Rhizomes are underground modifications of the shoot. The meaning of the word rhizome What is called a rhizome

ROOTS, rhizomes, cf. 1. Underground stem with underdeveloped leaves, growing b.ch. horizontally (bot.). 2. The main, main root of a tree, constituting a continuation of the trunk. | The root of a tree protruding onto the surface of the ground. The wheels clattered on the rhizomes. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • rhizome - Rhizome, rhizomes, rhizomes, rhizomes, rhizome, rhizomes, rhizome, rhizomes, rhizome, rhizomes, rhizome, rhizomes Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • rhizome - One of the modifications of above-ground or underground shoots of perennial grasses, shrubs and shrubs. Outwardly it looks like a root, but, unlike it, it bears scale-like leaves that leave scars after falling, and axillary buds. Biology. Modern encyclopedia
  • rhizome - noun, number of synonyms: 4 division 3 shoot 30 rhizome 1 yam 4 Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  • Rhizome - (rhizoma) underground stem of perennial herbaceous plants. It differs from the root (See Root) by the presence of small scaly or filmy leaves (leaving scars after falling), the absence of a cap at the end of the growing part... Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  • RHIZOME - RHIZOME, the fleshy underground stem from which grows a plant, such as a gladiolus or crocus. In most plants, new rhizomes form on the tops of old ones, which last one year. see also Asexual Reproduction. Scientific and technical dictionary
  • rhizome - RHIZOME, a, cf. An underground shoot of perennial herbaceous plants, similar to a root. | adj. rhizomatous, aya, oh and rhizomatous, aya, oh. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • Rhizome - See Stem. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  • rhizome - orf. rhizome, -a Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • rhizome - RHIZOME -a; Wed 1. The underground stem of perennial herbaceous plants, distinguished from the root by the presence of underdeveloped leaves. 2. The main, main root of the tree, which is a continuation of the trunk. The storm uprooted the tree and its rhizomes. ◁ Rhizome; rhizomatous, -aya, -oe. K-th cereals. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • rhizome - -a, cf. 1. The underground stem of perennial herbaceous plants, distinguished from the root by the presence of underdeveloped leaves. Its [ginseng] root is white, thick ---, with a blackish core and numerous small shoots at the bottom of the rhizome. Small academic dictionary
  • rhizome - rhizome cf. 1. An underground shoot of perennial herbaceous plants with a thickened stem and adventitious roots, root I 1., which serves for the deposition of reserve nutrients, vegetative propagation, etc. (often located horizontally). Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • rhizome - See root Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • RHIZOME - RHIZOME - an underground shoot of perennial plants with a thickened stem, bearing the remains of dead leaves or special scale-like leaves, buds and adventitious roots. Serves to deposit reserve nutrients, endure unfavorable periods, and for vegetative propagation. Large encyclopedic dictionary
  • Apical or axillary buds, adventitious roots. The rhizome performs the function of storing nutrients, vegetative renewal and reproduction.

    The rhizome can be:

    • simple or branched - according to the degree of branching;
    • horizontal, vertical or oblique - in the direction of growth;
    • long, short or very shortened (with knots close together) - in length;
    • thick or thin - according to thickness.
    • Epigenous rhizome
    • hypogene

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “Rhizomes (biology)” are in other dictionaries:

      Sunflower shoots Shoot (lat. córmus) is one of the main vegetative organs of higher plants, consisting of a stem with leaves, buds, inflorescences and fruits located on it. Contents 1 Phylogeny of shoot ... Wikipedia

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      - (rhizoma), underground b. or m. durable shoot of perennial grasses, as well as shrubs and shrubs, serving for the deposition of reserve substances, vegetative regeneration and reproduction. It differs from the root by the presence of scale-like leaves, scars from... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

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      - (Agropyron) a genus of plants in the grass family. Perennial herbaceous plants often with creeping rhizomes. Inflorescence two-row spike. The spikelets are two and multi-flowered, laterally compressed, located one at a time on the protrusions of the axis and facing it... ...

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    In our article we will get acquainted with such a modification of the root as the growth of the rhizome. This is an underground shoot that can easily be confused with a root. Let's look at the structural features and differences of these systems.

    Escape modifications

    A shoot is the above-ground part of a plant, which consists of an axial part - the stem, and a lateral part - the leaves. It also contains rudimentary organs called kidneys. The shoot plays an important role in the life of the plant: it ensures growth, vegetative propagation and photosynthesis.

    But to carry out additional functions, various organs are modified. The growth of rhizomes is one of the proofs of such metamorphoses. Modifications of the shoot include stem tubers of kohlrabi, bulbs of leeks, lilies and tulips, thorns of thorns and wild pears, tendrils of melon and grapes, tendrils of strawberries and strawberries.

    Plant rhizome

    The rhizome is a thickening of the shoot located underground. A similar transformation is typical for wheatgrass, lily of the valley, crow's eye, gravilat, hellebore, valerian, and iris.

    How to prove that the rhizome is really a shoot? Very simple. Rhizomes are structures that consist of a thickened stem. In them one can distinguish elongated internodes with axillary and apical buds. There are no leaves, they are replaced by scales. Mineral nutrition, water supply and fixation in the soil are provided by bundles of adventitious roots.

    Since the shoot develops underground, its color is not green, although its cells contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Its growth is carried out due to the apical buds. From these, ground shoots appear on the surface in spring. Remember what a lily of the valley looks like: the shoot is located underground, and on the surface we see only leaves and fragrant inflorescences.

    How to distinguish a rhizome from a root

    The root also develops underground, but has a number of distinctive features. Firstly, it provides the plant with minerals, absorbing their aqueous solution from the soil. Rhizomes are shoots, so they cannot perform this function. They only accumulate nutrients, ensuring the viability and development of plants during unfavorable periods.

    Another difference is the absence of chloroplasts in the root cells. Therefore, it is not capable of photosynthesis. In addition, buds and leaves do not develop on the root.

    Functions of the rhizome

    Elongated and thickened internodes serve to adapt plants to conditions of drought and cold. Most often they develop in perennial species. During the period of intensive growth and development, they accumulate a significant supply of water and inorganic substances. This is a necessary condition for the normal functioning and development of the aerial part. With the onset of autumn, the leaves die off, and the plant continues to live underground.

    Rhizomes are often used for vegetative propagation of some cultivated species. They allow you to create a large amount of planting material. Because many of the rhizomes are quite long, they provide anchorage in sandy soil.

    But any modifications also have a negative side. The fact is that developed rhizomes are characteristic of many weeds, so it is difficult to fight them. Examples of these are wheatgrass and thistle. By tearing out their leaves or individual internodes, you leave most of the shoot in the soil, so after a certain time the above-ground part begins to develop again.

    So, the rhizome is a modification of the shoot that develops underground. Its main functions are the supply of water with a solution of minerals and vegetative propagation of plants.

    Rhizome (rhizoma)

    underground stem of perennial herbaceous plants. It differs from the root (See Root) by the presence of small scaly or filmy leaves (leaving scars after falling), the absence of a cap at the end of the growing part, and anatomically by the presence of parenchyma (See Parenchyma). Buds are formed in the nodes or axils of leaves on the plant, which annually produce new underground shoots and adventitious roots that use the nutrients deposited in the plant. New shoots are also formed after the death of the above-ground part of the plant under the influence of unfavorable conditions (for example, drought), as well as after mowing or grazing by livestock, etc. In some plants (hedgehogs, timothy, etc.), the shoots are short and the above-ground shoots formed on them shoots grow in a dense bush; in others (reed, creeping wheatgrass) the shoots are long, quickly growing and branching. After the old sections of the forest die off, the underground shoots that appear on it become isolated; That. Vegetative propagation is carried out. In some plants, tubers are greatly thickened; tubers are formed on them (usually at the ends), containing mainly carbohydrates; sometimes K. contain medicinal (valerian officinalis, etc.), coloring (for example, elecampane) or tannin (knotweed) substances. Plants with long K. are used to fix sand.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


    See what “Rhizome” is in other dictionaries:

      Kupena multiflorum (Polygonatum multiflorum) (L.) All ... Wikipedia

      Modern encyclopedia

      An underground shoot of perennial plants with a thickened stem, bearing the remains of dead leaves or special scale-like leaves, buds and adventitious roots. Serves to deposit reserve nutrients, endure unfavorable periods,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      RHIZHOM, the fleshy underground stem from which a plant grows, such as a gladiolus or crocus. In most plants, new rhizomes form on the tops of old ones, which last one year. see also Asexual Reproduction... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

      RHIZOME, rhizomes, cf. 1. Underground stem with underdeveloped leaves, growing b. h. horizontally (bot.). 2. The main, main root of a tree, constituting a continuation of the trunk. || The root of a tree protruding onto the surface of the ground. The wheels were knocking... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      RHOZOME, ah, cf. An underground shoot of perennial herbaceous plants, similar to a root. | adj. rhizomatous, aya, oh and rhizomatous, aya, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      - (rhizoma), underground b. or m. durable shoot of perennial grasses, as well as shrubs and shrubs, serving for the deposition of reserve substances, vegetative regeneration and reproduction. It differs from the root by the presence of scale-like leaves, scars from... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

      Noun, number of synonyms: 4 division (3) shoot (30) rhizome (1) ... Synonym dictionary

      Underground, containing reserves of nutrients, stems of perennial herbaceous and even tree-like (calamita) plants. Bears adventitious roots that leave scars when they fall off. Known from extinct arthropods, ferns, etc. other Syn.: rhizome... Geological encyclopedia

      rhizome- rhizome, gen. pl. rhizomes... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

      Rhizome- RHIZOME, a modified perennial shoot, usually underground (part of the stem). Serves to deposit reserve nutrients, endure unfavorable periods, and for vegetative propagation. Bears adventitious roots, buds, sometimes... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Rhizome-2000, . The monograph is the third edition of publications on the experimental project Non-classical aesthetics. The project is dedicated to the development of non-traditional methods and methods of discursive-intuitive...

    How to distinguish a rhizome from a root? We are sure that if you ask such a question, many people will be surprised, because they think that this is the same thing. But root and rhizome are completely different concepts. Why? Let's figure it out together.

    Escape modifications

    The above-ground part of the plant is called a shoot. It consists of two parts: the stem and the leaves. These plant organs serve for air nutrition, gas exchange and vegetative propagation. But in certain conditions this is not enough. Therefore, modifications occur in various plant organs, including shoots. Rhizomes are one of them. Modifications of the aboveground part of the plant also include Jerusalem artichoke, tulip and garlic bulbs, strawberry tendrils and grape tendrils. They all perform additional functions. For example, with the help of antennae, grapes are attached to a support, which allows them to occupy the most favorable location for the process of photosynthesis. But water and nutrients are retained in the bulb and underground, which allows the plant to easily survive an unfavorable period. With the help of mustaches, strawberries reproduce vegetatively, just like potatoes with their underground modifications - tubers.

    Rhizome structure

    The rhizome, being underground, has all the features of its structure. But they are somewhat modified. Rhizomes are a creeping stem with elongated internodes, which store all the substances necessary for the plant. Bunches of adventitious roots extend from it. And on the surface of the earth you can see leaves that grow from the nodes of an elongated shoot. They are simple. Their leaf blades are narrow, usually with

    How to distinguish a rhizome from a root

    What plants have rhizomes

    Rhizomes are modifications characteristic of many plants. Most of them are representatives of the Monocot class. Surely many gardeners have tried to get rid of a malicious weed called wheatgrass. This is not easy to do precisely because of the presence of rhizomes in this plant. When tearing out leaves and part of an underground shoot, a person does not realize that most of it remains underground. New leaves grow again from the buds of the surviving part of the shoot. As a result, the weed grows again. Rhizomes include lily of the valley, mint, asparagus, peonies, irises, phlox, gravilata, and blueberries. What advantages do plants that have these modifications have?

    Functions of the rhizome

    First of all, the rhizomes provide making it more effective. For example, to plant irises, it is not necessary to take a large part of their shoot with leaves and flowers. It is enough to use a small element of rhizome with buds and Since this modification of the shoot is located underground, it has reliable shelter from all unfavorable environmental conditions. He is not afraid of drought. In extreme heat, only the leaves will die. But the underground part, which is the plant’s shoot itself, will remain viable. When favorable conditions occur, green leaves will grow again from the buds. Rhizomes are a valuable underground supply of water, minerals and organic substances that plants formed during the period of sufficient moisture and photosynthesis. Thanks to this important feature, all plants with this modification are perennial. Their underground part remains viable from early autumn to spring precisely due to the supply of all the substances necessary for this, which are in this modification.

    So, the rhizome is an underground modified creeping shoot. Its main parts are elongated internodes, buds, simple leaves and adventitious roots. The rhizome performs important functions, thanks to which the plant easily endures any unfavorable periods underground and spreads quickly. This is the storage of water with nutrients and the implementation of vegetative propagation.