Synopsis of the open lesson “We will live in peace, friendship” (polyculture). Long-term creative project "Friendship of the peoples of the world Friendship of peoples of different nationalities

On our beautiful planet there is a place where Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars have always lived together and cheerfully: children and their parents.

Boys with dads went hunting, and girls with moms grew fruits and vegetables, cooked delicious jams and baked pies. In this wonderful city there was a water dam, which gave the city clean drinking water, watered all the gardens and orchards. Every year people had a lot of harvest. They harvested fruits and vegetables for the future. With the onset of a snowy winter, they went sledding, played snowballs, made snowmen, and in the evening they went to visit each other, drank tea with jam and pies, told stories, laughed.

Year after year flew by and it seemed that nothing could change their happy life.

The Kazakh family, like the Russians, the Tatars, had their own cozy house. He stood on the outskirts, near the town itself. With the onset of spring, the Kazakh family painted the house pink, and the shutters and doors white with pink polka dots. The green grass was covered with yellow flowers, and goldfish appeared in the blue river that flowed in their apple orchard.

Throughout the spring, the Kazakh family worked in the garden like the others. By autumn they had grown a wonderful crop of tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes. Apple trees, peaches, pears gave an extraordinary harvest. The branches of the trees were strewn with fruits. The trees were very tall, and the Kazakh family had to put up a big ladder to reach the tops of the trees.

Once, early in the morning, when the women were baking pies, the children ran into the house, breathing heavily and interrupting each other:

Mother Mother! Trouble, trouble, come!

What happened, dear children? asked the mother.

The dam was blocked in the city, they said excitedly.

A huge old oak fell and cut off all the water.

The river has flowed around the city, we have no more water, we will die. There will be a drought in the city, our crops, our trees, everything will die without water.

Our peaches, our peaches, our favorite peach pies, our jam! - the children cried.

Hush, hush, don't cry! said the mother.

She hugged her children, kissed them, seated them at the table, cut a peach pie and poured milk.

We'll come up with something, we'll definitely come up with something.

After breakfast, the whole family joined hands, and they ran to the place where the oak fell.

Both Russians and Tatars have already gathered there. Children and their parents tried to move the oak, but it was huge, huge and nothing worked. Everyone worked hard.

What will happen now, what will happen now, like our gardens?

The little children began to cry. They were scared. The mother of the Russian family suddenly cried out:

If we can't move the tree, then let's dig little streams to each house, even if it's a little, but we'll have water for food and watering.

Everyone was delighted with this idea and ran for shovels. Children together with their parents, older and younger, worked for three days and three nights. And, finally, thin streams began to water gardens and orchards. But every day the sun became brighter and hotter. There wasn't enough water. Plants and trees began to dry up, and the harvest began to crumble. Then all the people gathered again and began to decide what to do now.

- And if we all move together the oak that blocked the dam?

And then all the Russians, Tatars, Kazakhs gathered their strength, grabbed the mighty oak with both hands and freed the dam. Clean, clear water filled the dried-up river and, as before, ran along its channel, watering all the gardens and orchards.

Hurrah Hurrah! all the children screamed. We are saved!

Proverbs on the theme of friendship will never lose their relevance, and even in our time of revolutionary information technologies there is a place good old proverb about friendship, mutual assistance and fellowship.
It is beautiful to sing, tell stories and fairy tales, so that they listen to you with rapture, not everyone can do it. Another thing is a proverb or saying about fidelity, about the friendship of peoples, old friends in colloquial speech, we often use them, and do not even notice it.

An untested friend that the nut is not split.
Not explored - friend; and known - two.
Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
Friendly is not heavy, but apart - at least drop it.

It is known that not every saying can be called a proverb or saying. A proverb, as well as a saying, is a phrase invented by the people, their oral creativity. If formulated differently, short phrases used during a conversation, which are used to describe various life situations, can be called a saying. on this page you will find the best Russian sayings and proverbs about friendship.

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich, the compiler of the well-known collection "Proverbs of the Russian Language", believed that the proverb is like a parable, only small. He argued that this is an opinion, a consideration and a wise hint created by the people and included in colloquial speech.

How the theme of friendship is revealed in proverbs.

Friendship is when people are comfortable being with each other, they have similar interests and views in certain situations. There is always trust between friends, a friend can not only praise, but also criticize, point out mistakes in actions. However, his negative feedback cannot offend or offend, that is the value of a friend - he always tells the truth. Our people have come up with a lot wise and instructive proverbs about friendship, sayings about the friendship of peoples and it is important to preserve and protect this greatest heritage. Be sure to introduce children to proverbs about friendship, comradely mutual assistance, learn them by heart.

Russian proverbs about friendship.
Better the bitter truth of a friend than the flattery of an enemy.
Suddenly you won't be a friend.
There is no circle for a friend.
A good friend is better than a hundred relatives.
Friends until a rainy day.
Look for friends, and enemies will be found.

If you have common interests with some person, this does not mean at all that you will become friends. After all, friendship is something more, a reunion on a spiritual level. This type of relationship is characterized by depth and sincerity. A friend will instantly be able to catch your mood and even its reason, only with a glance, without further ado. He notices things that other people don't notice. And every friend will support you absolutely disinterestedly.
Rivers may run dry, mountains may crumble
but the friendship of peoples is eternal and indestructible.

Friendship of peoples is stronger than the storm, brighter than the sun.

When an Uzbek sings, a Tajik sings along with him.
When a Tajik plays, an Uzbek dances.

Friendship of people creates a mountain of treasures.

The language of friendship does not need translation.

If it were not for friendship, then people would be lost.

Friendship and brotherhood are better than wealth.
The rhymed form of the proverb allows it to be remembered from the first time and for a long time. For almost any situation, there is a saying that can briefly and concisely describe the state of affairs. When communicating, it will come to mind only when there is a reason. In sayings, there are often recommendations for further actions under certain circumstances.

In the development of the child, the role of sayings and proverbs is great. To teach their kids begin when they already know how to talk, even if hesitantly. In kindergarten and school, children learn more and more of these sayings, using them not only in the classroom, but also in conversations among themselves, while imitating adults.

A large number of well-known and frequently used proverbs and sayings can be found on our website.

The best Russian proverbs about the friendship of peoples, the friendship of old friends. For children and adults.

about the author

Kirill is 8 years old, he is a student of MBOU "Gymnasium No. 3" of the city of Astrakhan.

Cheerful, cheerful boy, loves to read, tries to compose fairy tales. He is engaged in applied art, his works take first places at school and city exhibitions. The city where Kirill lives is multinational. People of different nationalities live peacefully not only in one city, but also in one family. Kirill's family is Russian-Tatar. In his fairy tale, Kirill tells that people need to live in peace and honor each other's traditions.

"The Tale of the Friendship of Peoples"

Once upon a time there was a Russian hero Nikita in the world. He lived happily and had many friends.

Once he fell in love with the princess and wanted to marry her. And the princess told him that she would marry him if he got her an engagement ring - a semi-precious ring. That ring is kept by the Serpent Gorynych in the tower up to the very clouds. Around that tower is a wall of fire, around that wall is a boiling river.

There is nothing to do, Nikita went to look for - to get a gem ring. How long, how short, he searched, came across, finally on a boiling river. And he can't get over it. He returned sad to his homeland.

His old friend, Armenian Aram, met him on the way and asked:

I want to marry the princess, she told me to get a gem ring. Yes, how to get it - you can’t cross a boiling river. Nikita answers him.

Do not be sad, friend, - Aram tells him, - I will build you a stone bridge across the boiling river.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thanks to his friend and went across the bridge to get a ring. He crossed the river and stopped - in front of him was a fiery wall. Walked - the hero walked around the bush, so he returned home with nothing.

On the way he met his bosom friend, the Kalmyk Basang, who asked him:

What, friend Nikita, is not happy? That he hung his wild head?

I want to marry the princess, she told me to get a gem ring. Yes, how to get it - you can’t get over the fiery wall - Nikita answers him.

Do not be sad, friend, - Basang tells him, - I will give you a horse, he will carry you over the fiery wall.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thank you to his friend, got on his horse and rode off. The zealous horse ran up and jumped over the fiery wall. He jumps further - he sees a tower up to the clouds, and under it the Serpent Gorynych with three heads. Yes, you can't do it with your bare hands. I had to go back to my hometown.

On the way he met his friend, the Kazakh Tagir, who asked him:

What, friend Nikita, is not cheerful? That he hung his wild head?

I want to marry the princess, she told me to get a gem ring. Yes, how to get it - you cannot defeat the Serpent Gorynych with your bare hands. Nikita answers him.

Do not be sad, friend, - Tagir tells him, - I will give you a heroic sword, in an instant you will overcome the snake with it.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thank you to his friend, got on his horse, took his sword and galloped off to chop off Zmey Gorynych's heads.

He defeated the Serpent, but he cannot get into the tower: there is no door in it, only a window under the very clouds. Again the hero returned home.

On the way he met his old friend - the Tatar Rustam, and he asks him:

What, friend Nikita, is not happy? That he hung his wild head?

I want to marry the princess, she told me to get a gem ring. Yes, how to get it - in the tower it is, a window under the very clouds.

Do not be sad, friend, - Rustam tells him, - I will give you a rope a hundred miles long, and a tight bow, tie the rope to an arrow and let it fly into the sky. And as soon as the arrow catches on the tower, you climb the rope into the window.

No sooner said than done. Nikita said thanks to his friend, got on his horse and galloped to the tower. He pulled on a tight bow and shot an arrow into the sky, and when it caught firmly on the tower, he climbed up the rope into the window.

He found himself in a room, and in that room was a bag of gold and a semi-precious ring. He took both.

He returned to his homeland, married the princess, and gave the gold to his friends.

The Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan is approaching - another reason to think about the value of friendship, despite different nationalities, age, religious views, social status and so on. True friendship is beyond circumstance.

We offer to recall the quotes of great people about what is important for every person.

1. "Today's friendship is not friendliness, but perfidious deceit.
Enmity is not upholding the truth, but simply the inability to live in harmony.


2. "The person with whom true friends do not stay long has a hard temper."


3. "How much we do for friends that we would never do for ourselves."


4. "A true friend is known in adversity."


5. "Where there is no complete frankness, complete power of attorney, where even a little bit of it is hidden, there is not and cannot be friendship."

Belinsky V. G.

Photo courtesy

6. "Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality."


7. "Whoever is a friend, I do not consider him a friend."


8. "When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together."


9. "Friendship ends where distrust begins."


10. "It would be good for a person to examine himself, how much he costs for friends, and that he tries to be as expensive as possible."


Photo from

11. "Friendship should be a strong thing, capable of surviving all changes in temperature and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which efficient and decent people make their life journey."

Herzen A. I.

12. "True friendship is truthful and courageous."

Byron D.

13. "Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Another is not able to free himself from his own chains, but he saves his friend."

Nietzsche F.

14. "A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother."

Franklin b.

15. "... To be left without friends is the most bitter, after poverty, misfortune."

Defoe D.

Photo from

16. "Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits this to himself."

Lermontov M. Yu.

Leonardo da Vinci

18. "Be every one such a support,
so that, saving a friend from a burden,
to one dream to go with one will.


19. "You can't have too many friends."

Dumas A. (father)

20. "If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will bloom again, withered due to the fact that he was not watered with water of friendship and did not care for him."


UPDATE 05/17/2009

In part, this topic overlaps with the post about "friendship of peoples" and the topic on the Bibliogide, but I want to offer a narrower framework: artistic books from which you can learn interesting details about the culture, traditions, lifestyle of different peoples, i.e. books that are educational to a certain extent, where the national flavor is present in the most concentrated form. Unfortunately, so far we have managed to collect only rather old books:


Godunova M. "Tun and Nyun - boys from Burma"- small but memorable stories about the holidays and everyday life of children from exotic Burma. Numerous color illustrations fig. O. Zotova convey the color and brightness of the tropics.

Two more books by M. Godunova - "Purple Serpent" and "Bay's Magic Bird"- dedicated to Afghanistan and India. The stories about the people and customs of these countries are accompanied by vivid illustrations (artists O. Zotov and S. Ostrov).

Idigoras K. M. "Landa, son of a miner" - a story about the life of the miners of the Spanish Asturias. Eleven-year-old Landa's father was among the miners who died in a mine collapse. After his death, the boy had to become a miner's assistant and experience hard, risky work. But the thought that the father was never found did not give Landa peace of mind ...

Johnson S. "Baby Hjalti Saga"- about the life of nine-year-old Hjalti, the little son of a farm worker in an Icelandic village at the beginning of the 20th century. Poetic pictures of nature, a story about kind and not so good people that the boy meets, add up to a long, unhurried saga about a harsh country and its people.

Razus M. "Maroshko" - a story about the childhood of a village boy from Slovakia at the end of the 19th century. features a colorful image of rural life, folk traditions, beliefs.

For senior school age

Andersen L. E."You don't get it"- three stories, realistic and rather tough, about the life of Danish teenagers in different historical eras: "Free and Slave", "Witch Hunt", "You Can't Understand This".

Beli-Kenum O. "The Boy from Yuguru"- a story about the childhood and youth of the boy Ayao, nicknamed Baby in the family circle, in Dahomey (Benin), at that time a French colony. Ayao is the son of a wealthy Kelanko peasant. He never studied and cannot read, but since he has the means, Kelanko sent all his children to study. The life of the Kelanco family is described with love and in great detail, with all the daily activities and worries, a lot is told about studying at the French colonial school. Publisher's abstract

Nemtsov B."Grandma. Pictures of rural life"- Bozena Nemtsova managed to capture the majestic pictures of the Czech Republic, its people, life and way of life. The image of a grandmother, a simple peasant woman, captivates with poetry and truth. About her own work, the writer said: "This is a quiet village life, sounds, customs, holidays and beliefs of people in the vicinity of Náchod. The representative of this old Bohemian lifestyle is a grandmother living in a quiet homely atmosphere, surrounded by her grandchildren, her daughter's children."

Rudd S. "On our farm"- humorous stories about the life of a family of Australian pioneer farmers. The heroes of the story, father Rudd and his large family are hard-working, sweet, funny and noisy people. They conquer the wild thickets - the Australian bush - with an ax, a hoe, fire, their sweat, suffering. Papa Rudd either falls into a ditch, or a cow knocks him down, or a horse is taken out from under his nose, and his son Dave on an old nag will not reach the finish line in the competition. But they are discouraged. This story is autobiographical. It is considered the most hilarious and saddest book about life in farming Australia.

Rytkheu Yu. "Snow Melt Time"- Yuri Rytkheu was born in the family of a St. John's wort hunter, his grandfather was a shaman. The autobiographical story tells about the life of the boy Rintyn in the Chukotka village of the 1930s, about the mores and customs of his relatives, who largely preserved the traditional way of life.

Rajab M. "I'm from Sumatra"- an autobiographical story about the life of an Indonesian boy. The story tells not only about the writer's childhood, but also about the peculiar life of Indonesia, which at that time was a Dutch colony

Rizzo F. "Among the lagoons and swamps of Po"- full of tragedy and courage, the story of the families of Italian fishermen living in the Po Valley. To survive, they have to conduct illegal fishing, hiding and fighting with police inspectors guarding the fishing grounds. Nature also does not indulge the poor: during the flood, the waters of the raging river flooded many villages.

Collections :

"Children of the World"(M., Det. Lit., 1970) - thirty-six stories by writers from twenty-eight countries about the lives of children and adolescents in various parts of the world: from harsh Norway to tropical Brazil. There is a story about fishing in the Caribbean, about the birthday of a German boy, about Indian, Korean, Slovak schools, about how children from Peru, Iran, Turkey earn their living. Each country is given a geographical reference on a separate sheet. ill. G. Kalinovsky, V. Chapli, R. Volsky, E. Meshkov, V. Trubkovich, A. Tambovkin, G. Alimov, G. Epishin

Bulgaria: Georgy Mishev "The Boy"
Brazil: Odette Mutto "Everything is not true!"
Great Britain: Herbert Bates "Poisonous Old Women"
Hungary: Istvan Bede "Daddy's briefcase"
Vietnam: Van Thien Son "Fan You In the Sugar Cane"
GDR: Gerhard Baumert "Mischief's Misadventures"
Zambia: Peter Joyce "Tiki"
India: Shankar "Portrait"
Iran: Movahkhed Dilmagani "Silver Coins"
Italy: Giuliana Boldrini "The Prato Boys"
Korea: Lee Dong-seok "Slingshot"
Cuba: Dora Alonso "A Dangerous Adventure"
Martinique: Joseph Zobel "Primer"
Mongolia: M. Gaadamba "Jam"
Norway: Anne-Katrina Westley "Alarm Clock"
Pakistan: Ahmed Nadeem Kasmi "Baby buys a slate"
Peru: Julián Huanay "Juanito Seeks Good Luck"
Poland: Stefania Grodzenskaya "Feat of Tomasz Kotek"
Romania: E.Kelderararu "Mermaid"
Anatoly Moshkovsky "Fedka from Chelyuskintsev Street"
Alexander Batrov "Tulka"
Spiridon Vangeli "Parta Gugutse"
Kamari Tonoyan "The Tale of a Little Fairy"
Ahmedkhan Abu-Bakar "Kultum"
USA: Robert McCloskey "More"
Turkey: Fahri Erdinch "Rustem"
Uganda: Violetta Kokanda Kifa "Keyzana"
Finland: Y. Paile "I know with whom to be friends"
Czechoslovakia: Vincent Shikula "Where is the justice?"
Voya Tsarich "Train in the snow"
Gligor Popovski "Mother Mile"
Kristina Brenkova "Mug of porridge"
SOUTH AFRICA: Alan Payton "Hypenny"
Japan: Mikiko Sugi "Red Shawl"

Somewhat more modest in content, but still a good collection with the same name, "Children of the World", published in 1965. Artists: A. Vasin, A. Kokorin, R. Volsky, E. Burgunker, A. Shmarinov, A. Itkin, D. Khaikin, B. Markevich, A. Ermolaev, E. Meshkov, N. Knorring, V. Kanevsky, A. Livanov, V. Tsigal.

"The Book of Friendship" - A collection of stories, poems and fairy tales by writers from different countries.