When is the best time to ask for a pay rise? How to ask for a raise from your boss

Many sincerely believe that if they selflessly give their strength, knowledge and time to work, then the authorities are simply obliged to notice and appreciate it. However, time goes by, responsibilities expand, you return from work later and later, and nothing changes. It's no secret that most managers appreciate diligent executive employees who are ready to take responsibility, save the department during a total emergency, who do not ask unnecessary questions, etc., but, as you know, "whoever is lucky is loaded." There is nothing shameful in asking for an increase in compensation for your work, which is by no means modest. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You do not humiliate yourself with such a request, but ask, because you know your worth as a professional. Now get yourself together, because before you enter the chief's office, careful preparation is required.

Armed means forewarned

First, answer the question: “For what reasons should the boss raise your salary?” Your value as an employee is determined by three components:

The significance of your work for the organization;
. existing knowledge, skills and abilities, coupled with your potential;
. the average market value of the labor of a specialist of your profile and level.

Now is the time to organize the necessary information. Write on paper all your achievements in this organization, even if some of them seem insignificant to you. There are no trifles in such matters. Use clear wording “refurbished/la office in a month”, “found/has 17 key clients in six months”, “increased/la sales by such and such amount compared to the same quarter last year”, etc. Next, write down your business and human qualities that help you do an excellent job with this job. Do not forget to provide information about advanced training, current studies at a second higher education or learning a foreign language. Such a detailed schedule of your activities will not only help structure the conversation with the boss, but also look at yourself with new eyes. Figuring out the average wage in your industry will take more time. Use job search sites, information from friends and acquaintances working in the same or related industry. The chief may ask how you know this. So be prepared for this, however, as well as for objections in the spirit of “let's wait”, “others will want it too”, “we just recently moved to a new office”, “HR may disagree with me”, “I don’t crying?"

At the right time in the right place

You have prepared all the necessary information, but it is hardly worth dumping it on the boss's head like that. It's best to ask for a pay raise during periods that are favorable for the company, especially if a meeting has just ended in which the boss has publicly stated that you did a nice job on 5+. It's a bad idea to ask for a raise on payday. It is advisable to discuss this issue in the afternoon, when the intensity of the load decreases and towards the end of the week, when management, along with subordinates, also dreams of a weekend. Depending on the relationship that has developed with the management, you can jokingly ask a question about a promotion, for example, at a corporate party, when communication barriers are not as tough as in a normal formal setting. If you know when your company approves the next year's budget, which includes personnel costs, then it's time to ask for a raise before the budget is approved so that next year you don't hear from management that everything is already planned. Most often, the budget is approved in the fall. Never bring up a promotion if your boss is not in a good mood. You risk bringing thunder and lightning on your head.

What definitely not to do

Managers often have a hard time, because employees who come with questions about a raise, instead of building a constructive dialogue, begin to stamp their feet and unreasonably demand preferences. What is guaranteed to piss off the leadership:

1. Blackmail. “Either you raise my salary, or I quit!” This method, of course, can work, but only if you are a truly irreplaceable employee. Nobody, especially the bosses, likes to be pushed against the wall. At best, you will hear a polite refusal, at worst, in the future, the boss will do everything possible to part with you.

2. Link to competitors. "Company X. Offers me 2x what I'm getting now!" Even if without knowing this, the boss planned to raise your salary, now he will most likely change his mind, and he will also very much doubt your loyalty to the company. You can only be saved by a quick switch to the fact that you actually have this information from the Internet, but you would like to receive such an amount that, of course, you will have to correctly argue.

3. Buzzing. « I haven’t been on vacation for three years”, “I always sit at work until 10 pm without raising my head”, “I don’t have enough of my salary”. If the company is white, then you simply won’t be able to not be on vacation for years, unless, of course, you take compensation for unused vacation. Sitting up late can sometimes indicate that you are not properly allocating time, which may cause additional questions from management.

4. Comparison with colleagues, friends or newcomers. “In the neighboring department they don’t plow like that, but their salary is higher”, “And my classmates now get more”, “Why did Petrov work here for only six months, but his salary is higher?” The boss may seriously think about the fact that you devote all your working time to talking about someone else's salary, but you are not very interested in the work itself. Rather, tell us about your own achievements in the company and about the zone of your proximal development.

You are in the chief's office

1. Establishing contact. Be friendly, greet the leader, smile, sit comfortably, take an open posture. Be sure to keep eye contact.

2. Use correct wording. You did not come to “demand” or “ask”, but “to discuss the indexation of wages”. Agree, it sounds solid, and you don’t seem to be a petitioner. You should talk as equals.

3. Save management time. Do not walk in circles, mumble or hint. State clearly why you are here. This is polite, and besides, it gives the interlocutor the opportunity to navigate the situation.

4. Set the stage and set the direction of the conversation. Thank the company and the boss for the opportunities and knowledge that you have acquired. Say that you, too, have done a lot to make the company prosper. This is where your described achievements, professional qualities and market overview come in handy.

5. Don't be silent. While the boss is thinking, you can accompany this process with unobtrusive comments. Talk about your reluctance to leave the company, about the prospects that you are interested in in this particular company, that you still want to respond to the headhunters attacking you, that you really like your work in terms of duties, powers, responsibility, development prospects and rewards.

6. Increase the effect. When you feel that the boss is ready to give an answer, but is still hesitant, it's time to say that if there is any opportunity, you are ready to work, making triple efforts, take on more responsibility, develop a new product / service, lead a new direction, etc. .d.

7. Final requirement. And finally, tell the boss what specific salary (the amount should correspond to the market) you want to receive. If there are no fundamental objections, then discuss the exact date.

If still rejection

Thank your boss for your attention. Ask him under what conditions your question can be resolved positively. What can you do to get more? If the boss promised to think, then it is better to immediately agree on a specific date when you can return to this conversation. It is advisable to return to the issue of salary increases 1-2 times a year. This is how you remind of your achievements and make it clear that you can do much more with some stimulation. Put yourself in the place of leadership. It is possible that you have not picked the best time to talk because profits have fallen and the budget is very limited. The worst option is if the company has stopped in its development and further prospects are not clear to you. Then for sure

How do I ask my boss for a pay rise? This question often arises among working people. You are a competent and intelligent employee, an indispensable specialist, but experience and knowledge are not appreciated. Of course, I would like the leader to notice your diligence and diligence, but usually you have to overcome your own indecision and fear (and suddenly refuse!) And go to the boss.

Reflections before decisive action

You have been working in the company for some time, you show consistently nice results. Thanks to you the company saves money and get a good income?

So, it's time to ask the authorities for an increase in salary. But first assess the real situation in the company and their position in it:

  • Can the company raise the salaries of its employees? It is unlikely that the authorities will satisfy your request if there is a high turnover of staff, there is no promotion of employees through the ranks, payments are delayed. In this case, you should wait for a more favorable time.
  • It makes sense to go to the authorities if you have worked for a certain period of time, for example, six months or a year. But first, find out from your colleagues: is there a rule to raise salaries after a certain period of time. Also, with a sharp increase in the volume of work and job responsibilities, try to immediately discuss all material issues with the manager.
  • Another important aspect in what field of activity do you work? And if it's a successful line of business, such as banking or mining, and competing organizations are interested in you, then it will be easier to get a salary increase.
  • And of course, without self-confidence and that you are "worth more" will be difficult convince your boss of your worth. Modesty beautifies a person, but it can ruin an employee's career.

Such a serious analysis of the situation will allow you to more soberly assess the likelihood of a positive solution to the issue of interest. And having decided, we begin to tune in to a serious conversation.

Moral preparation for a conversation with the boss

To successfully negotiate a pay raise, try evaluate yourself as a leader. The boss can go forward if he has confidence in your value to his company. For a conversation stock up on the necessary documents, which can confirm high level of work.

think over the course of your "presentation". After all, you really have to talk about yourself in excellent manner, and also to prove it, so that the boss would also believe. Report your initiatives, successes, achievements, that is, about the positive that they have contributed to the company's activities.

Do not be lazy, spend in advance salary level analysis according to your profile in other companies. To do this, you can view vacancies in ads, interview acquaintances and friends. If your salary level is higher than that of your colleagues, is it worth it to ask for a raise.

The right time to ask for a pay rise

When preparing for such a responsible conversation, it is worth thinking about the right moment when your request and arguments will be carefully listened to. It's not worth going boss if:

  • In the morning he is always busy. Psychologists advise wait for the afternoon time when there are fewer things to do and the mood is better, because a well-fed, rested person will treat you differently.
  • On the eve of the conversation an unfortunate incident happened associated with you, for example, you made a serious mistake in your work or had a fight with the team.
  • Affairs at the organization or company where you currently work, are not going very well.
  • Have you recently received a pay raise? and it hasn't been half a year since then.

A place to talk to your boss

Talk about a pay rise in a formal setting. You should not catch the boss in the corridor or the elevator, and, pulling him by the button, talk about your diligence and hard work.

Corporate party or sporting event for the whole company unlikely to fit for a serious conversation. Such time is devoted to the rest of all employees, and your boss is no exception. Are you sure that instead of having a comfortable time, he is eager to listen to you?

Most best option- talk in the manager's office. But you should not try to persuade the secretary to miss you for a minute until the general meeting has begun, and the boss has not begun to do his own thing.

Salary increase- a serious question for you and him do not decide in haste.

Perhaps your boss does not even suspect what a valuable employee works at his enterprise. Therefore, in order for him to appreciate you, you need to spend both his and your time.

How to build a conversation about a salary increase

life experience, and there are opportunities to find another, alternative way to solve the issue.

Don't start a conversation from the fact that everything is bad, prices rise and incomes fall. It is unlikely that your boss will be interested in your personal problems: loans, mortgage, upcoming wedding, treatment. try have a more meaningful conversation.

Start with justification for your request and confirming it specific numbers. The conversation needs to be in a firm, determined voice, trying not to stoop to a pleading intonation. you don't beg for charity and do not borrow, but want get more for your work.

Include the following in your conversation:

  • want to discuss with you my work;
  • I like working in company:
  • I am interested in my duties;
  • my achievements are as follows;
  • I am I see opportunities for professional growth;

After describing yourself as a valuable employee of the company, ask is there a possibility review your current salary and increase it.

Deciding to go to the boss with a request is not so easy. But what if the employer does not see your achievements point-blank and does not even think about revising your motivation? Gone are the days when salary could only be increased by transferring to another position. If you think it's time to increase the coveted amount, follow the tips.

Step one. Prepare mentally.

Experts say that the value of an employee is determined by three factors: the significance of his work for the company, real and potential skills, and the average market value of specialists in his profile. You need to have a clear understanding of these terms - then you can evaluate yourself from the point of view of the employer and successfully build a dialogue with him.

“The manager goes for an increase in compensation only if he is sure that the employee deserves it,” says Anna Lenda, head of the personnel department at Creative Media CJSC. “In order not to look unfounded, you need to back up your words with documents and specific figures confirming success” .

Anna Babakina, HR manager at Syngenta, agrees with this: “You need to prepare in advance for a conversation with an employer. To do this, you need to answer yourself the question: why should I, in fact, have to raise my salary? And it is best to back up the answer to this question with facts confirming that you are a truly valuable employee. Remember your achievements, initiatives, proposals that were accepted and benefited the company. You can also note what you have learned while working in this organization, what new tasks or activities you have mastered, that is, how much you have expanded your functionality as a specialist.

“Secondly, evaluate whether your salary is really lagging behind the market,” continues Anna. “You can do that by looking at job openings that are posted on job search sites.” “Information can be gathered by interviewing contacts in other companies, and by examining advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. It makes no sense to ask for a raise if your current salary is already higher than the market average,” advises Anna Lenda.

Step two. Pick a good moment.

Preparing for a conversation should not be limited to systematizing your knowledge and arguments in favor of promotion. Half the success depends on choosing the right moment and time for the conversation. Psychologists advise not to pester your boss with a request for a raise in the morning, as this is the time of the most work. It is better to do this after dinner: there are fewer urgent matters, and the mood of a well-fed person is more complacent. More broadly, it hardly makes sense to stutter about a salary increase when the company is not doing brilliantly. Also, don't ask for a raise on payday.

“Have you successfully passed the trial period and fulfilled all the requirements and tasks assigned to you for this period? At this moment, you can safely apply for an increase in salary, - says Anna Lenda. “However, you should not talk about a raise if you have already made this request recently (less than 6 months ago) and the issue was resolved in your favor.” Maria Zhukova adds that if an employee applying for a promotion made a serious work mistake on the eve of the planned conversation, the conversation should be postponed until the situation is positively resolved. Also, do not discuss a salary increase in between times - wait until the manager has time for a full-fledged communication.

Olesya Milekhina, general director of the Helion Image recruitment agency, believes that it is imperative to ask for an increase in “the salary or bonus part of the compensation after several years of work in the same company, if the motivation system has not changed during this time.”

Step three. Choose a place to talk.

It is best to talk with the boss in his own office: he feels on his territory and is quite relaxed. According to Maria Zhukova, solving issues of salary increases at corporate parties is a common mistake. On such holidays, the leader, of course, is often in a good mood, but is clearly not in the mood to solve work issues. He will listen to your request and your arguments, but most of the information will pass by his ears.

Step four. Decisive conversation.

Finally, you come to the main point: a conversation with the leader. Psychologists try to reassure: “Raising a salary or promotion is not a matter of life and death, but only the acquisition of another life experience, and, of course, a way to improve the material and social situation. Do not forget that there are always many alternative ways to achieve what you want. You just need to learn to see them and use them.”

But their beliefs rarely work: at the most crucial moment, the employee begins to worry, and the conversation may turn out to be crumpled or even simply not take place.

Plan in your head what you want to say. Instead of saying that you are not satisfied with your current salary or position, as most people do, you need to take a different approach, experts advise. To successfully negotiate a salary, you can show your boss your own achievements or market dynamics, as a result of which similar specialists in competing companies began to receive more.

We asked our experts to simulate the situation of a conversation with the boss.

Anna Lenda: “Ivan Ivanovich, I wanted to discuss my work with you. I really enjoy working for our company and I want to make the most of it. Therefore, it is important for me to understand how you evaluate me. What else do you think I need to work on? Do you think I have prospects for a promotion or salary increase (of course, if the company has such an opportunity)? I want to present my chances and your assessment of my work. After all, salary is also an assessment.”

“You should not argue your desire to receive more money with the words: “I have been working for two years, I have never been on vacation and have never taken a sick leave”, or “I spend all weekends in the office,” continues Lenda. “Such arguments will cause nothing but irritation.” In no case do not put an ultimatum: "Either you raise my salary, or I quit." The most likely answer would be "Quit".

And here is an example of Olesya Milekhina's answer: “Ivan Ivanovich! Could you give me a few minutes? I really enjoy working for our company. I am interested in the tasks that I solve, I have established good relations in the team, and I see for myself further prospects for professional and career growth. The only thing I know is that the level of income of specialists with my education and experience increased by 20% on average in the market last year. In this regard, could you think about revising my motivation system or listen to my suggestions on this issue?”

What if it's denied?

Psychologists again try to console: refusal is not a reason for depression. If you've been denied a raise, talk to your boss about giving you more responsibilities that will be rewarded. If this option does not suit you, then ask directly what this decision is connected with. “Even if an employer wants to raise your salary, he cannot always do it,” says Anna Lenda. In this case, ask when you can return to this conversation. If you've been turned down because your performance isn't up to par with management, ask what needs to change to improve your performance. Make a list of goals and objectives so that both you and your manager clearly understand what you have agreed on.”

Olesya Milekhina and Maria Zhukova agree with this opinion: “If an employee is generally satisfied with his current place of work, you should not make a hasty decision to leave the company. It will be appropriate to return to the conversation about salary increases in a few months.”

It is sometimes easier to defend other people's interests than your own. If you know you deserve more, talk to your boss about a pay raise. We asked business coach Andrey Anuchin to tell us how to benefit from these negotiations, regardless of their outcome.

Negotiations about the price in any sphere of life is devoted to a separate one in the "Academy" of HeadHunter. There is no need to be afraid to offer a high price: during the course, you will learn how to argue it correctly and not fall into the trap of more experienced interlocutors. For example, like your boss.

Stage one. Preparing for negotiations and managing the situation


People are much kinder and more positive about everyone around them and their requests when they are full. Therefore, it is better to negotiate after lunch.

Prepare and rehearse your first phrase

The first phrase must be exact. She sets the tone for the entire conversation.

“I want a raise” or “I think I deserve better” or “Pay me more or I’ll leave” all have their pros and cons. Which option is right for your case?

Be sure to rehearse the first phrase at least in a dialogue with your wife or husband. You must pronounce it in such a way that you are believed and you yourself believe in it.

Consider the interests of third parties

How does the leader speak? “If I raise now, it might become a habit. If I raise one, it will be necessary to raise everyone. Your remuneration can be a political issue for the manager, the decision of which will affect many people.

One of the projects has the following situation. There were simple tasks that could solve everything. And complex tasks that only I could solve.

I negotiated a pay raise, but got nowhere. Later, I learned what the manager was afraid of: colleagues could find out that I had been given a raise for solving simple tasks, and they would also begin to demand a raise.

Therefore, it was necessary to ask for a promotion only for solving difficult problems and convince the manager that no one would know about the promotion.

Define your negotiation situation

Is this the last fight for you? Or is it "reconnaissance in combat"? A way to test the strength of a stone wall or a game of roulette according to the principle of "what will fall"?

These negotiations can be viewed in different ways. If this is the “last battle”, then it is necessary to act more seriously and more decisively.

Determine the best alternative to failed negotiations

Think about what you will do if your boss refuses to raise your salary.

Will you continue to work as before? Or write a statement? Or will you tell nasty things about the leader behind his back? Or will you perform another feat to prove that you are worthy of a promotion?

Maybe your boss just doesn't have the resources to increase remuneration right now. Will you offer your help to find these resources?

Decide what kind of negotiations you are going to have

At manipulative negotiations each side uses various tricks and tricks, hoping to deceive the enemy. Usually, in such a game, the leader is stronger, but the employee can also create a successful situation. For example, when you demand a salary increase at a corporate party: playing in the same team, you save the boss's life and hint at reciprocal gratitude from him.

Power negotiations associated with the struggle for power and the demonstration of power. You can negotiate by force when you are a danger or in possession of a valuable resource. For example, threaten to leave for competitors if your fee does not double from tomorrow.

If you have power, there is always a temptation to use it. But remember that people don't like being pushed up against the wall. You can be denied only in order to maintain power. And if they agree, they will harbor a grudge and sooner or later you will be reminded of this.

Business negotiations come from a partnership relationship between you and the leader. You are doing one thing, and in order to achieve better results, you ask for the necessary working conditions for yourself. You evaluate your gains and losses, the boss's gains and losses, and bargain, showing how each side can minimize losses and increase mutual benefits.

Stage two. To battle

In the negotiation process, two problems must be solved sequentially.

The first task is to get the very fact of discussing your salary.

The second task is to achieve the desired in the negotiation process.

Make sure that nothing distracts you and the leader

If the conversation is not very pleasant for the leader, then he will want to avoid it under some pretext. Therefore, you should have enough time to discuss all issues.


If you believe that you need this money, and if you want to get it, then don't smile. A good leader is a good psychologist. He will determine in about 15 seconds whether it will be easy for you to refuse. If you smile, then you came in peace. So you will leave in peace. And without money.

State the purpose of the negotiation

Your memorized confident phrase is important here.

"I'd like to discuss a 10% fee increase." Or “Can we discuss a raise in my salary?”

It takes a few seconds for the manager to understand whether it is worth taking your request seriously, so you need to be as natural and confident as possible.

Explain why you are applying for a pay rise

Perhaps you have accomplished a feat? Maybe you have obvious and objective merits?

Tell us about your strengths and achievements. There should be at least three reasons why you deserve the best.

Do not dump everything at once - save the strongest arguments for the end of the negotiations. You do not think that the leader will immediately agree with you?

Don't ask "Why?"

There are no ideal workers. There will always be reasons to refuse. You came to talk not about why you can't raise your salary, but about why you need to do it. Therefore, instead of studying cockroaches in the head of a leader, bend your line - argue your own merits and advantages.

Don't leave without a clear answer

Your task is to achieve a certain reaction. Yes means yes, no means no.

Leaders often use manipulation and evasion. Remember, most of the time they have more negotiating experience than you.

“I don’t decide”, “let’s wait”, “show what you are capable of” - this is all avoiding the answer and the desire to leave everything as it is.

Stage three. After negotiations

If the negotiations were successful, thank the leader, praise yourself and accept congratulations.

If negotiations fail, it's time to do what you decided in advance: to implement the best alternative to failed negotiations.

Remember that negotiation is a game in which you can always make a new move. Therefore, approach this issue strategically. Use any leader's decision to achieve your own goals.

You have been with the company for over a year. Achieved goals, satisfied customers and customers, new tasks - only this does not affect wages. Forget Bulgakov's words: “Never ask for anything. They will come and give everything themselves.” If you hope for a telepathic connection with the manager, be prepared that the salary increase budget will go to more persistent and talkative colleagues.

It is worth talking about a salary increase carefully and accurately.

“I made an appointment with S. - an analyst of one of the teams. He came to us eight months ago, - says the HR manager of an IT company. - He coped with the work, but no more. I didn’t want to take on new tasks, I didn’t go to internal trainings, I refused to help my colleagues. And he began by saying that time has passed and he expects wage growth.

"Indexing" - that's how he put it. I am still surprised that people are waiting for a promotion simply for their length of service, without putting any effort into it.

How not to ask for a raise

Blackmail: "Either you pay me N, or I leave." It will work a maximum of once, and you will automatically be included in the candidates for parting.

Caprice: “I have been working for three years, where is my increase?” They pay for results, not time. If there is no tangible benefit, your position can be optimized.

Rumors and gossip: “Why was Ivanova promoted, but not me?” Often, bonuses and wages are part of a trade secret that employees should not disclose.

Pity: you have a mortgage, a pregnant wife, old parents... The company hires your professionalism, not your personal situation.

Closed eyes: the neighboring department is being cut, expenses are being cut, and here you are with your promotion. Caution: you can get under a hot hand!

How to ask for a raise

After evaluating, summing up, concluding a major deal: “Look, I consistently overfulfill the plan by 20%” or “This year I proposed a tax optimization scheme that saved us N rubles.”

When assigning new tasks: “I am ready to take on another project. But let's revise my salary level as it will increase my workload by 30%."

On promotion: “I want to clarify how my income will change upon transition.”

The best time for such a conversation is the 3rd-4th quarter, as the budget for the next year is being planned.

If the meeting ended with a refusal, be sure to clarify: what can you do to increase your salary? Set a deadline for revisiting this issue.

Market offerings

You have decided to actively search for a job. What can I do to increase my income when moving from one company to another?

  1. Study the market: go through several interviews, talk to a representative of a recruitment agency.
  2. View resumes of similar professionals. To understand the market fork, you need to look at at least 50-100 resumes.
  3. Consider two or more job offers: this way you will relieve the internal tension “they will not take them, they will not choose them” and you will negotiate wages more calmly.
  4. Don't accept the first job offer. If the amount offered is less than you expected, be polite but persuasive: “I am very interested in your offer, but to be honest, I was expecting an offer in the area…. rubles. Now I am going through a competition for two more places, and there I get more money. Is it possible to change the level of income?
  5. Ask questions and evaluate the proposal comprehensively. Sometimes the difference in salaries of several thousand is compensated by corporate sports, foreign language courses, lunches at the office and medical insurance for family members. Ask about the compensation package to make an informed decision.

The question of income is a delicate and difficult one to discuss. But it does affect the quality of your life. Pump up the skill of such negotiations: it will work for you throughout your career! To understand the tactics of negotiations and the intricacies of finding a job will help "