When they register in the AIDS center. Registration with HIV is a chance to increase life expectancy. Inclusion in the register - only on a voluntary basis

The government is discussing the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing administrative punishment for HIV-infected people who have not registered with regional AIDS centers. A punishment will be prescribed for violators. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets has already instructed the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other departments to hold a public discussion of this idea.

Vladimir had HIV and fear. Moreover, a thirty-year-old man was not so much afraid of dying young as of being fired and left without a livelihood. The likelihood of losing his job if the boss found out about his illness was very high. And he had a mortgage and a car loan. And a wife who would find it very difficult to repay loans on her own.

Therefore, Vladimir not only avoided going to the AIDS center and registering, but in general any doctors and medical examinations. Instead of registering and receiving drugs for treatment for free, he bought expensive drugs with his own money. And as a result, the salary was not enough for anything. The debts were getting bigger and bigger. Collectors began to call him every day.

The disease overcame him, and his strength diminished. As a result, Vladimir shot himself. This story is now being told in centers that help HIV-positive people. There are a lot of infected people who are not registered for various reasons. But now one more fear will be added to their fears - the government wants to impose punishment on them.

As it became known to Life, Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets instructed the government to develop and discuss the issue of introducing administrative measures for evading HIV-infected people from registration. She also instructed the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation to hold public hearings on this initiative.

Public discussion should be organized with the participation of the scientific community and people who are professionally involved in helping people living with HIV. Departments must report to the Deputy Prime Minister on the results by December 1, 2016.

The press service of the Ministry of Health confirmed to Life that the idea is now "being worked out jointly with the concerned departments." It is also taken into account that "the epidemiological situation associated with HIV infection remains tense." As noted in the Ministry of Health, the new measure is primarily aimed at those who know about their positive HIV status and, at the same time, “do not observe precautions in relation to others”.

As explained by the representative of the public organization "Patient Control" Andrei Svortsov, if an HIV-infected person takes the necessary medications on time, then he "significantly improves his health" and does not pose a danger to other people.

He does not transmit the virus to another person, even through sexual contact. Accordingly, the virus will not go further, the expert said. - But not everyone understands this.

It is important that everyone who has a laboratory-confirmed HIV-infection result turns to doctors at the AIDS Prevention Centers in a timely manner, starts taking antiretroviral drugs that will ensure their quality and life expectancy, and also ensure safety for those who are with them. contact, - said the press service of the Ministry of Health.

The press service of the Ministry of Justice confirmed that the department had received an order from the government "to organize a public discussion ... of the issue of introducing measures of administrative responsibility for evading HIV-infected persons from registration."

At present, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, together with the indicated state bodies and institutions, is working on this issue, the press service added.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rospotrebnadzor and the Institute of Legislation did not provide a prompt comment.

What is the punishment for HIV-infected people already spelled out in the laws

The press service of the Ministry of Health also recalled that now the legislation has already prescribed some measures of responsibility for HIV-positive.

As stated in the Code of Administrative Violations (Article 6.1), if a person who has HIV hides who and where could infect him, as well as whom he himself could infect, he must pay a fine - from 500 to 1000 rubles. This too general wording of the law is usually interpreted as follows: an HIV-infected person does not provide such information to medical workers who are trying to conduct an epidemiological investigation.

Also in the Criminal Code (article 122) it is said that if a person who knows that he has HIV infects another, then he faces up to five years in prison. True, he is exempt from punishment if he warned his partner about the disease.

Moreover, there are real cases of courts under this article. For example, in April 2016, the Izhevsk court sentenced a 19-year-old car wash worker (data from the RosPravosudiye database).

The girl has HIV and chronic hepatitis C. As stated in the materials of the case, the defendant in a parked Mazda car "had sexual intercourse" with a healthy man. At the same time, she knew "about the presence of a disease" and knew that "it can be transmitted to another person through sexual contact."

This story was repeated six more times - the days changed, the lover and the Mazda remained unchanged. As a result, the lover "received moral suffering", and the girl was sentenced to a year and four months of restriction of freedom. This means that she is forbidden to leave the house from 22:00 to 6:00, and she cannot leave her village "without the consent of a specialized body."

The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Justice in their comments left unanswered the question of what exactly might be the responsibility for refusing to register with AIDS centers.

Most likely, in the event of an initial violation, it will be a fine - not high, symbolic, - suggested Konstantin Trapaidze, chairman of the bar association "Your legal attorney". - In case of repeated violation, it is possible that corrective labor will be prescribed.

Why are infected people not registered?

Now the database of AIDS centers contains data on almost a million people with HIV (in January, the millionth HIV-positive was entered). The counting has been going on since 1987. During this time, more than 200 thousand people died. That is, there are now about 800 thousand officially registered HIV-positive people living in Russia.

In fact, they are one and a half times more, says Igor Pchelin, a spokesman for the Council for the Protection of the Rights of HIV Patients at the Ministry of Health.

First of all, asocial HIV-infected people, for example, drug addicts, are not registered. They have long given up on their health, they worsen it with each new injection - they simply do not care about therapy.

The concentration of diseases in vulnerable groups reaches 60%, - said Igor Pchelin.

Vulnerable groups are injection drug users, commercial sex workers, men who have sex with men.

Also, people who, according to Igor Pchelin, “are very afraid of publicity, public condemnation,“ repression ”, and the rude attitude of doctors, are not registered.

It's easier for them to endure, ”he said. “And lately, more HIV-positive people have been admitted to hospitals in a very serious condition.

And the third group of infected people who avoid being counted are the so-called HIV dissidents. They deny the problem of HIV, call HIV a hoax and fiction. Do not treat or treat their infected children.

How the government is fighting AIDS

It is inappropriate to introduce any coercive measures, - Igor Pchelin believes. - We have an article on deliberate infection in the Criminal Code, and that's enough. Forced registration is unnecessary. It is better to focus efforts on prevention - to tell more about HIV and work with vulnerable groups. This is a very hard day-to-day job, but it can be effective if you pay more attention to it.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Health, in the coming years, one hundred percent coverage of HIV-infected people with drugs (even those that are in the database now) is not expected. The Ministry of Health plans to cover 60% by 2020. Although absolutely everyone needs drugs.

New international recommendations prepared by the World Health Organization provide for the appointment of antiretroviral drugs as soon as possible after the diagnosis of HIV infection, regardless of the clinical symptoms and indicators of the activity of the immune system, the press service of the Ministry of Health said. - These changes will be taken into account when drawing up clinical guidelines and standards.

Earlier, Life published a study on how HIV is devouring Russia. It reported that in some regions there is not enough money even to provide patients with the minimum necessary therapy. Prices for medicines are growing, because 90% of procurement tenders are held without competition, and several private companies share the 27 billion rubles of budget money in a fraternal manner.

Registration at the AIDS Center of a nonresident

Author Roman

A lot of gratitude has been expressed on the Internet to your charitable foundation for helping nonresident people registering in Moscow.
Now many people are suffering because they are kicked out, cleared off the register, despite the fact that they have a temporary registration at their place of residence in Moscow.
How do nonresidents now need to get a pink coupon?
What documents must be submitted to the AIDS Center in Moscow on Sokolinaya Gora in order to be registered and given the opportunity to be monitored and receive prescription drugs?
We ask you not to leave you in trouble, to give directions where to go, and what documents are needed.

Lawyer's answer:

Taking into account the conditions of the legislation of the city of Moscow that preferential drug provision is provided under certain conditions to citizens of the Russian Federation, whose place of residence is Moscow, difficulties arise for citizens of the Russian Federation from other regions living in Moscow.
In accordance with Part 1 of Art. Federal Law of 30.03.1995 N 38-FZ
"On the Prevention of the Spread of Disease Caused by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV Infection) in the Russian Federation", the state guarantees free provision of drugs for medical use for the treatment of HIV infection on an outpatient basis in medical organizations subordinate to federal executive bodies, state academies of sciences, in the manner prescribed by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation, and in medical organizations subordinate to the executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the manner established by the bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
You must apply for registration with the AIDS Center and the Moscow Department of Health. The application form is attached.
In any case, a mandatory document will be a certificate of registration at the place of stay or registration at the place of residence in Moscow.
Given the complexity of the bureaucratic procedures, there is a chance of encountering a refusal, which later will have to be appealed.

lawyer A.A. Kryukova

  • The AIDS Center is required to come for tests without fail. And if I don't come, what will they do?
  • Hello! I don't understand, if I am registered in the register for HIV positive in Perm, why can't I get pills in St. Petersburg?
  • Explain to me why I cannot breastfeed my baby? I have HIV, but adherence is 100% and viral load is suppressed for 3 years.

For the first examination and examination of the child, it is necessary to get a referral to the regional AIDS center at the age of 1 month, where he will be taken blood for the determination of HIV RNA by PCR and for the determination of antibodies to HIV by ELISA. Further tactics of child management depends on the results of the study.

Screening for the determination of PCR rna hiv at 1 month

Negative PCR result

Positive PCR result

    the child is observed at the place of residence on the site;

    vaccinated on a general basis;

    revisits the AIDS center at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months;

    at 18 months with negative results of ELISA and PCR studies, the child is removed from the register. IMPORTANT: during the removal of the child from the register, a certificate is issued to the mother's hands confirming that the child is healthy and does not need further observation and examination.

    re-examination after 2 weeks, if a positive result is obtained, then the child is HIV-infected.

    permanent registration of the child;

    regular follow-up by an AIDS center doctor, district pediatrician and phthisiatrician, as an HIV-positive child.

The main clinical symptoms of HIV infection in children

    Delayed weight gain and height. Anthropometry is mandatory monthly.

    Delay in psychomotor and physical development. Compulsory supervision of a neurologist.

    Painless enlargement of lymph nodes (over 0.5 cm) in two or more groups (cervical, axillary, etc.)

    Enlargement of the liver and spleen for no apparent reason.

    Recurrent parotitis (enlarged salivary glands).

    Relapses of thrush or manifestations of thrush in children over 6 months of age.

    Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes.

    Recurrent bacterial infections: pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, pyoderma, etc.

    Relapses of herpes simplex and herpes zoster.

    Chickenpox relapses.

    Common molluscum contagiosum.

    Angular cheilitis, "seizures".

Features of observation, nutrition and vaccination of HIV-positive children

    All HIV-positive children are registered with the pediatrician of the AIDS center, the district pediatrician, and the pediatric phthisiatrician.

    An HIV-positive child is examined by a pediatrician of the AIDS center and a district pediatrician at least once every 3 months.

    At the reception at the AIDS Center, anthropometry, examination by a pediatrician, assessment of the state of immunity (blood sampling to determine the number of CD4 lymphocytes), determination of viral load are performed.

    Vaccination of HIV-positive children is carried out in the polyclinic at the place of residence in accordance with Order No. 48 of 03.02.06 and Order No. 206 of 07.04.06.

    At the pediatric site at the place of residence, the mandatory examination of an HIV-positive child includes:

    Anthropometry (up to 6 months - 1 time per month), after 6 months 1 time per 3 months.

    Examination of a phthisiatrician once every 6 months.

    Mantoux reaction 1 time in 6 months.

    Examination by an ophthalmologist with a description of the fundus once every 12 months.

    UAC, OAM, biochemical blood test, blood sugar - once every 6 months.

IMPORTANT: HIV-positive children attend kindergartens and schools on a common basis. With the consent of the parents, only the medical staff of the child care institution or school can be informed about the child's HIV status.

IMPORTANT: HIV-positive children undergo annual health improvement in children's health institutions of the appropriate profile.


6. Compulsory medical examination is subject to:

Citizens of other states and stateless persons who have arrived in Ukraine to study or work, with the exception of persons who have a certificate stipulated by the relevant agreement between Ukraine and another state - upon arrival;

Persons engaged in prostitution and drug addicts who inject drugs (only if they are recognized as such in the manner prescribed by law) - once every six months.

7. Subject to medical examination:

Citizens of Ukraine, other states and stateless persons who have had sex with HIV-infected - upon detection, as well as after 6 and 12 months, if negative results were obtained during previous examinations;

Persons who have been diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases;

Children born to HIV-infected mothers - at birth, as well as after 6 and 12 months;

Donors of blood, biological fluids, organs and tissues - at each donation;

Persons who have been in medical contact with AIDS patients or HIV carriers - upon identification and in the future, taking into account the epidemic situation;

Pregnant women - when registering for pregnancy and in the 30-week period of pregnancy, as well as in the absence of examination data for - upon admission to the maternity hospital (department);

Pregnant women who go to a medical facility for an artificial termination of pregnancy;

Medical workers involved in the provision of medical care to HIV-infected people, laboratory diagnostics of HIV infection, research using infected material, production of biological products for diagnosis, treatment, prevention of AIDS

Once a year;

Citizens of Ukraine when traveling to countries that require certificates of medical examination for HIV infection;

Persons who, when seeking medical help, have symptoms or diseases characteristic of HIV infection;

Citizens of Ukraine, other states and stateless persons who have expressed a desire to undergo examination, including anonymously;

Citizens of Ukraine returning from foreign, official or private trips lasting more than 6 months - upon return;

8. Employees of foreign diplomatic missions, consular offices and other persons who enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities on the territory of Ukraine may be examined for HIV infection only with their consent.

The Ministry of Health shall preliminarily agree with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the proposals for such persons to undergo a medical examination.

10. Health care workers who collect blood must provide a safe environment to prevent harm to the health of the subjects.

11. The heads of medical institutions, which include laboratories for the diagnosis of HIV infection, are obliged to create conditions for compliance with the anti-epidemic regime of work.

12. Medical workers and other persons who in connection with the performance of their professional duties have become aware of the results of testing for HIV infection are obliged to keep them confidential.

13. Citizens of Ukraine, other states and stateless persons, at their request, are issued a medical report of the established form on the results of a medical examination or examination.

14. Questions about the possibility of inspecting employees of governmental, non-governmental and other organizations, institutions and those foreign representatives who are accredited to ministries, departments, organizations, institutions are resolved with the participation of these ministries, departments, organizations, institutions, in accordance with international treaties, conventions and agreements ...

15. At the request of citizens of Ukraine, other states and stateless persons, a medical examination can be carried out a second time (repeatedly) in another medical institution.

16. Medical examination for HIV infection is carried out in medical and preventive institutions on a territorial or service-production basis.

17. The heads of medical and prophylactic institutions, by their order, appoint medical workers responsible for conducting a medical examination, determine the procedure for working, transmitting information about the results of a medical examination or examination.

18. Enterprises, organizations, institutions that accept citizens of foreign states and stateless persons who have arrived on the territory of Ukraine to study or work are obliged to inform the relevant medical and preventive institutions about these citizens and send them for a medical examination within ten days.

19. Information about persons who have been on business trips abroad for more than 12 months, the heads of the relevant enterprises, organizations, institutions shall transfer in writing to the territorial medical and preventive institutions.

20. Information on persons engaged in prostitution is transferred by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the territorial health care institutions and at the place of residence of these persons for their medical examination. In case of failure to appear without good reason to undergo examination, such persons, upon the recommendation of medical institutions with the approval of the prosecutor, are delivered to health institutions by the police at the place of residence or stay.

21. The internal affairs bodies provide assistance to medical institutions in the search for and examination of drug addicts who inject drugs by injection.

22. Examination of persons for medical reasons is carried out in medical institutions at the place of medical service.

23. Medical examination for HIV infection is carried out by taking blood or other biological fluids, which are sent to the laboratory for the diagnosis of HIV infection. Upon receipt of positive results of the study of serum in the reaction of enzyme immunoassay, it is sent to the Ukrainian Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS or its branches to confirm the result of the immune blotting reaction. In case of a positive result in the reaction of immune blotting, the Ukrainian Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS (branch) informs the regional (Kiev, Sevastopol city) sanitary and epidemiological station and the regional (city) center for the prevention and control of AIDS. The latter inform the medical and prophylactic institution at the place of residence of the subject about the need to send him to the Ukrainian Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (branch) to establish a final diagnosis. About persons who, after a medical examination, are diagnosed with HIV infection, the Ukrainian Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (branch) informs the regional (Kiev, Sevastopol city) sanitary and epidemiological station and the regional (city) center for the prevention and control of AIDS, which in turn , inform the medical and preventive institution about them, which will carry out medical supervision. At the same time, the regional (Kiev, Sevastopol city) sanitary and epidemiological station, the regional (city) center for the prevention and control of AIDS send operational information about the HIV-infected to the Ministry of Health.

24. Persons with positive research results (paragraph 23 of these Rules) are subject to mandatory medical examination.

25. Medical examination is carried out at the Ukrainian Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS with the aim of finally establishing (or excluding) the diagnosis of HIV infection through in-depth clinical and laboratory examination of the patient.

26. Hospitalization of the persons referred to in paragraph 24 of these Rules in the Ukrainian (regional, city) center for the prevention and control of AIDS is carried out by a medical institution at the place of residence or stay of the examined person.

27. Based on the results of the medical examination, the commission, which includes specialists of the relevant profile, makes a conclusion about the presence (or absence) of HIV infection in the examined person, which is sent in writing to the regional (Kiev, Sevastopol city) sanitary and epidemiological stations and the regional (city) center for the prevention and control of AIDS.

28. Specialists of the Ukrainian (regional, city) center for the prevention and control of AIDS should inform persons with a confirmed diagnosis of HIV infection that they have this disease and warn of the need for measures to prevent the spread of HIV infection and criminal liability for deliberately creating a risk of infection or infecting another person. The infected are obliged to certify the fact of warning in writing, in case of refusal of such certification, an appropriate document is drawn up.

29. After the diagnosis of HIV infection is established, an epidemiological investigation is carried out in order to identify the sources and routes of infection, as well as persons who had the likelihood of infection from an infected person during sexual or medical contacts.

30. The results of the epidemiological investigation are entered into the epidemiological investigation cards, which are located in the regional (Kiev and Sevastopol city) sanitary and epidemiological stations and regional (city) AIDS centers and are used to carry out measures to prevent the spread of HIV infection.

31. All HIV-infected are registered. In order to preserve medical secrecy, such persons are recorded only in territorial or departmental medical and preventive institutions that carry out their medical examination, as well as regional (Kiev and Sevastopol city) sanitary and epidemiological stations and regional (city) centers for the prevention and control of AIDS.

32. Persons with positive results of medical examination are subject to registration. In exceptional cases, if it is impossible to conduct a medical examination, a person can be registered as HIV-infected on the basis of a positive result of a medical examination.

33. A child born to HIV-infected parents is considered HIV-infected if it retains antibodies to the human immunodeficiency virus throughout the year. In the event of the death of such a child under the age of one year, the cause of death is determined based on the results of laboratory studies, clinical and pathological data by a commission, which includes doctors of the relevant profile. When a diagnosis of HIV infection is established, such cases are subject to registration.

34. Preventive monitoring of HIV-infected is carried out with the aim of monitoring the physical and mental state of health, timely detection and treatment of opportunistic infections, specific antiviral therapy, psychological support and counseling.

36. Preventive monitoring of HIV-infected people is carried out by the Ukrainian Center, regional and city centers for the prevention and control of AIDS, and in regions where the centers are not organized - by the offices of infectious diseases of the polyclinics at the place of residence or stay of HIV-infected.

37. HIV-infected are registered in one of the institutions specified in paragraph 36 of these Rules. Its leader is responsible for organizing medical care for HIV-infected people, and ensures compliance with medical confidentiality. Specialized types of care for HIV-infected (surgical, obstetric-gynecological, dental, etc.) are provided to specially designated medical institutions of the corresponding profile, where specialized teams are created, premises and equipment are allocated. The medical personnel of these teams are assessed in terms of compliance with the anti-epidemic regime and measures to prevent HIV infection while on duty.

38. The frequency of clinical and laboratory examination of an HIV-infected person is determined by the patient's condition. Such examination should be carried out at least once a year.

39. Data on the health status of an HIV-infected person is recorded in the relevant documents, medical records of an outpatient and inpatient patient. These documents should be kept separate from the medical records of patients with other diagnoses.

40. HIV-infected persons are obliged to report their diagnosis to medical workers in case of emergency medical assistance.

41. The use of HIV-infected people as objects for testing medical devices, methods of scientific study, as well as photography, video or filming for the educational process is possible only with their written consent.

AGREED Appendix to the order

Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health

finance of Ukraine

PC. Germanchuk dated 12.12.1992 N 126

medical and pharmacological institutions and organizations, their units, whose employees are subject to state obligations

personal insurance in case of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus

1. Ukrainian center, its branch, regional, city centers for the prevention and control of AIDS.

1.1. Surveillance Units.

Positions: head of the department, doctor-epidemiologist, assistant epidemiologist.

1.3. Dispensary department:

1.4. Department for hospitalization of patients with HIV infection.

Positions: doctors of all specialties according to the staffing table, middle and junior medical staff.

1.5. Scientific departments of the Ukrainian Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and its affiliate.

Positions: head of the laboratory (department), researchers of all positions, middle and junior staff.

2. Central, regional, city sanitary and epidemiological stations, sanitary and epidemiological stations of departments.

2.1. AIDS Surveillance Units or appropriate specialists from the Infections Divisions.

Positions: head of the department, doctor-epidemiologist, assistant epidemiologist.

3. Treatment-and-prophylactic institutions (LPI) and dispensaries of the Ministry of Health of the Ukraine and departments.

3.1. Infection hospitals and infectious diseases departments of multidisciplinary hospitals, KIZs of polyclinics.

Positions: department head, infectious disease doctor, pediatrician (in children's infectious diseases hospitals), nurse, nurse.

3.2. Surgical departments (offices) of hospitals and clinics.

Positions: department head, surgeon, nurse, nurse.

3.3. Resuscitation departments (wards, groups) of hospitals, intensive care units.

Positions: department head, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, nurse, nurse.

3.4. Trauma departments of hospitals, trauma centers, trauma rooms of polyclinic departments.

Positions: department head, traumatologist, nurse, nurse.

3.5. Maternity hospitals, obstetric and gynecological departments (wards) of hospitals, antenatal clinics, gynecological offices of polyclinic departments.

Positions: department head, obstetrician-gynecologist, nurse, nurse.

3.6. Urological departments of hospitals, urological offices of polyclinic departments.

Positions: department head, urologist, nurse, nurse.

3.7. Department (ward) for patients with blood diseases.

Positions: department head, hematologist, nurse, nurse.

3.8. Dental polyclinic, departments, dental offices of polyclinic departments.

Positions: department head, dentist, nurse, nurse.

3.9. AIDS diagnostic laboratories, clinical diagnostic, clinical immunological, bacteriological laboratories and other laboratories of hospitals and polyclinic departments that examine blood and other biological fluids.

Positions: head of laboratory, doctor-virologist, doctor-bacteriologist, doctor-laboratory assistant, laboratory assistant, nurse, nurse.

3.10. Ambulance and emergency medical stations.

Positions: mobile medical personnel (doctors of all specialties according to the staffing table, middle and junior medical personnel).

3.11. Subdivisions of specialized research institutes, respectively, pp. 3.1.-3.9.

Positions: Head department, researchers, middle and junior medical staff.

3.12. Manipulation rooms of hospitals, polyclinic departments and dispensaries.

Positions: nurse, nurse.

3.13. Pathological departments of hospitals.

Positions: Head department, pathologist, laboratory assistant, nurse, nurse.

4. Institutions of the blood service.

4.1. Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion and its branches.

Positions: researchers, all medical personnel of units in which work is carried out with donor blood, its components and blood products.

Appendix N 2


to the card of the epidemiological survey N 357-u

1. Marital status of the patient (HIV carrier).

2. How it was identified (survey code).

3. Have there been any surgical interventions, tooth extractions, abortions, other medical procedures related to the violation of the integrity of the skin over the past 5 years, what, where, indicate the period.

4. Whether a donor, when and where.

5. Have there been childbirth in the last 5 years, when, where.

6. Whether drugs were injected intravenously, from what time, how often, indicate the drug.

7. Whether blood transfusions were performed, when, where.

8. Are there tattoos on the skin, the time, place of their application, were there any ritual procedures (circumcision, ear piercing), where, when.

9. Is the patient registered with a psychiatrist, narcologist, dermatovenerologist.

10. Have you been in places of confinement, where, when.

11. Did the patient do military service in the army, where, when.

12. Have you traveled outside Ukraine, where, how many times, for what

time, purpose of the trip.

13. Did the patient (carrier) use other people's razors, manicure devices, toothbrushes and other items that violate the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes?

14. Information about sexual partners, their number, the nature of sexual contact.

15. Were there homosexual contacts, when, how often, incl. with foreign citizens (indicate the country).

16. The nature of feeding the sick (carrier) child.

17. Caring for HIV-infected, AIDS patients, the nature of care, when, for whom.

18. Has the patient (carrier) been warned about legal responsibility for deliberate infection with AIDS?

19. The list of contact persons includes data on sexual partners, drug addicts, donors whose blood was transfused to the patient, on recipients of the patient's blood, on the child's parents, contacts at the maternity facility (if the child was born from a contact mother), on breast milk donors by


Year A place


Location View


Contact type Laboratory research

Conclusion of the doctor-epidemiologist


IFA, where,

when, re-





When carrying out invasive procedures:

An invasive procedure means surgical intervention in tissues, cavities, organs, or the restoration of large traumatic injuries. The following precautions should be observed during these procedures:

all healthcare professionals involved in invasive procedures should routinely apply appropriate barrier precautions to prevent skin or mucous membrane contact with body fluids;

gloves and surgical masks should be worn for all invasive procedures;

goggles and face shields should be worn during procedures involving splashing of blood, other liquids, or bone fragments;

all healthcare professionals who deliver or assist in a routine or caesarean delivery should wear gloves, gowns, aprons and protective shields when handling the patient, cleanse the newborn's skin of blood stains and until the delivery is complete after cutting the umbilical cord. Before tying the umbilical cord, the midwife washes and disinfects her hands again, puts on sterile gloves;

if gloves are torn or punctured, or injured by a needle or other object, gloves should be removed and new ones put on as quickly as patient safety permits. A needle or instrument that has been removed from work must be kept away from sterile instruments;

when providing surgical and obstetric-gynecological care to AIDS patients and virus carriers, it is advisable to use double gloves, gowns, and headlights made of waterproof material.

When taking blood and conducting laboratory diagnostic tests:

blood and other body fluids of any patient should be considered potentially infectious, and therefore. When carrying out all types of laboratory research, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the anti-epidemic regime and the rules for disinfecting the material provided for by the relevant instructions for microbiological, virological and other laboratories;

all persons dealing with samples of blood and body fluids must wear surgical gowns, goggles, hats (kerchiefs), rubber gloves, masks, and removable shoes. Any injuries on the hands, scratches must be covered with fingertips or adhesive plaster;

when conducting research, 70 ° ethyl alcohol and other disinfectants are used to treat gloves and hands;

all blood and body fluids should be placed in a well-designed case or container with a secure lid to prevent spillage during transport. When collecting samples, care must be taken not to stain the outside of the container and the laboratory blank accompanying the sample. The use of wetting containers is not allowed;

containers should be made of materials that are easily disinfected (metal, plastic, etc.);

automatic pipettes, hoses, bulbs, dispensers should be used to handle all liquids. Suction by mouth is strictly not allowed ;

in the laboratory at workplaces there must be always disinfecting solutions, as well as first aid kits for first aid after contact with blood (70 ° ethyl alcohol solution, alcohol solution of iodine, dry weighed potassium permanganate, distilled water (at the rate of 1: 10000);

laboratory glassware and equipment in contact with blood and other secretions of the patient are considered potentially infected. The surface of the work tables and all objects in contact with the test material (pipettes, test tubes, melange, ampoules, slides and cover glasses, centrifuges, etc.) must be disinfected;

after the completion of the work, the material under study is removed from the table, rubber gloves, the table is treated with a disinfectant solution. After removing the gloves, the hands are treated with 70 ° alcohol, then washed with soap;

it is prohibited to eat, drink, smoke or use cosmetics at the workplace.

When providing dental care:

the blood, saliva of all dental patients should be considered potentially infected;

in addition to wearing gloves to prevent contact with the oral mucosa of patients, all dental workers should wear surgical masks and goggles or face shields during procedures that may splash blood, saliva, or gum fluid. To minimize dripping and splashing, high speed suction and correct patient positioning should be used as needed (doctor is behind the patient);