When the house is lit How to consecrate an apartment yourself with holy water and candles

Often, when moving to new housing, people have the following questions: “How to properly consecrate an apartment? Can you do it yourself? How expensive is this service? "

You can find the answers to them in this article.

Why do believers consecrate their homes

First, you need to understand what sanctification means, and what is its role in modern society.

Consecration is a special rite in Orthodox Christianity, which is the cleansing of any place or object from the evil influence of the demonic world and the invocation of God's grace.

Since ancient times, regularities have been noticed between the morality of the people and their fate: the refusal of people from the Lord often led to inevitable and terrible consequences (hunger, tornadoes, floods, droughts, etc.), therefore every believer is obliged to prove his belief that nothing happens without the will of God.

By sanctifying the apartment, we have the opportunity to cleanse our house of the devil and his intrigues, because in our time so many false ideas are introduced into our heads through television and radio. Thus, to the question "Do you need to consecrate your home?", The correct and indisputable answer is "yes".

How much does it cost to consecrate an apartment

If you decide to invite a priest from the temple to consecrate your apartment or house, then most likely you will think about the price of this issue. This topic is very delicate.

The fact is that often a God-fearing church minister will be modest and will not ask for money for this procedure, because reading a prayer and giving advice is a joy for him.

But do not forget that the church exists only at the expense of donations, and that is why you should at least cover the costs of the priest for consecration.

Rules for consecrating an apartment by an Orthodox priest

First, you need to prepare the house for the sacred rite: wash the apartment, put all things in their places, be sure to check if there are any pagan objects at home (astrological calendars, figurines of other gods, etc.).

Note: it is advisable to have a table with a clean tablecloth: here the priest will put holy objects.

Before the ceremony begins, the clergyman pastes several Christian paper crosses throughout the house (above the front door and in all rooms).

After reading the first prayers and the ninetieth psalm, the priest consecrates olive (sometimes sunflower) oil and sprinkles the whole house with holy water, after which he smears oil on paper crosses. These crosses serve as keepers of peace and grace in the apartment, even during repairs they should be saved and then pasted back.

The ceremony lasts for about half an hour, and it is performed only once.

How and when you can consecrate an apartment yourself with holy water

They do not consecrate the apartment with their own hands, but on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, Orthodox believers sprinkle their homes. Then even tap water will be suitable for this purpose.

Also, water is often left in churches for parishioners who could not get to the service for some reason.

Is it possible to clear the apartment of negativity on your own

For a Christian's life to proceed in safety, prosperity, and bring salvific fruits, it must be pleasing to the will of God.

Orthodox Christians should never fall into magic, as this is a grave sin.

First of all, you need to cleanse your life, your soul. How can this be done?

Come to church, get ready and go to confession, and it is at the evening service, when the priests are in no hurry and can devote as much time to communication with parishioners as they need. Next, partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the Sunday service.

Even in Russia, Christians cleansed their homes with incense and asked for God's blessing on their dwellings. Nowadays, you can also buy a censer with a handle and incense in the church shop.

You need to go around the whole house or apartment, make the sign of the Cross with a censer and recite psalms No. 90 and No. 100, as well as the prayers "Our Father", "It is worthy to eat", "Virgin Mary, rejoice", "May God rise again", "Climbed Voevoda Victorious ".

You can also often sprinkle the place where you live with Holy water. Thus it is necessary to say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. By sprinkling this sacred water into flight, let all the crafty demonic deeds turn. "

Daily in the evenings, reading the prayer rule and the prayer “May God rise again”, cross all four corners of your room, and when going to sleep, cross your bed.

Coming to the priest's house is a great holiday for many believers. Many are anxiously awaiting this event. After the consecration of the apartment, tea drinking is often held, spiritual spiritual conversations are conducted.

At such a meeting, you can ask the priest about many things, ask questions that are of concern at the moment, consult and ask for blessings.

Many of us very rarely resort to the help of religion in difficult situations, but when things take a serious turn, and there is no one else to hope for, we think of God. The priests say that the very fact of conversion is already a good step, no matter when it is taken. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from higher powers. One of the manifestations of protecting yourself and your family through prayer is the consecration of your home. According to all the rules, only a priest can do this, but if for some reason his visit is impossible, then you can find out how to consecrate an apartment, house, even an office and production premises yourself.

In order to consecrate a house, one must have holy water collected on the night of Epiphany. It is necessary to sprinkle it on the house, all its rooms, all corners, windows, doors. At this time, the prayer "May God rise again" is read, then the 90th psalm is read, and at the end it is said "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the holy Spirit." And the confessors also say that no damage, the evil eye will remain in the house, where they constantly pray, light candles, where there are icons and sincere words of repentance from Christians. The place needs to be prayed for, - they say. If something important should happen in the house or with family members, then you need to light the candles, ask God for help, wait until the candles burn out. And if you just pray with candles, then you can extinguish and light it again.

An ancient way to cleanse your home

If you have not yet decided how to consecrate the apartment yourself, then you can resort to this old method. Count how many rooms you have in your apartment. Bathroom, hallway, kitchen, pantry are also considered as separate rooms. You need to buy as many candles in the church as you count the rooms. Then memorize one single prayer "Our Father". Start cleaning the apartment from the front door, hence from the hallway. Light the first candle, bring it to each jamb, to the doorway, walk clockwise around the perimeter. If somewhere the candle begins to emit a strong crackle, then stand in this place until it stops making loud sounds. Then go to the next room. Extinguish the first candle, light the second. In the next room, do the same - go around all the corners, bring the candle to the jambs, to the windows, to the handles. So it is necessary to go around all the rooms, each time lighting a new candle. All the time while you are doing this ritual, you must read a prayer. After it, you need to collect all the wax from the candles, all the remains, take it to the church.

Cleansing a Home for People of All Faiths

This method will tell you how to properly consecrate an apartment if representatives of different religions live under the same roof. Buy a new broom, start the ritual on the growing moon on Thursday. Start sweeping the trash out of every room, from the back rooms to the front door. Say the words to yourself: "Trash from the house, down with troubles and troubles." Sweep the rubbish onto a newspaper, wrap it tight, carry it with the broom away from your home and burn it.

In order to prevent negative energy from penetrating into your apartment, you must lead a correct spiritual lifestyle. One must sincerely believe in God, not violate his commandments, not wish other people what he would not wish for himself, not defile thoughts with bad thoughts, mouth with dirty words, body with bad habits. Then your life will become easier, your troubles will recede.

There are times when a person, being in his home, feels uncomfortable and unhappy. Sometimes people complain that they sense the presence of some kind of spirits and beings. In this case, in order to restore the normal energy background, it is recommended to properly consecrate the house or apartment, since holy water destroys all negativity and scares away evil spirits. To do this, it is not necessary to invite a priest, since the ritual can be performed independently.

How to sanctify an apartment yourself with candles?

“Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen".

Buy some candles home. When you come home, light a candle and walk around the house, going to all corners. This should be done clockwise. It is necessary to properly sanctify the apartment with a prayer, since these words expel evil spirits and cleanse the space, and it sounds like this:

“I clean the corner, I clean the floor, I clean the ceiling and walls. I drive demons, I drive envy. I burn sickness, illness and misfortune with a candle. Amen".

It is recommended to baptize corners and walls with a candle. If the fire began to crackle - this is a signal of the presence of negative energy, it is recommended to stay longer in such a corner. Repeat the ritual three Thursdays in a row. It is important these days not to forget to visit church and light candles at the icon of Nicholas the Pleasure. After a month, you will already notice that the atmosphere in the house has become more comfortable.

How to sanctify an apartment yourself with water?

To carry out the ritual, you will need holy water, a new bowl, an icon and an icon lamp. Sacred water can be taken in the church or blessed by yourself. Before that, it is recommended to get a blessing from the priest. On Saturday you need to do a general cleaning in advance. In the largest room, at least for a day, it is worth putting an icon with an icon lamp in the corner opposite the entrance. In general, it is recommended to prepare yourself for the ritual in advance, that is, do not drink, do not use foul language, and pray regularly. It is necessary to begin consecration on Sunday. It is important to carry out the ritual in the proper form: a woman must definitely wear a skirt below the knees, a strict blouse and a scarf on her head. Don't forget the pectoral cross. It is best if during the ritual, all residents will be at home. You need to start the ritual only with a pure soul and faith. Having typed water into a new bowl, and dipping three fingers in it, folded with a pinch, it is worthwhile to start sprinkling the room, starting from the corner where the icon stands. You need to move clockwise. To consecrate an apartment with holy water yourself, say the following prayer:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling of sowing sacred water into flight, let every crafty demonic act turn into flight, Amen."

If it did not work to consecrate the apartment itself, since the feeling of heaviness remained, then it is best to invite a priest who will conduct the ritual correctly, observing all traditions.

Try to drink holy water more often, especially Epiphany and sprinkle this water on your houses, but before that you need to wash and clean everything in the house. Once a year, on the night of January 18-19, the Lord sanctifies the whole earth, all the water in all rivers and lakes is sanctified. In the old days in Russia, on this night, ice holes were always cut on rivers and lakes, and exactly at midnight people went to swim and collect Epiphany water. I happened to be in Siberia somehow. There is not a single church for several hundred kilometers, but people on Epiphany night, at 12 o'clock go to the river and collect Epiphany water, keep it in closed buckets and flasks all year round. Every morning this water is taken on an empty stomach and it illuminates the body and soul, and sprinkles consecrate their homes. This water never spoils if no one in the house swears or does bad deeds. When the water runs out, they take ordinary water, pour it into a bucket and add there three times pouring a few drops of Epiphany water, while saying the prayer: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, ”and that's it, the water is sanctified again and it can be used again. The power of this water is great, the demons fear it more than Gehena fire, because it scorches and drives out all unclean things, heals spiritual and physical diseases, and adds strength to a person.

Epiphany water CURES - all diseases, inflammatory processes, tumors, cleanses human blood, liver, heals stomach ulcers, heals kidneys, heals the heart, lungs, nerves, diabetes, glaucoma and generally returns - vision, if you constantly bury your eyes with this water. When a person falls ill with a serious illness, it is even necessary to drink a tablespoon of Epiphany water every hour, crossing himself with a prayer: “Lord, bless me to drink Epiphany water and heal me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen ", so that the sick organism gains strength to fight the disease and then the person quickly recovers.

All our houses and apartments need - LIGHTING, this is VERY IMPORTANT! Especially when people move and start living in houses and apartments in which people have already lived before them. Many people simply do not know that it turns out that our houses remember everyone who lived in them and that there are happy and unhappy apartments and houses. That is, the energy of the atmosphere of people living in houses and apartments is superimposed and imprinted on these houses and apartments, and remains in them. This can be compared, for example, to how one or another music is recorded on a blank tape cassette, you can record a melody of Mozart or Beethoven, or you can record hard rock or thugs swearing songs. So it is here. If good and calm people lived in the house or apartment where you are moving, if, moreover, believing Orthodox Christians lived, then the energy of the atmosphere of the house will be positive and peaceful - because God blesses this house, so the new tenants will live calmly and well. if they are normal people.

We should know that if the previous tenants - drunk, drove moonshine, used drugs, swore, swore, fought, engaged in debauchery, rock music sounded in the house, there were pornographic magazines, newspapers, videotapes in the house - then such a house or apartment was DEFENSE ...

Demons have settled in such houses and negative energy has been deposited, therefore, if such a house or apartment is NOT CONSOLIDATED, then there will be no good and good life for anyone in this house. Everyone who would not live in such a house or apartment will also swear, quarrels, various troubles and problems, and even misfortunes will begin. And if people lived in this house who studied and practiced magic, astrology, extrasensory perception, conjured, bewitched and divined, or sectarians, or Jews, Muslims or Buddhists and Hare Krishnas lived in the house, then this house is CURSED by God and therefore the new tenants will be in trouble , the evil spirits who settled in this house will not give them any quiet life.

It happens that someone was killed in the house, or someone committed suicide, then there will be nothing good in this house either, often people cannot live in such houses and apartments, also when someone dies of old age or from diseases - all such houses must be LIGHTED by inviting a priest to the house. Moreover, it is better to throw out the beds and sofas on which a person died, even in hospitals, doctors and nurses are well aware of this that if a patient is put on a bed on which someone died before him, then the person immediately becomes much worse. The fact is that clothes, shoes, bedding, beds and sofas on which people sleep - all these things seem to remember their owners and are imbued with their spirit, which is why you CANNOT dress and wear other people's clothes and shoes, especially you should not wear them children.

Even if you take the clothes of the children of your relatives or friends and acquaintances to your child, then if their children were capricious, aggressive and disobedient - it is absolutely NOT possible to take these clothes and put your children in them, they will also begin to behave BADLY. This clothes must first be washed and then sprinkled with Epiphany water.

Therefore, you cannot let OTHER people onto your bed, you cannot even allow strangers to sit on your bed, DO NOT CLOTHE and wear OTHER things, only as a last resort, if you have nothing to wear, but at the same time you need to read a prayer for the consecration of things and sprinkle with holy water ... All things and goods that you buy into the house must be LIGHTED by ourselves, reading a prayer for the consecration of things and sprinkling them with holy water - then these things will serve us for a long time, and you thank the Lord for this mercy.

Prayer for the consecration of every thing. (in order for the things that we have or have bought, we need to illuminate them for a long time.) To the Creator and Bearer of the human race, the Giver of Spiritual Grace, the Giver of eternal salvation, Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest Blessing on this thing ( name things), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession to those who want to use it (names), it will help to bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. (And sprinkle things with holy water - three times)

That is why, when, for example, we go on a train and receive bedclothes on which we are going to sleep, this linen must be baptized with the Sign of the Cross three times with the prayer “Lord, cleanse these things from all filth, from all bad. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Also, when we have to live in a hotel, we also need to read prayers in the room, cross everything with the Sign of the Cross, including the bed on which you will sleep.

It is necessary to LIGHT all houses and apartments in which you are going to live, especially those houses and apartments in which people have already LIVED before you - otherwise all sorts of problems and troubles may begin. When houses and apartments are consecrated, then in a special prayer the priest asks God to cleanse this house or apartment from all filth and bless the house and everyone living in it. If the people who live in this house are themselves good and calm people: They do not quarrel among themselves, do not drink, do not engage in debauchery, do not steal - then the Lord Blesses this house and the people living in it. And then people start to live well. That is why it is necessary to illuminate all houses and apartments so that the people who will live in them can live in a good way. Understand all this is very important if people knew how many good families quarreled and fell apart, just because they did not believe in God and did not consider it necessary to light their home, how many children got out of hand, became disobedient, stopped learning from how many children have been spoiled. How many misfortunes happened to the people who lived in these desecrated and damned houses. In the old days, people knew well about this and, having invited a priest, they served a special prayer service already at the laying of a new house, and then after the completion of the construction they consecrated a new house, therefore our ancestors lived peacefully and amicably.

I will give an example of how IMPORTANT it is to serve a prayer service when laying the foundation of a house and to illuminate the site itself on which a new house will be built. In one house, in the center of the city, there lived a witch who constantly conjured, I found out about this quite by accident. The house was old, still tsarist, but since it was in the center of the city, it was time to demolish it and build a large apartment building in its place. Having started construction, the tenants of this house were relocated and the house was quickly demolished. And then the incomprehensible began, the head of the construction site told me about it, all sorts of problems began, starting with financial, supplying building materials and ending with personnel, in general, the construction of a new house stopped and did not advance a single step, and time passed. Then, after suffering for more than six months, the chief of the construction site invited a priest, who served a prayer service and consecrated the entire construction site. Only after the consecration, the construction of the house got off the ground, unfolded and boiled with a vengeance. The house was built quickly, in a few months, and now it adorns the city center.

I will tell you one illustrative case associated with the consecration of a house with ordinary Epiphany water. Once, having come to visit some of our friends, we talked about God, I had Epiphany water with me and I offered them to sprinkle their three-room apartment, the church officials showed me and explained how to do it correctly if there was no possibility invite a priest. A new brush for painting is taken, which no one did anything - the brush must be washed with soap, a bowl or some vessel is taken, which must be crossed three times with the Sign of the Cross with the prayer “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen ”, and pour Epiphany water into it. Before sprinkling, you need to read the prayers: "Our Father", "Rejoice to the Virgin Mary", "May God rise again" and "To the Heavenly King" - three times. After that, you need to sprinkle each room with Epiphany water crosswise three times each corner of the room in the indicated order: east - west, north - south, reading the prayer: “Lord, cleanse this room from all filth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". After sprinkling a house or apartment, you need to read aloud 12 chapters from the Gospel, it is best to read the Gospel of John. So after sprinkling their apartment, I went home, and in the morning the agitated owner of the apartment came to my work and told the following story. They moved to this apartment a year ago - and the whole family, this husband, wife and two daughters could not sleep in their new apartment, falling asleep with difficulty after three nights and then for a short time, naturally they were very tired of such incomprehensible insomnia. It turned out that there was a brothel in this apartment, the hostess and her daughters took men to their place, drank and debauched, because of this the apartment was - DEALED. And when the new family moved, despite the fact that the apartment was well renovated, it became uncomfortable and difficult to live in it, even flowers did not grow in the apartment. After I sprinkled Epiphany water, read the prayers and the Gospel, as it were, consecrated the apartment, the whole family fell asleep at nine o'clock in the evening and everyone slept in the morning, parents were late for work, and daughters went to school. The insomnia disappeared, and flowers began to grow.

There was one more case in my practice. I was asked to help in one family, six months ago a man was killed in one room, and after that no one could be in this room, let alone live and sleep in it - people felt bad in this room. When the room was sprinkled with Epiphany water, after reading prayers and the Gospel, then everything was PASSED and people were able to begin to live normally in this room. Of course, it is best, if there is an opportunity, to invite a priest, who will not only consecrate your home, but also serve a special prayer service.

There was a house in the village in which all family members were ill, there were constant quarrels and abuse at home, chickens and geese died, cows and pigs died. In the end, the hostess of the house went to the local church and invited the priest to consecrate the house they had bought and moved into it. The priest came, consecrated the whole house, the entire courtyard and buildings, then gathered the whole family and talked with them about God, and asked that the whole family come to his service, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. And so they did. That's all, after that the quarrels stopped in the house and peace and quiet came, no one else was sick with incomprehensible diseases, the cows and pigs, chickens and geese stopped dying, and the owners began to attend church zealously.

I will also tell you how Epiphany water helps people. Once I was returning home by train, it was still a long ride, two hours. And at one station a young couple entered the carriage, they had a small child in their arms, who was constantly crying loudly, almost sobbing. The crying of the child was very strong and after almost half an hour of crying, I could not stand it and went up to them, asking what had happened to the child. I was answered by a man, the father of the child, he told the following story. About two months ago, they were visiting someone with their child, before that everything was fine, the child grew up practically healthy and calm, nothing boded trouble. Returning from the guests, they noticed that the child became restless, began to cry, that night the parents did not sleep for the first time due to the constant crying of the child. And this crying of the child has already lasted more than two months, without abating, the parents did not try to do everything and went to the grandmothers, but nothing helped, the mother of the child was especially tired, there was no face on her, she was exhausted before that. I tried to cross the child and read prayers to him, but nothing helped, and then I remembered that I had a bottle of Epiphany water with me and I decided to give the child this water. Having poured Epiphany water into the cork from the bottle, my father and I began to try to give the child a drink, and then the child, as much as he hoisted in his arms, began to scream violently and twitch in different directions. With difficulty holding the child, we opened his mouth and poured Epiphany water there. At the same second, a miracle happened, silence was established in the car, only the sound of the wheels was heard. The child leaned back in his mother's arms and immediately fell asleep in a deep sleep and slept all the way to the city without waking up. Before parting with them, I told them that they must bring the child to church and communion the next day, and I told them not to forget about God, to constantly pray and go to church. Two days later, when I came to church, I met them again, they came to the church to receive communion with the child and when they saw me they thanked me for my help, and said that for the first time their child had slept all those nights in a sound, restful sleep and everything was fine with him. This is the power in Epiphany water. As far as I understood, their child was simply jinxed very strongly.

Many people in our time are very curious and want to know everything, and therefore, out of pure curiosity, they often buy and bring into their home books on magic, occultism, which are sold in all stores, they think that these are completely harmless books, just like everyone else. other books, and therefore they can be safely kept at home and read. I must tell you right away that this is far from the case. Not everything can and should be known to a person, and most importantly, not everything is useful, and there are things that pose a direct danger to their promiscuous and too curious owners.

What are magic and occult books? These are books - of the devil himself, therefore, when we buy them and carry them into the house, then by the same token we open the doors of our house and voluntarily invite Evil spirits into our house. Everything, after that, over the house, and everyone who lives in it, Trouble loomed. I will cite one of the many cases that I knew personally.

Magic in the house is a DISORDER, it is like a magnet - ATTRACTS UNHAPPINESS!

One woman just out of curiosity bought a large book of magic from Papus and brought it to her home. She did not even read this book, she just looked a little, put it aside, and even forgot about it. A little over a year has passed. I must say that the woman had an unusually good family, a kind loving husband, a son, they lived together, they were also financially well provided for, the only thing that, although they were baptized, were practically non-believers, this is quite common in our time. Ordinary people are like everyone else. First they were robbed, then they kill their husband, right at the entrance of their house, she loses her job and, to top it off, after a while a misfortune happens to her son, he becomes disabled. Yes, this woman finally understood where and why so many misfortunes fell on her, she burned the magic, inviting a priest and consecrated her house, but unfortunately the trouble has already happened and her husband cannot be returned to her, just as her son’s health cannot be returned. There are a lot of such stories, and all because people are very curious, they want to know even what is not supposed to be and is dangerous, without disassembling, they drag everything they want to their home.

You need to know that reading Magic, books on Occultism and carrying it to your home is very DANGEROUS. It is also dangerous to have images of evil spirits in the house, pictures, posters, drawings on clothes, figurines of demons, video tapes and DVDs with similar films, horror films - all this, like a magnet, attracts evil spirits into the house, which brings misfortune to everyone who lives in the house. ... Among our youth today it is very fashionable to wear T-shirts and T-shirts with images of evil spirits, skeletons, skulls, accompanied by appropriate inscriptions, they also like to hang similar posters at home - so, this is Dangerous and often leads to deaths with their owners.

If you have books in your house on Magic, Occult, Kabbalah, Fortune telling or with Healing and Love spells, posters, drawings depicting evil spirits, figurines of demons, horror films, or there is - PORNOGRAPHY, pornographic magazines and films - then you need everything this - GET RID and destroy it all.

The house after that - SHOULD BE CONSOLIDATED - by inviting a priest. And if there is no such opportunity yet, then you need to diligently SPRAY everything in the house with Epiphany water or Holy water - all walls, ceiling, floor and doors, things and furniture, and read the Gospel in the house at least 12 chapters aloud.

If you have read MAGIC and books on OCCULTISM, books by the Roerichs or on Buddhism and yoga, or Kaballa, or Castaneda's books, or books with conspiracies, watched horror films and pornographic films, then all this is necessary - CONFESSION. If you used healing conspiracies, then you need to Repent of this. Often, before conspiracies or together with them, Orthodox prayers are printed, moreover, it is recommended to first read the prayers, and then read the conspiracy - so this is the devil trying to mix both the pure and the filthy into one heap.

You need to know that all SPELLS, no matter what they are and no matter how they are read with prayer or without prayer - from the devil and DOES people - great HARM.

It often happens that after a visit from unwanted or unfamiliar guests, the house suddenly becomes uncomfortable and bad, even quarrels begin - this is a sign that one of the guests envied you and, as people say, jinxed you. Unfortunately, there are still quite a few people on earth who have an evil, envious eye. Therefore, if you did not like someone from the guests, then immediately after they leave, you need to read prayers, read 3 - 7 chapters of the Gospel of John, and sprinkle the whole house with holy water, preferably Epiphany water. And it’s best not to invite people you don’t like, whom you don’t know what kind of people they are, and also not to invite Bad people, gypsies, sorcerers and sectarians to your house. And nothing can be taken and brought into the house from people in whom you are not sure that they are really good people, even if they are your neighbors, and it is better not to have any communication with bad neighbors, you will live more peacefully.

DO NOT INVITE every person and bring them into your house - for a treacherous person has many Wiles and he can cause Evil. Settle someone else in your house and he will upset you with troubles and make you a STRANGER for your loved ones. / Bible. The Book of the Wisdom of Sirach. /

We need to be careful in our time and know that every person whom we do not know well, and are not sure that he is a good person, should NOT be invited to visit, let alone live with him. Therefore, you CANNOT INVITE into your house - just anyone, people whom you do not know and are not sure of them - that they are good people. A lot of people - HAVE SUFFERED because of this their STUPID TRUST, therefore - you need to be smarter and CAREFUL.

That is why - you must NOT show the baby to anyone except your close relatives, you need to close the child and not let anyone look at him, neither neighbors, nor friends, nor girlfriends, nor acquaintances and strangers - nor anyone. Small children under one year old are very SENSITIVE to envious and angry, unkind people, and if you DO NOT take care of the child, then they cry a lot, cannot sleep, get seriously ill, become nervous and restless. Therefore, they must be well prayed for and vigilantly guarded from all curious "well-wishers."

We ourselves also need to remember this and beware of witchcraft and the evil eye, that's why we, Orthodox Christians, read prayers every day in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, after reading prayers and crossing ourselves, we leave the house - and God, through our prayer, keeps us all day, and if we also prayed for our loved ones and relatives, then God keeps them - from evil people and all misfortunes. After reading prayers in the evening - God keeps us all night until morning.

When a family moves to a new home, household members think about how to consecrate the apartment on their own. If the former owners were quarrelsome people, constantly conflicted and had sinful vices, the new owners of square meters after the move may feel worse or become depressed. In this case, you need to invite a priest. If this is not possible, you can sanctify the apartment with a candle at home on your own.

It will be useful for people who do not know what this ritual is to find out why it is needed and how to properly light an apartment with a candle. Orthodox Christians understand that thanks to sanctification, God's grace descends on a person. In other words, after the ceremony, a calm measured life will flow in the dwelling in accordance with Christian commandments.

But one must understand that he will not save the people living in the house from domestic and family conflicts. Sanctification aims to prevent people from committing sinful mistakes. Each person decides for himself how to live, according to his own behest or in compliance with the church commandments. If the family is a believer, the ritual should not be ignored.

If the consecration will be carried out independently, it is advisable to take the blessing from the priest. On the eve of the ritual, you need to do a general cleaning, wash the floors, ventilate the room.

If there is no icon with a lamp in the red corner of a large room (opposite the entrance), it is advisable to put it at least for one day.

Preparing for the process

Everyone understands that frequent conflicts and quarrels in the room create a negative environment. And this has a bad effect on the health of the household. Cleaning it will allow you to exclude stagnation of a negative aura in your home. It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a month.

To consecrate an apartment at home, you need to prepare:

  • Remove rings, bracelets and chains.
  • Open vents or windows in the rooms, put on comfortable clothes.

If the owner collects old things and scraps them, residents are better off going outside.

Apartment cleaning rules

Any living space periodically needs energy cleaning. Important rules and actions:

Cleaning your home with a candle

You can consecrate the house yourself with a candle purchased in the temple. This is the most efficient way:

After the cleansing procedure, the person feels a long-awaited calmness. So that there is no accumulation of negativity in the house, you do not need to invite people who are unpleasant or have previously offended the owners.

How to spray corners with holy water

Holy water works well when used correctly. When cleaning your home or office with it, you need to stay calm, at least in the place where it stands.

How to light a room with holy water:

Orthodox prayers

Everyone knows that prayers work miracles. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen the effect of holy water by reading a prayer. This will help guard against the evil eye, action and word. You need to read it over water and in the process of sprinkling the walls.

But a woman should practice reading prayers both at home and in the temple, with her head covered. Therefore, she should wear a scarf and a pectoral cross.

After the ceremony, you cannot swear within the walls of a house or apartment, shout at household members, as well as commit other sinful acts. This is the meaning of the rite of consecration. It is undesirable to repeat the ritual.