ْ C, the seedlings will appear 2-3 days earlier.

Kobeya climbing, growing from seeds - sowing and caring for plants

After the root tip appears, the seeds are opened and the seedlings are sown. For a climbing liana, a kobei is climbing - agricultural technology at this stage is quite simple. The nutrient soil for seeds is a mixture of leafy soil (you need to take 2 parts), humus (1 part), coarse sand (take ½ part) and garden soil (1 part). The substrate is mixed well and poured into a container 15 cm deep. It is desirable that there are drainage holes in the boxes.

So that for the kobei vine, climbing cultivation from seeds germinated in advance is successful, they are laid out with the convex side up, and then covered with sifted soil with a layer of 15 mm. Next, the soil in the box is moistened and placed in a bright place with a temperature of at least +20 ْ С. Periodically, the soil must be moistened with a spray bottle.

It is important to know! Kobeya has low vigor, so you should be prepared for no more than 60% of the seeds to sprout. If not treated with stimulants before germination, less than 30% of the sown seeds will sprout.

Seedlings of climbing kobe appear after 3 weeks. Growing at the cotyledon stage is very simple. All that a young seedling needs is diffused light, high temperature and humidity. Kobei has low soil moisture requirements. It is advisable not to overmoisten the soil in the box, otherwise the seedlings will die from the black leg.

When the first leaves appear, the kobei vine is climbing, the seedlings dive into separate containers. Since the bush will form an extensive root system in the future, individual pots with a volume of at least 3 liters should be selected. The sprouts in them are transplanted with a clod of earth so as not to damage the roots. Immediately after transplanting, a peg with a height of about 50 cm is inserted into the pot. When grown from seeds at this stage, antennae are already beginning to form in the kobei, with which it will cling to the support. Growing conditions after diving are as follows:

  • temperature in the range of +17 ْ + ... 22 ْ С
  • air humidity is high, it is advisable to place bowls of water next to the pots with seedlings, and also to spray
  • moderate watering, without stagnant water
  • bright diffused light

3-4 weeks before planting in a permanent place, the seedlings of the climbing kobei grown from seeds begin to be hardened, for this they are exposed to the street when the weather is good, and 3-4 days before planting they are left outdoors all night, if not cold snap threats.

Planting and caring for kobei outdoors

The next stage in the development of the kobei plant is climbing, growing from the seeds of which is the most acceptable option for European gardeners - planting in open ground and it can be carried out with the onset of constant heat (late May, early or mid-June). The main thing is to avoid the threat of recurrent frosts.

The soil where the kobea will grow should be loose and moisture-holding. This tropical visitor does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity, therefore, it is worth adding to ordinary garden soil:

  • a bucket of peat for 1m 2
  • a bucket of sand for 2 m 2
  • a bucket of humus (from manure or plant residues) for 1 m 2

Growing kobei from seeds in a northern garden requires a huge amount of nutrients in the soil, and in order to start the active growth of vines, before planting, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, added to it in granules (30-40 g per 1 m2).

Young kobei climbing vines are planted according to the scheme 60-70 x 70-80 cm, and the holes are dug deep so that the root system does not bend during transplantation. Seedlings are removed from pots with a lump of earth and carefully placed in the holes. Cover with soil from the garden and gently water the plants from a watering can with a fine sieve.

Immediately after planting, it is important to provide the kobei with a climbing support, because the cultivation of this plant will fail without it, since the stems will cling to the soil surface, growing weeds and flowers and shrubs growing in the neighborhood. In this situation, there is a risk that the kobei will crush his neighbors.

In order for the climbing cobea to please the eyes with emerald foliage and bright flowers, during the summer it needs to be often fed and watered. Moistening the soil is carried out daily, while trying to pour water between the plants, and not at the root. Once a week, complex fertilizers for flowers with potassium and phosphorus are added to the water for irrigation. It is advisable to use them according to the instructions on the package.

To create a jungle effect in the garden, climbing kobe is ideal, growing from the seeds of which is considered an ideal breeding method in the Russian climate. A little effort in the spring, care and maintenance in early summer is all it takes to create a dense, upright rug dotted with bell-shaped vibrant flowers. Growing this plant usually does not cause significant difficulties, but the vine does not give seeds. Next year you will have to buy them again in the store.