Carpets and curtains in the living room interior. Carpets in a modern interior: selection rules. Shapes, sizes and designs of carpets

Modern apartment designs usually do not involve carpet on the floor. The choice of flooring is extensive, but in the photo such options look austere, they lack comfort. Therefore, the good old carpet on the floor is a thing beyond any fashion trends.

A properly selected carpet performs many useful functions from soundproofing to dividing a room into zones. There are many modern carpets, they are divided by color, size, pile length and material.

In the design of the living room, it is better to use carpets of calm tones or with a burnt-out pattern. The carpet should not cover the entire perimeter of the room. For a small room, it is better to choose the option with a small pattern, volumetric details will look ridiculous.

If we are talking about the opposite of a large room, the floor can be decorated with a small round carpet. The texture of the living room carpet should be embossed or smooth, have a small nap.

Product size

The general rule for the size of the product: you need to measure 25 cm from the walls and objects surrounding the carpet, so you get the centimeters you need. The size of the carpet should be such that all the main furniture in the room can be placed one third of its length. Small rugs serve to highlight a specific area, in front of a bed or chair.

Shape selection

The shape of the carpet should emphasize the general style of the room: if most of the objects in it are rectangular, then the carpet should also be rectangular; for a large room, you can choose a carpet with a complex shape; for a small one, a small path is also suitable. The presence of contrasting stripes can visually lengthen and expand the space.


Carpet material is also important. When choosing, you need to remember where you want to mark the carpet, for what purposes to use it, whether you have children and pets in your family.

Wool. This is an expensive and not bad thing. The elasticity of the product helps to serve it for more than 50 years without changing its appearance and properties. Manufacturers offer options both from pure one hundred percent wool, and with the addition of artificial threads.

Carpets made from natural materials can be attacked by moths and deteriorate from mold. If such a carpet gets dirty, then the surest way is dry cleaning. When buying, you will have to be patient, use special detergents and get used to monitoring the humidity in the room.

Silk. Silk products are expensive, but in the process of use, you will understand that their price is justified. The carpets are incredibly durable and very beautiful. Due to the brightness and uniqueness of the images, such carpets are often referred to as works of art, and they hesitate to lay them on the floor, using them as a bedspread.

Viscose. Your dream is a silk carpet, but funds do not allow you to purchase such a precious thing? Buy a viscose rug. It does not wipe off, is wear-resistant, does not wrinkle, the quality of the patterns on the product is transmitted no worse than on silk, it is easier to remove dirt from it. For a large family, this rug will be the perfect solution.

Nylon. A product made of this material has all the properties of silk or viscose carpets, but its main advantage is that it does not catch fire. This is the most valuable quality for a family with children. So even if your kids decide to "play naughty", no one, and even the coating, beautiful and bright, will not suffer.

Polypropylene. Products of such material are not expensive, not whimsical to care for, although their service life is short. Maximum five years. But there will be an opportunity to refresh the design.

Polyester. Products made from such material resemble woolen ones. They look great with long pile on the living room floor and keep warm well. But their huge drawback is that they accumulate static electricity, after washing they can deform.

Fashion trends affecting the choice of carpet for the living room also apply to products of this type, consider the most popular of them:

  • Various graphic ornaments, dots, squares and circles, all colors of the palette.
  • Antigraphics, drawings in the style of retouching, the possibility of a gradient and so on, too, as a rule, are quite bright little things.
  • Animalistic, this is for lovers of zebra and leopard skins.
  • Vintage, fashionable antiquity, scuffs, classic muted colors, traditional pattern

We should also talk about vintage carpets. They can be incorporated into almost any interior, the main thing is to correctly place accents and take into account the details. Photos of interiors using such carpets are the most popular.

If the carpet is old and there are scuffs and holes in places, it will be appropriate to cut it into separate parts, throwing out the most worn places. Peel the pieces, treat with special insect repellents and trim the edges to your taste.

You can bring a carpet from your trip. Good, handmade products are sold in Uzbekistan and the Middle East. Their national patterns will create a special mood for your living room, will help you to plunge into the world of subtleties of the East, oriental sweets and spices. In any interior, such carpets look appropriate and cozy.

Another issue is the use of carpet in the hallway. Of course, you should not choose a large carpet, due to the fact that it will have to be folded often, since cleaning in such rooms takes place regularly. But the presence of a small rug of a complex or rounded shape, on the contrary, can help with cleaning.

You need to choose a thing with a rubber base made of synthetic or acrylic fibers in a neutral shade. The design of the carpet should not be complicated so as not to burden the overall perception of the interior of the room. Man-made fiber is easier and easier to clean.

The colors on such canvases remain bright for a long time, so such an object will not only emphasize the individuality of the design, but also simply delight the eyes of its owners.

Most often, carpets are purchased at the Ikea store. Here your imagination will have a place to turn around because the company offers a wide range of colors, a huge number of shapes and sizes, and there is even a certain gap in the choice of the length of the pile. The main products of the company are, of course, models made of artificial materials, because the demand for them is much greater.

Now you know all the main necessary characteristics of the product that will help you to successfully fit the carpet you like into any interior. Use these wonderful things, fill your home with comfort and joy.

Photos of carpets in the interior

Until a few decades ago, carpets were considered a sign of wealth. Therefore, in the homes of people whose lives mostly fell on the past era, you can find these interior accessories not only on the floor, but also on one or two walls of each room.

Today, however, it is common practice to use carpet only for floors. At the same time, his goal is not to emphasize the social status of the owners, but to give the room a stylish look and make it as comfortable as possible. It is worth talking in detail about how to choose a carpet for the living room floor - after all, it largely depends on how the interior of the room will look.

Traditionally, natural materials were used to make carpets: wool, silk, cotton, jute. Nowadays, products made of synthetic threads - viscose, polyester, polyamide and polypropylene - are widely used. Let's dwell on some of them in more detail.

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Wool: A carpet made from it is soft, fluffy and warm, refined and elegant. True, wool is not dyed well enough, so the colors of such carpets are mostly pastel, muted.

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Silk is a material that is pleasant to the touch, smooth, with an elegant shine. Silk carpets are characterized by bright rich color and fine texture. In the living room, such a covering will look stylish and exclusive, however, silk products are quite slippery, therefore, laying such a carpet on varnished parquet or laminate flooring, you should bring it under the furnishings so that the coating does not shift and wrinkle.

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Viscose is a unique material: half artificial, half natural, as it is derived from cellulose fibers. If you are thinking about which carpet to choose for the living room, so as not to lose quality and significantly save money, inexpensive and durable viscose products will be the best solution.

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A cotton carpet is an excellent offer for those who value environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity in the interior. A warm and tactilely pleasant accessory will perfectly complement the interior, in the design of which the eco, country or Provence style was chosen.

Advantages and disadvantages of materials

All natural carpets have both indisputable advantages and significant disadvantages. In particular, the benefits are:

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The advantage of the products is the absolute environmental friendliness inherent in all interior elements, in the manufacture of which natural fiber is used.

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Also, the advantages of carpets made of natural material include high heat and sound insulation.

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Another advantage of natural carpets is durability.

Now - about the cons of carpets made from natural materials.

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Their main disadvantage is attractiveness not only for owners, but also for moths, mold and mildew spores. Manufacturers are successfully fighting these problems today, impregnating coatings with antifungal, anti-mole, fire-fighting and other means that increase their durability.

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The disadvantages include burnout under the influence of direct sunlight.

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Natural carpets are difficult to maintain and can shrink when wet cleaned or washed.

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Such products are highly static, so a large amount of dust can accumulate in them in a short time.

This should be taken into account when choosing a natural flooring for the living room.

Synthetic carpets are cheaper and less whimsical, keep their shape well, are resistant to many external influences, are durable, easy to clean, and, with high-quality flame retardant treatment, are practically safe.

They have one significant drawback - these products are not natural.

Shape and size: how to choose the right carpet for your living room

Before as choose a carpet in the living room, check its size. Modern interior fashion trends state that textile flooring should cover no more than two-thirds of the total floor area. Based on the general parameters of the room, you should focus on the size of the carpet.

Before you go shopping, you can conduct a visual experiment. Take a skein of colored tape or textile tape and line them up with the boundaries of the future carpet. This will help you visually assess whether you have correctly decided on the size and shape.

Number of carpets in the living room

There are several ways to carpeted your living room.

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One accessory spread in the center of the room: Suitable for small spaces where furniture and other furnishings are arranged around the perimeter, under the walls. And if you want to make the living room longer, choose a narrow carpet runner. And if your room looks like a subway car, expand it with a square rug.

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Two to three medium-sized rugs: an excellent solution for spacious rooms in which several functional areas are used simultaneously. Multiple rugs of different textures and colors make it easy to separate your office from your sitting area or play area.

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Lots of small rugs: this is a way out for those who want to leave the base flooring as much as possible open to their eyes, but are not ready to put up with the inconvenience. Let your floor, covered with parquet or parquet board, laminate or porcelain stoneware, remain in sight. And place small rugs by the sofa, chair, table or fireplace so that you can put your feet on them. At the same time, their shape can be any - square, rectangular, round, oval or curly, repeating the outlines of other interior details.

Shades and colors: a palette of colors in your living room

Knowing how to choose the right carpet for your living room requires a basic understanding of color. So, for example, you should not use bright, catchy and saturated colors if the carpet takes up most of the area. A flashy color is appropriate only as point accents.

When choosing a carpet color, pay attention to the following aspects.

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Combination with a shade of the floor: for dark floors, warm pastel light tones are suitable - beige, smoky gray, light salad. On light parquet or laminate flooring, rich green, chocolate brown, yellow, orange and carmine carpets look best.

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Illumination and microclimate in the living room. If the windows of the room face the southern sunny side, a cool color scheme will perfectly fit into the interior: a blue, green or lilac carpet will create an atmosphere of pleasant coolness in such a living room. And for dark and cold rooms, it is better to use yellow, orange, terracotta carpets as flooring. Warm colors will mentally warm the room. Add to this a long and soft pile - and you can feel cozy and comfortable in your own living room at any time of the year, even if cold rain sows outside the window or bitter frost reigns.

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Harmony with other interior items. Before choosing a carpet for your living room, take an impartial look at all the furnishings. If any of the tones is repeated more often than others, that is, it is dominant, it is desirable that it be present in the color palette of the carpet. This will organically "fit" the accessory into the interior of the room.

Do not forget that the color of the carpet on a roll or on a vertical display case can differ significantly from what you get when you lay the carpet in a horizontal position. Therefore, ask the seller to spread the product on the floor - this way you can accurately assess its shade.

The pattern of your carpet

A little about ornaments and artistic images. Let's make a reservation right away that for small cramped living rooms it is advisable to purchase plain carpets - colorful ornamental delights will distract attention, put pressure on the psyche and cause fatigue.

As for the spacious rooms, everything here is left to the imagination of the owners or designers. The main thing is that the drawing corresponds to the style in which the living room is decorated: geometric and abstract patterns will suit the techno setting and modern minimalist interiors, large floristry and animalistics look great in Empire and modern style, and small chaotic colors will fit decently into rustic country or Provence. But keep in mind that flowers, plant shoots and flying moths on the carpet are not “friendly” with geometric patterns on curtains or upholstered furniture. Choose one ornamental direction for one room.

For those who still do not fully understand how to choose a carpet for the living room, photos of the best interiors from leading designers will demonstrate a clear answer to this question. Helpful advice: consider all the disadvantages and advantages of certain options and solutions, but do not be afraid to experiment! Even if the carpet you bought cannot perfectly fit into the living room, chosen with love, it will give the room a unique atmosphere of eclecticism and home comfort.

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Quote post by Kandy_sweet Interiors with carpets

More recently, carpets have received a lot of criticism. They said that they accumulate too much dust, that they are too bulky, and indeed out of date. The owners of the apartments got rid of the old woolen carpets and covered the floor with laminate. However, this denial of centuries-old traditions could not last long. Today in stores there is a wide range of different carpets that are striking in their beauty. You can buy a carpet in the online store with delivery in Moscow and all cities of Russia. Saving time and money, you can choose among a large assortment of carpets, rugs, rugs from different manufacturers.

Carpets are essential for thermal insulation and soundproofing of the floor. You don't have to wear slippers because you can walk barefoot on the carpet. And most importantly, the carpet is able to reduce the sound of steps. Besides the practical side of the carpet, there is another side - the aesthetic one. Thanks to carpets, the room becomes cozy.

Now we can say with confidence that carpets are back in fashion. This is a real success for designers, because with the help of a carpet alone, you can transform the interior beyond recognition: add coziness or restraint, expand the space or narrow it, darken it or, conversely, illuminate it with soft light. By the way, the secrets of using carpet in the interior are available not only to designers - now you will also learn them.

Carpet size matters for the interior

Once upon a time, large carpets covered the entire floor, including the space under sofas and beds. This approach gives the entire interior completeness, indicates the general nature of all the details of the room. At the same time, the flooring looks like a single whole, which is always relevant.

Large rug covers the entire bedroom floor in soft, fluffy pile

However, medium-sized carpets are now considered more fashionable. They do not cover the entire floor in the room, but focus on a specific area, for example, a recreation area.

Medium carpet enhances the seating area

Small rugs, which are used to create bright accents on small interior details, also look interesting in the interior. Such a mini-rug, laid out near a wooden bench, will add softness to the recreation area and warm the legs of those sitting.

On a warm summer evening, a small rug can be an extra seating area.

The world of interior is ruled by color

The color of the carpet is also important. For a dark room with north-facing windows, it is best to choose a carpet in light and warm colors, such as yellow or orange. Such a coating will visually add sunlight to a dark room. And, conversely, in an excessively sunny hot room, a carpet of a cold shade - blue, green, purple - will give visual coolness.

The color of the carpet must match the color of the entire floor. On light and warm wood or tiles, warm shades of yellow-green will look good. Purple and pinkish rugs will look perfect on grayish floors. Carpets of rich shades in ocher and green tones are suitable for red and red floor colors. For a dark floor (for example, "wenge"), choose light colors of carpets: white, beige, light blue and pale pink.

A warm beige carpet looks good on a light floor.

If a certain color dominates in the carpet color, then it is desirable that it be repeated in some other interior detail, for example, on pillows, tablecloths, table vases, etc. Small but striking colors on the carpet can also be "supported", but with larger details - the colors of furniture, curtains, wallpaper, etc.

Drawing: monotony or a riot of colors?

A monochromatic carpet is perfect for a room of any size, emphasizing the color of furniture and other interior details. A large, catchy drawing on the canvas will visually narrow the space, so it will be more appropriate on the floor in a large room. As for the interior of a small narrow room, a carpet with a colorful pattern located diagonally will perfectly fit into it. In the event that the pattern of the carpet is clearly geometric (squares, circles, broken lines), then it is advisable to repeat it - in the shapes or colors of furniture, curtains, pillows.

When choosing a bright carpet for your room, be careful! Catchy carpets tend to muffle the rest of the room. Therefore, in order to favorably emphasize the luxurious designer furniture, choose a carpet of a single color as a companion. Conversely, simple furnishings will sparkle with new colors when complemented by a bright carpet with a luxurious pattern.

Each room has its own carpet

Any, even the most wonderful and high-quality carpet, will not look equally good in all rooms of your apartment. A carpet with a long luxurious pile will perfectly fit into the romantic interior of the bedroom and will additionally warm the floor.

Light carpet with a long pile - the best solution for the bedroom

In the hallway, the same carpet will look inappropriate: it will quickly get dirty and will be uncomfortable with a large crowd of people. It is better to choose a synthetic carpet runner with a short pile and a fine pattern here - dust and dirt will not be too noticeable on it. For corridors and stairs, it is also necessary to select coatings that can mask dirt. As a rule, these are synthetic dark coatings that do not require special care.

For the living room, a classic high density wool carpet is suitable. In the nursery, it is necessary to select rugs with a bright, intricate pattern, preferably depicting cartoon characters or a plot from a favorite fairy tale. Often in nurseries, small bedside rugs are used that zone the room and separate the seating area from the rest of the room.

Practical rugs for the children's room delight in bright colors

The qualities of modern materials make it possible to create carpets for kitchens from them - with the addition of moisture-resistant impregnation to the pile. For bathrooms, synthetic or cotton rugs are used with a moisture-resistant foam rubber base - they do not deteriorate from moisture, dry quickly, and are pleasant for feet.

The original rug for the kitchen is covered with moisture-resistant impregnation, so it is not afraid of moisture

The carpet can become a real decoration for any interior. You just need to choose the right flooring. We hope that with our advice, you can easily cope with this with a bang and give odds to any venerable designer!

How to match a sofa and carpet in the living room? Complementing the image of the room with a carpet is a good idea for those who want to transform their interior and are looking for special comfort. In addition, competent use, correctly chosen design, color and shape will make the carpet the main semantic center of the room. The carpet will become a connecting link and unite the entire interior composition into a single whole. And those who want change will have the opportunity to radically change the appearance of the room, adding color and texture to it.

Fluffy gray carpet

Material for the manufacture of a matted carpet

Since ancient times, wool and silk have been used for the production of carpet. But in modern conditions, in addition to these materials, artificial raw materials such as polypropylene, nylon, viscose, etc. are also involved in this process.


Wool carpets are classics and costly. Woolen wool is traditionally made from warm, durable and pleasant to the touch sheep wool. Such a carpet has an elastic pile, which is characterized by fire-fighting properties, so it does not contribute to the spread of fire when burning. The woolen carpet looks noble and solid, and its useful life reaches 40-50 years!

High pile white carpet

The disadvantages of woolen carpets include their rapid contamination, which requires frequent cleaning, and is exposed to mold and moths. However, modern manufacturers have long been coping with these natural shortcomings of wool by impregnating the fibers with special dirt-repellent, antimolal and antifungal substances.

Multi-colored striped carpet

Wool fibers absorb dyes worse than their synthetic counterparts, so their color is calmer. However, the paint almost does not fade, so it will remain bright on a woolen carpet after 10 years, and on a synthetic one it will fade in a few years.

Delicate snow-white carpet


Another natural material from which a carpet on the living room floor can be made is silk. The silk carpet is based on natural fiber, which is created by the caterpillars of the silkworm butterfly. Silk carpets are much more expensive than woolen carpets, but their properties more than compensate for the money spent on them. Firstly, such coatings are incredibly durable, and secondly, they look very beautiful due to the unique luster of the pile and are very delicate to the touch.

The carpet can be matched to the color of the sofa and textiles

The strong and flexible silk thread allows detailed elaboration of the carpet design, as it is very thin. Therefore, silk carpets compete with the paintings of great masters in their beauty. True, with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, silk carpets are prone to fading and can shed if washed incorrectly.

Multi-colored carpet in the interior of the living room


Viscose is a man-made fiber that is obtained, oddly enough, from a natural material called cellulose, which is obtained in turn from spruce and pine wood. Therefore, although viscose carpets are considered artificial, they are inherently a very good substitute for natural material. By the way, viscose is similar in appearance to silk, that's why it was called "artificial silk".

Carpet in the interior of a classic living room

Viscose yarns are easily dyed, so they create colorful and very bright coatings with a slight sheen, which are able to retain their original color longer. Viscose carpets are durable, such coatings do not electrify, do not rub or wrinkle, which allows them to be used in rooms where there are many people, the living room is one of them. The disadvantages of such carpets usually include the ability to absorb moisture and increase vulnerability when wet.

Carpet in the living room interior with oriental notes


Modern living room carpets made of natural cotton are characterized by high thermal conductivity. Cotton absorbs moisture well and is also capable of air permeability. Natural carpets are not scary for allergy sufferers and are also easy to clean. The cost of a cotton carpet is considered affordable. Among the disadvantages of cotton carpets are the tendency to wrinkle, shrinkage, deformation, as well as low elasticity.

Small square rug near the sofa


Jute is a family of shrubs, which include the well-known linden tree. Eco-friendly carpets are obtained from jute, very inexpensive and durable. The disadvantages of such carpets include the effect of water on the carpet: when liquid gets in, they shrink.

Fringed round rug


Polyamide is a common synthetic material from which modern carpets are often made. Strength, bright patterns, good fire resistance, elasticity - all this applies to synthetic nylon coatings. Another advantage of polyamide carpets is the sheen of its fibers, which gives the carpet an unusual decorative effect, as in the photo of carpets for the living room.

Snow-white lint-free carpet in the interior of a bright living room

Nylon carpets are very hardwearing and durable. They do not lose their shape and are resistant to the negative effects of various microorganisms, are easily erased and dry instantly. The disadvantages are usually attributed to the susceptibility of polyamide carpets to fading in the sun, the risks of becoming brittle and tough, and a high level of electrification.

The carpet can become the main and bright accent in the living room.


Polypropylene carpets are one of the most undemanding to maintain. This is due to the fact that the polypropylene thread is absolutely smooth, it does not allow dust and dirt to pass into its structure. Therefore, caring for such a carpet does not present any difficulties - just walk on the surface with a vacuum cleaner, and it will shine with cleanliness.

In this case, the carpet is matched to the accent wall behind the sofa.

Polypropylene carpets are very bright and beautiful, but unfortunately they are not at all durable. In addition, despite the price of polypropylene carpets in the living room, their age is short - a maximum of 4-5 years. After that, polypropylene carpets lose their beauty and do not look very presentable.

The original carpet repeats all the curves of upholstered furniture

The hit-set, which is treated with anti-mud and antiseptic agents, is also referred to as 100% polypropylene. Carpets for the living room made from similar raw materials are characterized by a number of advantages: they are durable, lightweight and inexpensive, do not fade in the sun, practically do not wash, and are not exposed to moths and microorganisms.

A soft and fluffy medium pile rug in a modern living room

The hit set is the only material on the market that is initially antistatic. Among the disadvantages of a hit-set are higher flammability than wool carpets, as well as a tendency to crease.

Stylish Japanese style rug


Polyester carpets are very similar to woolen carpets, not only in their appearance, but also in their special softness and great durability, which is noticeable from the photo of carpets for the living room. After all, acrylic fiber was originally conceived in the production of carpets as an analogue of wool. Acrylic is used today not only in the manufacture of carpets, but also clothing and blankets.

The carpet can mimic the skin of an animal

Acrylic carpets are good because they are soft and light, almost do not deform or wrinkle, dry quickly, are easy to clean from stains of various origins and are relatively inexpensive. In addition, acrylic carpets are very fire resistant and also practically do not fade in the sun. Among the disadvantages of such a floor accessory is electrification.

Bright and effective carpet serves as the main accent in the room

The size and shape of the carpet in the living room

By size, living room carpets fall into three main categories:

  1. Small, which have an area of \u200b\u200b3 square meters. Main dimensions: 0.6 by 1.1 meters; 0.8 by 1.5 meters; 1 by 2 meters; 1.5 by 2 meters.
  2. Medium, having an area of \u200b\u200b3 - 6 square meters. Basic dimensions: 2 by 3 meters, 1.5 by 2.05 meters.
  3. Large, with an area of \u200b\u200b6 square meters and more. Basic dimensions: 2 x 3.5 meters; 2 by 4 meters; 2.5 by 4 meters; 3 by 4 meters; 3 by 5 meters.

Too large carpets, which have overall dimensions of 2.5 meters or more, will certainly attract maximum attention. Therefore, for bright and stylish living room interiors with a variety of original details, it is best to choose plain carpets and carpets with a low-contrast and calm pattern.

Bright plain carpet

A small carpet, up to 2 meters in size, is able to perfectly emphasize the necessary areas, for example, a seating area in the living room. Very small rugs are wonderful accessories that can be used to conveniently place color accents and individual points of the room - the space in front of the fireplace, for example. These rugs can be of the most varied and vibrant shades and colors. In the living room, it is permissible to use several of the same type of rugs.

Jute fiber carpet

To determine in advance the size of the future carpet, you can use any colored tape and lay out the outline of the future carpet with it. This technique allows you to see the overall dimensions and proportions of the carpet, as well as assess how they fit your room.

Oval carpet with floral patterns

If the furniture in the living room is located along the perimeter (square), or the room has a square shape, you can cut the carpet you like to the required size. It should be remembered that most carpets are no more than 3.6 meters wide (the length can be any). Therefore, you cannot in any case get a square carpet, the side of which is more than 3.6 meters, unless, of course, you will not be embarrassed by the seam on the carpet.

Dark rug with floral print

Regardless of what size carpet you want to choose for your room, it is advisable to present in advance all possible options for the arrangement of people on sofas, armchairs and chairs and place the carpet in such a way that the sitting person has both legs on the mat.

Lint-free carpet with large print

The shape of the living room carpet is also very important. If the choice fell on a carpet of a huge size and without detailed patterns, then it will contribute to the effect of increasing the space. If you spread a rug in the living room, it will seem that the room has become a little longer.

Original purple carpet

You can use a rug that follows the shape of the room, the outline of a coffee table or sofa. In this case, it should be borne in mind that this coating, after changing the interior, may not fit into the new environment. Round and oval living room rugs are often used to add color accents to interiors. In addition, designers offer carpets with a pattern that repeats the pattern of upholstery or curtains.

Carpet with imitation tiger skin

Color range of carpets for living room interior decoration

For most carpets, its color is certainly very important. For a bright living room with windows facing south, carpets in cold colors are considered appropriate. If the room, on the contrary, is darkish, then it can be "warmed" with a carpet of a warm tone. The indisputable advantages of plain carpets also include the fact that they are able to favorably emphasize the color and shape of furniture.

Large size brown carpet

By the way, one of the main tendencies is as follows: the tone of the carpet should match the tone of the floor, if we are talking about parquet or laminate of a traditional light color or linoleum with an unobtrusive pattern. If you decide to arrange a dark floor, for example, burgundy, brown or even black, then the carpet is best contrasted with it, otherwise your eyes will get too tired from the excessive abundance of gloomy tones.

Small rug with zigzag print

Remember that patterned carpets draw too much attention and distract from everything else. If you want to purchase a huge carpet with an unusual pattern, then it is worth considering that it looks good only in a spacious living room. In a room cluttered with furniture, such a carpet will constantly ripple in the eyes of residents.

Zebra Imitation Carpet

Nowadays there is a fashionable trend - carpets with faded colors, as if faded in the sun, the style is “shabby chic”. These rugs are great for interiors with antique furniture. For classic living room interiors, it is better to choose a carpet with a pattern that copies images of famous French carpets, with peculiar floral arabesque motifs and baroque ornaments.

A small rug near the sofa under the feet

Modernity, on the contrary, requires rigor and restraint. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice on a plain carpet with avant-garde symbols or geometric patterns. For a room in an oriental or African theme, a carpet with appropriate patterns, beige and brown, is suitable.

To create an interesting visual effect, become a bright accent in the interior or complement it harmoniously - with the right color scheme of the carpet, you will certainly achieve the desired result. Does a neutral living room seem boring and too calm? Then you need a bright carpet. Complement it with decorative pillows in the same color scheme for a fresh and luscious living room in your home.

If moderation and serenity is your credo, a rug with a classic and uncomplicated pattern will work best. The main thing is to choose the right color of the product: it should be combined with the color scheme in the room, but not get lost. A difference of several tones is not just acceptable, but necessary. Otherwise, your new carpet will be lost and will not perform all its functions.

We have already learned as a multiplication table that light shades visually expand the space of a room. This golden rule also applies to carpets, so for owners of small apartments, light models will be the best solution. Solid carpets in rich and warm colors will visually narrow the room, and cold and calm ones will expand. A large pattern on a carpet has no place in a small apartment: space and distance are required for its perception. But the size of the carpet for a room of modest footage should be as large as possible: do not split the space with a small model.

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