Beautiful front porch next to the bay window. Porch for a private house - beautiful and modern design (100 photos). Prices for various types of building boards

Probably everyone knows that a porch in any house must necessarily have functionality, as well as harmoniously fit into the very exterior of the building, because it is it that is considered a visiting card. There are many different options for how best to implement the construction of a porch for a private house. All this directly depends on your taste, the chosen material and the overall budget. With all this, one can easily say that building a strong and durable porch with your own hands is quite realistic.

The front porch itself consists of a completely open area, often along with a staircase, located in front of the entrance to the inside of the house. It can be absolutely any shape, optionally with a canopy or even without, as well as made of different materials.

In principle, the entire structure of the porch to the house can be divided into three types:

1. Affiliated;

2. Built-in;

3. Simple.

How are they different?

Simple - this is an ordinary platform with steps and always a canopy. During the assembly of this type of porch with your own hands, the most difficult thing is to fill the foundation, since it is necessary even for a simple construction of a porch made of wood.

The do-it-yourself built-in porch is initially designed in conjunction with the house, therefore it is being built thoroughly.

The attached type does not externally have any differences from the built-in version, the only thing is that it has been slightly modified and slightly rebuilt. The plus is that such a porch with your own hands can be easily attached by a minor alteration.

Remember! For any porch, a foundation is required, it is he who prevents the slightest deformation of the steps during seasonal temperature changes.

Foundation construction for all types of porch

The most important thing is that the main foundation of the porch to the house should be similar to the foundation of the house. If this is not the case, then during the sedimentation of the soil, winter frosts, your structure is simply not deformed. It is also possible that during the settling of the soil, your structure will move towards the house and then the porch foundation will suffer first, since it is less massive. To remedy this situation, minor repairs will not be enough and you will have to rebuild everything from scratch.

Since the glazed porch is not intended for living, and there is not any huge furniture, there is an opportunity to use an ordinary concrete pillow, which will be the foundation itself.

However, when choosing concrete, any kind of brick (white, red) or facing stone, the foundation must be reinforced. The fact is that this structure exerts a much greater load on the base itself than a wooden porch to a house.

To build the foundation for the porch with your own hands, you must start directly with the markup. To begin with, define a rectangular area of ​​the desired size, the main thing is not to forget that the porch itself must fit in here. Then, piles should be driven into each corner of the rectangle and then, along the contour, begin to dig a pit. Its depth should be no less than the main foundation.

Advice! You don't need to lay the foundation very deeply. Of course, the load during the displacement of the foundation will become slightly less, but it is simply impossible to avoid them completely, with the slightest soil settlement or sudden changes in temperature.

If you decide to install a visor above the porch, then you will need to install supports, the very same rectangle for the pit should be increased from all sides by another 20-30 cm, and the piles can be driven in after the end of the porch construction.

To accomplish our plan, it will be necessary to leave small rectangles of non-dug area (approximately 20x20, possibly 30x30 cm) at the points where the support will be installed a little later. Then it is necessary to drill wells at each site, it is good to install the support, drive it in as much as possible and be sure to thoroughly fill it with concrete.

In this case, formwork is very suitable, although if the soil is rocky, then in principle it is possible without it. To make it, you can use absolutely everything - chipboard, wood-laminated board and ordinary boards, which turned out to be superfluous after construction. The main thing is to remember that plywood (wood-laminated board) and chipboard are quite hygroscopic, therefore, during rains, the rise of groundwater, they will begin to creep quickly, which is why, after the concrete has hardened, it is recommended to remove the formwork.

Do not throw away the remaining trims of boards, which are conifers, because the lumber of this tree has only positive features: after being completely saturated with water, they become much stronger and retain their elasticity.

Advice! If there is a strong deformation in the soil, for example, if your house is on a slope or on a mountain, then the coniferous formwork works as a damper.

The most important and main element when building a porch foundation with your own hands is waterproofing. In order to equip it, you need to lay the bottom in the pit with roofing material, and then the entire surface inside the formwork. Reinforcement is carried out using high quality bricks, on which it is necessary to put a mesh and fix the lattice with pre-prepared pieces of reinforcement.

Similarly to this principle, the pit is filled with several layers, which include bricks along with a mesh, and then this structure is completely poured with concrete. To avoid the formation of a void, it should be thoroughly tamped with a shovel after each poured layer.

Advice! To compact concrete well, it is better to purchase an electric vibration compactor, if you do not have one, then rent it.

Due to the fact that the concrete dries for about a week, you will need to immediately level the surface of the foundation and be sure to cover it with roofing material with an overlap of about 50-60 cm from each edge, you can also take a regular construction film. They will help protect the surface layer from any rain, since a large amount of water can make it quite brittle in the future, and then your foundation will simply be damaged.

If the need arises, you can cut off the top in the finished timber, then the piles will be at the same level. But try to calculate the height of the supports taking into account the entrance door, so the height difference should be about 5 cm. The lags are attached using self-tapping screws or dowels - it depends on the material of your wall.

Do-it-yourself porch to the house. Projects. Photo

Often traditional materials are used for construction:

- wood;

- white, red brick;

- facing stone;

- metal;

- high quality concrete.

Do-it-yourself wood porch

How to make a wooden porch with your own hands? Today it is the most common building material. This is due to the fact that the tree is quite simple to manufacture and therefore it is quite easy and quick to build a porch from it with your own hands. To do this, it is enough just to have a circular saw available (you can use the most common one, but it must be with the smallest teeth - this will greatly help in the accuracy of sawing), a special construction square and skillful hands.

Larch has long been considered the ideal material, followed by spruce and other conifers. Each of them is very durable and easy to handle. The most interesting thing is that at the end of the impregnation, the material that is made from them is practically in no way inferior to oak or some other species, which are several times harder.

It is important to remember! To work with solid elements, you need good skill, the right tools and, most importantly, specific knowledge in this area. For example, the quality of drying oak material can only be determined by an experienced carpenter.

First of all, you need to make a kosougor (kosour). Since it is very impractical to make a porch to a wooden house with your own hands less than 120 cm wide, then you will need at least three beams. Best of all, if the distance between them is about half a meter, it will be much easier for you.

This approach will help to provide your porch with the strength, and most importantly, the durability of the structure made on your own, regardless of how often the stairs will be used and with what weight load.

You need to know this! The kosour is called the supporting beam, in which the teeth are sawn out, it is she who plays an important role inside the support. It is advisable to lay the steps only on the horizontal edges of these same teeth.

The bowstring (also called an inclined beam) must necessarily be several times thicker than the stringer itself. They are connected using cross beams. At the end, the required number of stringers is fixed between them.

You will definitely need a square to cut the edges and make even steps. The gap between the prongs, even if it is 5-6 mm, will quickly provide the steps with slight subsidence on one side and swelling on the other. Sudden changes in temperature will significantly increase the difference in the level of the steps.

It is customary to make the width of the steps to fit the size of the foot of an adult, but it is better to take it with a margin, it is about 40 cm. The height between each step (riser) does not need to be more than 20 cm.

It should be remembered that the number of steps must necessarily be odd and for this one additional edge must be provided. With four steps or more, you will need to make a railing for the porch to the house.

With a glazed porch and a reliably covered staircase from moisture, you can do without the overhang of the steps. However, if the staircase is outside, then the overhang is simply necessary, since thanks to it, water will drip to the lower step, and not between them into the riser.

Advice! An already finished staircase should be installed according to a special principle so that the plane of the steps is slightly inclined (about 1-2 cm). This will help the water to flow downward and not accumulate and form ice.

The structure is installed directly on a previously prepared site, which is the foundation. To make your porch to the house as strong as possible, you should install the stairs exactly in the place in the foundation where the lower beam was previously laid along with the stringers. You can also use it to push through a small depression if the concrete is not completely frozen. Thus, you will get a fairly strong stop.

For the deck in the upper landing, you can take the material that was used for the stairs. In this case, there is only one requirement: it is recommended to use the widest and longest boards that are available, and make the joints as accurate as possible. When the boards are ground to each other as much as possible, you can not be afraid of deformation, even if the whole tree begins to dry out over time.

It will take about 3 to 7 days of work to equip a wooden porch with your own hands. It all depends on the size of your site, on the stairs and, of course, on the skills of working directly with a tree, but a beginner can handle it all. The most important thing is to divide the work into stages and do everything one by one, following the recommendations and instructions.

Metal porch

How to make a metal porch? The porch, which is made of metal, has a very big plus - it is assembled in about a few hours, if you know how to use electric welding in your work. In addition, the metal structure will cost several times less if you do not buy forged elements. However, there are also disadvantages - you will have to assemble a standard porch with your own hands, and therefore it will not look very beautiful and original, unlike others. If you want to make a beautiful porch with your own hands, then you can buy forged products, but they will need to wait up to 4 weeks (it all depends on the volume of your order).

Do not be upset if the budget is limited, because even a primitive metal staircase can be made very impressive and beautiful, the main thing for this is desire and imagination. For the lightest option, channels, corners and necessarily filling material are used. They can be: porcelain stoneware, wood or chipboard.

For an ordinary metal porch, you will definitely need two channels of the same length. They are attached parallel to each other at a distance equal to the size of the steps. After that, the corners are marked and cut to the same length as the steps, but at the same time adding a few centimeters around the edges to apply a weld.

In the same way, small pieces are cut from the corners and these two segments are welded with the letter "G" (the frame edge must be cut). The number of such details should be equal to the number of steps on your porch. Then they are closely welded to the channel, and as a result you get a high-quality metal skew. Similarly to this principle, another skew-angle is made using a second channel.

After all these actions, the resulting elements must be connected in pairs on the side where the corners are cut to the width of the future staircase. In this case, the contour of the steps is created, and the corner under the riser should turn over its head (thus creating a side).

Your ladder is almost complete. Now it all depends on your taste. The most beautiful will look like a wooden step, attached in any way to the resulting frame. Even if you do not have vast experience in working with welding, assembling such a porch with your own hands, in general, will take 2-3 hours.

Concrete porch

How to make a concrete porch? This option is considered a continuation of the laid foundation, but only with the reinforcement of all the steps. This is done so that after a couple of months, chips do not form due to constant heavy loads. Due to the fact that it is customary to cover a porch made of concrete with special facing tiles, gradually collapsing concrete immediately forms chips, and then cracks in the facing itself.

On a prefabricated foundation, formwork can be assembled, which will be the bottom step. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the height of the step, due to the weight load, must necessarily be 2 cm more than that of the others. Further, a similar procedure is carried out as when building a reinforced foundation for a porch. The only difference is that in this case there is no need to spare the armature.

Advice! It is recommended to close the gap formed between the two foundations with mineral wool. This will create a good expansion joint.

The formwork for the steps can be prepared in advance - this will save time. However, it is much more reliable and easier to pour concrete on each step in turn, and it is even better if, before pouring a new step, the solution of the previous one will have time to set.

At the end, it is necessary to level the already completely frozen structure, and then cover it with any tile intended for a metal porch or with a stone.

The time spent on work directly depends on the use of the full formwork, as well as on the formation of each step in turn or all at once. On average, you will need a week to work if you do everything at once, or a week for each step to completely cure the concrete.

Brick or stone porch

How to make a brick or stone porch? This is probably the most difficult porch option. This is because it is much easier to work with a brick foundation, where you do not need precision, than to lay out the stone as evenly as possible.

Brick should be laid only if there are several assistants who will thoroughly stir the concrete all this time. With a stone, everything is much more complicated, because chipped edges cannot be perfectly matched to each other. In general, if there is at least some experience in this activity and at least two people for help, then this type of porch should be abandoned right away, otherwise you will simply waste your time and all the material.

It will be much easier to make a concrete staircase, and then match the material for the steps to it, which will be of a similar size. After that, they should be put in one layer on a "frame" of concrete, which is pre-leveled. This method has a huge advantage, since, by making a mistake, you can easily knock off the cladding of the desired area and re-finish the finish.

Building a visor

The visor is, first of all, the protection of the site and steps from various natural precipitations, as well as the ability to independently arrange the porch with your own hands in the house or in the country, beautifully and in a short time. Often it is made from durable metal pipes, coniferous trees or, in extreme cases, metal are used for the frame itself, but any tree or plexiglass is taken for sheathing.

Visors made of wood will need to be tinted at least 2 times annually or treated with special agents instead, otherwise it will gradually begin to dry out and then split longitudinally. When using plexiglass, it is better to make spans of about 0.7 m2 between them. It is strongly not recommended to use glass, as it can easily crack in winter during snow or due to deformation of frames.

The total area of ​​the visor must necessarily be more than the porch itself by half a meter, otherwise it will not be able to perform its main function - protection.

The easiest and quickest option is to make something that looks like a metal ladder. Then the distance between each step can be made about 0.5 m. In this case, you will no longer need L-shaped elements and a channel, because the load on the visor itself will be several times less and only the corners in the outer frame will be enough. But filling with wood or porcelain stoneware can be easily replaced with any other material.

When pouring the foundation, during the formation of the base, piles are necessarily installed, it is on them that a visor should be laid. In addition, this will help in the future to completely glaze the veranda in just a couple of days, if you wish.

For covering, it is better to take a metal sheet together with a tile, but it will be much more spectacular and more beautiful if you use plexiglass and polycarbonate.

Advice! To avoid the appearance of rust on the worn out metal sheet, you can easily paint it with paint in several layers.

Be sure to make the visor pitched, and in the place where the lower rib will be, carefully weld a metal gutter with a slight slope. Attach an ordinary chain at the very end, which will reach the ground so that water will not splash during rain. Due to the fact that water has excellent viscosity and easy fluidity, it will begin to slowly drain along this chain. If you want to somehow get rid of the appearance of puddles near the porch, drain it.

How to glaze a porch yourself

The most common option is a closed porch. In this case, a concrete and stone foundation, together with a canopy and a staircase, is very popular, while always attached to piles.

Using the corners, which must match the height of the piles in the visor, a frame is formed. They are welded well to the piles and then the wood-glass double frames are inserted.

Advice! The glass sheet can be absolutely any height, but the width should not be more than 120 cm, because the windage of this glass is high and even a light wind can severely damage it.

If the void between the piles turns out to be more than one meter, then break them up with pseudo piles. To do this, a corner is welded at the top and bottom to the end of the piles with a step inward, and then between them - a double corner, which will form a pseudo-pile. Similarly, you need to divide the height, which forms a horizontal beam from several double corners. This will significantly reduce the load on the glass, and the structure itself will look light and beautiful.

The most common mistakes that are made during the construction of a porch

1. Build a porch with your own hands using low-quality concrete (below grade 200). This concrete itself is quite loose, which is why it will be difficult to perform the facing, since the strength of other mixtures is much higher after complete drying. In this case, due to temperature changes, the lining can be seriously damaged. The very foundation, which will subsequently remain open, will begin to collapse in the summer, and the brick steps will collapse even faster.

2. Lack of good waterproofing. If waterproofing is not done in a timely manner in the porch to the house, then this will lead to a huge accumulation of moisture below, as a result of which, during frosts, the structure will begin to gradually collapse. The steps will suffer the most, since they are the ones that get wet in the very first place.

3. Leveling of steps and plastering was done only a few days after the end of concreting. If there is a long break in time, then all layers will cease to hold without additional smears in the structure itself, or at best they will be, but very weakly. Do not forget that the place where the plaster adheres together with the screeds is considered the most vulnerable.

4. The foundation was erected without reinforcement at the base. If you do not have fittings, then the porch to the house will simply not be divided into two separate parts at the slightest subsidence. It will be impossible to repair this.

5. The porch was attached with our own hands to the foundation of the house itself without special expansion joints. You can securely attach the porch only if the house with the porch has a joint foundation. If this is not done, then a sedimentary crack will appear right at the border of the two foundations. To avoid this, the seam of the facing brick or tile must be stirred at one border, and the gaps must be filled with silicone sealant and in no case with grout.

So, you do not need any specific skills to build a porch with your own hands. Each operation is considered basic in construction and therefore everything is within the power of even a beginner with skillful hands.

Do-it-yourself porch to the house. Video


Key directions in porch design

So, the most in demand are the following options for the implementation of this part of the house:

  1. Provence and country are considered common styles of decoration. Considering that the veranda is created for relaxation, they try to combine simplicity and comfort in it. Therefore, they pay special attention to color and materials.
  2. When there is a desire to design the porch of a private house in an unusual way, it is recommended to take a closer look at the Japanese-style design ideas and porch finishing options from the article.
  3. Some owners create the porch of a country house, on the contrary, in a spectacular contrast with the main building.


The correct choice depends on the design goals and the selected materials for the implementation of the space.

Private porch materials

When choosing materials, one important rule should be remembered: no artificial surfaces.

It is necessary to purchase natural elements:

  1. When there is enough space, an additional stone wall will look simply gorgeous.
  2. The floor is often decorated with porcelain stoneware. This material is wear-resistant and lasts for several decades. You don't really need to look after him.
  3. It is advisable to use panoramic glazing, which will transmit light, illuminate the plants and the door to the house.


The combination of greenery and natural materials creates incredible coziness and beauty on the porch.

The style of a beautiful street staircase

There are many ways to make your outdoor staircase look pretty. One of the simple and good options would be a combination of natural stone and wood. These two natural materials will create a pleasant looking and unique atmosphere around the porch. If desired, natural stone can be replaced with concrete.


If the ladder of dreams is ready, it can be improved, because there is no limit to perfection. You can decorate with decorative design. If the building is brick, this option is perfect. In some cases, the wood is fired and treated with a light wood-like varnish.

How to additionally decorate a street staircase: railings

The second decorative element of the porch is the railings. Considering that the general appearance of the entire porch is determined by the railing, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to this.

  1. Most often they use vertical balusters with horizontal crossbars.
  2. Any railings have handrails. They are almost always made of plastic or wood.
  3. Glass can be used in modern homes.


If the porch of a cobbled house is being drawn up, wooden handrails are used, while plastic handrails are in demand in country houses built of brick and concrete.

How to make a beautiful visor design

The visor is a decorative element that complements the overall look of the veranda. It is almost always made from:

  • polycarbonate;
  • wood;
  • profile sheet.

The original visor for the porch Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of an extension to the house. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

For example:

  1. In a wooden house, the porch is necessarily made of wood. The visor itself is proposed to be painted to match the general colors of the house. Artistic carving is made on its surface.
  2. Houses with brick or concrete bases are preferably combined with a polycarbonate canopy or from a profile sheet.

The main problem when creating a visor is always compatibility with the rest of the house. Therefore, before starting work, you will need to develop a design and see if the unique design idea fits the rest of the building's elements.

When all the drawings are ready, you need to choose the materials from which the porch, canopy and railings will be made.

Visor decoration: forged elements

A frequently used decoration method is forged decor. Especially with polycarbonate visors. When using the material without additional elements, it looks quite strict.


Many people use:

  • beautifully made forged curls;
  • forging made in an abstract style;
  • details resembling tree branches or flowers with a bud.

You can also beautifully decorate with forging an ordinary canopy over the porch.

Advice: It is not recommended to use sharp corners both in the drawing itself and in the material.

If you have finances, it is possible to buy jewelry that will not only delight the eyes, but also become hooks for decorative lanterns.

Decorative lamps

Lanterns in the 21st century are not only a source of light. They have long been used as part of the structure, and sometimes special emphasis is placed on them, emphasizing the zest of a particular part of the building.


When registering, use:

  • Wall lights;
  • hanging lanterns;
  • outdoor light sources.
Important! Before establishing, you need to think about their nutrition. Most lanterns require electricity, so you need to consider in advance whether it is possible to stretch the wiring to a certain place.

If it is not possible to conduct electricity, it is recommended to buy a lantern, the source of electricity in which is a solar battery.

It is worth choosing more expensive items. Budget solar panels do not last long, and after a year they will at best resemble an extinct firefly.

Live lighting

Another option for decorative lamps is illuminated animals (usually snails). They are placed next to the porch. Snail shells burn like lanterns. They don't emit a lot of light, but it's definitely original.

Plants decoration

If you go to almost any market or pavilion of a similar theme, you can buy pots or pots in almost any of them. They are, as a rule, not expensive, but at the same time they perfectly complement the porch, giving it comfort.


At the dacha, it is more desirable to use annuals. They are not hard to find or buy. In addition, you do not need to clean them anywhere in the winter.

When decorating a private house, you can not restrain yourself in the choice of vegetation. In winter, the flower pot is simply removed inside the house.

So the tips:

  1. You will need to choose the right color for the container of the planter.
  2. Best combination: color to color. What color is the nearest material (window sill, table, porch), this is what boxes for flowers and pots buy.
  3. You should take a closer look at bright colored pots if they are clay and interesting in shape.

Country house porch projects

Projects are developed taking into account the wishes of the residents and the concept of the whole house. The options for finishing the porch of a private house are varied, and it is not easy to choose among them. When drawing up a design project for a country house, they pay attention to 3 points:

  1. Style.
  2. Owner's wishes.
  3. Price.


The porch should correspond to the general style of the room. It is recommended to use materials at home and the same color for this. You can highlight the main elements of the style and focus on them on the porch:

  1. In country houses, if the house is wooden, the porch should be made of wood. Moreover, the color of the material must correspond to the main shade.
  2. In a brick house, the porch is also made of brick. It is proposed to decorate not with wood, but with metal. As stated above, decorative design will look good.

It is imperative to take into account the wishes of the owner. Often they ask you to make everything as beautiful as possible. This is where the “wishes” end. However, not all.


With a wishlist, the designers:

  • make changes to the design;
  • add elements;
  • create a complex and functional space.

The main and decisive factor is always the price. The quality of the material and the "quantity" of improvements and additions depend on it.

Video description

The main mistakes when building a porch without using a project are indicated in this video:

Dimensions (edit)

The size can be almost anything. They often repel from:

  • site capabilities;
  • the aesthetic beauty of the object;
  • goals and functionality of the design.

The size can be affected by the presence of building materials from which the porch is made. Leftovers from home are often used:

  1. If circumstances permit, choose wood. Prices do not differ much from analogs, but it is much easier to work with it, it is more amenable to processing. To build a spacious veranda of a simple structure, it is enough to have a saw, a drill and screws.
  2. When you need to make a beautiful porch in a modern style, concrete is indispensable. You will need to make a small foundation for the glass and glaze the room. With the right choice of glazing, the object will look expensive and modern.

Some people choose not one large terrace, but a house with a porch and a veranda. Then a small porch is designed in front of the entrance to the house and one veranda to the side or back of the building.

Country house porch design

The design should be developed by a professional designer. In this case, you will get a truly beautiful place. It is not recommended to save on design, as this is the basis of everything. It is better to save on materials than on a designer.


The specialist will need to tell about his wishes. Then the designer will do everything himself and offer several options. Then one is selected, corrected and implemented.

House with terrace and porch

There are a huge number of porches and terraces. It's pretty easy to make them. It is more difficult to achieve that the porch and veranda are in the same style with the house, and are combined with each other.

This is the main problem with most porches and terraces. They do not look like a specific room and look like they were stolen from the neighbors. Here's how and what to do to avoid embarrassment. See how the porch of a country house is decorated.

Open and closed porch

Closed annexes perfectly protect the door itself and the place near it from bad weather. In the winter season, the passage to the premises will not be covered with ice and will not be covered with snow. In summer, it will protect against unwanted rainfall and wind. When it rains, you don't have to rush to search for keys or wait for someone to open the door. The advantage is small, but nice.


The construction of a closed porch implies that the place:

  • completely cover with a visor;
  • the side wall is raised at least to the height of the railing;
  • use glass.

The open porches have only small canopies and railings. Visors in most cases do not even cover the roof. Sometimes they are built without a canopy. Their main task is to provide a comfortable approach to the door of the house, and not to protect against bad weather.


Such structures are used by people who have country houses, where no one lives in winter and autumn.

The open visor has its advantages. The main advantages are the price and construction time. They are built quickly and cost a penny. When you need a simple porch, you can even make it yourself.

In a private house, a staircase is placed on both sides if the outbuildings do not make it possible to make a different design. Thanks to this arrangement, it is supposed to descend in the required direction.


This is impossible in one-way staircases, and in their case it is necessary to bend around the steps to get into another part of the house. For many, this is not a big advantage. It is recommended to look at the cons of such a ladder. As a rule, its construction costs many times more than one-sided one. Design is also much more difficult.

Porch-veranda and porch-terrace

What is the difference between a terrace and a veranda? It's simple: the veranda is being built with the house under one roof and on the same foundation. It can be both open and closed. An ordinary veranda and a veranda that turns into a closed structure are included in the overall project of the house in order to be erected simultaneously with it. The advantages of this combination are obvious: the veranda will take over the functions of the vestibule. But in comparison with the vestibule, there will be more space inside. You can use this space as you like. However, more often they furnish them with flowers that give a pleasant aroma, put comfortable chairs and spend summer evenings (if there is enough space).


The terrace, in comparison with the veranda, is later attached to the main room and a separate foundation is made for it. In some cases, the structure is made closed. However, the terrace is almost always an open space. The porch-terrace, where there will be a room for a summer evening, can be attached to almost any building.


It will be cheaper to design and build a terrace for country houses when compared to the construction of an ordinary structure. But in the end, the owner of the house will get a place to enjoy the fresh summer air.

In most existing houses (with the exception of semi-basements and basements), the level of the finished floor of the lower floor, that is, the zero mark, is at a distance of at least 40 cm from the ground surface. In order to get into the house, a staircase is required, over which it is logical to equip a canopy or a canopy to protect the extension and people from rain and snow. All these elements are combined into a single structure - the porch. The easiest way is to build a porch for a country house made of wood, but other materials can also be used. It doesn't matter what you decide to buy or build a porch to the house with your own hands, projects, photos will help you choose the right option.

Wooden porch with mini veranda Source

The main types of porch designs

Together with its functional purpose, the porch also serves as an additional decoration for the house. As a result, there are a fairly large number of types of designs, but basically the division goes according to the type of placement of the porch relative to the house - it can be:

    built-in; when some part of the house in its middle or one of the corners is allocated for its placement, and the construction of the stairs and landing rests on the common foundation of the house;

    speakers; when it is located outside the perimeter of the outer walls, representing a free-standing extension; this design rests on its own base; in some cases, it can rely on metal or reinforced concrete consoles specially arranged in the foundation during the construction of a house.

Video description

Examples of various options for making a porch in the video:

What materials can you make a porch

Before you build a porch in a wooden house, first of all, you need to decide on what it is better to make it from, because the design and material from which the porch is made must correspond to the appearance of the facade of the house. Of course, a wooden porch is best suited for a wooden house, but if a brick cladding is used or the basement is lined with stone, then the appropriate porch is suitable - brick or stone. The most commonly used materials for porch construction:

  • reinforced concrete;

    brick, cinder block or massive stone blocks;

    metal (for the device of supporting frames).

Also, combined options are often found Source

What are the stairs

The porch staircase usually rests on a square or rectangular landing that is flush with the floors of the house. The playground can be simple with a minimum area of ​​2 to 4 m², or extended and have additional space to accommodate flowers or create a small outdoor seating area.

Sometimes, at the level of the top of the basement of the country house, a gallery is arranged, which can adjoin the house on one side or encircle it from several sides. The porch can be part of such a gallery. If the porch has more than three steps, it is imperative to arrange a railing that goes into the platform fence.

The steps of the porch can be adjacent to the site:

    on one side (parallel to the facade);

    on both sides (perpendicular to the facade);

    on three sides (combining the 2 previous options); a special case - semicircular steps and a platform.

Open and closed porch

The porch can be open or closed. The open one has only light railings. The closed one has a protection installed along its entire height from the floor to the canopy. It can be made both solid and in the form of glazing. Which of these types is preferable depends on the taste of the owner and the design project of the country house.

Closed porch with panoramic glazing Source

On the one hand, the glazed porch provides additional protection from wind, rain, heat loss, protects the structures of steps and platforms from adverse weather conditions, and prevents "intruders" from entering the house. On the other hand, it requires additional costs for the installation of glazing, additional doors, grilles.

In our catalog, you can find the most popular companies providing suburban construction and arrangement of the site, among the houses presented at the exhibition Low-rise Country.

When the porch area is expanded and it is planned to use it for recreation, the glazing will greatly interfere with the unity with nature. In this case, it is better to choose an open type porch. Also, an open porch sometimes looks preferable to a closed one from an aesthetic point of view, especially if the glazing is made of plastic windows.

Options for the construction of a porch for the house

If the porch is made for a wooden house, then it is logical to use wood as a material. In this case, the supporting frame is made of wooden elements, which are suitable for even square or rectangular beams with a minimum width of 50 mm (50 x 50, 100 x 50, 100 x 100). With the stringer type, as an inclined beam, you can take three sewn boards, at least 30 mm thick (the total width of the stringer will turn out to be about 90 mm).

Rounded logs can be used as kosour and steps Source

Porch for a log house

If the country house is built from chopped logs, its porch can be arranged in the same style. Such a chopped log porch will have log walls and board steps. The thickness of the board for the horizontal part of the step (tread) should, depending on the span (width of the stairs), be chosen such that it is not wobbly and does not sag under a load of less than 150 kg. This can be checked by placing three fifty-kilogram bags of cement on top of it in the middle, one on top of the other.

The diameter of the logs should correspond to the diameter of the logs from which the house was felled. The basis for the side walls can be concrete pillars buried in the ground below the depth of its freezing and protruding above the surface to a height of 15-20 cm. The length of the logs should coincide with the length of the horizontal projection of the site and the stairs. The logs are stacked one on top of the other to the required height. If the porch is being erected simultaneously with the house, its ends facing the wall can be cut into it.

Massive porch made of chopped logs on a concrete cushion Source

Otherwise, they are fastened to the wall and to each other from the inside with the help of corners, brackets, strips, etc. After laying and fixing the logs, stepping back from the wall by the length of the site, from above they start cutting down vertical and horizontal sections for future treads and risers of the stairs ... Such a plan for a porch for a country house made of metal is unlikely to be bought ready-made. In most cases, this work is done to order and individually.

Porch for a log bath

If the site has a bathhouse with a floor that is above the surface of the earth, its entrance can also be decorated with a porch. Making such a porch from a bar for a bath will be the best option. A frame with rectangular or oblique (kosour) elements can be made from a bar. It is also easy to fold the side walls from the timber and cut out places for the step supports in them.

A log porch is most often done together with a veranda Source

The nuances of arranging stairs

Steps and risers of a wooden staircase can be fixed on horizontal and vertical elements of the frame. Such a system most often requires side cladding and protection, as a result of which an internal closed cavity is formed under the steps. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of access to such a cavity for its regular cleaning and inspection of the technical condition of structures.

Also, the steps are installed on special inclined beams - kosoura. Kosoura can be made both from metal rolling beams - I-beams, channels, and from wood.

Material combination option Source

It is not recommended to use solid beams or logs as stringers. It is better if the stringers are made of 2-3 boards, sewn together with screws or nails. This design is more resistant to bending stresses in the inclined beam.

The construction of the staircase on kosoura, on one side, rests on a platform with load-bearing horizontal support beams, which must also be metal or wood. The beams, in turn, are supported by the walls.

In the junction zone of the stringers and beams, vertical supports are arranged. Such supports should have their own support platforms and can be made of bricks in the form of columns with a cross-sectional area of ​​380 x 380 mm (1.5 bricks) or metal pipes with a diameter of 150-200 mm. On the opposite side, the platform beams are supported on the wall using anchor bolts or brackets. The construction on kosoura is most often made open at the bottom with no continuous sheathing under the steps.

Open staircase on kosoura Source

Before use, all wooden elements must be impregnated with antiseptics to protect against rotting and mold, and also treated with fire retardants for fire safety. Metal parts are treated with anti-corrosion agents, and are also protected by paint coatings, including bitumen varnish (black), red lead (red-brown) or chromium oxide (green) on natural drying oil.

Video description

A few more options for stairs in the video:

Base for stairs or when a porch needs a foundation

The upper side of the staircase adjoins the wall of the house, and the lower one rests on the ground. To prevent damage to materials, depending on the weight of the ladder, its lower part is installed on a support platform or a full-fledged foundation.

Bulk support platform

Light porches in the form of a spatial metal frame made of a rolling corner sheathed with a wooden board can be built according to a foundationless scheme, leaning on one side on a system of anchor bolts installed in the wall of the house, and on the other side on a support platform.

To prepare such a platform, you need to open a pit in the ground at the place of support with a width corresponding to two widths of the stair treads. Its length should be no less than the width of the flight of stairs, and its depth should be 20-25 cm from the ground surface.

This pit should be covered with crushed stone in layers no more than 5 cm thick with layer-by-layer compaction. After filling the crushed stone, a flat platform of asphalt concrete is arranged on top.

Easy porch without foundation Source

Monolithic support platform

Another way to construct a porch staircase in a private house, its steps and landings is to use monolithic reinforced concrete. After the installation of inclined and horizontal beams, formwork is sequentially placed for each of the steps, starting with the first, and poured with concrete of class B20-B25, (M250-M300). In this case, the stringers can be hidden in the concrete body.

Reinforcement of the step itself is carried out in an inclined lower part with a mesh with a mesh size of no more than 12 x 12 cm from rods with a diameter of at least 10 mm. The riser (vertical part) is reinforced with the same mesh. In the upper horizontal part, a mesh with cells of 10 x 10 cm made of reinforcement with a diameter of 6 mm should be installed. Between the reinforcement and the outer surface of the product, a protective layer of concrete with a thickness of more than 1 cm must be provided.

Arrangement of a monolithic platform for the porch Source

The armature is connected to each other exclusively by knitting wire without the use of welding, so as not to break molecular bonds in the metal.

Separate porch foundation

Brick, cinder block or natural stone blocks are also used as a basis for steps. Sloped walls are made of brick or stone with supporting horizontal and vertical sections in the upper part, which coincide with the dimensions of the treads (horizontal parts) and risers (vertical parts) of the steps. For such a device of steps, it is necessary to use strip foundations with the laying of the sole below the depth of freezing of the soil (1.5-2.0 m). The steps themselves can be made of wood or reinforced concrete.

It is good if the foundation of the porch is performed simultaneously with the foundation of the house. It is not recommended to rigidly tie the foundation of the protruding porch to the foundation of the house, since with uneven deformations of the soil base due to unequal loads in the steps and the site, defects in the form of distortions and cracks may appear.

Heavy porch on a foundation Source

Types and types of visors

Porch canopies can differ in several ways:

    by geometric shape;

    by material;

    by the method of fixing on the facade.

Visors are single-pitched, gable, in the form of a profile, which is the surface of a segment of a ball or an ellipse, cut into 4 parts in diameter. The gable canopies are triangular or arched in their central part to form a small pediment.

It is better to choose a gable canopy for a porch with steps perpendicular to the facade, and with steps installed parallel to the facade - a gable.

According to the coating material, the visors can be:

    metal - from roofing galvanized sheet or profiled flooring;

    plastic - made of durable plastic of different colors and profiles - smooth, wavy, etc.; in color, plastic can vary from transparent to a wide variety of colors, from which it is easy to choose a shade to match the facade of the house;

    wavy asboschifer - normal or painted with polymer compounds to increase its strength and durability.

The canopies are fixed to the facade using anchor bolts embedded in the wall.

Attaching the visor to the wall - Option 1 Source

Attaching the canopy to the wall - Option 2 Source

The external porch canopies are usually supported in the corners adjacent to the facade on metal or wooden triangular brackets, and in the corners farthest from the facade - on the pillars, which are wooden, metal or very rarely brick. In addition to supporting supports, they also serve as a decorative function, as they can be trimmed and decorated in a wide variety of ways.

There are porches with a canopy overlapping the above balcony, decorated in the same style as the porch.

Design and original ideas

Wood is a very convenient and easily processed material, therefore it can be used for the most free design solutions for decorating a wooden house. A wooden porch can be decorated with various carved elements of cornices and pediments. It is possible to make chiseled and carved pillars from wood that support the visor and balusters (vertical railing posts), as well as the railing itself. An interesting porch for a wooden house will turn out if you use wicker mats made of reeds, vines or willow twigs for fences. A porch for a country house made of metal is suitable for almost any building; buy in this version both a classic design option without frills and beautiful products with hand-forged fences with floral or abstract ornaments.

Video description

A selection of beautiful and original solutions in the video:

And a few examples in the photo:

Budget, but nice and neat porch Source

Glazed porch with a small staircase Source

There are no unnecessary details in this project - simple and tasteful.

Beautiful home beautiful entrance Source

Despite the simplicity, an accurate calculation is needed to create such a veranda. Source

Option to mask the space under the steps Source

Here, the steps and the veranda are very harmoniously blended into the overall exterior. Source

The original solution - instead of the usual steps at the door, a full-fledged open veranda was made in front of the entrance Source

In a house on stilts, you can't put such a porch right away - you have to wait until the end of the process of shrinking the log house Source

A practical, modern and inexpensive option for an open veranda, protected from the sun Source

Very beautiful decoration of the porch, plus night illumination of the steps Source

The original device path for a double-sided porch Source

What the porch of your house should be like depends only on your own material capabilities, taste, ability to listen to the advice of designers, architects and planners. If there is such an opportunity, it is worth trying to model the house along with the porch in any computer design program. This approach makes it possible to most consciously choose the appropriate type of porch and the materials from which it will be made.

It is difficult to imagine a private house without a built porch. Its design process can be different. The best option is to cast the foundations of the house and the porch at the same time. However, they often think about the steps after the building has been built.

In this case, the porch is attached, for which three types of materials are used - wood, metal, concrete.

How to build a porch correctly

Many of us are quite capable of attaching a porch to the house with our own hands. When you decide on the direction of the steps (they can go in one, two or three directions at the same time), you need to choose the height of the porch. It is desirable that it be lowered by 50-70 mm in relation to the border of the doorway.

There are two points to consider here:

  • exclusion of blocking the door leaf opening outward;
  • preventing water from entering the house after precipitation

Calculating the size of the upper platform

For outward-facing doors, prepare an upper platform with a depth 300-400 mm greater than the width of the door leaf. At the same time, there are GOST requirements - the size of the site must be at least 1.5 times larger than the opening. For example, you installed a door with a width of 900 mm, then the size of the platform should be over 1350 mm.

Step design

When determining the parameters of the stairs, you can focus on the recommended step size of 15-20 cm. If you divide the porch height by this size, you can get the required number of steps.

Of course, you are unlikely to get an integer. Therefore, you can vary the height of the steps within the recommended limit by distributing the surplus between them. Or provide a small step at the very beginning of the stairs. But the width of each segment can be in the range of 30-40 cm.

There are also the following recommendations: if you add up the tread value with the doubled step value, then the result should be 600-640 mm. For example, when designing steps with a height of 175 mm and a tread of 280 mm, the resulting value will be 170 * 2 + 280 = 630 mm, which fully corresponds to the criterion under consideration.

Base selection

The heavier the projected porch for a private house is, the more powerful the foundation is required. If for relatively light wooden and metal structures you can limit yourself to a pile or columnar base, then a concrete or brick structure will require a strip foundation or a monolithic slab.

It is also important to understand whether you will be connecting the foundations of the house and the porch. You need to focus on the characteristics of the extension itself and the characteristics of the soil. If you do not tie, then you need to be prepared for cracking at the junction, for example, due to frost, which will lead to a distortion of the structure. Further repairs may be required.

A bonded base also does not guarantee the absence of cracks. They can appear in the array of the porch itself. Since not always reinforced reinforcement can cover the difference in the loads of the house and the extension.

This base option is recommended if the structure of the house and the porch is massive enough. For example, when the latter is made of reinforced concrete. In this case, a high-quality bundle is required using reinforcement with a diameter of 12-16 mm, driven into the previously made holes in the foundation. Then the frame is constructed.

Selection of the staircase

Ladders can be built on bowstrings or stringers. For manufacturing, wood, metal or combinations are used, including with concrete.

The bowstring version is suitable for a wooden or small house. The attachment is as follows. The inner surface of the bowstring is connected to the support bars.

For metal parts, welding is used in the horizontal plane, and for wood, simple nailing of bars with the subsequent connection of a step is suitable. It is also permissible to cut grooves in the bowstring to install steps.

The use of kosour may involve the use of open supports. To do this, you need to cut out triangles at the top of the board, the base of which will be the support for the step.

If you have chosen the method of cutting the kosour, then you will need orientation in the height of the step and the width of the tread. It is advisable to connect them at an angle of 90 degrees. Many experienced craftsmen recommend that you first make a general template, which you can use in subsequent work.

Remember you need to choose the right number of stringers. It depends on the parameters of the staircase itself and the thickness of the board.

For thin boards, more frequent installation of stringers will be required. For example, a 25 mm board assumes a support distance of up to 60 mm. Bending should be avoided.

Porch structures made of different materials

There are several options for choosing the material for the extension. You yourself must decide on the project of the porch, based on the type of house, soil characteristics and your own preferences.

Wooden porch

This is a fairly popular material for the manufacture of this type of extension. Hardwoods such as oak are recommended. Larch, spruce and other conifers are also suitable for you. True, a special impregnation is required.

First, the supporting beam is installed. In it, teeth are preliminarily cut out, on the horizontal edges of which steps are placed. This beam is called a kosour and serves as an additional support. A distance of 500 mm is left between the stringers. Their number will depend on the intervals specified by the project.

For arranging the bowstrings, take a thicker board. The two bowstrings must be held together with crossbars. In the interval, stringers are attached to the beams.

Sawing the edges on which the steps will be fixed is done using a square. Errors can lead to subsidence and swelling of the steps.

The width of the step should provide comfort to the occupants. And their number is preferably odd - so you get an additional stiffener. Well, don't forget about the railings. Their presence is desirable if the number of steps is more than three.

The overhang is determined by the overall design. If you have glazing or reliable weather protection, then its presence is optional. But at the same time, the overhang itself allows water to drain onto the plane of the lower step, excludes falling into the grooves after rolling down the riser.

When you mount the porch to the wooden house on the foundation, you can form a small trench by pressing on the lower beam of the stringer. Of course, if the concrete has not yet hardened. This will increase the strength of the ladder. For the arrangement of the upper platform, a board with convenient dimensions is taken. It is necessary to accurately adjust the joints, to exclude the occurrence of deformations in the future.

Metal construction

This extension looks quite elegant. But you will need to know how to work with welding equipment and use standard parts. Moreover, the cost will not be too high. Although the use of forged parts will lead to an increase in cost and require preliminary ordering of forging elements.

A simplified version of the design is mounted using channels and corners. And then the filling material is installed, for example, wooden boards or high-strength chipboard.

Channel bars are fixed parallel to each other. The distance is selected in accordance with the projected step length. A corner is made to the size of the steps. It is advisable to provide a margin of up to 1 cm additionally along the edges for the seam.

Similarly, a part of the corner is cut off, corresponding to the height between the steps. Then in the form of the letter "G" they are connected by welding and attached to the channel. At the exit, metal skew-angles are obtained, which are connected in pairs by corners.

Use of concrete

The structure to be manufactured will be connected directly to the foundation. Each step requires high-quality reinforcement to avoid material destruction. First, the formwork is created for the bottom step. It is recommended to make the height of the first step more than the rest by 15-20 mm.

Subsequent elements are made in the same way as laying the foundation. Each of them is reliably reinforced with a mesh, and the transition to the next level is carried out after the concrete has dried on the previous level. Then a rough tile or stone is laid on top of the concrete.

You can appreciate the benefits of using each type of material from the photo of the porch. The appearance, quality of the structure and durability in operation are important factors in choosing a design solution.

Arrangement of the visor

The owner of a country house can decorate his home if he builds a canopy over the porch of the house. This element will be an excellent weather protection. And you can use metal pipes, a wooden beam for the frame. The cladding is also made of metal, wood and plexiglass.

The visor is attached to the piles pre-installed in the base. Tiles or a metal sheet are often used for covering, although polycarbonate is now gaining popularity. Be sure to provide a slope, on the lower edge of which a groove is attached by welding.

Even a novice master can make a porch with his own hands. It is necessary to correctly design this structure and carry out the work in stages, adhering to the basic instructions.

Photo of the porch to the house

A beautiful porch is the face of the house. With its proper arrangement and organization of design, it will be pleasant to enter the home. This part of the house should not only be beautiful, but also functional. There are many ways to combine these two properties.

Porch design options Source

Mediterranean style porch Source

Things to Consider When Developing a Porch Design

There are several rules that are developed by designers. They must be adhered to so that the arrangement of the porch in a private house exceeds all expectations:

  • The porch is an essential part of the house. It consists of several elements: stairs, fences, sanitary area and a shed. Moreover, the last part of the structure should be equipped separately from the main roof slope.
  • Also take into account the size of the adjoining area. It should accommodate at least 2-3 people. This rule is followed if the porch is not part of the terrace.
  • When organizing the design of the empty site, they try to use the same materials from which the house is made. If you plan to make a more complex porch design, then you can deviate from the rule and use other finishes.
  • It is encouraged to take as a basis for the design of the porch the general features of the landscape design of the local area. This can be paving slabs, handrail sheathing, or the formation of a canopy.

Beautiful entrance to the house Source

Autumn decoration Source

  • Stair treads should be functional and beautiful. For their decoration, tiles, decorative stone, brick, wood and other materials are used. It is important to understand that, together with the final finishing, the structure should not create a large load on the concrete screed.
  • Railings and railings are often made of wrought metal. Wood and PVC models are also acceptable. Concrete columns with decorative carvings on the machine are no exception.
  • A beautiful canopy can be made of wood, metal profiles or forging. The most popular and budget option is a polycarbonate visor device.

To get a canopy with ideal shapes and design, you should control every corner, monitor the harmony of materials with each other.

Porch of an old stone house Source

Large porch with seating area Source

Beautiful porch: design

Traditionally, the shape and style of the porch is dictated by the architectural features of the building itself. Sometimes you can deviate from these conditions if an individual project has already been developed for this structure.

Porch with a canopy: photos of interesting options

Entrance door with a visor Source

An extension with an original motive. The main material for manufacturing is forged metal. Special outdoor clinker tiles are used as flooring. This composition perfectly combines the light brown tone of the platform design with high dark uprights and a visor, painted in hammer paint.

Beautiful porch Source

Spectacular and at the same time strict adjoining area. In this construction, wood is used for the fence, painted with a paint with the property of resistance to fading. This type of porch matches the general style of the house. A wide area allows you to organize a decorative area or a mini-gazebo here. The visor on the inside is finished with clapboard (plastic can be used), and the outside is faced with bituminous tiles, as is the case throughout the house.

Porch in a wooden house Source

Wood porch decoration makes the structure reliable, natural and attractive. Classic square lumber columns and planking of the ceiling area are in perfect harmony with each other. The platform is installed on a decorative stone walkway, also made of wood with an aging effect. The modification duplicates the general style of the exterior of the house.

Porch in the form of a terrace

Terrace design in a private house Source

Convenient and multifunctional adjoining area. This design is suitable as a summer gazebo or dining area. Made with all kinds of decorations, including living vegetation. The porch platform is made of decorative clinker bricks. Railings and railings have a wooden base. The massive canopy is held on several columns, and is sheathed in lacquered wood from the inside.

Country house with a beautiful veranda Source

A beautiful large porch, made of natural wood. Plays a large role in a large country house. On such a terrace, various functional objects can be easily placed, a spectacular seating area is created. The porch railing is made with reinforcement and a wide holder. The steps are entirely made of planks. Ornamental plants in pots, correctly placed on the steps, give a great attraction to the house adjoining object.

Wide area with a terrace Source

Massive porch-terrace with oversized concrete railings. The fences are faced with decorative stone with a selection of natural patterns. The large visor is held in place by the columns. The roof is made of bituminous tiles. The use of ondulin material is not excluded. If the porch has a solid foundation, then the roof can be decorated with natural tiles.

Brick porch

Brick porch Source

A rectangular porch and a small brick staircase will complement the overall decoration of the walls of the house. A simple option with low steps. The masonry is made according to individual technology. Chopped bricks are used to decorate the porch of the house. For small porches, railings are often not installed. As for the canopy, they are rarely used for such models of the adjoining area.

Artificial grass steps Source

A beautiful and bright addition to the house is a brick porch with decor. The side zones of the steps are used as places for planting perennial plants. With the help of masonry, deep pots are decorated in which weaving or other types of street flowers are planted. An artificial turf or carpet is laid out on the steps themselves. The coating will look very nice in natural shades.

Clinker brick steps Source

A semicircular platform made of bricks using different masonry technologies. The upper part, which plays the role of a fence, is made of expensive white brick. The steps are covered with clinker tiles with a rough structure. Forging was used to make the railings. Night lights are also installed.

Concrete porch

Small porch Source

Concrete structures are considered one of the most common among the rest. They are not difficult to fulfill. There are no problems during the preparation of the screed. One of the classic options in the photo. The voluminous sides of the platform and a small niche for steps make the design unusual. Such a porch looks interesting without awnings and railings. Flowers in large pots on a leg are used as a decoration.

The next version of the concrete ring is very interesting for its appearance. Typically, this is how the blank is done before finishing, for example, brickwork or tile laying. Small railings on the sides of the steps are rounded to the bottom. The result is a narrow and rather steep descent. Suitable for houses with high foundations.

Hexagonal platform in front of the door Source

Concrete porch with wide steps. They follow the shape of equilateral polygons, decreasing in size towards the top. Such a structure is poured in several stages. You do not need to apply decorative finishing to such a site. If the door is too close, then it is best to additionally equip the canopy.

Porch with visor

A canopy over the porch Source

A successful composition with a semicircular polycarbonate visor. The roof is installed on a metal frame. The porch has a small fenced area. The facing of the floor and steps is made with imitation of granite. This design of the porch repeats the features of the basement around the entire house.

Forged handrails Source

An adjoining area with steps and a metal canopy. Metal with forged elements was used as a frame. To achieve a greater effect, some of the details are painted golden. A metal sheet is installed on the roof of the porch, painted in a waterproof and fade-resistant paint. A small landing and a staircase of six steps complement the overall design of the house.

This design looks very rich. It repeats the features of the main roof of the house, although it is made of bituminous tiles. The visor has a sloping shape with reinforcement at the edges. Mounted on a metal frame and additionally dowelled to the walls of the house. This approach guarantees the strength of the heavy structure.

Porch canopy Source

Porch with handrails and steps

White railing Source

Porch with plastic railings. It is considered one of the fragile options, but with proper use it can last a long time. The steps are made on a metal frame without additional reinforcement. The fence posts are installed in increments of 1-1.5 meters. The balusters have a thin design.

Porch made of metal and paving slabs Source of stairs-atlant.rf

A walk-through porch with two steps on both sides. The central part of the site is fenced with forged metal railings. A metal frame serves as a base for the risers. It is installed directly on the sidewalk tiles laid out in the yard.

Neat forging Source

Luxurious wide porch with double-sided steps. Artificial wood (special outdoor laminate) was used as the flooring. The design provides for metal railings with wooden handrails. The porch design has an aging effect.

Stone models

Steps on the porch Source

A beautiful decoration with a chaotic pattern. The platform with stone steps turns out to be rather massive and rich. The riser and step are made of the same material. A concrete solution is used as a grout. This design repeats the features of landscape design, where all the paths are lined with decorative stone in a similar style.

Porch made of stone Source

In the design of the run-in area in front of the house, a decorative stone of a small fraction is used, complementing the design of the porch. A concrete screed serves as the base of such a porch. This option is great for a round log house, provided that the basement has a similar finish.

Marble porch Source

The design of the porch of a private house made of marble stone with wide and massive steps. Wide platforms were made as a fence. In the future, these are usually equipped with metal fences and night lights.

Metal modification

Wrought iron porch for home Source

Metal structures are still in vogue. A beautiful porch of a private house with a raised drive-in area and wrought-iron structures looks unusual with a brick house. The steps are made of a metal frame, and small sidewalk slabs are laid on top.

Expressive black porch Source

Overall railings and porch frame. Made by welding and painted black with a durable paint. The railings are made in a classic style. One of the parts is connected to the flight of stairs, and the other is simply fixed to the wall of the house. Lattices are used as the upper part of the step.

Porch made of wood

Porch option for a wooden house Source

Small adjoining terrace in the natural decoration of the porch of a country house. For its manufacture, a solid wood was used. Railings and balusters are made of carved details. Only two flat steps act as a rise. Such beautiful porches are installed on a solid monolithic foundation.

Small entrance platform Source

A classic Russian porch of a narrow size. Made of painted wood with one-sided handrails. There is no riser in this design. Thanks to the strong frame, the ladder is held securely.

Chalet style cottage porch

A design option for a beautiful porch Source

For such an object, a wide platform and a massive wooden frame for a canopy are usually made. The roof of the mini-terrace is supported by powerful square columns. They are faced with light decorative stone. Visually, it appears that the ceiling of the visor is suspended.

Porch for a cottage Source

An interesting design of a porch with a large canopy made of a wooden frame. This design acts as a bright accent in the entire style of an old cottage. Complemented by a small number of low steps and wide decorative railing.

How to decorate the porch of the house

Various kinds of decorations are often practiced near the adjoining area. Usually, the owners try to decorate the porch of the house in the following ways:

  • perennial plants and decorative flowers;
  • hanging temporary pots with indoor plants;
  • weaving plantations;
  • decorative nets and handicrafts;
  • themed hand-made for the holiday.

Torn stone in veneer Source

Illumination of steps Source

Beautiful design of a large porch Source

Often, if space permits, small armchairs and mesh chairs are installed. In autumn, the porch is decorated with the harvested harvest.


When equipping the design of the porch of a private house, you can use various materials. Professionals recommend combining wood, metal and stone with each other. Thus, a spectacular, and most importantly, unique style is obtained. It will always be a pleasure for the host and guest to enter the house.