A combination of lowercase and capital letters. Uppercase password and other secrets of strong protection

Many people ask: "What are the Latin letters?" In fact, everything is extremely simple. In fact, Latin is the literal characters of modern English. The only difference is only in pronunciation.

Where Latin letters and numbers are currently used

Today, more than 40% of the world's population writes in Latin. And in fact, Latin letters are generally accepted international alphabetic characters. You do not need to go far for an example; just get your passport and look into it. Under the surname written in Russian, you will definitely see its Latin version.

Numbers are also widely used in all countries. In Russia they are used in contracts, laws, for numbering items. In order to understand how to write in Latin letters, it is enough to choose consonant letters and take into account the complex combinations, the table with which is indicated below. Typically, transliteration tables can be found at the information desk of any foreign consulate.

History of the emergence of Latin script

It is believed that the roots of Latin script go back to the Etruscan and Greek alphabets. It is also believed that the Phoenician letter also influenced. Some are inclined to think that it was not without Egyptian alphabetic characters.

The first reliable studies date back to the 7th century BC. The archaic Latin alphabet consisted of 21 letters.

In 312 BC, Appius Claudius Russ canceled the letter Z, after which there are only 20 letters left. In the 1st century, Z returned again, and with it the new symbol Y appeared, and the alphabet took on its current form. Over the following years, some letters again disappeared and reappeared, some of them eventually united and generated new symbols. Most often, disputes surround the letter W.

Greek influence

Speaking about the Latin alphabet, it is difficult not to mention the influence of the Greek language, since it made a huge contribution to the development of the modern Latin spelling. If you are confused about the question: “What are the Latin letters?”, Then you can search or remember the Greek alphabet.

By the way, it was from the Greeks that the letters x, y and z were borrowed. An interesting fact: they wrote in Greece not only from left to right, but also vice versa, which is why they had so many inscriptions that were read the same way, regardless of which end to start with. In fact, this phenomenon is often given a mystical character. There is even a magical SATOR Square. All the words written in it are read not only from right to left and vice versa, but, most interestingly, the characters can be read diagonally. There is a belief that, having written all these characters, you can make a wish that will surely come true.

How to write your name or surname in Latin

Very often, when applying for documents such as visas, it is required to indicate your personal data using only the Latin alphabet, the letters of which should correspond to the maximum Russian. Consider the most common names and spellings.

Latin pronunciation

If you are wondering: “What are the Latin letters?”, Then most likely you will also be interested in learning how to pronounce them correctly. Here, too, there are no difficulties, since, most likely, you heard this alphabet back in school.

Despite the identity of the English letters, do not confuse them. There are no complex or unpronounceable sounds in the Latin language, so everything is extremely simple. For comparison: in English there is a whole list of sounds that are very difficult to pronounce to a Russian-speaking person.


We examined the topic: “What are the Latin letters?”, And now you can easily fill out a visa application form or for any other documents that you intend to send abroad. Convenience also lies in the fact that sometimes, when you need to dictate an email address or a link on the Internet by phone, you can use the Latin alphabet - and the interlocutor will understand you. Therefore, you don’t have to explain anything on the basis of “es like a dollar”, etc.

Centuries have passed, but we still use this amazing language, developed not by scientists on the basis of opinion polls and other studies, but by people who did not know what electricity is, where ozone holes are located and much more. Nevertheless, the legacy of the most ancient civilizations still makes itself felt, captivating and amazing with its amazing decisions, not only in art, but also in other areas.

Android has a built-in keyboard, also called a virtual or on-screen keyboard.

The first question that arises in a person who has not previously dealt with the touch screen of a smartphone or tablet with Android: where to find the keyboard? The trick is that you don’t need to look for it: the keyboard automatically appears itself when you need to enter something with its help.

The second question of a beginner, which I myself was on Android: how to learn typing on Android?

It’s easy to master the Android virtual keyboard if you practice writing messages to relatives, friends, social networks, etc. At first you will suffer a little, but then everything will work out, if only you don’t quit.

I am considering a regular Samsung keyboard, which is native to a smartphone.

1) Capital letters when typing on Android

How to switch from small letters to large (capital) letters? Pay attention to the arrow to enable upper case (1 in Fig. 1):

To type ALL the text in capital letters, you should make a long tap in the upper case arrow (1 in Fig. 1), that is, click on the arrow and hold your finger on this arrow for a bit, and then type.

To remove the mode of BIG (capital) letters, you also need a long tap: as you turned on the capital letters mode, you turned it off.

After the period, the next word is automatically capitalized. This is intended to facilitate text entry, for, as you know, a period indicates the end of a sentence, and a new sentence begins with a capital letter.

If you do not immediately enter a capital (capital) letter after the dot in the new sentence, this means that in the “Keyboard Settings” there is no checkmark opposite the option “Automatic capital letter in the first sentence” (number 4 in Fig. 2), you should put this a tick.

In Android 5, the keyboard settings are as follows: “Settings” - “System” - “Language and input” - “Keyboards and input methods” - “Samsung keyboard”.

Fig. 2. Android: input languages, auto capital letters

You probably saw texts or comments printed on the Internet without dots and commas, as well as without capital letters? Agree that reading and understanding such texts is not so easy. Therefore, when entering text, do not neglect dots and capital letters.

2) How to change the language on Android?

In other words, how to switch the keyboard layout? In different Android models, this may be intended

  • globe button
  • either a button labeled En / Ru,
  • or you need to drag your finger on the space bar.

In my model, to change the language on Android, you need to swipe your finger (left to right or right to left) on the space bar (2 in Fig. 1), figuratively speaking, “brush off the dust” from the space bar.

If you hold your finger once - the first language changes to the second, wave your finger another time - the first language appears again. This all applies to the case when two languages \u200b\u200bare enabled (active) on Android.

In fig. Figure 2 shows that in Settings - “Keyboard Settings” - “Input Languages” I have two languages \u200b\u200benabled (they are enabled by default):

  • Russian,
  • English

If you connect more languages, then the change of languages \u200b\u200bwill occur sequentially: from the first language to the second, from the second language to the third and so on. As a result of holding a finger on the space bar to change the layout, all connected languages \u200b\u200bwill appear in turn: a kind of cycle of languages \u200b\u200bin Android.

3) How to connect more languages \u200b\u200bin Android?

We open in Android one by one: “Settings” - “System” - “Language and input”. Opposite the connected languages \u200b\u200bthere are checkmarks. You can also easily connect other languages \u200b\u200bthat are on the list.

Fig. 3. Connecting new languages \u200b\u200bto Android

As seen in fig. 3, to connect a new language in the Android settings, just check the box next to the new language and it will become available. So you can connect many languages, if necessary.

4) Landscape orientation is more convenient for text input

If the “Screen rotation” option is enabled on the smartphone, then just turn the smartphone in your hands to change the vertical position to horizontal. In this case, the screen automatically rotates to its landscape version (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4. Landscape screen orientation on Android

With a landscape screen, it’s easier for beginners to get to the right buttons without accidentally pressing the “extra” buttons. In addition, in landscape orientation, larger buttons, they are better visible.

In different models, the screen rotation mode is turned on and off differently. In my model, this is “Settings” - “Display” device - “Auto-rotate screen”. Opposite the “Auto-rotate screen” option should be checked, then it will be possible to rotate the smartphone for different screen layout in different situations.

5) How to delete a character?

To delete, there is a cross (number 7 in Fig. 5). The easiest way is to immediately delete the incorrectly entered characters, because in the typed message it is difficult to put the cursor in the right place.

To move the cursor in the Samsung keyboard, you just need to poke your finger at the right place, but the finger can not always hit the target exactly. Lucky for those who have a stylus on Android (a pencil to facilitate typing), there is no problem with the stylus with cursor positioning. But for the stylus, you need a device with Android to support Note technology. If the Samsung device does not support it, then the stylus will not work on it.

6) How to print numbers and other characters?

Fig. 5. How to dial a number, period, emoticon, line feed, delete a character

3 in fig. 5 - this button opens the screen with emoticons: Choose any and paste into your messages.

4 in fig. 5 - tap on this button enters the text space. If you drag your finger from one side to the other, then the Russian layout will change to English.

5 in fig. 5 - tap on this button puts a point in the message. A long tap on the same button will open a window with other characters:! ? " other.

6 in fig. 5 - tap on this arrow causes line translation (jump to a new line), start a new paragraph.

To enter numbers There are two ways in a message on Android:

  1. A long tap on the key in the front row (number 1 in Fig. 5). If you hold your finger on the key in the first row (long tap), a number will appear instead of a letter on the same key.
  2. You can tap on a key to switch the keyboard to characters (2 in Fig. 5). An additional keyboard will appear (Fig. 6), where there will be numbers in the first row. To enter these numbers you will need a regular tap on the keys with numbers.

Fig. 6. The first part of the numeric keypad (1/2)

To continue the numeric keypad, tap on key 1 in fig. 6, and to return to the letters there is an ABC button (2 in Fig. 6).

Fig. 7. Symbols Android keyboard (2/2)

1 in fig. 7 - return to the first part of the numeric keypad, which in fig. 6.
2 in fig. 7 - return to the letters on the Android keyboard.

How to dial sign number on Android (No.):

  1. just enter latin N,
  2. either install other keyboards,
  3. either copy the No. from somewhere and paste.

7) How to turn off the sound of typing on Android

In the Android Settings we find the following items: System - Language and input - Samsung keyboard - Keyboard settings. In the Parameters we find “Feedback when you press the key” and uncheck the box next to “Sound” (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Turn on / off the sound when typing on Android

In addition, you can check the general (system) sound settings on Android: Settings - Device - Sounds and notifications - Sound mode:

  • Sound,
  • Vibration,
  • Without sound.

Here you need to check where the check mark is. I think it’s better if the checkmark is opposite the “Sound” option.

Exercises to check:

1) If the smartphone has Internet, open the Chrome browser. In the address bar of the browser, enter: yandex.ru.

2) Open the "Messages" on Android. Enter the message: “Hello! Today is august 1, 2016. I'm typing a message on Android. ”

The written language of the Russian language is based on Cyrillic writing. However, most world languages \u200b\u200buse the Latin alphabet for this. Later in the article we will tell you how to write in Latin letters correctly. This is a very important skill that can come in handy in any situation. As an example, you need to be able to write your name correctly in Latin when traveling abroad.

History of the Latin alphabet

Historically, the Latin alphabet is divided into archaic and classic versions. The first of them bears a great resemblance to the Greek language, from which it probably originated.

The original alphabet consisted of 27 letters, some of which were practically never used. The composition of the classical alphabet included 23 letters. Latin was the official language in ancient Rome, and thanks to Roman expansion, this alphabet was widely used. In the process of historical development, a few more letters were added to the Latin alphabet, and at the moment the "basic Latin alphabet" has 26 letters and completely coincides with modern English.

However, almost every language that currently uses the Latin alphabet has its own additional Latin characters, such as the letter “thorn” (Þ), which is used in the Icelandic language. And there are many examples of such Latin expansion.

And how to write capital letters that are included in the "basic Latin alphabet"? There are a few rules. And according to them, some uppercase letters are reduced copies of capital letters, while some of the letters are slightly different.

Russian latin

The very first cases of using the Latin alphabet for writing East Slavic languages \u200b\u200bdate back to the period of the XVI-XVII centuries, when the Latin appeared in the documents of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Commonwealth.

Later, on the territory of the Russian state, the question of changing the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet was repeatedly raised. Initially, this idea appeared in Peter I, who, against the backdrop of economic transformations of the European bias, conceived and language reform. However, Peter never fulfilled this desire.

Even more intensified were calls for a change in the alphabet in the 19th century. Especially the representatives of the “Westerners” movement stood up for this. And again, there was no change in the alphabet. After all, the opponents of the Latin alphabet had many supporters. Including Minister Uvarov, the author of the theory of official nationality. The introduction of the Latin alphabet, according to opponents of the transition, would mean a loss of cultural uniqueness.

After the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks planned to transfer all ethnic groups to the Latin alphabet. Several options were suggested for the Russian language. However, the period of "Latinization" quickly ended, and in the leadership of the USSR, on the contrary, they began to translate all languages \u200b\u200binto Cyrillic. After that, the question of changing the alphabet in the USSR was closed.

After the fall of the communist regime, the question of parallel circulation of the Cyrillic alphabet with the Latin one, as in the same Uzbekistan, was repeatedly raised, however, the public blocked such proposals. Despite the ambiguity of this issue, the introduction of the Latin alphabet could be useful for the Russian language. This would make it open to further cultural expansion. But the introduction of the Latin alphabet in the Russian language has a slight minus - it will be difficult for the older generation to understand how to write in Latin letters.

Transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin

There are no uniform rules for transliteration from Cyrillic to Latin. However, at present, the Russian Federation uses a certain standard, which is adhered to by the employees of the Federal Migration Service.

He is periodically criticized, but taken as official. It is replaced by collocations of letters that are not in the Latin alphabet: E, W, U, U, W, C, H, Y. The rest of the letters are virtually identical to their Latin counterparts.

How to write the last name and first name in Latin letters

Usually this procedure must be followed upon receipt of a foreign passport or visas. All documents requiring transliteration are filled out in accordance with ISO 9, which is adhered to by the Federal Migration Service. According to this rule, surnames are translated into Latin. We offer you a transliteration scale.

Thanks to this table, any word written in Cyrillic can be written in Latin. For example, Ivanovich in Latin will be Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich.


Disputes about what kind of alphabet is required for the Russian language do not subside long enough. Each of the opinions has its advantages and disadvantages. In our country, discussions have been going on for centuries, and there is no end to them yet. However, being able to write in Latin letters is quite an important skill. It can come in handy when obtaining a foreign passport, visa, paperwork in other states.

In this article, we showed how to spell your first and last name in Latin letters. But that's not all. Using the table here, you can write any Cyrillic word in Latin. We hope that after reading this article you understand how to write in Latin letters.

The more reliable the password on government services will be, the better your profile will be protected from hacking. Since your personal data is stored on the portal, cybercriminals have a wide scope for manipulation when they enter your personal account.

We will give examples of passwords at the beginning of the article, but it is better to read it completely in order to have a full understanding of its composition.


If you see an error while entering a password (even generated by the site itself), then read where the solution to this problem is.

Password Security Requirements

Basic requirements (from the Gosuslug portal)

Since the main and simplest method of obtaining a password is to “bust” it with special programs, the requirements that the State Services portal makes to a password are justified.

In order for the portal system to approve your password, it needs to meet some requirements:

  • 8 or more characters. Password must contain minimum 8 characters.
  • Latin capital letters (DEFGJK ...). Big letters only
  • Latin lowercase letters (defgjk ...). Small letters only English keyboard layout.
  • Figures. Password must necessarily attend numbers.
  • Punctuation marks (!?,. + - * /<_> etc.). Password must necessarily punctuation marks present.

All these points must be observed simultaneously in your password.

Additional requirements

In addition to the basic requirements, remember that:

  • You can not use Russian characters, that is, when compiling a password, the keyboard layout should be switched to English.
  • Duplicate characters cannot be used (A nna, 1 99 8, AASSFF).
  • You can use your first name, last name, profession, or other data that is familiar to you, but do not be too obvious when compiling a password. If an attacker has minimal information about you, he can use this knowledge to simplify the selection of a symbol combination.
  • Do not store the password in a visible place. Password must not fall into the wrong hands.
  • Do not write down the password so that you can guess what it is for. For example, there should not be such notes next to the password: “Password”, “Password for State Services”, “State Services”, “From the State Services Site”, “Login to the Site”, etc.

Generated password or your own?

The generated password, which can be immediately obtained on the site, is the most reliable from simple methods of hacking your personal account. It does not contain logic, it uses many combinations of rare characters, so it is difficult to select. But, its main disadvantage is the inability to reproduce it from memory. It is unlikely that you will remember such combinations of characters "X% 5x | rFd", "0EtAyUL7", "~ Eb * 2BCK", etc.

If you plan to regularly use the Gosuslug portal, then you need a different password - a reliable but memorable one.

Password examples for public services

In accordance with the requirements of the portal, we will compose the following passwords:

These passwords are provided as an example only. We recommend compiling the “logic” of the symbolic combination yourself.

Rings in this system are customary to designate in capital Latin letters. Each letter can be uppercase (uppercase / large) and lowercase (lowercase / small). There are 6 vowels in the English alphabet. From the 1st century BC e. the letters Y and Z the Romans began to use to write words of Greek origin. The division into uppercase and lowercase letters is present in the Greek, Latin, Armenian alphabet, as well as in the Cyrillic alphabet.

Capital letter is a letter that is smaller than capital letters. Initially, they used exclusively capital letters when writing, with clearly defined upper and lower borders. Subsequently, with the development of writing, ordinary letters begin to be contrasted with initials (in European languages \u200b\u200bthis happens in the XI-XV centuries).

In the Cyrillic alphabet, lowercase letters appear in the XVIII century with the introduction of the civil font. In many languages, capital letters are used at the beginning of the first word of a sentence, at the beginning of proper nouns or nouns, often at the beginning of each line of a poetic text. In many writing systems (Arabic, Jewish, Korean, Glagolitic, Indian, Thai and others) letters are not divided into uppercase and lowercase.

The names of firms, companies, etc., names are enclosed in quotation marks. Today, Latin writing is the official alphabet of the Catholic Church. English, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese, German, French and Italian Latin people use from 420 to 70 million (1985; in descending order).

The letters of the English alphabet.

It happens that Latin writing acts as a “graphic minority”. Latin also exists in the unrecognized state of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (0.14). Here the names of the letters were truncated and represented a syllable devoid of any meaning. In the Latin script, there were three versions of the letter for transmitting the sound “k” (compare a similar phenomenon in the ancient Turkic runic script).

The letters Θ, Ф, Ψ were sometimes used as numbers for 100, 1000, and 50, respectively. Emperor Claudius (41-54) invented and introduced a number of new letters in the Latin letter: ɔ– ps / bs; - v; - ü, however, after his death, these signs were forgotten. Modern Latin letters have two forms: Mayuskul (uppercase, or capital letters) and minuscule (lowercase letters). Signs of this kind include: special characters, special characters could be abbreviated using inscription letters, suspensions, contraction (compressed) and nomina sacra (NS “sacred names”).

Does the word in MS EXCEL contain latin letters, numbers, Uppercase characters

Sometimes strongly altered additional letters appear (ß Sometimes a distinctive feature is the absence of one or more letters that are widespread in related alphabets. In 2007, the single Karelian language alphabet established by the government of the republic was adopted. The Livvik dialect alphabet, approved in 1989, is no longer in use. In 1937- 39 here was the Karelian national region with its center in Likhoslavl. In 1887, the teacher A. Tolmachevskaya compiled the Karelian-Russian alphabet written in Russian letters.

An international symbol of a structural type consists of an uppercase Latin letter, a large italic digit, and may have upper and lower indices. Subclasses are located alphabetically and are indicated in capital Latin letters following the index of the section and class.

The language provides for program and immediate modes. When working in direct mode, the operator is dialed without a number and is executed immediately. In most steroids, R and R are methyl groups (sometimes oxidized), which in some cases may be absent; R-various alkyls, as well as oxygen and nitrogen-containing groups.

Conventional names of foreign lamps usually consist of numbers and capital Latin letters. Various systems have been developed for marking vacuum devices in different countries. Therefore, the names of the lamps, even similar in electrical and structural parameters, in some cases are different. In the 18th century a hypothesis arose of the Etruscan origin of the Latin script.

English alphabet with transcription and pronunciation.

In the most ancient Latin inscriptions, the letter has a direction from right to left, and from left to right, and the inscription of the Forum is made by vertical boostrophedon. From the 4th century BC e. the direction of the letter was firmly established from left to right. In the 3rd century in North Africa there was an epigraphic uncial letter (that is, “hooked”; see Fig. 4). Antique epigraphic Latin writing has always been Mayuskulny (see Mayuskulny writing). At first, handwritten Latin script in antiquity was distinguished by a great proximity to epigraphic.

ANNEX 4 (mandatory). The values \u200b\u200bof the width of the pads T for the font Pr41

The Carolingian minuscule gradually supplanted all other types of Latin script in Western Europe. The latter formed the basis of most printed and manuscript fonts of modern times. 4.4. The sizes of letters, numbers and signs, the distance between words and lines and their maximum deviations for copy templates must be indicated on the drawings of copy templates.

The characters of interest to us are grouped into ranges (see example file). The exact shape of the block letters depends on the font. Pay attention to the new tendency for the capital letter A. Today it is customary to write it as well as the small one, although earlier it was written similar to the Russian capital A. Here is a variant of the old spelling. This trend is also emerging in countries where English is native. In the first version, ordinary letters are used for writing, connected in the letter in a way that is convenient for the writer.

It is worth saying that among students of the English alphabet in other countries, few people use uppercase letters. The action of the subroutine is that, starting from the 1st character to the end of the line, a lowercase letter is replaced with a capital one. In Latin writing, most Western Greek letters retained their original meaning and style. The sound of the letters of the English alphabet differs in different ways.