Summary of a lesson on speech development with children of a compensatory group preparatory to school for children with speech disorders “Who is needed most? Lesson notes on speech development Lesson notes on speech development in kindergarten

The development of children's speech is one of the leading tasks solved by preschool educational institutions. It is carried out in different types of activities. One of the main goals in the formation of speech and preparation for learning to read and write in a preschool institution is to familiarize children with the sound structure of a word and its sound analysis. And it is necessary to acquaint children with the sound side of a word, the simplest forms of its analysis, already from the senior group of kindergarten, that is, from the age of 5, when interest in the sound design of words sharply increases. At this age, children are most receptive to the sound side of language and show special interest in words and sounds.



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The development of children's speech is one of the leading tasks solved by preschool educational institutions. It is carried out in different types of activities. One of the main goals in the formation of speech and preparation for learning to read and write in a preschool institution is to familiarize children with the sound structure of a word and its sound analysis. And it is necessary to acquaint children with the sound side of a word, the simplest forms of its analysis, already from the senior group of kindergarten, that is, from the age of 5, when interest in the sound design of words sharply increases. At this age, children are most receptive to the sound side of language and show special interest in words and sounds.


Making up stories based on pictures.

Priority tasks:development of sound culture of speech;

Enriching a child's vocabulary.

Program content:

1. Teach children to consistently, logically, expressively convey the plot of the pictures, uniting them with a single content.

2. Develop skills in joint activities by composing collective stories.

3. Cultivate a desire to listen carefully to the performance of your comrades, supplementing the answers if necessary.

D/Game “Pick up objects with the right sound”
Strengthen the skills of correct pronunciation of voiceless and voiced consonants SH-Zh.

D/Game “Think of the word”
Strengthen the ability to select words with the same root and the necessary adjectives.
Material: wall and table paintings of the same content. Planar figures whose names contain the sounds SH-Zh. Animal figures: fox, bear, hare, hedgehog.
Small toys to encourage children.
Activation of vocabulary: dense, impenetrable, dark.
Progress of the lesson.
The teacher reads the riddle:

“There was a pillow with needles lying between the trees.

She lay quietly, then suddenly ran away” /Hedgehog/

-The hedgehog came to us not by chance, he brought us interesting pictures about his friends - forest hedgehogs.
The teacher hangs up pictures.
-What time of year is shown in the pictures?
-Why do you think it’s summer? the forest is green, there are flowers in the clearing, mushrooms have grown in the forest.

A girl came to the forest. What name will we give her? /Tanya/
-Why do you think she came to the forest? /Take a walk, relax, pick mushrooms. /
-What kind of forest surrounded Tanya? /Dense, impenetrable, coniferous, shady./
-Tanya sat down to rest, spread the blades of grass with her hands, and who did she see? /Hedgehog family./

What were they like? /Hardworking, prickly, friendly, caring, kind./

What were they doing? /They collected mushrooms, made preparations for the soil, and impaled mushrooms on thorns./
-Why do you think that hedgehogs are kind? /They showed Tanya where there are a lot of mushrooms./
-Was Tanya satisfied with the walk in the forest? /Yes. She met the hedgehogs. The hedgehogs helped her find the mushrooms./

And now we need to come up with a story based on these pictures, remembering what we just talked about. What should you talk about first? /Who came to the forest and why/

What should be said in particular detail? “What happened to Tanya in the forest”
-How to end the story? “Is Tanya happy with the walk?”
Ask 6-8 children to retell their stories. The teacher offers the children a physical education lesson: -And now let’s remember Alexandrova’s poem “Hedgehog.”

Autumn is driving clouds in the sky
The leaves are dancing in the yard
/Children dance to the music of Tchaikovsky/

Mushroom put on keys
The hedgehog drags to its hole.
/ Children sit down /

The teacher offers the children pictures with the sound SH-Zh in their names: toad, hedgehog, snake, beetle, siskin; cockerel, horse, mouse, bear, cat.
-We have a lot of little animals, birds, insects in whose names we hear the sound Ш and the sound Zh. We need to sort them out: put them with the sound Ш on the top strip, and with the sound Ж on the bottom strip. The teacher and the children check whether the pictures have been sorted out correctly. Children name the objects in the pictures, clearly highlighting the desired sound.
The teacher draws attention to the flannelgraph.
-There are many different animals in the forest. I tell you a short word of an animal, and you figure out how this word can be changed. Whoever comes up with the word will receive a fungus from the hedgehog. Listen, think, invent. I was walking through the forest, I met a hare, how can you change the word “hare”? "Hare, hare, hare, bunnies"
-How can you describe a hare, what is it like? “long-eared, cowardly, fleet-footed, black-eyed, cross-eyed”
The teacher suggests doing the same work with the words - bear, fox, hedgehog.
At the end of the lesson, note the activity of the children, the number of fungi obtained, and the solution of the assigned tasks.


Speech development classes for the senior group -

*Description of toys and items*.

Priority tasks:enriching the child’s vocabulary;

Development of coherent speech.


Exercise children in the ability to group toys according to the material from which they are made.

Describe toys and objects using adjectives: plastic, metal, glass. Continue to teach children to answer questions clearly and expressively. Develop the ability to complement the performances of peers. Activation of the dictionary: glass, metal, plastic, wood.

Introducing new words: glassblower, glassblowing factory, glassblowing factory, blow.

Previous work: Conducted classes on familiarization with materials for making Christmas tree decorations, didactic games “Toy Store”, “Exhibition”, individual lessons in order to deepen children’s interest in describing toys, objects, paintings.

Equipment: wooden toys: car, pyramid, matryoshka, metal: stove, car, bucket, plastic: tumbler, doll, tank, glass: Christmas tree decorations, vase, glass.

Flags to encourage children's responses, their activation and recording.

Progress of the lesson.

Children, there are toys and objects in front of you, today we will talk about them. What materials are toys and objects made from? Children's answers.

Children, for each correct answer and addition to the answer you will receive a flag. And at the end of the lesson, you will count the flags and we will find out who was attentive and active during the lesson.

I invite four children to group toys into groups - wooden, metal, plastic, glass. Name them. /I collected wooden toys: a car, a pyramid, a nesting doll/

And now, guys, we will talk about these toys.

The teacher asks the child to describe the tank. Listen to other children's additions. Then offer the toy you like. Children's answers and additions are encouraged with a flag.

4-5 children are called to describe the toys. The teacher gives an analysis of the children's stories.

Physical exercise.

Children, there are glass objects on the table, but who knows where glass and various objects and glass are made?

Glass, children, are blown by glassblowers at a glass factory.

Questions for children: “Who blows glass? Where is glass blown?

Listen to Ivich's story "About Glass."

After reading, I invite the children to pay attention to the vases.

Children, glass comes in different colors, look at these vases, they are multi-colored.

Lesson analysis.

Children, today we have established that objects can be glass, wood, plastic, metal. We learned that glass is blown by glassblowers at a glass factory.

Lay out the flags in front of you and count how many of them you have?

Today in class they were very active and attentive... they had the most flags.



In nature there is stone, sand, clay, there is water, grass, but there is no glass in nature. Glass was created by man himself, many years ago. One very smart person mixed ordinary yellow sand with white powder and soda, fused them in a hot flame and got glass. At first people only knew how to make cloudy glass, but then they learned to make transparent glass as well. At first, beads and other jewelry were made from glass, and later they came up with the idea of ​​making glassware. It was blown from lumps of liquid, hot glass from special tubes, like children blowing soap bubbles. But glass products could only be blown by very skilled craftsmen, who are called glassblowers. Their work was very hard. Now glass products are made in large glass factories using machines. People know how to make amazing things from glass: dishes, glasses, mirrors and even threads from which they sew clothes for firefighters, because such clothes do not burn in fire and do not get wet in water. People learned to cook not only transparent, but also colored glass: red, green, yellow.

Glass has such a long and amazing history.


classes on speech development in the senior group -

Topic: "At an appointment with Dr. Aibolit"

Priority tasks:formation of grammatical structure of speech;

Development of sound culture of speech.


To clarify children’s knowledge about the work of L.I. Chunevsky “Doctor Aibolit”;

teach them to express their attitude towards the main character and other characters, evaluate their qualities and actions.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the semantic meaning of words, the ability to select words with the same root and similar sound.

Teach children to compose sentences with given words / based on visualization / and analyze them.

Strengthen their ability to instantaneously isolate a given sound in a word, determine the first sound in a word.

Teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonant sounds by ear.

Strengthen the skills of intonation expressiveness in working on interrogative, exclamatory and declarative sentences.

Methodical techniques:

The lesson is conducted in the form of a role-playing game “At an appointment with Dr. Aibolit” using didactic game exercises and various tasks for children during his course.

Demonstration material: scenery for the work of K. I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit” on a flanvlegraph, pictures: hippopotamus, ram, goat, kids, kangaroo, hare, penguin, parrot, woodpecker; stump, grass, ice floe; drum, bell, thermometer, potion *, pig; large demonstration toys of 2 types: telephone, cones.

Handout: cards with 2 and 3 circles and grids

From 3 nests, mugs.

Before class.

The teacher gathers the children in the book corner and asks them a riddle: He heals birds and animals, he heals small children.

He looks through his glasses, dear ./"Tell me, who is he?/ Doctor Aibolit / the children tell me/.

Right. How does a book telling about this doctor come together?

Where did he live?

Whom did you treat?

Who helped him treat sick animals and birds?

Why was this doctor called “Aibolit”? What do you think, children?

What was Doctor Aibolit like?

Do you like him and why?

Are there any evil, treacherous people in this book? Why do you think so?

Who would you like to be like?

“I’m glad that you like Dr. Aibolit. I really like him too, because he was very kind and always came to the rescue! in difficult times. Aibolit treated sick animals and birds, and they were all very grateful to him."

The teacher approaches the flannelgraph and addresses the children: “Would you like to attend an appointment with Dr. Aibolit?... Then hurry up / lays out images of Dr. Aibolit sitting under a tree on the flannelgraph /, “a hospital for birds and animals is open, go there for treatment.” .. /"prompt the word"/. You suggested the right word. So, dear patients, take your seats, Doctor Aibolit begins your appointment. Today I will be Doctor Aibolit, /Saying this, the teacher puts on a cap, a robe, and hangs a fanendoscope on it.

“Good Doctor Aibolit

He is under the tree... (prompt the word)

Come to him for treatment

And the cow and...

And the bug, and...

And a bear.

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone

Good doctor..."

While saying this, the teacher uses imitation of movements and gestures.

“Today many patients made appointments with Aibolit. I'll go and have a look at the reception area. “He approaches the table, on which pictures of animals are laid out, and throws up his hands.

"The sad animals are sitting

And they look at the doctor.

Who will be the first to enter the door?

Clumsy... "prompt the word" hippopotamus

What hippopotamus, children? What other words can be said about a hippopotamus? “Clumsy, big, fat, huge, brown, slow, sick, etc. That's how many different words you have chosen for hippopotamus! For each successful word, the teacher gives the children a red circle. What does the word “hippopotamus” mean?.. That’s right, children, the word “hippopotamus” means the name of a wild animal that lives in hot countries. Now come up with a sentence with the word “hippopotamus” “quick survey of children” Analysis of two and three word sentences. Handouts are used, as well as general and individual lessons for children, such as:

Put aside as many toys as there are words in your sentence “mine, Sasha”;

Select and place on your table as many toys “objects” as there are words in a sentence.

Ring the bell as many times as there are words in the given sentence;

Hit the tambourine, clap, stomp, walk, jump as many times as...;

Lay out as many circles on the flannelgraph as...;

Call the phone the same number of times, etc.

Children, listen to me say this word: "B-b-hippopotamus"

Repeat… .

And now you… .

Well... he will say the word “B-b-hippopotamus”, loudly, clearly, so that every sound can be heard, and... he will repeat his answer.

What sound is heard at the beginning of this word? Let's say it together. Now you,..., you..., and you.

“Ah, poor hippopotamus, his stomach hurts.”

Here’s a potion for you, my friend, “lays out a bottle of potion next to the image of a hippopotamus.”

Yes, you have a temperature “puts his palm to the hippo’s forehead, measures the temperature with a thermometer”

Take a pill and go to bed.

You need peace, believe me."

The teacher takes pictures from a flannelograph

“Well, follow the hippopotamus

Someone is looking at the door

He has arched horns

Guess who he is?..."

If the children do not name the correct answer, then the teacher continues:

“He beats the drum with his hoof, loudly be-be-be-e-e!” Baran shouts “give me a word.”

What sound does the word “Ram” begin with? Please say….Repeat this sound again…. Say the word “b-b-ram”, the first sound is... . The teacher looks at the picture and addresses the ram:

What happened to you, sheep? “He listens to his heart”

I don't know what to do here?

Where can I buy a new one?

Are you healthy?


Amazing ram, he needs a drum.

Let's play this scene, guys. You... will be Doctor Aibolit, and you... will be an amazing ram. Listen to this “repeat” conversation again. Then the children, with intentional expressiveness, reproduce the dialogue between Doctor Aibolit and the ram.

In case of difficulty on the part of the children or a time delay, the teacher speaks the words for Aibolit, and the child for the ram.

“Well, ram, you will get a drum if the children complete the task correctly. Be careful: you need to put the “R” sound in the word “bar-r-raban” on your bars. Children perform, the teacher checks and corrects if necessary. Now add the “H” sound in the word “drum-n-n.” Specifies their positional position in the word.

“Take it, you ram,

We gave you a “drum” as a gift.

Next to the picture “ram” the teacher puts the word “ram”.

Thank you, friends, I’m happy with everything now. "Voice from Behind the Screen"

The image is removed. The phone rings. Doctor Aibolit picks up the phone.

"What are you saying?

A pine cone fell from a branch

And hit the bunny?

Ah ah ah! “attaches the pine cones to the flannelgraph.”

Guys, a hedgehog just called me and told me an interesting story, and you yourself know it very well. Let's relax and tell it to our guests.

A physical education session is held with the words:

The squirrel dropped a cone

The cone hit the bunny.

He took off running and almost knocked the bear off his feet.

Under the old spruce bushes, the bear reasoned for half a day:

Somehow the hares have become bolder and are attacking me!”

After a physical education minute, the teacher removes the bumps and says:

“Following the ram is a goat, her “eyes” hurt.

What does the word “goat” mean? How can you say something tender and kind about her? "Goat, little goat, little goat." What about angry, rude? “Kazische, kazulya.” That's right, children, you can call a goat differently. Listen to me pronounce this word: “goat.” Now I will pronounce it differently: “Ko-za.” I pronounced this word in parts, syllables. So how many parts, syllables are there in the word: “Ko-za”. Please pick up the cards with the required number of circles. What sound is heard at the beginning of this word? Individual survey of children.

Say..., the word “goat” so that the first sound sounds.

The teacher pretends to write out a prescription: “Goat, I’ll prescribe glasses.” Wear my glasses, goat, don’t let your… “eyes” hurt.”

“And they came with the goat - kids.

Ah, pugnacious guys!

Fighters love to bite,

Play pranks and fight.

Our heads collided, you naughty girls.

And a “bump” grew on their foreheads.

You chose the right word: “bastards, big shots.” They sound the same because they have the same sounds. What does the word “kids” mean? Who are they? "Little Babies, Baby Goats"

Please post the sound “Z” in the word: “goats-z-zlyata”. Where is he standing?

The teacher checks the assignment, and then invites the children to come up with “who wants what” sentence about a goat and kids.

The sequence of working with sentences is the same as at the beginning, with the word “hippopotamus”

He pretends to lubricate the cones with iodine, and then removes all the pictures from the flannelograph.

“At a doctor’s appointment in the heat, a…“kangaroo” galloped up

Dear Doctor Aibolit, my leg “hurts”

Have a look, please … ,

What did the kangaroo say to Doctor Aibolit?

The teacher asks 2-3 children.

“This grief is not a problem,

Give it here."

The teacher pretends to lubricate the leg with brilliant green and bandage it.

“And what did Doctor Aibolit answer to the kangaroo?”

Answers 2-3 children.

Listen, I’ll tell you the word “k-k-kangaroo”.

You must tell me the sound with which it begins.

Children's individual responses. In the word “goat, kids” what sound is heard first? What about the word “kangaroo”?

“don’t close the doors, doctor

Left to wait for the reception... -animals-

“Doors-animals” - see how similar these words sound. They have the same sounds. Who is next to see Dr. Aibolit? Take your sick beast... . and make a proposal about it. How many words does it consist of? What is the first, second, third word? And now..., the sick animal and name it, highlighting the 1st sound. What sound does the word “pig” “P”, “penguin” “P” begin with?

Well, Dr. Aibolit has finished his appointment for today. If you liked the game, then you can continue it.”

Children help clear everything from the tables.

The development of speech in preschool childhood naturally plays a leading role. As speech develops, thinking develops. Speech acts as a communicative, educational, educational basis; the child’s further education at school depends on the quality of speech. In preschool age, it is important to develop the child’s vocabulary and create conditions for the development of children’s grammar and phonetics. In this regard, it is also important to develop fine motor skills of the fingers as a factor stimulating speech. In a preschool group, it is important to teach children to distinguish sounds and develop auditory attention. In general, all this serves to develop coherent speech. High results in the development of coherent speech in preschoolers are an indicator of the work of parents, educators, and speech therapists.

Thematic classes fully address the issues of speech development. The complex impact on a child’s speech remains one of the leading ones in preschool practice. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct speech therapy classes with a group of children thematically.

Note 1

Subject: Dentist Day

Target: children's speech development

Tasks: clarify the correct articulation of the sound C, consolidate the ability to determine the position of the sound C in words, enrich children’s vocabulary with the concepts of profession, dentist, benefit, approval, develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, speech breathing, creative thinking, cultivate the correct attitude to health, “sense of language.”

Equipment e: a disc with a recording of the song “Smile”, a disc with a recording of cheerful music, models of products, cards - symbols for the stages of classes, toothbrushes, booklets with tips on how to keep your teeth healthy, a picture of a tongue - a dentist, a Svetlana Sergeevna doll in a doctor’s costume.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organic moment

– guys, do you like to learn new things and tell them something interesting? Then I invite you to class, come in and sit on the chairs.

2. Main part

– at the beginning of February (that is, this month), many countries celebrate Dentist Day.

- Who is this dentist? This is a doctor. But the doctor is special, he has his own specificity, he is a dentist.

– So on Dentist’s Day we will congratulate... And how do they congratulate you on the holidays? (they wish well, give gifts)

– All dentists consider good, healthy teeth for their patients to be the best gift. Who are these patients? (clients, visitors)

– What teeth can be called healthy and good? (which don’t hurt, don’t bother)

– We will look at 4 signs of dental health.

– So, the first sign is light, fresh breath. Tell me, guys, when do they say “a tooth doesn’t match a tooth”? When it’s cold, a frozen person’s teeth chatter and they say that tooth doesn’t touch tooth. When can a person get very cold? What time of year? In winter. Let's catch a light winter cloud and tame it. Training a cloud - when you inhale, release the cloud, inflate your stomach, when you exhale, pinch the cloud, pull in your stomach.

- And now let’s remember the winter proverb and repeat it all together while standing (for a word a lot - spread your arms wide, your cheeks are red, beautiful - rub your cheeks with your palms, they have flown - raise and lower your hands):

We're in January frost
Brought a lot of freshness.
The cheeks are red and beautiful!
And February snowstorms
They circled and flew.

– Do we have fresh, easy breath? This means that next to the first sign we will place a smiley face (any symbol - a smiling sun, a face).

– What does the next symbol mean? That's right, healthy teeth are clean teeth. A tongue came to visit us, and he will help us do a language warm-up. Do everything with me, be careful and diligent.

The tongue is familiar to you, children,
We will greet him with a smile.
Let's smile broadly
Just one more time!
(smile, held wide, all teeth visible)
Dentist is our language
I'm used to taking care of my teeth.
Let's open our mouth wide
We can easily knock all our teeth.
Skim the teeth
We all need it silently.
(we brush our teeth, hit our teeth with our tongue)
Let's hide the upper teeth,
Let's hide the lower teeth.
We won't shut our mouths,
We will definitely do it.
The doctor looked at his watch,
Patients - come in.
Our doctor advises everyone
Keep the sky clean.
Rinse your mouth with water
We start everything in a crowd.
(cleaning the sky)
Listen to me
The horse's teeth are strong
The horse galloped on its way,
Stopped to rest.
(horse, fungus)
Our tongue has become a spoon
He stirred some syrup for us.
(cup, twist the cup)
The doctor was detained by the coward,
And the brave man let the doctor in
The coward has a toothache
The brave man never does.
(we hold our tongue with our teeth and push it towards ourselves with force)
We said goodbye to the doctor.
They waved a handkerchief after him.

Our teeth became clean after performing articulation exercises. Let's put a smiley face on this symbol too.

– What does the next, third symbol mean? Only healthy teeth are strong. Our teeth need protection, and the food we eat greatly affects the strength of our teeth. You know which products are beneficial to teeth, or in other words - which products a dentist would approve for us, and which ones would be said to be harmful and not beneficial. I will now distribute the food to you, and you come to the table and put healthy foods on a pink dish, and harmful foods on a brown dish. Dummies of apples, pears, ice cream, chocolate, onions, carrots, walnuts in shell and without. So, let's check. I'm showing the products from the pink dish, if you agree that they should be there, clap. Have you checked? Well done! We also put a smiley face on this symbol.

– What does the next symbol mean? A beautiful, open smile. Guys, do you remember the song that talks about smiling? Of course, this song is called “Smile”. Let's sing a verse of this song.

– What holiday are we talking about today? About Dentist Day. Who is being congratulated on this day? Dentists. Let's say this word again and listen to what the first sound is in it. WITH tomatologist Sound S. Guys, what do our lips, teeth, tongue do when we pronounce this sound? The lips smile, the mouth is slightly open, and the tongue is hidden behind the lower teeth and allows air to pass through the middle of the tongue.

– Today, guys whose names have the sound S in their names will come to see the dentist Svetlana Sergeevna. Do you know these guys? Let's name them. (Semyon, Savely, Sasha, Oksana, Vasya, Larisa, Denis, Suzanna, Styopa, Sonya, Kostya),

– Now we have listed all the patients, but tell me, is the sound C in the same place or in a different place in all words? Indeed, the sound C can be at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end. I name the word, and you try to determine where the sound is. If at the beginning, then the word begins with this sound, if in the middle, then there are other sounds before and after the sound C. And if at the end, then the word ends with this sound. Let's define it.

– What great fellows you are! I'm having a telephone conversation. Dentist Svetlana Sergeevna was in a hurry to come to our lesson, but on the way she was kidnapped by the evil witch of bad teeth and does not want to give her to us. How can we help Svetlana Sergeevna out? Your suggestions. I know one little secret - the evil witch of bad teeth is very afraid of the cheerful dance of the fairies of tooth cleanliness, and if we managed to ask the fairies to perform the dance, then the evil witch of bad teeth would disappear, and Svetlana Sergeevna would be saved. The fairies of dental cleanliness agreed to help us, we just need to get everyone ready to dance, and for this we need to say - “ace - ace - ace - the dance is waiting for us.” The fairies and we will dance a merry dance, guys, let’s dance more merry, the fairies need our help! From such a dance the evil witch of bad teeth disappeared.

- And here is Svetlana Sergeevna. “Hello guys, thank you very much for your help, I’ll dance for you too.” (The doll dances a cheerful dance.)

- Well, guys, how do they congratulate you on the holidays? They wish for something good. Let us also congratulate Svetlana Sergeevna, because Dentist Day is her professional holiday (we wish you happiness, health, success).

– Was it a good Dentist Day?

3. Summary

– What do you remember from today’s lesson? What new did you learn?

Guys, I really liked the way you worked today. So that you remember about our lesson, I want to give you a reminder bookmark Annex 1, which says that you need to strengthen your teeth. And the toothbrushes are from our dental cleanliness fairies. Be healthy guys!

Note 2

Subject: Circus.

Target: differentiation of sounds S - C, development of vocabulary, speech breathing, mobility of the articulatory apparatus, sound discrimination, education of correct pronunciation, curiosity, activity.

Equipment: poster, monkeys - simulator (board game “Catch the Monkey” by Samyonok), dodgers, drawing of a circus tongue, clown coloring pages, clown for reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organic moment

– Urgent announcement:
The circus is preparing a show!

Guys, what is a circus? Do you want to go to the circus? Then welcome to class!

2. Main part

– What is the name of the stage in the circus? Arena. I invite you to take your seats, do you have your tickets to the circus? What is the name of the person who checks the availability of a ticket? Ticketer, controller.

– The program begins, our first guest is a fakir. Who is this, guys, what does he do at the circus? Yes, he casts spells and controls fire - a very courageous profession. And you and I, after watching the fakir’s performance, will put out the fire and cool his hot body. Fire on your palms, bring it to your mouth, blow it out, making sure your cheeks don’t puff out. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. And now an interesting trick - while inhaling, bend over and do a swallow, hold your breath and, exhaling through your mouth, lower your leg to the floor. Three times.

Here in the circus the audience is noisy
The magician is already standing.
He's a real acrobat
And I’m very glad to see all of us!

Let's do exercises for the tongue, and our acrobat will help us.

The tongue is our circus performer,
The highest class will show us

  1. Now we'll go to the circus,
    We open the door wider,
    Let's smile broadly
    Very clever and easy!
    Fence smile
  2. We are greeted by a kind elephant,
    He pulls his long trunk.
    The elephant is famously trained,
    Learn to twirl your trunk!
  3. Tiger Fred licked his lips
    He's looking forward to breakfast and lunch.
    Delicious jam
  4. He's hurrying towards us on horseback
    A dashing circus horseman!
  5. Clown Petya is like a ball
    Jumps for teeth from above!
    He cleverly made the bridge,
    A true champion.
  6. In the arena - a famous yogi,
    He is very interesting to us.
    He lay on the nails,
    Without even moving, “ah!”
    Wind paddle
  7. Goodbye, we'll say
    And let's wave one, two, three!
  8. The circus performer can prance,
    Train animals and birds,
    And spin on the trapeze
    And dance on a tightrope!

The circus performer can also bend and bend very strongly. Guys, what letter have we become like? C. Let's pronounce the sound C. What does our tongue, lips and teeth do when we pronounce this sound. Very good. Now listen to what I call you, and you will hear what sound I highlighted. Good fellows and beautiful girls. What sound did I highlight? Sound T. And when we pronounce it, what do our teeth, lips, tongue do. What is the difference between the two sounds we named? What do they have in common? Both whistle, both are deaf, the tongue of both sounds is below, behind the lower teeth. But when we say S, the smile is in a constant position, and C - the mouth opens wider.

- When you hear C, clap, when you hear C, stamp. SSTSSPISTSATS

- Hear in the syllable c - clap, c - stomp. sa so tsa tsy si tsu

- And in the word which sound is one of these: heron, cheese, chicken, circus, beets, tsits, hat.

– Correct the sentences: Sveta and Seryozha came to the circus. What were the guys' names? What do the guys' names have in common? They start with the same sound.

The heron was eaten by a frog.

- Let's learn a simple phrase:

Tsa-tsa-tsa, the sheep is running
And behind her are two pigs.

– Who are these trainers? Who can be trained in the circus? Name it. Today we will train monkeys. Let's split into two teams. Everyone must run with the monkey to the chair opposite and bring a fishing rod to their friend. Who will be the real trainers?

– And today we’ll exercise our hands: we’ll sing a circus tent. But first, let's remember what sounds we sing - a o u and y e. Welcome, arena, tiger, lion, donkey, cat, clown. (Use of T.S. Ovchinnikova’s manual “Speech therapy chants”)

- Oh, someone is coming towards us. A clown comes in while music is playing. You recognized me? Do you know what I do at the circus? I can do everything that an ordinary circus performer can do, but I do it all funny. Let's juggle, do you guys know who a juggler is? This is a person who moves various objects in his hands at high speed, causing objects to fly in the air. (Children are offered “Dodgers” - exercise equipment made from plastic bottles; balls and caps from plastic bottles can be used as a roller)

– Let’s lift the barbell, but it’s very heavy. Psycho-gymnastics. We imagine how difficult it is for us to lift the barbell, how we bend under the weight first in one direction or the other. And now we’ll pull the rope in teams, right? We imagine a rope in our hands, and together we all pull it together.

– The clown says goodbye to us, because he still has performances waiting for him, and he has prepared coloring books for you as a gift. Look how wonderful they are.

3. Summary

– did you like the lesson? What did you like about the lesson? Our clown is missing something on his face, draw a clown (sad or happy) that matches your mood during class.

1. To develop the ability to generalize and classify.

2. Expand your vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Practice dividing words into syllables, selecting antonyms and synonyms.

4. form an idea of ​​fantasy, develop a holistic perception of folk tales, figurative representation, and the emotional sphere of children.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and initiative.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children No. 34 "Krepysh" of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Open lesson on speech development in the senior group: “Journey to the Land of Beautiful Speech”


MBDOU teacher

"Kindergarten No. 34 "Krepysh"

Efimova Natalia Evgenievna

Novocheboksarsk - 2015


1. To develop the ability to generalize and classify.

2. Expand your vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Practice dividing words into syllables, selecting antonyms and synonyms.

4. form an idea of ​​fantasy, develop a holistic perception of folk tales, figurative representation, and the emotional sphere of children.

5. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other and initiative.

Vocabulary work: fantasy, sun: bright, radiant, bright, hot.

Materials and equipment: sun with rays, recording the melody of “magic music”

"Wonderful bag."

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.


Today in class we will go on a trip to the fabulous city of Beautiful Speech. Once in this fabulous city, people change a little. Want to know how? Then let's go. Since the city is unusual, we will go on a trip in an unusual way: with the help of imagination.

What is fantasy? (fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something, invent something that doesn’t actually exist.

Before we set off on this journey, let's remember the rules:

1. Every day always, everywhere,

During the lessons in the game,

We speak loudly, clearly,

We're not in a hurry.

2. If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

So, let's go to the city of Beautiful Speech. (Fairytale music starts)

Please close your eyes. Imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see the houses, factories, forests, fields that surround it, hear the murmur of the river, smell the fresh air after the rain.

2. Main part.

Here we are. Look guys, what is this? Gates. - And there is a lock on the gate. Let's open it. And finger gymnastics “Castle” will help us. Children stand in a circle and perform finger gymnastics.

There is a lock on the door.

Who could open it?

They knocked (on this word, rhythmically tap the bases of your palms against each other, without releasing your fingers)

Twisted (without releasing your fingers, pull one hand towards you, the other away from you, alternating them.0

Pulled (pull the handles in different directions, straightening your fingers, but without releasing the lock completely.)

And they opened ! (Releasing your arms sharply, spread them wide to the sides.)

We opened the castle, well done!

Oh, guys, here's a letter!

Our dear beloved guys, help us! Evil wizards have bewitched our city:

Everything we have: houses, fields, forests, paths, rivers and sun.

Help us break the spell on our city!

We need to help the residents of this city. Shall we help? Yes.

Then guess the riddle:

Among the blue field, the bright shine of a large fire

Slowly the fire walks, the earth goes around mother,

There is a cheerful light shining in the window. You guessed it... The sun.

But for some reason it's sad? It has no rays.

Evil wizards bewitched him too, and scattered the rays in different directions. Let's find them all together!

To disenchant the rays you need to complete tasks.

The teacher reads out the tasks written on the rays and, having completed the tasks, attaches the rays to the sun.

1 task.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of animals)

“Call it affectionately” The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word, and he calls it affectionately.

Sample words. Monkey, hippopotamus, fox, hare, wild boar, bear, squirrel

2 task

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture depicting a garden and vegetable garden)

“Call it in one word”

Pear, apple, peach, plum (fruit)

Tulip, iris, aster, rose (flowers)

Tomato, cucumber, carrot, beet (vegetables)

Strawberries, raspberries, cherries, gooseberries (berries)

Dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel (greens)

Game "Clappers"

(The child learns to clap words, dividing them into syllables

Gru-sha, sli-va, li-mon , per – sik, ab – ri – braid,

a – pel – sin, man – da – rin, yab – lo – ko.

“Words are relatives”

Where do fruits grow? ( In the garden ) Who takes care of the garden? ( gardener)

What are the names of the plants that grow in the garden? ( garden)

Tell me what words - relatives - you and I said.

3 task.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a garage with vehicles)

“What's too much? »

Airplane, helicopter, fighter, tree

Orange, speedboat, motor ship, boat

Car, motorcycle, grasshopper,

Bicycle, scooter, moped, ATV, table.

Physical exercise “Flowers grow in the meadow”

Flowers grow in the meadow

Unprecedented beauty.

Flowers reach for the sun. Stretch with them too.

The wind will blow sometimes

But that's not a problem.

The flowers bend down and their petals drop.

And then they get up again

And they still bloom.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on the river)

Guys, tell me what the river is doing?

Children. The river flows, runs, murmurs, makes noise, splashes, seethes, worries, hisses, etc.

My children are great. They said a lot of words. Now play with the pebbles, roll them in your palms. (After a minute, he collects pebbles.) Let’s return the pebbles to the river and say “thank you” to it for the game (The audio recording “Sounds of the River” plays),

As soon as the river says the magic word, the crayfish fall asleep, forgetting about the fight.

What do you think, children, who else could live in the river?

Children. Fish can live in the river.

4 task

Oh, children, children, the residents of the city have a problem - the fish in the river have been bewitched. They can't do it without your help. In order for fish to get into the river, they need to be named.

The teacher opens the pictures attached to the easel. Children call them a choir or individually. Children assign correctly named pictures to the river.

What fish do we have left?

Children. Dolphin, stingray, hammerhead fish.

Why can't they live in the river?

The teacher leads the children to the fact that sea fish live in the sea or ocean.

Well done boys! You were very helpful. Pisces cannot talk, but they love to smile, and they have different smiles. (Reads the beginning of the poem line by line, children finish the last words).

If it's a fish, it has a smile, if it's a fish, it has... (smile)

If it's a fish, it has... (smile), if it's a fish, it has... (smile),

If it’s a fish, she has... (smile)

These are the smiling, cheerful fish that live in our magical river.

Task 5.

Magic light, help,

Show us the way. (V. shines a small flashlight, the light falls on a picture of a factory)

“Name the signs”

In the land of Beautiful Speech there live amazing words that can name different characteristics of objects:

Matryoshka made of wood...

Leather bag…

If the handle is made of plastic, then...

A boy with broad shoulders...

Brick house...

Porcelain saucer…

Task 6

Magic light, help

Show us the way. (V. shines on a poster with pictures of trees)

Q: - What did this ray fall on?

D: - On a tree

Q: And look what’s on the tree? Are there any leaves?

D: - No, there are no leaves.

Q: - Guys, should we give our tree green leaves? To do this, we will play the game “Say the other way around”

Didactic game “Say the opposite”

Day Night

Sugar - salt

Cleanliness - dirt

Winter summer

Ceiling - floor

narrow – wide /skirt/

long – short /dress/

strong – weak /athlete/

cheerful – sad /girl/

tall – short /person/

Laughs - cries /child/

Lying - sitting /man/

Close – open /book/

Takes off - lands /plane/

Puts on - takes off /sweater/

(A word is written on each piece of paper - the children name its opposite and the teacher sticks the piece of paper on the tree)

Guys, what are words made of? From sounds.

What two groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into? For vowels and consonants.

How are vowel sounds pronounced? Easily, freely, sing, stretch.

Let's name them. A, O, U, I, Y, E

What obstacles does the air in the mouth encounter when we pronounce consonants?

Name them B C D F G Z, etc.

Now prepare your ears, listen carefully to the words, determine what sound is repeated in all the words?

cancer, mountain, heat, rainbow, giraffe, shell, parade, joy.

Linden, ice, leaf, deer, fishing line, cart, clearing.

Vase, mimosa, birch, thunderstorm, toothpaste, music.


Guys, the sun is shining in this wonderful city. What is it like? .

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands, and fingers. It became completely warm, and you yourself became warm and affectionate. The rays ran across the clouds, across the fields, through the forests, through the flowers and cast a spell on everything

Bottom line.

Well done, the residents of this extraordinary city tell you: “Thank you so much! »

Let's go home, close our eyes and imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests and fields, hear the murmur of the river, smell the fresh air after the rain. Music is playing.

So we arrived at the kindergarten and our lesson ended.

What did you like most?

What was especially difficult O?

This section presents lessons And classes, helping children learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Speech development lessons stimulate the speech activity of children, promote the development of the child’s speech.

There are 23 represented on the site speech development classes children.

Primary school teachers note that many children have difficulty constructing phrases, often do not know how to formulate sentences grammatically correctly, and have a poor vocabulary. Such shortcomings are not noticeable at home, but are revealed in lessons at school. This is due to an insufficient level of speech development.

In order to prevent these difficulties, it is necessary to develop child's speech in preschool age. In our lessons on speech development you can find tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. If something doesn’t work out for a child, help him and give him some hints.

All speech development classes written in accessible language, tasks are given in a playful way, accompanied by beautiful illustrations that will interest any child.

All classes were checked and approved by a practicing teacher in preschool education O.A. Volovskaya.

The child gets acquainted with living and inanimate objects (animate and inanimate), learns to compose sentences with words answering the question: “Who?” or "What?"

The child learns to compose sentences with words that answer the question “What?” He doesn’t yet know what the genitive case is, but he can already decline words correctly.

The child learns to compose sentences with words answering the question: “Who?” The lesson is accompanied by a large number of colorful photographs of animals.

In a playful way, the child is invited to compose many sentences with words answering the questions of the dative case: “To whom, to what?”

We compose many sentences with words that answer questions in the instrumental case: “By whom, with what?”, we recall the fairy tale about Kolobok

Compiling sentences with words that answer the questions: “About whom, about what, in what, on what?”, using the prepositions “on” and “in” depending on the situation.

Animals and their young - how to correctly name animals in the masculine, feminine, and their young. Lots of very interesting photographs of animals with their babies.

We select diminutive and affectionate words for animate and inanimate objects: various animals, things, fruits, berries.

We study many different adjectives and vegetables, select descriptive words for vegetables and vegetables for adjectives. We look for similarities and differences between objects.

There are many more adjectives for a wide variety of objects: animals, fruits, berries, dishes.

In a playful way, the child is invited to first compose sentences and then short stories based on the pictures. The complication is gradual, the difference between a story and a short sentence is explained

We begin to study verbs, correctly select the endings of verbs for the feminine, masculine, neuter, and plural words. We come up with actions for animals and animals for actions.

Studying various prepositions: “on, under, in”, etc. Determining from the pictures what happened at the beginning, what then, what at the end, composing a story based on several pictures

A lot of long and short words, the child learns to determine whether a word is long or short, and to come up with his own words.

Repetition of geometric shapes, colors, composing a story based on a picture

Animals of Africa and Australia are studied and short stories about them are written.

Making up stories based on pictures of cats. Lots of interesting funny photos of cats.

We learn to tell what the weather is like outside, what the weather was like yesterday and what it will be like tomorrow. Options are considered: the sun is shining, it’s raining, there’s a thunderstorm outside, it’s snowing outside.

This section is devoted to speech development. Here there will be materials whose main focus will be on this topic: classes on speech development in kindergarten, on fiction, integrated classes with a “speech” focus, in general, everything in one way or another related to the development of speech and thinking of preschoolers. In the column on the left side there are links to ready-made lesson notes. You can download any of the notes in one file, to do this you need to go to the appropriate page.

Some of the lessons in this section are complex and links to them are in the “Complex lessons” section, also many of the lessons on familiarization with nature contain elements of speech development in preschool children, so if you haven’t found the material you need here, it’s worth Pay attention to other sections of our website.

We hope that our materials will help you in working with preschoolers in kindergarten. Not all children have easy skills in verbal communication, many of them have difficulty learning to speak, but a competent teacher, armed with good material, can work real miracles with children.

Let's not forget about new activities. You can find out about new items in this (or any other) section on the “New classes” page in the menu or by subscribing to our RSS newsletter by going to the main page and clicking on the RSS newsletter icon in the upper right corner.

Lesson notes on speech development for preschoolers, located in this section of our website, are available for downloading as a Word document.

Among the many important tasks of raising and educating preschool children in kindergarten, teaching their native language, developing speech, and verbal communication is one of the main ones. This general task consists of a number of special, private tasks: nurturing the sound culture of speech, enriching, consolidating and activating the dictionary, improving the grammatical correctness of speech, forming conversational (dialogical), coherent speech, cultivating interest in the artistic word, and preparing for learning to read and write.

Of all the speech skills that a child masters in kindergarten, the most difficult is the ability to tell. But the main task of speech development is the formation of speech competence, that is, the ability of children to use all language means in various situations of verbal communication. Coherent speech, as it were, absorbs all the child’s achievements in mastering his native language, in mastering its sound side, vocabulary, and grammatical structure.

This does not mean, however, that it is possible to develop a child’s coherent speech only when he has already very well mastered the sound, lexical and grammatical aspects of the language. The formation of coherent speech begins earlier. The baby may not yet be able to pronounce all sounds clearly, or have a large vocabulary or complex syntactic structures, but work on speech development should already begin. Coherent speech is inseparable from the world of thoughts: coherence of speech is coherence of thoughts. Coherent speech reflects the logic of the child’s thinking, his ability to comprehend what he perceives and express it correctly.

By the way a child constructs his statements, one can judge the level of his speech development. The ability to coherently, consistently, accurately and figuratively express one’s thoughts (or a literary text) also influences aesthetic development: when retelling and composing his stories, the child tries to use figurative words and expressions learned from works of art. The ability to tell an interesting story and interest listeners (children and adults) with your presentation helps children become more sociable, overcome shyness, and develop confidence in their abilities.

The development of coherent expressive speech in children must be considered as an essential link in the education of a culture of speech in its broad sense. All subsequent development of speech culture will be based on the foundation that is laid in preschool childhood.

Have you noticed any inaccuracies, shortcomings, or do you have any comments about the operation of the site? Please let us know about it. And also, if you have your own ideas, activities, materials, proprietary methods and developments, then share them with others, write to us through the feedback form, send the material and we will add to the number of notes.