Brown beige wallpaper white furniture. How to combine beige wallpaper to create an elegant interior? Living room in the apartment and the hall of the house

Beige is undoubtedly considered a classic in the design of the living room, so choosing a suitable shade of this color for wallpaper should not be difficult. Some people may find beige wallpaper in the interior of a room boring and inconspicuous. However, if you choose the right furniture, textiles and other interior items for the beige wall decoration, you can achieve a very attractive result.

That being said, these wallpapers can look much better than any brightly colored wall designs. But, despite the fact that beige is in perfect harmony with many colors, there are a number of nuances that should be taken into account when choosing beige wallpaper for the living room, this is what we will talk about in this article.

Beige color in the interior of the room

Beige and its shades of varying intensity are considered neutral, natural. This range of tones is characteristic of people who seek to create home comfort and peace, as a sign of stability in life. People who avoid risks and radical changes in life prefer to decorate the interior of their home in beige tones. In addition, they are quite kind and conflict-free people, they are characterized by prudence, practicality and restraint.

As for wall decoration in beige color, the most budget option among all materials is wallpaper. They will look great in any room, and in the living room the best. Thanks to the abundance of beige in the living room, its atmosphere will be filled with comfort and tranquility. The room becomes spacious, light and bright. For those who are not afraid of experiments, you can create accents in the form of bright accessories and interior items in the living room with beige wallpaper, then the design will not be trivial. It is necessary to choose “companions” for beige wallpaper wisely, because the predominance of this color can make the room dull and lifeless.

Benefits of beige wallpaper in the living room

The beige color of wallpaper for the living room is very popular, this is due to the following advantages:

  • beige wallpaper creates a warm and comfortable atmosphere in the room;
  • such a light wall decoration visually expands the space, filling the room with light;
  • wallpaper in light beige is in perfect harmony with contrasting colors, they look appropriate in most interior styles (except for the most pretentious and avant-garde styles);
  • with the help of beige wallpaper, you can fill the atmosphere of the living room with romance by picking up wallpaper with a golden pattern, or you can make the interior more strict if the pattern is chocolate-colored;
  • beige wallpapers give a huge field for choosing accessories, because you can pick up objects of any color for them, pictures, panels and other decorative elements look great on the walls in this color.

What can be combined with beige wallpaper in the living room?

The beige color has a lot of tones of different intensities, among which the most common are:

  • golden beige,
  • wheat,
  • cappuccino,
  • milk chocolate,
  • champagne.

However, if you mix this neutral color with a brighter one, you get such tones as beige-green, beige-blue, beige-pink, gray-beige and others. Since this is a natural and natural color, combinations of beige with such natural colors: red, brown, green and blue look the most successful. This color makes the living room atmosphere fresh and light. Consider the popular combinations of shades in the design of living rooms.

  1. Beige plus blue. The blue color makes the room a little cooler, it can be used in the form of curtains and small furnishings. Against the background of warm beige tones, everything will look elegant and sophisticated.
  2. Beige plus black. The interior of the living room in these colors looks strict and stylish. Black furniture against a background of beige walls - this option is most suitable for modern and minimalist styles.
  3. Beige plus white. This combination is appropriate for small living rooms, but do not forget to add some bright accents to the interior. But in a large living room, this combination will look too simple.
  4. Beige plus gray. Calm color combination, which can also be complemented with peach and white.
  5. Beige plus green. A beautifully decorated living room, the atmosphere of which is conducive to tranquility and relaxation.

What should be the furniture under the beige wallpaper?

To make the furniture look great against the background of beige wallpaper, it is better to choose it a few tones darker than the walls. The sofa of gray or black looks great against the background of beige wallpaper. If one of the walls is covered with dark beige wallpaper, and the others are light, then you can consider the option of light upholstered furniture. You can dilute a bright living room with pink paints in the form of pillows on the sofa, small ottomans of the same color and beautiful pink curtains. This color will be an excellent "neighbor" for beige wallpaper, giving the living room a romantic atmosphere.

As for cabinet furniture, it can also be either dark or light in color. For example, modular chocolate-colored furniture is considered fashionable, which looks attractive against the background of caramel-beige walls.

Curtains under beige wallpaper

It is not uncommon when choosing wallpaper, the question arises, which curtains to choose for them? This is very important, because the curtains in the living room play an important role in creating a complete interior, give it a zest and perform practical functions. A living room with beige wallpaper is a great opportunity for the implementation of designer finds. Indeed, with the help of contrasting curtains, you can give the room a completely different look, add a solemn mood or, on the contrary, a certain severity.

When choosing curtains for the living room, it is necessary to associate the color of the fabric with the tone of the wallpaper or match the fabric to the color of the upholstery of upholstered furniture. It is better to exclude curtains of the same color with wallpaper, especially in the beige version, because this way everything will merge together and will not attract attention. Such an interior will surely seem boring and lifeless. Therefore, make curtains of a more contrasting color, for example, curtains of a chocolate shade or blue will fit perfectly. The fabric in this case can be both light and dense, you can combine different fabrics. Everything will depend on the natural light in the living room, as well as the need to close the window in the evening.

Remember! Curtains should not overshadow the color of the wallpaper, but rather emphasize the integrity of the interior style, therefore, first choose the color of the wallpaper, and then the color of the curtains - it will be much easier.

Summing up, we note that beige wallpaper is a compromise solution between too bright and pale colors. That is why wallpaper of this color remains in demand and popular for a very long time as a decoration for the walls of a living room. Classic, modern, minimalism, oriental style, whatever you choose for the design of the living room, there will definitely be that shade of beige wallpaper that will perfectly fit into this interior, highlight its features and main advantages. It is quite within your power to create a stylish and attractive design of the living room in beige color, because this is one of the win-win options to create a cozy interior decoration of the main room in the house. Successful renovation!

Wallpaper is a classic technique for decorating the walls of any living space. The classic in the usual sense today occupies a leading position: beige wallpaper is in fashion. Despite the calmness of color, it is he who is the strength of many design decisions, he is a royal choice, speaking of the status of the owners of the house and hinting at their refined taste.

Color features

The color beige is equated with white, it has a pacifying effect, promotes a relaxing atmosphere and maintains home comfort. Beige wallpapers never get boring, unlike bright contrasting counterparts. The influence of the shade is a scientific fact: the beige tone stabilizes emotions, relieves daytime stress, calms the psyche, while bringing warmth into the space. Such wallpapers are chosen by souls, people who are characterized by calmness, reliability and the ability to remain neutral in any, even stressful situations. This is the choice of confident and practical people, for whom harmony comes first.

If someone thinks that this color is boring and devoid of beauty, his opinion is mistaken: most likely, in this case, the tone does not match the interior composition, because the shade corresponds to a high status, it compares all furnishings with itself.


Beige wallpaper is a versatile way of wall decoration.

They have a lot of advantages:

  • They are made on modern equipment using the latest developments, therefore, they are distinguished by high quality and operational characteristics;
  • They have a lot of varieties with different texture, thickness, length and width of the canvases, which allows masking wall irregularities and easy pasting;
  • Always on sale, present in the line of any manufacturer;

  • Due to the shade, light is brought into the space, which is especially important for rooms with windows to the north side and small-sized rooms (visually increase the usable area);
  • Depending on the intensity of the selected shade, they can be used in any room of the home (they are appropriate in the living room, nursery, study, home library, loggia, hallway, corridor, bathroom and toilet room);
  • Due to the different composition, texture, width and pattern, they differ in different costs, allowing each buyer to choose the best option, taking into account their taste and planned budget.


Beige wallpaper is a classic of all existing wall coverings. They are available in rolls, powder or wet finishes. Among the mass of categories that differ in the type of fibers, texture, thickness, number of layers, their density, several types of finishes are especially popular with buyers, which have their own pros and cons.

  • Paper. Wallpaper based on one or two layers, on the front surface of which a drawing or photo printing is applied (budget canvases with a short service life, more often a smooth surface, an uncomplicated pattern, lack of relief and fear of water and moisture);
  • Vinyl. Rolled wall coverings of an elite plan based on vinyl or non-woven with silk-screen printing, which are expensive finishes, durable (up to 15 years), correcting minor irregularities in the walls, but eventually emitting formaldehyde vapors into the air;

  • Non-woven. Decorating in rolls, which has a paper backing and an elastic non-woven top of the front surface (analogs of vinyl wallpaper are thin and dense, adhere well to the walls, but accumulate dust on the surface);
  • Textile. Varieties with fabric fibers in the form of weaves or threads glued to the surface as close to each other as possible, which are a premium finish hinting at the well-being of the household (fashionable coatings with a premium appearance, but capricious in pasting, as they suffer from glue on the front side);

  • Liquid. Wallpaper in the form of a powder or a ready-made mixture for application on the wall, differing in the texture of the surface, spreading (with a spatula) or rolling (with a roller) the material on the wall (a chic popular finish that needs to be varnished to protect against moisture and mechanical damage);
  • Photo wallpaper. Canvases in the form of ready-made paintings on a paper basis, made in the form of a single sheet or an accent divided into parts (a unique technique for creating an accent wall or decorating a room protrusion).

Other interesting varieties include bamboo and cork wallpapers. In this color, they look delicate: a natural natural shade opens up a lot of design possibilities without interrupting the overall harmony of the wallpaper layout with decor items.

Self-adhesive beige wallpapers deserve special attention: they are a unique finish that allows you to update furniture (chairs, cabinets, walls, tables, kitchen sets), doors and doorways, decorate mirrors and decorate glass with stained glass, if made in a translucent tone.

In addition, with the help of this type of beige wallpaper, you can create stylish furniture ensembles from scattered furniture, which is especially appropriate in the kitchen or in the children's room, replete with elements of different styles.

Design options

The uniqueness of beige canvases lies in the fact that the shade is the ideal basis for any pattern. At the same time, it does not interrupt the mood of the room, does not hide the space, it can be applied by embossing, relief, dusting, photo printing, and have additional decor (for example, glitter or crystals). Design techniques are based on the use of an interesting texture (which is especially fashionable today) and an original print. This allows you to find an approach to each customer, taking into account even the most demanding preferences.

The texture of the wallpaper can be varied:

  • Glossy;
  • Matte;
  • Smooth;
  • Rough;

  • Mirror;
  • Velor;
  • Plush;
  • Embossed.

Through an interesting texture, you can emphasize the uniqueness of the style, especially if the surface of a plain wallpaper imitates a different material.

  • Brickwork;
  • Rough wood panel, boards;
  • Laminated panels;
  • Embossed stucco molding;
  • Randomly applied plaster;
  • A natural stone.

A lot of attention is paid to colors today, so they are appropriate in different styles, differing in a premium look.

The most interesting patterns worthy of attention are the following wallpaper colors:

  • Monograms decorated with lace weaves;
  • Herbal elements in the form of leaves;
  • Geometric shapes in the form of rhombuses, circles and rings (squares have lost their relevance);
  • Floral patterns in the form of stylization or artistic sketches;
  • Children's themes in the form of bright drawings of plush toys, characters from favorite fairy tales and cartoons, marine motifs and pirate elements;
  • Large flowers, embossed (roses, peonies).

A small strip and polka dots are considered an unsuccessful technique: striped and polka dot walls create ripples, they quickly get bored, even if the drawing is not made in sharply contrasting colors.

What is beige combined with?

Despite the versatility of the combination, some strong colors, when added to a beige base, can add weight to a room. Therefore, the color of contrast must be approached with all responsibility: the appearance of the whole situation depends on it. The beige tone is able to balance stylish tones (brown, raspberry, red, pink, turquoise colors), it is combined with any natural colors (green, blue, mint, mustard).

The main thing to consider is that the shade should dominate. It cannot be supplemented with flashy contrasts: the combination should be soft, otherwise bright shades will draw all attention to themselves.

Golden-beige embossed wallpapers, textured canvases with a light beige background and a brown pattern look beautiful in the interior, plain pale beige wallpapers are no less stylish finishing.

Of the most successful combinations, a combination with the following shades can be noted:

  • Gold;
  • White;
  • Silver;
  • Dark beige.

What colors of curtains and furniture are suitable?

Since beige is the basis of the style, it cannot be complemented by a similar tone of furniture and curtains. This approach is devoid of taste and makes the interior look dull. Light spots of the environment need to be diluted, because the same color will merge. Wallpaper in natural colors of beige and brown without dark spots brings boredom to the atmosphere. Do not make the shade of the walls and the kitchen backsplash identical: this way this area will lose its accent.

It is important to start from the main shade of beige (cream, opal, cappuccino, biscuit, caramel, powdery). This will allow you to choose the contrast in the most harmonious way.

If a light shade of beige is chosen, one of the walls is decorated with an expressive coffee contrast; it is better to choose furniture (sofa and armchairs) in a lilac color with a bronze finish. If the flooring is light, you need to lay down a dark carpet and install dark colored furniture in the room. Doors should echo dark woody contrasts. Instead of lilac contrast, you can use turquoise, terracotta, burgundy pink.

If the furnishings are based on light colors (for example, white, yellow), you cannot do without dark brown and black contrasts: it is important to add a couple of bright touches to the interior composition in the form of, for example, a doorway, a mirror frame, a tile, a sideboard or a coffee table ...

Fashion tricks

Sticking the same wallpaper is a yesterday. In order for the walls to be elegant, to maintain a special style and status, you should pay attention to the combination technique.

Among the most interesting design techniques, the following combinations deserve attention:

  • Wallpaper, different in tone and texture (highlighting one wall or alternating);
  • Plain and colored canvases (accentuation of a small area, for example, a ceiling with a transition to a wall);
  • Highlighting the design features of the room (highlighting with wallpaper with a pattern of protrusions and niches);

  • Reception of a panel (gluing on plain wallpaper or varieties with monograms of colored contrasts in the form of paintings framed in a ceiling plinth or baguette);
  • With plastic and laminated panels (a beautiful and fashionable way of playing with a colorful pattern).

How to choose the right one?

When choosing wallpaper in beige shades, you need to take into account a number of factors, among which the choice of a store with a good reputation, the desired width, texture, conformity to the texture and type of surface, and the features of pasting, are important. It is preferable to buy wallpaper a meter wide: when pasting the surface, there will be fewer joints, which will save you from pattern mismatches and reduce the need for adjustment.

If you want gloss, exclude glossy paper wallpapers from the list: they simplify the appearance of the decor (it is better to buy varieties with embossed ones).

  • Unfold the canvas on the showcase and move away: this will allow you to better represent the drawing on the walls (it is worse to see up close);
  • The decor of the canvases should not be too colorful and bright (black color ruins the softness of the wallpaper);
  • The coincidence of the tone of the wallpaper and the floor is unacceptable (they will merge, reducing the height of the walls);
  • You should not start from the drawing of furniture or curtains (this technique is devoid of harmony, the abundance of the same color is inappropriate);
  • When combining in the panel technique, exclude the framing of the wallpaper with a black frame (this hints at mourning and carries a negative);

Beige wallpapers, photos of different options, we will present in the article, are the ideal canvas for the embodiment of many design solutions. Beige is versatile, both for the creation of conservative interiors and for the original decoration of premises.

Next, we will tell you how beige affects the perception of space, how to choose the right beige wallpaper for an apartment, when it is better to use a monochrome canvas, and in what cases patterns and stripes are preferable. And of course, we will provide many examples of how to combine materials in color, pattern and texture.

The psychology of beige

Beige wallpapers for walls, photo examples of this, are a great option for those who adhere to conservatism in the interior, who love comfort, strive for stability and peace. Neutral natural colors are ideal for practical and zealous people who avoid emotional outbursts, risks, radical changes in life.

Monochrome wallpaper in beige tones, photo of a delicate combination of natural shades

If we look through the catalog of wallpapers, we will find a huge variety of textures and shades. For example, such well-known companies as rasch, victoria stenova, erismann offer a huge color palette: from very light to almost brown, for every taste and budget.

The horizontal stripe on the wallpaper will break the geometry of the room

So for restrained people, warm light beige colors are more suitable, and for lovers of experimentation, neutral beige is diluted with accent bright details. For conservatives, in everything, beige monochromatic wallpapers will become an ideal solution so that the interior does not look boring; companion wallpapers are selected for a monochrome canvas.

To choose the right wallpaper companions, use the catalog and expert advice

Romantics will like a beige canvas with flowers and floral ornaments, and for strict and pedantic people, striped wallpaper will come in handy.

The strip is preferable for people who are strict and pedantic, who love order in everything.

Influence on the interior

Beige wallpapers for walls are used not only as an independent finish: plain or with a pattern, but also perfectly combine with contrasting dark or bright saturated colors, with ornaments and decorative inserts. This finish looks equally good in the bedroom, living room, nursery, hallway in the kitchen and even in the bathroom. The dominant beige in the interior helps to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Light shades will visually make the room more spacious.

Good to know: For small and shaded rooms, light beige wallpaper in the interior will be an ideal solution. For rooms where there is always a lot of sunny color, you can safely use cold shades of beige. To visually raise the ceiling, beige striped wallpaper is the best choice, and “clothes” for walls with a convex ornament to match the main color will help to make the room more comfortable and authentic.

Wallpaper beige with a brown pattern, try to balance the monochrome interior

Living room in the apartment and the hall of the house

When choosing wallpaper for the hall, it should be borne in mind that this is the central and most important room in the house, it simply has to be solemn and elegant. Respectability, luxury and good taste of the owners should be felt in the interior. To create an original and sophisticated room design, before you buy wallpaper, you should flip through any catalog and think over everything, down to the smallest detail.

Photo of beige wallpaper in the interior, a neutral color is supported by patterns to match on the walls and textiles

If the living room is spacious, then you can safely use deeper shades, beige-brown wallpaper, ideal for dark-colored wood or chipboard furniture.

For classic interiors of spacious living rooms, it is better to use canvas with monograms in combination with heavy curtains. In small rooms, however, it is recommended to abandon large ornamentation in favor of monochrome shades. Here, the dominant wallpaper should be light beige; for effect, one of the walls can be pasted over with a canvas a little darker or golden in color. Dark floor and accent details: curtains, lampshades, furniture upholstery will serve as strokes.

Beige wallpaper with a pattern, an example of a combination of different patterns in the same color scheme

The combination of the main beige with the auxiliary black, turquoise, chocolate, gold shades looks very interesting and original. In order not to suffer with the selection, you can immediately buy combined wallpapers and borders for them, any catalog presents several professional proposals on how to combine canvases.

Fresh and original design in the Provence style, the sophistication of the interior is emphasized by blue shades in the decor and textiles

For lovers of Provence and a calm way of suburban life, you should opt for wallpaper with a plant pattern to match the main color. A sofa, curtains and carpet in gray or muted yellow tones are perfect for such a finish.


For the bedroom, it is recommended to select beige wallpaper in warm shades. Peach, turquoise, pink companions will be a great addition, they will delicately emphasize the authenticity of the space and make the interior more expressive.

Delicate floral ornaments and wallpaper with a texture like natural textiles are the perfect solution for the bedroom. Curtains slightly darker than the main dominant tone of the walls will add elegance to the room.

Beige wallpaper in the bedroom, a photo of an accent wall, a canvas with a large ornament in combination with a monochrome background will decorate the room

Conversely, plain beige wallpaper will serve as a magnificent canvas for room decoration. Here you can already use colorful and bright textiles with floral patterns or graphic designs.

Floral ornament is ideal for creating country-style interiors


Beige wallpaper in the kitchen, the photo illustrates this well, more than appropriate. Sunny warm and sandy shades are good here to create traditional interiors with a warm and special cozy atmosphere. A wooden or laminated chipboard and MDF kitchen set, textured to resemble natural materials: stone or wood, will fit well here.

In the kitchen, it is better to use non-woven or vinyl washable wallpaper

Colder colors, for example, gray-beige wallpaper, will become a good and unobtrusive background for design in a modern style: modern, loft, etc. The ideal solution for such an interior would be furniture of non-standard colors, for example, kitchen doors made of bright glossy plastic or covered with enamel, table top made of acrylic stone, chrome and glass details.

Cold beige will reveal the potential of newfangled materials, and emphasize the originality of the interior.

What is the combination of beige wallpaper

We have already mentioned that beige monochrome colors make the interior blurry, not expressive, so bright or dark colors do not interfere with the design.

Monochrome beige wallpapers go well with different colors and ornaments

For example, a solid color wallpaper makes a great canvas for almost all styles. Light beige, combined with wenge or black, will accentuate the graphic and zoning the space.

Light beige combined with brown is a classic of modern renovation

The texture of wallpaper and furnishings is very important here. So, to create a high-tech or modern style, it is better to use smooth plain wallpaper combined with a glossy furniture texture.

Beige wallpaper is well suited for any living room, regardless of its style. In the living room, we gather with family and friends to spend time together, so it is necessary that the design of this room is pleasant and conducive to conversation. Walls are an important part of any interior. Wallpaper is recognized as the most popular material for their decoration. They can be of a variety of colors and textures, on the correct choice of which the appearance of your living room will depend. If you cannot decide which color of the trellis will be better combined with the rest of the room filling, then we advise you to take a closer look at the shades of beige, because it is impossible to make a mistake with them.

How to choose the color of wallpaper for the living room

The choice of wallpaper for the living room is not an easy and very responsible task. Indeed, the color of the walls directly depends on how stylish and comfortable the room will be.

The color of the wall decoration should be combined with the floor, and with the ceiling, and with furniture, and even with textiles. Not everyone can achieve the perfect combination, for this you need to know a lot of nuances and tricks, as well as have an excellent taste and sense of style.

If you are not confident in your ability to successfully match colors, then you can turn to a professional designer. However, if you use universal shades, then you should not have any difficulties.

You can use plain fabrics and wallpaper with an ornament for decoration. It is especially interesting to look at the combination of two types of tapestries.

For such a combination to be successful, the wallpaper must be made in the same style. The most common combinations are the use of trellises of the same color, with one type being solid and the other patterned. You can also pick up multi-colored canvases without a noticeable pattern.

To choose the color of the wallpaper in the living room, you need to draw up a design project in advance, taking into account the color of all the elements used in the interior. A color combination table will help you to correctly combine shades.

Beige wallpaper for living room

Beige wallpaper for the living room is a way out for those who cannot independently choose the materials for decorating this room. This color will be combined with almost all shades, so any of your decisions regarding its combination will be successful.

Often, the beige color is chosen by adherents of the classics, who do not like non-standard solutions. However, with the right addition, this shade will work for modern and vibrant interiors as well.

Beige wallpaper in the living room goes well with brown

The advantages of using beige wallpaper in the living room:

  • Beige has a huge number of shades;
  • Walls decorated with such wallpaper will be combined with almost any color;
  • Bright elements of the interior, against the background of such a decoration, will not look bulky, but noble;
  • Such wallpaper will visually make a small room larger, and a large one will add coziness;
  • This color will never get bored, and if you replace furniture, you will not have to change the wallpaper.

To make a room whose walls are decorated with beige wallpaper, you can use bright decor elements. These can be blue and turquoise chairs, black furniture, bright red decorative flowers, green vases, or lilac and purple curtains.

The living room is very elegantly decorated in classic colors. White or brown chairs, a sofa and a table are suitable for such interiors. Textiles can be chosen in beige, but in a different shade.

Beige wallpapers will match both modern and classic interiors. They personify tranquility and comfort. If you opt for such a finish, you will definitely get a stylish and beautiful living room.

Light wallpaper in the living room: photo

Light-colored wallpaper will make the room more spacious. They are the perfect backdrop for striking accents and classic decorative elements.

The living room, decorated in light colors, requires special care. After all, such a room is more prone to pollution and wear and tear. However, if you use not plain white canvases, but striped wallpaper in gray or beige, then minor flaws will be less noticeable.

Thanks to light wallpaper, you can visually enlarge the living room

For small rooms, light wallpaper is one of the most successful options for decorating walls. This finish will make your living room brighter and more spacious. To dilute the beige interior, you can combine light beige wallpaper with lilac, blue, light green or yellow canvases.

The effect of the greatest spaciousness and airiness can be achieved by decorating a room in one color. This technique is most often used in hotel rooms.

Also, light wallpaper in the living room can be complemented with dark furniture and brown curtains. Such an interior will look modern and stylish.

Another interesting solution would be the use of aristocratic blue armchairs with white stripes in the interior in beige tones. It is desirable that the curtains in such a living room also be striped.

How to choose curtains for gray wallpaper in the interior of the living room

Recently, gray wallpaper is often used by designers in the interior of the living room. This technique is suitable for both modern and classic interiors.

Gray is an excellent background for most of the existing shades, so you don't have to be limited in the choice of furniture and decor elements. However, the choice of curtains must be approached with special responsibility, because they are a continuation of the wall.

Pastel shades are perfect for gray wallpapers.

Acceptable shades of curtains for gray wallpaper:

  1. For modern sophisticated interiors, a combination of gray curtains with gray wallpaper is suitable. In this case, the curtains should be several shades lighter or darker than the walls.
  2. Curtains of rich bright colors can also be combined with light gray wallpaper. Pink and turquoise curtains look interesting on a gray background.
  3. Beige curtains will add tenderness to the interior of the living room decorated with gray wallpaper.

Textiles play an important role in the design of the living room. If you used wallpaper in gray or beige shades, then the curtains can be in almost any color.

Photo of dark wallpaper in the interior of the living room

If you use dark tapestries in the interior of your living room, then it is better if they are used in combination with light wallpaper. The best background for dark inserts is a beige background.

Dark wallpapers look great in a high-tech interior

What dark wallpaper can be combined with beige wallpaper:

  • Gray wallpaper in combination with beige canvases can be called classics of the genre;
  • Black and beige striped wallpaper will make the living room interior more noble;
  • Burgundy, purple and red colors will soften beige inserts;
  • The combination of brown and beige wallpaper is called "coffee with milk", it looks very gentle and interesting.

Dark wallpaper can only be used in spacious living rooms. To reduce the feeling of tight space and make the design lighter, dark tapestries should be broken up with beige inserts.

The combination of dark and light wallpapers is a stylish solution for any living room. Such a design move will tell about the excellent taste and creativity of the owner.

Correctly selected design not only decorates the room, but also makes it more comfortable and cozy. It has also been proven that the design of the premises has a significant positive effect on human health. The selection of the color of the wallpaper is one of the most important points in determining the design of a room. In this case, the color and shade depends on the room - its size, purpose, frequency of stay, etc. Taking into account all the factors, a competent designer will be able to choose the right color and pattern of the wallpaper.

Of particular note is the beige wallpaper. This pleasant "light" color allows you to create a pleasant atmosphere and improve the mood of the person staying there. They are suitable for almost any furniture and will smooth out the obvious "flashy" shades and shapes that do not fit into the interior. Therefore, this color is one of the most common among both designers and manufacturers, which is not surprising - demand creates supply. Below we will consider some of the nuances of creating interiors with wallpaper of this color (and its shades), as well as talk about some of the nuances of combining beige with others.

Despite a number of advantages that beige wallpapers have, many consider them to be quite dull and boring. In this case, you can dilute them a little with brighter tones, but for this you should find out which ones are combined with beige.

So you should highlight several options for different colors that will be in harmony with the main beige color in the interior.

This combination is perfect for an expressive interior. They allow you to make the room more dynamic, but you should not get carried away with them too much - there should not be a lot of black and it should not prevail over beige. The best option would be the option in which the black stripes will act as shadows.

Allows you to create an interior in the Baroque or Classicism style. In this case, beige is the background color of the wallpaper (predominant), and the patterns on the wallpaper should be golden. Then the golden patterns will sparkle beautifully in the sunlight, creating a romantic atmosphere in the room.

Some interior design options include brown and beige wallpaper. In this case, beige color prevails again, and brown should emphasize one or another decorative element. Often they are used to "include" furniture in the interior, for example, beige-brown color is suitable for finishing the wall of a sofa.

They have a calming effect on the human psyche, therefore it is recommended to use these shades for decorating bedrooms, children's rooms, rooms for rest and relaxation.

To give the room a more natural natural "atmosphere", you can use beige-green colors. This way, light greens will create a warm and light atmosphere, and dark shades will create a sense of balance in the room.

Combination with shades of red

The interior with the use of beige as the main one, and pink or red tones as dilute ones, make it possible to create a romantic atmosphere in the room. But these colors should not be overused. It is better to use them to highlight window openings (room shading), various decorative elements (furniture, etc.).

In the process of choosing furniture for a room, preference should be given to furniture with a light outer coating.

Light milky, milky, peach and other colors are best suited for beige wallpaper. At the same time, you can put furniture in turquoise or blue (electric) shades to give a zest to the interior.

What curtains are suitable for beige wallpaper

An important role in determining the interior design is determined by the curtains that are used in the room. Curtains are an important element of decor, which should also have a practical function - to close windows from light and prying eyes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right curtains for the room, taking into account the main beige color of the walls.

When choosing curtains, you should be guided by personal preference. However, there are some limitations, which are set by the beige color of the wallpaper. So it is not recommended to purchase curtains of too bright colors, for example, poisonous yellow, bright light green and other colors.

In this case, it is permissible to take curtains with patterns. The pattern of the curtains should not be too large and clumsy - preference should be given to a light and not attracting pattern.

It is better to take tulle in plain soft tones. In order not to violate the design of the room, the tulle can be in large stripes. For example, if the curtain is 80 cm wide, the best option would be large stripes 20 cm wide.

The purpose of the room also plays a very important role in the selection of curtains. So it is better to make the kitchen light and visually expand the space using light pink or peach curtains. The same applies to the nursery, where soft light green curtains should be used to create harmony. It is also recommended to visually expand living rooms and halls using light colors. But the "official" premises, such as a study, reception room or classroom, it is better to make more strict. For this, black, red, burgundy and other dark shades are used.

What wallpaper is combined with beige wallpaper

If in the previous sections the combination of a solid beige color with other colors was considered, then here we will consider a combination of pictures. So to give the room a more colorful and cozy look, you can use wallpaper with a texture.

Typically, the texture of the main (beige) wallpaper has neat and unattractive patterns. The same should be followed when selecting a pattern on other wallpapers.

However, one should not forget that going to extremes is also bad - too small a pattern (for example, small polka dots) will also look negatively against the background of a monotonous beige color. The best option would be patterns that occupy about 80% of the total area of ​​the wallpaper.

Modern and simple. The most demanded wallpapers. Is it easy to work with them? Our next post on liquid wallpaper:

How to apply gray-beige wallpaper

Recently, when decorating studio apartments, designers have begun to actively use gray-beige tones. Usually, wallpaper in such tones is glued to the entire wall, often imitating Damascus and other Middle Eastern landscapes.

In order for the room to be made in this style, it is recommended to use bright colors when arranging it - bright red or bright yellow shades. It is better if these colors are used in furniture, small decorative elements and accessories. Thus, you get the interior in the style of the "Middle East".

To dilute the beige background, you can also use wallpaper with medium-sized gray patterns. The best option would be waves or snowflakes.

Beige liquid wallpaper in the interior (video)

In conclusion, we note that in order to give harmony to the room, if the furniture has a color different from beige, you should include decorative elements with beige color in the interior (panels, paintings, framed photos, etc.).

Beige wallpaper in the interior (photo)