Gherkins cultivation and care. Gherkin cucumbers. Cucumber variety Chinese disease-resistant F1

Gherkin cucumbers today are most in demand among gardeners. This plant culture differs from ordinary vegetables in appearance, taste, cultivation, and care. There are a lot of varieties. How to choose suitable gherkin cucumber varieties which are not difficult to care for and will produce a rich harvest of delicious fruits, the article will tell.

Many believe that gherkins are a separate family of cucumber crops. But this is a delusion. The peculiarity of these fruits is their small size. Usually their size does not exceed 9 centimeters. To obtain gherkins, ordinary bush cucumbers are used, only they are harvested much earlier than the ripeness period - immediately after flowering begins.

However, not all bush cucumbers for open ground are used for growing gherkins. Only narrow-fruited varieties are suitable.

The general characteristics of gherkins are given below:

  • Culture does not tolerate cold. Already at +5 degrees, fatal damage appears.
  • The acidity of the soil for such a plant should be in the range of 6.5-7 pH. This will ensure good moisture retention.
  • Care must be special. After planting, organic matter is introduced into the ground. For example, compost or manure. With nitrogen supplements, you need to be extremely careful. An excess of this substance provokes the growth of green vegetation and a decrease in yield. Water the shrub should be at least 2 times in 14 days. These cucumbers love moisture. They also love the sun. However, in extreme heat it is required to shade the plant.

What are the benefits and harms of gherkin cucumbers?

Despite the fact that gherkins are small in size, they have much more useful properties than larger fruits. This is explained by the fact that part of the water in them is not 97%, but only 90%. The vegetable contributes to the normalization of the digestive tract, has a diuretic effect, removes stones from the kidneys and gallbladder.

What are the popular varieties for growing gherkins?

Gherkins are presented in different varieties. For example, Hummingbird, City Cucumber f1, Bouquet f1, Maryina Grove f1, Snowstorm f1, Salinas f1, Uranus, Pasamonte f1, Grandmother's granddaughter and many others. It is impossible to consider all of them within one article.

Each gardener chooses the most suitable type for himself, but there are varieties that are most popular.

By choosing several options from them and planting them in the garden, you can easily decide which variety is more to your liking.

Below are the most requested gherkins:

  1. Bush.
  2. Parisian gherkin.
  3. Everyone envy F1.
  4. F1 perfection itself.
  5. Midget F1.
  6. RMT F1.
  7. Caesar F1.
  8. Granddaughter F1.
  9. Capricorn F1.

Variety of cucumbers Bush

Consider the description of the Bush cucumber as one of the varieties popular among summer residents. This is a bee pollinated variety. It is intended for cultivation on the open ground. The bush grows no higher than 70 centimeters. Gives small fruits. Their length varies from 9 to 12 centimeters. Weight reaches 90-110 grams. The shape is elongated ovoid. The surface is bumpy. The taste is excellent, there is no bitterness.

The variety belongs to early ripening. The first crop is harvested 46 days after germination. The bush cucumber has a number of advantages: the harvested crop does not turn yellow, it tolerates transportation well. The vegetable is versatile. It is consumed fresh. They make salads out of it. Used for pickling, salting.

Cucumber variety Parisian gherkin

The Parisian gherkin cucumber belongs to bush varieties with an early fruit ripening period. From germination to harvest, only about 40 days pass. The variety is bee pollinated. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and open areas. The culture is medium. Needs pinching.

Considering the description of the Parisian gherkin cucumber, one cannot fail to note the high yield. Summer residents receive up to 4 kilograms of vegetables per square meter. The taste of the fruit is excellent. The pulp is dense, crispy and juicy, devoid of bitterness. Cucumber grows from 5 to 7 centimeters long. Its mass is 50-85 grams. Spindle shape.

It should be noted that the cultivation of cucumber Parisian gherkin is not accompanied by any serious problems. The species is drought tolerant and immune to mosaic virus, cladosporiosis, and powdery mildew.

Almost all reviews of the cucumber Parisian gherkin are positive. Farmers note the excellent taste of fruits, their presentable appearance, the ability of the crop to be stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well. The Parisian gherkin is the number one choice not only for experienced gardeners, but also for beginner gardeners.

Cucumber variety Envy everyone F1

Numerous positive reviews about the cucumber Everyone envy F1 unique testify to the high popularity of this variety. This is a gherkin hybrid. It is grown in spring greenhouses and on unprotected ground.

The main advantages are precocity and high yield. Also, considering the reviews about cucumbers Everyone is the envy of F1, it is worth saying that the culture is resistant to a number of diseases. Feels great in adverse environmental conditions. In any weather and climatic conditions, the plant bears fruit stably and abundantly. Moreover, active fruiting continues until the first frost.

A ripened cucumber F1 envy everyone has a length of 9-12 centimeters. Its color is bright green. The flesh is firm and crispy. Taste qualities are excellent. The vegetable is well suited for pickling.

Some successfully grow everyone to envy in room conditions. And all thanks to the fact that the shrub does not need strong illumination and actively bears fruit even with a deficit of sunlight. The variety is quite reliable, resistant to disease and bad weather. And reviews about cucumbers Everyone is the envy of this confirmation.

Cucumber variety Perfection itself

Hybrid Cucumbers Perfection itself is characterized by an early ripening period. They are grown in glass and film greenhouses, as well as on unprotected land. The species does not require pollination.

The shrub produces medium tuberculate fruits of a cylindrical shape. Each cucumber grows up to 8-9 centimeters in length. The color of the fruit is light green, there are longitudinal white stripes. The pulp is dense, fragrant and crunchy. Bitterness is absent. Cucumbers Perfection itself has a universal purpose. They are consumed fresh, used for canning.

Mostly reviews about cucumbers. F1 perfection itself is positive. Many summer residents note high yields. With good care per square meter, at least 28-30 kilograms of fruits are usually harvested. The hybrid is easy to grow. He is not afraid of elevated temperatures and perfectly tolerates stressful conditions of detention. However, it needs abundant irrigation. The only drawback farmers call the high cost of seeds. And since Perfection Itself belongs to hybrid forms, it is not possible to use seeds from ripe fruits for growing a new crop. You have to buy seed in a specialized store.

Cucumber variety Liliput F1

Lilliput F1 cucumbers fell in love with the excellent taste of the fruit, their versatility, as well as the ease of growing the plant. The shrub is early ripening. The crop is harvested after 2 months from the date of planting. The culture is low. The vegetable has a cylindrical shape. Its length reaches 9 centimeters. And the average weight is 90 grams. The yield is quite high. With proper care and favorable weather, about 11 kilograms of vegetables are harvested from a square meter.

The main advantages of the Liliput hybrid include the following: the ability to self-pollinate, the early ripening of fruits, the presentation of cucumbers, their ability to be stored for a long time, the resistance of the shrub to a number of diseases, and non-capriciousness in cultivation.

Cucumber variety RMT F1

Hybrid cucumber gherkin bouquet type RMT F1 ovaries - ideal for growing at home.

The species does not require pollination. It is early maturing. The fruits ripen after 40 days from the moment of germination. The bush is medium. On each, from 20 to 30 cucumbers are formed. The vegetable has a cylindrical shape, the surface of its rich green hue with short whitish stripes, covered with tubercles. The mass of greenery ranges from 80 to 100 grams, and the length reaches 11 centimeters.

The pulp is crispy, devoid of bitter taste. The hybrid is versatile. The fruits are consumed fresh, as well as processed. Excellent vegetable suitable for canning. Among the advantages of RMT F1, it is worth noting high yield, resistance to drought and heat. Fruiting lasts until autumn frosts. Cucumbers ripen together. The harvested crop is stored for a week without loss of a presentable appearance and taste.

Cucumber variety Caesar F1

The hybrid form of Caesar has become a favorite of many beginners and experienced farmers. To understand why, it is worth considering the description of the Caesar F1 cucumber in more detail. This variety is grown both under cover and in unprotected garden plots. The plant is pollinated by bees. The shrub is vigorous and well developed. It is immune to tobacco mosaic virus, brown spot and powdery mildew.

The fruit ripening period is medium. It usually takes 50 to 55 days from germination to harvest. Cucumbers grow up to 8-12 centimeters long. The mass of each copy reaches 200 grams. The vegetable has a rich green color. On the surface there are light strokes and small tubercles. The flesh is firm and crispy. Caesar is ideal for pickling. It is also used fresh. Also, among the pluses, summer residents note friendly ripening, the presentation of cucumbers, and an acceptable price for seeds. Of the shortcomings, only a short period of fruiting can be called.

Cucumber variety Granddaughter F1

Highly summer residents appreciate the variety Vnuchok. Numerous reviews about the Granddaughter F1 cucumber indicate the presence of such advantages: increased productivity, resistance to common ailments, early ripening, long-term fruiting, excellent taste, keeping quality and presentability of the fruit.

The bush is indeterminate, branching is weak. Cucumbers ripen on the 45th day from the moment of planting seedlings. From a square meter, farmers harvest from 12 to 13 kilograms of crops. Each copy weighs about 85-100 grams. The shape of the vegetable is cylindrical. The pulp is devoid of bitterness.

Cucumber variety Capricorn F1

Good reviews about the Capricorn F1 cucumber also indicate that such a hybrid is considered a good choice for a beginner gardener. The yield is high. One bush gives up to 3 kilograms of fruit. The taste of the vegetable is excellent. The value of Capricorn is that it is highly resistant to major diseases, perfectly tolerates moisture deficiency.

Cucumber Capricorn F1

Conclusions about cucumber varieties

There are different varieties that allow you to grow small, but tasty and healthy gherkins. Varieties differ in color, fruit shape, weight and ripening time. What exactly to choose depends on the preferences of the summer resident. Check out the article:

Gherkins are the best cucumbers for canning. They fit easily into even the smallest jar with a narrow neck. It is worth noting the high taste qualities of pickled cucumbers. In this article we will talk about gherkins, about the characteristics of the most popular varieties of mini-cucumbers.

The best varieties of gherkins

parisian gherkin

This is an early ripe hybrid of French selection, which can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Variety Description

A gherkin-type vegetable ripens in 45 days. In open ground, it is recommended for cultivation in central Russia. Ripe fruits are cylindrical. Their length is on average 1-9 cm. On the surface of small cucumbers, pimples are pronounced, on the peel there are stripes of a light green color. The average weight of one fruit is 70 g. From 1 sq. m with proper care, 3-4 kg of fruits are harvested. During the fruiting period, cucumbers are harvested every day.

The Parisian gherkin is not a self-pollinating variety. This somewhat complicates its cultivation in a greenhouse. This variety is pollinated by insects, so during the flowering period it is necessary to ensure the presence of bees in the greenhouse.

There are manual pollination methods that require a considerable investment of time: they collect pollen from male flowers with a brush and carefully transfer it to female ones. It's almost like a piece of jewelry.

Gherkin cucumbers of this variety are valued for their high taste and good yields. Another advantage of the variety is resistance to fungal diseases and high temperatures.

As for the shortcomings, cucumbers, when harvested untimely, take the form of barrels. Since the Parisian gherkin is a hybrid variety, its seeds do not produce good seedlings. Hybrids in the second generation are less productive and more prone to diseases. Accordingly, the seeds will have to be purchased every year in specialized stores.

This early ripe variety was bred not so long ago. It is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

Variety Description

Under favorable conditions and proper care, Micron F1 produces a crop already 38 days after planting. Bushes are formed medium-sized and medium-branched. The variety is pollinated by bees. In shape, the fruits, the mass of which varies from 60 to 80 g, resemble an ellipse. Their length is, on average, 8 cm. You can also collect pickles, the length of which does not exceed 4 cm, or mini-cucumbers 5 cm long. The fruits have excellent taste. There are pronounced pimples on the green peel. From 1 sq. m collect up to 15 kg of cucumbers. Micron F1, due to the dense structure of the pulp, is suitable for canning and pickling.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

An important characteristic of Micron F1 is that it bears fruit throughout the summer. In addition, the gherkin is resistant to almost all diseases. Micron is not prone to overgrowing, which makes it easier to harvest.

There are no obvious shortcomings in the variety. The inconvenience of growing is associated with the need to pollinate a vegetable crop and purchase seeds in a store every year.

Mels F1

The variety is characterized by precocity

This hybrid is perhaps the most popular today. Its popularity is due to such characteristics as precocity and productivity. You can grow gherkins of this variety both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Variety Description

Mels F1 - early ripe cucumber. It gives a massive harvest on the 35th day after planting, which is not typical even for early ripe varieties that begin to bear fruit closer to 38-39 days after planting. It is a self-pollinating plant, which makes it easy to grow in greenhouses.

This is a gherkin of a bouquet type of ovaries. During flowering, several nodes appear on each branch, each of which gives up to 6 ovaries. During the fruiting period, more than 200 fruits are harvested from one plant. But such results can be achieved subject to the norms of agricultural technology, which include:

  • timely landing in the ground;
  • culture nutrition;
  • watering and loosening.

The length of cucumbers is, on average, 9 cm. In shape, oblong gherkins resemble an elongated ellipse. The peel is painted green, pronounced pimples are covered with white fluff.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantage of the Mels F1 variety is that its fruits, dense in structure, are never bitter. Hybrid Mels F1 is resistant to various diseases and is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. He, regardless of weather conditions, gives high yields.

No deficiencies were found in this hybrid variety.

Novosibirsk Gherkin F1

This is a mid-season hybrid that is suitable for outdoor cultivation.

Variety Description

The growing season of the plant is 45-49 days. The hybrid is bee pollinated. The medium-sized plant has long branches. The mass of cylindrical fruits is on average 75 g. The average length of cucumbers is 10 cm, weight is 70 g. The peel is colored dark green, there are tubercles with black small spikes. In ripe cucumbers, the peel on the back becomes yellow-green. From 1 sq. m collect about 5 kg. These are average yields. The yield of the usual variety Altai Falls, for example, is the same 5 kg.

Novosibirsk gherkins are suitable for fresh salads and preservation. Crispy fruits with a dense pulp structure are unusually fragrant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

It is important to prevent overripe fruits

The main advantage of the Novosibirsk gherkin is that it gives equally good yields in all weather conditions. The hybrid is resistant to fungal diseases, especially powdery and downy mildew.

Ripe fruits are prone to overripe, so they need to be harvested every day. This is the disadvantage of the hybrid.

True perfection

This is a beam hybrid, the care of which requires the correct formation of the bush. To achieve maximum results, side shoots are removed, leaving one stem.

Variety Description

The growing season of the hybrid is 38-40 days. On the cucumber lashes of an early ripe hybrid, a lot of greens are formed. After ripening, the length of the cylindrical fruit is 9 cm, weight - 90 g. The peel is colored light green, there are white stripes. Fragrant and crispy flesh never bitter.

Cucumbers Perfection itself is used both for fresh salads and for preservation. They can be picked unripe. Pickles have the same taste qualities as ripened fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantage of the hybrid is high yield. From 1 sq. m collect up to 30 kg of mini-cucumbers. The hybrid is resistant to changing climatic conditions, with good watering it easily tolerates high temperatures. As for the shortcomings, they include a tendency to overripe.

Moravian Gherkin F1

These are gherkins for open ground.

Small pickled cucumbers (cucumber) are an integral part of almost every feast. Many summer residents like them, who plant different varieties to their taste, giving small and tasty fruits. By the way, the gherkin is not a variety of cucumber, but a size, so you can collect it from different plants. About how to choose the right gherkin varieties, why lettuce varieties are best suited for these purposes, and how to properly implement agricultural technology - further. Also from this review you will learn how and where a variety of small cucumbers appeared, what yields can be harvested on your site, and what you need to know about crop pest control.

Characteristics and description of gherkin cucumbers

Gherkins are a size, not a variety of cucumbers. That is, it is theoretically possible to collect them from any crops, although salad fruits give the most delicious (in this case, juicy and crispy) fruits. Gherkins are plucked 1-2 days after the appearance of the ovaries - when the length of the fruit is several centimeters (usually no more than five). Even such small unripe cucumbers are quite tasty, appetizingly crunchy and ideal for pickling. The characteristics of the fruit directly depend on the one grown on the site. If you want the harvest to be tasty, beautiful and not bitter, choose the appropriate crops.

Gherkins differ from other cucumbers in their size.

Gherkin (from the French cornichon) are small cucumbers from 3 to 5 cm long, taken immediately after the flowering of the cucumber plant. They are used mainly for pickling, salting.

Features: sizes of gherkins

Small cucumbers came from France - it was French breeders who set the fashion for crispy small fruits. Do not confuse gherkins with pickles - yes, some gherkins can be pickles, but not all. The first type of cucumber grows up to a maximum of 9 cm, and usually no more than 5. It is a few-day fruits, which, from the point of view of botany, are rather ovaries. And the second type is any pickled vegetables of small sizes. That is, pickles can be cucumbers, and tomatoes, and onions, carrots, even corn on the cob.

Gherkins have a number of differences from ordinary pickles and salad cucumbers. The main ones are high density and the absence of voids, due to which the vegetable turns out to be crispy.

What should cucumbers look like?

Gherkins are cylindrical and bright green in color (a good example is). The ripening time is short, the taste is high, the bitterness in a few days from the moment the ovaries are formed, the fruits usually do not have time to acquire. Another important advantage of gherkins is their versatility (they can be pickled, salted, used for salads, canapes, eaten in their pure form). Hybrids are resistant to most pests, such as:,. The yield is not bad, the only minus of the variety of cucumbers is the presence of prickly thorns.

They are cylindrical in shape and bright green in color.

good varieties

The right choice of variety is the key to successful cultivation of delicious gherkins. Most Popular:

  • "Paris Gherkin"- early ripe culture, pollinated by bees. The first harvest is taken 41 days after planting in the ground. Fruits reach 6-10 cm in size.
  • "Moravian gherkin F1" has high taste qualities, grows in the ground no worse than in greenhouses.
  • "Gerda F1", "Kai F1"- these varieties have similar parameters and give a good harvest even in conditions of lack of heat.
  • "Advance F1"- an early ripening crop with excellent taste characteristics, the length of the fruit is 7-9 cm.
  • "Thumbelina F1"- an early ripe variety, unpretentious to the conditions of storage and transportation.
  • "Harmonist F1"- the culture has the longest period of fruiting, bundle ovaries are formed during the growing season.
  • "Chinese sustainable"- a hybrid with high immunity, which is not afraid of most diseases. Read about Chinese cold-resistant cucumber.

Mini gherkins are harvested a few days after the end of flowering.

Outdoor cultivation

Gherkins are grown in open ground and greenhouses.

Planting seeds

At the initial stages after planting in open ground, it is desirable to cover the culture with a film. Basic landing rules:

  1. If the seeds have been treated with thiram, they do not need to be soaked. Planting material is lowered immediately into the ground or into peat pots.
  2. Gherkins are transferred to open ground when the soil is warm enough.
  3. Picking is performed 25 days after planting. Seedlings are planted in open ground when 4 leaves appear (around the end of May).

Read about diving tomatoes.

When planting in a hole, it is recommended to apply 15 g of nitrogen fertilizers - this way the bush will grow better. Instead of nitrogenous compounds, you can use others: mineral supplements, sand, humus and peat. Seeds are laid to a depth of 2 cm from the upper layers of the soil, the beds are always mulched.

For gherkins to grow well, do not plant them in the sun (the rays can burn the leaves), and choose corn as a neighbor.

The optimal distance between seedlings is 30 cm, it is recommended to pinch the shoots and ovaries after the appearance of the first four leaves (this is necessary to strengthen the root system). Continue pinching the shoots until 8-9 leaves appear, then it should be stopped. If you choose a vertical growing method, do not forget about the garter.

It is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner, preventing the soil from drying out. Top dressing of plantings is carried out every two weeks or a little more often. Fertilizers - an aqueous solution of urea or urea. When moisture is absorbed, the soil is loosened and mulched. The average number of top dressings per season is 5-6.


You need to harvest from the bushes often - every few days. Mini hybrids are unlikely to outgrow 5-9 cm, but until the old fruits are removed, new ones are not tied. The minimum period of plant growth is 35 days (depending on the variety), from one bush, subject to the rules for caring for it, you can collect 10 kg or more per square meter. The number of harvests is 2-3 per season. The fruiting period of gherkins lasts from June until about the end of August or early to mid-September. At the end of the season, the fruits must be collected periodically, do not wait until they reach their maximum size.

The yield is up to 10 kg per square meter

Varieties of mini-gherkins acquire full commercial qualities in small-sized specimens. That is, a cucumber 3 cm long will be fully ripe.

Diseases and pests of cucumber

Consider the most popular diseases and pests of gherkins:

  • Rust- brown spots appear on the shoots. To combat rust, plantings are treated with fungicides.
  • Peronosporosis (or)- whitish spots on the leaves indicate infection, which eventually cover the entire green part of the plant.
  • Aphid- when infected with this pest, the leaves curl, the flowers begin to fade and crumble. Help processing infusion of ash, soap and tobacco. Some gardeners use infusions of garlic and onions to combat aphids.
  • Spider mite - green leaves turn yellow and die. To combat the tick, a soapy solution is used and preventive digging is carried out.
  • gall nematode- Causes slower plant growth and lower yields. To combat the gall nematode, steam treatments are carried out.

What to do if cucumbers turn yellow, read on.

Many hybrids have high resistance to diseases and pests, but each has its own weak point. For example, the popular gherkin variety "Herman" is often affected by rust.



Gherkins are small crispy cucumbers that are harvested in the first days after the formation of the ovaries. Different varieties can be used, the most popular are disease and pest resistant hybrids. Planting is carried out by seeds and seedlings, in open ground or a greenhouse. The crop is harvested 2-3 times per season, depending on the variety.

Read about the technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

And they mistakenly call the not yet ripened small fruits of ordinary cucumbers. In fact, gherkins are groups of cucumbers, the fruits of which reach a length of about 5 cm, but do not exceed 8 cm, the so-called. What are the names of small cucumbers, we have already figured out, now let's get acquainted with the most popular gherkins for open ground and greenhouses.

Did you know? India is considered to be the birthplace of gherkins, and the name of this species comes from the French language.

The most popular variety is the Paris Gherkin. It is pollinated by bees. Its fruits ripen after 40 days, and the mass is from 55 to 80 g. Growing gherkins does not require special care, basically, it consists in weeding, loosening the soil and correct.

It is necessary to water with warm stagnant water after 2-3 hours of the day, when the activity of the sun decreases. Moderate watering is needed by the plant during the appearance of leaves. When the plant begins to bloom, the watering is reduced, and then increased again at the stage of fruit formation.

This hybrid is grown in open soil, it begins to bear fruit 50 days after germination, it is pollinated. The fruits are short, length from 8 to 10 cm, and their weight is from 70 to 95 g.

The main advantages are its stable yield and resistance to many diseases that affect cucumbers.

Early cucumber, which is grown both in open ground and in or under. Fruits appear in 40-45 days. The length of cucumbers is about 9 cm, and the weight of the fruit can reach 130 g. The variety has a high yield and resistance to many fungal diseases.

It should be noted that it requires frequent hilling. The length of the cucumber reaches 13 cm, and the weight is 120 g. Otherwise, its characteristics are not much different from most other gherkins.

This is a self-pollinating plant, during the flowering of which the entire bush is covered with flowers. Cucumbers have white spikes and reach a length of 8 cm, weight does not exceed 70 g. Resistant to most diseases. It is also classified as a variety that does not have bitterness.

"Gherkin Brownie" self-pollinates, suitable for growing in open ground from seedlings. Has the ability to bud. Fruits after 44-50 days. is no more than 13 cm and 120 g.

For landing should be neutral and good. This gherkin has excellent taste.

The seed is planted in soil heated to 15 ⁰С and covered. Fruiting begins in 37-41 days. The length of the greens reaches 9 cm, and the mass can reach up to 80-90 g. Like the previous varieties, this one is also resistant to many diseases. It should be watered after sunset with warm water.

Plants are of high quality and resistant to cold, low light and disease. Grow it in open ground or winter greenhouse. Fruits appear after 50 days, the length of which exceeds 30 cm.

Did you know?The ideal size of gherkins for pickles is about 4 cm.

This variety is resistant to sudden changes in temperature and disease. Planted with seeds or seedlings. You can harvest in 32-41 days. Zelentsy large-tuberous with dense pulp, reach a length of 12 cm.

The variety belongs to medium-early, the period before fruiting is about 50 days. It blooms in bunches, and the length of the cucumbers is 6-8 cm. The fruits have a pronounced sweetness, there is no bitterness.

Many summer residents grow cucumbers, but only true gourmets prefer their miniature varieties - gherkins. This plant culture differs not only in appearance, but also in the features of care. It will not be superfluous for gardeners and gardeners to learn how to grow carnish cucumbers, what is so remarkable about them, which varieties to prefer and what agrotechnical tricks will help to reap a high yield.

History of occurrence

This type of cucumber appeared on the territory of the country of world chefs and culinary specialists - France. Pickuli - this is the name the French gave to small cucumbers, and more specifically, to pickled snack vegetables. Some gardeners in our country believe that gherkins are unripe cucumbers.

A huge number of varieties have been bred. Real gherkins should not exceed 5-9 cm in length. Today, there are also smaller representatives that grow no longer than 7 centimeters. The advantage of this vegetable is the absence of emptiness inside. Their flesh is dense, which makes them so crispy when salted.

Popular varieties of gherkins

A huge variety of gherkin cucumbers has been bred by both Western and domestic breeders. They differ in size, pulp density, color, pickiness to environmental conditions and cooking methods, and many other parameters.

The main varieties that are grown on open ground include:

  • "Paris Gherkin". This is one of the most popular varieties. It is early ripe, which allows you to get the first harvest quite early, namely 40-45 days after sowing. On average, the length of the fetus reaches 6-10 centimeters.
  • "Moravian gherkin". The variety is in many ways similar to the previous one and is perfect for open ground.
  • "Kai" and "Gerda". These are two separate varieties of gherkins. As the name implies, they are great for growing in cold climates. These varieties will allow you to harvest a good harvest, no matter how hot the summer was.
  • "Thumbelina". The variety is distinguished by its productivity and resistance to transportation. Perfect for both home table and commercial cultivation.

In addition to the above varieties, there are parthenocarpic or self-pollinating varieties (allows vegetables to grow without the help of pollination by insects). This type of gherkins can be safely grown even on the balcony.

In addition to the usual varieties, you should consider their smaller counterparts - mini-gherkins. And what is especially remarkable: the first harvest can be obtained within a week.

Among them are:

  • "Children's". Small fruit, neat bush, small leaves. This is an excellent candidate for growing at home.
  • "Philip". Excellent hybrid, does not turn yellow or overripe, ideal for canning.

Planting seeds - the subtleties of the process

Gherkins, compared to ordinary cucumbers, are quite demanding on environmental conditions. Under adverse circumstances, such as dry, poor ground or low temperatures, they tend to get sick or be attacked by insects. Therefore, experienced gardeners choose hybrids that are resistant to diseases and some natural factors.

Planting seeds is carried out in a greenhouse or in special boxes for seedlings in the apartment. The soil is chosen loose, with the addition of soddy land and humus. In flower shops you can buy special land for seedlings. It is fertilized, but not oversaturated with chemicals.

For better germination, seeds are soaked in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate, rainwater at room temperature, or in water with the addition of growth stimulants, for example, Zircon, Epin and others. After a few hours, the seeds are laid out on a pre-watered soil with a temperature of at least 15 ℃ and covered with a damp cloth. After a while, the roots germinate, and then the seeds deepen 2 cm into the soil and are watered.


Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to prepare the soil. To do this, remove all weeds and dig up the ground. When digging on the ground, mineral and organic fertilizers are distributed. It can be potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and various compost. There should be no danger of frost. The top layer of the earth should warm up to 13-18℃.

It is advisable to make the bed even, which will simplify further planting and will favorably affect the growth of cucumbers. It is necessary to monitor the level of moisture in the soil and, in case of severe droughts, water it 2 times a day. But it should be remembered that waterlogging of the soil also has negative consequences.

In the greenhouse monitor the humidity. It should be around 80%. For gherkins, the difference between day and evening temperatures is favorable. Therefore, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated. This allows air to circulate and prevents rot.

Caring for gherkins

In the warm and dry season, gherkins are watered every day. On rainy and cool days - as the top layer of the earth dries out. Watering is carried out in thin streams so as not to overcompact the soil. The water used is soft and not cold. Gherkins are watered strictly under the root, if they get on the leaves, diseases are possible.

It is necessary to control the looseness and purity of the soil. Regular weeding and loosening is important. Root exposure is not allowed. The visible root processes are sprinkled with soil.

Feeding influences the intensity of growth and the quality of the crop. Fertilizers are applied 3-4 times during the entire growing period. The first top dressing is carried out before flowering. Then it repeats after 2 weeks. Gherkins respond well to organic fertilizers: manure, mullein, chicken manure.

Mineral fertilizers should vary depending on the stage of development. The leaf mass grows from nitrogen compounds, phosphorus affects flowering and ovary. Roots and fruits grow well from potash mixtures.

When the first harvest can be harvested and how plentiful it will be depends on the variety. But if everything is done correctly, then the number of cucumbers will pleasantly surprise any summer resident. It is very important to collect vegetables every day. Firstly, the risk of overripeness is reduced, which helps preserve the taste of the gherkins. Secondly, it increases the size of the crop at times, since the plants do not expend energy on already ripened fruits.

Problems in growing - ways to deal with diseases

The first disease that can affect young shoots is corner spot or bacteriosis. Occurs with heavy dew, low temperatures, in rainy weather. The leaves between the veins are covered with oily spots, which then turn yellow and dry. Fungicide preparations help to cope with bacteriosis.

Powdery mildew can also appear from excessive cold and humidity. The leaves are covered with white bloom, lose turgor, sag. The best remedy for it is a solution of soda or potassium permanganate. Biofungicide "Fitosporin" helps well.

Insects that most often harm gherkins include: growth fly, two-spotted spider mite, melon aphid, whitefly. They damage leaf mass and young bores. At the same time, the plant stops its growth, fades, loses inflorescences, ovary, and dies. Spark, Fufanon, Fitoverm, Aktarin are considered strong pest control agents.

Other protective measures and prevention

The number of possible diseases is quite a lot, and all of them threaten the yield. Many varieties that are selectively bred are resistant to certain diseases. It is important to take into account the region of residence and the negative factors that prevail in this area. By choosing a variety that is resistant to this factor, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with plant diseases.

An important condition for successful cultivation is compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology. For example, when planting in open ground, a distance between individual plants of 30-35 cm should be observed, and between rows - 1.5-2 m. This allows free circulation of fresh air, growth of green mass and healthy underground parts of plants.

Despite the small difficulties, various diseases and the risk of crop loss, you should not refuse to grow gherkins. The effort invested will fully pay off with a harvest of healthy and tasty mini-cucumbers.