Confucius is a genius, a great thinker and philosopher of Ancient China. Brief biography of Confucius is the most important

Confucianism is considered by many to be a religion, and Confucius is considered a prophet, demigod, great teacher of antiquity. Despite the extensive criticism, the judgments of the teacher Kuhn, as his name is translated, will be of interest to both an ordinary person and a leader.

The philosophical teachings of Confucius originated in the era of the Warring States, as a result of the inability of the rulers to agree among themselves. Not being recognized during his lifetime, Confucius received well-deserved fame after death, and his philosophy influenced the worldview of the peoples of East Asia and, of course, China itself.

Teacher Kun was born around September 28, 551 BC. e. in Qufu and named at birth Kun Qiu. He is a descendant of the once rich and powerful Kun family, whose founder was the closest associate of Emperor Chen-wang. For his military qualities, this commander received the Song principality, but after a while this family became impoverished, and its representatives, hiding from enemies, were forced to flee to the kingdom of Lu.

Confucius appeared in the family of the commander Shulian He and his young concubine Yan Zhengzai. When the child was only one and a half years old, his father suddenly died, which became a real test for their small family, because the young concubine was at odds with the older wives of the late Shulian He. Therefore, the girl with a one-year-old child in her arms returned to her homeland, to the city of Qufu and began to earn a living on her own.

From childhood, the boy had to work hard to live. His character and worldview were formed under the influence of his mother. Wishing not to disgrace his family, Confucius took up self-education, studying everything that should be known to an aristocrat. Such labors paid off.

First, an intelligent and responsible young man was appointed manager of barns, and then he became responsible for livestock. By that time, he managed to get married and had a son. By that time, the star of the Zhou Empire was declining, and the emperor had no real power.

The squabble for the throne between different clans, the corruption of officials and the insecurity of ordinary people were heavily perceived by the zealots of the old order. Confucius was one of these zealots.

Realizing his inability to somehow change the situation, the philosopher resigned from his post.

He gathered his most devoted followers and embarked on a major tour of China. During his travels, Master Kun tried to try his thoughts to the local leaders. Shortly before his death, the great philosopher took up the literary past of his country. The results of his work were such treatises as The Book of Songs and The Book of Changes.

Companions of Confucius based on the materials of his reasoning wrote the book "Conversations and Judgments". "Spring and Autumn", the chronicles of the land of Lu from 722 to 481 BC, are usually referred to as treatises written directly by Teacher Kun. e. The "Book of Poems" is in question. It is believed that in total Confucius had more than three thousand companions, of which about seventy were from his inner circle. However, only twenty-six of them are known stories. The closest follower to the teacher was Yan-yuan.

And although Confucianism is called a religion, it is very far from faith in God. And Kuhn's followers don't care about theological issues. The basic foundation of an ideal society is the loyalty of the younger to the elder, and the main rule is not to do to others what you would not like to experience yourself.

The main human qualities recognized by Confucians: - Ren (the main human principle, the duty to be humane in relation to others), Yi (justice, always do the truth), Pi (observance of ancient customs, reverence for ancestors), Zhi (prudence, the ability to foresee the results their actions), Xin (sincerity).

In the seventeenth century, real Chineseism began in the West. This also led to attempts to study Chinese culture. Around 1687, the Jesuits translated into Latin and published a printed version of Confucius's Lun Yu.

The chief Jesuit expert on Chinese philosophy, Matteo Ricci, tries to link Confucianism with Christianity. He believes that these two ideas cannot exist in isolation from each other. And it was he who first declared that Confucianism can be considered a religion.

Confucius's ideas have influenced many famous scientists. Among them are Nicolas Malebranche, Leibniz, von Wolf. Philosophers such as Hegel and Herder have been critical. In their opinion, such a philosophy is more likely to alienate the Chinese from global values \u200b\u200bthan to bring them closer to them.

With the coming to power of the Han dynasty, Confucius began to be considered an uncrowned Van, a demigod and the greatest of ancient sages. They began to build sanctuaries and offer sacrifices to him. The most famous one is located in Qufu.

The teachings of Confucius, which strengthened the imperial power, were soon recognized as the state ideology, which made it possible to include Confucius in the pantheon of gods.

Confucianism is indeed in many ways similar to the ideas of Christianity, but it became a reaction to the fragmentation of the state and the negative processes associated with it.

Confucius (years of life - 551-479 BC) was born and lived during a time of great political and social upheaval, when Zhou China was in a state of internal crisis. The power of the ruler (wang) has weakened for a long time. The patriarchal-clan norms were destroyed, the clan aristocracy perished in civil strife. The collapse of the ancient foundations, internecine strife, the greed and venality of officials, the suffering and misfortunes of the common people caused sharp criticism from the zealots of antiquity.

Fundamentals of the teachings of Confucius

Generally speaking, the teachings of Confucius are not difficult to understand. Its truths are quite simple. Confucius, highly appreciating the past time and criticizing modernity, created on the basis of this opposition his own ideal of jun-tzu (perfect man). He must have high morality and two virtues that are most important in his view: a sense of duty and humanity. Humanity (zhen) meant restraint, modesty, unselfishness, dignity, love for people. Zhen is an almost unattainable ideal, which is a combination of various perfections that only the ancients possessed. The philosopher considered humane among his contemporaries only himself, as well as Yan Hui, his beloved student. Confucius's teachings also imply that humanity alone is not enough for chun-tzu. Another important quality he had to possess was a sense of duty, that is, moral obligations that, due to his virtues, a humane person imposes on himself. Generally, a sense of duty is driven by higher principles and knowledge, not calculation. Another of his concepts is "following the middle path" (in Chinese - "zhong yong"). The sage warns his disciples against being carried away by extremes. These are just the basic postulates of the teachings that Confucius proposed. His philosophy is not limited to them, you can familiarize yourself with it in more detail. The topic of our article is biography, not the teachings of this thinker. Therefore, we decided to confine ourselves to only a brief summary of what Confucius spoke and wrote about. Philosophy and his life are inseparable, as you will soon see.

The birth of Confucius

The great thinker was born in 551 BC. e. Confucius, whose biography interests us, was born in the kingdom of Lu. His father, Shulian He, belonged to a noble princely family, was a brave warrior. He had only girls, nine daughters in his first marriage, but there was no heir. In the second marriage, such a long-awaited boy was born, but, unfortunately, he turned out to be a cripple. Then, already at an old age (63 years), he decides to enter into a third marriage. A girl belonging to the Yan clan agrees to become his wife, believing that her father's will should be fulfilled. The appearance of the great man was foreshadowed by visions that visited this girl after the wedding. Many wonderful circumstances accompanied the birth of this child. On his body, according to tradition, there were 49 signs that speak of future greatness. This is how Kung-fu-tzu, known in the West as Confucius, was born. His biography was unusual from an early age.

The childhood of the future sage

His father died when the future philosopher was only three years old. The young mother decided to devote her whole life to raising her son. Her constant leadership greatly influenced the formation of the character of Confucius. He was distinguished already in early childhood by a talent for predicting and outstanding abilities. Confucius loved to play, imitating various ceremonies, repeating the unconsciously sacred rituals of antiquity. This surprised those around him. As a child, Confucius was far from the games typical of his age. His main entertainment was conversations with elders and sages. At the age of seven he went to Confucius school. His biography opens with a new page. School years gave a lot of knowledge that came in handy in the future. It was obligatory to master six skills: listening to music, performing rituals, driving a chariot, shooting a bow, counting and writing.

Successful passing of exams

Confucius was born with a great sensitivity to teaching, whose biography is presented in this article. His outstanding mind made the boy constantly read and assimilate all the knowledge set forth in the classic books of that time. Subsequently, because of this, they said about him that he did not have teachers, but only students. Confucius, at the end of school, was the only one among all students who passed the most difficult exams with a 100% result.

The first posts of Confucius

At the age of 17, he held the post of keeper of barns, a government official. Confucius said that he should only care that his accounts were correct. Later, the cattle of the kingdom of Lu also came under his jurisdiction. The sage noted that his concern now was that the sheep and bulls were well fed. He said that you shouldn't worry about what position you hold. You just have to think if you serve well in this place. It is not known exactly at what age Confucius began to serve (at 20 or at 26-27 years old), as well as how long this service lasted. Much more attention in ancient treatises is paid to one of the main features of this thinker in his youth: he not only was not afraid to ask, but at the same time he sought an exhaustive answer.

Marriage and birth of a son

At the age of 19, the sage took a wife from the Qi family, who lived in Suna, the kingdom of his ancestors. This would hardly have been possible without the favor of the Luska aristocrats. Confucius had a son a year later. Zhaogong, the ruler of Lus, sent a large carp to the philosopher, which was at that time a symbol of wishing all the best to the family. Therefore, the son was named Bo Yu ("bo" means "the eldest of the brothers", and "yu" means "fish"). Confucius wanted to have more children, but fate decreed otherwise.

Visiting the capital

At the age of 25, Confucius was already noted for his indisputable dignity by the entire cultural community. The invitation of the ruler to visit the capital of China became one of the most important moments in his life. This journey allowed the sage to realize himself in full measure as the keeper of the ancient tradition and mentor. He decided to open a school based on traditional teachings. A person learned here to learn the laws of this world, people, and also to discover new opportunities in himself.

Disciples of Confucius

Confucius wanted to see his disciples as holistic people who would be useful to society and the state. Therefore, he taught them various areas of knowledge. Confucius with his students was firm and simple. He wrote that he does not enlighten someone who does not want to know. Among the students of Confucius, Zi Lu, Zeng Dian, Yan Lu and others stood out for their knowledge at the initial stage. The most devotee turned out to be Zi Lu, who went all the way with his teacher and buried him solemnly, in compliance with ethical standards.

Confucius - Minister of Justice

The fame of him spread far. The recognition of his wisdom reached such a degree that at the age of 52 he was offered the post of Minister of Justice - the most responsible position in the state at that time. Confucius's life changed significantly. He was now in charge of political crimes and criminal cases. In fact, Confucius had the functions of the supreme prosecutor. Thanks to this, he became the closest adviser to the king.

How did Confucius prove himself in a responsible post?

At the post, the sage was very active. He proved himself as an experienced and skillful politician who appreciates and knows rituals, as a pacifier of vassals who did not want to submit to the ruler, and also as a just judge. His reign was generally quite successful. Confucius did so much for his country that the neighboring states began to fear the kingdom that would be brilliantly developing thanks to the efforts of one person. Slander and slander led to the fact that the advice of Confucius ceased to heed the ruler Lu. Confucius had to leave his native state. He went on a journey instructing beggars and rulers, plowmen and princes, old and young.

Confucius's journey

At that time he was 55 years old. Confucius was already a thinker, wise by experience, confident that his knowledge would be useful to the rulers of other states. He first went to Wei, where he stayed for 10 months. However, he was forced to leave after an anonymous denunciation and go to Chen. On the way, Confucius was captured by the peasants, who took him for an aristocrat who oppressed them. The sage behaved with dignity, and soon the Wei aristocrats rescued him, after which he returned to Wei. Here the local ruler turned to him for advice. However, after a while, due to disagreements with him, Confucius was forced to leave Wei. The philosopher went to Song, after which - to Chen, where he received a modest salary and a meaningless post. However, soon after, due to the impending war and the danger associated with it, he left Chen and went to Chu. Here he held several meetings with She-gun, Chu's first advisor. These conversations were about ensuring the prosperity of the state and achieving stability in it. Wherever he went, the villagers begged him to stay. Confucius's personality attracted many. However, the sage always replied that his duty extended to all people. He considered all the inhabitants of the earth to be members of one family. And for all of them, he had to fulfill the mission of a mentor.

Confucius's life as part of his teachings

Virtue and knowledge were inseparable for Confucius. His life itself became an integral part of his teaching, which corresponded to the philosophical convictions of this thinker. Like Socrates, he did not serve only working time with his philosophy. On the other hand, Confucius did not withdraw into his teachings and did not move away from life. For him, philosophy was not a model of ideas exposed for comprehension, but a system of commandments that are inseparable from the behavior of a philosopher.

Chun-qiu chronicle

In the last years of his life, Confucius wrote a chronicle called "Chun-qiu", and also edited 6 Canons, which entered the classics of Chinese culture and strongly influenced the national character of the inhabitants of this state. Quotes of Confucius are still known to many today, and not only in China, but all over the world.

The last years of Confucius's life

His son died in 482 BC. e., and in 481st - Zi Lu, his most beloved student. The death of the teacher hastened these troubles. Confucius died at the 73rd year of life, in 479 BC. e., having predicted beforehand his death to his disciples. Despite his modest background, this sage remains a great figure in Chinese history. The Chinese philosopher Confucius did not like to talk about himself. He described his life path in only a few lines. Let's retell the content of one famous quote from Confucius. It says that at the age of 15 he turned his thoughts to teaching, at 30 he found a solid foundation, at 40 he was able to free himself from doubts, at 50 he knew the will of Heaven, ten years later he learned to distinguish between truth and falsehood, at 70 began to follow the call of his own heart.

Tomb of Confucius

The teacher was buried by the river called Syshui. His things were also placed in the grave. This place has been a place of pilgrimage in China for over 2000 years. The estate, tomb and temple of Confucius are located in Shandong province, in Qufu city. The temple in his honor was built in 478 BC. e. It was destroyed and subsequently rebuilt in various eras. Today this temple has more than a hundred buildings. At the burial site is not only the tomb of Confucius, but also the tombs of more than 100 thousand of his descendants. The once small house of the Kuhn family became a huge aristocratic residence. From this residence, 152 buildings have survived today.

Confucius was truly a great man. And today many people try to follow his wisdom. Confucius inspires not only the people of China, but also people from all over the world.

Confucius is an ancient sage and philosopher of China. Born around 551 BC e. his mother, Yan Zhengzai, was a 17-year-old concubine. Father Shulian He was 63 years old at that time, he was a descendant of Wei-tzu, the commander of the emperor. The boy was given the name Kong Qiu at birth. When the child was one and a half years old, his father died.

Confucius had a difficult childhood, from an early age he had to work. Yan Zhengzai's mother talked about his ancestors and their great activities. This was a huge incentive for the return of the great title that had been lost. Therefore, he began to engage in self-education. In adolescence, Confucius loses his mother.

At the age of 20, he receives recognition and creates a whole teaching - Confucianism, which was of great importance in the development of China. He became the founder of the first university and wrote rules for all estates. He taught literature, language, politics and morality in his own private school, which accepted everyone who wanted independence from the class and material wealth.

When Confucius was 44 years old, he took over as the seat of the principality of Lu. He was very active in his post, he was an experienced and skillful politician. After some time, he resigned, after which he began to preach philosophical doctrine together with followers. His idea was to preach knowledge to the poor, plowmen, old people and young.

At the age of 60, he returns to his homeland, which he does not leave until his death. The rest of his life he has been working on his works, The Book of Songs, The Book of Changes and many others.

Confucius died in the 73rd year, before that he predicted his imminent death, which he told his disciples.

Very little is known about this outstanding person, but this does not prevent us from believing that Confucius is an influential figure in the development of China.

Biography of Confucius about the main thing

Around 551 BC, the future thinker and philosopher Confucius was born. At that time, his father was about 63 years old, and his mother was only 17. After the death of little Confucius's father, unprecedented quarrels took place between the two wives and the young concubine, which forced them to leave their home. After moving to the city of Qufu, she began to live with her son. Childhood was spent in poverty, so I had to work hard. Listening to the stories of his mother, about his father and his noble family, Confucius understood that to be worthy of a kind, it was necessary to engage in self-education.

To begin with, he studied the basis of the education system of young aristocrats - he excelled in the six arts, and he was appointed to the position of an official in charge of barns, then - an official in charge of livestock. He began his successful career at about 20-25 years old. He got married at about 19 years old and had two children.

In addition, he was engaged in teaching, he opened the first private school, where all children were admitted, regardless of their origin or financial condition. There were taught 4 disciplines: politics, morality, language, literature.

Around 583 BC, his mother dies and, according to tradition, he must leave state work for 3 years. During this period, he completely immersed himself in thinking about creating an ideal state.

In speed, great changes swept the country. The stable rule of the dynasties was replaced by venality, the greed of officials, internecine strife. Realizing his hopelessness, Confucius resigned and, together with his students, set out to travel around China. During this time, he tried to convey his ideas to the governments of different provinces. At about 60 years old, he finished his wanderings and settled in one place. He took a symbolic fee for his studies, lived on funds allocated by wealthy students. He was engaged in teaching new students and systematizing the ancient books of Shi Jin and I Jin. The disciples themselves compiled the book of Lunyu. It became the foundational book of Confucianism, which contains brief statements, notes, and actions of their teacher.

Interestingly, according to the calculations of scientists, he had about 3,000 students, but by precisely there are about 26.

Although Confucianism is considered a religion, it has nothing to do with theology. It reflects the principles of creating a harmonious society. The basic rule formulated by Confucius is: "Do not do to a person what you do not wish for yourself."

He died in about 479 at the age of 72, and there is an opinion that before that he just slept for 7 days. He was buried in the cemetery, where it was supposed to bury his followers. Of course, the biography of Confucius around is partially covered with legends, but one should not underestimate the fact of the influence of his teachings on future generations.

After his death, a temple was built on the site of the house, which was rebuilt more than once, its area was increased. The House of Confucius has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1994. It is customary in China to give the Confucius Prize for Achievement in Education.

Interesting facts and dates from life

Confucius was a Chinese thinker and philosopher. His philosophy focused on moral issues, both from a personal and government perspective. Confucius taught correct social relations, justice and equality. His teachings became very famous in China.

1. Just keep going.

"It doesn't matter how slowly you go until you stop."

If you keep driving in the right direction, you will eventually arrive at your destination. The hard work must be consistent, everyone can succeed without stopping the movement. A person who has achieved success is a person who remains committed to his goal regardless of the circumstances.

2. Your friends matter.

"Never befriend a person who is not getting better than himself."

Your friends influence your future, and where they are is where you go. It would be fortunate for your destiny to find friends who go where you want to go. On the pages of our site, it has already been said more than once that your environment affects your worldview, your friends have a special influence on you, because you trust them most of all.

3. Good things are expensive.

“It's easy to hate and difficult to love. This is how our world works. Good things are difficult to achieve, and bad things are very easy. "

This explains a lot. It's pretty easy to hate, just be negative, just make excuses. Love, forgiveness and greatness require a big heart, a big mind, and a lot of effort. None of us strive for something bad, at least for ourselves. Everyone wants a better lot for themselves, but how do you get there if you're not making an effort to be positive. Remember, your world around you is a reflection of your inner world.

4. Sharpen your tools first.

“Life's expectations depend on diligence. A mechanic who improves his work needs to sharpen his tools. "

Confucius said: "Success depends on preliminary preparation, without preparation you will surely fail." Whatever you do, if you want to succeed, you need to be ready for it. This applies not only to your internal work, but also to your external work. This is planning, and obtaining the necessary skills, and connections with influential people.

5. To be offended is nothing.

"Being offended is nothing if you don't keep remembering it."

Don't worry about the little things. To be offended is really nothing. Don't let other people's misconduct ruin your day. Don't let their negativity creep into your thoughts. Being hurt is nothing, at least if you can easily leave it in the past. Bend your line, let other people be who they are, and keep moving.

6. Consider the possible consequences.

"When anger rises, consider the consequences."

Solomon said: "He who knows how to restrain his anger is greater than the mighty." Always keep your mood in check and think about the consequences. Anger will not lead to anything good, being angry, you stop thinking rationally, which means you can do stupid things. Know how to restrain your emotions, especially negative ones.

7. Make your changes.

"When it becomes obvious that the goal cannot be achieved, do not change your goal, change your practical steps."

If you begin to realize that you are not making progress towards your goal this year, then this is a good time to make changes to your plan. Don't take failure as an option, adjust your sails and calmly progress towards your goal. If doing the same thing every day, you do not see much result, try doing something different, but do not change your goal, just find a different path to it.

8. You can learn from everyone.

“If I go with two other people, each of them can serve me as a teacher. I will look for something good in them and imitate them in this, and something bad in order to correct it in myself. "

You can and should learn from every person you meet along the way. Whether it is a rogue or a holy person, you can take something useful about everyone. The history of every person's life is filled with lessons that are ripe for them to be taught.

9. All or nothing.

"Wherever you go, follow with all your heart."

Whatever you do, do it as much as possible, or do not do it at all. To be successful in life takes everything you can. Do the best you can and you will live with no regrets.

In the entire history of China, no one has been able to outshine the glory of Confucius. He was neither a pioneer nor an inventor, but every inhabitant of the planet knows his name thanks to his outstanding philosophical teachings. Below we will go through the main milestones of the interesting and rich life of the great thinker.

1) Confucius (birth name Kun Qiu) was born in 551 BC. in the city of Zeou (now the city of Qufu in the Shandong province), which belonged to the kingdom of Lu.

2) When Confucius was three years old, his father Shulian He, a military officer, died. The boy grew up in poverty, but was able to get a good education.

3) From early childhood, Confucius had to work hard to support his family. Having started out as a simple worker, he won the favor of an official responsible for issuing and receiving grain. Later, cattle also came under his jurisdiction.

4) At the age of 19, Confucius married a girl named Ki-koan-shi from the Qi family, who lived in the Song kingdom. A year later, they had a son, who was named Li.

5) Confucius's mother died when he was 23. A year later (in 527 BC) Confucius changed his career and took up teaching.

6) Confucius taught students the ideas of ancient Chinese sages, who he studied himself in order to achieve reforms in the government, which at that time was mired in corruption and autocracy.

7) Confucius believed that every citizen should respect and honor their ancestors.

8) He considered honesty, benevolence, humility, politeness and sanity to be the most important human qualities. People's leaders were encouraged by Confucius to be exemplars of good behavior.

9) He believed that the country's elite would become a positive example for the rest of the nation. Thus, peace and harmony will reign in society.

10) At the age of 50 (501 BC), Confucius took over as a judge. In his hands the entire law and order of the kingdom of Lu was concentrated.

11) The laws published by Confucius were based on his teachings and were so successful that crime in the kingdom of Lu came to naught.

12) Confucius served as judge for five years, but the machinations of spiteful critics led to his resignation in 496 BC.

13) Confucius returned to teaching and over the next 12 years as a teacher won universal love and respect.

14) At the age of 67, Confucius left his labor activity and returned to his small homeland. Five years later on November 21, 479 BC. he died.

15) Disciples of Confucius, based on the sayings and conversations of the teacher, compiled the book "Sy Shu" or "Four Books".

16) Confucianism, founded by Confucius and developed by his followers, is one of the most widespread and most ancient religions in China and throughout the world.

17) Confucius's "Golden Rule" says: "Do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself." He is also credited with the saying: “What you don’t choose yourself, don’t impose on others”.

18) Qiu ("Qiū", literally "Hill") is the real name of Confucius, given to him at birth. The second name of the teacher was Zhong-ni (仲尼 Zhòngní), that is, "The second of the clay."

19) The name "Confucius" arose at the end of the 16th century in the writings of European missionaries, who thus in Latin (Latin Confucius) transmitted the combination Kun Fu-tzu (Chinese: уп子, pinyin: Kǒngfūzǐ), although the name 孔子 (Kǒngzǐ) with the same meaning "Teacher [of the clan / surname] Kun."

20) Confucius is also known by the names: "The Great Sage", "The Wisest Deceased Teacher", "The First Teacher" and "Forever an exemplary teacher".

21) According to Confucius, a person must overcome himself, cultivating a personality through morality and humanity, and destroy the barbarian and egoist in himself.

22) One of the most prominent students of Confucius and his spiritual heir is the Chinese philosopher Mengzi. The thinker's favorite student was Yan Hui.

23) The family tree of Confucius, with a history of about 2500 years, is the longest in the world. Today the tree spans 83 uninterrupted generations of the Confucius clan.

24) According to the Confucius Family Genealogy Committee operating in Hong Kong and China, genealogical books listing Confucius's offspring are considered the largest in the world: they have 43 thousand pages and include the names of more than 2 million people.

25) Several tens of thousands of descendants of the "teacher of all Chinese" live outside China in Korea (34 thousand) and Taiwan.

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