Beautiful embroidery with ribbons of small flowers and greenery. Free patterns for ribbon embroidery. Leaves of flowers and cups with unopened buds

Embroidered paintings depicting flowers (violets, forget-me-nots, pansies) can decorate any interior. Embroidery of wildflowers or embroidery of pansies looks especially impressive. A composition with graceful small flowers, embroidered from satin stripes, will serve as a wonderful gift.

Ribbons can be used to embroider not only lush roses: garden daisies, sunny cosmos, bright dandelions - all these flowers will wonderfully decorate embroidered panels and pictures. A bouquet of such flowers in a vase looks charming, an embroidered umbrella with flowers is also very nice. You can choose a pattern for your future embroidery on the Internet for free, print and create your own embroidered masterpiece based on it.

A master class on embroidering flowers with satin ribbons, as well as patterns of embroidered paintings, can also be easily found on the Internet.

In order to make an embroidery from satin ribbons with the image of flowers, it is necessary, first of all, to carefully study the scheme of the selected work, as well as visit or watch a training master class on video. It is advisable that the master class presenter explains in as much detail the very technology of embroidering flowers with an atlas. Before embroidering flowers, you should prepare everything you need... You will need:

  • Scheme of work, preferably in color. In order to make it more convenient to embroider, the diagram can be printed on a printer in an enlarged form.
  • A hoop or stretcher to stretch the embroidery base.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Base fabric for work.
  • Embroidery ribbons. You can use regular satin ones, but the special ones for embroidery, which are sold in handicraft stores, are best suited.
  • Baguette or mat for embroidered composition decoration.

If there is a video with a training master class, before starting to make an embroidered picture, the content of the master class can be outlined in detail. In order for the result to meet expectations, you must carefully follow the scheme. Experienced craftswomen can draw a diagram on their own, for beginners it is better to take a ready-made version.

Gallery: ribbon embroidery (25 photos)

Embroidery with ribbons of flowers: master class

They are very popular with embroiderers pictures of daisies... To make the flowers look natural, curl stitches are used to make the daisies. The middle is usually embroidered with yellow floss, the most popular stitch for making the middle of a chamomile is the Rococo stitch.

Poppies also look spectacular... It is very simple to embroider poppies: you need to take scarlet threads and make the flower petals in one row, leaving a place for the embroidered center in the center. The middle can be embroidered with black or dark brown threads.

For the manufacture of stems and leaves, satin ribbons of various shades of green are used, depending on the general color of the picture. If you twist the green ribbon several times while sewing. It will curl up into a flagellum, and you get a very graceful thin stalk or leaf.

Pansies ribbon embroidery

Flower motif "pansies" is always popular in ribbon embroidery. To make pansies, you will need soft satin ribbons in the following colors: purple, hot pink and light yellow. To complete the leaves and stems, you need light green ribbons. Before work, it is recommended to burn the ends of the tapes on fire so that they do not fall off.

The tape should be folded at a ninety degree angle and secured with a sewing pin. Then take another tape, longer, and bend its ends so that they look down. Secure with sewing pins. Next, you need to sew both blanks using a basting stitch, carefully fold them together and sew to each other. The rest of the flowers should be done in the same way. The number of pansies can be arbitrary, depending on the size of the composition, but a large field of small graceful flowers looks most impressive. Next, you should make leaves and stems with green ribbons.

Forget-me-not ribbon embroidery: master class

Blue forget-me-nots will not leave anyone indifferent. This flower is traditionally one of the most popular embroidery motifs. The composition with the image of forget-me-nots will perfectly decorate a tablecloth, pillowcase, children's dress.

To make forget-me-nots, you will need bright blue satin ribbons, as well as light green ribbons for leaves and stems. The middle can be embroidered with yellow threads interspersed with black threads. The more forget-me-nots and the smaller their size, the more impressive the finished picture will look.

The most suitable seam for sewing leaves and stems - seam using curl... The curls make the flowers look more natural. To get the thinnest and most graceful stem, the tape can be twisted several times to get a thin flagellum.

The forget-me-not flower has five petals. All five loops must be of the same size for the flower to look beautiful and symmetrical. When the flowers are ready, you can embroider the yellow centers with floss threads. The tighter the knot is tightened, the smaller the size of the finished flowers. And, conversely, the looser the knot, the larger the forget-me-nots will turn out. The size of the flowers depends on the composition and preferences of the craftswoman. The picture with many small forget-me-nots looks the most impressive.

In order for the result to meet expectations, it is necessary to keep in mind important practical tips:

Embroidery with satin ribbons opens up unlimited scope for creativity. The main thing when doing work is attentiveness, patience and perseverance... It is also important to have an artistic taste. And then the work will be enjoyable.

Using silk and satin ribbons, needlewomen create truly magnificent things by means of embroidery. This type of creativity is extremely fashionable today. Craftswomen use this technique to embroider landscapes and animals, still lifes and subject paintings. And just luxuriously they get the embroidery of flowers with ribbons.

Selection of fabric for the base

Embroidering flowers with ribbons for beginners can seem daunting. Therefore, you should start learning from scratch. In order for the embroidery of flowers with ribbons to be of high quality, beautiful, you must first choose the right tools and materials for work. The result depends on this in the first place.

It is very important that the base fabric on which the flowers will be embroidered with ribbons is strong enough, because the stitches must be securely fixed. But do not forget that the fabric should easily pass the needle with the ribbon. Most often, craftswomen use tapestry, linen, canvas for embroidery.

Sometimes a color drawing is already printed on the canvas. It is very easy to embroider flowers with ribbons on it - schemes are not required in this case.

Selection of ribbons for embroidery

An interior item, created with your own hands, will decorate even the most modest dwelling, bring comfort and even some luxury to the room, add charm to a rich environment.

It is very important to choose the right shades of ribbons. Sometimes you have to combine several of their types, because the flower itself can have different tones at different points. To the middle, for example, it is darker and richer, and to the edges - softer and lighter.

To make the embroidery as naturalistic as possible, silk, satin, corrugated and nylon (organza) ribbons are used that are suitable in color and shades. Their width ranges from two to fifty millimeters.

Device for work

Every embroiderer knows how important it is to have a good comfortable embroidery frame. Only if the base on which the flowers are embroidered with ribbons is sufficiently stretched, you can count on getting a high-quality result.

The hoops are round, up to fifty centimeters in diameter. Small-scale work is performed on them. But for large paintings, the craftswoman will need a stationary hoop, reminiscent of an easel for drawing.

Selection of needles for embroidery

Handicrafts should not only be aimed at results. The process of work itself is a pleasure, a way to relieve stress, to get the joy of creation. Therefore, every little thing can be important.

Pay particular attention to the needles. The usual ones will not work here. Embroidery with satin ribbons of flowers is performed with special needles, chenille or tapestry, with a wide eyelet. The tape should be easily threaded through them. The craftswoman will need needles from the thirteenth to the eighteenth size and one for embroidery with beads (No. 26).

It is best to use blunt needles that move the warp threads apart, while sharp needles can tear them.

How to insert the tape into the needle

Usually for this stage of work the embroiderer needs scissors and a lighter. The tape is cut to the required length. one tip is melted so that it does not bloom.

The second edge of the tape is cut "to a corner". The sharp tip of the tape is guided into the eye of the needle and pulled to the very end. The brazed edge should linger around the hole.

Narrow ribbons no more than 4 mm wide are tied at the end with an ordinary knot. It should be of such a size that it does not slip into the ear. Wide tapes are fixed at the end with a "pillow" knot. To do this, the scorched edge needs to be rolled up a couple of times, the bend should be about 1 cm wide. Having pierced the resulting "pillow" in the middle with a needle, pull the tape through it.

Stitching methods

Everyone understands that working with ribbons is different from ordinary embroidery. There are different types of stitches that a needlewoman needs to master. This is necessary for the craftswoman so that the picture has a great resemblance to natural fresh flowers, so that beautiful and accurate embroidery with ribbons is obtained.

Bouquets of flowers with lush buds look luxurious when added with another method. It is based on folding the inner part of the bud and then sewing the opened petals into the embroidered rows.

Embroidery of flowers with ribbons. Master class: "Roses"

Almost all people like luxurious and delicate roses. It turns out that embroidering these flowers is not so difficult if you follow the step-by-step instructions. Even a novice needlewoman can master the lesson.

Start by pulling the base fabric over the hoop.

Making an inner rosebud

  1. The tip of the tape, 5 cm wide, is bent at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. The resulting sharp corner is rolled up into a tube. About three turns are done.
  3. The working tape is bent outward, fixed at the very bottom of the bud with a regular needle and thread and cut off. At the same time, the lower part of the workpiece is also stitched so that it does not disintegrate.

The execution of the flower itself

  1. You need to embroider a rose with an ordinary ribbon stitch with a shortened step. It looks like a loop and is pretty straightforward. A tape inserted into the eye of a needle with a knot-"cushion" pierces the base from the inside out. The tape is displayed on the front side of the work.
  2. At a distance of 2 centimeters from the entry point of the tape, the needle is brought out to the wrong side. It turns out a loop.
  3. The second petal is placed very close to the first. Therefore, a new puncture from the inside out with a needle is made every 3-4 mm.
  4. The second petal-"loop" is made in the same way.
  5. The petals are made in a circle, side by side, straightening the tape and giving it the desired shape.
  6. After half of the row of petals is made, a bud, which was made in advance, is inserted into the middle. It needs to be secured with a regular needle and thread.
  7. Next, you should continue to embroider the row. It should fit snugly enough to the bud.
  8. The next row of petals is similar. The denser the petals are in relation to each other, the more magnificent the ribbon embroidery will look.
  9. Flower leaves and unopened buds are made a little differently. You can start this stage of work after the embroidery of all large flowers is completed.

Leaves of flowers and cups with unopened buds

Combined Embroidery Patterns

Craftsmen often use several techniques in one job. For example, the painting "Flower lawn at the edge of the forest" looks amazing. Cross stitching is performed. The sky, the forest itself and the upper part of the lawn should become the background on which the wildflowers are embroidered with ribbons.

Many daisies usually grow in the meadow. Straight stitches are used for their embroidery. The tape is needed with a width of 1 cm to 1.5. You can use the curl stitch to embroider daisies. It successfully imitates the natural curves of the petals. When performing this stitch, the needle first pierces the tape before coming out on the wrong side of the warp (option one in the figure with stitches).

The core of the flowers is made with yellow floss threads in the "rococo" method or with loops.

Field poppies look just as beautiful. They are also not difficult to fulfill. One row of petals is embroidered with bright red ribbons in the same way that roses are embroidered. A core is placed in the center of the flower.

It is sewn separately from green satin in the form of a ball stuffed with padding polyester. With black threads, a floss is pulled from the middle to the edges, dividing it into five parts with radii. From the bottom of the ball, a fringe is made of loops. Fasten the core with a needle and thread. You can carefully paint the ends of the fringe with white gouache or toothpaste.

The flower stalks are made of green ribbons. You can twist the ribbon into a bundle while sewing stitches, making the stem thin. It is even recommended to fasten it with ordinary threads. Unopened poppy buds are embroidered according to the algorithm described for a pink bouquet.

Patterns for embroidery

Embroidery of flowers with ribbons will help to create a thing that gives joy to the eye. You can draw schemes for work yourself or translate any drawing you like onto tracing paper. Then the pattern should be transferred to the fabric.

Having placed a tracing paper with a pattern on the base, it is fixed with a thread with a seam "forward needle" so that after that you can easily remove both the stitches and the tracing paper itself. With a needle, frequent tattoos are made along the contours of objects that are planned to be placed on the embroidery.

After this procedure, the puncture sites are rubbed with crayon. After removing the tracing paper, a chalk outline of the drawing will remain on the base. Its outline can be outlined with a pencil for convenience. Only during embroidery should you try to position the objects so that the trail of the auxiliary lines is hidden under the stitches.

Today a water-disappearing marker has appeared with a self-disappearing track after two days. When working with them, the craftswoman does not need to worry at all that auxiliary lines will spoil the finished work. The only inconvenience is that the embroidery should be finished before the contour of the pattern disappears.

Some needlewomen use prints on fabrics, canvas for cross stitching or beads as patterns, where there is already a pattern in color.

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The sunflower is a child of the sun. The sun plant has absorbed the beauty and warmth of the summer sun, delighting earthlings with its uniqueness. It is common for each season to end quickly, leaving behind pleasant memories. So the next summer is racing at great speed, and I really want to extend it! Notable needlewomen embroider a large yellow flower on the canvas, form ...

Antique embroidery. Many of us have had to not only hear such words, but also see these masterpieces. After all, now they are gaining very great popularity. It is the works that were performed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that are considered special. They remind us of the era that was, what kind of people lived there and what they did. After all...

If you love creating beautiful things with your own hands, try this type of needlework like embroidery. Thus, beautiful volumetric embroideries on clothes, various paintings and crafts are created. Let's find out what ribbon embroidery is, what tools are needed for beginner craftsmen and attach a video with step-by-step ribbon embroidery lessons.

Features of the technique of such embroidery

To get started, you need the following tools and materials:

  1. Ribbons. They come in different widths. It is better to take satin ribbons 7 - 25 mm wide.
  2. Embroidery fabric. Gabardine works best.
  3. Embroidery hoop(wooden or plastic).
  4. Needles with a wide eyelet and a blunt end.
  5. Supporting tools: scissors, matches or lighter, candles, glue, awl, pliers and a special marker for drawing.

After purchasing the tools, we proceed to threading the ribbon into the needle. To do this, cut one end of the tape in a straight line and burn it with fire, and cut the other end at an oblique angle. Thread the tape at an oblique angle into the eye of the needle and pull the needle slightly down the tape. Then pull the needle into the same end of the tape, before reaching 0.5 ml.

Now hold the sharp end of the needle and pull the tape down. This creates a knot that holds the tape firmly in the needle.

Now make a flat knot on the other end of the tape. To do this, bend the end of the ribbon and insert the needle with the resulting knot into the resulting bend. It turns out a loop, which must be put on the finger, insert a needle instead of the finger and tighten the tape. We get a knot. Now you can start sewing patterns.

Ideas for such embroidery with schemes

Consider several ideas for embroidery with satin ribbons with a diagram for beginners step by step. We use a straight stitch. The needle passes from the inside out to the front side, stretching the tape. Then, at the desired distance, it is displayed on the wrong side.

Chamomile ribbon embroidery scheme for beginners with step by step photos

The stalks are embroidered with floss threads folded several times. First, lay the thread along the line of the stem, secure with needles.

Then sew with a different thread, bringing the needle from the inside out to the right side and grabbing the thread that is lying on the fabric.

Sew all chamomile trunks in the same way.

Chamomile petals are embroidered with a green ribbon and wider than the previous one. Focusing on the diagram, we embroider the petals, starting from the top.

Fill the middle of the chamomile with beads or embroider with rhinestones.

Rose ribbon embroidery with step by step photos for beginners

For embroidering roses with ribbons, you need to create buds. Following the scheme in the photo, twist the desired number of flowers. Sew them with thread and burn the ends with a lighter.
Rose leaves are made from a ribbon cut into squares. After singing the edges, fold them diagonally three times to form a triangle.

Trim the edges and singe off the trimmed ends, holding the triangle with tweezers. Use a needle and thread to pinch the corner of the triangle. After creating three petals, secure them with threads. Use glue to attach the petals to the rose.

Apply a pattern to the fabric and secure the resulting buds. Creating patterns using step-by-step photos and instructions for beginners, you can embroider poppies, asters, tulips, peonies, lilac buds and other various flowers with ribbons.


To create poppies, you will need a wide red ribbon, green for the core, black floss threads to create stamens, a candle and glue.

  • Create a cardboard poppy petal template and cut 12 identical pieces.
  • Gather the petals with glue or thread.

  • Cut out the rounded details. The resulting petals will be attached to them.
  • Using hot glue, apply the petals in a circle, overlapping each subsequent. The bottom layer will consist of 9 petals. The latter half covers the previous one and forms a circle.
  • The last three petals form the top layer. Glue them to the middle of the flower.

The core of the poppy is made from a circle of fabric

Butterfly ribbon embroidery master class for beginners with step by step photos

We offer a simple butterfly embroidery workshop. To do this, you need 5 and 12 mm ribbons and a needle.

Video with lessons of a master class of such embroidery for beginners

Watch the video for a step-by-step tutorial on rose ribbon embroidery for beginners. You will need a canvas, a hoop, a marker for drawing a pattern, scissors, a needle, ribbon and thread in the color of the ribbon. A simple way to create a beautiful bud.

Very beautiful embroidery with lilac ribbons. You will need ribbons in the color of lilac and petals, threads and yellow beads, a pencil, scissors and a lighter.

To embroider tulips with ribbons, you will need ribbons in the color of the bud and petals, thread, needles, scissors and a lighter. An easy way that you can handle it yourself.

Master class on "embroidering a picture with ribbons". For work, you will need bright satin ribbons, a needle and floss threads. The finished “volumetric embroidery” is framed.

In this article, we will touch upon such a type of needlework as ribbon embroidery, as well as help to understand general concepts and find suitable prints, drawings, video tutorials from YouTube, photos and much more. It is important to start from the very basics, and also to understand that many are intertwined in one way or another. Therefore, if there is a desire to become an experienced craftsman, it will be necessary to study knitting, cross stitching, satin stitch and perfectly use their techniques. We will be happy to offer examples of bouquets of roses, orchids, lilacs, step-by-step lessons and secrets for beginners in different techniques. First of all, paintings will serve to decorate your home, and individually embroidered compositions decorate clothes and interior items. We advise you to pay attention to the schemes of birds, animals, insects, hearts and other floral images.

Beautiful flowers embroidery

Surprisingly, every year there are more and more author's recommendations, new techniques for making stitches and, of course, the layouts themselves. In addition to general concepts, our site also contains advice from professional needlewomen, their creative approach to creating unique masterpieces. Some also use knitting and weaving techniques. Note also that it can be used in decor items and special occasions. Each girl, having the patience and preparing the floss threads, the required lengths of ribbons, needles, different types of hoops in diameter and canvas, will be able to create masterpieces with flowers of poppies, sunflowers and other wildflowers. Many recommend applying the location of the stem and leaves to the fabric in advance, this allows you to better navigate and avoid mistakes.

Fastest ways to finish a canvas edge in 60 seconds

It should also be remembered that small details and edges of the canvas are overcast with a floss thread. This will add definition to the details and preserve and decorate the edge of the fabric. Finishing the edge of the fabric with floss threads with an overlock stitch.

Volumetric embroidery with ribbons of flowers

Interior dahlia as examples on the panel.

Rose and basic postulates

  • On the canvas, you need to create five loops that resemble a star.
  • Through these loops we tighten the ribbon in the same color in a circle, but so that it goes under the loop, then above it.
  • As a result, you get a fairly beautiful bud, which can be supplemented with graceful leaves, beads or beads, which will symbolize dew drops.

Examples of schemes supplemented with lilac twigs.

Lilac twigs and French knot technology

These flowers are the most troublesome. You will need dozens of French knots to create a twig with buds; this is the easiest option. It is necessary to make knots from purple, which will need to be brought as close to each other as possible. It is better to apply the shape to the fabric in advance so that it looks like a triangle.

Lilac patterns also exist in an alternative technique. It consists of cutting many pieces using a thin lilac tape and sewing each piece in a bow shape onto the canvas. We will embroider a dozen of these mini bows, in the end, we get a full flower.

French knot technique illustration.

White and purple lilac flowers in patterns.

Blooming japanese sakura

We start with branches. We create them with 3 shades of floss threads according to the picture. We will make the leaves with such stitches: straight, "leaf" and ribbon stitch with a curl. We will decorate the flowers with an air loop in the center with beads, and they are prepared separately from a nylon ribbon. They are formed with a gathered ribbon and secured to the fabric with a few simple stitches as indicated in the illustration. The hearts of these flowers are also decorated with beads.

"Dancing" is the second name of this beautiful flower. We can use gabardine or any other fabric. For beautiful inflorescences, we take artificial silk. PS is a base for buds. A piece of paper is gradually embroidered with a tape of 7 and 13 mm. We use a tape seam technique. And with a thickness of 1.3 cm, we create buds.
Awesome fuchsia in the example from the link below.

Read more: / wpmfc_cab_ss]

Lush peonies

The idea to perfectly decorate your bedroom in a pleasant pink tone that calms and creates a romantic atmosphere is to create an amazing picture using the peony flower as the main element. Every embroiderer knows that they recommend using dense satin for the buds, for this silk is not suitable. The color of the ribbons and threads should be the same, only the shades may differ. The bud is created with loops that hang in the air. At least 30 such loops are required to achieve volume. The project is complemented by threads for knitting, they are also sewn with long loops under pink ribbons.

You will need a sketch to create a large flower.

We embroider flowers and compositions

The most remarkable and at the same time the simplest option is chamomile. That is why they are so popular with newbies. It is necessary to master a straight seam, with its help we get petals in a circle. It is important to leave the middle not sewn up, so that later it can be supplemented with yellow threads, beads or beads. More experienced craftswomen, for whom this is an already mastered occupation, may be yellow. Who does not know, the knots are performed as follows - we put them on the needle several times and pull them through the formed curls along the entire length. At the end, we get neat knots.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the color of the fabric, because a white daisy on a white background will look at least silly. Give your preference to a dark blue or even black base color. You can find any examples and lessons on specialized sites, where each step is described in detail.

Primary requirements:

  • you need to master the PS and
  • contrasting fabric color
  • petals first, then decorate the middle

Hoop the fabric and embroider on contrasting fabric. We draw the petals in a circle, use the PS.

Sunflowers on canvas

To decorate coats, bags, the illustration of sunflowers is very often used. . This is not at all strange, because a bright flower flaunting on a spring coat will remind you of sunny weather and cheer you up. The sunflower is performed almost in the same way as chamomile, the difference will be in the length of the petals, their color and, of course, in the middle. A sunflower petal is formed using the "rolled seam" technique. You will need to pierce not only the fabric using an awl or needle, but also the part of the ribbon that should lie on it. Thus, it turns out that the tip is slightly turned up. The petals on the sunflower should overlap, there should not be much retreat between them, 0.3 cm is enough. The middle is made with black French nodules, they should resemble seeds that have already ripened in a sunflower.

Prints “Sunflowers with daisies.

Ideas and Secrets in Making Sunflowers for Beginners

Tulips from ribbons

The color of tulips can be very diverse, here the author must include his imagination in order to get a mosaic of incredible patterns. Supplement your work with unblown flowers, that is, with closed green buds, they are made with one PS. The same thing, if you want to depict half-open, use two straight fan-shaped stitches.

Tulips step by step:

  • For buds, therefore, you need to take a width of no more than 15 mm.
  • The petals are straight stitch, but they are made from one point at the bottom.
  • The distance between the punctures in the lower part is about 3 mm, not more.

simple buttonhole stitch.

Lilies of the valley decorated with beads

On one stalk, 6 flowers can be placed at most, and, which is covered with a ribbon stitch. This is necessary in order to create a convex bud. It is necessary to decorate the white lily of the valley with yellow beads so that it even remotely resembles the original. When performing lilies of the valley, special attention is paid to the stalk, it is performed with threads.

Interior decoration panel "Lilies of the valley"

Lilies of the valley pattern.

Bell spring symbol.

Daisies and bells print

Bouquet of gladioli and amazing orchids.

Aster or cosmos.

Delicate sweet peas and pansies.

Fairy and snowdrop pattern.

Flower angel girl.

Embroidered red poppy flowers

The poppy is executed in scarlet red. It is better to take a satin, unlike silk, it does not fade in the sun, is cheaper, does not fade and perfectly absorbs moisture. For large poppies, a tape of at least 25 mm in diameter is required. Let's draw a circle on the canvas and sew petals on it. It is more convenient to draw with a black felt-tip pen or use a simple pencil. Before fastening to the needle, we burn the edges (ends) with a lighter. Then we pull out a needle with a ribbon from the seamy side of the fabric (we cut one edge at an angle of 25 degrees, pushing it into the eye of the needle, grab it in a bartack) to the front side, the same must be done with a regular thread threaded into a chenille needle No.24 (find it in sets of needles), securing it to the side. We deduce, beautifully straighten, as evenly as possible. With the usual seam forward with a needle and thread, grab 5 cm of the ribbon along its edge with a light accordion. You need to make sure that the stitches are not large, otherwise, your poppy leaves run the risk of not getting neat.

how to learn to embroider schematically scarlet poppies

A glade of red poppies and herbs.

Embroidered leaf and stem

There are always not only petals, but also leaves with stems, they can also be depicted in different ways. It is justified to create stems with ordinary threads if you need to depict, for example, a lily of the valley or a snowdrop, but if you need a sunflower stem, you will need threads for knitting. Thick, fleshy stems are made with a twisted stitch, so that it is better held in the middle, it is sewn with a green thread, it will not be so noticeable.

For tulips, there is a separate version of the stem. Put the green pva soaked in glue on a needle. After a couple of minutes, we take out the needle and get a tube, which is very realistic and really resembles a tulip.

Butterflies and insects, photos and diagrams

See More: DIY Butterfly

Bulky dragonfly and grasshopper.

Flower hearts

A few tips and rules for volumetric flower heart from experienced embroiderers:

  • start by choosing a print, stop at those flowers with which you are familiar.
  • prepare all the necessary accessories (needles, tape of a certain length, scissors, fabric, hoops, threads, beads, lighter).
  • re-review the recommendations, secure the material.
  • start with large flowers, they will form the basis of the heart and decorate them with small blades of grass and field spikelets.

Panel in the shape of a heart

Floral letters in examples

Embroidery from ribbons of volumetric pictures

Each such picture requires a lot of time and perseverance. Painting from experienced needlewomen in the photo gallery.

Hair from roses in a decor picture.

Lilies in schemes

Meadow inflorescence in the examples.

In meadow flowers, Svetlana Gerasimova used a carnation, a rowan twig, a wild rose and a field spikelet.

Strawberries, berries, fruits and new ideas for creativity

Cherries and cherries in a still life of meadow flowers and herbs. We also use spikelets and a basket weaving from threads in the form of braids.

Rowan in jewelry, brooch and medallion.

Photo of rowan branches, berries are in a special set.

Christmas tree landscape, New Year's decorated ball.

The idea of ​​decorating Christmas tree decorations.

Animals and birds in themed landscapes

Exquisite black and white swans in the paintings.

Ornaments on clothes and jewelry

An embroidered old costume of the aristocratic nobility.

Kanzashi hairpins are another way to transform things. Interlaces stitching and folding.

Yo-Yo style hair clip.

Stylish set of two hairpins, a tie and a hoop from a rep ribbon.

Wedding or evening dress.

Embroidery in Brazilian technique

Combination of many volumetric elements with embossed embroidery. The main techniques are the stalk seam, and the layout. The motives in it are floral ornaments of flowering trees, herbs and flowers. But the main feature is subtly delicate female illustrations. Mostly threads are used, less often ribbons.

We will be happy to offer you additional MCs and more. You will be able to plunge into new horizons of folk art and learn some tricks and secrets. You can decorate clothes and household items, bags and postcards, pillows, decorate an apartment or house with panels.

Decoration and ornaments in the decor.

We decorate home textiles, bedding and pillows unusually.

Decorated jewelry or gift box

Find out what is the difference between satin and silk. You can master straight, twisted and other types of stitches for yourself, or they are also called embroidery stitches. Explore the commonly used one. As a result, you can use our examples and get ideas for creativity. And first of all, every woman will see talent in herself. Take it, work a miracle!