When to plant pepper seedlings. Bell pepper planting for seedlings The best time for sowing pepper seeds for seedlings

If you have never dealt with peppers and this is your first time learning about this topic, this article will be very useful, as it will give you not only the basic information about all the steps required to obtain a crop, methods, tricks and secrets. But even those experienced gardeners who have their own skills or preferences when growing peppers will also be able to learn something new for themselves, and maybe fundamentally change their approach to business.

A heat-loving vegetable that came to us from Central America - sweet pepper, which our gardeners often call Bulgarian, has more than 2 thousand varieties. And each of them is remarkable not only in taste, the amount of vitamins and other useful substances, but also in the beauty of bright, juicy fruits.

How to choose from the many alluring bags of varieties that you will not be disappointed in? Read the description on the packages and select based on the specific conditions in which you will grow peppers. So in small greenhouses it is better to take low-growing plants, early varieties will soon ripen in open ground, and if there is a desire not to spend money on the annual purchase of planting material, but to collect your seeds from the crop obtained in the garden, then heterozygous hybrids will not work for this. Although they are guaranteed to give healthy and maximally protected plants from diseases.

F1 Pinocchio:

The variety is very early, the fruit weight is about 100 g, the fruits are red, the walls are 5-6 mm thick, interesting in shape - they resemble the elongated nose of a famous wooden doll. Bush up to 70 cm high. Resistant to traditional diseases of peppers: top rot and tobacco mosaic.

Atlantic F1: Also a very early variety, but these peppers are taller (up to 110 cm) and the fruits are much more massive (up to 450 g) and have a barrel-shaped appearance.

Gemini F1 is remarkable for its fleshy bright yellow cube-shaped fruits and high fecundity.

The Siberian format will delight you with its juiciness and thickness.

Wonderful reviews about the varieties Bagration, Country, Big Red, Winnie the Pooh, Chardash, Yunga, Zdorovye, Maecenas, Barguzin. Popular varieties are Eroshka, Funtik, California Miracle, Swallow.

Video - sowing pepper seeds for seedlings

Determining the development period

Pepper is a plant with a rather long development period, therefore, seeds are planted for seedlings before all other crops: in February-March. In more northern regions, where fruiting in the open field ends with the onset of cold weather (sometimes as early as September), it is good to have grown plants ready for planting by May. In a warmer climate (or with the expectation of greenhouses and hotbeds), you can wait until the second half of March. The information on the seed bags will allow you to calculate the timing depending on the ripening time of this variety.

It should be remembered: the daylight hours in February are still not long enough for seedlings and you will definitely need additional illumination up to 12-14 hours a day. Ideal for this with a balanced spectrum of light.

In addition, more and more fans of growing fruits and vegetables recognize that it is useful to check the planting day according to the lunar calendar. For peppers, the second phase of our satellite is suitable.

Preplant seed preparation

To plant with dry and unprepared seeds means to complicate and lengthen the process of the entire planting. There are several well-established methods of pre-sowing treatment of seeds for their early germination and obtaining strong and disease-resistant seedlings. Of course, you should not expose the seeds to all possible methods at once, but choosing one of them is highly recommended:

  • the seeds are kept in water for at least 4 hours at a temperature of 45-50 degrees, then they are placed on a damp hygroscopic cloth (gauze, cotton) and germinated at 25-27 degrees for another 2-3 days;
  • for disinfection, the seeds are dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and left there for 20 minutes;
  • 10-15 minutes are kept in a forty-degree solution of hydrogen peroxide (per 100 g of water they take 3 ml.), Then they are dried without washing;
  • to activate the vitality of the seeds, they are treated for a day with a solution (1: 1) of juice from aloe leaves, previously aged in the refrigerator for about a week;
  • fill with health and give quick shoots special purchased means for soaking seeds (Energen, Baikal, Fitosporin, Ideal, Agricola-Start). Ash can also serve as growth stimulants. In 1 liter of water, stir 20 g of ash and insist for a day. Keep the seeds in this solution for 6 hours;
  • alternate heat and cold. With this method, the seeds are laid out on a damp gauze or napkin, covered with two layers of film and kept for a day at a temperature of 24-28 degrees, then taken out to the cold (5-10 degrees) for 4 hours. Can be on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Then again for 20 hours in heat and for 4 hours in cold. Repeat three times. This method allows the seedlings to harden and vigorously start growing.

IMPORTANT: when soaking the seeds, do not allow complete immersion in water. Seeds should be wet, but not sink!

Usually, the most suitable seeds for seedlings are selected in appearance, that is, the largest and most intact, with a uniform color, but the method of weighing them in saline can help in determining viable seeds. Use a 3% solution. Those seeds that float to the surface when immersed are considered empty and it is useless to plant them.

Soil selection, fertilizer

Prepared seeds are planted in the ground. Since peppers are afraid of picks, it is recommended to plant one or two seeds separately in their container. The cups should be at least 200 g, since tightness will also interfere with the development of plants in the future.

The soil for peppers should be light, loose, non-acidified. You can buy ready-made soil, but it’s more reliable, and sometimes cheaper, to make it yourself:

One part of peat, garden soil and sand is taken.
You can use humus, earth and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. Pepper loves additives from finely crushed eggshells or wood ash. They are added in a tablespoon per kilogram of the mixture. If you have the opportunity to dig the soil in a pine or spruce forest, then this is also a great option for seedlings of peppers. But do not forget that the earth excavated closer than 500 meters from highways can be stuffed with harmful and toxic substances.

The acidity of the soil for sweet peppers should not exceed pH 6–6.5. Seedlings are especially sensitive to this indicator, so it is useful to lime the ground.

NEVER spread unrotted manure into the seedling substrate. The nitrogen released as this seemingly beneficial fertilizer decomposes will kill your tender seedlings.

But it will be useful to dilute the soil with such modern materials of the chemical industry as vermiculite or perlite.

We apply fertilizers only after the seedlings release 3-4 true leaves. Before that, there is a danger of overfeeding the plants.

Potassium humate is useful, in order to improve root formation, it is recommended to feed it with a solution (25 ml per 10 liters of water).

After the plant grows confidently, it is useful to water with solutions containing trace elements: boric acid (2 g per 10 liters of water), iron oxides and manganese sulfate - 1 g each. It is very good to add biofertilizers.

Temperature, humidity, watering

Bell peppers love warmth. After the sprouts have hatched, in no case should the temperature drop below 13 degrees for a long time. Pepper will simply die. Optimal temperature -

25-27 degrees. Only in the phase of 7-8 true leaves, you can start hardening pepper seedlings. To do this, the temperature is gradually reduced over 7 days to 14-16 degrees, then again brought into conditions that are comfortable for him.

Humidity is not particularly important for peppers, but if they are too dry they will not grow healthy. Therefore, seedlings must be removed from central heating batteries or moved away or blocked with heat-resistant material.

Watering young bell pepper plants is recommended only with warm, settled water.

IMPORTANT: while the seeds are still sitting in the ground, you should only spray the substrate, in order to avoid their displacement and damage to the resulting roots.

Seeding instructions

So, the seeds are processed, the substrate is ready, we start planting:

Never stack seeds one on top of the other when soaking. The biofield of the seed may be damaged. Place them so that the seeds do not touch each other.

If the variety of bell pepper you have chosen is early ripe, then you can increase its yield in this way: pinch the tops over 6-7 leaves. Seedlings will lag a little behind in development, but subsequently several times more fruits are formed from each formed side shoot.

It is not difficult to get your own seeds from your peppers: select the largest and most beautiful fruits, leave them for a week or two in room conditions, then cut out the middle and separate the seeds. After 5-7 days of drying, place them in a glass jar. Thus, it will be possible to plant seeds up to 5 years.

Video - instructions on how to sow bell peppers for seedlings

Growing seedlings of pepper has its own characteristics. If errors occur with watering, sudden temperature fluctuations, or unsuccessful transplants, the stems of plants coarsen, their potential yield is reduced. How to grow pepper seedlings?

How to plant seedlings on pepper? Pepper is a rather bizarre and thermophilic culture. However, gardeners do sowing pepper seedlings, and even more, they grow crops with great success. The main thing is to know when to plant seeds for seedlings, and then provide proper care for peppers when grown outdoors.

In Siberia

When to plant pepper seedlings in Siberia? Pepper varieties differ in maturity. The sowing period for seedlings depends on them, pepper in Siberia for seedlings must be sown, taking into account the harsh climatic conditions. It is necessary to guess the ripening time of pepper in the open ground in the hottest summer time - July, early August.

The beginning of warm July is positive for collecting seeds, ripening fruits, rooting cuttings, and top dressing. you can find out when you need to harvest pepper, eggplant and what days are unfavorable for sowing plants in July according to the lunar calendar.

When to sow seedlings for peppers in Siberia? Varieties and growth time before planting in open ground:

  • early varieties. The maturation period of seedlings is 100-120 days, the age of seedlings for planting in open ground is 50-60 days, sowing time is in mid-March.
  • Average maturity. The period of maturation of seedlings from the moment of sowing is 120-135 days, the age of seedlings for planting is 60 days, the sowing time for seedlings is the third decade of February.
  • Late varieties. The ripening period is 136-150 days, the age of seedlings for planting is 60-75 days, the sowing time is early February. The maturation time of the seed and its age for planting vary greatly in time, because the time for seed germination can vary from 14 to 35 days.

In the Urals

When to plant pepper seedlings in the Urals? Pepper is a plant that is thermophilic and only ripens in the southern regions. In all other regions, it is grown only through seedlings; pepper in the Urals for seedlings simply cannot grow physically, it simply does not have time.

In what month should you sow pepper seedlings in the Urals?


The best dates for planting pepper seedlings according to the lunar calendar will be February 9, 19, 23, and March 7, 20, 22. The ideal time will be the middle, and even better - the beginning of February. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not all varieties of pepper, but only the Siberian selection, are suitable for planting, they are most suitable for such conditions. There is now a good selection of such varieties and hybrids of this nightshade crop on the market. The most famous among them are:

  • "Red Bull";
  • "Bogatyr";
  • "Merchant".

Sowing pepper in February for seedlings

The most optimal time for sowing sweet pepper seeds in central Russia is mid-February. It is too early to plant them in January, as the winter month does not provide enough light, and the plants will be sluggish and weak, or additional lighting will be required.

For the southern regions of Russia, sowing starts earlier, since the warm climate allows earlier planting of seedlings in greenhouses and open ground, and for the northern regions - later. Many gardeners use a lunar sowing calendar, and sowing times can vary from year to year.

In January

Auspicious days for planting pepper seedlings in January are as follows: 5, 6, 7, 8, 30. It is not recommended to deal with this issue only on 11 and 28 days.

In December

December favorable days 2, 20, 25, 29 and only 3 and 18 are unfavorable.

Sowing seedlings of sweet pepper seeds

Start growing pepper seedlings in late February or early March, but keep in mind:

  1. An experienced gardener decided that if everything went well, by the end of May or the beginning of June, the seedlings would be completely ready for planting in open ground.
  2. If you live in the middle lane or further north, then March suits you better. For owners of more southern plots, the end of February will be a suitable date.
  3. If you find it difficult to decide, check with your neighbors in the country or other diggers who have experience in growing pepper seedlings.
  4. Pepper seedlings begin to grow in February or March. In February, a suitable period for sowing peppers will be from 17 to 29, in April - from 16 to 28.
  5. More specifically, especially the most auspicious day, it will look like this: February 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26 and March 18, 19, 24, 25, 26.

When to plant hot peppers on seedlings

To make seedlings strong, you first need to know when to start planting hot pepper seedlings. The lunar calendar will help you with this. The most favorable days start from 10 to 15 and from 24 to 26 February. Fitting also depends on the region where you live. If the climate is warmer, then it is better to harvest in early February, and if it is cold, then at the end of the month.

Preparation of pepper seeds for sowing seedlings

How to prepare pepper seeds for planting seedlings? The most difficult in cultivation is traditionally considered the first stage - planting. If the preparation of pepper seeds for sowing on seedlings is done correctly, then further care will not be difficult, and you have every chance of getting an excellent crop of sweet peppers.

Soil for seedlings of peppers and tomatoes

How to prepare the ground for seedlings of peppers? When the seeds are ready to be sown, it's time to prepare the soil. For seedlings, you can use universal soil, which can be bought at any store.

You can use the land even from the garden. If it was kept on the balcony all winter, before sowing the seeds it is brought into a warm room for 4-5 days to warm it up. You can also mix equal parts universal soil with garden soil and add ash to this mixture.

How to properly prepare the seeds

An important step in the cultivation of pepper seedlings is the preparation of seeds for sowing. Since the seeds of this crop grow for a long time, they must be germinated beforehand. You will need to carry out:

  • seed disinfection. This step can be skipped, but we recommend disinfecting the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is enough to keep them there for 30 minutes.
  • Soaking pepper seeds. Wrap the seeds in a paper towel, soak well, place on a plate and wrap in a plastic bag or cling film.
  • Place the seeds in a warm place. Place the plate of seeds in a warm place (preferably a battery). Make sure there is enough moisture. After about 3 days, the seeds should swell and hatch.

Planting pepper seeds and growing seedlings

Soil preparation for pepper seedlings begins with the choice of soil. Peat tablets give good results when growing crops that are under increased stress during transplantation. For example, if tomato seedlings tolerate picking well, sweet peppers react painfully to transplantation. After picking, he does not budge for a long time, especially if the picking was a little late, and the seedlings have outgrown. This problem can be easily avoided by sowing pepper seedlings in peat tablets and growing it without picking.

How to grow peppers for seedlings in tablets

Peat tablets contain everything necessary for the development of seedlings. They allow you to grow a good pepper seedling even for beginners. Traditionally, pepper seedlings are sown at the end of February, when the day is still short.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yurievich, private farmer for over 30 years

To get strong seedlings, you need to supplement the crop with additional light. When growing in tablets, the sowing period can be moved to the beginning of March, since without germination, the seedlings will develop faster. This will also be facilitated by a longer daylight hours. Therefore, the favorable period for planting pepper seeds in peat tablets is from March 1 to March 10.

Seeding methods

A good way would be to sow pepper in a snail. You can get a large amount of planting material with a small area.

There are lovers of experiments among the inhabitants of the Urals. Planting peppers in boiling water - isn't that amazing! You can act in different ways:

  1. First, spill the earth with boiling water, and then distribute the seeds in it randomly. Lightly sprinkle the soil and close the container tightly.
  2. Lightly moisten and tamp the soil, sprinkle the pepper seeds and pour hot water over the top. The seed itself will find its place in the earth. Close the container.

If you plant peppers for seedlings in boiling water, then, according to the creators of the method, friendly shoots appear on the 4-5th day. If necessary, the soil is spilled.

Ventilation of pepper seedlings is required! Excess moisture on containers is removed with a sponge.

With the advent of the first plants, the "greenhouses" are removed from the containers and put on a well-lit window. Now you need to make sure the soil doesn't dry out. The signal for a dive (when using this method of growing seedlings) is the appearance of three or four real leaves. Diving can be carried out in any container, or in diapers.

How to fertilize seedlings of peppers and tomatoes

Seedlings are fertilized in the morning. This method will help to avoid the "black leg" and help to properly absorb nutrients:

  • Before applying mineral fertilizers, the soil must be watered. Instead of regular watering, use infusions of shells or tea.
  • When fertilizing, it is important to ensure that liquid does not get on the stems and leaves of plants. Do not pour under the root, it is better to irrigate it with soil around the stem.
  • After the appearance of the first shoots and until the end of fruiting, it is recommended to apply fertilizer 2 times a month.

The smaller the container in which eggplants or peppers grow, the more nutrition will be. In between, gently loosen the soil around the stems to improve ventilation and prevent root rot.

All liquid top dressing is applied only in a warm form. Cold solutions can cause shock, dropping of the ovary or death of plants. If fertilizer gets on the leaves, they should be carefully washed off with warm water from a watering can.

Timely feeding will ensure the normal development of seedlings, plant health and excellent yields. By experimenting with fertilizers and different dosages, you can achieve impressive results both at home and in the greenhouse.


You can also watch a video where they will tell you how to sow pepper for seedlings.

Hello dear friends!

Today, our article will focus on the timing of planting sweet pepper seeds. Although this culture is whimsical and very capricious, every self-respecting gardener will definitely plant it. I think many of them ask the question - how to grow a rich harvest? What varieties to choose and what rules of agricultural technology to apply so that a rather capricious culture bears fruit and gives a vitamin supply from June to October?

Many gardeners have already noticed that by planting plants according to the lunar calendar on favorable days, the seedlings grow much better and stronger, get sick less and, accordingly, give a large and high-quality crop.

I do not argue that it is very difficult to keep the exact days and carry out the work on the day indicated in the calendar. Then, the main thing is not to sow on the days of the New Moon, Full Moon and in the sign of Aquarius.

Is it necessary to take into account the lunar calendar when planting pepper seeds for seedlings?

Every gardener wants to know if the lunar calendar can be trusted. Someone believes unconditionally and even tries to take a day off on a day that is considered favorable for planting a particular crop. Someone thinks that everything will grow. And someone looks thoughtfully at several lunar calendars, each of which contains absolutely contradictory dates.

Of course, it is necessary to believe in the influence of the earth's satellite on the life processes taking place on Earth. But it should be treated with caution and a certain amount of skepticism when it comes to bright magazines called "Lunar Calendar", which flooded store shelves.

The ancient Slavs knew about the dependence of the yield of vegetable crops on the influence of the moon. Sayings have come down to our days: “This is on the moon, you will collect bread twice” or “This is the time - you will collect the mountain of grain.” But big doubts creep in - whether they knew about the movement of the Moon in the zodiac circle. There are a number of irrefutable rules that our great-grandfathers used:

  • You should not engage in planting, picking and even hilling plants on a new moon.
  • On the full moon, you should also not plant or transplant vegetables.
  • During the growing moon, plants are planted that bear fruit above the ground - the same applies to peppers.
  • During the period when the moon is waning, root seeds are sown.

If the dates in the purchased magazine correspond to the above terms, then you can trust it. But this is unlikely.

Lunar calendar for planting peppers in 2019:

If we take 2019 as an example and the calendar shown in the photo, then

  • It is necessary to sow pepper seeds for seedlings in February according to the lunar calendar on the 16th-17th, when the Moon will be in the constellation of Cancer, or on the 24th-27th, when the Moon will pass through the constellations of Scorpio and Sagittarius. But the lunar cycle in February begins on February 6th and ends on March 6th. This means that you can sow peppers for seedlings on February 16 and 17, but you should really think about the second date, because the period from February 19 to March 6 is considered unfavorable for sowing crops that produce fruits above ground level.
  • Let's turn to the lunar calendar for the month of March. The cycle starts on March 7th and ends on April 4th. According to the calendar, the most favorable days are: 15-16, when the growing moon will be in the constellation of Cancer, and March 23-27, when the satellite will pass through the favorable constellation of Scorpio, but will be in the waning stage. Planting peppers for seedlings these days is very doubtful.
  • The same goes for April. 11-13 numbers - the growing moon will pass through the constellation of Cancer, which guarantees a large harvest. But the dates of April 19-23 should be questioned. On April 19, the new moon and the satellite will be in an unfavorable position - in the constellation of Libra. From April 20, the Moon, although it will move into the constellation of Scorpio, will begin to wane.

Conclusion: the most auspicious days for planting peppers for seedlings will be:

  • February 16-17;
  • March 15-16;
  • April 11-13th and with a stretch April 19th.

bad days- all days when the moon is waning, namely:

  • the period from February 20 to March 6;
  • the period from March 22 to April 5;
  • period from April 20 to May 5.

If everything is more or less clear with the movement of the Moon, then it is worth dealing with the timing.

Favorable days for caring for pepper seedlings according to the lunar calendar

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar:

  • February 4-5;
  • March 17, 21;
  • April 15, 16, 24-30.

If you take care of sweet pepper seedlings on auspicious days, then you are guaranteed a high harvest!

The timing of planting pepper seedlings depending on the climate of the region

The optimum soil temperature for planting pepper seedlings is up to 16-18 degrees Celsius. In different regions, this moment comes at different times. By the time of transplantation, 60-65 days should pass from the appearance of the first shoots. The latter appear 10-15 days after sowing the seeds. As a result of simple mathematical calculations, we can conclude that from the moment of sowing seeds to planting seedlings in the ground, 70 to 80 days should pass.

It remains to find out when the soil in your area warms up to the desired values ​​​​and count back two and a half months. It must be remembered that the temperature of the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses rises faster, and the sowing dates are shifted by a couple of weeks.

  • Moscow region

Seeds are planted in the second half of March if they plan to grow peppers in open ground. Or in the first days of March, if the pepper grows in a greenhouse.

  • Siberia and Ural

In Siberia and the Urals, work begins later. For planting seeds when growing peppers in open ground, the beginning of April is suitable, when growing in greenhouses - the end of March.

  • Volga region

In the Volga region, the timing is similar to the timing of sowing in the Moscow region. And only for the southern regions they can be shifted a couple of weeks earlier.

What varieties of peppers to plant? The best varieties for planting seedlings

Everyone chooses varieties of peppers for himself, depending on tastes, availability of area, growing conditions, resistance to diseases.

In order for peppers to please all summer, you need to pick up several early, mid-season and late-ripening varieties. It is desirable that they be universal in agricultural technology, that is, suitable for growing in open and protected ground.

  • Early ripe.

These include varieties with maturation periods that do not exceed four months from germination. Among them, the most notable varieties are:

"Palanskaya Babur",

"Zhupsky early",

"Winnie the Pooh".

  • Mid-season.

They enter the fruiting stage 110-130 days after germination. This:


"Boyarin F1".

  • Late ripe.

Until full maturation takes up to 150 days. Suitable for cultivation in the southern regions. In Siberia and the Urals, they will not have time to give the harvest to the maximum. In the middle lane can be grown only in protected ground. For instance:


"California Miracle"

Preparing seeds for sowing

Pepper seeds are hardy. Therefore, each gardener has his own secrets of preparing them for planting.

Many advise - soak pepper seeds in water for an hour and a half and see what happens to them. If the seeds sink, they can be prepared for sowing. It is better to discard the floating seeds.

Next, the seeds are placed in a solution of a growth stimulator, such as Kornevin or Ecosil. The range of drugs is huge and may vary by region. There they are kept for about two hours and washed in water. This completes the seed preparation process.

But for greater certainty, the seeds should be wrapped in damp gauze and placed in a warm place for several days. The main thing is not to forget periodically, moisten the gauze with warm water. When most of the seeds hatch, you can start planting.

It is not worth waiting for the appearance of sprouts in all seeds. It's better to plant them separately. The stock will not be redundant.

Rules for sowing seeds for seedlings

Seeds are sown either in purchased specialized soil, or they prepare it themselves as follows: two parts of compost, one part of sand and earth, preferably from the area where peppers are supposed to grow, a couple of pinches of wood ash. Homemade soil should be disinfected in the oven or microwave. In the soil bought in the store, it is worth adding a little earth from the garden plot. There is no need to refuse disinfection.

Some gardeners do not like to dirty the oven and just some time before sowing, preferably at night, pour the prepared mixture with plenty of boiling water with the addition of a few crystals of potassium manganese.

The prepared soil is placed in seedling boxes and carefully tamped to prevent small seeds from falling to the bottom. Grooves are made on the surface up to 1 cm deep. Seeds are planted in them in increments of about 3-4 cm. The width between the grooves is at least 5 cm. They are mulched with soil from above. The soil is abundantly sprayed with water. Do not water - again, because of the risk of seed failure. The boxes are covered with foil or covered with glass and placed in a warm place.

Peppers are not tomatoes; they do not tolerate a pick. Therefore, if there are germinated seeds, it is better to plant them immediately in peat containers. In case of doubt, two seeds can be sown in one container. As it germinates, one sprout is either removed or dived into another container. Further actions are similar: containers are made up of boxes or boxes, covered with glass on top and placed in a warm place. After germination, the seedlings are transferred to a well-lit place. Make sure the plants are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Pickling seedlings of sweet pepper

The pick is carried out at the stage of two true leaves. Better in peat containers, so that when transplanted to a permanent place, do not disturb the root system. The soil used is the same as when planting. Sprouts with a fork or a small scoop are transferred with a root ball of earth into a container and buried to the cotyledons. Water well.

How to grow seedlings of peppers at home

To obtain strong and healthy seedlings, timely and sufficient watering, good lighting and several top dressings are necessary.

  • Seedling lighting

In the shade, peppers stretch, the stem becomes weak and sluggish. When exposed to direct spring sunlight, the plant can get burned. Therefore, it is important to maintain light balance. When cloudy weather persists for a long time, especially when peppers are planted early, illumination with special lamps is recommended. Unfortunately the lamps are not cheap. Therefore, the seedlings should not be placed too densely, and the containers should be periodically swapped and turned towards the light source.

  • How and when to water pepper seedlings

Watering seedlings is carried out every few days as needed. The earth should not dry out, but peppers do not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. It is useful to lightly spray the leaves with water once or twice a week. You can replace spraying with foliar top dressing.

  • How to feed seedlings

The first root dressing is carried out at the stage of three or four leaves with potassium monophosphate at the rate of 1 gram per 1 liter of water. Top dressing with the same composition is repeated 10-15 days after transplanting the plants into separate containers.

In order for the peppers to take root better after picking, you can sprinkle the leaves with a Zircon solution the next day - 4 drops of the drug per 1 liter of water.

If desired, you can use complex fertilizers "Kid", "Krepysh", "Ekosil", following the instructions. Don't go overboard with fertilizers.

Tips for caring for sweet pepper seedlings:

Planting pepper in the ground

Plants are planted in the ground approximately two and a half months after the appearance of the first shoots. At the same time, the condition of plants and weather conditions are taken into account.

Ideally, the peppers should reach a height of 20 cm and have at least 12 true leaves. It is good if by the time of transplantation the stem begins to stiffen.

  • Planting pepper in a greenhouse or greenhouse

By this time, the earth should warm up to 15 degrees, and night temperatures should not fall below 10-13 degrees. In hotbeds and greenhouses, such conditions are set, as a rule, on the 10th of May.

Wells are prepared according to the scheme 35 * 35 cm, if the varieties are tall, then 50 * 50 cm. A mixture of humus, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and wood ash is poured into the hole, you can add a little crushed eggshell. Everything is mixed. Pepper is lowered into the hole so that the root neck is underground. If the plant is overgrown, you can deepen it a little. The hole is covered with soil and well tamped. For a better acceleration of engraftment, the plants cut off the buds on it. Abundantly watered. Ten days later, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is carried out.

  • Planting seedlings in open ground

The agrotechnics for planting peppers in open ground is about the same, but you just need to wait until the soil warms up to + 15 degrees and the soil should be at least + 12 degrees. For most regions of Russia, such conditions develop on May 16-31. The northern regions plant sweet pepper seedlings in early June.

Plants are ready for planting when they have 9-12 leaves and flower buds have formed. And in order for the seedlings to take root, it is necessary to arrange hardening within 2 weeks.

If a cold snap is predicted, it is better to postpone the transplant. In hot weather, planting should be done in the evening.

Approximate dates for planting sweet pepper seedlings by regions of Russia:

These tables are averaged, since weather conditions and characteristics of the variety must also be taken into account.

If you have your own secrets and tricks in growing seedlings from seeds, please share with me and my readers. We will be very interested to learn and apply them.

I wish you strong and healthy seedlings!

Pepper has a long ripening period, and summer in the middle latitudes may not be enough for the full fruiting of this crop. Not knowing in which month pepper should be planted, some summer residents sow it too early.

But the desire to get an early harvest can adversely affect the development of seedlings. How to correctly calculate the timing of planting sweet pepper for seedlings, so that you can get the harvest on time and provide the plants with normal development conditions?

Article outline

Classification of pepper according to ripening time

Pepper is an annual crop that prefers a warm climate. It is impossible to grow pepper by direct sowing in the ground, not only because of the plant's love for warmth, but also because of the long ripening period. Therefore, it becomes necessary to grow pepper seedlings.

On average, the growing season of bell pepper is 120 - 140 days, but today, through the efforts of breeders, ultra-early hybrids have appeared that begin their fruiting after 85 - 90 days from sowing seeds into the ground. According to the ripening time, all varieties of pepper are classified into the following groups:

  1. Ultra-early varieties with a ripening period of 85 - 105 days.
  2. Early maturity: 105 - 125 days.
  3. Mid-ripening varieties: 125 - 140 days.
  4. Late-ripening varieties: 140 - 160 days.

In the northern regions, it is better to choose ultra-early and early-ripening varieties, which, even under adverse weather conditions, will have time to ripen.

In the hot climate of the southern regions, pepper of any variety will have time to go through all stages of development and give a harvest. In the middle lane, farmers prefer ultra-early and early-ripening varieties for open ground, and mid-ripening peppers are usually grown in greenhouses.

How to calculate planting dates for peppers

In order to correctly calculate when to plant pepper seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the growing season of a particular variety. In unprotected soil, pepper seedlings are usually planted when the risk of returning frosts has completely passed. In the middle lane, this time comes approximately at the end of May - in the first days of June. In the northern regions, the landing date is postponed by several weeks.

Seedlings are ready for planting in the ground no earlier than 55-70 days after sowing the seeds. It turns out that you need to plant pepper seeds in the second half of March. But in this case, even ultra-early peppers will ripen only by the end of August - the beginning of September. Early and mid-season varieties simply do not have time to bear fruit.

It is for this reason that amateur farmers begin to make seedlings a month earlier - in February, and plant peppers in open ground at the stage of bud formation.

Note! Pepper stops in development at a temperature of +15°C and below. In the case of late planting, pepper fruiting will coincide with the arrival of low temperatures in autumn. If planted too early, young seedlings will lag behind in growth and absorb nutrients worse.

Sowing pepper seedlings in January

Having missed working with the land during the winter, some summer residents plant pepper for seedlings already in the last ten days of January. Nevertheless, the January planting is shown only with the further cultivation of pepper in greenhouse conditions.

Seedlings sown in January are planted in a greenhouse around April. In open ground, as already mentioned, pepper is planted only in May - June. By this time, the seedlings may already have faded and will not take root well in the beds.

At the stage of formation of ovaries, plants give all their strength to this process, adaptation to new conditions leads to stress and negatively affects the number of ovaries and future fruiting in general.

Note! Light day for the normal development of pepper seedlings should be about 12 hours. In January and February, twice a day, it is necessary to illuminate the seedlings with phytolamps.

February and March

The optimal time for sowing pepper seeds in the middle lane is the second half of February and the first week of March. In the northern regions, this period is shifted to the middle - the second half of March, in the southern regions, seeds can be planted in the first half of February.

Seedlings planted at the end of February will be in the budding stage by May. The nutrients introduced into the starting digging or into the holes immediately before planting the seedlings will help to transfer the adaptation normally during this period.

Sowing seedlings in April

In April, it is too late to plant seeds for seedlings, but you can still sow pepper in a greenhouse. In this case, the pepper is grown in a seedless way. The consumption of seed when using this method is usually increased by 30% in order to subsequently cull weak or diseased seedlings.

Preparing pepper seeds for planting

Pepper seeds germinate slowly and unevenly. From the moment of sowing, the first shoots usually appear in two weeks. To speed up the germination process, and hence reduce the ripening time, it is necessary to prepare the seed material for planting.

Since pepper is a heat-loving crop, warming the seeds and soaking them in biostimulants gives good results.

The preparation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Seed calibration.
  2. Disinfection.
  3. Soaking in biostimulants.
  4. Bubbling.
  5. hardening.
  6. Germination.

Note! The heating of the seed material is carried out at the soaking stage.

Seed calibration

During the calibration process, it is necessary to select large and intact seeds. Seed viability is tested with a 3% saline solution.

To do this, the selected material is placed in the solution for 10 minutes and the seeds that float to the surface are discarded. Seeds that have sunk to the bottom are suitable for sowing.


The purpose of this stage is to protect future plants from diseases. For dressing seeds, a solution of potassium permanganate in a 1% concentration is used. The seeds are soaked in the solution for 15-20 minutes, then washed with water at room temperature.

Treatment with biostimulants

Soaking in biostimulants contributes to the rapid and uniform emergence of seedlings. For the procedure, “”, “” and other means of industrial production of a similar effect are used.

At the same time, the seeds are heated. To do this, the biostimulant solution is heated to a temperature of +30°C - +50°C. Soaking lasts 12 - 24 hours, in the process, floating seeds are discarded.


Bubbling is the enrichment of seed material with oxygen. To do this, a gauze bag with seeds is placed in a container of warm water, in which a compressor for a home aquarium is installed. The duration of the procedure is 8 - 12 hours.

It is believed that bubbling increases the immunity of future seedlings. However, at home it is not always possible to carry out this procedure, so many summer residents skip it and germinate the seeds immediately after soaking in biostimulants.


Hardening of seed material by farmers is rarely carried out, since it is easier to increase the cold resistance of already grown seedlings. For hardening, the seed material is kept three times at a temperature of +10°C - +15°C for 8 - 10 hours.

Note! Dragee seeds are not prepared for planting, but are immediately planted in containers. If you plan to plant on peat tablets, the stage of processing with biostimulants can be skipped. It is enough to soak and germinate the seeds.

As a rule, manufacturers impregnate peat tablets with fungicides and stimulants during the manufacturing process. Preparing seeds for planting becomes less time-consuming, but when cultivating large batches of seedlings, it will require a financial investment.


Germination contributes to the appearance of friendly seedlings in a shorter time. To carry out this stage, the previously soaked seeds are placed in one layer on a damp cloth. From above, the seeds are also covered with material and laid out on a flat surface, for example, on a saucer. The saucer is covered with polyethylene and the seeds are kept at a temperature of + 25 ° C for a week. By this time, about 5% of the seeds should hatch.

Proper preparation of planting material will shorten the period before fruiting, and you will have time to harvest before the autumn temperature drops.

Planting pepper according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers advise planting pepper only on the growing moon. In February, the following numbers will become favorable for pepper: 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26. The days of February 19 and 20 are marked as unfavorable.

In March, there are much more favorable days for planting peppers, and if you did not have time to plant seeds for seedlings in February, it will not be difficult to pick up a day in March. Good days will be: March 3 - 7, March 20 - 22, March 24 - 26. On the same days, you can pick up.

Usually picking pepper falls on the month of April. The procedure is carried out with the appearance of the fourth true leaf in plants. In April 2018, you can pick peppers on April 12, 13, 17, 18, 21 and 22.

In May, peppers are planted in the beds, and astrologers consider May 18, 19, 24 - 28 May 2018 to be the best days for this. In June, the following numbers are suitable: 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11.

Properly plan the planting of pepper, take into account the varietal characteristics and the growing season, do not forget to prepare the seeds, and you will get a bountiful harvest of unusually tasty and very healthy fruits.

Sweet pepper is a thermophilic culture. Growing a full-fledged pepper by sowing seeds immediately in open ground is problematic even in the southern regions. The plant has a long growing season, so seedlings must be grown to harvest a good harvest.

We cannot control the weather outside the window, but everyone can create optimal conditions for growing seedlings. After transplantation, peppers successfully take root in open ground, fruiting begins a month earlier - you are guaranteed to have time to harvest.

How to choose a variety of sweet pepper

When choosing a variety, consider a number of parameters:

  • The length of summer in your area. Choose early and medium varieties if the summer is short. If warm weather is guaranteed for 2-2.5 months, varieties with an average ripening period will do. In the southern regions, it is possible to grow late-ripening varieties.
  • The shape of the fruit is also important. Cylindrical and cone-shaped peppers with thick walls are good for salads, cubic peppers are best for stuffing, small peppers are best for pickling.
  • Fruit Color: The darker, the sweeter the taste.
  • Bush height. Low-growing and medium-sized plants are planted on beds under film shelter, tall ones are usually grown in greenhouses.

Terms of planting sweet pepper for seedlings

To obtain good planting material, timely is necessary. If sown too early, young peppers will overgrow in pots, then the lower fruits will begin to set. This takes strength from the plant, they may not take root in the open field, normal fruiting will be delayed.

How to calculate the time of planting sweet pepper seedlings:

  • Varieties of early ripening should be sown 60 days before the intended transplantation into open ground,
  • later - for 70-75 days.
  • The best time for sowing sweet pepper for seedlings is the end of February-beginning of March, if you plan to plant immediately in open ground.

Take into account the subsequent place of growth. In a heated greenhouse, young seedlings are planted by the end of April, in greenhouses and film greenhouses - throughout May, and planting in open ground should be carried out in the first decade of June.

Also note that without a pick, the peppers will be ready for planting two weeks earlier.

It can be carried out in early February, but sweet pepper seedlings will need additional lighting. Use LED or phytolamps. Daylight hours should be 12 hours.

Preparing sweet pepper seeds for seedlings

To soak or not to soak, to process or not to process sweet pepper seeds before planting, everyone decides for himself. But experienced vegetable growers recommend showing a little patience in order to speed up germination and choose the highest quality seed. Alas, to increase the shelf life, sweet pepper seeds are often dried out - but this must be indicated on the packaging.

To get friendly shoots, it is necessary to carry out the selection and processing of seeds.

How to select the best seeds

Prepare a brine solution (30 g of table salt per 1 liter of water), immerse the seeds in it and stir well. See what happens in 5-10 minutes. Weak seeds will float to the surface, and high-quality, healthy ones will sink to the bottom. The latter should be washed well with water, laid out on paper and allowed to dry.

Disinfection from pathogens

The next step is disinfection. You will need a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of powder per 1 liter of water), in which you should hold the seeds for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and dry slightly.

Strengthening germination

You can use folk remedies: take 2 g of wood ash for 1 liter of water. Infuse the solution for a day, then keep a bag of seeds in it for about 3 hours.

Soaking can be replaced by bubbling - seed treatment in oxygenated water. To do this, you will need an aquarium compressor. You need to take a large glass container, fill it 2/3 with water (temperature about 20 ° C). Lower the compressor so that its tip is at the bottom and turn on the appliance. When bubbles appear, lower the bag of seeds there and let it stand for a day.

seed hardening

Seedlings should have good immunity. Resistance to changeable weather conditions, diseases will help increase the hardening of seeds. Hold the seeds in warm water until they swell, then move them to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and stand for a day, then start sowing.

Soil preparation for sowing sweet pepper

The soil needs to be nutritious.

The following options will work:

  • The most reliable option is a special mixture for growing pepper seedlings. Such soil has already been treated against diseases and pests.
  • You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. Take 4 parts of peat, 2 parts of sod land, 1 part of humus and rotted sawdust, 0.5 parts of river sand and add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of wood ash.
  • Coconut substrate - can be easily found in flower shops.
  • Soil with hydrogel. Hydrogel balls are great for retaining moisture in the soil. Lay them already swollen.
  • Peat tablets are a very convenient option. For subsequent transplants, simply transfer the seedling with it to a container of a larger diameter.

It is recommended to add a little soil to the soil from the area where pepper will grow in the future. This contributes to the successful adaptation of seedlings after transplanting into open ground. Before entering into the soil mixture, this earth must be shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or calcined in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

What container is best to plant

As a container, it is best to use individual cups with a volume of about 100 ml. It is desirable that they are not transparent - exposure to sunlight adversely affects the development of the root system. You can make homemade cups, as shown in the video above.

Growing sweet pepper seedlings at home

How to sow sweet pepper for seedlings?

  • The main condition is to plant immediately in separate cups so as not to disturb the fragile root system with a pick. Peppers after picking are very sick and stunted, fruiting is delayed.
  • Planting depth 0.5-1 cm.

Preparing containers and soil for seedlings

Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the tank (pieces of polystyrene foam, broken bricks, expanded clay).

Fill the cups with soil ¾, compact a little, pour. Make a groove about 1 cm deep, place 1 seed in each cup. Lightly cover with soil.

Lighting and heat

For healthy growth, it is necessary to provide an optimal microclimate: cover the crops with glass or film. To protect the seedlings from drafts as much as possible, place the containers in a box, install a dense wire along its edges, stretch the plastic film on top so that it completely covers the ground with crops.

The cold will destroy the plants, direct sunlight is vital for them. Southern window sills, bathed in sunlight, are an ideal place for growing bell pepper seedlings. When the days are warm, you can take out the seedlings to the insulated balcony, loggia. Be sure to place a heater under the cups with seedlings.

How many days does sweet pepper germinate for seedlings? We maintain the correct temperature

Compliance with the correct temperature regime is an important condition for growing seedlings:

  • Until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature within 25-27 ° C.
  • Sprouts will appear in 7-14 days (depending on the variety). During this time, ventilate the greenhouse every 2 days and spray the soil with a fine sprayer.
  • The cover can then be removed. Maintain daytime air temperature at 23-25 ​​°C, nighttime - 16-18 °C.
  • The air temperature should not fall below 12 ° C, otherwise the plants will lose their leaves and may die.

From the lack of lighting, seedlings begin to reach out to look for a source of light. Older specimens stop growth, the root system may begin to rot. The optimal length of daylight hours for pepper is 9-10 hours. Light up during the daytime (from 8.00 to 20.00).

How to water

Abundant, but not often. The soil should be slightly moist, do not allow stagnant water. Watering is best done in the morning. Use softened water (thawed water, rainwater, or tap water that has been standing for a day), warm it up to room temperature.

The roots need to receive oxygen - after each watering, loosen the soil with a carnation or a match, only slightly breaking the crust on the surface. Do this very carefully, since damage to the root system leads to inhibition of growth, fruiting may not occur.

How to prepare sweet pepper seedlings for planting in the ground

Seedlings that have grown strong need to be hardened off. 10-12 days before transplanting into open ground, take it out for some time to fresh air or leave a window open in the room.

It is useful to spray seedlings with herbal infusion (use onions, garlic, pine needles, marigolds, calendula flowers for infusion).

Thus, the seedlings will become more resistant to diseases and pests.

Immediately after spraying, seedlings should not be taken out under the sun, let the leaves dry. Droplets of water on the leaves can cause sunburn.

top dressing

Sweet peppers need to be fed. Do this twice: apply the first top dressing at the stage of appearance of 3-4 true leaves, the second - with the appearance of 5-6 leaves.

Organics can be applied under the root: a solution of mullein (1 part of humus to 10 parts of water) or an infusion of chicken manure (1 part of dry manure to 20 parts of water). For foliar top dressing, use complex mineral fertilizers.

How to sow sweet pepper seedlings video

Disease protection

A slowdown in growth is a phenomenon that is possible for 2 reasons:

  1. The roots are damaged after picking. If you are a beginner gardener, it is better to refuse this procedure.
  2. Lack of fertilizer. In addition to stopping growth, in this case, pallor of the leaves is observed. It is important to feed the seedlings so as not to destroy them.

The plant loves moisture, but do not overdo it with watering. Excessive watering leads to black leg infection: the root neck becomes soft, darkens, the sprout withers and falls. The causative agent of the disease can be initially infected soil.

To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure proper care:

  • When watering, water should not fall on the stems. While they are very tiny, apply water through a pipette or syringe into the aisles.
  • Do not keep under cover for long. Ventilate the greenhouse regularly until seedlings emerge. Make sure that there is no dampness near the stems.
  • Provide warmth: spores of a harmful fungus become active in cold, damp soil.
  • There should be no sudden changes in temperature, so as not to weaken the immunity of seedlings.

External characteristics of good seedlings of sweet pepper

Young peppers are ready for transplantation to a permanent place of growth in 60-80 days. Their height should be 17-20 cm. The thickness of a strong stem at the root should be 3-4 mm. A healthy plant should have 7-10 well-developed leaves, buds may be present.

Transplant in open ground with the establishment of real heat (late May-early June).

Stick to a 40x50 cm planting pattern, you can plant seedlings two plants in one hole if you want to use a piece of land more economically.

When and how to plant sweet pepper seedlings in the ground, we look at the planting patterns in the video: