Wood-fired boilers for heating private houses. Solid fuel combined boilers Solid fuel boilers for heating

- a classic version of solid fuel boilers. It has a simple installation that even an inexperienced user can handle. This series includes boilers with different power ratings, but even the Bober 20 DLO model with a power of 19 kW can heat an area up to 190 m2. The 50 DLO beaver is perfect for a large house, the model has a power of 39 kW. The units are characterized by a high level of efficiency (up to 90%). The boilers are single-circuit with an open type combustion chamber. Coal and firewood are well suited as fuel, according to the manufacturer's recommendations, water must be kept within 3-4 bar.

Advantages of solid fuel boilers of this series:

  • durable cast iron heat exchanger;
  • the boiler is equipped with a thermometer and a manometer;
  • energy independence;
  • simple mechanical control;
  • high heat output.
  1. Buderus Logano - German brand, occupies a leading position among wood-fired boilers. Enjoys great popularity. It has a high level of efficiency and good thermal insulation, which provides excellent heating of a room up to 200 m2. For better performance, you can use a circulation pump. Heats up fairly quickly. Maintenance is not whimsical, well cleaned.

Important advantages are:

  • reliability;
  • suitable for various heating systems;
  • energy efficiency;
  • large furnace sizes.
  1. Stropuva S- Russian-made single-chamber long-burning boiler. The equipment is characterized by high performance, just one load of firewood or wood briquettes is enough to heat the house for several days. The efficiency level is 91%, and for the S 40 model it reaches 95%, the combustion process itself is very slow. Such a unit can become the basis of an autonomous heating system. Wood, coal, pellets, coke are used as fuel.

Important advantages:

  • energy independence;
  • compactness;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • unusual design.
  1. single-circuit boiler with an open type combustion chamber. The heat exchanger is made of cast iron, has a sufficient level of efficiency (up to 80%), suitable for heating an area up to 200 m2. Wood must be used as fuel.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • economical fuel consumption up to 7 kg per hour;
  • noiselessness of work;
  • retains heat for a long period;
  • high quality heat exchanger.
  1. Bosh Solid 2000 - single-circuit boiler of German production, has excellent characteristics. The heat exchanger is made of high-quality steel, while the grate is made of cast iron. The power is enough to heat 160 m2. Can be used in combination with a gas boiler.

Main advantages:

  • automatic power control system;
  • possibility of loading through the top cover;
  • reliability;
  • stylish design.

  1. ZOTA Mix- boilers of a domestic manufacturer include a large range of reliable units. The MIX series is very popular, it includes devices with an efficiency of up to 80%. These are solid fuel boilers of combined type, they work well on coal, wood, all types of gas, electricity and liquid fuel. The boilers of this series use modern design solutions that give the units important advantages:
  • the heat exchanger has an X-shape, which increases the efficiency of heating the coolant;
  • the presence of an ejector on the doors ensures complete combustion of fuel;
  • easily reconfigured for different types of fuel;
  • designed for installation of heating elements with a power of up to 9 kW;
  • the presence of an electronic control panel.
  1. ZOTA Poplar M not inferior to foreign analogues. The copper is suitable for work in autonomous systems of heating. The equipment has high power, coal and firewood are used as fuel. You can additionally equip the devices with heating elements, then they can work with electric energy or can be modified to work with gas.


  • one bookmark of firewood allows you to heat the room for 12 hours;
  • mechanical air supply control system;
  • modern thermal insulation provides protection against overheating and helps to retain heat;
  • the presence of three heat exchangers contributes to faster heating of the room;
  • low cost.
  1. ZOTA Carbon quite popular series. The boilers are highly economical and efficient. An important advantage is the ability to control the air supplied to the furnace, which allows you to increase the duration of the combustion process. The boiler can be easily installed into an existing heating system. The boiler is able to withstand water pressure up to 3 bar and is non-volatile.
  1. ZOTA Pellet- an excellent series of reliable and high-quality boilers. A single-circuit boiler is ideal for heating large houses. The unit is equipped with an automatic fuel supply mode and also has an automatic control system. The equipment has an outdoor temperature control sensor, which allows you to control the temperature conditions of the room. It is recommended to use pellets, firewood, briquettes as fuel.

The main advantages of the series are:

  • the presence of a bunker for automatic fuel supply;
  • overheating protection function;
  • the presence of numerous sensors provides control of the operation of the equipment;
  • the possibility of connecting underfloor heating.
  1. Roda Brenner German boilers, equipped with a cast-iron heat exchanger. The series is represented by models with different power levels. Among the advantages are:
  • high resource of work;
  • high level of efficiency;
  • excellent thermal insulation of the firebox;
  • possibility of connecting an external burner;
  • increased dimensions of the loading hatch.

When choosing solid fuel boilers, you should not focus on the price, first of all decide on the preferred type of fuel, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, pay attention to the technical parameters of the device. Not reasonable savings in this matter can lead to significant waste in the future.

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Reliable heating system for a country house

Maintaining a house in a residential condition, given its remoteness from the main communications, becomes a rather difficult task, fraught with many difficulties and problems. If it is relatively simple to provide a house with electricity and water - it is enough to install a generator and arrange supplies of imported water - then with heat everything is a little different. Space heating requires more labor, time and money, but solutions are also available. One of the most rational ways to heat the premises of a house is to install a solid fuel boiler, that is, a boiler that generates heat by burning solid fuel. The fuel here can be coal, firewood and other energy sources that can provide enough heat to ensure a comfortable temperature throughout the house.

Solid fuel boilers: operating features

Prices for solid fuel boilers can hardly be called low, however, in the case of a house remote from the settlement, there is often no other way out. Naturally, solid fuel boilers are practically not used in the city or in summer cottages, since there are a lot of other, cheaper ways to provide a home with heat. However, it is sometimes simply impossible to gasify a private house, which is why solid fuel boilers become an uncontested heating option. It is also worth buying a solid fuel boiler because it has a fairly high efficiency at a relatively low cost of fuel.

For a long time, solid fuel boilers were not very popular due to the impossibility of automating the process of their work. Today, this problem has been completely solved, and models that can work offline for a long time have entered the market. The use of such long-burning solid fuel boilers makes it possible to provide the house with the necessary amount of heat, without spending time on constant reloading of fuel. It is enough to load the fuel once, and the boiler will work efficiently for a day.

Varieties of boilers

Solid fuel boilers can differ in three main characteristics:

  • According to the type of fuel used for operation. Coal or wood, as well as derivatives of these materials, made in the form of briquettes or granules, can serve as a source of thermal energy;
  • According to the type of technological scheme of fuel combustion. Depending on this characteristic, solid fuel boilers can be divided into classical and pyrolysis boilers. Note that the second type burns fuel more efficiently, that is, with the same volume, the pyrolysis boiler will give significantly more heat than its classical counterpart. The cost of such a boiler is higher, but the costs pay off within a few years due to savings on resources;

    By design and materials of manufacture. There are quite a few design options for a solid fuel boiler, but the principle of their operation does not change from this. As materials for the manufacture of the device, either cast iron or steel can be used.

For heating a private house, it is better to choose a solid fuel boiler made of steel and having a pyrolysis technological scheme for burning fuel. In this case, you will be able to provide heat to a house of any size, you will be sure of the reliability and durability of the boiler, and you will also be able to save on the purchase of fuel.

You can purchase such a boiler, as well as any other varieties of it, from Tavago. We will offer you a wide range of boiler models and provide detailed advice on any issue that interests you. Contact us!

The heating system is one of the integral communications of the building. And here progress also does not stand still: every year manufacturers delight with new units. To make a good choice, it must be taken into account that each solid fuel boiler is designed for a certain power and, accordingly, may have a limit on the size of the heating area. The efficiency of the device and the type of control also matter, for example, the presence of an automatic ignition function will greatly simplify operation.

We have compiled a rating of the best new products of 2018-2019. According to buyers, it is these solid fuel boilers that have the best price-quality ratio, ease of operation and attractive appearance. They are the most in demand and have already proven themselves worthy. So let's see our top 10.

10 Teplodar Kupper PRO 22

Combined boiler for medium areas - up to 200 sq.m. This model from a domestic manufacturer opens our rating of the best boilers of 2018-2019. It is possible to install a burner (also not included). Has a high heat dissipation. The coolant temperature is from 50 to 90 degrees. The product quickly ignites and retains a good temperature for a long time.


  • There is a built-in heating element with a power of 9 kW.
  • Wide range of fuels from solids to gas.


  • Pellet or gas burner must be purchased independently.
  • A small hole for laying firewood.

9 ZOTA Poplar M 20

A budget option with good power is an excellent choice for a small private house or cottage. The manufacturer recommends using wood and charcoal for this boiler. Removable damper provides easy cleaning of the coolant.


  • It has a heating element to maintain a high temperature.
  • Good price for a local product.
  • The three-way flue increases the efficiency of the boiler.


  • Not the best efficiency - 70%.
  • Strong traction requires some getting used to in operation.

8 Roda Brenner Classic BCR-03

A boiler in which combined heating is possible - not only with wood or anthracite, but also with gas, coke, diesel. The universal option is a good idea for those who do not know which heating to choose. Mechanical control minimizes the possibility of breakage, and also makes the operation of the boiler simple and straightforward.


  • Large window for laying fuel.
  • High-quality thermal insulation of the product - the risk of burns is minimal.
  • Two modes of air supply - using the regulator and manually.
  • Ease of operation and maintenance.


  • The boiler is combined, but the burner is purchased separately.
  • For heating in the off-season, it is necessary to purchase a buffer tank.

7 Bosch Solid 2000 B SFU 12

Another model with mechanical control. The manufacturer recommends heating with coal, but also allows the use of coal briquettes, firewood, coke. The brand itself - one of the best manufacturers of such equipment - speaks of the quality of the product: it will not cause problems in operation.


  • The modernized furnace allows you to regulate the air supply.
  • Perfectly copes with heating of areas up to 560 sq.m.
  • It can be used as a main boiler and in one system with a gas boiler.


  • The boiler has a small loading chamber.
  • In Czech-made products, the build quality is sometimes “lame”.

6 Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20

A stylish solid fuel pyrolysis boiler will be appreciated by those for whom practicality and functionality are as important as aesthetics. The heat exchanger is made of high-strength steel, has a built-in thermometer and pressure gauge. The Bourgeois-K STANDARD-20 boiler is also equipped with a draft regulator, which allows you to change the fuel burning rate, and hence its consumption, as well as the intensity of space heating. A good option for those who are at home mainly in the evenings and at night. The manufacturer recommends heating this boiler with coal or wood.


  • Can heat an area up to 220 sq.m.
  • Pyrolysis provides heat with little fuel consumption.
  • Little ash is formed - does not need frequent cleaning.


  • In some products, the firebox doors do not fit snugly.
  • It is better not to use birch firewood for ignition - at temperatures up to 60 degrees, the pipe can become clogged with tar.

5 Protherm Beaver 20 DLO

Classic single-circuit solid fuel boiler with a capacity of 19 kW. The recommended fuel is wood or coal. The body is made of cast iron - this material retains and transfers heat for a long time. The device is equipped with a reliable mechanical control. This is a simple, reliable model.


  • High product efficiency - 90.2%.
  • Easy to install - floor mounted.
  • Non-volatile - a power outage does not affect performance.
  • Possibility to combine with electric and gas boilers.


  • Manual ignition is not as convenient as automatic ignition.
  • Low thermal conductivity - it takes time to warm up.

4 Stropuva Mini S8

Solid fuel single-circuit boiler designed for heating small rooms - up to 80 sq.m. Independent of electricity or other communications - a great solution for a house in the countryside. But even in the city for a small house, this boiler is a very good option, since it retains heat for up to 20 hours. Also, the product has a high efficiency - 85%.


  • Sold assembled - ready for installation.
  • Has low fuel consumption.
  • Keeps warm for a really long time.
  • Compact - does not occupy a large area.


  • The window for loading briquettes, coal and firewood is located low - skill is required.
  • The unit is quite heavy - help is needed to move it.

3 Viadrus Hercules U22 D-4

Combined boiler, which confidently took 3rd place in our TOP-10, which can operate both on solid fuels and on gas or diesel. The manufacturer recommends wood, but coke, coal, gas, waste oil are also perfectly used by this boiler for heat production. Durable cast iron and reliable connectors make this unit a good choice for active use.


  • Keeps warm for a long time.
  • You can choose the number of sections.


  • The burner is not supplied.

2 Buderus Logano G221-20

The solid propellant copper with an open combustion chamber is made of strong, durable cast iron. The German manufacturer Buderus recommends using not only wood and coal for heating, but also coke - this allows you to choose the most convenient option for yourself. The Logano G221-20 boiler is a purchase for many years. He'd rather get bored than break.


  • Installation of the unit is simple and does not require welding.
  • Well thought-out design ensures durability of the product.
  • Large loading door - convenient to use large logs.


  • Price - for such a product is not high, but there are cheaper options.

1 ZOTA Pellet 25А

Single-circuit boiler, the leader in our ranking of the best solid fuel boilers in 2018 - 2019, designed for heating medium and large areas - up to 250 sq.m. Experienced users will immediately appreciate the features of this boiler - it requires a minimum of physical presence, since it is equipped with an automatic fuel supply function, as well as an automated control system, the ability to connect external control and underfloor heating.

The cheapest type of heating a private house is, one of which is firewood. The calmness and comfort in the house will depend on how high-quality and suitable, exactly for your conditions, the boiler you install. Therefore, which solid fuel boiler is better for your home and according to what criteria to choose it, we will understand meticulously and thoroughly.

If you are going to buy a boiler for heating a private house, the first thing you need to know is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room. After all, the power of the unit directly depends on this. According to manufacturers, the calculation is simple: every 10 m2 of area requires the production of 1 kW of thermal energy. With a total area of ​​the house of 150 m2, a power of 15 kW is sufficient. But everything is not so simple here.

Corrections must be made if:

  • The ceiling height is more than 3 m;
  • The number of window openings exceeds the norm;
  • The house is not well insulated.

You also need to remember that in harsh climatic zones during the cold season, the boiler will have to be heated constantly, even at night. Therefore, it is better to choose a unit with a power reserve of 5-10 kW, which will allow you to control the intensity of combustion.

In addition to power, the following characteristics are important:

  • Performance or efficiency is an important characteristic of a heating system. This coefficient is directly dependent on the design features of the equipment and the method of fuel combustion. For solid fuel boilers, the efficiency is quite high, it is 80-98%.
  • Operating cost. The reliability of the brand of boilers depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the design solutions, materials used for the components and the body, the cost and availability of services, spare parts, and operating conditions.
  • The type of fuel consumed is another important characteristic. When calculating the cost of heating in a private house, the price of the selected fuel in the region (coal, pellets, firewood) and the performance of the equipment are taken into account. The more expensive the fuel is and the higher the combustion rate, the more expensive the heating of a private house or cottage becomes.


There are several classes of boiler equipment according to the principle of its operation:

Quite traditionally arranged. They consist of a combustion chamber and an ash chamber, a tank for a water jacket, a chimney. All known types of solid fuels are used - firewood, sawdust, pellets, they can also be heated with coal. They are used in heating circuits with natural air circulation. Every 5-7 hours of operation it is necessary to load the next portion of fuel. The automatic control unit regulates the air supply to control the process of fuel combustion, depending on the temperature mode set on the display. In the best models, a draft regulator is built into the chimney, the task of which is to force cold air into the chimney in order to keep the heat inside the furnace as much as possible.

Gas generating or pyrolysis.
These boilers have two combustion chambers. Firewood is placed in the lower firebox, where, under the influence of high temperature and in the complete absence of oxygen, the process of smoldering takes place. Carbon dioxide enters the upper chamber, burns there, the heat exchanger heats up. It is necessary to load fuel once a day. There are models of boilers with automatic and manual draft regulator. Look at user reviews on the forums, think about what is more convenient for you.

Why are pellet boilers so popular in Europe? It is this equipment that requires minimal human presence and runs on environmentally friendly fuel. Pellets are granules made from sawdust, peat, wood and agricultural waste.

    The main advantages of pellet boilers:
  • high efficiency;
  • wide range of adjustments;
  • fuel is undemanding to storage conditions.

Among the shortcomings, we note the high cost of equipment and pellets.

Please note: if necessary, the pellet burner is covered with a sheet of iron on top and you can heat the system with coal or peat, firewood is also suitable.

Long burning.
These boilers are closest to pyrolysis boilers, but the principle of operation is slightly different. The furnace consists of two chambers, at the bottom there is smoldering and the formation of gases. In the upper chamber, the gas mixes with air and burns completely. According to the number of actions performed by gases in the flame tubes, they are divided into one-, two- and three-way. Three-way heat generators are considered the most efficient, because they select the thermal energy of flue gases as fully as possible. On one load with wood, it works for about two days, with coal - up to five. In addition, it can be fired with coke, pellets and petroleum products. The ideal decision for non-residential premises, dachas, garages.

In the instructions for the equipment, boiler manufacturers describe in detail which fuel will be used as the main and which is additional.

Production material: steel vs. cast iron
The main materials for the production of solid fuel boilers are cast iron and steel. Steel models have high thermal conductivity and are strong enough, while cast iron grades, with their fragility, have a long (up to 20 years) service life. When studying consumer reviews, the following summary was obtained.

Steel boilers

  • allow you to actively use automation, sensitively respond to changes in operating parameters.
  • have a high efficiency.
  • easily tolerate temperature fluctuations.
  • weak point: welds. Rusty, cracked, internally folded boilers cannot be repaired.
  • equipped with only one heat exchanger.
  • subject to corrosion.

Cast iron models

    • prefabricated structure.
    • the presence of the main and additional external heat exchange circuit.
    • threaded connections, replaceable seals.
    • are not afraid of corrosion (although with a long service life, coating

are covered with a film of “dry rust”, which, unlike steel corrosion, does not progress).

  • subjected to thermal shock. With sharp jumps in temperature, fatigue zones appear.

Criterias of choice

We figured out the basic concepts, it's time to voice additional criteria that will help evaluate the ease of use of the models you are interested in, add individuality to them.

The presence of external insulation.
It is the external thermal insulation that makes it possible to reduce heat losses during heating of the boiler room, significantly slows down the cooling time of the boiler. It also allows you to load the furnace not earlier than after 7-12 hours, there is no need for "cold" kindling.

The number of elbows in the flue system.
If the boiler is straight, its performance is equal to the efficiency of a small indoor fireplace. The more economical the heater becomes, the more parts the chimney is made up of.

Pressurization system.
The presence of such a node reduces the requirements for the number of chimney elbows. At the same time, a high-efficiency boiler copes with the process perfectly, even with a clearly weak draft.
Devices with a pressurization design require constant monitoring of the seals of the firebox doors, the presence of the most inconspicuous gap ensures that smoke enters the living quarters of the house.

Energy independence
Like the ability to work in the event of a power outage. Boilers with natural circulation of the coolant operate in this mode. However, such equipment has a low efficiency, does not monitor the combustion process, unlike units with a volatile automatic control panel.

Temperature controller.
In the absence of a thermostatic unit, the system will have to be properly looked after. In the presence of a modern temperature control device, one load of the fuel chamber at a temperature of about 0 ° C is enough for a day.

Existence of the chamber of combustion of the fulfilled gases with lining.
If we compare boilers with and without lining function, it turns out that the former burn 25-45% less fuel for the same power output.
If you install a solid fuel boiler in order to save money, then the lining function is mandatory.

Boiler equipment security system
On the Internet, there are consumer reviews about cases of folding the walls of boilers inward. This situation occurs in cases of overheating due to violations of operating conditions. Therefore, take care of your boiler and consider a security system.

Regardless of whether the boiler is fired with coal or wood, the circulation of the heat agent is forced. To prevent overheating in case of circulation disturbance, a cooling heat exchanger is installed. It is built into the boiler, or installed at the outlet.

It is impossible to install an independent cooling circuit inside cast-iron boilers, so they mount it at the outlet of the device and supply it with a thermal valve that operates when the critical temperature is reached.

Some boiler manufacturers use shut-off valves that block the fuel supply when overheating.

To feel 100% sure of the safe operation of the boiler room, install a storage tank in the heating system. It will accumulate heat, if necessary, transfer it to heating devices. Such a buffer tank will increase the efficiency of the boiler, ensure automatic maintenance of an even temperature of the coolant, and reduce fuel consumption.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all the excessive pressure formed in the hydraulic jacket that folds the walls of the boiler, it is just released through the blast valve. The physical ability of the metal to expand folds the walls of the boiler, while the process takes place in the easiest direction, inward. Remember - the normal pressure for a long-burning boiler is 1.5 barrels, and the maximum allowable coolant temperature is + 95 ° C.

3 popular models of solid fuel boilers

When choosing a solid fuel boiler, study its functionality. Now the owners of private houses are concerned about finding a universal unit. Manufacturers are expanding the capabilities of products: they offer models that run on different types of fuel, automate the process as much as possible. Consider 3 models of solid fuel boilers within the parameters described above.

1. Candle 18 firm AREMIKAS (Aremikas), Lithuania
Fuel: firewood.
Type of: prolonged burning.
Material: steel.
Power: 18 kW, which is enough to heat a house with an area of ​​​​50 to 120 m2.
Chimney diameter: 160 mm, thrust - 15 Pa.

The shape is elongated cylindrical, the minimum burning time of one bookmark of firewood is 7 hours, the maximum is 34 hours. Compact, non-volatile, economical.

Review: “Experimentally determined the optimal size of logs of 10-20 cm, so that they fit comfortably in one hand. The better the wood is laid, the better it will burn. Ivan

2. Zota Mix 40 manufacturer Russia
Fuel: firewood, diesel, gas, coal, fractional coal.
Type of: classic, combined.
Material: steel.
Power: maximum 40 kW.
Chimney pipe height: 8 m

The boiler is equipped with an electronic control module. The water jacket is located along the contour of the combustion chamber. The efficiency of the combustion process is ensured by a mechanical draft regulator, a thermomanometer for monitoring the temperature and pressure of the coolant.

Reviews: “I also have Zota, there are no problems with the equipment, but I had to contact the manufacturing plant ... If there are problems, call or write ... There are representative offices in many cities ... intelligent, responsive people” Peter.

3. Alpine Air Solidplus-4, Turkey
Type of fuel: coal, firewood.
Material: cast iron.
Combustion chamber type: open.
Power: 25.5 kW.
efficiency: 70%.

The boiler is treated on top with a special, corrosion-resistant paint. The manufacturer gives a guarantee for 3 years of uninterrupted service. Non-volatile, which allows efficient operation at low temperatures.

What consumers say: “I am the owner of a small country house with an area of ​​90 square meters. Bought Alpin a year ago. It works like a clock, without failures, both under heavy loads and not very much. I chose a cast iron boiler because it keeps heat for a long time. Happy with the purchase, good value for money." Alex.

Buying heating equipment should be after a thorough study of the technical characteristics of the device, reviews on the forums from real consumers, and an analysis of your own needs. Only a properly selected unit will help create a comfortable atmosphere at home and fill it with cozy warmth.

Wood-burning boilers for home heating are still popular, despite the variety of models of gas and electric boilers, and there is a simple explanation for this: firewood is the most affordable type of fuel for country houses that are not connected to the main gas.

The efficiency of modern wood-burning boilers is quite high, their efficiency reaches 85%, while not only firewood, but also pellets, as well as woodworking waste can be used as fuel.

Wood-burning boilers used for heating a country house are easy to connect and use - they are even easier to handle than a stove. They are safe as long as they are properly installed and operated. The only serious drawback of wood-burning boilers is the low level of automation of the process: fuel must be loaded into the boiler manually. The way out of the situation can be a boiler with a long burning function or a combined boiler that runs on solid fuel and has an additional diesel or gas burner or an electric heating element.

Despite the huge selection of models of wood-burning boilers, their device does not differ so much. Any wood-burning boiler for home heating necessarily has a fuel combustion chamber, a water heat exchanger, a chimney and an ash pan. The simplest wood-burning boiler in terms of design resembles a potbelly stove with a water jacket: when wood is burned in the furnace, water heats up and enters the heating system. The efficiency of such a boiler is low, and the consumption of firewood is significant, due to incomplete combustion of fuel, part of the money flies into the pipe in the literal sense of the word. The design of modern boilers with the function of long burning, of course, is more complicated; the device of such a boiler and its main elements are shown in the figure.

Firewood is loaded into the boiler through the top loading door at once in a large volume. The initial fuel combustion takes place in the gasification chamber. The flow of air, and with it the oxygen necessary for combustion, into this chamber is limited - this is how the intensity of combustion is regulated. In this mode, the firewood does not burn, but smolders with the formation of more heat, while the water is heated in the heat exchanger. But the combustion process does not end there: during smoldering, smoke is formed containing combustible gases. These gases enter the second chamber - the combustion chamber, which also serves as an ash pan. The air supply to this chamber is no longer limited, and with a sufficient amount of oxygen, afterburning of gases occurs. The combustion temperature of the gas-air mixture is very high, and the heating efficiency of the water heat exchanger in this chamber is also very high. As a result, the smoke is cleaned of ash and harmful combustible gases, which makes the new generation wood-burning boilers very environmentally friendly.

Pyrolysis is a process of long burning

Video - the principle of operation of a long-burning wood-burning boiler

Smoke is removed through a chimney channel connected to the chimney and pipe. To supply cold and discharge hot water from the heat exchanger, the boiler is equipped with branch pipes. They are connected to the heating system according to the selected scheme. Boilers of the new generation are equipped with automation, which makes it possible to simplify the maintenance of the boiler as much as possible:

  • a temperature sensor that sends a signal to the primary air supply fan;
  • pressure sensor, signaling the excess of the normal value;
  • water pressure sensors in the system.

The efficiency of solid fuel boilers directly depends on the type and quality of fuel. If the boiler is designed to work on wood, coal and peat briquettes must not be loaded into it! This will reduce the efficiency of the boiler and may damage it. It is also not recommended to use poorly dried firewood and softwood for burning a wood-burning boiler - they burn with the formation of a large amount of steam, tar and soot, and the boiler will have to be cleaned much more often.

Wood boilers - choice

The choice of a wood-burning boiler must begin with the calculation of the required power - this parameter is indicated in the passport for the boiler and is measured in kilowatts. One kilowatt of boiler power is enough to heat ten square meters of a well-insulated room. For example, in the middle lane, a boiler with a power of 10 kW is needed to heat a house with an area of ​​100 square meters. For frosty days and poorly insulated rooms, a power reserve of 20-30% is required. When choosing, you should pay attention not only to the rated power, but also to the entire range in which the boiler can operate - in autumn and spring it is not advisable to heat the boiler at full power. If you plan to use the boiler also for hot water, then you will need an external boiler and an additional boiler power reserve based on the number of people permanently living in the house.

An important role is played by the material of the boiler - steel or cast iron. Steel boilers are lighter and have a simpler design of the furnace, which is easier to clean - just remove the ash from the ash pan. The smoke channel of steel boilers is longer, so the heat carrier is heated more efficiently. In cast iron boilers, the smoke channel is shorter, and a large heat exchange area is achieved due to the ribbed surface in which combustion products settle; the cast iron boiler will have to be cleaned using brushes, scrapers and a poker. At the same time, the heat capacity index of the boiler itself is higher for cast-iron models.

Electric wood boilers can be distinguished as a separate type, which, with the help of electricity, further increase efficiency. Modern automation monitors the combustion process and influences it with the help of valves that regulate the flow of incoming air into the furnace, so you can control the temperature in the furnace at a given level!

Wirbel steel wood burning boiler

An important indicator is the ratio of the volume of the loading chamber to the power of the boiler. In simpler terms, how many times a day you will have to approach the boiler to load fuel. For steel boilers, this figure is usually higher - an average of 1.5-2.5 l / kW versus 1.1-1.4 l / kW for cast iron ones - therefore, loading is carried out less often.

Be sure to check the availability of an emergency cooling system and clarify how it works. This system may be needed in case of overheating of the boiler and boiling water in the heat exchanger. Boilers with a separate emergency cooling circuit are safer, but if emergency cooling is arranged by abruptly draining the water from the heat exchanger and replacing it with cold water, make sure that the boiler is resistant to thermal shock.

Protection against burns is an important indicator, especially if unauthorized people or children have access to the boiler room. A useful option is heat-insulated firebox handles, protective casings and grates, thermal insulation of the most heated surfaces of the boiler.

Thermal protection of boilers is a prerequisite for safety

Wood boilers - installation requirements

Efficient and safe operation of a wood burning boiler is not possible without proper installation. How to install the boiler with your own hands without violating safety rules?

Installation location

Any wood-burning boiler consumes a fairly large amount of air during operation, therefore, for small-capacity boilers that can be installed in the common areas of the house, supply and exhaust ventilation is performed, and with a boiler power of more than 50 kW, it is necessary to equip a separate boiler room with a usable room volume of 8 cubic meters. Wood boilers are installed on a solid, even base with a fireproof coating - concrete, tile, porcelain stoneware. The walls must also be lined with non-combustible materials. The boiler room is equipped with forced ventilation.

Chimney Requirements

The chimney for a wood-burning boiler is made of stainless steel, ceramic or thick-walled metal pipe. Sandwich stainless steel chimneys are the best choice. They are easily assembled from various elements - pipes fastened with clamps, roof passages, unloading platforms. When bending such a chimney, bends at a certain angle are used. It is allowed to lead the chimney of the boiler not through the roof, but through the wall of the building. The height of the straight part of the chimney for stable draft in the boiler must be at least 6 meters for a 16 kW boiler and at least 10 meters for a 32 kW boiler, with a pipe diameter of 200 mm.

Service and maintenance

It is also necessary to clarify the terms of service and warranty service of the selected boiler model, the proximity of service centers and the possibility of calling specialists for installation and repair. It may happen that servicing a cheaper model will cost much more than analogues of well-known companies that have service centers in large cities.

Video - self-installation of solid fuel boilers

Wood boilers for home heating after installation are connected to the water heating system. For uninterrupted operation of the system, you can additionally install a heater tank on electric heating elements in it, in this case you do not have to throw firewood during a night's rest or absence from home.