When and how to plant pepper seedlings into the ground? Rechazzle seedlings of pepper into open ground: seeding seeds and rules of transplanting at a permanent place How to plant peppers into ground

Sweet and bitter pepper Russian gardeners are grown mainly by a seaside way, since he has several advantages. But this, it would seem, a simple matter there are many nuances. Learn how to plant peppers into the ground sediment, because the development of plants depends on it and ultimately the volume of the crop that the vegetable breeder will receive. Learn about the rules for the preparation of the site, soil and seedlings, as well as about leaving her at first after the transplantation.

The pepper refers to thermo-loving cultures, therefore it can be planted for garden beds only after the threat of spring frosts finally passes, and the soil temperature will cease to fall below 15 ° C. In each region of Russia, such conditions for planting peppers into open ground are coming on various terms - in May, and even in June.

The age of seedlings, which can already be placed on the beds, should be approximately 60-65 days. It should not stand it longer than, 2-month pepper develops, begins to throw away the first flowers. When transplanting it into the ground, the plants have stress and reset the color from which the fruits could form. The vegetable breeder loses part of the crop, and this is unacceptable. If this happens at the time of the landing, you need to cut off all buds in seedlings. It stimulates the growth of leaves, which will benefit on the further laying of flowers and fruiting.

Selection of the growing area

To the selection of places for planting pepper seedlings to open ground, it is necessary to consider responsibly. This culture loves warmth and much light. The volume of the crop depends on how the amount of solar energy falls on the plants. Therefore, sweet peppers are needed open, well-lit plot. Near the buildings, fences and trees this culture is better not to plant, as it will be in the shade, which will certainly affect its growth, development, productivity.

The wind, especially the cold northern, and drafts are also unacceptable: pepper hypothermia does not like. Therefore, it is worth choosing a platform protected from the wind, for example, not far from the same residential or economic buildings, fences. In such places, the plants will be able to feel under reliable protection.

The soil on the plot should be fertile, light, nutritious. It should not be forced water, but the air must penetrate well inside. The acidity of the soil, which peppers love - low or neutral.

It is also necessary to pay attention to those cultures that grew on the site earlier. Permissible predecessors for pepper are pumpkin, cabbage, onions, garlic, roots (except potatoes). It is impossible to use the ridges, where tomatoes, tobacco, eggplants were grown to pepper. They pull out the nutrient elements from the soil in the same volume as pepper, and besides, they can also hurt the same diseases. Looking out pepper on one site you need only 1 year, and return it only after 3 or 4 years after 3 or 4 years, observing the rules of the crop rotation.

If planned to plant sweet and bitter pepper, then beds, where these varieties will grow, you need to remove from each other for the maximum possible distance. This should be done in order for their flowers to be not overgrown.

Preparation of soil

The soil under peppers can be prepared in the fall after the end of the vegetation of predecessors or early spring. Grocery needs to be carefully moved, choose the roots of weeds, if there are, and fill the land with fertilizers: mineral or organic.

The best soil for peppers is anchored sugar and loam, but if there is another type of soil on the site, it needs to be created:

  1. In the fall, it is necessary to make peat, clay soil and organic peat, and mineral fertilizers - in spring (for each m 2 in 30 g nitrogen and 40 g of phosphorus-potash mixtures).
  2. Clay make easier to make peat, sawdust or sand.
  3. The acidic soil must be made with autumn people or at least a half months before the spring work, and in front of the landing itself, it is advocating potassium sulfate and superphosphate.
  4. To each meter of fertile soils, up to 1 bucket of the overwhelmed compost or humidia and up to 500 g of wood ash are made.

In the northern regions it is recommended to plant pepper on "warm beds" heated by the decomposition of plant residues. To do this, you need to pull out a trench of a depth of at least 0.5 m. At its bottom put a layer of manure (compost) mixed with straw sch. From above pour a layer of fertile soil. On the day of disembarking seedlings, the trench should be shed with hot water to run the overbating process. In the heated ground, the roots of peppers will always be warm and will not suffer, even if it grows.

Preparation of seedlings

Prepare seedlings for landing in the soot in 1-1.5 weeks before. Immediately transfer it to the ridge it is impossible: it is warm, it can perish. Hardening will save seedlings from this fate. It is carried out like this: in the first days, the peppers take out of the air for a couple of hours, and then enter back to heat. At the following days, the time of hardening is gradually increased. The seedlings should not be under the right sunlight, but in a privided place, so that the leaves are not burned.

In addition to hardening, pepper seedlings need to be protected from fungal diseases. For this, it is treated with fungicides over the week before the transplant. A couple of hours before the landing itself, the seedlings are abundantly watered. This will make it easy to remove plants from planting tanks and not injure the roots.

Planting scheme

At what distance you need to plant pepper will depend on the variety. Information on optimal placing plants is indicated on packing with certified seeds, but there is also a standard diagram to be followed. A row of plants are placed in 40-50 cm from each other, and there are 60-70 cm of area in the rivers. According to such a scheme, you can land the bushes of normal height and large-scale.

For the lowest varieties of culture, the planting scheme of pepper seedlings can be different. They can be placed denser (30 cm in a row of 40-50 cm in a bent). This distance is enough for varieties from the average size of fruits. Another advantage of an inclusive landing is that pepper leaves can better protect the fruits from sunburn. Its disadvantages: it is difficult to conduct watering and loosening, processing of bushes and a collection of fruits.


Plant transplant is carried out in the morning or evening clock. 1-2 hours before the seedlings are abundantly watered. So the seedlings are better tolerated the procedure and easier to work with them. The wet rome of the earth is easier to get from the tank, and it holds roots tightly. Dry is often sprinkled and hurts them, then the saplings are restored longer and take root.

Planting pepper seedlings into open soils are performed by the selected scheme. On the garden are placed and holes are digging. Soil necessarily moisturize. Plants are placed in the deepening to the evening with the ground, the free space is sprinkled with fertile soil and slightly tamper.

It is impossible to deepen the pepper below the root neck, it does not allow additional roots as a tomato, so it makes no sense. In addition, being deep in the ground, the stem can be started.

Next, carry irrigation. If possible, the soil is immediately melted with peat or other available material. Full-size seedlings are left as it is, the overgrown seedlings are immediately tied to supports.

If for some reason the gardener failed to qualitatively prepare the soil under the planting of pepper, nutrients can be put in the well when landing. Such an agricultural engineering is not considered correct, but permissible in special cases. Depending on which fertilizers are available, the following options are used:

  • any comprehensive drug according to the instructions;
  • humier + ash;
  • humile + potassium sulfate.

When making such feeding, it is thoroughly mixed with the soil so that it does not carry the roots of the plants. The rest of the landing is carried out standard.

Plant care in the first two weeks after disembarking

All pepper care measures after disembarking in the ground are in watering and soil looser after them. In sunny weather, you need to give young bushes so that they do not get burns under the intense rays. It is also necessary to monitor how plants are coming around and feel in beds.

How to prevent the hypoint of landed seedlings

When landing seedlings in open ground, there is always a risk that plants will miss the heat, especially at night. In this case, temporary tunnel shelters will solve the problem of additional heating of landings. They are installed on the bed after planting plants or immediately in front of it. Pepper is planted under the film or are used as a sheltering material agriched.

In the future, depending on the weather, open for airing one side of the greenhouse during the day. At night, it is completely closed. If it is warm weather, and seedlings have already been rooted well, the shelter does not apply. Clean the designs only after the ambient temperature is comfortable to grow pepper. Minimal for it are indicators at 15 ° C.


When planting plants on the open type beds, it is often that some part of the seedlings do not take root or dies. This happens for various reasons. Among them are most important:

  • incorrect deep landing;
  • pests and diseases;
  • weather conditions, heat or cold;
  • landing of weak, sickly, stretched plants;
  • bad care for incorporated seedlings.

In any case, experienced gardens are always grown by 5-10% more bushes than they need. Such a reserve is usually enough to put plants on the beds in the event of their death. The substitution of seedlings is produced similarly to the usual landing.

Watering and loosening

Proper irrigation of pepper is the key to obtaining a rich and generous harvest. Its regularity largely depends on climatic conditions in the region, temperature, soil structures. Young moisture plants need constantly, but in small quantities. The conjunction leads to diseases and death of plants. From the lack of water, they, on the contrary, dry and die too.

The first moisturizing of the soil is carried out when planting plants. Next, peppers are not watered until the soil gets off the roots. The need for the operation is determined by the state of plants and soil. On average, the beds moisturize 1 time in 2-3 days.

For irrigation, it is used with warm outstanding water. Cold fluid straight from wells for pepper is not suitable. Plants suffer from thermal stress and do not develop for a long time. Watering water irrigation is harmful due to the presence of chlorine in it. This microelement peppers do not like, therefore, we will definitely estimate from under the tap. Water seedlings in the morning or in the evening at the root. Spring is more risky, but also permissible for young plants.

Regular soil looser ensures air penetration to plant roots, which is well reflected in their growth and fruiting. But it must be superficial, not deep, otherwise you can cause peppers more harm than good. While the seedlings are good rooted, work tool in the bush area needs carefully. It is necessary to loosen after each irrigation, except for the first, however, it can successfully replace mulching with hay, straw, sawdust.


In the open ground when growing pepper, the first feeder is carried out 2 weeks after planting plants. With good preparation of beds, stable weather and regular watering, a healthy strong seedlings at first has everything you need to take care of a new place and move into growth. In the ground there is enough nutrients, and moisture makes them available for use. Additional fertilization at this moment is not required.

The only thing you can feed the pepper after landing is stimulants and growth regulators. These liquid or bulk preparations increase the survival rate of seedlings, improve its adaptation on the garden, contribute to the increase in the productivity of adult bushes. These include humate, corneumine, epin, zircon, etc. On the dosages and method of application are written in detail in the instructions for each of them.

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Maria Vlasova


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Preparation of pepper seedlings for transplanting to the ground and the procedure itself should not cause questions from the garden. If everything is done correctly, the plants will fit well, get fixed and gut the gardener generous harvest.


Bulgarian pepper is very popular among the gardeners of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia, whose land plots are located in the southern regions. This is due to the fact that the cultivation of delicious and useful fruits in more severe climatic conditions without the use of the greenhouse is extremely rarely ended with success. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to clearly follow the rules relating to planting seedlings into the ground and care.

The cultivation of Bulgarian pepper in the open soil without much difficulties is possible only in the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia. Such a culture is considered a heat-loving and can die when lowering the temperature and unexpected freezers, also on the development of the plant can affect too abundant precipitation.

In order to grow peppers in the open ground in the middle lane, Belarus and in the north of Russia should plant seeds in advance. In the open soil planted at the age of 3 months, That is, seeding is worth spending in January-February.

It is very important that the fruits manage to grow before the onset of the first frosts, therefore, for regions with a cold and temperate climate, it is worth choosing a variety whose ripening time varies from 14 to 17 weeks.

Most Popular Varieties of Bulgarian Pepper for Growing in Open Ground


The ripening time does not exceed 120 days. The bush is sprawered, up to 60 centimeters high. The fruits are large, weighing 150-180 grams initially painted in a green color, which gradually flows into red. Wall thickness equals 5.5 millimeters. From 1 square meter is obtained up to 7.5 kilograms of harvest.


Crop the harvest can be carried out after 130 days. The height of the bush on average is 60 centimeters. Fruits are smooth, in shape resemble a cone, painted in a bright red color. The weight of the fruit of the variety varies from 70 to 80 grams, the wall thickness is 5 millimeters.


Early variety, the first fruits of which appear in 100-110 days. Red, pyramid peppers grow on the bushes, up to 1 meter high. Fruits, weighing 110-130 grams have a saturated taste and aroma.


Evoids special popularity. The ripening time is 112 days, the height of the bushes does not exceed 70 centimeters. Fruits conesoid, can be painted in cream, yellow, orange or red shades. Pepper wall thickness is 7.5 millimeters, and the average weight of 130 grams. The fruits ripen together, from 1 square meter they collect up to 8.5 kilograms of the crop.

Orange miracle

Bulgarian pepper orange miracle

This variety is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions and matures in 110 days. A bush is resistant to diseases, its height can exceed 1 meter. Fruits cuboid, bright orange. The wall thickness can reach 10 millimeters, and the weight of one pepper is 250 grams. From 1 square meter you can collect up to 14 kilograms of fruits.

Rules landing

Locking seedlings of peppers into open soil is considered to be very responsible work, with the wrong execution of which can be completely destroyed.

Selection seedlings

The initial stage to go before planting is the choice of seedlings, from the state of which will depend on the quality of the future harvest. The planting material can be raised independently, but it is worth remembering that such work should be started in winter, otherwise seedlings will not have time to grow up to the desired size and peppers do not mature until the onset of cold weather.

Buying seedlings in a specialized store is an excellent option for those who have no time to care and desires to be taught with seeds, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account the factors indicating the state of seedlings:

  1. Leaves should be well developed, have a saturated green and smooth surface without stains and plates;
  2. Bushes should be strong, plump and elongated up, Founding plants are unlikely to come to the landing in the ground;
  3. If the leaves are too much, they are too lush and tall, Most likely the plants were converted by growth stimulants and nitrogen fertilizers. In this case, they will bloom bad and fruit.

Growing peppers in the open soil, it is worth paying attention to the regional climate-resistant varieties and weather conditions.

Preparation of soil

What kind of soil is suitable and where to choose a place to grow sweet peppers? Bulgarian pepper prefers lightweight and weakly acidic soil, located on the sunny plot. The preparation of the soil to planting peppers should be started smoothly over the year:

  • in the spring, organic fertilizers are brought under people (5 kilograms per square meter), which include overwhelmed manure, humus or compost. At the same time, other cultures can be grown on the soil, but not eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes;

  • fall after harvest 50 grams of phosphate contribute per 1 square meter of soil and the same number of potash fertilizers (superphosphate, urea);
  • in early spring soil fertilize ammonia Selitra (40 grams per 1 square meter);
  • a week before landing the soil is disinfected.You can use one of the folk remedies - watering copper vitrios or a solution of manganese.

The beds are formed in the form of a furrow located at a distance of 70-80 centimeters from each other. At the same time, pegs are installed, which will serve as a support for bushes.


It is necessary to plant such a culture in late April-beginning of May, specific deadlines will depend on the air temperature, which should be at least 20-25 degrees.

Sweet peppers plant in shallow holes located at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other. Performing work, follow the following rules:

  1. On the bottom of each well lay out on a tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizerwhich is mixed with the ground;
  2. Saplings are passing in the holes together with the earthlings;
  3. Wells are filled with half, After that, to pour and shield the soil to the end;
  4. Root cervical It should be on the same level with the Earth;
  5. Experienced gardeners are recommended apply the mulching of the planting peat.

If the air temperature drops below 13 degrees, the peppers need to build a shelter.

Pepper care in open soil

Proper cultivation of pepper lies in timely care and fulfillment of all necessary works to which irrigation belongs, the removal of weed grass, loosening, the formation of bushes and feeding.

Wearing grass takes a large number of useful substances from the soil, Therefore, it is very important to delete it on time. Also to improve the nutrition of the root system with oxygen, the soil is regularly loosened to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. In order for the result of the work carried out as long as possible plants mulch peat, grass or straw.

The formation of the bush is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. To increase yield The central flower appeared in the first fork should be removed;
  2. Bushes form in 2 or 3 stems, To do this, it is necessary to remove the emerging side shoots in time (stepsins), such a procedure is called step-in;
  3. On one plant, no more than 25 sub-states leave, otherwise they will become smaller or will not be able to ripen;
  4. Peppers of tall varieties should be tiered to the support. This is necessary so that the plants do not break under the influence of strong wind and have not covered each other, closing the sunlight.

The most important stage will pollinate landings. To avoid the death of beneficial insects, plants are not processed by pesticides from the start of flowering.

Before the start of flowering, sweet peppers watered once a week, and during flowering and fruiting twice a week. In hot and sultry days, the amount of irrigation can be increased. For such purposes, I use only soft and warm water. Peppers are watered from watering, shoga or with a drip watering system.

How to get down

The plant in the open soil feed every two weeks, using phosphorous-potash fertilizers. Also 2 times the season should be made of a solution of bird litter prepared in the proportion of 1 to 10.

The lack of this or another microelement can be seen by plants:

  • twisted leaves With a dry framed, they talk about the lack of potassium;
  • matte leaves with gray raid, which are far less at the same time, indicate a lack of nitrogen;
  • if the plant resets the wounds and flowers, That means nitrogen in the ground the opposite is too much;
  • purple The bottom side of the plate speaks of a lack of phosphorus;
  • marble color It is a sign of magnesium shortage.

Reproduction and picking

The reproduction of Bulgarian pepper is carried out by germination of seeds. First you need to prepare landing material. For this, the following actions are performed:

  • seeds are released in water with 50 degree temperatures for 5-6 hours;
  • at the next stage of them wrapped in wet fabric And they are removed into the room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees for 2-3 days.

The substrate for peppers is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 2 pieces of turf or garden humoring;
  • 1 part of the sand;
  • 1 part of the garden land;
  • 0.5 pieces of ash.

Landing are carried out in wooden boxes and peat pots, Blowing seeds by 1.5-2 centimeters. After that, they are watered, covered with glass or film and removed into the room with a temperature of 21-22 degrees.

Water seedlings moderately, not allowing the drying and overwhelming the soil. In this case, only warm water should be used. The plant loves light, his light day should last from 7 am and up to 9 pm, so in some situations will have to use artificial lighting. It is also very important to spray landing in a timely manner.

As soon as the first sprouts the daily temperature in the room should be at least 26-28 degrees, And the night should be 10-15 degrees.

With the advent of the first pair of leaves, the seedlings are pricted in peat pots (if they were grown in a box) of 8 to 8 centimeters. Blood plants in seedy leaves.

A week before the landing of peppers into the ground they are beginning to teach to the bright sun, pulling out on the street for several hours.

Seedlings should be twice to feed: With the advent of the first and second pair of leaves. For such purposes, integrated fertilizers for seedlings are used.

Basic mistakes when growing sweet pepper

  1. Too early landing seedlings in open ground can cause a delay in the development and, accordingly, the loss of crop or the death of the plant;
  2. If the plants begin to stretch, And the strings are formed less and less, then most likely pepper lacks sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to break the landing, removing incorrectly growing and damaged leaves. Also, such a problem may arise due to non-compliance with the planting scheme of seedlings;
  3. Bulgarian peppers have a very fragile root system, Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely neat during the transplantation or loosening of plants;
  4. Pepper is considered a capricious culture regarding watering. Moisturize the soil follows often and using a small amount of water. Drying or overwhelming soil can cause precipitation of uncess and flowers;
  5. To obtain a rich harvest be sure to feed Taking into account all the requirements of the plant.

Diseases and pests

Bulgarian pepper quite often suffers from the appearances of various diseases and pests. Moreover, in the first case, plant treatment does not bring any results, and damaged bushes should be immediately removed and burned. Healthy plants after that are processed by suitable fungicides according to the instructions.

On the culture under consideration, the gray rot is most often found, a vertex rot, black leg, phytofluorosis, fusariosis, verticillosis, etc.

Of all insects on the Bulgarian pepper settle:

  • wire, get rid of which mono with the help of insecticides;
  • cute clamps well removed with the help of infusion prepared from 10 liters of water, a tablespoon of liquid soap, a glass of crushed bow and 5-7 cups of dandelion cut leaves;
  • get rid of tli You can use the infusion of tobacco dust or ash. Also well helps insecticide carbofos.

Preventive methods will be in timely conducting all agrotechnical procedures and plant processing several times per season with brodsk liquid or other similar drugs.


The harvest of peppers is carried out simultaneously with tomatoes and eggplants, usually, this period comes at the beginning or middle of August. Ripe fruits remove selectively once a week before the onset of frosts. In order for the harvest is better stored, the pepperns are cut off with a bush together with a fruit.

There are 2 degrees of the maturity of the Bulgarian pepper:

  1. Technical ripeness - the fruits are painted in green and can be stored for up to 2 months;
  2. Biological ripeness - Peppers are painted in yellow, orange, red or purple color. The collected fruits need to immediately use or use for conservation, etc.

Between technical and biological ripeness takes 20-30 days. Specific period will depend on air temperature and lighting.

Bulgarian pepper is quite a capricious culture, and its cultivation at home in the open ground is more suitable for experienced gardens. Pepper needs favorable weather conditions and requires compliance with all rules related to agrotechnology.

The planting of pepper seedlings into the open ground is a very important point, so it is necessary to approach it as much as possible. From how successfully the seedlings of seedlings into the ground, the further fate of plants will depend on: they will come down in a new place or not whether they will hurt how to adapt to new habitat conditions, whether the harvest will be given. You prepared for this point for several months, spent the strength and time to prepare pepper seeds to sow, landing seeds to seedlings, dive and growing seedlings. Halfway has already been completed. It remains to plant seedlings in open ground, to provide it with the right care and wait for the ripening of cherished pepper.

When to plant pepper seedlings into the ground?

By the time the landing in the pepper seedlings must have 8 - 12 leaves. Pepper seedlings can be planted into the ground at the stage of formation of the first buds.

By the time the average daily temperature should be installed at 15 - 17 ° C heat. The threat of spring frosts by this time should be mounted. The temperature of the soil at the landing depth should be at least 10 - 12 ° C. A too early seedling in open soil is dangerous in that at low soil temperatures, the growth and development of plants is slow down, the likelihood of disease increases. In addition, pepper poorly tolerate freezing.

Pepper seedlings intended for cultivation in the greenhouse are planted in the ground 1 - 15 of May. In the open soil, the pepper seedlings are planted on May 10 - 30, while the seedlings are sure to cover with the film.

Selection of pepper growing

Choosing a plot of peppers on your garden, note that pepper cannot be planted on the place where he grew up in the previous year, as well as where potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, Physalis, Tobacco grew up. It is better to stop your choice on the plot, where the cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, pumpkin cultures, root, greenery grew up in the past year.

The plot for pepper should be well lit, protected from the wind, cleared of weeds, the soil on it should be sufficiently fertile, well drain and retain moisture.

Pepper preparation for pepper seedlings

If the soil is on the plot suglinted, Before falling down pepper seedlings, you need to focus. On 1 m 2 of the soil, add 1 bucket of well-rolled manure and peat, as well as half a view of the swinging sawdust.

If the soil is in the garden clay And dense, except for humidiation and peat on 1 m 2 soil additionally, 1 bucket of coarse-grained sand and 1 bucket half of the swift sawdust should be added.

For the preparation of peat The pepper seedlings section on 1 m 2 of the soil are added 1 bucket of humus and 1 delicate tillage (you can clay).

For fertilizer sandygroans on 1 m 2 soil need to be added to 2 buckets of peat and clay soil, 2 buckets of humus and 1 bucket of wood sawdust.

A week before the planting of pepper seedlings, the garden, fired by fertilizers, wipes abundantly.

The most favorable time for planting pepper seedlings to the ground is the second half of a cloudy day or a warm evening.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to place the ridges and prepare the wells. The planting scheme of pepper largely depends on the method of irrigation and from the height of the variety.

Little grades pepper plant at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from each other, tall - at a distance of 60 cm. The distance between the beds should be about 60 cm.

Peppers can be grown by a square-nesting method, while planting seedlings at the same distance of 60x60 cm and placing 2 plants into each well at once.

When growing pepper on drip irrigation Seedlings are planted with a ribbon method according to the schemes 90 + 50x35-45 cm or 70 + 70x35-45 cm.

Depth of Wells There must be a little more than the height of the seedlup or the pot.

Sweet I. bitter pepper Sit down on different beds away from each other, as they can be converted, as a result of which the fruits of sweet peppers become bitter. Spicy pepper plant more tight: the distance between plants in a row 25 cm, aisle - 45 - 50 cm.

Instructions for landing pepper seedlings:

  • Before landing, pepper seedlings are water. To protect against pests, especially the Tsley, spray the seedlings with a solution "Arrow" (50 g of powder on 10 liters of water). Extract seedlings from pots or cups should be done very carefully, trying not to disturb the earthen com.
  • In every well, add a handful of overworked compost, high-cost of ash and a rug of a teaspoon of superphosphate, after which they fill with warm water to the edges. When the water is absorbed, stretched out of a seedliness of pepper seedling in the well. Pepper does not like strong blowout, so seedlings are planted into the ground at the top root level. It is impossible to fall asleep the root neck, otherwise the development of a black leg and other diseases is possible.
  • Holding the penny by hand, pour the well to the hole again. Water should be pouring on the walls of the wells to the washed soil of the cavalry of an earthen kom saplings.
  • Fall off the hole of the ground, slightly compact the soil and climb the peat.
  • For further garter near each plant, install a peg of about 60 cm.
  • After planting seedlings of pepper into the ground, the garden should be covered with a film. To do this, at an altitude of 120 cm, make wire arcs and sketch on them by observing material. When seedling is rooted and warm weather will be installed on the street, the shelter will need to be removed.

In the first 8 - 10 days after disembarking seedlings in the ground, pepper looks sluggish, painfully and practically does not grow. This is due to the fact that in the transplant process, no matter how hard you try, the root pepper system is still a bit damaged. Finding into a new habitat, the plant is experiencing stress. For adaptation to new conditions, peppers need some time.

After planting seedlings of pepper into the ground, it is very important not to overdo it with watering, since the rapid roots can be contrary. If there is an opportunity, the first time after the landing is desirable to control the seedlings every day and a little moisturize the soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stem (100 - 150 ml of water per plant every day). The first real watering It is carried out no earlier than a week after disembarking seedlings into the ground.

To help the pepper seedlings quickly begin, you can jumble a little soil in the root zone. That surface loosening Provides an additional oxygen influx and helps plants to adapt more.

To have more ideas about the process of planting pepper, we advise you to watch a video dedicated to this topic.

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When and how to plant pepper seedlings in open ground

Created 30 March 2014

The planting of pepper seedlings into the open ground is a very important point, so it is necessary to approach it as much as possible. From how successfully the seedlings of seedlings into the ground, the further fate of plants will depend on: they will come down in a new place or not whether they will hurt how to adapt to new habitat conditions, whether the harvest will be given. You prepared for this point for several months, spent strength and time on , , . Halfway has already been completed. It remains to plant seedlings in open ground, to provide it with the right care and wait for the ripening of cherished pepper.

When to plant pepper seedlings into the ground?

By the time the landing in the pepper seedlings must have 8 - 12 leaves. Pepper seedlings can be planted into the ground at the stage of formation of the first buds.

By the time the average daily temperature should be installed at 15 - 17 ° C heat. The threat of spring frosts by this time should be mounted. The temperature of the soil at the landing depth should be at least 10 - 12 ° C. A too early seedling in open soil is dangerous in that at low soil temperatures, the growth and development of plants is slow down, the likelihood of disease increases. In addition, pepper poorly tolerate freezing.

Pepper seedlings intended for cultivation in the greenhouse are planted in the ground 1 - 15 of May. In the open soil, the pepper seedlings are planted on May 10 - 30, while the seedlings are sure to cover with the film.

Selection of pepper growing

Choosing a plot of peppers on your garden, note that pepper cannot be planted on the place where he grew up in the previous year, as well as where potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, Physalis, Tobacco grew up. It is better to stop your choice on the plot, where the cucumbers, cabbage, legumes, pumpkin cultures, root, greenery grew up in the past year.

The plot for pepper should be well lit, protected from the wind, cleared of weeds, the soil on it should be sufficiently fertile, well drain and retain moisture.

Pepper preparation for pepper seedlings

If the soil is on the plotsuglinted, Before falling down pepper seedlings, you need to focus. On 1 M.2 Soil add 1 bucket of well-overwhelmed manure and peat, as well as half a view of half swinging sawdust.

If the soil is in the gardenclay and dense, except for humoring and peat per 1 m2 the soil additionally should be made 1 bucket of coarse-grained sand and 1 bucket half of the twist sawdust.

For the preparation of peat Pepper seedlings for 1 m2 The soil is added 1 bucket of humus and 1 bucket of the turf soil (you can clay).

For fertilizer sandybeds per 1 m 2 The soil need to make 2 buckets of peat and clay soil, 2 buckets of humus and 1 bucket of wood sawdust.

A week before the planting of pepper seedlings, the garden, fired by fertilizers, wipes abundantly.

Landing seedlings pepper into outdoor ground

The most favorable time for planting pepper seedlings to the ground is the second half of a cloudy day or a warm evening.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to place the ridges and prepare the wells. The planting scheme of pepper largely depends on the method of irrigation and from the height of the variety.

Little grades pepper plant at a distance of 30 - 40 cm from each other,tall - at a distance of 60 cm. The distance between the beds should be about 60 cm.

Peppers can be grown by a square-nesting method, while planting seedlings at the same distance of 60x60 cm and placing 2 plants into each well at once.

When growing pepperon drip irrigation Seedlings are planted with a ribbon method according to the schemes 90 + 50x35-45 cm or 70 + 70x35-45 cm.

Depth of Wells There must be a little more than the height of the seedlup or the pot.

Sweet I. bitter pepper Sit down on different beds away from each other, as they can be converted, as a result of which the fruits of sweet peppers become bitter. Spicy pepper plant more tight: the distance between plants in a row 25 cm, aisle - 45 - 50 cm.

Instructions for landing pepper seedlings:

  • Before landing, pepper seedlings are water. To protect against pests, especially the Tsley, spray the seedlings with a solution "Arrow" (50 g of powder on 10 liters of water). Extract seedlings from pots or cups should be done very carefully, trying not to disturb the earthen com.
  • In every well, add a handful of overworked compost, high-cost of ash and a rug of a teaspoon of superphosphate, after which they fill with warm water to the edges. When the water is absorbed, stretched out of a seedliness of pepper seedling in the well. Pepper does not like strong blowout, so seedlings are planted into the ground at the top root level. It is impossible to fall asleep the root neck, otherwise the development of a black leg and other diseases is possible.
  • Holding the penny by hand, pour the well to the hole again. Water should be pouring on the walls of the wells to the washed soil of the cavalry of an earthen kom saplings.
  • Fall off the hole of the ground, slightly compact the soil and climb the peat.
  • For further garter near each plant, install a peg of about 60 cm.
  • After planting seedlings of pepper into the ground, the garden should be covered with a film. To do this, at an altitude of 120 cm, make wire arcs and sketch on them by observing material. When seedling is rooted and warm weather will be installed on the street, the shelter will need to be removed.

In the first 8 - 10 days after disembarking seedlings in the ground, pepper looks sluggish, painfully and practically does not grow. This is due to the fact that in the transplant process, no matter how hard you try, the root pepper system is still a bit damaged. Finding into a new habitat, the plant is experiencing stress. For adaptation to new conditions, peppers need some time.

After planting seedlings of pepper into the ground, it is very important not to overdo it with watering, since the rapid roots can be contrary. If there is an opportunity, the first time after the landing is desirable to control the seedlings every day and a little moisturize the soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stem (100 - 150 ml of water per plant every day).The first real watering it is carried out no earlier than a week after disembarking seedlings into the ground.

To help the pepper seedlings quickly begin, you can jumble a little soil in the root zone. Thatsurface loosening provides an additional oxygen influx and helps plants to adapt more.

Useful and delicious vegetable - sweet pepper came to our country from the new light. Often it is called "Bulgarian" due to the fact that in this country they know how to grow this plant. The vegetable contains a large number of useful trace elements, valuable vitamins and essential oils. At the same time, it is very tasty, because all daches and gardeners want to grow it. How to plant peppers correctly in order to get a good crop of delicious and sweet vegetables?

Description of sweet pepper

Pepper is an annual plant, which has a long growing season and is very thermalized, because in our country it is impossible to grow successfully directly fit into the ground. You need to grow correctly seedlings. In order to get a healthy, strong and high-quality seedlings, it is necessary to choose the right varieties and make the preparation of seeds.

The variety of varieties that exists today makes it possible to choose the pepper of various color, size and shape. It can be almost white, light, yellow, pinkish, red, orange, even striped and practically black. This color of the vegetable is obtained at the stage of complete maturity.

Pepper in form is cuboid, round, cone-shaped, rectangular, and also take various original forms. Form and color useful properties do not depend on, it affects only taste and aesthetic perception. Practically any varieties are suitable for processing, and hybrids F1 usually go to food.

Having understood with a large selection of varieties and the appropriate, any gardener thinks how to plant peppers. For this, the cultivation of seedlings should be prepared seeds.

Treatment of seeds

If you need to get a crop of peppers as soon as possible, then the seeds need to be engaged in March-April, given where the seedlings are planted: under the shelter, to a greenhouse or in open ground.

Often, the seeds ride unevenly, slowly and reluctantly, therefore their processing is desirable. The pepper speaks perfectly for warming up, it can be combined with processing in biostimulantors. Apply warm water in the area 36c. Bostimulants are natural substances, for example, succinic acid or aloe juice, or ready-made means of type intavir, zircon, etc. The soaking approximately lasts the day, for this time, all the supreme, small, pop-up or defective seeds are chosen from the solution. They will not give a full harvest, therefore they can be safely thrown away.

The attracted selected seeds are sown by rows in planting boxes and trays or distributed across the cups. In individual containers, there are 2-3 seeds, and in the trays, it is planted with a distance of 3-4 cm. The pepper moves the transplant and picking perfectly, therefore you can not be afraid of thickened landings.

Much attention should be paid to the soil for seedlings. The pepper requires a lot of moisture and is demanding of the nutritional nutrition, and its seedlings suffer from such a disease as the "black leg", and the plant quickly boots. Because the soil is obliged to be moisture-permeable, fertile and "satisfying." She is obliged to hold well moisture and pass through her surplus. If this vegetable is grown in minor quantities, then in any horticultural store you can purchase ready-made soil.

Growing seedlings

When the seed material starts to germinate, it is necessary to ensure timely ventilation and watering. In order to seed It was strong and healthy, at the initial stage of development it is better to water with spraying. Water from the pulverizer does not damage fragile shoots and does not wash thin roots, moisturizing the surface of the earth. This moisture is enough bushes, but not enough to appear mold.

A couple of times a day of plantations covered with polyethylene, you need to open for ventilation. The graceful seedlings are peeling from trays for a greater distance, and bushes that have grown in individual tanks are deleted or removed a weaker plant. As a rule, they leave 1-2 seedlings. Picking is required to get a centerpiece and strong seedlings. If planting is thickenedThe seedlings grows weak, pale and high, since the plants constantly competed for nutrients, water and light. This seedlings landed this seedlings later enters fruiting and is sick for a long time.

Pepper is demanding of lighting and very thermal-seeing, the same applies to seedlings. Therefore, the seedlings grown in the greenhouse or home environment will need to be heated.

Planting seedlings to greenhouse or under the shelter

Keeping seedlings with 2-3 real leaves can be transplanted under film shelter or greenhouse. These works are produced at different times, taking into account the type of protection and climatic conditions of the region. How is Bulgarian pepper correctly plant so that he began to be froning fast in the closed soil?

Pepper is pressed by couples in order for if one bush perish, the second continued to grow. During the disembarkation, the root neck is plugged into the ground, as the pepper gives additional roots on the trunk. This is all the more important in the case ofWhen seedlings are weak and small.

Seedlings after transplanting are thoroughly watered and mulched. This operation makes it possible to flow into the root system unhindered to the root system and maintains moisture supply in the ground.

Growing on a nursery and vegetable garden

To obtain abundant harvest and large fruits you need to know how to plant seedlings into open ground. In the open soil plant tempered and strong seedlings. For what 2 weeks before disembarking, they temper it, opening a greenhouse or exposing it to the street. Initially, this is done for a few minutes, increasing slowly time to several hours. Saplings are hardened in the quietest and warm day. A draft is very dangerous - it can easily bend or break seedlings.

The tempered seedlings are more stable and prepared better to the conditions that expect them in the open soil. Therefore, they begin to be fron And blossom, faster develop a strong root system and come true.

Pepper into the soil is planted only when completely passes the threat of frosts. In the southern regions, this is usually mid-May, the dates are shifted in the northern regions. Planted on a warm day best in not very sunny and windless.

Before disembodied, the seedlings are abundantly watered. This is required for several purposes. To begin with, the seedlings turn out to be more stable and strong, and it is easier to get it out of the softened land, without damaging fragile and thin roots.

How to plant peppers into the ground so that it quickly and well grew, gave juicy and delicious fruits, and also plentifully fruitful. For this you need to observe a number of factors:

How to place pepper on the garden?

Given the grade pepper It happens high or low. Anyway, the bushes need to be planted at a distance of about 50 cm among themselves, so that the planting is well lit and ventilated. It is all the more important for large-scale pepper species, because in contact with the bushes can be understood.

Between the rows you need to leave the distance of about 80-100 cm, taking into account the height and size of the plant. Than a bush of the biggest, the greater the distance is obliged to be in the aisle and row. Thickened plantations will give small fruits.

Watering plants - paramount question. If there is not enough water in the flowering phase, then some of the barriers and colors are causing or disappeared. If there is no moisture During the pouring of fruits, they will suffer their appearance and taste.

Watered plantations preferably in the eveningAfter 19:00, under the root of warm water, abundantly. Ideally organize drip watering. For this, special hoses are manufactured with a large number of holes. Slow irrigation deeply saturates moisture ground, as a result, pepper holds well in the ground, produces water from the lower layers of the soil, forms deep and strong roots. If there is insufficient wateringIt is formed superficial and weak roots subject to drying.

Diseases and pests

As a rule, sweet peppers affect the following diseases: bronze, verticillosis, fusariosis, phytoplasmosis, black leg, gray and vertex rot, phytoofluorosis.

Pests from pests may take offboard ticks, Wings, slippers and wire.

Properly grown and planted seedlings of sweet pepper is a guarantee of a good crop. If you do everything correctly, then all your efforts will not be vain. Especially in the article it is described in detail how to seed the sweet pepper to sow the sweet pepper, the rules of sowing and dates are given.