Abstract of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Fairy bird. Drawing lesson in the middle group "Miracle bird

Aigul Linetskaya
Synopsis of continuous educational activities on FTSKM with elements of ecology. "Wintering birds" Middle group

Synopsis of continuous educational activities on FTSKM with elements of ecology.

"Wintering Birds"

Middle group

Prepared by:

Linetskaya Aigul Raufatovna

Target: acquaintance of children with wintering birds and the role of humans in their lives.

Educational tasks:

To acquaint children with wintering birds; contribute to the clarification and consolidation of children's ideas about the appearance and behavior of wintering birds; about their role in nature and human life.

Developmental tasks:

To develop thinking, observation, attention, a holistic perception of objects of nature, to promote the development in children of the ability to highlight vivid distinctive signs of their appearance.

Educational tasks:

To foster a careful and caring attitude towards birds, a desire to help birds in difficult winter times for them.

Equipment and materials: audio recording of bird sounds, audio recording of the song "Sparrow's Song" (minus, headbands with images of birds, feeder.

Methods of organizing educational activities: conversation, problematic issue, the use of an artistic word (riddles, poems, outdoor play, questions, artistic activity (application, didactic games.

Preliminary work: reading NI Sladkov "Titmouse - arithmetic", S. Yesenin "Playful sparrows", memorizing the song "Sparrow song", making feeders with parents, drawing wintering birds.

Dictionary activation: wintering birds, crossbill, migratory birds.

Educator: Gather the children in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands together

And we will smile at each other.

Let's enjoy the morning and the birds (hands up)

And also we will rejoice at smiling faces (we smile at each other)

And to everyone who lives on this planet (shrug their shoulders)

"Hello", let's say we are together (join hands)

Say hello to our guests (pay attention to adults)

We will offer to smile at us in return.

Children greet guests

Educator: We start our lesson, and what, or about whom it will be, we will now find out. Guess the riddle.

The hut is new

For all the dining room,

Calls to dine

Taste the crumbs.

Children: Feeder

The teacher shows the feeder.

Educator: This is what a cafeteria has opened with us, look, guys! Who is this feeder for? (Answers of children).

Educator: That's right, guys, for wintering birds. Why were they called wintering ones?

Children: "Wintering birds" who live with us in the summer and stay with us in the winter.

Educator: Right. So, today we continue to get acquainted with wintering birds.

Today wintering birds came to visit us. What is the name of our first guest? Guess the riddle:

1. Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.

That's right - it's a bullfinch. (Display picture and listen to audio)

Bullfinches are very beautiful birds.

Try to describe their appearance: the color of the head, breast and wings.

Children: The head is black, the breast is red, the wings are gray.

Educator: Well done. Bullfinches are very bright, beautiful birds. The bullfinch is a forest bird. You won't find them in the city in the summer, in the winter, with the first snow, they fly to people's homes, that's why they were called “bullfinches”. Flocks of bullfinches fly from place to place in search of food, therefore they are also called nomadic birds. Bullfinches feed on buds, berries, plant seeds. Their favorite delicacy is rowan berries.

And now Sasha and Dima will read you a nursery rhyme:

Hello dear bullfinch!

I flew in for an hour!

Why just an hour?

You have few berries!

Educator: Our second guest. We listen to the riddle:

2. To our feeding trough in winter

A bird arrives

With a yellow downy breast -

Nimble (Tit)

(Displaying a picture of a titmouse and listening to audio)

Let's guys describe this bird.

We, guys, can see this bird on the street. Titmouses are very agile and dexterous birds. They fly from place to place every now and then and rarely sit in one place. Tits feed on insects in summer. And in winter they gather in small flocks and look for food near people's houses. Tits love lard, seeds, bread crumbs.

And now I suggest you do a physical exercise and rest.

Physical education.

A nimble tit is galloping,

She does not sit still (children walk in place)

Jump-jump, jump-jump (jump)

Spun like a top (turns left and right).

Here I sat down for a minute, (we squat down)

Scratched her chest with her beak (children show movement)

And from the path to the fence,

Tirithiri, shadow-shadow-shadow. (jumping)

Our next guest.

3. Likes to jump and fly,

Peck bread and grains.

Instead of "Hello" I'm used to

Tell everyone "Chick-tweet". (Sparrow)

(Display picture and listen to audio)

The sparrow is a small bird with a brown back and gray breast. He is very nimble, noisy, often gets into quarrels with other sparrows. But no matter what, the sparrows are friendly birds, if a sparrow finds a crumb, then he will definitely call his friends and share with them. He chirps very loudly, thereby drawing attention to himself. Sparrows live in flocks. And in the flock there is a watchman who always looks around carefully and immediately starts chirping loudly if suddenly there is some danger. Sparrows are very useful birds. In summer they feed on harmful insects - caterpillars, beetles. In winter, the sparrows are hungry. They fly to people's homes in search of bread crumbs, seeds, grain.

And now we will sing "Sparrow's song" to our guests

"Sparrow's Song".

I don't need any toys

No colored pencils

Because at the feeder

A sparrow settled.

I would only listen better

This sly mischief-maker.

I decided just in case

Avian to learn the language.



Everyone needs friends.



Even the sparrows.

How many delicious sandwiches

I crumbled it into the feeder.

Very hard work -

Sparrow training.

But on the other hand, in our area

The people are surprised -

The sparrow is squatting,

He claps and sings.

We share lunch with him,

As befits friends.

He tweeted about it

To all the familiar sparrows.

I'll give them sweeter crumbs.

And a week will not pass -

Everyone will see the real

Sparrow dance.

Educator: Well done, guys. And the next bird that came to us from the forest is very unusual and beautiful. Let's get to know her.

4. Who in the winter among the coniferous branches

Is it taking out children in February?

An unusual beak - with a cross,

That bird is called.


(Displaying a picture and listening to an audio recording)

Klest is always easy to recognize by its beak. Crossbills have a beak similar to a cross. They need him to get their own food - to get seeds from cones. You can't get seeds from a cone with an ordinary straight beak! Therefore, if you see a bird with a cross beak in a forest or park in winter, then you should know that it is a bunch. You will never confuse him with other birds! Klest is the most amazing bird! And the most hardened! Not afraid of any frost! And it hatches chicks in fierce winter during blizzards, snowstorms and severe frosts. And therefore the crossbills make the nest very warm and durable. And always their nest is very high on a pine tree or on a spruce, so that no one can get the chicks.

Why do crossbills chicks appear in winter? And because they need special food for the cross! Which? I’ll tell you now.

N. Sladkov. Spruce porridge

Everyone has a birthday joy. And they are in trouble. What joy is it to hatch in winter? Frost, and you are naked. One nape is covered with fluff.

All birds have parents like parents, children are taken out in the summer when it is warm and satisfying. Laws are not written to one crossbill. Managed to sit out the cross in winter, and even on the twenty-ninth of February! What is this birthday that happens once every four years? Just cry: no greenery, no caterpillars; snow, cold.

And parents at least that!

There daddy-bough sits on the tree and sings songs. And at the very steam from the beak, as if smoking a pipe!

This is what I think about crossbreeding.

Only I see that the crossbillies themselves do not grieve!

Nibbles eat porridge. Good spruce seed porridge! Porridge will be full and sleep. From below, the nest is like a feather bed, from above, mother is like a feather blanket. And from the inside, the porridge warms. The Christmas tree lulls, the wind purrs songs to them.

A few days passed, crossbills grew. Neither the necks were chilled, nor the noses froze. Yes, they are so thick that it is cramped in the nest. And restless: they almost fall out of the nest.

This is probably all from my mother's worries and from the spruce porridge.

And also from the bright sun and frosty wind.

No, birthday is always a happy day.

Even if it is winter and frost. Even if it is February twenty-ninth.

Does not matter!

Conversation on the text:

1. What birds are we talking about in the story?

2. Why are the crossbills thick and restless?

3. At what time do the crossbills of their chicks hatch?

Educator: Well done! And now, let's play with you the winter game for attention "Snowflake", "Icicle", "Snowdrift" and "Icicle".

And now let's listen to the audio recording and guess, the last bird, which is also in a hurry to us (recording of a crow).

Here is a crow. This bird

Least of all people are afraid.

Croaks loudly in the nest

Long nose sticks everywhere!

Displaying a picture.

The crow is a medium sized bird. She has very strong legs, a curved beak. She herself is gray, her head, tail and wings are black and shiny. Ravens live everywhere: in the city, in the countryside, in the countryside, in the forests. And forest crows in winter The crow loves to steal: eggs from other people's nests, chickens, ducklings. All the day long the crows get their food, and the night they spend in the trees in large noisy flocks. The crow is a very useful bird, it destroys harmful insects and preserves trees in the city.

Guys, you are great, you have guessed all the riddles. See how many birds are on our board. Let's count them.

Children count the birds.

And let's play the game: "What a bird is gone."

(Children close their eyes. The teacher removes one picture of a bird. Children open their eyes and call this bird. For example: the crow is gone, etc.).

Educator: Some of our children also prepared a surprise, they turned into birds. We quickly close our eyes, open them. Now our children will tell themselves what kind of birds they have become.

Headbands are put on the head of children. Reading poetry.

(Kolya) The dove landed smoothly,

Shook off all the feathers

And spinning on the spot -

Collecting grains.

And cooing and whirling

He is dancing the Viennese waltz.

(Olya) Sideways, sideways, sideways

Jackdaw walks past the windows,

Tousled by the wind

Powdered with snow.

(Maroussia) A titmouse is galloping merrily,

And he is not afraid of frost:

She doesn't care about the cold

If there is food in the feeder!

Well done boys! Let's once again remember which birds are called wintering, which migratory. Children's answers.

Now let's play a game. If I call a wintering bird, then you clap, if a migratory one, then you stomp.

Educator: And now Lena and Kostya will read us a poem:

Here are frosts so frosts,

Nose out - oh-oh-oh.

Even squirrels are fidgets

Waiting for the warmth

Do not scurry to a branch from a branch,

They do not crawl out of the hollow.

And the hungry tit

Cries quietly by the window:

"There is nowhere to warm and feed

No bugs, no grain

I'm freezing, I'm starving

I can't wait for warmth.

Educator: Do you feel sorry for the birds?

Children: Yes, sorry

Educator: Why?

Children: The birds are cold. Nothing to eat

Educator: Do you guys think that cold or hunger is more terrible for birds?

Children: Of course, hunger.

Educator: How can we help the birds?

Children: We need to feed them

Educator: But if we throw food on the ground, the snow will cover it, and the birds will not see, how can we be?

Children: You can make a feeder.

Educator: Right. At the weekend, many of you, together with your daddies, mommies, did a good job and made feeders, we hung them on the trees of our site. I think the birds really liked your feeders.

It is difficult for birds to winter

We need to help the birds!

I asked to cut

Spruce board

Together with my dad I made

Ptichkin's dining room.

The teacher shows the drawn feeder and invites the children to treat the birds.

Educator: Look how the "bird's canteen" looks like. How many treats are on it: they ate the seeds of cones, and seeds, and rowan berries, and even pieces of bacon. Let's invite the birds to the feeder! But first, let's prepare our pens.

Finger gymnastics "Feeder"

How many birds to our feeder

Arrived? We'll tell you.

Two tits, a sparrow,

Six goldfinches and doves

Woodpecker with variegated feathers.

There were enough seeds for everyone.

Rhythmically clench and unclench the cams.

For each name of the bird, one finger is folded.

Again, clench and unclench the fists.

Children go to the feeder and glue the birds.

Educator: Today you learned only a little about the life of wintering birds.

I think that you will watch them and help them in difficult times.

The conversation was not easy

And she is so smart.

Those who listen carefully

Birds are not offended.

And we are friends, goodbye,

It remains to say "Goodbye!"

Target: To form a generalized idea of ​​children about wintering and migratory birds, teach children to distinguish birds according to essential features, teach them to classify into wintering and migratory birds, be able to convey their impressions and bird watching in drawing, foster love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.



GCD for drawing "Wintering birds" in the middle group.

Target : To form a generalized idea of ​​children about wintering and migratory birds, teach children to distinguish birds according to essential features, teach them to classify into wintering and migratory birds, be able to convey their impressions and bird watching in drawing, foster love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.

Activities: play, cognitive research, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: Bird watching at the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Memorizing poetry. Conversations.

Equipment : Object pictures depicting birds (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, sippy cups, brushes, paints, pencils, album sheets, oilcloth.

Course of the lesson : Psycho-gymnastics "Birds"

Night. The birds are asleep, they hid their heads under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the sun's rays touch them, the birds wake up, first spread one wing, then the second, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their heads back and looking around. And then they get down to business: they fly, sing, look for seeds.

And now we will talk about birds, what do you know about them. Where do birds live? (In the forests, gardens). Why do they live there? (They build a nest in the trees, no cars drive there, no one bothers them). When frosts begin, where do many birds disappear? (Fly away to warm lands) What are the names of the birds that fly south? (Migratory) What are the names of the birds that remain with us? (Wintering) What do wintering birds eat? (By seeds and fruits of trees) With the onset of winter, the birds that remain to winter move closer to people, to human housing. Why? (They are cold and hungry).

The cold is not as terrible for birds as hunger. There is little food in the forest in winter, so they come to us. Ask for help. How do you help the birds in winter? (Let's make feeders, feed the birds) What birds fly to the feeders? (Sparrows, rooks, tits, crows) These are our friends. (I hang pictures of birds). And now I will ask you riddles, and you will guess and show the desired bird.

At least a smaller sparrow

I am not afraid of winter either

You all know the bird.

And my name is (titmouse).

Rides smartly along the track

Picks up crumbs from the ground.

Not afraid of pigeons.

What kind of bird?


Snow fell, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird red-breasted ... (bullfinch)

Bullfinch - the first messenger of winter, got its name from the word - snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. It is a little mobile bird, it jumps on the ground with short jumps, dives and swims in the snow. The wings of the bird are large, so the flight of the bullfinch is smooth, undulating. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds, they adorn winter nature with their appearance. Like red apples hanging from trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on seeds of cones, plants, rowan berries, take out the seeds with their beak, and discard the pulp.

Finger play:

Birds sit in their nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly.

The wind blew - flew.

And now we are going to draw birds. Let's remember what the bird has and what shape (the body is an oval, the head is a circle, the wings are a semi-oval, tail, eyes, beak). What is the body of birds covered with? (Feathers) What are the feathers that keep birds warm? (Pooh). What feathers help birds fly? (Tail, wings).

Do you guys need to feed the birds in winter? Tell me, what birds did we meet today? What kind of bird did we draw? Let's see all together what kind of bullfinches you got.

Directly educational activities of the teacher with children in the secondary speech therapy group
Topic: "It is difficult for birds to winter, you need to help the birds"

Educational area "Cognitive and speech development" in integration with educational areas: communicative and personal development, physical development.

Target: creating conditions for consolidating the concept of "wintering birds"


1) Form the idea of ​​children about the image and concept of "bird" (structure, appearance). Reinforce the idea of ​​how humans can help birds survive in winter

2) Develop general and fine motor skills, logical thinking; the ability to coordinate speech with movement, to understand and clearly follow the instructions of an adult

3) To cultivate positive emotions for birds, the desire to take care of them.

4) Improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech: use simple prepositions (in, on) in a sentence, perform graphic exercises.

Preliminary work:

As part of the implementation of the kindergarten project "Winter" and the group project "Wintering Birds": reading E. Aleksandrov "New dining room", reading an excerpt from the story "Sinichkin Calendar", guessing riddles;

Bird watching, bird feeding. Working with parents to make bird feeders.

Didactic games:

"Gathering of birds", "Fourth extra", "Find the bird", "Lay out the bird."

Board games:

Educational lotto "Birds", "Guess which bird?"

Speech development games:"Add a word", "Say it kindly! "One - many", "Who has who?"

Motion games: "Flight of Birds", "Sparrows and a Car", "Owl"

Artistic creation: bird painting, bird modeling.

Vocabulary work: introduction to the active vocabulary of children of new words: feeder, crumbs, small bird, roused, fluffed.

The course of direct educational activities.

Children are included in the group. The singing of a bird is heard. The teacher draws the attention of children to this sound.

Guys, is someone visiting us?

Who is this? (Bird)

Do you like the way she sings?

The bird wants to get our attention.

What is it? (Notice that next to the bird is a roll of paper)

The bird wants to ask us riddles. Are you ready to guess them?

1. Chik-Chirik

Jump to the grain

Peck do not be shy.

Who is this? (Sparrow)

2. Blue kerchief,

Dark back,

Small bird,

Call her (titmouse)

3. Snow fell,

And this bird

Not afraid of snow at all.

We call this bird

Red-breasted (bullfinch)

Children guess riddles and find pictures of them.

Who have we solved the riddles about? (About birds)

What kind of birds are they? (Wintering)

What other wintering birds do you know? (Woodpecker, crow, magpie, dove)

What birds eat (seeds, seeds, crumbs, berries) - Is it difficult for birds in winter?

Why do people feed birds? (So ​​that they do not freeze, survived 0

Can we help them?

It is difficult for birds to winter

We need to help the birds.

Is it cold for the birds, how do they warm themselves?

Exercise "Bullfinches"

Here on the branches, look (waving their hands),

In red T-shirts bullfinches (tilt their heads to the sides),

Fluffed up the feathers (shaking hands),

They bask in the sun (clap on the sides, raise their head).

Children, what do birds have?

Children examine and show parts of the bird's body.

I have the cards, look carefully and lay them out as you see fit.

D / and "Who is how is arranged"

All birds are arranged the same

What's ahead of the birds?

What is on the head of the birds?

What's behind?

What is the body of the bird covered with?

What can a bird do?

Children find and lay out the appropriate body part.

Children, do you want to show our guest how we call the birds for a treat?

(Birds need to be fed in winter, maybe we should call them?)

Fly birds (calling movements with your hands),

I will give fat to a titmouse (cutting movements),

Prepare crumbs (fingers with a pinch)

A little bread ("Crumbling" bread),

These crumbs are for pigeons (right hand forward, palm up),

These crumbs are for the sparrows (left hand forward, palm up),

Jackdaws and crows (roll pasta between the palms)

Eat pasta!

Game "Add a word"

A chick jumped along the path

And pecked big (crumbs)

Children, do you know what kind of food birds like?

Want to feed the birds their favorite treat?

Children are offered signs (cards)

Connect Correctly Exercise

Assignment: you need to draw a line from the bird to its favorite food.

We check the correctness of the task.

Physical minute "Little bird"

Little bird

I flew in the sky (birds fly),

Sat under the window

Pecked crumbs (sat down, pecked grains),

The bird fluttered (got up, shook themselves off),

She straightened her back.

She sang a song, flew into the house (waving their hands).

Children, do you want to feed the birds?

We have this custom:

A little snow will fall

We hang the feeders

For birds on a twig.

Is there a bird canteen here?

A tree is drawn on whatman paper, feeders are hanging, birds are sitting.

What do you see? (Tree, birds)

How many sparrows are there? (Two sparrows)

Where do the sparrows sit? (At the feeder)

How many bullfinches are on the tree? (One bullfinch)

Where is the bullfinch located? (Sits on a branch)

How many tits? (Three tits)

Where do titmice sit? (Tits sit in the feeder)

Do you already know what birds like to eat?

Choose the material you need and get to work. Children glue berries (made of red paper), sprinkle millet and seeds on the glue. Glue, draw crumbs (with wax pencils

We feed the birds in the winter, and they will take care of our forests and gardens in the summer: they will destroy harmful insects.

Gliding cheerfully across the sky

Feathered friends are flying

And they will sing, chirping:

"Thank you very much!"

Olesya Ocherojina

Target: To form a generalized idea of ​​children about wintering and migratory birds, teach children to distinguish birds according to essential features, teach them to classify into wintering and migratory birds, be able to convey their impressions and bird watching in drawing, foster love for birds, a desire to help in winter conditions.

Activities: play, cognitive research, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: Bird watching at the feeder and in the trees. Reading works. Memorizing poetry. Conversations.

Equipment: Object pictures depicting birds (sparrows, tits, bullfinches, sippy cups, brushes, paints, pencils, album sheets, oilcloth.

Course of the lesson: Psycho-gymnastics "Birds"

Night. The birds are asleep, they hid their heads under their wings. They have pleasant dreams: about summer, about the warm sun, how they sing. In the morning, when the sun's rays touch them, the birds wake up, first spread one wing, then the second, shake them and fly to the river. They drink water, throwing their heads back and looking around. And then they get down to business: they fly, sing, look for seeds.

And now we will talk about birds, what do you know about them. Where do birds live? (In forests, gardens). Why do they live there? (They build a nest in the trees, cars don't drive there, no one bothers them). When frosts begin, where do many birds disappear? (Fly away to warm lands) What are the names of the birds that fly south? (Migratory) What are the names of the birds that remain with us? (Wintering) What do wintering birds eat? (By seeds and fruits of trees) With the onset of winter, the birds that remain to winter move closer to people, to human housing. Why? (They are cold and hungry).

The cold is not as terrible for birds as hunger. There is little food in the forest in winter, so they come to us. Ask for help. How do you help the birds in winter? (Let's make feeders, feed the birds) What birds fly to the feeders? (Sparrows, rooks, tits, crows) These are our friends. (I hang pictures of birds). And now I will ask you riddles, and you will guess and show the desired bird.

At least a smaller sparrow

I am not afraid of winter either

You all know the bird.

And my name is (titmouse).

Rides smartly along the track

Picks up crumbs from the ground.

Not afraid of pigeons.

What kind of bird?


Snow fell, but this bird is not afraid of snow at all

We call this bird red-breasted ... (bullfinch)

Bullfinch - the first messenger of winter, got its name from the word - snow. The habitat of bullfinches is coniferous forests. It is a little mobile bird, it jumps on the ground with short jumps, dives and swims in the snow. The wings of the bird are large, so the flight of the bullfinch is smooth, undulating. Bullfinches are very beautiful birds; they adorn winter nature with their appearance. Like red apples hanging from trees and bushes. Bullfinches feed on seeds of cones, plants, rowan berries, take out the seeds with their beak, and discard the pulp.

Finger play:

Birds sit in their nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly.

The wind blew - flew.

And now we are going to draw birds. Let's remember what the bird has and what shape (the body is an oval, the head is a circle, the wings are a semi-oval, tail, eyes, beak). What is the body of birds covered with? (Feathers) What are the feathers that keep birds warm? (Pooh). What feathers help birds fly? (Tail, wings).

Do you guys need to feed the birds in winter? Tell me, what birds did we meet today? What kind of bird did we draw? Let's see all together what kind of bullfinches you got.

Areas: Socialization, communication, cognition, artistic reading, artistic creation, the world of music.

Target: To deepen and concretize the idea of ​​the living conditions of wintering birds.


1. To form the skills of coherent speech, to form the correct lexical and grammatical design of speech utterances.

2. Teach the ability to guess riddles, develop imaginative thinking.

3. Develop visual attention, consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

4. To cultivate friendly relationships, the establishment of positive contact, the formation of adequate self-esteem.

Equipment: the text of the story, the scheme for telling the poem, "snowball", snowflakes on strings, cards with wintering birds, a picture about winter, small toys of domestic and wild animals, felt-tip pens for each child.


1. Organizational moment "Circle of Kindness" , children stand in a circle, touching each other with their palms and say affectionate words.

Educator: Well done, guys, we all gave each other a piece of good. Now tell me please, what time of year do we have now?

Educator: Prove to me that it really is winter, and I tell you that it is spring. Prove.

- It's very cold outside (agree)

- A lot of snow, slippery (good)

- People are dressed warmly (hats, mittens, fur coats, coats, scarves and felt boots)

- There is ice on the rivers, the fish lay on the bottom (I agree)

- The birds flew to warm lands, but the wintering ones remained (well done)

- The sun is shining, but it does not warm.

Educator: Well done, you probably already guessed that today we will talk with you about winter-winter. I'll make a guess for you now riddles, and you listen carefully.

1. Chick-chirp! Jump to the grains!

Peck do not be shy, who is this? (Sparrow)

2. Red-breasted, black-winged,

Loves to peck grains.

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again (bullfinch)

3. Black vest, red beret,

The tail is like a stop, the nose is like an ax (woodpecker)

4. White cheeks, blue bird.

Sharp beak, small in itself,

yellow breast is ... (titmouse)

5. Motley fidget,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

Lucky white-sided, and her name is (forty)

(Children guess riddles and show birds on the poster)

Educator: Guys, how can you call these birds in one word?


Educator: Right. And then tell me, what is the name of our city, where we live?

- Okhotsk.

- What do you think, do we have these birds in Okhotsk? (Yes)

Educator: Okay, well done! I agree with you. You know, guys, it is very difficult for birds in winter, there are severe frosts and it is difficult for birds to find food.

Now I want to tell you one history... Do you want to listen? (Yes)

In winter, Masha and Vitya walked in the park. In the snow, the guys saw a freezing sparrow. Masha took the bird in her hands and began to warm him with her breath. The guys decided to save the sparrow. They put the bird in a mitten and hurried home. At home, the sparrow warmed up, began to peck seeds. In the evening Vitya made a trough. The next day, the guys released the sparrow, and hung the bird feeder on a birch tree in the park. Every day the children brought bread crumbs and seeds to the trough. So the guys helped the birds to survive the fierce winter.

- Did you like the story? (Yes)

- What were the names of the girl and the boy? (Masha and Vitya)

Who did they find? (sparrow)

- how did they help the sparrow? (put it in a mitten and took it home)

- What did Vitya do? (Feeding trough)

Why do birds need a feeder? (for the birds to eat)

- And tell me that the birds are actually worst of all hunger or cold? (hunger)

Of course, guys, hunger is terrible, because birds are warmed by feathers, and it is difficult for birds to find food under the snow.

- What do you think the guys did a good thing? (Yes)

Educator: Do you want me to read the story to you again? (Yes)

(Takes a sheet of paper) But the trouble is, I put the sheet on the table, but here there was water and some words turned out to be blurry, but I so wanted to read the story to you again, can you help me and we will read it together? (Yes)

(The teacher reads, and the children complement)

Educator: Well done, thank you guys, maybe someone wants to retell our story? (children retell)

Educator: Thank you guys. What frost it is on the street, even our hands are frozen. Let's warm them up. (self-massage of the hands is carried out)

Once. Two. Three. Four. Five (bend their fingers)

We went for a walk in the yard (they go with their fingers on the palm)

Snow Baba was molded (roll the lump with two palms)

The birds were fed with crumbs (crumbling bread)

Then we rode down the hill (slide your finger across the palm)

And also lay in the snow (put one hand on one hand,then the other side)

Everyone in the snow came home (we shake off our palms)

We ate the soup and went to bed (movement of an imaginary spoon, hands under the cheek) 2 times

Educator: While we were playing, it snowed heavily and real snowflakes flew to us. See what they are?

Do you want the snowflakes to spin? (Yes)

- Then you need to blow on them (slowly draw air through your nose. Do not puff out your cheeks, stretch your lips with a "tube" and blow on the snowflakes.

(children perform exercise "Snowflakes" 3-5 times)

Educator: And now I propose to play again. The game is called: "Pass the snowball - call the words of action"

In winter, the weather on the street is different, then a blizzard breaks out, then severe frost, then snowfall. I will ask you questions, and you will answer.

- Frost (what does it do?) - freezes, stings, bites

Snowstorm (what does it do?) - howls, rages, sweeps

- Snow (what does it do?) - goes, circles, flies, falls

Children (what are they doing?) - play, ride, rejoice, have fun

- The sun (what does it do?) - shines, but does not warm

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with the task. Now come up to me and take a look at our diagram. Let's we honor the already familiar to us poems in various ways.

(Children examine the diagram and explain how to read - loudly, quietly, quickly, slowly, cheerfully, sadly)

Children play and read poems in pairs:

The bear got very sick, the bear ate a lot of honey

The bear cries and growls. My stomach hurts.

Educator: I really liked how you read the poems correctly according to the scheme. And I also prepared for you a picture about winter (after all, we have winter now). Your task, guys, is to settle the animals correctly where they should live.

Children: - This is a wolf, he lives in the forest.

- This is a bear, he lives in the forest.

- This is a cat, she lives with a person.

- This is a dog, she lives with a man and. etc.

Educator: Guys, while we were studying, our snowflakes that came to us melted, because it is warm in our group (and the snow, remember our experiences, melts in the warmth), I suggest you draw snowflakes yourself, take felt-tip pens and draw.

Children draw on their own to the music.

Have a nice day, everyone !!!

See you soon!!!