Abstract of a lesson in mathematics with Gyenesh logical blocks in the middle group "Journey with Mickey - Mouse to a magical land." The initial system of playing lessons with gyenesh blocks for children of primary preschool age

1. Cultivate benevolent attitudes towards one's neighbor.

2. Continue to teach children to lay out objects (Kuizener sticks) in a row, in ascending order, use the words: longer, shorter.

3. Strengthen counting skills within 5.

4. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and correctly show a circle, square, triangle, recognize these figures, despite differences in color and size.

5. Distinguish geometric shapes, develop spatial imagination, constructive thinking, ingenuity, sensory abilities (square).

Handout: Kuizener sticks, Gyenes blocks, circles: blue red.

Course progress.

Organizing time.

1. Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's greet them.

Educator: Guys, today we will make a fantastic flight. We will fly with you to the planet Mars, but what is the name of our planet? (Children's answers.)

There we have to make a lot of discoveries, complete difficult tasks, find answers to difficult questions. You are ready? (Children's answers.)

Educator: First of all, you need to build a rocket. You will be design engineers. Take your jobs. Before you sketches of rockets. Carefully consider the sketch and design a rocket (work with Gyenesh blocks). They did an excellent job.

We will fly on a ready-made rocket. Take your seats.

2. Flower meadow (Gyenes blocks)

caregiver: Guys, look, we are on an alien planet, but here there are flower meadows, but the flowers are unusual, but in the form of geometric shapes.

Guys, look, all our flowers are scattered from a colorful flower bed. Let's put the flowers in the flower bed.

Blue flowers in the shape of a square should be placed in the blue hoop, and red flowers in the shape of a circle in the red hoop.

Where do we place the rest of the flowers? (to the general part). And why? (because they are neither red nor blue, nor squares nor circles).

3. Educator: To maintain our health in space during the flight, we will do a physical education minute.

Fizkultminutka: "Space".

4. Games with Kuisener's sticks

caregiver: Guys, we are with you on the planet Mars, look, there are magic wands in front of you. We need to complete interesting tasks with them.

  1. Take as many sticks in your right hand as you can hold, name the color of each stick.
  2. Show not a red stick, not a yellow one, etc.
  3. Select sticks of the same color and build a house for nesting dolls.

5. "Lay out according to the model"

Teacher: Guys, look at the picture. What do you see? (Children's answers.) That's right, this is the Sun. The sun is also a planet. What color is it? What geometric figure does the sun look like? What else does the sun have? What geometric shape do the rays look like? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let's try to lay out our Sun, and our magic wands will help us with this. (Kuizener's sticks.)

6. Educator: Take places in the rocket:

1,2,3,4,5 - returned from the flight, we landed on the ground! (Children get out of the rocket.)

Educator: Our rocket made a soft landing, thanks to the well-coordinated work of our crew, we coped with all the tasks. Guys, I forgot where we were? Why did we fly there? What were we doing there? Was it hard for you? Interesting? Thank you guys for an interesting journey.

An open lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP) using Gyenesh logical blocks in the middle group.

"Let's help Doctor Aibolit"



To consolidate knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5, the ability to count within 5;

To consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

Continue to learn to correlate the number of objects with a number;


Develop attention and memory;

Develop logical thinking.


To educate children in goodwill in communicating with peers and adults,

To cultivate activity, imagination, independence of judgment;

Cultivate a desire to help.

Organizing time:

Don't yawn, get up in a circle. I will clap my hands, and you will count to yourself, and tell me how many times I clapped.

Knock on the door. A letter from Dr. Aibolit is brought to the group.

The teacher reads the letter: “Hello guys. They called me from Africa and asked me to come urgently - all the animals got sick. I took the magic water and got ready to go, but the evil pirates took away the magic water from me! They locked it in a chest and threw the keys into a deep lake. Guys help me please. You need to go to the lake and complete tasks. For each correctly completed task, you will receive a key from the fish. If you collect five keys, you will be able to open the chest with magical water. I would have gone with you myself, but other sick animals are waiting for me. Dr. Aibolit".

Educator: Help guys? Then we go to the lake.

Game "Build a path"

To get to the lake you need to build a path. Be careful now we are building a path.

Find a red, thick, small triangle

Find a blue, thin, large circle

Find a red, thick, small square

Find a yellow, thin, large rectangle

Which block came first?

What was the last block?

Here we come to the lake. Look at the fish swimming in the lake. (Fishes with numbers are scattered on the board). To find out which task is the first and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order.

Let's count how many fish? Find the fish with the number 1.

Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.

1 TASK - The game "Remember the figure"

I hid a triangle in the blue bow tie, a circle in the red bow tie, and a square in the green bow tie.

What is the figure in the red bow tie?

What is the figure in the green bow tie?

In which butterfly did I hide the triangle?

Educator. Well done! Here is the key from the fish for the correct answers. Find the fish with the number 2. Well done.

TASK 2 - The game "Guess the number"

In my right hand, I hid 1

In my left hand I hid 3

What's in the middle? (2)

In my right hand, I hid 3

In my left hand, I hid 5

What's in the middle? (4)

In my right hand, I hid 2

In my left hand, I hid 4

What's in the middle? (3)

For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).

TASK 3 - The game "Connect correctly."

I give the task to the children to connect the objects with the number with a line.

What objects are connected with the number 2?

What objects are connected with the number 4?

What objects are connected with the number 1?

What objects are connected with the number 3?

What objects are connected with the number 5?

Well done. Completed the task. For this, we get another key from the fish.

4 fish invites us to just relax.

Fizminutka - Game

"I play math

I turn you into figures!

One, two, three triangle (square, circle) run to the house!

Well done! For the fact that you were all attentive, you will receive a key from the fish. Find the fish with the number 5. Well done.

5 TASK - Work with Gyenesh blocks on the card field.

(I show the diagram of the block to be found)

Place this block in the top right corner

Put this block in the center of the cell field

Place this block in the bottom left corner

Which block did you put in the center?

What block did you put in the bottom left corner?

Well done! Rybka gives us the last key. So, how many keys do we have? (Five).

Now we will pick up the key to the casket, open it and get the magic water.

Look closely at the keys and the lock. Which key will fit our lock? Why?

I open it and take out the magic water. (She is transparent).

I think it's just plain water. The pirates must have changed the magic water to plain water. It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.

They call the doctor on a cell phone and talk on the speakerphone.

Hello, Dr. Aibolit in the chest is ordinary water!

Aibolit. But no! Cover it with magic cloth and shake. (The teacher covers the jar with a cloth, chatting, it turns out colored water.) Educator. The real magical water!

Aibolit. Thanks for the help! And you have a surprise from me in a casket so that you do not get sick. Goodbye. The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.

Thank you. Goodbye!

Synopsis of the OOD with Gyenes blocks in the senior group "Zero visiting the guys."

Class type: integrated (developing game-entertainment).

Educational area: cognitive development.

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Section: general educational activity: “First steps in mathematics. Exploring and experimenting.

Purpose: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and intellectual abilities of pupils in joint gaming activities in the process of solving practical tasks.

Program tasks:


To systematize children's knowledge on the formation of elementary mathematical representations (standards of geometric shapes), through didactic games and game tasks.

Summarize knowledge: about geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle, a rectangle, a square; in the ability to distinguish figures in shape, color, size, thickness.

To consolidate the ability to depict and lay out an object from geometric shapes, using constructive means, consisting of several parts.

To maintain the interest of pupils in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, to show perseverance, purposefulness.

Exercise in the ability to work with diagrams, by imagination.

To learn to emotionally perceive and evaluate their work and the work of their comrades, to rejoice in success, to correct mistakes.


To develop cognitive interest, attention, memory, practical-effective thinking, ingenuity, the ability to perform logical operations.

To promote the development of communication skills, grammatically correct dialogue speech, skills of free communication with an adult.

Develop creative imagination, aesthetic perception, fantasy.

Develop fine motor skills.

Develop independence and desire to achieve a positive result in work.

To develop the ability to perform tasks in a group and subgroup of peers, to act actively in a simple problem situation.


To bring up a steady interest in mathematics, physical activity and artistic and aesthetic work.

Cultivate independence, diligence and accuracy in completing tasks.

To cultivate the skill of a culture of behavior and communication with peers, manifestations of a benevolent attitude towards each other, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Preliminary work of the educator: drawing up a summary of the lesson, making demonstrative and handouts for organizing children's activities, selecting musical ringtones, making diagrams, geometric shapes from paper; selection of equipment, design of the group.

Preliminary work with children: conversation games to activate emotional and thought processes, guessing riddles, looking at posters and illustrations "Geometric shapes", logic games and exercises with Gyenes blocks: "Find a treasure", "Find a pair"; individual lessons, application of geometric shapes; geometric design on a plane (plane modeling): "Fold the pattern."

Forms of organization of OOD of pupils, taking into account the integration of educational areas: frontal, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: actualization of sensory experience - a surprise moment, orientation in space in the process of movement, solving a problem situation, interaction with the hero in a playful way, educational game, gymnastics for the eyes, didactic game, conversation, physical. minute, productive activity.

Methods, techniques and technologies used: problematic (help find a cartoon character); game motivation (use of surprise moments (appearance of a hero and objects), didactic game and exercise; verbal (explanation, instructions, questions, individual answers of children, teacher's story, use of a literary word, evaluation of children's activities); productive methods (practical): design; physical minute, encouragement, analysis of OOD.

Types of children's activities: game (audio recording, didactic, educational and logical games), productive (application, design), communicative (conversation), motor (orientation in space, physical minute).

Dictionary work (fixing terms): the same, different, as well as the names of shapes, sizes, colors, thicknesses.

Material and equipment:

Handout: printed task cards with a task.

Didactic tools (demonstration material): doll Nolik (from the film "Fixies"); educational and game manual "Logic Blocks of Gyenesh", easel, image of cartoon characters of Fixies, backpack, printed cards with diagrams, balloon; gymnastic sticks.

Equipment: an audio recording of a song excerpt from the animated film "The Fixies", a recording of the ringtone of the SMS message "Come to the phone", a mobile phone, a camera.

Expected Result:

Development of elementary mathematical abilities, ideas about the parameters "big - small", "thick - thin"

Knowledge about the shape, size, color, thickness of geometric shapes; the ability to depict and lay out a drawing of geometric shapes, using constructive means.

The interest of pupils in intellectual activity.

The skills of the culture of speech communication, the improvement of the moral attitude to the environment, the ability to work collectively.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to our guests and wish them a good day. It's good to have guests in the house. But that's not all, you will have another guest today, try to guess who it is.

(sounds an audio recording from the animated film "The Fixies")

Educator: Guys, who is this guest?

Children: Are these Fixies?

Educator: Yes, Fixies are little people who live in different devices, things created by human hands. You know that the Fixies have such a sign - a handle - a splayed one. Palm with three spread fingers. Sometimes it is a welcome gesture, but more often it is a sign of a job well done. Fixies often use a special sign that adorns their clothes, work tools and vehicles.

Or maybe Fixik is already here, let's do an exercise for the eyes and maybe we will see him.

Fizminutka for the eyes "Where are the Fixies?"

We need to give our eyes a rest, we will blink quickly. (Blink fast)

One, two, three, four, five, we will look for Fixies.

Let your eyes look up at the ceiling. (look up)

Let's lower our heads and look at the table. (Down)

And up again - where is Fixik running? (Up)

And let's look around.

We close our eyes with our hands.

We will open our eyes again, we will set them to work.

At the moment when the children close their eyes, the teacher takes out Nolik's toy and puts it on the table.

Educator: Let's say hello to Nolik according to Fixikovsky.

Children: Hello, Nolik! (show a palm with three fingers).

Nolik: Hello, I'm Nolik.

Educator: Guys, I invited Nolik to join our group so that he gets to know you and we become friends.

Zero: Now we are friends, only this is a secret.

(Audio signal "Computer virus" sounds)

Nolik is upset about something.

Educator: While we were doing gymnastics for the eyes, Nolik put his helper somewhere in the group. And now a virus program has made it invisible. Guys, let's help Nolik destroy a computer virus. Since this is not a human virus, from which people get the flu, but a computer mathematical one, we will remove it using Gyenesh mathematical blocks. Let's tell Nolik what Gyenes blocks are.

Children: These are geometric shapes that differ in shape, color and size and thickness.


"Find the right shape." Individual work on maps - schemes.

Educator: We have found the necessary elements of the viral program. Now you need to collect them in a certain sequence.


"Fold a chain of geometric shapes according to the scheme." Teamwork according to the scheme.

Virus disabled Children find a helper.

Educator: Guys, why do you need a helper? What does he have inside? (Tools). What tools do you know? And what are they for? (Answers of children).

Physical education "Helper".

Nolik: I really enjoyed playing with Gyenesh blocks. Simka and I love to lay out the tools.

Educator: And our guys love to lay out blocks in sectors.

TASK 3 "Put the figures in the desired sector." Children are divided into two teams, choose a captain. The figures are laid out in the desired sector "large - small, thick - thin." The captain checks the correctness of the task.

Nolik: And when we work with Simka, for example, I repair the phone, and Simka repairs the refrigerator, then we sometimes need to share the tools. I need some for work, some for Simka, and some for me and her.

Educator: And our guys love to lay out blocks in hoops.

TASK 4 "Put the blocks into hoops."

Educator: Guys, would you like the Fixies to live in our kindergarten? Let's try to put them in different groups.

TASK 5 "Russell tenants in the house."

Nolik: I liked it so much at your place, but I was very late in your garden and Simka will be very angry.

Educator: I seem to know what to do, What do girls like? (Play with dolls). Let's fold a Cheerful doll for Simka, take a picture of her, she will see the photo - she will smile, and when a person smiles, he cannot be angry.

TASK 6 "Doll for Simka"

Independent activity of children with demonstration material (repetition and consolidation of knowledge).

Designing "Doll for Simka".

Nolik: Proceed to the task.

Children: (independent work).

The teacher approaches the tables one by one and stimulates the independent creative activity of the children.

Educator: Well done! Let's come and see each other, what wonderful dolls we have turned out to be.

Nolik: I think Simka will like them too.

The teacher takes out a camera from the Helper Backpack and hands it to Nolik. Nolik photographs the children's work and says goodbye to them.

Zero: THOUGH, guys! Goodbye! I'll be sure to give Simka photos of your work! It was very interesting with you!

The final part (summing up, reflection - generalization of knowledge).

The teacher invites the children to stand in the center of the room in a circle.

The teacher addresses the children: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. You are so good, you have completed so many tasks! Guys, who was our guest, from which cartoon?

Children's answers.

Educator: I have a balloon in my hands, passing it to each other, I want you to tell what we did today in class? What new did you learn today?

Children's answers: They played games with geometric shapes with Gyenesh blocks, made a gift "Doll for Simka", played with Nolik, etc.

Educator: Today you completed the tasks and helped Nolik understand how to play together together. And now we need to say goodbye to our guests!

Children: Goodbye!

Olga Demintievskaya

Synopsis of organized educational activities « Journey to the forest»

Educational area: "Cognitive Development"

Integrated educational areas:

"Speech development"

"Physical development"

Target: identifying, enriching and consolidating children's knowledge about domestic and wild animals.


1. Educational area "Cognitive Development":

To consolidate ideas about domestic animals, their appearance, lifestyle, habits;

Exercise children to classify Gyenes blocks on two grounds: color and shape.

Fix the names of geometric figures: highlight their properties.

Ability to recognize numbers up to 3 and correlate them with the number of objects.

Cultivate love for nature, interest in animals.

2. Educational area "Speech development"

To form the ability to use generalizing concepts in speech (wild and domestic animals).

Learn to solve riddles.

Activate children's vocabulary.

3. Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Learn to express your point of view, listen to peers and keep up the conversation.

To form in children a sense of cohesion, unity, a positive emotional mood within the team.

4. Educational area "Physical development"

Contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children means of physical education.

Promote the development of a caring attitude towards one's health.

Develop motor activity, coordination of movements.

Materials and equipment. Gyenes logic blocks and a set of cards, images "Wild animals", letter, tree layout.

OOD move.

Motivational - oriented, organizational.

caregiver: We have guests today. Let's wish loudly: "Good morning!". Now let's whisper. The postman brought us a letter today. Let's find out who sent it to us. (The teacher reads the letter). “Hello, dear guys! We had a misfortune, our pets ran away into the forest and got lost. Please help me get them back!" This is a letter from my grandparents. So guys, can we help? After all, they were in trouble. What pets could run away from grandparents? What animal can you ride? Today we will ride a horse. (Sounds of hooves). Before take seats need to answer questions.

The game "Give me a word":

Warm in summer and cold in winter.

The hare is gray in summer and white in winter.

The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog is prickly.

Lemon is sour and candy is sweet.

The elephant is big and the dog is small.


Horse hooves tsok, tsok, tsok,

And we are in the trolley skok-skok!

But before we go to the forest, we need to remember how to behave in the forest? Let's repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even singing very loudly

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!

Children: Do not make noise, do not play with matches, do not throw garbage, do not break trees.

caregiver: That's right guys! Do not make noise, do not shout, but help each other. Here we are with you and arrived in the forest, come out.

How beautiful it is here! And what is the air like? Let's get some fresh clean air. (Children inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth).

Look, the miracle tree is growing.

Miracle, miracle, wonderful

And on it, but on it, not flowers bloom,

Not leaves, but wild animals.

Let's sit down on the stumps, rest.

caregiver: Guys, look carefully at the tree. What animals do you see? Where is the squirrel?

Children: The squirrel sits under a tree.

caregiver: And where sits the forest?

Children: The fox is sitting under a tree.

caregiver: Sa, sa, sa - here sits the forest. What are these animals called in one word. Children: Wild.

caregiver: Why?

Children: Because they live in the forest, they get their own food, they build their own housing.

caregiver: Guys, count how many animals?

Children: Three.

caregiver: Guys, we have numbers. Shows numbers, children name how many objects they represent.

caregiver: Guys. Our wild animals love to play. Let's play with them.

Children: Yes.

caregiver: You will need to find the necessary figures and put the number, which figure I will show. We will put the figurines in baskets.

Playing with Gyenes blocks. Squirrel picture - number 2, blue circle; picture of a hare - 3, yellow triangle; fox - number 1, red square. We collect red cones in a red basket, blue in a blue one, and yellow cones in a yellow one. Ready? Let's play with the squirrel first. What shapes does a squirrel like to play with?

Children: With a blue circle.

caregiver: How many circles does the squirrel need to find? (Shows number 2)

Children complete the task with all the animals. The teacher shows a red rectangle - the number 0. The children answer that this number means not a single item.

caregiver: Guys, say goodbye to wild animals. We need to go further. It looks like it's starting to rain. (Pulls out umbrella). Rather, we hide under an umbrella so that the rain does not wet us. (rain sounds).

The rain comes and goes.

It's raining, although it doesn't.

Rain, rain.

The rain is weak, like this -

Clap softly with me.

And also strong.

You clap hard with me.

And there are also in the sky wonders:

Thunder rumbles, a thunderstorm begins.

Weak became again

And completely quiet.

caregiver: Guys, look, a magic chest. This chest contains animals that ran away from grandparents. You need to guess the animals according to the description. Well, are you ready? Listen carefully to the riddles. (Riddles on autumn leaves). Mystery about a cat. Let's get a look. Right.

What is the best name for a cat? (Answers).

What cat? What does a cat like to eat?

Dog riddle. Let's see if it's a dog, shall we? What kind of dog do we have? What are the benefits of dogs? (guards the house)

What does the dog like to eat? (Bone)

What does the dog like to do? (Wag your tail).

And what are these animals? (Homemade). Why?

Bunny riddle. What animal is he? (wild)

And the rest? (Homemade)

That's right, so we will return the hare back to the forest, and we will now take these animals to grandparents.

They approach the house. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting.

caregiver: Say hello. Grandpa and grandma are already waiting for us. Look, we brought your animals.

Oh, what good fellows you are, thank you for finding our animals.

caregiver: Guys, for the fact that you are so great, you helped them, grandparents want to treat you to cookies, and cookies are not simple, but geometric. On the tray are Gyenes blocks, children have cards). Guys, the last task, you now have to lay out the necessary figures on the strips. Get on with the task. Whoever does it raises their hand.

It's time for us to go home. Get on the cart.


Here we are with you. Come to me.

Guys, where were we today? (In the woods).

And who did we see there? (Wild animals)

What animals did you see? (Bear, hare, wolf, fox, squirrel).

And what did we do?

Whom did you help today?

What did grandparents treat you to?

Guys, you are great! Everyone tried hard today. I hope you enjoyed journey to the forest? Let's wave to the guests say: "Goodbye!"

Zoltan Gyenes

Zoltan Gyenes is a world-famous Hungarian professor, mathematician, psychologist, creator of the progressive author's methodology for teaching children "New Mathematics", which is based on teaching mathematics through exciting logic games, songs and dance movements.

Gyenes was of the opinion that the best way for children to learn is not to sit decorously at a desk, carefully listening to teachers, but to develop freely in the game. At the same time, Zoltan Gyenes emphasized that quite a serious and complex scientific topic could become the content of the game. It is in the game that children will be able to master the most complex logical and mathematical concepts and systems. Based on these principles, Gyenes came up with logical blocks and his theory of "new mathematics".

Meaning of "Gyenes Logic Blocks"

for the comprehensive development of preschoolers

The opinion that mathematical thinking is not at all necessary in life, that it can be useful to children only in mathematics lessons, is very wrong! The ability to correctly capture cause-and-effect relationships, find parameters that connect seemingly different events and objects, the ability to think systematically are the most important conditions for success in the professional and personal sphere, which means that the development of logical mathematical thinking is the key to the future success of our children. Gyenesh blocks are the best suited for solving this problem.

The use of the logical blocks of Gyenesh in the joint activities of the teacher and preschoolers is of great importance for the comprehensive development of children:

1. Gyenes blocks introduce children to basic geometric shapes, teach them to distinguish them by color, shape, size.

2. Gyenes blocks contribute to the development of logical thinking, combinatorics, analytical abilities in children, form the initial skills necessary for children in the future to be able to solve logical problems.

3. Gyenesh blocks help develop in preschoolers the ability to identify various properties in objects, name them, adequately denote their absence with words, abstract and retain two or three properties of an object in memory at the same time, generalize the objects under consideration by one or more properties.

4. Gyenes blocks give children the first idea about such complex concepts of computer science as algorithms, information coding, logical operations.

5. Gyenes blocks contribute to the development of speech: kids build phrases with the unions "and", "or", the particle "not", etc.

6. Gyenes blocks help develop the mental processes of preschoolers: perception, attention, memory, imagination and intelligence.

7. Gyenes blocks develop creative imagination and teach children to think creatively.

Gyenes Logic Blocks Set

The classic version of the Gyenes logical blocks is a set of 48 geometric shapes:

1. Four shapes (round, triangular, square, rectangular)

2. Three colors (red, blue, yellow)

3. Two different kinds of sizes (large and small, thick and thin)

There are no identical figures in the set. Each geometric figure is characterized by four properties - color, shape, size and thickness.

For preschoolers who are just starting to get acquainted with Gyenesh blocks, it is advisable to simplify the set to 24 geometric shapes, eliminating the option of thick shapes. Only thin or only thick pieces remain in the game. Thus, all figures differ only in three ways: color, shape and size.

Currently, it is possible to purchase various variants of the game with Gyenesh blocks in stores. It is advisable to buy sets for games with preschoolers that, in addition to figures (Gyenes blocks), include sets of cards with symbols of properties (color, shape, size, thickness) and symbols of negations of these properties. The set may also include a set of logical cubes, on the faces of which the symbols of the properties of the Gyenes blocks (thickness, size, shape, color) and the symbols of the negation of the same properties are depicted. Logic cubes are used in combination with Gyenesh blocks and cards - symbols. The originality of logical cubes is the possibility of a “random” choice of properties (by throwing a cube), and children always like this.

Initial game system

with Gyenes blocks for children of primary preschool age.

Dear adults! You must remember that each of the activities presented requires a lot of mental effort for kids, even if it seems to you that everything is very easy and simple. That is why, in addition to games with Gyenes blocks, elements of various types of health-saving technologies are included in each lesson: finger gymnastics, relaxation exercises, exercises for the development of speech breathing, gymnastics for the eyes, various types of physical exercises, etc. Please do not exclude them from classes, children need them!

The games are used for:

1. Gyenes blocks only thin or only thick (set of 24 pieces).

2. A set of cards with symbols of properties (color, shape, size).

It is advisable to conduct these game classes once a week, and the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom can be consolidated during the week in joint games of adults with children, in independent game activities of children.

Play session 1.

"Color, classification by one feature".


2. A set of cards with color symbols.

3. Small size toys: bear, bunny and pig.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny and a pig came to visit us. They brought us their toys.

The toys are called figures . We take out one figure at a time from the basket.

What color is the figure?

- Blue! and so on until we have laid out all the pieces on the table.

- How many figures did the bear, the bunny and the pig bring?

- Lot!

- What color are they?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

Toys offer to play with the figures, build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors can lie nearby. Toys begin to build by naming colors. They start making mistakes first in the names, then in the construction. Children correct mistakes. Invite the children to build a train themselves. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification by color).

- The train is built, let's ride it!

And the round wheels

(banging fist on fist)

- The bear, the bunny and the pig really liked the game. They love to play very much, but everyone plays with pieces of only one color (a color symbol is displayed next to each toy). Let's give them figures!

Children alternately give figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- Toys say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket.

What color are the figures?

Play session 2.

"Color and shape, classification according to one feature".


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

The toys praise the children and remind them that everyone likes to play with pieces of only one color (a color symbol is displayed next to each toy). Children alternately give figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- What color is Mishka's figure?

The bunny wonders why he has all the toys of the same color, but still different, not similar to each other. The rest of the toys explain to him that all the figures are of different shapes. There are round figures, there are square ones, there are triangular ones and there are rectangular ones (shape symbols are displayed at the same time). The bunny says: “I don’t want to play yellow figures today, I want to play round figures!” We put a circle symbol near the bunny. The rest of the toys, with the help of the children, each choose their own shape, but there remains an extra symbol of the shape. What to do. Let's call a kitten, he will play with us!

We collect all the forms in a basket. Children alternately give figures to toys until the basket is empty.

Toys offer to play with the figures, build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; only trailers of different colors can lie nearby. Children take one figure at a time and build a train (classification by color). Similarly, it is proposed to build a train, in which each figure is a trailer, but only trailers of different shapes can lie nearby. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification by shape).

- The locomotive is built, let's go for a ride!

The locomotive buzzed and the wagons drove,

Choo-choo, choo-choo, I will rock far.

(move one after another with circular movements of arms bent at the elbows)

Colored trailers run, run, run,

(stomp, standing still, hands on the belt)

And the round wheels

(with the index finger of the right hand, draw a large circle in the air)

Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.

(banging fist on fist)

- We came with our toys to the forest clearing! We will collect autumn bouquets of leaves!

One, two, three, four, five -
Let's collect the leaves.
(Squeeze and unclench fists)
birch leaves,(Bend thumb)
rowan leaves,(Bend index finger)
poplar leaves,(Bend middle finger)
aspen leaves,(Bend the ring finger)
We will collect oak leaves,(Bend the little finger)
Mom will take the autumn bouquet.(Squeeze and unclench fists)

- We collected beautiful bouquets, we are returning to kindergarten. Toys say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

Play session 3.


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color and shape.

3. Small size toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Lesson progress:

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

(we expose form symbols)

The toys praise the children and remind them that everyone likes to play with only one shape (a shape symbol is displayed next to each toy). Children alternately give figures to toys until the basket is empty.

- What is the shape of Mishka's figure?

- Round!

- What shape does the Bunny have?

- Square!

- What is the shape of the kitten's figure?

- Triangular!

- What is the shape of the Piglet's figure?

- Rectangular!

Toys offer to play with the figures, build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; trailers of different colors and different shapes can lie nearby. Children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification according to two criteria: in shape and in color).

- The locomotive is built, it turned out very beautiful! And now, together with our guests - toys, we can learn funny poems:

We kick top top!

We clap-clap!

We are eyes in a moment,

We shoulders chik-chik.

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

Once - sat down, two - got up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

One-two, one-two

Here is a fun game!

- Oh, for some reason our toys got scared, who is it that scares them? And this, it turns out, geese!

We go in single file, spread our arms - wings, hiss: “Sh - sh - sh ...” - a long exhale, get angry (repeat 2 - 3 times).

- Look, geese, you scared everyone. Don't hiss, smile at us. We are kind, good guys, we want to be friends with you.

The geese smiled, stopped getting angry, waved their wings and flew away!

- Our toy guests also say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

Play session 4.

"Color and shape, classification according to two features".


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color and shape.

3. Small size toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we expose form symbols)

Toys offer to play with the figures, build a train out of them. Each figure is a trailer; trailers of different colors and different shapes can lie nearby. Toys "begin to build" the train themselves, make mistakes, children correct, explaining these mistakes. Then the children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification according to two criteria: in shape and in color).

We built a train, went for a ride on it (we sit on high chairs), we go, we look through the windows.

- Oh, look, a rabbit!(finger game is played):

Cheerful Bunny Bunny

frolic in the meadow,

(Index and middle fingers = ears, the remaining fingers = bunny face, twist with your hand)

When he hears a rustle, he freezes and does not breathe,

(squeeze the "bunny") -

And on his crown, ears grow like arrows!

(Move straight "ears")

And he has a mink under a tree on a hillock,

(Make a ring = a mink from the fingers of the other hand)

He runs to the mink,

(Twist the brush with a “bunny”, bringing it closer to the “mink”)

Jump - and dives into it!

(“Dive like a bunny” into a mink!)

We're back to Kindergarten! We put the figures in a basket, but the toys say they want to play more! Children help them choose which toys they are playing with today (red round ones, blue triangular ones, etc.). Near each toy we put 2 symbols - shapes and colors. Children give figures to toys one by one until the basket is empty.

- What toys does the bear have?

- Red round!

- What toys does the kitten have?

- Yellow squares! Etc.

(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to two signs - round red, square yellow, etc.).

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

Play session 5.

"Color, shape and size, classification according to three criteria."


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

3. Small size toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular(we expose form symbols)

- Look carefully, it turns out that our figures are also different in size. There are small ones, there are big ones.

- Let's give the Mishka all the big figures, and the Bunny all the small ones!

Children take turns taking one part at a time and laying it out near the toys (classification according to one criterion: by size).

- The kitten and the pig also want to play. Let's give the kitten large yellow figures, and the piglet - small blue ones.

Children lay out the figures in accordance with the symbols next to the kitten and the piglet. After completing the task, the figures are folded into a basket.

- Most of all, our toys like to build trains. Let's play with them! Today trailers of different sizes and different shapes can lie nearby.

Toys "begin to build" the train themselves, make mistakes, children correct, explaining these mistakes. Then the children take turns taking one figure at a time and building a train (classification according to two criteria: in shape and in size).

- What a wonderful locomotive we got! Let's go ride it!

"We're going" (we sit on chairs), "we look through the windows."

- Look, what wonderful flowers are visible in the windows! How wonderful they smell!(breathing exercise performed):

Children take a calm breath through the nose, hold their breath and exhale for a long time, saying “A-ah!” (repeat 2-3 times).

- Oh, the weather is getting worse, the clouds have appeared!(gymnastics for the eyes is carried out):

The sun played hide and seek with the clouds.

The sun of the cloud-flyer considered:

Gray clouds, black clouds.

(look to the right - to the left)

Lungs - two things,heavy - three things.

(look up and down)

The clouds hid, the clouds were gone.

(Close your eyes with your palms)

The sun shone brightly in the sky.

(Blink eyes).

- We are back in Kindergarten! The toys invite us to play with the figures again. The bunny asks to find his favorite figure - yellow, rectangular, big!

3 symbols are displayed near the Bunny. Children choose the right figure. Figures for the rest of the toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria: by color, shape and size).

Toys say goodbye to us, we will help them put figures in a basket.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!

Play session 6.


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small size toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we expose form symbols)

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!(we set the symbols of magnitude).

Toys invite children with figures to play. The kitten asks to find his favorite figure - yellow, rectangular, large (3 symbols are displayed near the Kitten). Children choose the right figure. Figures for the rest of the toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria).

The toys say they brought hoops to play with. First they offer to play with one hoop.

- Let's put any symbol in the hoop, for example - "Big".

- What figures will we put in the hoop?

- Only all the big ones!

- What figures will we put outside the hoop?

- All are not big!

Children lay out the figures in the hoop and outside the hoop according to the symbol in the hoop. The game is repeated 3 times, alternately with symbols of color, size and shape. Symbols can be placed not only in the hoop, but also outside the hoop.

The bunny shows the second hoop and asks, what do the hoops look like?

On a ball, on a wheel, on a plate, on a balloon, etc.

Let's all turn into balloons!(breathing exercises).

- Balloons deflated(relaxed tilt). We slowly inflate them(children straighten up, raise their hands up), balloons are inflated, so they became big, big, flew high(children slowly swing their arms) . And now the balls were blown away through a small hole(slow, long exhalation through the mouth) . Let's inflate them again! (Repeat 2-3 times).

The bear suggests playing with two hoops (put them in such a way that one hoop partially overlaps the other). We put symbols in the hoops. For example: in the blue hoop "Big", and in the red - "Circle".

- All big, but not circles!

- All circles, but not big ones!

- All big circles!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

Toys praise children and offer to play a fun game.

How our children's legs are merrily knocking!


And the legs get tired, clap your hands!

(clap hands!)

And then our children dance in a squat,

Down - up, one - two - that's how the kids dance!


And when they start running, no one can catch up with them!

(run around!)

We are a remote people, albeit a very small one!

(sit on chairs!)

- Toys say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three signs - a large round red one, a small square yellow one, etc.) .

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!

Play session 7.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three criteria,

denial (game with two hoops).


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small size toys: bear, bunny, pig and kitten.

4. 2 hoops (blue and red).

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we expose form symbols)

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!(we set the symbols of magnitude).

The toys say they brought hoops again to play with. Let's put each symbol into 2 hoops (arrange the hoops in such a way that one hoop partially overlaps the other). For example, in a blue hoop "Small", and in a red one - "Square".

- What figures are inside the blue hoop, but outside the red one?

- All small, but not squares!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue one?

- All squares, but not small ones!

- What figures are inside the blue and red hoop at the same time?

- All the little squares!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

- All are not small and not squares!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game 2 - 3 times.

- We haven't been to the fairy meadow for a long time! Let's fly there today!(relaxation exercise)

While reading the poem, the children spread their arms, the muscles are tense, the back is straightened. The parachutes dropped, sat on chairs and relaxed, hands down, head down.

Hands to the sides, we send the plane into flight.

Right wing forward, left wing forward,

The plane takes off. Ahead, the lights were lit

We went up to the clouds.

Here is the forest, we will prepare a parachute here.

Parachutes all opened

We landed lightly.

- Oh, who's in the clearing? This is a bunny!(finger gymnastics)

From the fingers of the right hand we add the "bunny".

Fast from finger to finger

The bunny jumps, the bunny jumps.

The thumb of the left hand is pressed to the palm, the other fingers are spread out. For each syllable "bunny nose" "jumps" 2 times on each finger of the left hand, except for the thumb.

Went down, turned around

And came back again.

The thumb of the left hand turns away from the palm. The “bunny nose” descends along the fingers to the left palm, draws a circle and returns to the tip of the index finger of the left hand. The thumb of the left hand is again pressed to the palm.

Finger to finger again

Bunny jumping Bunny jumping

For each syllable "bunny nose" "jumps" 1 time on each finger of the left hand except the thumb.

Down again and up again...

The thumb of the left hand turns away from the palm. The “bunny nose” quickly descends through the fingers to the left palm and returns to the tip of the index finger of the left hand.

Jumped the bunny above all!

The left hand is a fist with a protruding thumb, raise the fist up. "Bunny nose" "jumps" at the tip of the thumb of the left hand.

The game with fingers is repeated, the “bunny” is now made up of the fingers of the left hand, it jumps along the fingers of the right hand.

- Let's ask our Bunny, what is his favorite toy.

The Bunny asks to find a red, round, large figure for him (3 symbols are displayed near the Bunny). Children choose the right figure. Figures for the rest of the toys are selected in a similar way (classification according to three criteria).

The toys say goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket (we put one by one, calling each figure in chorus according to three signs - a large round red, a small square yellow, etc.) .

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!

Play session 8.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three criteria,

negation (game with three hoops).


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

4. 3 hoops (blue, yellow and red).

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we expose form symbols)

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!(we set the symbols of magnitude).

The bunny invites children to play with two hoops (arrange the hoops so that one hoop partially overlaps the other). Let's put the symbols in the hoops. For example, in a yellow hoop "Big", and in a red one - "Circle".

- What figures are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the red one?

- All big, but not circles!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the yellow one?

- All circles, but not big ones!

- What figures are inside the yellow and red hoop at the same time?

- All big circles!

- What figures are outside the hoops?

- All are not big and not circles!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game 2 - 3 times.

The teddy bear praises the children and invites them to relax, do fun exercises:

One, two, three, four - stomp your feet.

One, two, three, four - clap your hands.

Stretch your arms wider - one, two, three, four!

Bend over - three, four. And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel - we all do exercises!

The kitten says that he has another, third, hoop. He invites the children to play again with hoops and with figures. Arrange the hoops in such a way that the hoops partially overlap each other. Let's put one character in each hoop. For example, in a blue hoop - "Red", in red - "Triangle", and in yellow - "Big".

- What figures are inside the yellow hoop, but outside the blue and red ones?

- All big, but not triangular and not red!

- What figures are inside the red hoop, but outside the blue and yellow ones?

- All triangular, but not big and not red!

- What figures are inside the blue hoop, but outside the red and yellow ones?

- All red, but not large and not triangular!

- What figures are inside the yellow and red hoop at the same time, but outside the blue one?

- All large triangular, but not red!

- What figures are inside the yellow and blue hoop at the same time, but outside the red one?

- All big red shapes, but not triangular!

- What figures are inside the blue and red hoop at the same time, but outside the yellow one?

- All red triangular, but not big!

- What figure is inside the blue, red and yellow hoop at the same time?

- Big, red, triangular!

We replace the symbols and repeat the game one more time.

- Toyssay goodbye to us, we will help them put the figures in the basket(we add one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three signs - a large round red one, a small square yellow one, etc.) .

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!

- Oh, what is this?

What are those strange springs resting on the boots?

We will press them with our feet, we will squeeze them tighter, tighter!

We press hard! No springs, rest.

Children sit on chairs, socks rise, heels rest on the floor, hands press hard on their knees. Then - complete relaxation.

Relaxation exercise is repeated 2 times.

Play session 9.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three criteria,


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small size toys: teddy bear, bunny, kitten and pig.

4. 4 hoops.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!(we expose form symbols)

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!(we set the symbols of magnitude).

Toys invite children to play with hoops. A game is played with three hoops in the same way as the game played during the game session No. 8. The children themselves choose which symbols to put in the hoops. The teacher, on behalf of the toys, tells them that these must be symbols of color, shape and size. You cannot put 2 symbols of the same attribute in hoops.

The game with three hoops is repeated 2 - 3 times with the replacement of symbols.

- How fun we played! And now we'll all go for a walk. But what is it? The rain is starting! Stretch out your palms, let's catch droplets!

Rain, rain, drip-drop-drop!

Wet tracks!

Let's go for a walk anyway, put on your boots!(Stomp feet).

4 hoops are laid out on the floor next to each other in one line.

- It's pebbles! We walk along them so as not to soak our feet in puddles!(Relaxation exercise).

- We are taking big steps. We get on the bumps. You can’t stumble from bumps, we’ll get our feet wet in puddles. We reached a sunny meadow, lay down, relaxed, sunbathed. Then we get up and go back(muscle tension again). We came home, got tired, sat on the chairs and relaxed. Clap! Here we are again, the children in the group, sitting beautifully on the chairs.

Toys again offer to play. The bunny says that he loves only triangular shapes (we put a symbol). The kitten plays only large pieces (we put a symbol). But they really want to play together (put a hoop between them). The teddy bear also likes to play, but he only plays red pieces (we put a symbol). And it’s boring for him to play alone (put a hoop between a bear and a bunny, between a bear and a kitten.

What toys can a bunny and a kitten play together?

- In large triangular!(Children collect suitable figures in a hoop between a bunny and a kitten).

- What figures can a bunny and a bear play together?

- In red triangular(Children collect suitable figures in a hoop between a bunny and a bear).

- What figures can a kitten and a bear play together?

- The big red ones!(Children collect suitable figures in a hoop between a kitten and a bear).

Piglet says he wants to play too. He invites everyone to his game: a bear, a bunny and a kitten (the fourth is located in the middle between the three hoops, we put a pig in it).

What toy can all the toys play together?

- In the big red triangular!(Children find such a figure and place it in the central hoop along with all the toys).

The toys thank the children and ask for help assembling the figures. We put the figures in a basket one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three signs - a large round red one, a small square yellow one, etc. .

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!

The lesson ends with a round dance. Movement in a round dance starts slowly, then speeds up and slows down again. On the last two lines of the poem, the children stop and clap their hands - a clap for each syllable.

Barely, barely, barely, the carousels spun,

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run!

Hush, hush, don't run

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two

So the game is over!

Play session 10.

“Color, shape and size, classification according to three criteria,

negation (game with four hoops).


1. A set of Gyenes blocks in a plastic basket.

2. A set of cards with symbols of color, size and shape.

3. Small size toys: teddy bear, bunny, kitten and pig.

4. 4 hoops.

Lesson progress:

- A bear, a bunny, a kitten and a pig came to visit us again. They brought their toys - figures.

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!(set color symbols)

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

(we expose form symbols)

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!(we set the symbols of magnitude).

A game is played with four hoops in the same way as the game that was played during game lesson No. 9. The children themselves choose which symbols to put in the hoops (which figures the toys play). The teacher, on behalf of the toys, tells them that these must be symbols of color, shape and size. You cannot put 2 symbols of the same attribute in hoops.

The game with four hoops is repeated 2 - 3 times with the replacement of symbols.

- How cleverly you guys laid out the figures in hoops! How smart and resourceful you are! And what dexterous fingers you have! Now let's help the fingers to rest, they are probably tired, hide them in soft fists!(Finger gymnastics is carried out).

Fingers fell asleep, curled into a fist.

Squeeze the fingers of your right hand into a fist.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five!

Unclench fingers alternately.

Wanted to play!

Wiggle all your fingers.

Woke up neighbors house,

Raise your left hand, fingers clenched into a fist

There woke up six and seveneight nine ten -

Bend your fingers one by one on the account.

Everyone is having fun!

Spin with both hands.

But it's time to go back to everyone: ten, nine, eight, seven,

Curled up six,

Bend the fingers of the left hand one by one.

Five yawned and turned away.

Four, three, two, one

Round cam like an orange.

Bend the fingers of the right hand, twist with two fists.

The toys ask children to help assemble the figures. We put the figures in a basket one at a time, calling each figure in chorus according to three signs - a large round red one, a small square yellow one, etc. .

What color are the figures?

- Red, blue and yellow!

- What is the shape of the figure?

- Round, square, triangular and rectangular!

- What is the size of the figure?

- Big and small!

- Well done boys! You played such interesting games today, you invented them yourself! And now it's time to relax!(Children get up, a physical minute is held).

One, two, three, four, five,

Let's start relaxing!


The back was cheerfully unbent,

Hands up!

One and two - sit down and stand up,

To rest again.

One and two - bend forward,

One and two - bend back.

Movement according to words.

We have become smarter in games

Healthy and fun!

Let's clap our hands!


Dear adults!

I hope that this educational and methodical manual, created in order to tell you how to start using Gyenesh blocks for the comprehensive development of preschool children, will not only be read by you, but also used in joint play activities with kids. I hope that your games with Gyenes blocks together with your children will not end there, that your imagination will tell you in the future a whole lot of interesting and varied games.

I wish you many exciting moments in the games with this wonderful didactic material. Let the Gyenes blocks teach your children to think logically, creatively solve the problems they face. Let these games help develop in your children harmonious mathematical thinking, cognitive activity, creative imagination, let them teach you to answer various questions in a non-standard way, think creatively in any life situation. And let all these skills and abilities help your children to go through life successfully in the future!


1. E. A. Nosova, R. L. Nepomnyashchaya "Logic and mathematics for preschoolers", St. Petersburg, M., Accident, 1997

2. A.A. Stolyar “Let's play. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old, M., Education, 1991

3. A.A. Stolyar “Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers”, M., Enlightenment, 1988

4. From the collection “Improving the process of forming elementary mathematical representations in kindergarten”: an article by Nosova E.A. "Formation of the ability to solve logical problems in senior preschool age", Lenizdat, 1990

5. M. Fidler "Mathematics is already in kindergarten", M., "Enlightenment", 1991

6. Kasabutsky N.I. and others. "Mathematics" O "", Minsk, "People's Asveta", 1983

7. Stolyar A. A. "Methodological instructions for the textbook" Mathematics "O"", Minsk, "Narodnaya Asveta", 1983

8. Tikhomirova L.F., Basov A.V. "Development of the logical thinking of children", Yaroslavl, "Academy of Development", 1996