Do-it-yourself piggy bank for small change made of cardboard. Cool automatic piggy bank with your own hands. Cardboard paper chest

Often, in order to fulfill your desire, you need to accumulate a certain amount of money. To successfully complete this task, you should use a piggy bank! Piggy banks can be of a variety of materials, suitable for both metal coins and paper bills. Making a piggy bank at home can be very simple and quick.

Piggy bank

A piggy bank made from a can will be a fairly durable product and is perfect for storing a large number of coins. Such a money storage assistant will do well. with a considerable weight of your condition.

To implement the idea, you will need a glass, plastic or tin jar with lid... And also everything you can decorate the product.

It can be stickers, felt-tip pens, colored paper, colorful laces and many other interesting unusual things. You will need a knife or scissors as a tool, as well as a glue gun.

The easiest way to make a piggy bank is by taking a tin can. It could be coffee jar with a plastic cover.

  • The first step is to wash the can of coffee residues and make a hole in the center of the plastic lid with scissors or a knife. The hole should be of such a size that coins and bills fit freely inside the can.
  • The next step is to decorate the body of the piggy bank. For this purpose, multi-colored boot laces may work for you. Before decorating, the lid must be put on the jar to avoid problems with closing and opening the piggy bank.
  • To make the piggy bank striped, it is worth alternating laces of different colors. Using a hot glue gun, glue each lace to the jar, wrapping it around it.

Glass jar

  • If you are using a glass jar, then you also need to make a hole in the lid.
  • Then you can take a sheet of corrugated paper and wrap the prepared jar with it. You can cut sheets of different colors and glue them. Thus, the piggy bank will be multi-colored. After putting the sheet on the table, the jar must be placed in the middle of the sheet and carefully wrapped in it.
  • Wrap the lace over the sheet near the neck of the can, tying a bow, or glue the lace with a hot glue gun. Cut off excess paper so that you can see the cover. Bank - the piggy bank is ready!

Piggy bank

To make a funny piggy bank you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • pink paint (aerosol) or self-adhesive film;
  • cardboard for making pig ears.
  • Taking a plastic bottle, you must cut off the front and back of it.
  • Now these parts should be connected together by inserting one into the other. You can fix them together with scotch tape or immediately wrapping them with self-adhesive film.
  • If the film is not available, then you need to paint the resulting part with pink paint, and wait for the product to dry.
  • Using scissors or a knife, cut a hole on top for bills and coins.
  • To make the bottle turn into a pig, you need to glue four bottle caps to the base instead of legs. If there are no lids, then matchboxes or paper crumpled into a ball will do. Glue the ears cut out of cardboard on top, draw a tail and two eyes.

Your piggy piggy bank is ready!

Shoe box

One of the most common household items is a shoebox.

She can too get a second life and help save up for the next pair of shoes.

Taking an old shoe box and a piece of interesting fabric, you can make an original piggy bank. The fabric can be old jeans.

  • After measuring the box, you need to cut the fabric to the desired size and use the glue gun again. If you have a stapler, it will do a great job of covering the box with fabric. On top of the lid, you can glue a pocket from used jeans, which will serve as a good addition for storing bills.
  • Decorate the trimmed piggy bank with buttons of different sizes and colors; you can attach large pins or badges.
  • Glue the plastic bottle caps to the bottom of the box, so the piggy bank has acquired legs. The product is ready!

Piggy bank-chest of drawers

If you have a desire to keep the accumulated bills and coins separately, disassembling them at face value, then a good solution would be to use it to create a piggy bank matchboxes.

You will need a glue gun self-adhesive film different colors and plastic decorative beads. Can be used to create such a chest of drawers and buttons.

  • Let's take 10 boxes. Having divided them, it is necessary to glue together 5 pieces, stacking them on top of each other. We get 2 details. Then glue the sides to each other.
  • If everything is done correctly, then you will see a product resembling a doll's chest of drawers, consisting of ten drawers, five rows of two drawers.
  • Now you need to cut a 28x5 cm strip from the self-adhesive film and wrap the boxes with it.
  • It remains only to glue decorative beads on the drawers, which will act as handles. The boxes themselves can be colored at will. A dresser-piggy bank can be decorated with buttons, as well as made from buttons the legs of a dresser by gluing them to the bottom of the product.

The piggy bank is ready, you can sort coins and bills into boxes!

It often happens that they receive flowers and do not know where to place them. Therefore, the first instinct is to restore any object that may contain them. Glass bottles are always the most commonly used. Who doesn't have at least one glass bottle at home? Stored in boxes, basements, these containers often take up precious space and are rarely used.

The paint should now dry completely. It will take about 5 hours. In the meantime, you can start decorating the lid of the piggy bank.

Piggy bank cover decoration with coins, semi-beads and beads

First of all, it is necessary to make a bill and a coin receiver from the lid. To do this, simply cut out a rectangular hole with a knife. To equip the piggy bank with locks, cut out a round hole on the sides of the lid and on the piggy bank itself.

Now glue the coins with Titan glue. We put glue on the coins and place them on the surface of the lid in random order, in the style of a slight mess. We decorate the hole for money with beads on the floor, gluing in the same way as coins. We “fill” the gaps between the coins with black beads.

The penultimate stage of making a piggy bank with your own hands from a tin can is the application of gold acrylic paint. This will require a stiff, wide brush.

There is no need to dilute gold paint!

The golden decor is applied to the surface of the folds of the piggy bank trim with light brush strokes, slightly touched by paint. Drying, gold decor on a black background creates the effect of old pure gold, glitters beautifully in artificial light, looks expensive!

Any container is suitable for a piggy bank, where you can put coins or paper bills. The vault for money should not be opened so that part of the savings cannot be obtained from there. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself, while the cost of creating it can be minimal. Before making a craft, you need to solve the questions: from what materials it will be created and how to make a piggy bank with your own hands.

Piggy bank made of paper

A paper piggy bank is often made using the papier-mâché technique. The essence of the method is that any form is pasted over with pieces of paper in several layers.

Materials for making a piggy bank in the form of a pig, you will need the following:

  • newspapers and paper;
  • balloon;
  • paste;
  • glue;
  • cardboard;
  • egg tray;
  • lace 5–7 cm;
  • empty spool of tape;
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • glue;
  • pencil.

When making crafts, step-by-step instructions are followed, which consists of the following:

  1. The balloon is inflated to the desired size.
  2. The newspaper breaks into small squares.
  3. The bubble is smeared with paste.
  4. 5 layers of newspapers are glued to the product.
  5. An empty scotch tape roll is placed in place of the patch.
  6. A circle is cut out of the cardboard and the coil hole is closed with it.
  7. Egg cells are attached with tape to the body from below, forming the legs of the pig.
  8. 2 ears are made and glued to the ball.
  9. The product is coated with paste and pieces of white napkins are placed on it.
  10. The ponytail is made of lace coated with glue.
  11. The entire piggy bank is painted pink. The paint is applied 2 times.
  12. After the product dries, a hole for coins is cut on the back.
  13. Eyes, nostrils and decorative elements on the body are painted with acrylic paint.

It turns out this is such a beautiful little pig

From plaster

To create a piggy bank, you need to have a shape in which the gypsum will harden. To make a craft that simulates a safe, no special formwork is required. It can be made from scrap materials. For example, from a children's designer.

The package of dry plaster of paris contains instructions for its preparation. To obtain a quality product, you need to follow it. Enlarge strength will help the addition of a small amount of PVA glue.

Materials and tools required:

  • the children's designer;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brush;
  • plasticine;
  • nail;
  • plastic cup.

When working, you must follow the step-by-step instructions.

1. A formwork is assembled from a children's designer and plaster is poured into it to form the walls. With the help of plasticine, a hole for coins is formed. Around the perimeter, the mold is plastered with plasticine to prevent the plaster from flowing out.

2. After the gypsum has dried, the designer is disassembled.

3. Three more walls are made in a similar way, only without a hole. Of the four, a box is glued together. Gypsum is poured at the bottom of the product.

4. The last wall of the craft is being made. The formwork is assembled again from a slightly larger constructor. Gypsum is poured into the bottom of the mold and the box is placed with the hole down.

5. After the gypsum has set, the product is sanded, painted and varnished.

In order for the walls of the piggy bank to be of the same thickness, the gypsum is weighed before pouring each plane.

Making a plaster pig figurine using a ball

Tools and materials that will be needed for work are prepared in advance:

  • balloon;
  • gypsum;
  • plastic bottle;
  • sanding paper;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

Step-by-step instructions for making a piggy bank are as follows:

  1. Gypsum is diluted with water to the thickness of liquid sour cream.
  2. The solution is poured into a plastic bottle.
  3. A ball is put on the neck of the bottle.
  4. Gypsum is squeezed into the bubble cavity.
  5. The ball is removed from the bottle and inflates a little.
  6. The gypsum container rotates in all directions.
  7. The product is placed in water and scrolls slowly.
  8. After the plaster has set, the ball is carefully removed.
  9. Molds for the legs are made from plasticine.
  10. The formwork is tied to the body and cast in plaster.
  11. The piggy bank is sanded with sandpaper.
  12. The tubercle from the ball is left.
  13. Ears are cut out of cardboard and glued.
  14. A hole for coins is drilled.
  15. The product is painted with paints and decorated with decorative elements.

From cardboard

A piggy bank made of cardboard and laces looks original and is suitable for a gift. It is made in a few hours. To create it you will need:

  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • lace
  • stationery knife;
  • rubber;
  • nail;
  • ruler.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A square sweep with a side of 7.0 cm is cut out of cardboard.

2. The holes for the cord are made with a nail

3. A hole for coins is cut with an office knife.

4. The workpiece is fastened with laces.

Piggy bank for paper money from a cardboard box

The simplest solution for creating such a store of money would be a simple shoebox. It is spacious and you can make a large cutout on it for money.

For manufacturing you need materials:

  • shoe box;
  • newspapers and magazines;
  • glue;
  • scotch;

The step-by-step instructions are as follows.

  1. The lid is glued to the box so that you cannot get money before the scheduled time.
  2. The box is covered with newspapers and colorful magazine clippings. The more randomly they are placed, the better.
  3. A rectangular slot for bills is made in the lid, a clerical knife is used for this.
  4. All sides of the craft are pasted over with tape.

Small piggy bank with a sticker

There are always small boxes in the house, from which you can make a piggy bank. One of the options for decorating the product is the image of a pig.

Materials and tools for making such a piggy bank, you need the following:

  • small cardboard box;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • marker.

The step-by-step instruction consists of the following points.

  1. The whole box is pasted over with pink paper.
  2. A circle is cut out of paper for the muzzle, two triangles for the ears, a small circle for the patch. The cups for the nostrils and eyes are cut out of black and white paper.
  3. The pig's muzzle sticks together.
  4. A smile is drawn with a marker.
  5. 4 rectangles are cut for the legs of the piglet.
  6. The muzzle is glued to one side of the box. Legs are attached to the back and front of the product.
  7. The playful tail is placed behind the craft.

From the bottle

A plastic water container is suitable for making a piggy bank out of it. There are several options for its manufacture.

To create a piggy bank in the form of a pig, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • 4 bottle caps and 1 whole container;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • button eyes;
  • pink spray paint;
  • marker;
  • cardboard.

The manufacturing instructions are as follows.

  1. The bottle is cut into 3 parts in order to shorten the body of the piglet.
  2. The middle part is thrown away. The other two are superimposed on each other.
  3. The figurine is painted with spray paint.
  4. After it dries, the eyes and tail are glued.
  5. The ears are cut out of cardboard and glued to the body.
  6. The nostrils are drawn on the bottle cap with a marker.
  7. A hole for coins is cut in the back.
  8. 4 bottle caps are glued to the lower torso instead of legs.

Piggy bank in the form of a turtle

The following tools and materials are being prepared:

  • water bottle;
  • felt or colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • woolen threads;
  • thick needle;
  • ball pen;
  • paper.

The procedure for creating crafts is as follows.

  1. The fourth part is cut off from the bottle, along with the bottom. This will be the shell.
  2. A torso template is drawn on the paper.
  3. The cut edge of the bottle is outlined with a pencil.
  4. The contours of the legs, head and tail are added to the resulting circle.
  5. The silhouette of a turtle is cut according to the template.

6. A small hole is made in the upper part of the bottom of the bottle.

7. Through it, the shell is sewn on from four sides to the body.

8. A button is placed on the top of the product.

The head and legs are painted. A slot for coins is made on the back of the product.

Piggy bank made of wood

A small log makes a strong and original piggy bank. To create it, you will need special carpentry tools.

You will also need this:

  • log;
  • 4 branches for legs;
  • rope;
  • cardboard;
  • paint;
  • glue;
  • bung.

The order of work is as follows.

  1. A small piece is sawn off from the log.
  2. A round hole is made with a special tool, which does not reach the end of the piece of wood.
  3. In the cut off part, a small recess is drilled, the diameter of which coincides with the size of the hole in the log. A cork is glued into the recess.
  4. A hole for coins is drilled on the "back" of the pig.
  5. The muzzle is turned on a lathe and painted with a marker
  6. The ears are made of cardboard, painted with acrylic paint and glued to the log.
  7. The branches are shortened to the desired length and also glued to the bottom of the log.
  8. The tail is made of rope.

A wooden box is used as a piggy bank. A lid is glued to it and a hole is made for coins.

The wooden box is decorated:

  • coloring;
  • burning out;
  • wood carving.

Making a piggy bank with your own hands is an exciting experience. All work can be done with children who willingly do it.

The principle of accumulating money is liked not only by children, in whom it develops responsibility and economy, but also by adults.

Throwing a few coins into the piggy bank, over time, a round amount is collected that can be spent on the necessary items.

Handmade items have always been appreciated: they delight, warm the soul, and are also individual and unique.

A beautiful piggy bank made by your own hands will be an excellent accessory for your home, as well as a gift for friends.

By following simple master classes and ideas step by step, you can make a product yourself at home.

The easiest is to make a homemade piggy bank from a can or box: all that is required is to make a slot and beautifully decorate the product. To create an original piggy bank, it is worth showing imagination.

Modern craftswomen of needlework offer a selection of the following ideas for independent creativity:

  1. From Lego. Take a construction kit and make a box or product of the required shape from it.

    At the top, leave a hole for coins. To extract money, it is enough to disassemble the constructor. Even bills can fit here.

  2. Made of wood. This material lends itself well to processing, so the process of creativity will bring pleasure. It is really possible to make the most unusual forms of piggy banks from wood.
  3. Salted dough. The material is considered one of the easiest to work with - you can mold any shape from it, and then paint it with acrylic pigment.
  4. From wine corks. With the help of hot melt glue, all corks are glued into one structure, forming a box. From above you can make a hole for paper money and coins separately.

Plain and polymer clay has shown itself well in modeling: it is convenient to make a variety of products from this raw material. Do not forget to bake the finished piggy bank in the oven, and then decorate.

Staged paper making

The most affordable option for making a piggy bank is considered to be its production from paper. For work, available tools can also be used.

Cardboard options involve designing a box with a hole on top.

In this master class, we will consider making in the papier-mâché technique:

  1. For work, you will need an inflatable ball, a cardboard egg box, newspaper, glue, scissors, a needle, paints and brushes for decoration.
  2. The finished piggy bank will be made in the shape of a pig, so to create it, inflate the balloon to the required size.
  3. Begin to glue over the ball with finely torn newspapers, after wetting them abundantly with glue. There should be 3 layers of newsprint in total for the work to be strong.
  4. Leave a hole for coins on top, the cardboard cells from eggs will protrude with the pig's paws.
  5. When the whole ball is pasted over, leave it to dry completely. After that, take a needle, pierce the ball - it will deflate.
  6. The last step is to decorate the pig as desired.

As you can see, the manufacturing technology is so simple that even a child can handle it.

Important! For the last layer, it is better to use not newsprint, but tissue paper or one that will give the final smoothness to the product.

The finished piggy bank will well decorate the interior of the child's room and bring up a sense of economy in the child.

Piggy bank from bottle and can

For a long time, people used the bank to store and save money. It is very convenient to pour coins out of the can, in addition, it is transparent, you can immediately see how many coins have already accumulated.

Note! To make a version from a bottle, both a plastic and a glass bottle are useful.

You should not take a large container if the product is intended for a child.

Better to take a liter jar or a 750 ml bottle:

How to make a piggy bank out of plaster?

The simplest option for making a plaster piggy bank will be the rounded shape of the product. For example, in the form of a dog, a pig or just a large emoticon.

To work you will need alabaster, water, a balloon, paints, brushes and strong but careful hands to make a slot:

  • Gypsum is diluted in a plastic bottle, put a ball on it and pour the mass inside.
  • The ball is taken in hand and gently rotated: as soon as the plaster has set, the ball is placed in water and continues to roll to distribute the mass.
  • After the homemade piggy bank has completely solidified, the ball is cut carefully with a knife.
  • The piggy bank is painted with acrylics and decorated.
  • Use a screwdriver to cut a hole.

According to this scheme, you can make a New Year's piggy bank in the form of a ball and give it to loved ones and children.

Important! Use gloves when handling plaster and place a protective oilcloth on the work area.

Such a craft will be a good gift for friends, and can also apply for the idea of \u200b\u200bindustrial production.

Unusual shapes

If the standard piggy banks - pigs and crafts from the box are already boring to many, then there is always a demand for unusual shapes of products.

The original ideas for creating piggy banks of various shapes include:

  • Safe - made of boxes or plaster, will delight even an adult, especially if it has a lock.
  • House - can be made of cardboard, make a slot in the roof for money.
  • Owl piggy bank - made of plaster in a special shape.
  • Cylindrical hat - you need a disk, cardboard to work.
  • With a secret - a mirror is placed in a plywood box at an angle, decor items are mounted under it: when a coin is put inside, it visually disappears.

Such simple and original ideas will help you create creative piggy banks for any occasion: as a gift and for yourself.

Handmade items always warm with the warmth of human hands and the soul invested in the work.

Useful video

On our site, they are replenishing with a new cool piggy bank from a glass jar. An interesting fact is that we will make a square shape from a round can. We will also throw in a few new design ideas.

Do-it-yourself piggy bank from a bank: what you need

  • Glass jar with a volume of 0.5 or 0.7 liters
  • Roll of paper towels
  • Any cardboard
  • PVA glue about 100 gr.
  • Acrylic paints
  • Jar lid
  • Packing rope
  • Clay Titanium

How to make a piggy bank from a glass jar

To make a piggy bank, take a glass jar and screw a lid on it, in which you need to make a hole to receive money. We threw some money into our future piggy bank to make it more fun)))

First of all, we need to make a square shape from a round jar. For this we take cardboard, whatever is at home. Cut out 2 strips from cardboard, which should be of the following sizes:

  • length \u003d 1 can height (fold) + can bottom diagonal (fold) + 1 can height
  • width \u003d can width

Now these strips need to be fastened together in a crosswise manner, aligning where we will have the bottom of the can. We fix the joints with a stapler in several places. The first piece is ready.

The second blank is also made of cardboard. We take a sheet of cardboard, put the first blank on it and add 1 cm on each side, draw cutting lines. But we don't need such long stripes, so we leave about 3-4 cm on them.

We cut out the second workpiece. In the center we draw a circle with a radius equal to the lid. Cut out the circle.

Now we need to "put" the blanks on the can. To do this, place the jar in the center of the first piece and raise the edges.

We put the second blank on the lid and fasten both blanks with a stapler, wherever we can reach, crawl and fix.

For strength, we wrap the structure with wide tape.

Cut paper towels into strips. We dilute PVA glue in a 1: 1 ratio. We dip the strips in glue and, passing between two fingers for easy wringing, place them on the jar, imitating folds.

Thus, you need to "cover" the jar from all sides in 2 or better 3 layers. Dry completely before applying each coat.

Decorating a piggy bank from a can

The most interesting and pleasant thing in the process of making a piggy bank with your own hands is, of course, the decor, that is, coloring and decoration. For painting, we take an acrylic base paint without shine in blue, for the second layer - blue pearl acrylic paint and for shades - pearlescent silver acrylic paint.

Acrylic paints must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio before application

We paint our structure in the main matte blue color. The paint should cover the workpiece completely, without white gaps. Leave to dry.

With the second layer we paint with blue pearl paint, acting a little superficially to create the effect of a non-uniform surface. Leave to dry.

Now we take Titan glue and coat the neck with it and the places where the cardboard blank ends. Leave the glue to dry for 5 minutes, and then carefully lay the packing rope on it in a circle. You can use burlap, or woolen thread.

A tin lid was pulled from our piggy bank and we will decorate the plastic

We also decorate the lid using Titanium glue and rope, laying it arbitrarily as you like.

We paint the ropes in the same way as the can, first in the base color, then in the mother-of-pearl color. We also attached a bow of rope to the side.

The final step in making a glass jar piggy bank is to apply the highlights with a dry brush with undiluted silver acrylic paint. Slightly dipping the brush into the paint, we will go over the bumps and protrusions and the piggy bank will shine!