Beautiful bathrooms in the house. Comfortable and practical bathroom design in a private house. Walls for painting

Today, almost every modern private house has a full bathroom. If in terms of planning, building and laying communications, all bathrooms are equipped almost the same, and differ only in size, then the finish can be much more diverse.

Consider various ways of decorating, a photo of a bathroom in a private house, current design ideas.

Finishing preparation

Before finishing the room, it is necessary to carry out a set of preparatory work. You need to start with the insulation of the walls and floor. This will eliminate the appearance of condensate and its accompanying negative phenomena, such as mold and fungus. Also, insulation will ensure the comfort of taking water procedures in the winter.

The bathroom in a private house is a room with high humidity. Therefore, finishing should be done only with moisture-resistant materials. Today their choice is quite large. Modern facing materials allow you to equip a comfortable and aesthetic room for receiving water procedures.

Finishing with ceramic tiles

The most popular and relevant finishing material for the bathroom is ceramic tiles. It is distinguished by high moisture resistance, long service life, wear resistance and a wide choice of stylistic solutions.

Properly selected ceramic tiles will allow you to implement a practical modern design of the bathroom in the house. Choose the color of the tiles based on the style in which you want to decorate the room.

Plastic panels

If the task is to save money, you should look at plastic panels. This is an inexpensive and easy-to-install material, characterized by good moisture resistance. However, plastic cannot be called an environmentally friendly material. Another disadvantage is low wear resistance.

Often, only the ceiling in the bathroom is trimmed with plastic. The floor and walls can be finished with tiles, and the ceiling with plastic. The fact is that finishing the ceiling with tiles is a very laborious work and creates a noticeable load on the floor, since the structure is quite heavy.

Plastic panels are also available in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Walls for painting

Walls can not be finished with special materials, but simply painted. To do this, the surface is pre-leveled, covered with a layer of plaster, primed, and then painted. You can use textured paint, which allows you to create original visual effects.

Painting is a good solution for creating an original design. You can combine various shades. And for decoration, stencils with all kinds of patterns are used.

It is important to use only moisture-resistant paint, as the room has high humidity.

The advantage of the solution is the ability to quickly update the design. To do this, simply repaint the walls, without the need to dismantle any finishing materials.

Natural wood finish

Natural wood in the decoration of the bathroom looks very stylish and elite. This material will give an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. But, it is necessary to use special wood species that are resistant to moisture. And before installation, the material must be processed several times with special moisture protective agents.

Finishing with natural wood is quite an expensive option. This solution is ideal for a classic interior. But, using a tree of the appropriate species, you can decorate the room in one of the modern styles.

Are the walls in the bathroom covered with wallpaper?

Wallpaper is also an affordable finishing material. But, you can use only moisture-resistant models, otherwise the finish will quickly become unusable.

In areas where the walls are in direct contact with moisture (near the sink, bathtub, shower) do not glue the wallpaper. Even the highest quality moisture-resistant wallpaper will deteriorate after a while due to constant contact with water. In such areas, it is recommended to use other materials - tiles or plastic.

Floor finish

Before finishing the floor in the bathroom of a private house, it must be insulated and waterproofed. For insulation, you can use special materials with low thermal conductivity (polystyrene, mineral wool, etc.). But, a more modern solution is the installation of a floor heating system.

Waterproofing is required to protect the internal structure of the floor from moisture, which will lead to the development of the fungus and the gradual deterioration of the structure.

In a private house, you can use any floor covering for a bath - moisture-resistant laminate, tile, linoleum, artificial or natural stone, etc. It is also possible to use natural wood, but with a preliminary high-quality treatment with a moisture-proof agent.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house

The design of the bathroom, regardless of its area and shape, tends to be concise and balanced design solutions. A beautiful, functional, well-thought-out design is simply bound to captivate and delight. After all, it is from this room that our day begins and ends, it is here that we take care of our beauty, forget about unresolved problems, and get a certain feeling of joy and pleasure. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a harmonious and functional bathroom space, taking into account not only modern design trends, but also your own preferences.

Selection of a color palette

Competent color design of space creates a visual perception of its expansion or vice versa, reduction. The shades of the walls, interspersed with color spots create a certain psychological mood, directly affect our emotional state and spiritual comfort.

There are several dominant ones that experts recommend sticking to when designing a bathroom.


Everyone knows that achromatic is a win-win option in small spaces. It enhances the perception of airiness and increase in volume, solved with the help of ceiling lights and highlighting individual design elements.

Choosing white as the dominant color for all bathroom surfaces, it is necessary to provide bright color spots in the design of accessories. This will avoid the negative impact of a monotonous space, which does not have the best effect on a person’s energy.

Snow-white marbled tiles - a stylish solution for decorating walls in the bathroom


Extravagant and energetic, very powerful and influential purple color for the bathroom is chosen by people who are leaders in their inner feelings. Therefore, it is important to analyze how comfortable all family members will feel in the updated space.

The first thing to do when starting to design the interior in the bathroom is to correctly calculate the saturation of the shades. It is not recommended to bring a lot of dark color into a limited volume. It is advisable to dwell on the noble lilac tone, which promotes relaxation, finding peace of mind.

To give dynamics, you can alternate wall tiles with varying degrees of purple tone saturation. At the same time, it is taken into account that this range requires the addition of another less active color. The most harmonious is the white tone. It is combined with purple gray, green, golden color.

Purple is the perfect backdrop for white sanitary ware, from the bathroom to the sink.

Black and white

The combination of two achromatic colors, black and white, is a classic and virtually win-win option in bathrooms with a relatively large area.

Usually, the floor and some elements of furniture and accessories are decorated in black. This avoids some heaviness. The white solution of the upper surfaces and walls gives the room more light and visually increases its volume, so you should not skimp on its presence in the interior.

You can pick up interesting elegant black patterns in weaves on a white tile background. Adds dynamics to a varied combination of these colors on the floor. Enhances the overall impression, emphasizes the noble depth of achromatic tones, active red in small quantities.


Solid brown color for the interior of the bathroom is chosen by calm and self-confident people. With proper selection of contrast, it is possible to create a cozy, luxurious environment where cleanliness and order reign.


The positive color of freshness, which is green, is associated with nature and spring. It is both soothing and energizing, creating an atmosphere of calm and giving a feeling of peace.

Shaping the future design in these shades, you are guaranteed to get an original and truly interesting bathroom interior.

For small rooms, experts do not recommend using too rich shades. A light palette is best suited, which harmonizes the space, makes it balanced and welcoming. As additional, you can take almost any shade, but in small quantities. Successfully enhance the tonic energy of green: orange, white, yellow and beige accessories.

Inimitable malachite color in harmonious union with snow-white sanitary ware - a practical and correct solution


Relaxing blue has always been one of the most popular colors in bathroom design. It is not distinguished by expression, therefore, sometimes it requires the addition of a contrasting texture. It can be a framing border, vertical or horizontal, a small fragment on the surface - floral, geometric, etc.

If by nature you are a reserved and irritable person, you should not choose dark varieties of blue for yourself, choose a more calm option. The ceiling can be made white, which will level out some of the sad note inherent in a large amount of blue.

As for the flooring, it is best to give preference to tiles made in light colors. K should be approached with due attention, since a lot will depend on its quality.

Style decisions

You can give even a modest miniature bathroom a sense of sophistication and prestige by solving its space in a certain style direction.

Provence. Gravitating to nature, the Provence style suggests the presence of light walls, white, decided under the floor. Are selected, bedside tables with a bright floral ornament. Towels with embroidery, woven soap dishes, forged fasteners for shelves will be appropriate. Wooden carved elements fit well.

Classic. You can add a touch of classic style to the design of the bathroom by choosing tiles that imitate natural objects - stone, wood. Creates an atmosphere of aristocracy calm beige tone of the walls, doors, cabinets, shelves finished in mahogany noble wood.

Time has no power over the classical style, it is always in demand and popular. Elegance and purity are his main forte

East style. The mysterious oriental notes that appear in the design of the bathroom look fresh and picturesque. It is enough to pick up tiles on the wall and floor with a sophisticated bright ornament, and the space will be completely transformed. Adds the inherent luxury of oriental interiors color - gold, red, lilac.

The style of the oriental interior has its own peculiarity. In it, it is very important to maintain harmony and not overload the space with small details. One of the shades should be dominant, and the rest are designed to create an overall harmonious atmosphere.

Silver, gilding, gloss - all this emphasizes and makes the interior of an oriental orientation special.

Japanese style. For small spaces, concise and elegant is one of the most suitable. When creating it, it is important to avoid rough imitation. Surfaces are monophonic in a combination of two, less often three shades. For example, black floors, brown furniture, gray walls and ceiling. Or white walls with red panels and black plumbing.

In the Japanese interior, a combination of lilac and pink, red and yellow is welcome. Drawings on panels, plumbing can be in the form of hieroglyphs or graceful plant motifs.

The Japanese style of interior design is naturalness and simplicity, so decorative elements - rugs, wall fans are made from natural materials.

Every detail of the Japanese interior adheres to the main principle of the oriental style - simplicity and convenience.

loft style. For bold people who gravitate towards making non-standard decisions, with fairly spacious bathrooms, a modern free loft style will appeal to them. It is characterized by a rough finish of one of the walls - under or stone. The rest of the surfaces are plain.

Complete freedom is allowed in the installation of plumbing and furniture. If the area allows, then the bath can be raised to the podium or placed in the center of the room. There should not be many bright spots, for example, a red sink next to a white bathroom and cream walls.

High tech. Not recognizing pomp and showiness, modest style is ideal for small spaces. The walls are usually solved in plain colors, while saturated and bright shades are allowed.

A characteristic feature of this style is the absence of decorative artsy elements. Preference is given to simple clear lines of furniture, plumbing with metal, plastic, glass surfaces.

The high-tech bathroom design fits perfectly with a marble imitation floor combined with a mosaic in the sink area.

Most often, the colors that prevail in high-tech style are white, gray and black.

Minimalism. A strict and orderly style with clear lines and the absence of catchy decor is appreciated by calm, accomplished people. Surfaces are solved in plain pastel or achromatic shades.

In the interior design of a minimalist bathroom, two colors are usually present. Most often you can find a combination of white with gray, blue with turquoise, milky with light chestnut. The union of these shades will give the interior calmness, harmony and balance. All accessories and fittings should, if possible, be hidden behind the fronts of wall cabinets.


The main criterion for the selection of furniture for the bathroom is its high moisture resistance. Due to the small area, it is convenient to place a hanging cabinet on one of the walls, where there will be various hygiene items, household cleaners and detergents. The most advantageous option are cabinets with mirrored doors and lighting.

Under the sink, a cabinet with sliding or hinged doors is most often installed. It conveniently accommodates a laundry basket. If preference was given to an open shell on an elegant leg, then the basket is selected without transparent facades. It must be equipped with a lid. Exterior decor should fit into the interior style.

Separately, mirrors are placed on the walls and even under the ceiling, if, when developing a design project for the future design of the bathroom, it was decided to use them as decorative elements designed to visually expand the space.


When designing a future bathroom interior, it is important to remember that a ceiling chandelier is rarely present in these rooms. For such an interior item, a fairly large area is required. More often, one corner lighting device is installed on the ceiling, covered with a ceiling.

From modern solutions, ceiling spotlights with the necessary level of hydroprotection are gaining popularity. Wall sconces serve as a zoning tool for even a small space. They are placed above the mirror, next to the shelves.

Any lighting fixtures in the humid environments typical of a bathroom should be installed by professional electricians. The minimum distance from any lamp to a bathtub or sink is 0.6 meters.

Combined bathroom

In an effort to expand the space, some people decide to carry out redevelopment, removing the partition between the toilet and the bathroom. It should be borne in mind that without the approval of the alteration project with the specialists of the BTI, it is impossible to dismantle the wall.

Having completed all the preliminary steps, they begin to create a design in the expanded room.

  • The ceiling should be done in classic white. Installation of moisture resistant tension structures is allowed. The most suitable material for conditions with high humidity is polyvinyl chloride. It is not subject to mold colonization, easy to clean, and if necessary, it will protect against leakage from above.
  • The walls are most often laid out with ceramic tiles. Thanks to the expanded space, you can turn to interesting collections that combine both plain and textured types of tiles. They make up a harmonious composition and do not require additional efforts to select a color scheme. There may be many options. An interesting dynamic is created if three walls are plain, and the third is filled with tiles with geometric or floral patterns.

You can decide on the lower part of the walls with a pattern, and make the top monochrome, using a tile with an ornament as a decorative border. It can also serve for zoning space, highlighting, for example, the area near the sink.

Increasingly, mosaics are used in the interior of bathrooms. Such a decorative finish should not be dominant, as it actively attracts attention. With its help, you can frame the mirror or decorate the walls around the shelves, visually highlighting this area.

Tiles or porcelain tiles remain the most popular types of floor finishes. Darker colors are more often selected than on other surfaces, which avoids excessive contrast in the room.

Recently, polymeric ones have appeared in combined sanitary rooms, creating a sense of depth if a decorative pattern is placed under a transparent surface.

Regardless of the area of ​​the room, it is important to place plumbing, furniture, accessories in such a way that there is no feeling of chaos. There are several techniques that work for the harmonious organization of the combined space:

  • Mount a hinged compact toilet;
  • To store the necessary cleaning, washing, hygiene products, a wall cabinet with mirrored facades is used;
  • Install a washbasin combined with a cabinet in which the washing machine is placed;
  • The shower cabin is selected corner with a sliding door.

A universal solution that makes the design unique and the space endless is a three-dimensional panel equipped with LED lighting from the inside. The drawing is selected in accordance with the general theme of the design being created. Modern trends gravitate towards abstraction, which allows, if necessary, to bring a bright modern sound into a monotonous interior.

Video: beautiful bathroom interiors

In this video, you can see the best bathroom designs, as well as choose the right interior style for yourself.

The main criterion for creating a bathroom design is the preferences of all households. Remember that everything in this room must be perfect. An atmosphere that causes anxiety and discomfort is not allowed here.

A cramped bathroom is not the one where the architects allocated too few square meters for the bathroom, but the one where the interior space is not properly organized. Even a room with a minimum number of "squares" can be turned into an example of advanced design ideas after repair. The main thing is to get rid of the unnecessary. Consider a photo of different bathroom design options.

The first thing to do to make the interior of a small bathroom much more spacious is to REMOVE EVERYTHING. We continue as usual:

  • store things in a place other than where they really belong
  • keep at hand not only what you need, but also everything that "suddenly needed"
  • improper use of the bath

It is precisely because of our disorganization and due to habits that have been established since childhood that decorative cosmetics, clothes for washing, 5 bottles of shampoo or shower gel (when one is enough), washing powder and cleaning products (their place is in a separate closet or pantry).

IMPORTANT! With proper zoning and design, a combined bathroom can look much more attractive than an imperial-style bath.

Small bathroom interior

For small bathrooms in the post-Soviet space, in almost all houses of planned construction, bathrooms are small) is ideal for a minimalist design. Baroque, colorful ornaments and many details will make a small bathroom even cramped. Ruffles, frills, rosettes and complex curls are not our option. In a small space, clear lines of objects and decor will be more appropriate.

Note! A wall mirror is a good way to visually expand a room.. However, remember that in high humidity conditions in the bathroom, the mirror will sweat. One of the main conditions for a stylish bathroom design is sterile cleanliness (walls, floors, glass and faience).

Another way to visually enlarge the space is to decorate the interior IN LIGHT COLORS with separate bright accents. Don't get carried away with pure white. It is difficult to stay in a completely white room for a long time. In addition, white tiles require daily care and washing. It is better to choose a light shade of any color, and complement the bathroom with elements of a contrasting or the same shade, but more saturated.

Note! In interior design, the same rule applies as when choosing clothes. Horizontal stripes on the walls make the room appear wider, while vertical stripes "raise" the ceilings.

Instead of hanging or floor cabinets in a small bathroom, it is better to use built-in furniture - or mount the shelves in a solid "canvas" without gaps, so that they completely cover the wall. It seems that this option will reduce the space. In fact, the feeling of tightness is caused not so much by the actual area, but by how many separate objects a person can distinguish. A built-in wardrobe or continuous rows of shelves are perceived as a whole, and the bathroom seems larger due to the psychology of perception of space. For the same reason, everything that can be hidden in a closet should be hidden in it.

The more small things and accessories remain in sight, the more cramped the bathroom will seem.

The mirror in the bathroom can be equipped with spot lighting, but you should not refuse from the overhead lighting. Evenly filling the space with light is another way to expand the bathroom.

The inward-opening door eats up an additional half meter. Change the hinges and install doors that open outward - or install sliding ones. This option is more convenient, but more expensive in installation and arrangement.

Combined bathroom design

Even if the bathroom is separate, one of the options for expanding the space is to combine these premises. So do not be sad if your apartment has a combined bathroom.

Popular layout options for a combined bathroom:

  • simple- the bathroom is wide, the rest of the furniture lines up along the longer side.
  • without corners- a "niche" of a semicircular shape is formed around the bath. Some of the useful space is "eaten up", but this is easily compensated by placing a large mirror in the bathroom.

A combined bathroom is an inconvenient solution if a whole family lives in the apartment, with parents and children, grandparents. In this case, you can use a decorative screen, which looks more attractive than oilcloth curtains, and is completely hidden in the closet after bathing (unlike curtains, which create visual noise even when pushed "into a corner").

How to design a corner bathroom

A corner bath is a compromise solution between the refusal of a bathtub and the usual oval-rectangular shape. It saves space in a small bathroom. And with the shape of the room close to a square, the corner bathroom should have taken the place of a standard "sister" in typical layouts.

With the placement of a corner bath, everything is easier than with a rectangular one. A corner bath - square or oval - should be IN THE CORNER, where it belongs.

Otherwise, the rules remain exactly the same as when designing a bathroom with a standard oval bath. In addition, the corner bathroom does not have to be in the shape of a square. Modern plumbing manufacturers offer any configuration:

  • oval(with rounded edge)
  • square(with straight and clear lines)
  • round(not the best option for tight spaces, but it exists)
  • curved shape(the edge of the bathroom has a complex shape, while maintaining a right angle)

How to choose furniture

All furniture for this room must be moisture resistant. This rule does not depend on the style or size of the room. Who wants to change all the interior items a year after purchase? A reasonable person wouldn't want to. So, first of all, when choosing, we focus not on design, but on the quality of workmanship. The main materials from which bathroom furniture is made:

  • plastic
  • glass
  • natural or artificial stone

Natural wood is a practical and beautiful material. But, unfortunately, not in our reality. European manufacturers, using natural materials in their bathroom collections, are guided by the typical layout of Europe, where the usual size of a bathroom is from 4 to 9 square meters. A typical bathroom in our conditions usually does not exceed 4 "squares". Natural wood furniture will not survive high humidity and tightness. Do not torment her or yourself (with prices and the prospect of re-equipping the premises in the coming years) - opt for more practical materials. Or choose furniture from elite manufacturers from exotic, but moisture-resistant types of wood. Suitable for you:

  • wenge
  • zebrano
  • iroko

Cabinets or shelves?

In a cramped room there is no place for cabinets! The more freestanding interior items - the more cramped the room seems. The ideal solution would be a built-in wardrobe up to the ceiling.

In addition, you can expand the bathroom due to the mirrored walls of the cabinet. But remember - they will have to be washed regularly from plaque. Not once a week, but daily.

A solid rack of open shelves without doors, or with sliding doors can become a replacement for cabinets.

Laundry basket

Keeping clothes in the washing machine until washing is not an option. But it is better to get rid of the basket in the bathroom - move it to the pantry or another room. The main task is to make sure that the laundry basket does not stand out against the general background. If there is absolutely nowhere to put it away - hide this "piece of furniture" out of sight, in a built-in closet. You can do the same with a washing machine if the loading mechanism is not top, but front. By doing this, you will solve two problems at once: things forever left on the typewriter will not attract the eye, and the typewriter itself will organically fit in as the bottom element of the cabinet to the ceiling.


It is also better to choose a wall-mounted and flat mirror(without accompanying locker), but the maximum size. Ideal for a small bathroom can be considered a full-length mirror. If you are not afraid of the prospect of laundering large mirror planes, you can abandon the mirror as an interior item and make the whole wall mirrored.

Modern manufacturers of mirrors cover them with a special film that prevents fogging. Such mirrors are much more expensive than "room" mirrors, but they also last longer. Perhaps it is worth saving the energy for cleaning and funds for household chemicals, and immediately purchase a mirror "adapted" to high humidity.


The rule of minimalism says: the smaller the room, the fewer individual elements it should have. And those that are necessary should be of the minimum size. A glass for toothbrushes, a bottle for liquid soap or a soap dish, and other small but important items should match the color of the walls and not attract the eye. The same goes for your bathrobe (if you keep it in the bathroom) and towels. To set the accents, it is better to place several thematic decorative elements in the bathroom - an exotic sink, a picture or a moisture-loving climbing plant. This approach will allow us to add a little carelessness to our extremely functional bathroom without cluttering up the space with unnecessary details.

How to equip a stylish bathroom in Khrushchev?

Khrushchev is not a sentence. It can be made not only comfortable, but also stylish. And the bathroom too.

The first thing to do with a typical Khrushchev bathroom is to get rid of the standard bathtub and replace it with a modern one. Corner bath will save a little space. So what, that the previous "cast iron"? High-quality acrylic keeps the temperature no worse. But we freed up some space for a washing machine, which can not be squeezed in any way. Instead of hiding the washing machine in a built-in closet, you can place it under the sink. The designer who came up with this witty solution deserves a monument from all the grateful residents of apartments with a typical Soviet layout. You can completely abandon the sink in the bathroom.

Another popular and modern way to save space is to install a hanging toilet instead of a floor-mounted one. Visually, the room becomes "lighter". The answer to the usual question: no, it won't. Mounts for suspended plumbing can withstand loads up to 200 kg.

How to choose a tile?

This is where you should start. After all, the repair and design of the bathroom begins with the selection of colors, shades, style and the choice of floor and wall tiles. The smaller the bathroom, the smaller the tiles should be. The psychological effect works very simply - we see not the size of the tiles, but their number. There are a lot of tiles - the space seems larger. If funds and patience allow, you can lay out the walls with ceramic mosaics. But do not overdo it with contrasts. Too colorful mosaic on the walls of a small bathroom will create a kaleidoscope effect, and the room will look even cramped.

You should not follow the popular advice and lay out the lower part of the room with dark tiles, and the upper one with light ones. This "design" divides the space that we are diligently trying to integrate.

Glossy tiles for small spaces are better than matte ones. It is more difficult to care for, but reflects light and performs the same role as a mirror - it visually expands the room.

How to make design modern

There are almost more design styles than the interior designers themselves. In the case of a small bathroom, all directions working with the antique theme will have to be abandoned. But this is rather a forced plus, no matter how strange such a wording may seem.

The richness of decoration, gold and glitter in interior elements, elaborate ornaments, an abundance of draperies and non-functional "decorations" - all this was invented in the era of stone castles with spacious halls. What was not needed in the Middle Ages was additional square meters. A modern person living in a house of a typical layout cannot afford to squander precious space.

The best solution for a typical bathroom would be high-tech or minimalist styles. The classic works well too, if you adapt it a little. Fortunately, all three styles do not go out of fashion, develop and remain relevant.

Fewer details, practicality, clean straight lines or smooth lines are current trends in modern design that are perfect for a small bathroom.

Bathroom design with shower

If you want to not only create the feeling of extra space in the bathroom, but really get some extra free space - maybe you don't really need a bath?

If you can live without a bath, install a walk-in shower. If the minimum size of the "lying" bath is about 140 cm in length, then the cabin takes from 70 cm. Half a meter, won from the architects who planned the old houses - by the standards of modern bathrooms, this is an unconditional victory over space.

If life without a bath is not at all a joy, you can find a compromise. For example, install a shower cabin, in the lower part of which there is a sit-down bath. Of course, you still won’t be able to fully lie down and relax in hot water - but you can sit and relax in hot water.

The walls of the shower in a small bathroom should be made of transparent, not frosted glass. And always clean. Then it will not attract attention, dissolving in the interior.

How to arrange a repair

The main problem of repairing a bathroom in a Soviet-built house is not crampedness, but communications. Pipe outlets are rigidly fixed, and major redevelopment requires significant effort and expense - if at all possible. In second place in terms of complexity is the alignment of the walls. is placed only on perfectly flat walls. If your plans do not include periodic gluing of fallen tile tiles, repairs should begin with puttying and plastering the walls.

Before refurbishing communications, it is worth sketching out a project for your new bathroom. There are several programs for performing such tasks - they are easy to find on the Internet. But you can complete the project in the old fashioned way, by hand, on a piece of paper. The main thing is that you accurately imagine what you want - and how much space you have for the realization of design fantasies. Do not forget to read our material about!

bathroom design!

You should not think that the owners of private houses are deprived of all the benefits that apartment owners are provided with. On the contrary, in private houses there is more space and opportunities for the implementation of ideas. It is only worth remembering the nuances when building a bathroom in a private house. These include the selection and installation of communication and ventilation systems. Let's find out what should be the design of a bathroom in a private house.

In this design, finishing materials and color scheme are very well chosen.

In a white bathroom, you can put a black bathtub and add some wood to the interior.

Ceramic tiles with a flower pattern look very beautiful in the design of the bathroom

If you are going to make repairs by adding a bathroom to a private house, you need to take care of the layout. Choose the quantity and appearance of plumbing fixtures and furniture that you are going to install. Private houses are most often built for large families, so you need to decide on the number of bathrooms. If you have a two-story house, it is advisable to install them under each other.

In the bathroom, you can combine large ceramic tiles and mosaic tiles.

Before furnishing a bathroom, study the advice of interior design experts:

    when installing the sink, make sure that there is 20 centimeters of free space on the sides for comfortable use;

    in front of the toilet bowl at least 60 centimeters of free space, on the sides - 40 cm;

    the sink is installed at a height of approximately 80 cm, the main factor is the parameter of the people living in the house;

    to the sink you need a section of free space measuring 70 centimeters;

    in front of the bath (shower) a distance of 70 centimeters is set.

These recommendations will help not only save space and make the room comfortable, but also visually increase the space even in small houses. If you do not keep the distance, even in a large private house, the bathroom will look small and uncomfortable.

In the bathroom, you can combine completely different colors

A white bathroom with wood elements will be especially beautiful.

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of chocolate-colored ceramic tiles

Bathroom communication in a private house

One of the most important stages is the arrangement of sewerage and water supply systems. If you do not have a centralized water supply, you must purchase a pumping station, which is installed in a well-heated room. It must be located above the floor level, and to minimize vibration, it must be fixed on a flat area of ​​concrete.

Sewerage is another issue that cannot be passed by. Recently, the cumulative skeptic has become popular, which is an environmentally friendly option, while its low cost. The owner of the house can lay sewer pipes without the help of specialists.

Also an important element is the ventilation system, which removes moist air from the room. If this system is not installed, a favorable zone for the formation of mold is created.

Wood can be used in the bathroom

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of ceramic tiles

Finishing work

Finishing is an important component of comfort in any room, especially in the bathroom, due to temperature changes and high humidity. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the resistance of materials to household chemicals and the ease of cleaning materials. You should not choose cheap and low-quality options, because of the nature of the bathroom, they will not last long, you will have to spend money again. Private houses have a huge advantage over apartments - bathrooms are usually much more spacious, which allows you to experiment with design.

Very beautiful bathroom design with wood

The design of the bathroom is made in a modern style using wood.

Bathroom design in Provence style

How to decorate the walls?

Ceramic tiles are often used to decorate walls. A huge number of different shapes and sizes enable the owner to design rooms, embodying the most unusual ideas. The best solution for wall decoration is tiles: small options can significantly expand the space, large ones are used for spacious bathrooms.

Decorating the wall is an incredible pleasure: you can lay out a mosaic, creating an incredible picture, combine materials of different sizes and colors, creating a unique style. A great solution for spacious bathrooms would be wood trim. The wood looks incredibly beautiful and is additionally varnished, which allows for high moisture resistance.

Soft walls in the bathroom will make it very unusual

The design of the bathroom is made in one color scheme.

Finishing materials for the ceiling

Manufacturers have made sure that the owners of private houses have a wide choice in finishing ceilings. There are an incredible variety of options, the most common and versatile is the stretch ceiling. Its advantages over other options: able to withstand both low and high temperatures, moisture resistant and easy to clean. Buyers have an unlimited choice, more and more types of stretch ceilings appear on sale every year, depending on the style of the bathroom and its size.

In such a bathroom you will get double pleasure.

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of ceramic tiles

To choose the right color for the bathroom, you can use the color wheel


When choosing finishing materials for the floor in the bathroom, pay attention to the level of resistance to moisture. The best solution is ceramic tiles, which are much thicker than wall tiles and have a smooth surface. It is necessary to choose models that can withstand high loads, while with anti-slip properties. The marble floor looks beautiful, but it needs a spacious bathroom.

What style to decorate the room?

It is necessary to determine the style long before the construction stage. The table of design options will help you with this.

You need to choose a style solely from your desires and preferences. Mixing elements from different styles is encouraged to create a unique design.

Contemporary bathroom design with wood

The walls and floor in the bathroom are made of ceramic tiles, and the ceiling is made of wood.

Should you use wallpaper in the bathroom?

Most people are afraid to use wallpaper in the bathroom, which is explained by the main drawback - the paper base quickly absorbs water vapor. Over time, the material begins to swell, which leads to peeling off the wallpaper. Due to temperature changes, the glue begins to lose its properties, so many are afraid to glue wallpaper in the bathroom.

It is worth paying attention to the advantages that overlap the disadvantages:

    wallpapering will cost much less than using tiles;

    unlike finishing with plastic panels, wallpaper can be glued on your own without involving specialists;

    the material is easy to update, in case it starts to move away, and a complete design update will take a minimum of time and effort.

The main difference between all materials available on the market is the technology by which the production takes place. For the living room or bedroom, it is better to use paper options, but they are not suitable for the bathroom, because there is too much moisture there. Washable wallpapers are gaining popularity, which are easy to clean from dirt, and a protective coating increases their service life, protecting them from delamination from high humidity.

The design of the bathroom is designed in the same style

The bathroom walls are finished with ceramic tiles and decorative plaster.

The design of the bathroom is made in a modern style with wood elements and illuminated shower cubicle.

There are the following types of wallpaper.

    Liquids are only conventionally called wallpaper, because this is a mixture that must be diluted with water and applied to the wall after priming. Advantages - easy application, no leveling of walls required, ease of repairing damage. Remember that before applying, it is imperative to treat the walls with a white primer, and such wallpapers should dry for at least two days.

    The non-woven type is made on a basis that looks like paper, while it is made from natural mixtures. Such wallpapers are easy to glue, you can choose any color and they are environmentally friendly (especially important if there are children in the house). It is easy to find plain and non-woven wallpapers on sale.

    Glass fiber is a relatively new option on the Russian market. They are made from fiberglass. Compared with other options, cullet has high strength, environmentally friendly, dirt can be washed off using detergents. This explains their popularity in bathroom design.

Wallpaper is really one of the cheapest finishing options, but not always. The last option requires huge expenses for the wallpapering process: first you need to level the walls, purchase wallpaper, the prices of which have been rising recently and buy a lot of paint, because you need to paint with a thick layer of paint.

In a white bathroom, you can make some places black

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of ceramic tiles

The choice of decor for the interior of the bathroom

Decor is everyone's choice, there are no rules. Some love minimalism, others love baroque splendor. Some people prefer classic decor, while others are delighted with a non-standard combination of styles. It's easy to find hundreds of bathroom décor ideas and photos, all unique and special in their own way. But there are some decor items that are definitely worth using in bathroom design.

The interior can be made saturated by playing in contrast. For example, use lights and mirrors in a different style than the walls. You will immediately notice how bright the room looks. If there is enough space, it is worth buying a massive stone countertop, on which perfume and shampoo bottles will look original. It is worth using flowers, because they bring freshness and make any room cozy. You can buy artificial bouquets, but live plants are the best option. A large vase with fresh flowers can be placed on the floor.

Definitely a bathroom in a private house is much more interesting to create. It requires additional time and money, but the field for creativity is greater in comparison with an apartment. Use all the tips and create a unique bathroom interior design in a private house.

Equipping a country house in which they are going to live permanently, hardly anyone will agree to be left without amenities. Now every home is required to be equipped with a bathroom.

When planning your future home, you should pay attention to this question: how to make a bathroom in the house? At the same time, it is important to properly plan, equip and decorate this room, based on the dimensions allocated for it.

How to make a bathroom in a private house comfortable and functional?

When building private housing, you can make the bathroom large, where a sauna or a bathhouse, a SPA zone is freely located. A large space will allow the owner of a country house to get a lot of design options, arrangement of plumbing equipment and household appliances. For clues, they can turn to photos of the bathroom in the house, which are quite easy to find on the Internet.

But first, you should consider where to place the bathroom. If the building is large, you can equip a bathroom on each of the floors, which is convenient for large families. Typically, designers suggest placing this room next to a kitchen that has ventilation.

You should not have a bathroom on the upper floors above the usual apartments. It is more convenient when such rooms go one over one. After all, in each of them you need to install sewer and water pipes, which are convenient to assemble with whole risers.

It is beautiful and functional when the plumbing room has a window. Then the owners save on electricity and get additional ventilation. Naturally, such a window should face the courtyard.

In order to determine the size, you need to clearly know what kind of plumbing you want to see here, plus comply with the necessary requirements and standards that apply in the construction of residential buildings.

To equip a hygienic room in a private house, unlike an apartment in the city, it is necessary to bring communications: plumbing and sewerage, electricity and ventilation.

If you have the necessary qualifications in these matters, then you can do the bathroom in a private house with your own hands, otherwise, you should contact the specialists.

Bathroom building materials

This room is distinguished by high humidity, so you should choose materials based on this. Very often ceramic tiles are used here. She is not afraid of water, serves for a long time and has the most diverse design. It can be combined with waterproof paints, used together with decorative plaster, plastic and wood panels, stone, giving the bathroom an unusually attractive look.

Budget option - PVC panels. They are practical, cheap, offered in completely different colors, easily replaced if damaged.

If the walls are perfectly even, you can use paint, having previously primed them. To make the walls more original, you can use different shades and stencils.

Construction organizations can offer the use of glass and vinyl wallpaper, wood panels and clapboard. The latter should be treated with special compositions that protect against moisture.

Plumbing equipment and furnishings

To create a standard hygiene room, choose a bathroom or shower, if it is combined, add a toilet and bidet. Furniture is taken functional - these are various bedside tables, cabinets, shelves.

If the room is large enough, it can be divided into differently designed zones: shower room, bathroom, sauna. It is worth making a plan in advance so as not to overload the space, to ensure a free approach to plumbing and household appliances.

Design ideas in the bathroom of a private house under construction are very diverse, because niches and built-in wardrobes can be provided here.


Flooring in a room with high humidity must have special characteristics.

The most expensive coating is porcelain stoneware, it is beautiful, moisture resistant and long-term.

Glue cork coated with varnish repels water, does not rot, its surface is warm and pleasant to the touch.

The most demanded tiles with a large selection of colors and sizes.

Linoleum - budget coverage. Differs in simplicity of laying, waterproofing properties. It is not durable, but since it is cheap, it can be changed frequently.

Bathroom lighting

Bathrooms require basic bright lighting. Next to the mirror, you can hang lamps with a convenient design that allows you to change the direction of the light. They make additional illumination, which illuminate certain areas.

It is nice to have natural light coming from the street window. On the top floor with a sloping roof, you can make a window in the ceiling.

Proper layout of the room, color palette, finishing materials, selected high-quality plumbing fixtures will make the bathroom warm, cozy and functional.

Photo of a bathroom in the house