Beautiful wallpaper for the bedroom in the apartment. Choosing wallpaper in the bedroom: recommendations from designers, purchase nuances, photo gallery. Bedroom with light wallpaper

The choice of wallpaper for the bedroom is the most important moment in the arrangement of this room. It must be taken seriously, since the psychological health of a person directly depends on the degree of comfort of the room for sleeping. A cozy space allows you to relax after a hard day, to put your thoughts in order. Wallpaper in the bedroom interior can create a warm atmosphere that promotes maximum relaxation of the nervous system. Often, a bedroom is combined with a study, which must also be taken into account when choosing a wallpaper design. Productivity can be dramatically improved by following simple guidelines for design. Also, with the help of suitable canvases, it is possible to modify the space, visually reduce or increase the area. Since the appearance of the room will determine the mood of the person, we will now present the fundamental aspects of wallpapering.

Selection features

The range of products on the market can turn anyone's head. To get your bearings, you need to narrow it down for yourself to adequate limits. This can be achieved by classifying and quickly identifying suitable webs.

The key aspects to look out for are the following:

  • Wallpaper material;
  • Features of gluing;
  • Combination with a furniture set;
  • Room style;
  • Wallpaper color;
  • The side of the world that the room faces;
  • Options for combining wallpaper;
  • Fashion trends.

You should also familiarize yourself with some of the rules developed by professional designers over the years:

  • Wallpaper with horizontal stripes visually makes the height of the room smaller;
  • Vertical stripes can reduce the amount of space, visually reduce the area;
  • The use of such pattern elements as a rhombus or trapezoid will slightly expand the space;
  • Small bedrooms should avoid dark wallpapers with large, contrasting patterns;
  • Wallpaper with a large pattern is recommended for use in a room with a large square;
  • A competent approach to zoning implies smooth transitions between multi-colored wallpaper, or a bright selection of only one of the four walls;
  • An excellent effect can be achieved through the use of borders that give a sense of security;
  • A strong move would be to create an accent wall near the head of the sleeping bed. Here, the use of bright colors and contrasting patterns is allowed.

The combination of wallpaper with a pattern and without

Wallpaper material

Classification depending on the material allows you to more confidently navigate among the canvases.

The following products are considered the most demanded on the market:

  • Vinyl. Non-woven or paper can act as the inner layer of this washable wallpaper, but the class was named the outer layer - made of polyvinyl chloride. It is this layer that is responsible for the excellent performance of the wallpaper, such as durability, moisture resistance and ease of installation.
  • Non-woven. They differ from the previous class with an outer layer, which is usually represented by fine-pored vinyl. The basis, respectively, is non-woven. This leads to a certain ease of installation: it is enough to apply the adhesive binder only on the walls, while dry canvases remain to be carefully trimmed. In addition, they are able to hide various imperfections of the glued surface.
  • Paper. The ecological purity of traditional wallpaper is due to the fact that only paper and cellulose are used for production, which are capable of passing humid air. Finishing work is also not distinguished by any complexity, and the cost has long been established at a democratic level. The only drawback of paper wallpaper is its low moisture resistance, which leads to a reduction in its service life.
  • Textile. Like vinyl, they are multi-layered. The basis is the same, but the outer layer is a fabric cloth. The material of the fabric can be different - cotton, woolen, silk, etc. The natural component directly affects the performance of the wallpaper, as well as its cost. This is due to the fact that they have an aesthetic appearance and create a wonderful microclimate in the room. However, assembly work is somewhat complex, and the textiles themselves are actively "overgrown" with dust.
  • The liquid wallpaper. They are a fairly new trend, but have already managed to prove themselves quite well. The beautiful material is extremely easy to install on the walls, and its performance is just right for the bedroom.

Other advantages include sound absorption. A very important factor when children still live with their parents.

The method of applying the material to the wall implies a complete absence of seams, as well as the possibility of local correction of mechanical damage.

Linkrust. An interesting option for those who like everything unusual. A magnificent design is written on a dense base of wax, flour, and also chalk. After mounting on walls, they must be covered with an additional layer to ensure durability. Among the rules for caring for them, control over temperature drops is noted, of which the lincruste material is a little afraid.

Selection depending on the type of furniture

Since the furniture set is also capable of determining the interior design, these players need to be harmoniously combined. Matching walls to match the furniture will create a sense of real comfort.

So, subject to the presence of light furniture in the bedroom, certain requirements are imposed on the wallpaper. For a room with a small area, clarified products are needed, which will leave the amount of free space unchanged. Otherwise, there is a risk of creating a disturbing room in the form of a closed box. The best options are white, olive, apricot and golden beige tones. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom allows you to roam, then it becomes quite possible to use contrast with dark wallpaper.

The only limitation here is common sense and the combination of temperature shades. When cold tones are combined with cold ones. Do the same with warm ones.

When there is dark furniture in the bedroom, there are several more options for the development of events. However, here you should also remember about the color temperature. Often a dark set has a warm color, so it is recommended to use warm colors and wallpapers. These can be various variations of brown, sandy or olive colors.

The influence of style on the choice of wallpaper

Modern. The choice of wallpaper for a given style has specific requirements. They should be fashionable, but ascetic enough in the image to serve rather as a backdrop for other accessories. It is also worth recalling the need to use natural, environmentally friendly materials, since the modern style obliges you to do this. How harmony will be achieved, a play of contrasts or a harmonious combination - it is up to the owner to decide. The main thing is to maintain balance and not allow outright mistakes.

Provence. The style of this rustic design assumes the presence of a light furniture set, a predominance of pastel shades, as well as an abundance of various textiles. Therefore, the color palette of wallpaper for selection is wide enough: yellow, cream, sand, olive and blue tones - ideal for provincial walls. As for the presence of a pattern, here you need to pay attention to the textiles in the house. Since, if they have a sufficiently small pattern, then it clearly should not be repeated on the wallpaper. It is better to leave them solid to serve as a background.

Loft. For this style, a characteristic technique is to preserve a small part of the interior in an intact form. However, designers usually use materials that imitate the pristine surface (artificial brick, fake stone). Since real brickwork looks too rough. Another part of the walls is decorated in muted colors. Drawing on light-colored wallpaper should be avoided, unless a slight abstraction of a geometric shape is allowed.

2 types of wallpapers: patterned and plain

Country. Warm wallpaper tints go well with this American style. It is possible to use a cheerful color in a cage, but not too small. Also, do not overdo it with hot flowers, because then you will not be able to fully relax. The eyes will bump into the source of visual temperature. It is recommended to use a slightly muted, solid color wallpaper. The drawing should not draw attention to itself.

Japanese style. The characteristic features of this trend are the brevity of the statement, the modesty of the decoration and the use of neutral colors. It is recommended to use natural materials of wallpaper with ethnic motives of the land of the rising sun.

Classic. Embodies luxury, respectability. The more confident the owner feels at the top, the darker and deeper he can choose the tone of the wallpaper. There are no restrictions here, unless it is recommended to use gloss. It is better to give preference to matte products with an ornate, repetitive pattern.

Minimalism. The ascetic principles of this style imply economy in the drawing. Solid wallpapers of small texture without any image are welcome. There are no serious requirements for the color palette, except that acid shades should be avoided. Another option for following the style is to use a huge image on one of the walls. This element will act as an accent wall, dominating the rest.

Coloring wallpaper for the bedroom

Blue. Heavenly shades are characteristic of incorrigible romantics, as well as people with a subtle structure of the psyche. This is due to the soothing properties of the light and light color. He absolutely does not put pressure on a person. It is recommended to use it as a color for bedrooms with a small area, since the limitless blue visually increases the space.

Green. Quite a popular color in the design of bedrooms, as it also helps to relax and improve mood. Due to its natural origin, green is an excellent helper in the fight against negative thoughts. It clears karma and creates an enveloping atmosphere in the room.

Red. An obvious choice for self-confident and self-sufficient people. His choice is considered rather risky, however, provided that it is correctly combined with light colors, it can look extremely impressive. The dominance of red is beyond question.

Blue. Refers to cold colors, but it is allowed to decorate the bedroom. This is due to its sedative properties, when an overly active person suddenly calms down. It should be used only if the area is large, because in a small bedroom, blue will visually take up part of the space.

The black. A contradictory choice for a bedroom, because it can put pressure on a person with its depth. It must be neutralized with other light tones. Otherwise, the mystical component can play a bad joke with the owners and spoil the mood for a long time.

White. A universal solution suitable for combining with any other color. Symbolizes openness and mutual understanding.

Yellow. Has similar qualities, being the ideal partner for most others. Due to the warmth of its spectrum, yellow is used in bedrooms with a weak natural light source. Great for small space applications.

Brown. The color of cocoa beans is the undisputed leader among all designers when it comes to the need to decorate a bedroom. All shades of chocolate have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system and allow you to relax.

Finishing color and combination

If the bedroom window has an exit to the south side, then this indicates a sufficient amount of natural light. In this case, it is allowed to stop the choice on deep dark colors of the wallpaper. These include chocolate, terracotta, purple options. If the window has an exit to the north side, then it is recommended to select exceptionally warm colors of finishing products. It can be all sunny shades, purples, browns.

A curious design move is the use of combined wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom.

There are several options for how this can be at once:

  • Horizontal combination. Implies zoning walls by dividing them into parts. The upper part gets light, calm shades. The lower one can be characterized by a rich wallpaper pattern.
  • Vertical. The classic zoning technique for designers is the symmetry of vertical stripes with the head of the bed. When the line width follows the borders of the furniture product. There are no restrictions on the length of the lanes, they can even cross the ceiling. There are no special requirements for color.
  • Local inserts. It is customary to use them next to pieces of furniture. It can be either a bed or a bedside table. A baguette frame adds a special gloss to the color-distinguished insert. There are no strict requirements for the shape of the insert itself, if only not a blot.
  • Dispersal of niches. If the placement of sacred objects is not planned in the niche, then the color of the wallpaper must be selected based on the basic style. That is, it uses the same decor as the rest of the bedroom interior design.
  • Fashion trends of 2018

    These include the enduring classics of modern floral patterns, volumetric geometric abstractions, as well as large drawings in black and white. The latter usually implies the image of the stars of cinema or sports of past years.

    Separately, it should be noted the growing popularity of individual photowall-paper. They are placed on only one wall of the room, usually behind the head of the bed. This excludes the location of other elements of the furniture set near the wall, so as not to cover the photo. The rest of the walls should be in harmony and emphasize the accent wall in the bedroom design.


    The importance of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom interior can hardly be overestimated. They are able to subtly change the mood of the owner and delicately prepare him for bed. Being in a room should be enjoyable, so it is recommended that you follow the simple advice and ideas of professional designers.

As you wish, having come home from work after a hard day at work, to plunge into the atmosphere of coziness, tranquility and comfort. Of course, all of this can be found in the bedroom. For this, it is necessary that the entire furnishings and interior are conducive to relaxation. The smallest details are very important in this design. What can I say about the wallpaper. They play one of the most important roles in creating a harmonious interior.


There are many options for wallpaper nowadays. Therefore, it is very important to determine the end result and personal preferences.

The most common types:

  • Paper
  • Vinyl
  • Non-woven
  • Textile
  • Fiberglass
  • Wallpaper
  • The liquid wallpaper

The easiest wallpaper option is paper... The cost for them is small, but the quality is not at the highest level. The most significant advantage of them after the price is the ecological material. They also have a rich color palette.

However, these wallpapers fade quickly when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, the service life of paper wallpaper is short. If you like to change your interior design often and not spend a lot of money on it, then this option is the most suitable one.

Vinyl wallpapers are made of a denser material than paper. However, they should be glued to the aligned walls. And the gluing itself will not be the easiest process. Vinyl wallpapers are synthetic. They do not allow air to pass through.

After sticking them on the wall, an unpleasant odor remains in the room, which will finally disappear after a long period of time. Wallpaper can be made on paper or non-woven backing. The latter have a beautiful embossed pattern and are easy to stick.

A more expensive option is non-woven wallpaper... Their distinctive property is their ability to stretch. This is due to the fact that they are made of soft material (cellulose fibers).

Non-woven wallpaper is easy to glue, since the glue is applied only to the walls. Also, due to the sufficient thickness, they easily dock at the edges without forming bubbles. The main advantages: the ability to pass air, the environmental friendliness of the material, a variety of colors. Some non-woven wallpapers are paintable. Due to the dense material, it can be repainted up to fifteen times.

Textile look of wallpaper most often used to create a certain style. They can be produced either on paper or flesilin. But the top layer, which serves as a decor, is much more diverse: silk, linen fabrics, cotton, synthetics. The choice and colors are varied.

An important feature of synthetic-based fabric wallpaper is that it has excellent sound insulation properties. Fabric wallpapers look very rich and elegant. The negative aspects include the following: they accumulate dust, are unstable to water, as well as a high price.

Fiberglass... Such wallpapers are made from environmentally friendly material: molten glass, stretched into threads, or from quartz sand. This composition also includes soda and lime. There are a lot of advantages from using such wallpapers: durable material, can be washed with water, breathable, easily glued to the wall. The only clear drawback is the high price.

The liquid wallpaper perfect for hiding obvious wall irregularities. Apply with an ordinary spatula. Easy to wash off.

Wallpaper color

It is important to pay attention to the color scheme. Both the interior itself and the feelings that the pasted wallpaper can cause depends on this.

White wallpaper will look great in any interior. They go well with other colors. The most common use of white is in combination with black. White wallpaper evokes feelings of airiness, purity and freshness. This color visually expands the room.

Do not think that white is the only option. The variety of its shades from pearl to milky can diversify the entire design. White wallpaper is used in a classic, Scandinavian or minimalist style.

Gray wallpaper many leads to mixed feelings. On the one hand, dullness and dullness, on the other, a calm background relaxes and helps to sleep well. Gray wallpaper can highlight other bright interior details.

It is considered that green color and its shades great for a bedroom. This flavor has a beneficial effect on the mental state. For the bedroom, green wallpaper is best combined with blue, pink or yellow colors. Also, green will visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Beige color chosen by people who prefer a calm interior. This color is able not only to relax, but also contributes to a creative impulse. To prevent the walls from looking boring, they should be diluted with other colors.

Beige wallpapers are beautifully combined with black ones. However, you should not give preference to too frequent repetitions of dark shades. This will make the room appear gloomy. The chic option will combine beige with golden. Such an ensemble will be eye-catching and will glow beautifully under the sun's rays.

Black wallpaper in the bedroom they will look elegant, luxurious and a little mystical. The main thing is to diversify such a room with additional elements. Designers do not recommend gluing black wallpaper to those who were afraid of the dark in childhood, or who are often depressed. This range will further worsen the mood.

If you are all right with this, then black wallpaper will contribute to normal sleep not only at night, but also in the daytime.

Brown color walls are appropriate most often in large bedrooms. Light furniture is capable of diversifying the dark atmosphere, as well as the correct lighting, which should be bright.

It is generally accepted that pink color only suitable for girls. But this is far from the case. With a competent combination with other interior items, such as furniture, curtains, paintings and so on, you can get a very harmonious design for the bedroom of the newlyweds.

If the bedroom is made for a girl, then such a color with its many shades will transform the room beyond recognition. It is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern.

Red color in itself is very dangerous. Excessive saturation can cause fatigue or aggression. It is best to combine red wallpaper with white or beige. Also, with this color of the walls, it is worth choosing furniture in light shades.

Yellow evokes a feeling of joy and goodwill. Easily invigorates after a night's sleep. When combined with beige or white, you can get a very interesting interior. It is not for nothing that this particular color is used in hospitals. After all, he is able to relax and set the mood for the whole day.

Pattern and texture

Drawing directly affects our perception of the interior as a whole. Most often, wallpaper with the following patterns is chosen:

  • Floral ornament. Suitable for creating a romantic atmosphere. Most often, these wallpapers are used in vintage or English style. So that such an interior does not seem feminine, you can combine the drawing with other patterns, like a strip or a simple cage.
  • Suitable for a men's bedroom wallpaper with a pattern in the form of a cell or strip. Designers advise to glue this type of wallpaper on the side of the bed.
  • Geometric patterns, animals and plants will be appropriate for wallpaper in classic or art deco style.
  • Best for the bedroom embossing texture... It, as a rule, imitates such noble fabrics as velvet and corduroy. With such wallpaper, the bedroom is filled with home comfort and has a lot of relaxation.

Combined wallpaper

It has become fashionable to combine wallpaper in the interior. This technique is used for several reasons:

  • Helps highlight areas in the room. If the bedroom is also used as a workplace, then the wallpaper will be the best way to divide the space into zones.
  • Hides some flaws. Not everyone is lucky with the right layout. Sometimes elements such as protrusions of heating pipes or niches can spoil the mood when staying in such a room. Combining wallpaper will help accentuate other areas of the bedroom. And vice versa, you can make the flaws a highlight in the room, highlighting them with a bright accent in the form of wallpaper.
  • The main emphasis is made. When there is a need to highlight one of the walls, this technique is most successful. You can use wallpaper, the variety of which is now very large.

Combination of wallpaper with other interior items

Each attribute in the room plays in the correct and full-fledged perception of the interior. Therefore, many are trying to find the most profitable combination of curtains and wallpaper. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to adhere to some selection rules.

Curtains to match the wallpaper. The most optimal and common option. But you should not choose completely one color. This will blend the curtains into the walls. It is enough to choose a tone lighter or darker to make the bedroom seem cozy.

If the wallpaper has a catchy pattern, then the curtains must be selected in neutral tones. It is not recommended to hang braid or lambrequin on the curtains. With this choice, the emphasis will be on the walls.

When the wallpaper is of a plain calm color, it is necessary to hang bright and catchy curtains. This way you can avoid dullness in the interior of the bedroom. Just keep in mind that this technique will be appropriate with the right combination of wallpaper and curtains colors.

The most convenient option is white curtains. They go well with any wallpaper in various interior styles. The only obvious drawback will be that such curtains need to be washed very often.

Some people believe that the bedspread and wallpaper should be in tune. However, this is not the case. To diversify the interior, many designers are advised to choose patterned bedspreads with plain walls.

It is necessary to decide what the main emphasis will be. If on the bed, then it is better to choose a bright color of the bedspread. If the bed fade into the background, then it is better to pick up the bedspread in the same shades as the wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper in bedroom design

With the advent of photo wallpaper, it became much easier to highlight the wall in the room. Such wallpapers can be on any subject and any shades. It can also be your own photo. It is accepted to glue photowall-paper only on one wall.

In addition, no unnecessary items such as cabinets and high chests of drawers should stand near the wall that is highlighted. Otherwise, you will get a very ridiculous interior.

Today, wall murals can depict any image: cities, nature, landscapes, plants, animals, people, and so on. It all depends on your personal mood and preference. Wall murals are easy to glue and can be washed if dirty.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

Do not be upset for those who have a small bedroom. You can quite harmoniously and tastefully make a modern and cozy interior. In addition, there will be much less consumables, which will allow you to choose better and more expensive wallpapers.

Designers have always advised and continue to do this to glue light-colored wallpapers in small rooms. So the space visually increases and the illumination will be better. It is better to avoid any bold and catchy drawings. The most suitable option for such a bedroom would be non-woven or liquid wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the bedroom for a teenager

When choosing wallpaper for a teenager's room, an emphasis should be placed not only on the environmental friendliness of the material, but also on the color scheme. Overly flashy and bright wallpapers will not contribute to healthy sleep and comfortable rest. Wallpaper with a picture will look appropriate in such a room. Children are always curious about the patterns on the walls.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also take into account the nature of the teenager. If he is temperamental, then it is best to give preference to cold, but not dark shades. If by nature the child is more phlegmatic, then feel free to glue wallpaper in warm colors. If a teenager is lazy enough, then it is recommended to choose a moderately bright wallpaper.

In fact, it can be combined with a personal office or with a small living room, library. The bedroom is a small world where you can fulfill all your desires.

The main thing that needs to be done is coziness and comfort, so that it is pleasant to have a rest and work there.

The most common types of wallpaper

Let's take a look at the classification of wallpaper for your bedroom:

Vinyl wallpapers. Quite a good option. Wallpaper is characterized by the fact that it can be washed, since the layer on the outside is polyvinyl chloride.

Non-woven wallpaper. They are, like vinyl, two layers. Because of the name, you probably already understood that one of the layers will be non-woven - the bottom one. Such wallpapers are easy to glue on the walls, and the main thing is that they do not need a lot of glue.

Paper. This is an ecological option, as they are made of paper and cellulose, which is not harmful to health, does not cause allergies and is breathable. Paper wallpapers are not expensive and can be glued to the wall just as easily as non-woven wallpapers. The only negative is that due to the fact that they are made of paper and are afraid of water, they will not last long.

Textile wallpaper. These wallpapers have many layers. They are characterized by a fabric first layer, and the last one is paper. Textile wallpaper has a rather large cost, so not everyone can afford it.

The choice of wallpaper to match the color of the furniture

If you have already purchased furniture, then now it is important to choose wallpaper for them. Choose those that will be counted in both color and style.

In a small room with light furniture, you can choose light wallpapers - light green, light orange, beige, pale yellow. This idea will make the room visually expanded and spacious. If you choose dark colors, then the room will look like a dark cube.

In a room that is large in size with light furniture, if you wish, you can add a little dark wallpaper color. This will add more contrast to the room.

In a bedroom with dark furniture, you can choose from many options. Regardless of the size of the room, choose warm colors such as yellow, orange, beige, slightly brown.

Choosing wallpaper for different bedroom styles

We are done with the classification, you can proceed to the selection of wallpapers for various styles of the bedroom:

For modern, the main thing is to have all natural materials, there should be no unnecessary drawings. In this style of the room, the wallpaper should be the backdrop for the interior.

Provence is characterized by its beauty and tenderness. Most often, the furniture here is light, and the wallpaper has cute drawings. You can choose the color to your taste - blue, white, light blue, yellow or green.

The loft has a completely different design - a brick wall. A small part of the wall should be decorated with imitation bricks, and around this part there should be soft and calm colors of wallpaper without a pattern, of the same tone.

In country style, wallpaper of delicate colors should be present, most often in a cage or in a flower. But do not overdo it with colors, because the bedroom is a place to sleep and relax.

In the classic style, everything is simple. Choose a wallpaper with a repeating pattern and enjoy its beauty. The color of the wallpaper can be very different - from light to dark tones.

In minimalism, you should create a light and laconic interior, without any special decorations. You can choose the color to your taste, but you will need to be careful with the choice of the pattern. It is better that the wallpaper is without a pattern at all - monochromatic, or has a dull abstraction.

Lightness in the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

If your windows face the side where there is a lot of sun, then it is recommended to choose dark and rich colors in such a bedroom - blue, chocolate.

If the room is shaded, then, of course, you need to add more light. Colors such as purple, golden yellow, yellow, light green, pale orange are perfect.

Photo of fashionable wallpaper for the bedroom

The bedroom is a special comfort zone, so be it traditional, country, romantic or wild, make it your own. It should be the place where relaxation awaits at the end of a busy day - exclude the technique from the room so that nothing will interfere with it. My all-time favorite concept is the modern large mural over the headboard, look how wonderful. Materials, colors, patterns and motives - in more detail later in the article.

We create a bedroom competently

With the resurgence of the popularity of wallpaper, many designers are coming up with new ideas and designs that make the bedroom an exceptional place. It is a quick way to change, improve the decor, create an elegant interior. Explore trendy bedroom design ideas, from bold stripes, prints, delicate florals, to signature multi-faceted designs.

The way you design your bedroom determines how you sleep. The pattern and design with quirky surfaces and soothing colors create a relaxing atmosphere for this holiday destination. The colors used are not limited to cool or neutral shades.

Heavier and warmer colors have also been introduced into the boudoir. The wallpaper should match your own style, but check out some ideas for this room anyway.

A Closer Look at a Quiet Place

People with healthy sleep and wake rhythms spend at least one third, and sometimes almost half, of the day in their bedrooms. This is a significant amount of time, which is why the design of this particular room is so significant - increasingly playing an important role.

Previously, the approach was different, as this room was mainly seen as a functional area. A little color, perhaps a little texture was enough, and the patterned texture was used mainly for a public area, such as a living room or dining room.

Today's bedroom is a design oasis, we put a lot of creative effort into this part of the house. Books, magazines and the World Wide Web provide a lot of inspiration. Using all kinds of murals and modern materials, you can achieve any style of interior design, for example:

  • Country Look (Country Look);
  • Shabby & Boho Chic (Shabby Chic & Boho);
  • New Romantic
  • Modern Baroque (Modern Baroque);
  • Mid-Century (Mid-Century Style);
  • Loft Style (Loft Style).

In our bedrooms, we close our eyes and go into the arms of Morpheus. We also read books there, watch TV, leave the world for a few hours. But sometimes it can be difficult to pass out: insomnia seems to be a massive phenomenon.

Therefore, our boudoirs should become another world, a space where we can relax, gently fall asleep, where stress with the tension of our daily rhythm is replaced by positive thoughts.

Therefore, furniture and textiles continue the concept, especially in terms of color: too much contrast is harmful. Furniture should be functional, perhaps a bit scarce. The same applies to decorative items. It helps relaxation, sleep, your mind, which will be more difficult to abstract if there is chaos around, and the environment is claustrophobic.


Wallpaper does not usually suffer from severe condensation or (except in children's rooms) potential damage. Therefore, they can have any surface material of your choice. Here are some examples.

  • natural;
  • textile;
  • metal;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • acrylic;
  • leather;
  • fiberglass;
  • textile;
  • metal;
  • liquid.

Wet wallpaper is composed of synthetic fibers and has different strength characteristics - with moderate, high moisture resistance, moderate and high scratch resistance. You can find this information in the description, but fiberglass is considered the most durable and wear-resistant. Their only drawback is a meager pattern range, here they are inferior to vinyl, which are also moisture resistant.

All nonwovens are durable and retain their shape, so they can be used in damp rooms. They can be removed without soaking in order to easily change the wall decor. With these types, the adhesive is applied to the wall, which saves time and effort.

Colors, patterns and motifs

There are no specific colors or patterns for bedrooms. Just avoid design that is too flashy or “too loud”. By sticking to this simple rule, you can't go wrong when you want to choose. There are, however, specific color combinations that are more appropriate. The following color combinations are especially popular for boudoir:

  • black red;
  • black-brown;
  • black, white, silver;
  • beige, gold, olive green, delicate shades of brown;
  • white, gold, brown, beige;
  • dark wood shades, turquoise, aquamarine, gold ocher, bronze;
  • white, blue, light gray;
  • matching light natural shades, such as sand, cream, pearl white;
  • earthy tones combined with green;
  • white, pastel colors.

Avoid bright, flashy, or neon colors. They are too stimulating and can prevent you from finding peace (sleep). An atmosphere that is too dark or too cold can also be detrimental to your well-being.

Contrasts are good when there is a whole picture. For a cozy bedroom, provide harmonious patterns, effects, materials.

When it comes to patterns, there is an endless selection of themes:

  • baroque;
  • floral;
  • romantic;
  • geometric;
  • nostalgic;
  • striped;
  • glamorous wall decor.

Metallic, 3D structures, fiberglass, velvet flocking, natural materials such as bamboo or straw, imitations of wood or stone are just a few examples of how designer décor can transform a bedroom into a dream kingdom.

How to make designer decor?

Applying designer wallpaper to the accented wall in bedrooms still accentuates the bedroom interior. It is often the wall by the bed, decorated with an unusual pattern, making it the focal point of the room.

Base your choice on your own style preferences, such as baroque versus geometric, abstract or nostalgic. Interesting solutions made of wood, stone or fine leather are also very suitable for accented walls. Romantic, nostalgic motives will always be popular in boudoirs.

But with a beautiful pattern or design, they are used for more than just walls: how about decorating the front of a dresser or wardrobe with them? Another popular option is to make the headboard out of chipboard or drywall and apply a nice paper pattern to it.

How to decorate walls with a large pattern?

Covering the walls in a bedroom with a large pattern requires a bit of sophistication to create a cohesive overall picture. Do it right:

  1. The structure should be consistent and well defined.
  2. Choose bedrooms with subtle patterns, florals, baroque and geometric designs.
  3. Consider the height and layout of the room. Wide, large-scale or three-dimensional drawings make the room look smaller; horizontal stripes have a similar effect. The best option is subtle or small patterns and motifs that lengthen the room.
  4. Natural bamboo, cork or grass wallpaper can be used on all four walls. They create a very warm, cozy and natural atmosphere.
  5. Metal wall decor captivates with its fantastic shine and dazzling effects, use it for more than just hi-tech style.
  6. Textile with stripes and shiny threads provide sophistication and glamor.

Create a multipurpose bedroom space by using different “zones” to define, such as a changing room or home office.

Rooms for children, teens and multipurpose bedrooms

Children's rooms are a multifunctional area in which you need to create visual blocks between the sleeping, play and study areas. Teens, however, tend to go for a visually unified look and often choose to use their favorites on all walls. Choose walls with a pattern or motif that stimulates the imagination and encourages learning.

The choice of wallpaper for a bedroom is a rather difficult task, given the variety of their types, as well as a large number of manufacturers - both in Russia and abroad. By choosing the right wallpaper, you can create any mood in the room - tenderness, romance, complete intimacy or even mysterious mystery.

Features of the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

To make the right choice, you need to know some interior properties:

  • Drawing directed horizontally contributes to the visual expansion of the room, but "reduces" the height of the ceilings;
  • A drawing directed vertically will "raise" the low ceiling, but visually reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  • Some geometric shapes, such as trapezoids or rhombuses, applied to the wallpaper, change the psychological perception of space - it seems larger;
  • Light colors and rare small patterns also help to visually enlarge a small room; such wallpapers are appropriate in the interior of a small bedroom;
  • Large elements of the picture, especially if they are located often, "reduce" the room;
  • Combining wallpaper in the bedroom makes it possible to highlight different areas, for example, accentuate the head of the bed, isolate a corner with a dressing table or a place for a home office;
  • Simultaneously with the wallpaper, you can purchase a border that is suitable for design; it is used for horizontal division of the area;
  • One of the walls (usually behind the head of the bed) can be accentuated by gluing on it wallpaper with large patterns, a color contrasting to the rest of the walls or an unusual texture. Such wallpaper can not be pasted over the entire wall, but only the part adjacent to the headboard.

Suitable bedroom wallpaper: material

In the production of wallpaper, various materials are used, which determine their properties. Each type of wallpaper has its own advantages, but they are not without disadvantages.

Paper is the cheapest material for wallpaper production. The quality of the wallpaper depends on the quality of the paper - the higher it is, the better. The manufacturer can use paper in one layer, maybe in two, which makes the wallpaper more durable.

An indicator of the quality of paper wallpapers is their specific gravity. If it is in the range from 110 to 140, the wallpaper is considered good.

Non-woven material - non-woven is used as a basis in the production of these wallpapers. It has a high density, and consists of cellulose fibers with the addition of polymeric materials. There are several options for applying drawings to the base.

Non-woven wallpaper: direct application

The pattern is applied to a non-woven base. Such wallpapers are much stronger than paper ones, but they also have their drawbacks.

Non-woven wallpaper: polymer coating

The pattern is applied to a coating of polymers with which the paper is coated. This is usually vinyl flooring. It can be smooth, foamed and embossed (silk screen printing). The surface of such wallpaper can imitate brickwork or plaster.

Fabric wallpaper is more expensive than paper wallpaper, but it has a number of advantages that are hard to ignore. Both are made of two layers, the lower one is non-woven or thick paper, the upper one is fabric threads or fabric cloth. The cloth can be silk, linen, cotton, jute, velor, felt.

Generally, vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper is not used in the bedroom. The reason is the lack of the ability to pass air. As a result, the walls under such wallpaper cannot "breathe", and a fungus can develop under the wallpaper. A room covered with vinyl wallpaper requires frequent ventilation.

Other types of wallpaper

In addition to these, the most common types, there are other options for wallpaper. For example, photo wallpaper that allows you to decorate the entire wall completely with a city view, a picture of nature or an abstract drawing. Usually, wall murals have an adhesive layer. Wallpaper is made of fiberglass, as a rule, for painting. In addition, recently, wallpaper made from natural materials - cork, leather, bamboo - has been gaining popularity.

Wallpaper in the interior of the bedroom: pattern and texture

The pattern on the wallpaper has a direct impact on our perception of the room, so it must be chosen taking into account the purpose of the room.


Suitable wallpaper for the bedroom if you want romance - with images in the form of flowers. This is a feminine and romantic option. If the bedroom is intended for two, then you can combine a floral pattern with a more "masculine" stripe or check. Floral motifs are suitable for decorating a bedroom in an English style, vintage.

Strip and cage

Stripes and checkered patterns are typical for the design of men's bedrooms. Suitable for interiors in English style and classics, both traditional and modern. They are usually used on all walls, if the stripes are not too bright. Combined wallpaper in the bedroom is often used to highlight the headboard. For example, a pattern of narrow stripes of rich colors can be used as an accent on one of the walls - this is typical for modern styles.


Suitable wallpaper for a bedroom in the style of Provence, shabby chic or retro can be wallpaper with an ornament of flowers and plants. Ornaments using geometric elements look quite strict, they are more often used in classics or art deco.


Choosing wallpaper with textured embossing, you can get an exclusive stylish interior. The embossing can imitate velvet or corduroy, or the fabric that will cover the sofa.

Combined wallpaper in the bedroom: rules of application

The use of wallpaper with different patterns or embossing in one room allows you to create interesting interior effects, correct imperfections in the shape of the room, and divide the room visually into functional zones.

  • Highlight the pros and mask the cons: Various types of wallpaper in the bedroom will help you focus your eyes on the point you need. For example, a bump in the ceiling can be hidden by making the viewer look at a bright pattern in the middle of the wall. And vice versa - by pasting over an uneven wall with neutral wallpaper, you will make it "invisible".

  • We divide into zones: A bedroom room can serve several functions, such as a bedroom and an office. Combined wallpapers can be used to visually separate them from each other.

  • Correcting the geometry: Combined wallpaper in the design of the bedroom will help expand the narrow room. To do this, dark-colored wallpapers are glued to shorter walls, and light-colored wallpapers to longer ones. If the bedroom is square in plan, one of the walls can be pasted over with combined wallpaper of saturated bright colors, and the rest - light, the room will look more advantageous.

  • We place accents: One of the simplest ways to highlight one of the walls is to paste wallpaper on it in a contrasting tone, or with a pattern. Among the variety of types of wallpaper in the bedroom, you can choose matching in shades, but differing in saturation. You can also cover the accent wall with wallpaper with a bright decorative pattern. It is good if among the tones of the picture there is a tone of the background wallpaper.

  • Let's focus on the point: Another common interior technique is to create a focal point that attracts the eye. In this case, it is not the wall completely that stands out with the accent wallpaper, but only one of its fragments, for example, near the bed, fireplace, antique piece of furniture, in the resting corner.

  • We decorate the room: Combined wallpaper is often used as a decorative element of the interior. A sheet of plywood covered with wallpaper is inserted into a suitable frame and hung on the wall. Also, a part of the wall with wallpaper in a contrasting tone can be framed with moldings.

Variants of using combined wallpaper in the bedroom

When combining different wallpapers in one room, make sure that there are repeating elements in them. It can be a drawing, color or texture.

  • Various shades. Pasting a room with wallpaper of the same color, but in different shades, you can get an elegant stylish interior, discreet, but having its own "face". You can combine shades of color, for example, ecru and ivory, or its saturation.

  • Different colors. The basic rules for combining are combining neutral and active colors. You can also experiment with contrasting tones. Different colors are used for zoning.

  • Plain and patterned wallpaper. Using combined wallpaper in the design of the bedroom, you can achieve interesting decorative effects. For example, a bright patterned wallpaper panel looks great against the background of smooth plain walls. A smooth wall can be decorated with a wide geometric border.

  • Combination of patterns. Patterns such as stripes and flowers, stripes and checks, woody textures and floral designs go well with each other. Combinations of geometric shapes look interesting.

  • Horizontal separation. The traditional way of pasting the bottom of the room with striped wallpaper, the top - smooth or floral, and separating them with a border looks good in classic interior styles. As a rule, the combined wallpaper is lighter at the top, darker at the bottom.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom: selection rules

Too small a bedroom is a problem for many houses, especially those built in the middle of the last century. Therefore, the question of choosing wallpaper for them is quite acute. Everything is important here - what color to prefer, whether it is worth taking wallpaper with a pattern, how to correctly combine different types of wallpaper in one room to make it seem larger.

  • It is easy to "expand" a narrow room if you paste over the end walls with wallpaper in dark, saturated colors, and the rest with light ones.
  • With low ceiling heights, wide curbs cannot be used. If the room is high and small in area, the wide border, on the contrary, will straighten the proportions.
  • The glossy surface of the wallpaper in the interior of a small bedroom will help expand the room thanks to the play of reflections.

The choice of wallpaper in the bedroom: a selection of photos

It is quite difficult to imagine how wallpaper will look in the bedroom if you do not have specific examples in front of your eyes. To determine which materials for wall decoration are suitable in your case, look at the photos below, they will help you make the right choice.