Camphor oil compress for lactostasis. How to make camphor oil compresses? Ear compress

Lactostasis often occurs with improper feeding of the child: with irregular feeding, early weaning during meals, with frequent expression of milk.

Advice. During sucking, the baby must take the correct position, grab the nipple along with the areola, and it is also necessary to change feeding positions more often so that the breast is emptied evenly.

The initial stages of lactostasis are accompanied by chest pains, the appearance of seals, and redness of the skin. With the further course, the skin on the chest turns red, the local or general temperature rises. In this case, you can relieve symptoms with a cold compress applied after feeding when milk is stagnant, and a warm compress applied before feeding.

Important. Long-term application of warm and cold compresses with lactostasis is not recommended, the time of their use should not exceed 10 minutes.

Most often, lactostasis is not treated, since to restore the normal lactation process, it is enough to follow all the rules for feeding the baby. Sometimes, to relieve the condition, compresses are used on the chest with stagnant milk, antipyretics and pain relievers.

Alcohol compresses for lactostasis

Alcohol compresses are often used to treat lactostasis. This method has been known for a long time, but today doctors often do not recommend this kind of treatment.

Important. Compress of vodka or alcohol with lactostasis can irritate the skin of the breast, which is especially sensitive during inflammation, impair the taste of breast milk and reduce lactation. In addition, prolonged heating can worsen inflammation.

Nevertheless, thanks to a vodka or alcohol compress with lactostasis, relief of the condition can be achieved. When using the product, you need to make sure that it does not get on the nipples and areola, and also do not use it too often. A soft cloth must be moistened with vodka or alcohol (the latter must be diluted with water 1: 1), squeezed and applied to the chest, fixed with cling film, but the liquid must not drain. It should be kept for 2-3 hours, after which it is recommended to express milk.

Alcohol compress for lactostasis in nursing mothers is strictly contraindicated in the presence of oncology, with skin diseases, excessive dry skin, inflammatory processes in other organs that have arisen as a complication after lactostasis.

Important. If mastitis is suspected, the use of any warming compresses is prohibited, since this leads to the spread of inflammation and / or formation.

Magnesia compresses

Magnesia can be used as an injection or as a topical medicine, but only the latter method is used for this condition. Compress for lactostasis in a nursing woman is done as follows: gauze or other tissue must be moistened in a solution of magnesia, squeezed out and applied to the affected area. The compress should not touch the nipple and areola. Everything is covered with cling film and left to dry completely.

Important. When using a compress from magnesia with lactostasis, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin. If you experience severe discomfort or an allergic reaction, the procedure must be stopped. In addition, too frequent use can lead to chemical burns of the skin, so it is recommended to do them no more than once a day.

Honey cakes

Honey cakes are most effective in the early days of illness. They have a warming property and help to resorb the seals. The recipe for honey cake for lactostasis is quite simple: honey and flour are mixed in equal proportions, and then applied to the breast. Some breastfeeding mothers apply honey-smeared gauze to their breasts. The duration of this procedure should not exceed 20 minutes.

Compresses made from honey cake with lactostasis are safer than alcohol compresses. Only the use of beekeeping products by the mother can harm the child, the use of compresses does not affect his health in any way.

Camphor with lactostasis

Camphor oil, used in the form of compresses for lactostasis, has a strong warming effect. It also numbes the affected area and relieves inflammation. It can be used only in the initial stages of the disease and in the absence of fever, since such agents strongly irritate the skin and can aggravate inflammation.

Apply a compress of camphor oil when milk is stagnant before feeding or expressing. Gauze soaked in the product is applied to the affected area and covered with cling film, the duration of therapy is several hours. However, modern doctors do not recommend this method of treatment.

Important. Camphor alcohol in lactostasis acts more aggressively than oil, and its use is not recommended for nursing mothers.


The use of folk remedies for lactostasis is allowed if it is precisely determined that a woman does not have breast mastopathy, otherwise warming procedures are strictly prohibited. The use of such compresses for lactostasis accelerates treatment and significantly facilitates the condition of a nursing woman.

Almost every modern mother understands how important it is to properly establish breastfeeding for a newborn baby. However, this process does not go smoothly for everyone, sometimes complications arise in the form of milk stagnation, and associated inflammation in the breast. Lactostasis is one of the most common problems in a nursing woman. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, not to harm yourself and the baby, you can do it yourself with the help of special compresses.

Lactostasis is a disease characterized by milk stagnation in the breast. It must be treated immediately after detection.

Lactostasis and methods of dealing with it

What is lactostasis? This disease is diagnosed when milk stagnation occurs in any segment of the breast. The causes of the phenomenon can be different, and the result is a milk plug that prevents the liquid from escaping. The tissue surrounding the problem area swells, forming a seal. In this place, the skin may turn red, and light pressure causes pain. Fever is a common manifestation of this disease. It is very important not to miss the moment, otherwise a completely harmless lactostasis can develop into a more serious problem - mastopathy.

Lactostasis is quite amenable to treatment with folk remedies. At home, you can deal with milk stagnation with compresses. Such procedures will help a nursing woman feel better - milk stagnation will gradually resolve, and painful sensations will go away.


Cabbage is the most effective and budgetary way to get rid of lactostasis

Cabbage compress must be done according to the rules. Let us dwell on the features of this treatment in more detail:

  1. You do not need to use the top leaves of the head of cabbage. First, disassemble the cabbage forks a little, and select a leaf from the second or third layer - then it will be more juicy.
  2. It is important that the leaf is dry, without traces of water, which will only dilute the healing juice. It is recommended to first wash the cabbage well, then air dry. So that every time you do not have to prepare raw materials for the compress, you can immediately select several sheets, rinse and dry them, then store in the refrigerator.
  3. This type of treatment helps well at an early stage of the disease, when the lump has not yet been localized. In this case, it is recommended to cover the entire breast with leaves, leaving the nipple free. The leaves should also cover the armpit area.
  4. The best way to fix the cabbage compress is to use a brassiere - a pitted bra with a cup that completely covers the breast.
  5. How long does it take to keep the compress? It is advisable to update it every hour and a half. Otherwise, its effect will be low.

The duration of treatment with cabbage compresses can be two to three days. During this entire period, you need to check the problem area - try to express milk as soon as the seal becomes softer and more pliable.

Vegetable treatment

Compresses made from the most common vegetables, such as potatoes, will help get rid of the disease

Compresses from other vegetables are also effective. What vegetables will help with lactostasis? Treatment with folk remedies is quite affordable for every mother. Consider all types of vegetable compresses separately, as well as their advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Onion. For it, you need to take one small onion and grate. Then add a spoonful of honey and flour to the resulting gruel, make a cake. "Stick" the onion dough on the sore spot overnight. This compress is not without its drawbacks - it is quite difficult to chop the onion, and the smell from the cake will remain on the linen. If the onion is pre-baked, you do not need to chop it, but you can apply it to the breast without honey. The effect will not be worse, and the smell is almost imperceptible.
  2. Beetroot. The red vegetable also has medicinal properties, and is quite capable of coping with lactostasis. Grind the beets and wrap them in a piece of gauze or cloth (we recommend reading :). Apply to the chest, cover the compress with foil, put on a bra. Despite its good effectiveness and simple preparation, this type of treatment is not very popular. Beet juice will surely find a way out from under the cellophane film and can stain your laundry.
  3. Potato. Just like beetroot, this compress is prepared from a vegetable grated on a fine grater. You need to apply potato gruel by wrapping it in a piece of clean cloth. It is better that the mass is cold - it can be pre-cooled in the refrigerator. Experts recommend applying potatoes immediately after feeding - in a couple of hours, the product will soften the seal, relieve swelling, and the woman will have a chance to express stagnant milk before or during the next feeding.

Other types of medical compresses

Kombucha has amazing beneficial properties, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of lactostasis

Not only the usual vegetables can cope with lactostasis. There are other recipes for compresses that can be made at home:

  1. Fig. For this compress, you need one dried fig fruit and half a glass of freshly boiled milk. Pour milk over the wine berry for two hours. During this time, the figs should soften and become pliable (see also:). Squeeze out excess liquid and press the soft fruit to the breast, secure well. Change the compress to a fresh one after two hours.
  2. Tea mushroom. If you have kombucha in your home, it can be used as a remedy. It is enough to take a piece of mushroom corresponding in size to the affected area and fix it on the mammary gland for a couple of hours. This treatment is extremely effective, as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  3. Honey cake. A little honey should be added to rye flour, gradually kneading a dense dough. From the resulting mass, make a cake, which can be used to cover the seal on the mammary gland. Cover with foil on top, tie with a scarf. The honey cakes must be changed every half hour.

Recipes for the most simple compresses

Sometimes there is no time to prepare a remedy. Simple recipes for compresses from available tools will help:

  1. Cottage cheese. It is necessary to attach a cottage cheese cake with a minimum percentage of fat to the chest, cover with foil and tie with a cloth. Refresh this dressing every twenty minutes.
  2. Chamomile flowers. For the procedure, you need an infusion of chamomile. First you need to pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of medicinal herbs, insist for an hour. Then strain and cool. Immerse a small piece of bandage in the infusion, squeeze and distribute over the affected area. Cover with foil or parchment paper on top, fix with a scarf. Moisten the dressing as it dries, however, no more than three times a day.
  3. Rice starch. You will need rice starch, which must be diluted in water. It is necessary to achieve a fluid, thick consistency - like a pancake dough. Lubricate the bandage with the ready-made "dough", make a starch compress. You can keep it for up to two hours, preferably twice a day.
  4. Magnesia. You need to take a couple of ampoules of magnesia and moisten a bandage in it, then squeeze out a little. Cover the inflamed area with a bandage and fix with a bandage. It is important to make sure that the tissue soaked in the medication does not come into contact with the nipple. If there is magnesium powder, it must first be diluted with water. Remove the bandage after the liquid has completely evaporated. Such a compress perfectly relieves inflammation and promotes resorption of stagnation. However, there is a possibility that magnesium will cause an allergic reaction, so you should first apply the medicine to the skin near the elbow and wait half an hour. If the skin does not redden, irritation does not appear on it - you can safely apply a bandage.
  5. Ice. Ice will help express milk, even if there is congestion. You need to take a few cubes from the freezer, wrap them in a handkerchief, and apply to the nipple and surrounding tissues for two minutes. After that, express milk, gradually kneading the breast. This procedure can be done up to fifteen times a day.

It is important to start treatment on time in order to avoid complications in the form of mastopathy.

What not to do

Some folk recipes should never be used in the fight against lactostasis. The most popular of them are camphor oil, Dimexide, alcohol or vodka. Consider in more detail below:

  • vodka or alcohol compress. On the one hand, alcohol is quite capable of coping with the task of resorption of seals in the mammary gland. On the other hand, it is believed that alcohol can contribute to a significant decrease in milk production;
  • Dimexide is considered a toxic substance today and is not used in pediatrics. It is perfectly absorbed into the skin, enters the bloodstream, which means that part of this agent will also enter the milk;
  • camphor oil is also not recommended for use as a compress. It has been proven that its use interferes with lactation (see also:). In addition, camphor oil should not be allowed to get to the baby along with milk. It is even less useful to add alcohol to the oil, and apply as applications to the chest. Mom will receive short-term relief, and the baby will receive a dose of toxins.

To avoid serious consequences, lactostasis should be treated immediately, as soon as the first symptoms appear (for more details, see the article :). If, within three days, relief did not come - the seal did not dissolve, the pain did not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The fact that camphor oil is a good remedy has been known for a long time; it is effective for otitis media, colds, coughs, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, etc. It is recommended to use it even for young children (with the exception of babies up to two years old). Can camphor oil be used during pregnancy and is it not risky?

Useful properties of camphor oil.
The composition of camphor oil contains quite a lot of active substances that provide it with disinfecting, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic and other useful properties. A white product is mainly used as a medicinal product. It is effective against skin lesions, purulent wounds, colds.

This medicinal product has been used effectively in aromatherapy for its soothing and relaxing properties. Due to its pronounced aroma, camphor oil is often used to flavor rooms. Camphor oil aromatherapy has an amazing ability to treat nervous disorders, depression, relieve stress and fatigue accumulated during the day, improve and maintain a good mood, and even strengthen the immune system. For maximum results, it is recommended to combine it with basil, citrus, neroli, myrtle, chamomile and frankincense oils.

Camphor oil, pregnancy and lactation.
This product, due to its high permeability through the blood-brain (regulation of metabolism between blood and brain) and placental barriers, easily passes into breast milk. Hence, it is necessary to use it very carefully while carrying a baby and during the period of breastfeeding and only after consulting a leading specialist.

Camphor oil for lactostasis.
Very often, in the first weeks of breastfeeding, women experience lactostasis or clogging of the ducts of the mammary glands, leading to an inflammatory process, which is accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations of aching properties, general weakness. So the use of camphor oil can significantly alleviate the condition of mommy, eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Cold compresses from this herbal product will help with this. The compress is placed only on the affected milk lobes, and not on the entire breast area; it is necessary to put parchment paper on top and secure with a warm handkerchief (only a sick breast!). It is advisable not to embarrass the healthy half of the breast with clothes, to keep it open. Withstand the compress until the next feeding, before which it is imperative to wash the breast. It is necessary to apply the baby first to the sore side of the chest. After feeding, carry out a gentle self-massage of the breast with cold camphor oil.

For the treatment of lactostasis, it is good to apply a cabbage leaf to the affected part of the chest, which is pre-lubricated with honey and camphor oil. The procedure should be done at night.

Camphor oil for mastopathy.
Hormonal disorders are often the cause of breast diseases. One of these is mastopathy. Today, camphor oil is successfully included in the therapy of such benign formations. It is used mainly in the form of compresses. For these purposes, camphor alcohol and oil must be mixed in equal proportions, slightly heated in a water bath. Prepare a gauze cut in advance (on both breasts), roll it up in several layers, wet it in the composition and attach to the mammary glands, put on a tight-fitting cotton T-shirt on top. The compress is recommended to be kept throughout the night.

You can also massage with camphor oil before going to bed.

Remember, this remedy, if the rules for use are not followed or if the dosage is exceeded, it can, on the contrary, become harmful to the body. Therefore, before using it directly in the treatment of a particular ailment, consult a specialist.

Compress with camphor oil is very popular as it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. First of all, it is used for various injuries associated with tumors and hematomas, for mastitis, radiculitis, as well as for the treatment of rheumatism, pruritus, arthritis, myalgia and other diseases. Especially with the onset of cold weather, camphor alcohol compress is widely used to treat coughs and otitis media.

To get rid of a cough, it is necessary to warm up camphor oil to an acceptable temperature for the body, then moisten a gauze napkin in the prepared oil and put it on the chest. You need to put polyethylene on top and wrap yourself in a downy shawl. The lotion must be kept for the whole night.

This folk remedy is an excellent remedy for bruises and bruises. The compress should be applied until the bruise or bruise completely disappears. Camphor oil not only has a warming effect, but also accelerates the healing process of wounds and various cuts.

Do not forget that in some cases camphor alcohol can cause redness on the skin. The thing is that camphor oil has the property of an irritant. To avoid this side effect, for the preparation of the compress, it is necessary to first dilute the alcohol with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Ear compress

To prepare the compress, warm up camphor oil in a water bath, moisten a piece of gauze in warm liquid and put it around the auricle so that the ear canal is not obstructed. Cellophane is put on top, then cotton wool and everything is fixed with a bandage. This compress must be kept for about two hours.

After the procedure, the ear is wrapped with a woolen scarf. Treatment of otitis media with camphor oil can really be effective, but only if you follow all the recommendations and warnings.

It is strictly prohibited:

  • bury camphor oil in the ear canal with otitis media, as this can cause a slight burn, which will only complicate recovery;
  • make compresses from this remedy for children under 2 years old, as oil vapors can provoke poisoning.

With lactostasis

Lactostasis is a disease of the mammary gland, namely when there is a blockage of the milk ducts. With this ailment, milk cannot flow out of the nipple. This causes soreness, swelling and swelling of the breast. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by temperatures up to 37-38 ° C.

At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor for advice, since untimely treatment can contribute to the appearance of mastitis, accompanied by high fever and chills. In 85% of cases, lactostasis contributes to the appearance of mastitis.

When treating lactostasis, first of all, it is recommended to apply the child to the breast more often. In the case of a mild degree of lactose, in the absence of temperature, the child should be applied 1 time per hour. In a more severe form, doctors advise independent, gentle pumping 1 to 3 times. Expressing should be done with massaging movements with an emphasis on the compacted area of ​​the breast, while moving the fingers in the direction from the periphery to the nipple.

It is worth remembering that when performing expressing and massage, the movements should not be too active, as this can provoke blockage of other ducts.

Some doctors advise compressing camphor oil after expressing milk. To do this, apply a piece of gauze soaked in oil to the chest, put cellophane on top and fix it with a scarf. The compress needs to be kept for about 6-8 hours.

On the throat

Treatment of laryngitis with folk remedies is a fairly effective way. The main traditional methods of treatment are compresses and gargles. In this case, a warming throat compress based on camphor oil works well. The oil should be slightly warmed up, then applied to gauze or cotton wool, applied to the throat and fixed on top with compress paper and a warm scarf.

An infusion of dried eucalyptus leaves is well suited for gargling. To do this, you need 1 tablespoon of this plant, pour a glass of boiling water, cool and gargle 2-3 times a day. It also helps with sore throat well, which you can read about in our next article.

Lotions on the chest

Almost every pregnant or lactating woman faces problems with the breast: pain occurs, the breast swells, and stops pumping. Very often women do not know how to act in this situation and how to cure this ailment. In such a situation, many qualified specialists advise resorting to a camphor oil compress for help.

The procedure is very simple. First, you need to heat the oil in a steam bath to an acceptable temperature for the body, then put the moistened gauze or bandage on the chest and secure with cling film and a downy shawl. The procedure is best done at night. By the morning, the results will be noticeable, the swelling will disappear, and the milk will flow more easily. Before you start feeding your baby, wash your breasts with warm water.

The importance of breastfeeding for the development of a baby can hardly be overestimated, so it is not surprising that most women tend to breastfeed their baby. However, it is rare for anyone to establish this process without problems. The most common complication of breastfeeding is lactostasis. You can cope with this condition at home; compresses with lactostasis can help with this.

What is lactostasis?

Lactostasis is called stagnation of breast milk. For some reason, a violation of the movement of milk occurs in a part of the breast, resulting in a milk plug. It does not allow the resulting milk to escape, as a result of which, due to tissue edema, a seal appears. The affected area becomes red and painful, and the temperature may also rise. In this case, measures must be taken immediately, since lactostasis can degenerate into mastitis, a disease dangerous to a woman's health.


A variety of compresses help fight lactostasis. They reduce discomfort in the chest and help resolve stagnation. It should be remembered that only cold compresses are used for lactostasis.

  1. Cabbage leaf. The usefulness of cabbage juice in the fight against lactostasis can hardly be overestimated: it helps the resorption of seals and facilitates the process of expressing milk, relieves swelling and reduces fever at the site of inflammation. Before making the compress, the cabbage leaf is beaten off a little so that the juice is released, and then applied to the breast (while it is necessary to ensure that the juice does not fall on the nipple area, as it is harmful to the baby's digestion). The sheet must be put into the bra and kept for about 3 hours, then replaced with a new one. The cabbage leaf is very effective when used with honey. To do this, a thin layer of honey is applied to the prepared sheet, after which the sheet is also tucked into the bra.
  2. From onions. Onion compress helps to cope with milk stagnation. The aforementioned vegetable must be grated and then mixed with honey and flour until a dough is obtained. After that, you need to mold the cake and apply it to the problem area. This compress can be done up to three times daily. Baked onion promotes the outflow of milk. For a compress, a barely warm onion is taken and applied to a sore chest.
  3. Beetroot. Such a compress is made from finely grated small beets. It must be laid on a piece of dense cloth, and then applied to the chest. After that, close it with cellophane and put on a bra (it should fit snugly against the iron). Then wrap the compress with a warm handkerchief or scarf, without pulling the chest. After removing it, you need to express milk.
  4. From potatoes. To prepare such a compress, you need to grate one potato on a fine grater. Put the resulting mass on a piece of dense matter and attach to the problem area. It will relieve pain and reduce swelling. It is necessary to keep the compress for about an hour and a half, then replace it with a new one. The potatoes must be cold. The compress is best done immediately after feeding your baby.
  5. From figs. This compress helps relieve inflammation and reduce breast swelling. Pour the dried fig fruit with 100 ml of boiling milk, then insist under the lid for two hours. Squeeze the figs lightly and apply to the seal. You need to keep it for 2 hours. This compress is done twice a day.
  6. Kombucha. It has a calming and antimicrobial effect. For the treatment of lactostasis, it is necessary to attach a piece of the mushroom to the seal and fix it for an hour. The compress should be done three times a day.
  7. Made from honey. This compress is made from candied honey. It is necessary to form a cake from it and apply to the seals. Then cover with plastic and wrap up. You can wear it all day long without taking off.
  8. Honey cakes. To make such a compress, it is necessary to mix honey and flour to make a tough dough. It is preferable to use rye flour. Then form cakes from the resulting mass and apply to the affected gland for about 20 minutes. The cake must be covered with a film and tied with a warm scarf.
  9. From cottage cheese. To make such a compress, you need to take cool low-fat cottage cheese and put it on your sore chest. Then close with foil and tie with a cloth. It should be kept for about 20 minutes.
  10. Alcohol compress. Having decided to use this recipe, you must remember that alcohol must be diluted with water (in a 1: 2 ratio) in order to avoid skin burns. Gauze or bandage is moistened in diluted alcohol and applied to the affected areas of the gland, after which cellophane is placed. Then the bandage is fixed. The compress is worn (periodically changed), without removing, even during feeding. Opinions about the advisability of using alcohol compresses for lactostasis differ: some believe that compresses of this type contribute to the resorption of seals; according to others, the use of alcohol compresses causes a blockage of oxytocin, which regulates milk production.
  11. From chamomile. You need to take 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers (you can use two filter bags), pour a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for about an hour. Then strain and cool. In the resulting solution, moisten a bandage and apply to the damaged area for half an hour. Such compresses should be done three times a day.
  12. From eucalyptus. This plant has antimicrobial, anti-edema and anti-inflammatory effects. Pour two tablespoons of dry eucalyptus leaves with a glass of cold water and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes, then refrigerate and drain. Apply a bandage soaked in solution to the seals three times a day. Keep the compress for about half an hour.
  13. Made from rice starch. Such a compress relieves pain and promotes resorption of seals. To prepare it, you need to dilute a tablespoon of rice starch with warm boiled water to the consistency of sour cream. Then apply the resulting mass to the bandage, attach to the mammary gland and fix. This compress should be done in the morning and in the evening, hold for 2 hours.
  14. Magnesia. Such a compress provides a good resorption effect. For its manufacture, it is necessary to take several ampoules of the substance or dilute the powder with water, if the magnesium is in dry form. After that, moisten a piece of bandage or cloth in magnesia and squeeze out so that the liquid does not drip (but not dry). The compress should be applied to the mammary gland, being careful not to get on the nipple and areola. Put dry matter on top and cover with foil. You can wear a loose bra over it. Such a compress should be done immediately after feeding and kept until the medicine is completely dry. Before using magnesia to combat lactostasis, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to this substance.
  15. Made from camphor oil. A similar compress is done after expressing. To do this, a piece of bandage or gauze is moistened in oil and applied to problem areas, then covered with a film and tied with a scarf. They wear it for about 6-8 hours.
  16. From soap and milk. This compress helps to resorb the seals in the gland. To make it, you need to add a quarter of a bar of laundry soap and a finely chopped small onion to half a glass of boiling milk. Stir the resulting mixture and put in a water bath, stirring constantly until the soap is completely dissolved. Then add a tablespoon of liquid honey and sunflower oil. Continue cooking for about 2 more minutes, then remove the mixture from the heat (it should be similar in consistency to semolina). Cool and apply to the chest, covering with foil and fixing with a scarf.
  17. Made of ice. To facilitate the expression of the areolas, the nipple is covered with ice cubes, which must be kept for about 2-3 minutes. Then milk is expressed. This procedure is required to be carried out about ten to fifteen times. Before you start expressing, the gland should be stretched: the movements should be strong enough, but not painful.

With lactostasis, you must begin to fight at the first signs. Compresses usually help relieve this condition within two to three days. First, soreness and swelling disappear, then redness also disappears. If no improvement occurs, the nursing mother should immediately seek help from a doctor.