Beautiful bedroom interior with a photo: the secrets of organizing space. Bedroom design options: from budget to elite Design and interior of bedrooms

Let's figure out what is the difference between modern bedroom design and interiors in the style of European-style renovations from the 90s, and then comment on many photo examples of how to and how not to do a modern renovation.

modern bedroom

You may have noticed that the design of some of the bedrooms looks very modern, although they use ordinary materials, standard furniture and soothing colors. And in other bedrooms there are a lot of modern high-tech stray, sophisticated finishes, expensive furniture, but they look like a caricature of European-style renovations from the 90s.

Let's briefly analyze the theory of modern design styles so that your bedroom belongs to the 1st type.

What colors to use

It is easy to screw up the entire interior of the bedroom with one incorrectly chosen color. There are colors that in modern styles should NEVER be used at all:

  1. Peach
  2. Jade and emerald
  3. burgundy
  4. bright pink

What's wrong with these colors? They were very popular in the interiors of the 90s. Times when there were many people burdened with money, but not burdened with taste. As a result, these 4 colors are strongly associated not with modern styles, but with the styles of the “new Russians”. The main task of modern design is to prevent the bedroom from looking like “those” repairs. Photos of how NOT to take:

What colors can and should be used in modern bedroom styles? Everything else, but there are nuances.

Colors should be divided into base (background) and accent. In the bedroom, in addition to the colors of decoration, there are also colors of bed linen, furniture, curtains, etc. This is all to keep in mind when choosing the color for the walls, floor and ceiling of the bedroom.

The standard rule is that the colors of the finish are always calm, neutral. Bright ones are used in doses, and not all modern styles need them at all:

  1. Ceiling - always white, or without finishing (loft, etc.)
  2. The walls are white, beige, gray or any dark color.
  3. Accent walls - any color, often desaturated or dirty.
  4. The floor in the modern bedroom is laminate or parquet in 90% of cases, 10% self-leveling, concrete, carpet, etc.

The basic color recipe for a bedroom in a modern style: neutral background color + wood or wood effect + soft/desaturated/dirty accent color + backlit dark areas. The latter is a cool feature, especially in the bedroom, where there should be a lot of non-primary light.

Any dark surface with texture and backlighting over it = a chic and modern look. It can be dark wood, concrete or its imitation with the help of decorative plaster, decorative stone, bars, painted gypsum panels - anything. Illumination along such a surface reveals the depth of the material and looks chic. And since in the bedroom we often find ourselves in dimmed light, we can often enjoy this.

The theory of colors is not so complicated, but deviations from it are fraught. Don't offend your bedroom with bad colors.

Shapes in furniture and decoration

The simplest and most obvious point, which is the most difficult to convey to beginners.

No smooth lines, no curved plasterboard niches, arches, radius steps on the ceilings - just the right geometry.

Don't do it, it's not cool, it's not fashionable, it's not stylish, just don't do it. When someone makes such a renovation in the bedroom, somewhere one designer is crying.

Anticipating the question - no, it will not look uncomfortable. This is a very simple rule: finishing with rectangular regular shapes, softening and smooth lines due to textiles, curtains and upholstered furniture, which are more than enough in the bedroom.

Everything above is voiced in a very categorical form, although in fact these rules have exceptions. But even experienced designers rarely decide on such experiments - too risky. Yes, there are interiors in an ultra-modern style, where the basis, on the contrary, is smooth lines, metal, gloss and a lot of light. Such a futuristic interior design. But it makes no sense to write about him, because. these are more experiments than real interiors. It costs a lot of money to implement them, and there will be problems at every stage from the selection of performers to the search for the necessary accessories.

No matter which of the modern design styles you choose for your bedroom, there should always be a touch to it, especially in the finishes. At the end of the renovation, if it seems to you that the bedroom looks too simple, you can always add accessories, buy some stylish lamps. But if you initially overload the room with decoration, you won’t be able to fix it.

In modern design styles, it is better to be undersmart than oversmart.

Overview of a photo of a bedroom in a modern style

We have already looked at quite a lot of collective-farm interiors. Now let's look at the more subtle things that determine the appearance and compliance with the modern style. Let's start with designs where mistakes were made to figure out how to prevent them ourselves.

First, we will publish one or more photos of the bedrooms, and already under the photo we will analyze the theory.

By the way, we are in:

What should NOT be the design of the bedroom

Let's start with situations where the bedroom interior is overloaded with colors and textures. We remind you that in a standard modern interior we use 1 main color, wood or imitation, and 1 additional color (or a group of different colors with the same saturation).

At first glance it looks like a nice bedroom. But, you see, the feeling that something does not stick in this interior does not leave. The point is using too many different colors and textures. Mahogany on the floor, cabinet in white gloss under the TV, gray wood near the cabinet near the bed, brown bed, blue wall. Different colors, different textures, no support. Basic design rules violated. Up to a heap the door and the plinth on the ceiling come from classic styles, although the rest of the bedroom is done in a modern style.

The bedroom got into a similar situation - everything seems to be done well, but you can’t call it stylish. Violated background color selection rule. In fact, it's not here at all. We have a risky attempt to combine 4 accent colors in one bedroom: dark blue-green, brown wood, light yellow wood, and gray by the bed and bedding.

First, four colors is already a lot. Let's apply some casual digital magic and see if we can make this bedroom a little more stylish:

A little better, but still not the same. There is hardly much point in trying to resurrect this bedroom - they have neglected all the advice from this article. The ceiling is not white, the background color is not neutral, that's not how interiors are made. White is so popular for a reason. This is an absolutely chic color that goes with everything, does not draw attention to itself. Give him a chance.

There are too many accents in this bedroom. Each individually is not bad, but their obvious search, they compete for attention. We already know that a modern style bedroom should be simple. Let's try to make this a little easier.

Or should the carpet be left? It is a thankless task to try to correct other people's mistakes, it is better not to make them right away. To add flowers or accessories to the bedroom, you need to have complete confidence in their necessity.

Hmm, is this bedroom modern or classic? The lower part of the photo, except for the lamps, clearly speaks of a modern style. But the ceiling, including the ceiling plinth with stucco and the chandelier, clearly came from the classical style. Here we recall another rule for combining styles:

Do not mix modern and classic styles in one interior.

The same mistake - the lamps, the mirror frame and the carriage coupler are completely out of place for the modern bedroom that this one is clearly trying to be.

And finally, a selection of obsolete repairs that would have been good in the 2000s, but in 2019 they look simply ridiculous. Remember, expensive does not mean stylish.

What should be the design of the bedroom

We hope your sense of beauty has not been greatly affected by viewing previous photos. Now let's treat him.

Notice how many different colors are used in this bedroom, but it still looks stylish and modern. What is the salt? They didn't break any of the rules in this article: the background color is white, the accent colors are the same and very low saturation, in the same proportion. And most importantly - they are in accessories and textiles, and not in decoration. As befits a modern style, the decoration is just a background.

Well, just a selection of the right balanced bedroom designs.

Bedroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. Very important is how a person feels in the sleeping space. That is why the interior should be not only functional, but also beautiful.

Beautiful interiors: novelties, current design ideas

Unfortunately, not every family can afford to allocate a special room for a bedroom. More often people have a bedroom-living room in the apartment, and they have to equip the bed with dual functionality. However, modern real bedroom designs take this feature into account. You can find enough examples where these two rooms are combined into one simply and tastefully. This year, designers have been working tirelessly to create new concepts in the interior. Current trends reflect events in the world of art, fashion, architecture. The modern lifestyle forces interior designers to offer people more and more new solutions that previously seemed extravagant, but now are the absolute norm.

However, a cozy bedroom can be recreated with your own hands, without the help of a specialist.


Modern fashion is loyal to the choice of styles, allowing you to equip the bedroom in the Baroque style, and in any modern style. When making repairs, you definitely need to think in advance what your bedroom will be like: chic, cozy, or maybe spartan with a minimum of details. However, some trends can be used in any design. For example, very often in recent years, interior designers have resorted to the use of blue. Also, blotches of the popular shade of Marsala will help to refresh the bed and “modernize” it. The growing importance of ecology in the life of modern man has also left its mark. The use of environmentally friendly materials in the interior of the bedroom is one of the most relevant areas. Wood and raw stone in the interior are no longer a curiosity, but the norm.

The gray color, the abundance of smooth open surfaces, the angularity of forms also represents a new look at beauty. The graphic theme promises to remain in trend for several more years.


Options for different sizes and shapes of the room

The size of a bedroom can be completely different, but modern architectural fashion offers great solutions for all types and sizes. It is not necessary that the bedroom be rectangular. Options for a square room are presented in large numbers. It does not matter whether you are the proud owner of a large bedroom of 40 meters or you can allocate only 17 square meters for sleeping space. m., a functional interior solution that would meet the latest trends can be found for both.

If we talk about the design of a square bedroom, it is better to give preference to those interior options in which the bed is located in the middle. This will visually "stretch" and fill the space. At the same time, if the room is small, such an arrangement of the bed is an irrational use of space. In this case, try to place the furniture along the walls, leaving the area in the center of the room empty.

Common features when arranging a small bedroom are the use of light colors, unusual accents that can divert attention from the small size of the room, and an abundance of light. All this will help to make the dimensions of the room visually larger. The interior design of a rectangular room can also be very diverse. Regardless of the size of the bedroom, its shape imposes certain restrictions on the possibility of arranging furniture.

Usually rectangular bedrooms are very narrow, so the main task is to visually expand the space. However, often the emphasis on the shape of the room turns out to be the only right interior solution. For example, in this case, the designers stretched the room even more, using horizontal stucco elements on the walls and a geometric floor pattern.

A small rectangular bedroom seems wider and larger thanks to the use of light colors in the interior and contrasting cornices. Designers visually balanced the proportions of the room, placing the bed across and thus visually "cutting" space.


Deciding on style

There are several directions in interior design:

  • antique style;
  • Classic style;
  • Colonial style;
  • Ethnic style;
  • Modern style;
  • Mixed style.

Each of these styles has its own distinctive features that are unique to it.


Currently, youth fashion in interior design dictates to choose ethnic style, which implies not only the use of unusual African or Mexican elements, but also the recreation of the domestic environment of individual nationalities. popular now scandinavian interior performed just in accordance with the ethnic style. do not give up their positions and antique and classic interiors. They are mainly used when developing ideas for a women's bedroom, since pretentiousness and an abundance of details are more to the liking of the beautiful half of humanity.

The interior of the bedroom, made in colonial style, also very fashionable. The room looks like a typical traveler's "habitat": maps, chests, various wall masks - these are the decorations inherent in this style. The colonial style is well suited for arranging a nursery, as it involves the use of many small details of the situation. Modern style has many sub-styles, but it makes sense to dwell on the two most popular: Loft And High tech. To begin with, it should be noted that the style Loft fundamentally different from High tech. In the first case, the search for beauty in the everyday life of industrial life is promoted, in the second case, the creation of such beauty using modern technologies.

Both of these styles are equally used in the design of men's bedrooms, as they are distinguished by minimalism and a certain brutality. Sometimes these styles are used for women's bedrooms, but this is rather an exception. Mixed style in the interior is used most often, since it is allowed to combine any elements. "clean" stylist, For example, it is not uncommon to find an ethnic Scandinavian interior with an admixture of style Loft. Also, elements of antique or classic are often added to any of the modern styles. The choice of style for the future bedroom depends only on the individual preferences of the owner. Any style is good in its own way, but each person is individual, and what is beautiful for one will seem disgusting to another.

We select furniture

After the decision on the style of the future bedroom is made, the question arises of buying furniture. The most important thing in the bedroom is the bed. The bed can be single or double, rectangular or round, corner or classic and even round corner. Choose the one that best suits your style. For an antique-style bedroom, a large double bed with a high upholstered headboard made of leather or velor is suitable.

Traditional antique beds have a figured headboard, but you can also find models with a flat version. A distinctive feature is the presence of carved details and gilded finishes.


Beds in a classic style are also distinguished by the presence of finishes, but already more modest. Choose a bed made in muted brown tones. The colonial style is characterized by bulky wooden beds in rich colors, often complemented by columns. There is no need to talk about a certain type of bed in an ethnic interior, since it all depends on which country you have chosen as a sample. Samples of African, Indian or Scandinavian cultures vary greatly. For a modern style, a wrought iron bed or a minimalist soft model is suitable.

Bedside pouffe- not so rare. There is a huge selection of different variations of poufs for every taste and color, so choosing the right one is not difficult. Don't forget to ask if there is room for a closet in the bedroom. If the apartment has a separate dressing room, fine, but if you need "write in" closet in the interior, certain difficulties may arise. For example, it is impossible to choose a closet for an antique interior; you will have to be content with classic carved linen closets or chests of drawers. If you are designing a bedroom in a modern style, take a closer look at the option of a built-in wardrobe. Some models have mirrored doors, which will save space in the room, as well as money for buying a free-standing mirror.

If there is not enough space to install a cabinet, consider buying a chest of drawers. It takes up much less space, and in terms of functionality it is inferior to a full-fledged closet only by a few. Chest of drawers can be chosen in any size. There are a huge number of different design options for this piece of furniture on the market for every taste, so there will be no problems with the choice. The main thing to remember is that each piece of furniture must be purchased in accordance with the concept of the style in which you plan to equip the bedroom.

Bedside tables- a necessary piece of furniture for bedrooms with insufficient lighting. On such a pedestal, you can place a suitable lamp, and the problem with the lack of light will be solved. In addition, it is very convenient to store all kinds of accessories for sleep, books and so on in the nightstand.

Buying a bedside table is a great investment.

When planning a women's bedroom, do not forget about buying a dressing table. You can choose the option with or without a built-in mirror, as well as a table with additional lighting for more convenience during makeup application. Together with the table, a bench is usually purchased, which is a small ottoman for the dressing table. Best of all, when the banquette and the bedside pouffe have a similar design, then the interior of the room as a whole looks more harmonious.

If you stop at buying a wardrobe without a built-in mirror, or for some reason refuse to buy it at all, purchase a mirror separately. There are floor, wall and hinged options. A hanging mirror is usually small and is hung at the level of your face. In it, you will not be able to see your reflection completely.

wall mirror- a full-length mirror attached to the wall. Roughly speaking, this is the equivalent of a mirrored closet door; due to the fact that it is flush with the wall, a lot of space is not required to install such a piece of furniture. Floor mirrors are purchased as a separate piece of furniture. They tend to be quite large and bulky. The frames of this mirror are strikingly different, so they can be matched to any style. Floor mirrors are quite expensive, be prepared to shell out a decent amount for it. Consider purchasing decorative items such as vases, plants, figurines And figurines, chests, watches, photo frames, candles, boxes. An interesting element will be a screen, of course, if it fits into your future interior. Carefully approach the choice of decor items, since it is from the little things that the overall look of your future sleeping space is formed.

Buying textiles to frame the bed is also important. Make sure that blankets, bedspreads, decorative pillows are combined and resonate with the overall interior of the room. Do not forget that it is a good idea to make one of these decorative elements the semantic center of the composition. Add color or pattern to create a striking contrast against the rest of the bedroom. As a result, you will get an interesting effect. The advantage of this approach is that you can change the textiles from time to time, refreshing the room and changing the color center, and this will cost you a relatively small amount of money.

Decide in advance whether your future interior provides for the presence of a carpet. It adds cosiness to any room, moreover, the carpet will not allow your feet to freeze when you crawl out from under the covers in the morning. You can choose a rug for every taste: oriental, modern, made to look like a skin or fluffy shaggy.

Buying curtains- one of the final elements in interior design. Many even hire a dedicated curtain designer to help them pick the perfect one. You can decide for yourself which curtains will best fit into the interior of your room. You can buy ready-made curtains, or you can order. In any case, you should not take their acquisition too lightly, as incorrectly selected curtains can spoil the whole impression of the room.

Pay attention to the material, it must be dense enough so that the curtains do not let in light, otherwise there is a high risk of earning insomnia due to the light hitting the eyes at night. Separately, take care of buying special boxes for storing small items. It can be small stylish baskets, boxes, covers - anything. It is important not to forget this point, as being able to stack the contents of the shelves is an important part of creating character in a bedroom. Also, the presence of such a storage system will allow you to reduce the time of cleaning the premises, which, of course, is an absolute plus.

What should be the doors?

When it comes to furnishing a bedroom, every detail counts. So, a very important point is how the sleeping space is separated from the rest of the apartment. This directly affects the comfort and quality of sleep. Modern manufacturers present a huge selection of doors for every taste and for any interior. There are many types of doors, even a special classification has been established. This article will only cover the most important features for choosing a bedroom door.

Depending on the material of the door for the bedroom are:

  • Wooden. They are by far the best choice. There is a huge variety of options for every taste and budget. With the help of such a door, you can make the interior more conservative or add modernity to it. Wooden doors have good soundproofing properties, making them a great option for a bedroom.
  • glass. Such doors visually help to expand the space, making it lighter and more comfortable. There is an opportunity to create any pattern on the glass door. However, for a bedroom, such doors are not the best option, as they are distinguished by high sound transmission.
  • Veneered. A cheap analogue of a wooden door, but not as high quality.
  • Laminated. Also similar to wooden doors. There is a huge variety of various colors, so if you are on a budget, buying such a door can be a good option.
  • Laminated. A cheap alternative to a laminated door. The coating is of poor quality and wears out very quickly, so the door will have to be replaced soon.
  • Mesonite. Doors made from pressed wood are durable and strong. Such doors are covered with both laminate and fine wood veneer.
  • Plastic. An excellent choice for modern interiors. Plastic doors are very light, if desired, you can choose absolutely any color and design.
  • Combined. Combination doors are made using two or more materials at the same time, such as wood and glass.

According to the method of opening the doors for the bedroom are divided into:

  • Swing. Can only open in one or both directions. To date, this type of door is the most common.
  • Sliding, or coupe. This option is very convenient if it is not possible to provide a place to open the door, but there is space on the sides. These doors are usually used for space zoning.
  • folding. Accordion doors are also popular because they allow you to give up the space to open. However, very often such doors fail quickly, so when buying, you need to carefully evaluate their quality.

Separate single-leaf, double-leaf and half-leaf doors when one leaf is larger than the other. Doors can be glazed and deaf. Depending on the surface finish, the doors are divided into models with a transparent finishing coating and with an opaque coating. Thus, to begin with, decide on the material and color of the door. It is important to know in advance how you want to see the entrance to your sanctuary. After that, decide which of the opening methods is suitable for your repair, what size your door should be. By answering these questions, you can easily find the most suitable option for yourself.

Finishing Issues

When decorating a room, think about the three main components: ceiling, walls, and floors. Stretch ceilings are currently the most relevant. There is a huge variety of various colors and textures on the market. You can create both single-level and multi-level structures, add spotlights, and so on. For small rooms, the best choice would be a glossy light ceiling, which will help add light, as well as visually expand the space. With low ceilings, light finishes should also be preferred. With its help, the room will seem more spacious and higher. In addition, the dark ceiling on a subconscious level creates an unsettling feeling, so it is highly recommended not to use it in the bedroom.

When choosing a wall finish, decide what material you will use. Today, both painted walls and walls covered with wallpaper are popular. Before painting, the walls must be perfectly aligned, only in this case the paint will lie evenly and will look advantageous. Wallpaper is less whimsical in this matter. A huge variety of types, textures and materials opens up almost unlimited scope for creativity. Also an interesting solution would be the use of photo wallpaper, as well as frescoes.

When choosing a material for flooring, be guided by an already thought out interior. So, the carpet will definitely not fit into the design in the Loft style, just as it will not look good against the background of the ethnic interior. When contrasting a warm floor against a cold one, think about the overall climate of your bedroom. Sometimes the presence of a warm floor can cause mold to grow on the walls. Be sure to consult a professional. Installing underfloor heating is a great solution for children's bedrooms. In this case, you will not need to buy a carpet, which can become a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria that are harmful to the child's respiratory system.

Color solutions

To be able to relax to the maximum in your sleeping space, you need to choose the right color scheme. First of all, the palette of your future bedroom depends on personal preferences. Someone likes rooms in peach tones, someone prefers a bright interior, and for someone a cream bedroom is the height of dreams. Decide which colors appeal to you the most, and when choosing, start from them. Of course, the ideal solution for the bedroom would be a calm pastel color palette, designed to help relax. Warm colors will create an atmosphere of comfort and serenity, while cool colors, on the contrary, can make you feel uncomfortable.

Do not be afraid of bright colors in the interior. They will help bring the room to life. As spectacular accents, it is better to use textile decorations so that you can remove them immediately before going to bed and have a good night's sleep. Be careful when placing bright accents. Be sure to pay attention to the texture and material of the selected object. It is better if the bright spot is something soft and cozy, rather than glossy and smooth. The use of dark tones in the bedroom is only welcome if it is light and large enough, otherwise you risk turning your sleeping space into an eerie closet.

One interesting piece of advice can be given based on which side your bedroom windows face. If they are facing north or west, avoid interior colors such as gray, burgundy and green-yellow; if the windows face south or east, it is better to refrain from using brown, pink and blue. In the sun, these shades look quite unpleasant, and you will subconsciously avoid being in your own bedroom. The result of this can be chronic lack of sleep, depression, insomnia, and a general deterioration in well-being. If the wrong choice of colors has already been made, we advise you to additionally highlight the unsuccessful areas, trying to interrupt the natural light. The use of spectacular details designed to distract from the unpleasant contemplation of "colored blunders" will also help.

Patterns and ornaments look best on items that are easy to get rid of. A throw, pillow, or small rug are great examples. As soon as the pattern becomes boring to you, you can easily replace it.

Psychologists say that a specially selected color palette affects the overall well-being of a person. In particular, they advise using the following colors in the design:

  • White. It will give a feeling of lightness, and will also serve as an excellent background for using other colors.
  • Yellow excellent effect on mental well-being. Yellow is the color of the sun, so it's no surprise that it gives a feeling of joy, warmth and helps to maintain optimism throughout the day.
  • Pale orange or peach will help to relax after a hard day and relieve nervous tension.
  • blue shades in the interior they will help you feel calmer and more comfortable in such a room, but you should not do a bedroom completely in blue. Too much blue around leads to apathy and depression.
  • Purple in combination with soft pink will help stimulate brain activity.
  • Brown- one of the most popular colors for decorating the bedroom. The whole range of brown shades from sandy to dark brown has an excellent effect on the psyche, contributing to good rest and sound sleep.
  • Green color helps to relax, after sleeping in a green room, a person feels as rested and alert as possible.

How to decorate?

There are several techniques that can help make the bedroom even cozier. When creating an interior in an antique or classic style, consider using an element such as molding. Moldings are stylized finished wall decorations, usually white, that can be painted and decorated later. Such materials are inexpensive and you can easily decorate the whole room in this way, giving it the desired look. Another interesting interior idea is arches. They can serve not only as an entrance or exit, but also be used for zoning a room, for example, with a combined bedroom and living room, arches are used to separate one functional area from another.

Spectacular examples

We present to your attention examples of modern fashionable bedrooms in various non-traditional styles, supplemented by a detailed analysis of design moves and features:

  • The photo shows one of the design possibilities for a small square bedroom. The designer eschewed the use of cabinets in favor of a small shelf and hanger, which achieves significant space savings. Since the room is not very bright, alternative light sources are additionally used, despite the fact that the head of the bed is just under the window. A light wall adds a touch of Art Nouveau to the interior. The use of bleached brickwork is a typical move for the loft style in which this room is made.

  • Another design option for a small square bedroom. This interior is characterized by an abundance of unusual details, such as a figured shelf or an elegantly designed chandelier. The cabinet doors are made of glossy materials, which allows you to visually expand the space. The ceiling is also glossy, thanks to which the light is reflected and the room is more illuminated. This option is different from the rest, because in this case the interior design is made mainly in a rustic style. Bright accents not only do not reduce the space, but, on the contrary, distract attention from the small dimensions of the bedroom. An interesting solution is to use the window sill as a replacement for the sofa, but this move is very fashionable and practical.

  • The arrangement of a large square bedroom allows you to realize the most daring design ideas. For example, this version of the bedroom, equipped on the attic floor, is made in the style Loft. The built-in wardrobe is very interestingly made, which, as it were, replaces the wall. Here is another way to arrange attic bedrooms. The design is made in dark colors, however, the room does not look dull. Black and white photographs give the room a certain style, and the abundance of light allows you to play with unusual details. In this case, the main focus is a carpet with a geometric three-dimensional pattern.

  • The above photo shows a bedroom option in combination with a nursery.. Despite the presence of a crib in the room, the bedroom looks elegant, sophisticated and fashionable. Muted tones in the decoration create a hint of aristocracy, unobtrusively demonstrating the taste of the owners of the room. The interior of a square bedroom in a traditional style looks chic. Rich brown color makes the room very cozy.

  • This design is shown in Swiss apartment. Despite the dark color scheme, the room does not look gloomy, but on the contrary, it is very cozy and conducive to relaxation. An interesting interior solution is the use of unusual wall decorations (an empty artsy frame, an embroidered towel, and so on). Potted plants, candles and a warm blanket casually thrown over the bed add coziness.

  • The interior of this London room is incredibly bright, but at the same time discreet. Recently, the red color has been extremely popular. It looks great in combination with the decor, made in white, does not look flashy. The orange pouffe in this case plays the role of a contrasting accent, unobtrusively adding liveliness to a restrained classic setting.

  • The Spaniards are famous for their love of relaxation and recreation. Accordingly, they decorate the sleeping space. Pleasant soft colors, natural materials, an abundance of upholstered furniture create the perfect atmosphere for falling into a sweet dream. Please note that renovations using eco-friendly materials are very popular among people seeking to create a place of peace and comfort. In such an apartment you will feel like you are on vacation all year round. This bedroom is a perfect example of exaggerated Scandinavian style. The geometric purity of lines, the restraint of colors, smooth glossy surfaces combined with cozy decor elements make it possible to create an unusually stylish solution. Using a mirror to expand the space is a great move to instantly make the room look brighter and bigger.

  • And here is an example of using the Scandinavian style in a small area. This room is a great option for a teenager. It contains only the most necessary, so it does not look cluttered. An interesting fluffy lamp adds playfulness to the interior, and a small built-in arch above the bed allows you to visually distinguish between the work area and the sleeping area.

  • The bedrooms of this London apartment, decorated with steel in an extravagant way, will not please everyone. However, the wallpaper accent option is also very popular. Create an interior in style "Alice in Wonderland" the choice of special colorful prints, which are perfectly complemented by delicate, modest furniture, helped. Despite the abundance of colors, the interior cannot be called flashy or gaudy. Everything is handpicked with impeccable taste.

  • Such a room is located in one of the houses on the California coast. Any person who is in it, willy-nilly, will feel the atmosphere of lightness and freshness that reigns here. Blue is traditionally considered the color of good luck, calmness and peace, so a bedroom furnished in this way will help to add relaxation to the atmosphere. It is also interesting how the rustic style is played up in this case. It does not look too simple, on the contrary, the room looks very elegant and stylish.

  • Art connoisseurs will love this interior, where each piece of furniture is a masterpiece in itself. What is only a soft headboard the size of the entire wall! An unusual monkey-shaped wall lamp and a mirrored nightstand add even more sophistication to the setting, while a crystal decoration and an unusually shaped mirror set the necessary accents. Deliberately extravagant elements, such as an unusual sparkling chandelier or a fur throw, give the interior a glamorous and bohemian look.

  • The interior of this bedroom, located in a house by the sea in Mallorca, breathes comfort, freshness and tranquility. Unobtrusive blotches of ethnic patterns fit into the atmosphere very elegantly. The beams on the ceiling combined with the wooden pieces of furniture make visitors feel as if they are on board a ship. A bright accent in the form of a futuristic chair attracts attention due to its "inappropriateness" to the rest of the environment, however, such a move helps to make the interior more lively and dynamic.

  • The London house that houses this chic bedroom, made in such an unusual color scheme, really lives a young family. They agreed to experiment with color and did not fail. The unusual choice of psychedelic wallpaper is due to the fact that it is the walls in this case that are the main decorative element. Unusual pillows, repeating the pattern on the wallpaper, harmoniously fit into the interior, and gilded tables complete the decor.

  • The room, the interior of which is made in the style of a medieval castle, fits perfectly into a chalet in the forest. Unusual in this case is the use of a fireplace in the sleeping space. A whimsical figurine in the form of a withered branch of a plant evokes thoughts of deer antlers, allowing you to fully feel the spirit of the room. However, if you take a closer look, you will notice that the interior is made in a modern style interspersed with traditional materials and ornaments. In general, the room looks very impressive.

  • Another great idea for arranging a bed for a teenager. The room is quite bright, but at the same time stylish and restrained, made in a minimalist style. An interesting interior solution is a repeating print on pillows and ottomans, echoing the picture in the headboard.

  • The traditional European style does not give up its positions, and this room is proof of that. The soft light interior, made without the use of modern ornaments or accents, gives a feeling of peace, reliability, regularity. The abundance of light adds even more charm to the room, and also encourages relaxation.

  • Great bedroom for girls. Pastel colors, chosen as the main color scheme, will help you quickly tune in to a calm mood and fall asleep. Hanging swing chair will become a favorite place to relax. A beautiful chandelier resembling a crown is a great addition that allows the girl to feel like a little princess. A big plus is that not beaten pink, but turquoise is chosen as the main color. Resting in such a room has a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep.

  • Another bright solution for a small bedroom. The almost complete lack of decoration does not harm the interior, on the contrary, the overall impression is very positive. A discreet beige color is chosen as the main one, and the emphasis is on the decor of the bed. The colorful scarlet flowers look great in the sunlight.

  • Despite the fact that the room is very girly, it still hints at the seriousness of its owner. The gray color of the walls is diluted with an abundance of white in the interior, starting from white patterns on the wallpaper and ending with a bud-shaped floor lamp. Such interiors, containing only two colors and made without bright accents, are very popular. Colorful spots against the background of such a calm color scheme are live potted plants. They fit perfectly into the interior of the bedroom and add comfort to it.

  • The photo shows a great example of a bedroom with a balcony. It helps to visually expand the space, as well as let more light into the room. An already large room seems just huge. The owners of the house are fond of art, so it is not surprising to see several modern paintings on the walls of the bedroom. Wicker wooden furniture has become a functional stylish solution that helps to add even more coziness to the environment.

  • Vintage style in the interior is still in demand. An interesting stylistic decision of this bedroom lies in the details that seem to take us to another era: wide vertical striped wallpaper, a carved headboard, old-fashioned floor lamps on the bedside tables of the 40s model. However, the use of modern decor elements deserves special attention. Spot lighting allows you to draw attention to what needs to be emphasized, and an unusual mirrored headboard adds depth and drama to the room. Even the TV fits perfectly into the interior thanks to the white color of the case.

  • The boy's bedroom in the Australian house is made in full accordance with modern trends. White is the leading color in the interior, blue is a contrasting addition, and red helps to place the necessary accents so that the room does not look depressing. The workplace is separated from the bedroom by a ledge in the wall. The room is very bright, despite its small size, and such an abundance of light, as well as white color, makes it visually larger.

  • Luxurious royal bedroomthe dream of many people. Fortunately, in order to create such a palace at home, you do not need to have royal wealth. A general knowledge of styling and renovation will suffice, and a little gold paint for the finishing touches. An unusual bedroom can also be created entirely by hand. Ideal in terms of functionality and decor, such a room will certainly delight its owners with a huge number of interesting details.

Scientists estimate that we spend about 25 years of our lives in a dream.

The body needs a complete recovery after hard work, stress, physical activity, etc.

Therefore, it is so important to equip a bedroom that is not only comfortable for quick relaxation, but also beautiful, so that it would be nice to be in it.

Beauty is a different concept for everyone, for this there are different styles and colors: from hi-tech to antiquity. But most prefer classic bedrooms in pastel colors.

How beautiful to decorate the walls?

First you need to choose a material. Now there is a huge selection of coatings: paint, decorative colored plasters, several types of wallpaper ...

Psychologists believe that red is not suitable for relaxation. It can cause irritation and even internal aggression, it will be difficult to fall asleep in such a bedroom.

The Chinese ancient science of feng shui takes a different view. For spouses, a certain amount of red shades are needed to maintain a passionate relationship. You can take not bright red, but burgundy, raspberry, cherry, etc. Therefore, the age of partners is important, focusing on their desires.

What should be the ceiling in a beautiful bedroom?

Consider the most beautiful ceilings in the bedroom. Almost any type of ceiling is suitable for a bedroom.

Mirrored will reflect everything in the room. Although according to Feng Shui all mirror surfaces are strictly prohibited, a person should not be reflected, this takes away his vital energy.

Stylish multi-level ceilings of different colors and shapes. Instead of the traditional central large chandelier, you can create diffused light using spotlights, this will effectively create an intimate romantic atmosphere.

A beautiful bedroom design can be created even in small apartments. An easy way to visually expand the space is to decorate the ceiling with light shades. Even for lovers of stucco, you can choose a small but elegant one.

The chandelier should also be small so that it does not seem too bulky in a small room. Lots of great lighting ideas here. It will add aesthetics and originality to the placement of light sources at the edges of the room. You can hang several sconces or unusually shaped lamps on the walls.

How to choose trendy bedroom furniture?

The most important thing, according to designers, is the choice of a bed and suitable curtains. The style of the interior is selected according to the tastes of the owners of the house (apartment).

There are tricks that are sure to become a luxurious decoration for any bedroom, no matter what style you choose.

Great importance is attached to beautiful beds in the bedroom, although you can also choose a comfortable convertible sofa. A stylish podium will be the highlight of your bedroom, highlighting the bed.

Modern beds in a huge assortment, their main characteristics remain comfort and convenience, because quality rest is a vital necessity for every person.

Mattresses also amaze with their shapes and materials: orthopedic, seasonal, with different fillers. Quality is the most important factor influencing the choice, health is the most important thing a person has. A good rest affects the well-being, the level of performance, etc.

The next criterion is the “correct” bed frame. What the bed is made of is also important, it is better to choose natural environmentally friendly materials. For example, a tree of any species, depending on the level of finance.

Of the pieces of furniture you need: a wardrobe, bedside tables, preferably a dressing table with a large mirror. All this should be in the same style, for convenience it is better to make it to order.

How to make a bedroom beautiful?

Even with the simplest design, you can create a beautiful bedroom interior. To do this, the decor must be from the same material: beds and curtains. This is often used in hotels.

It is easy to change the bedspread and curtains - and the new design is ready, quickly and inexpensively. Beautiful curtains in the bedroom immediately transform the interior.

Ideas for creating an original bedroom

But how to make a beautiful bedroom? We will analyze the techniques of designers with which you will be able to achieve aesthetics:

  • Basic 3 colors in the bedroom, 2 of them are neutral (pastel), and 1 is contrasting.
  • The same or similar materials for curtains and bed linen, bedspreads.
  • A single style of textiles, the design of curtains should be combined with a bedspread, that is, have common elements.
  • You should not oversaturate the interior with details, everything should be organic. There is a small spectacular detail of the opposite color that completes the whole image.
  • At least 1 detail in the decor of your bed should match the color of the curtains. For example, headboard, pillows and bedspread, etc.
  • Similar textures (everything is matte, light or shiny).
  • The most beautiful bedrooms always play on contrast effects. Dense fabrics (synthetics, linen or satin) will give greater expressiveness.
  • If you have chosen a game of contrasts, they should be bright, immediately attract attention.
  • To create a beautiful small bedroom, it is especially important to consider the illumination of the room. More light and gentle tones, then it will seem larger.
  • You should not clutter up the bedroom with home theaters, music centers, etc. Not only will this not add beauty, but the negative from TV has a bad effect on the quality of sleep.
  • Everything should be in moderation, even there are few plants in the bedroom.
  • Minimalism is the best way to make the bedroom comfortable and concise.

Photos of beautiful bedrooms

The bedroom is one of the main places in the house, here we spend the most important minutes, relax and gain strength.

Therefore, when creating a bedroom design in a modern style, it is so important to think through the design to the smallest detail. In the modern world, designers are often hired to create the interior of a bedroom.

But you can cope with this task yourself, the main thing is to know a few secrets.

DIY bedroom

As with any renovation, when designing a bedroom interior in a modern style, you should first of all pay attention to the finishing materials and color palette. Then they select furniture that should emphasize the dignity of the interior and create comfort in the room.

When choosing a color, of course, you need to be based on your taste, the color scheme should be pleasing to your perception. Other than that, here are a few tips:

1. If the room is not very large, then choose light shades, they will help visually expand the space.

2. Such shades as blue, mint, cream, olive or peach will set you in a positive mood, charge you with mood and give you a feeling of inner warmth.

3. Such delicate colors can be combined with rich colors. In this case, a sense of proportion is important, because if you overdo it with bright colors, then it will be difficult to relax and fall asleep in the room.

You can emphasize the interior design of a bedroom in a modern style using the following techniques:

Variety of finishing materials. In new interiors, combinations of different coatings are often used. For example, walls can be decorated with panels and wallpaper. One part of them can be painted, and the other part can be left unchanged.

The main thing is that they are harmoniously combined. Also, furniture can be made of various materials. A combination of wood, metal or glass would be appropriate.

Bright lighting. Many designers make complex multi-level lighting. This technique is especially appropriate in spacious rooms.

There you can make several levels on the ceiling, as well as use wall sconces and table lamps, floor lamps or chandeliers can become one of the main accents of the interior.

Simple furniture. The latest trends in design suggest giving preference to simple forms of furniture, focusing on contrast, rather than frilly curves.

Use gloss. Shiny surfaces of walls or large furniture will add sophistication to the design.

Don't be afraid to create embossed surfaces. Wood, leather or artificial stone will become a striking feature of your interior.

Bedroom furniture in a modern style should be functional, give preference to transformers. Such furniture saves a lot of space. For example, a bed with drawers or a folding table will always come in handy.

Do not force the shelves with accessories, and hang the walls with photographs. The clutter of small details creates a sense of clutter. Also, do not put too much equipment. The bedroom should be a comfortable place.

Remember that your main task is to make such an interior that each of its objects is perceived as part of an integral design. Any little things and accessories should complement the main design idea.

How to choose the right curtains

Curtains for a bedroom in a modern style should perform not only decorative, but also practical functions. Before choosing a fabric for curtains, you need to decide what task they will perform.

At the same time, the choice of fabrics for you is not limited. You can use natural materials such as linen or cotton, or opt for synthetic materials.

If you want the bedroom to be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, then choose blackout curtains.

They are also called blackouts, such fabric will not let in sunlight, so you can sleep at any time of the day. In addition, dense fabrics perform several other functions: they retain heat, provide better sound insulation, are easy to use and have a long service life.

After you have decided on the functions that you assign to the curtains, you need to choose a fabric that matches your design.

For example, short curtains are suitable for country style or Provence, their length will end at the level of the window sill. Often a floral pattern is used for such fabrics.

For a classic interior, French curtains are perfect. In this embodiment, a large number of folds are assumed, which form a semi-oval bend.

Such curtains are quite expensive, but they are great for many interiors, they will become a decoration in both small and large rooms.

I must say that for each design, its own type of curtains is selected. It can be English, French, Roman or Japanese.

In each of them you can find many colors, choosing which you need to consider the design of the room as a whole.

We select bedroom furniture in a modern style

The most important piece of furniture in the bedroom is the bed. When choosing it, you should pay attention to many features, because it is not only an element of the design of the room, but also a guarantee of your sound sleep.

Consider the strength of the bed, its size and manufacturer. First of all, you should be comfortable sleeping.

When all the technical specifications are met, it is worth starting to think about the decorative side of the issue.

Like all other interior items, a bed in a bedroom in a modern style must meet design requirements.

The dimensions of the bed will depend on the layout and size of the room, and the color and materials will depend on the finish. For example, in classic and modern interiors, beds with leather-covered headrests will look great, the color of the upholstery will depend on the overall range of the bedroom.

The shape of the bed can be classic rectangular or elegant round. Wooden carved backs will bring aristocracy to the interior, but a wicker headboard will add rustic comfort.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there are many options for creating interiors. You can easily get acquainted with the photo of the bedroom in a modern style and find what you like.

After all, you create the room in which you will want to spend time.

Photo of a bedroom design in a modern style

The design of the walls can be varied and depends on the imagination and preferences. It can be a decoration of delicate colors that promote relaxation, or vice versa, an emphasis on bright colors and eclectic ornaments, there are many options for wall decor in the bedroom and they all depend on the type of finish and color.

Bedroom wall options

Wall decoration in the bedroom should first of all be made of environmentally friendly materials, it can be paint, wallpaper, fabric, laminate or plaster.


Despite the obvious simplicity of painting, this is not the cheapest option, as it requires a perfectly prepared surface. A huge palette of colors makes it possible to choose a bedroom suitable for a particular interior, niches and arches can be easily finished with paint.

Painted walls look great with pictures and frames, and the color of the bedroom can be changed depending on the change in bedroom design. Acrylic, latex, silicone and silicate types of paints are suitable for wall decoration.


Wallpaper for the wall in the bedroom is used most often as the most affordable material, representing a large assortment. It can be plain wallpaper, with the texture of wood or wild stone, with a pattern, with different characteristics of density and water resistance.

  • Paper wallpapers are hygroscopic, harmless, affordable. Suitable for a non-sunny bedroom, otherwise the color and pattern will fade under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper easy to stick, hide the defect of uneven walls, stronger than paper and suitable for a sunny bedroom.
  • Glass fiber can be repainted several times, they are more resistant to mechanical damage.

The photo shows paper wallpaper "in a cage". A room between classic style and minimalism, an example of how shades of the same color complement each other. Dark gray curtains and a plaid, a gray and white accent wall and white furniture create a laconic style.

Wall mural

In the bedroom, wall murals look more advantageous than in any other room. They will visually enlarge a small bedroom and decorate the head of the bed. They are applied as a whole canvas or in separate parts, depending on the size and material (fabric photo wallpapers are made whole, and non-woven and paper wallpapers are made in elements).

In the photo, the accent wall is pasted over with photo wallpapers, it is in harmony with the elements of textiles and decor.


Laminate on the wall in the bedroom is used more and more today, easy installation, durability and a large selection of wood textures make this type of finish attractive.


Painting in the bedroom can decorate the interior of any style. This is a fresh take on decorating walls and emphasizing uniqueness. Apply the drawing with an airbrush, acrylic paint. It can be painting, graphics, pattern, graffiti, gradient effect, photo portrait.

Accent wall in the bedroom as a manifestation of individuality

The wall in the bedroom above the bed can be a manifestation of creativity and fantasy, it is tiled, sheathed with wood, textiles, paintings, false windows, frames, photo panels.

An eye-catching decorative wall can create a bright accent in the bedroom, which will differ from the rest and harmoniously complement them at the same time. An accent wall brings individual texture, shape and color to the overall design of a room. The focal point can be complemented with accessories, such as a bra, forged construction, flowers.

Niche in the wall

A niche in the bedroom is most often constructed from drywall at the head of the bed, this is a great option for updating the look of the room. It can be deep and become a sleeping area (with full immersion of the bed), as well as decorative with additional spotlights. A decorative niche performs only an aesthetic function; when decorating it, fabric, photo wallpapers, plaster, and mirrors are used.

The photo shows a bedroom with decorative niches covered with brown wallpaper. The headboard of soft leather panels creates a cosiness, combined with curtains and furniture.

This type of finish is becoming more and more a trend and replaces ordinary photo wallpapers. A three-dimensional image can be single and look like a picture in a frame, it can be applied to the entire wall, which is considered the standard option. The 3D picture can be with neon illumination, and the 3D LED photo wallpaper can change the image.

For the bedroom, it is best to choose neutral images, not portraits. This technique will help to avoid psychological discomfort from the "views" from the picture. There is no need to put a wardrobe and other furniture near the 3D wall, otherwise the effect of the picture will disappear.

An ideal solution for a corner room or when choosing a bed without a headboard. The wall can be finished with various forms of upholstery, leatherette or fabric (suede, velor, silk).

Of the fillers, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer are suitable, which will improve sound insulation. Of the finishing options, one can distinguish drapery, close-fitting, and the creation of soft tiles. Today it is fashionable to decorate the wall with soft panels of any shape with or without a pattern. The color of the soft wall can be combined with the color of the furniture or be different and be a bright accent of the bedroom.

Brick wall in the bedroom

A brick wall will fit into the loft style, it can be both a symbol of brutality and creativity, romance. These effects are achieved through the textures and colors of the bricks.

  • The brick wall can be of the same tone with the furniture, then the interior of the room will be in tune.
  • When choosing a contrasting accent wall, you need to choose appropriate furniture, for example, red brick is combined with pastel colors of furniture, and white brick contrasts with brown and black furniture.

In the photo, a wooden pallet bed and a white brick wall create a trendy loft style. Table lamps attached to the wall are a creative and unusual solution.

This option is suitable for creating an eco-style. The wall is made of boards, wooden panels, easy to mount, does not require alignment, hides wires and is easy to clean. Looks best at the head of the bed in addition to wall sculptures or paintings.

mirror wall

The mirror visually enlarges the space and raises the ceiling, making it brighter by reflecting light, emphasizing the style of the room. When choosing a mirror wall, remember that it requires constant cleaning from dust and splashes, this is a fragile material. For the bedroom, a mirror mosaic is best suited with the highlighting of each individual mirror. They emphasize the edges with moldings, slats, frames made of wood or plastic.

In the photo, the recreation area is separated by a two-level ceiling, the wall at the head is decorated with a solid mirror and a mosaic.

3D panels

3D panels are very light, but they look massive and solid. They are able to close any uneven wall surfaces; in this finishing option, the leveling step can be skipped.

Choosing the color of the walls for the bedroom

The color of the interior is created by furniture, floors and walls, which should be combined or overlap with each other.

  • The color of the walls should match the furniture.
  • When choosing a bedroom color, remember that the furniture should be darker than the walls and lighter than the floor, and that up to 5 colors can be combined in one room.

The photo shows a bedroom in orange with white furniture. The appliqué at the headboard dims the brightness of the walls and blends with the design of the room.

  • White walls in the bedroom are suitable for both light and dark furniture. Requires an emphasis on details in a contrasting color, goes well with any style, expands the bedroom.

  • Beige bedroom walls are very popular in bedroom interiors for their color versatility and creating a base for other colors. It is combined with all shades of beige, gray, brown, blue, turquoise and purple.

  • brown walls in the bedroom they are suitable for light furniture, they look original and do not require additional decoration. Of the accessories, a bright picture in white and gold tones would be appropriate.

In the photo, luxurious brown and white do not need a third color, this is a classic of royal bedrooms. Mirrored panels visually enlarge the room.

  • Gray walls in the bedroom can be combined with gray patterns on the carpet, white furniture, you do not need to overload the bedroom of this color.

In the photo, a minimalist bedroom with 3D wallpaper decoration, a mirror cabinet opposite the window fills the room with additional light.

  • Green walls in the bedroom are suitable for solving sleep problems. In this case, soft shades are suitable: pistachio, olive. Bright green can be used as an accent, nothing more. It is combined with white furniture, gray, brown, beige colors.

  • Blue walls in the bedroom are suitable for dark and light furniture, evokes positive emotions, relaxes and soothes. Suitable for sunny rooms, as in low light it causes fatigue and weakness.

    • Dark walls in the bedroom create a strong energy and a bold look. Suitable for large bedrooms with two windows. An accent over a dressing table or bed is appropriate with good lighting from pendant and wall lamps.

    Walls in the bedroom: photo design examples

    The photos below show examples of the use of various wall decoration options in the bedroom interior.