Red curtains in the home interior - the choice of passionate natures (24 photos). Black and white curtains in the interior of rooms: designer tips Curtains with red elements

Red curtains are the brightest, most emotionally rich window frame. But not everyone will decide on such a bold interior move. Red curtains and drapes look impressive and go well with almost all clean, fresh colors, as well as hundreds of shades - with the exception of pastels, perhaps. But this color is too bright, in some guises - even fierce! Therefore, you need to use it skillfully, taking into account the created effect.

Do you want to know in which interiors scarlet, crimson and wine curtains will look appropriate and harmonious? In our selection - three dozen photos of red curtains in interiors of various styles.

Red curtains in the classic triad

Red is part of the classic triad, which is the crown of color combinations. These are red, black and white colors - by combining them, it is impossible to get away from the principles of harmony. But in the interior, this triad does not create the easiest atmosphere, especially if scarlet and black prevail. If white dominates, the interior becomes lighter, but there is no cozy softness familiar to many - all colors are clear and sharp. As a rule, this color combination is used in minimalism.

In a minimalistic black and white interior, bright red curtains are a stylish accent. Interior accessories will be able to support him: for example, a lampshade of the same color or a pair of pillows. But it should be remembered that there should not be many such accents.

Red and white curtains are a lighter combination. They are appropriate not only in minimalism, but also in interiors with a richer palette.

But the red and black curtains are a solution of exceptional courage. It is more suitable not for minimalism, but for luxurious art deco.

Red curtains in the interior of the living room

Deep red and wine curtains in the interior of a classic living room are always an element of luxury. Intense reds and wine tones, reaching cardinal, crimson and burgundy, add splendor to the interior. This feeling is enhanced by the use of satin, velvet, brocade, jacquard, tapestry fabrics, as well as gold and silver decor. Such curtains are perfectly combined with respectable furniture, antiques. But you should take into account that such an environment cannot be called weightless.

In modern interiors, red is used, as a rule, in lightweight versions: in fiery scarlet and coral shades, translucent textures. Such curtains give a feeling of warmth, tone up, fill with energy.

Red curtains in the bedroom

Passion and fire - this is how you can characterize the main impression that red curtains and curtains create in the interior of the bedroom. It is a very intense, hot color - toning and exciting. Therefore, in the bedroom of the newlyweds, perhaps, one can only welcome him. Or, conversely, if the spouses' sensuality began to subside, they should transform the interior of the alcove - for example, change the blue to scarlet.

Still, bright red curtains in the bedroom are an ambiguous decision. In such a room it will be more difficult to fall asleep, and nervous natures may even have disturbing dreams.

A softer solution would be to opt for pink-red, coral tones. For example, coral curtains and peach-colored interiors will create a cozy, warm and romantic atmosphere.

Red curtains in your kitchen

Long gone are the days when a kitchen with a red set looked extravagant. Now, in many apartments and cottages, this color is chosen as a design dominant for the design of kitchens. And, of course, there is a place for scarlet curtains.

But you should choose red curtains for the kitchen with care so that the palette does not become overly aggressive. One of the solutions is to opt for translucent scarlet curtains. Another option is to use shades of flame, they are lighter.

If you like the color of ripe strawberries and other rich shades, try to balance them with a significant amount of white. Perhaps this role will be taken on by the curtains for the kitchen - white and red. Perfect harmony, bright contrast and light accent!

Red is one of the brightest and most memorable colors in the palette. It is associated with strength and energy. But you need to use it carefully. The predominance in the interior of the powerful, like a clot of red energy can negatively affect the psyche. Conversely, well-placed accents, such as red curtains on the windows in the living room in a neutral color, can bring a festive and uplifting atmosphere.

What is red

Red color, its main shades and place in the palette.

In the Russian language in the old days the word "red" meant the same thing as "beautiful": the girl is red, the hut is red with pies, the debt is red in payment.

Authentic red has many shades. It is worth adding a little ocher to it, as it immediately softens and turns from kumach into a warm calm terracotta. Let's dilute it with water and drop a little orange into it. We will get coral as if saturated with the sea southern sun. Add a little purple to the rich red, and it will turn into burgundy - the color of aged wine and a symbol of royalty. Another popular shade is crimson, the color of summer, taste and good mood. Each of them carries its own energy and creates a characteristic, individual atmosphere in the interior.

A pure red (reddish) tone in the design of rooms is rarely used, but with skillful handling (proportions, color combinations, background, accessories), the result is, without exaggeration, magnificent.

In the interior of different rooms

If you use red curtains ineptly, ill-considered, the interior will look pompous and aggressive. But if you approach their choice carefully, they will become an ideal tool for creating a comfortable environment. The main thing is to carefully select shades, color combinations and their dosage.

Bright red curtains in the nursery are appropriate when the room is divided into a play and sleeping area. They will help create a cheerful mood after sleep, tune in to games and creative activities.

In the living room

In a spacious living room, red curtains are good in any design.
Thick red curtains won't be overwhelming if the reddish brightness is muted and washed out.
The living room with red curtains creates a positive attitude, conducive to communication.

The living room is a place where the whole family gathers, where guests are invited, and home celebrations take place. Red curtains in the living room interior create a festive mood, therefore they are always appropriate. In a spacious room, they are good in all interpretations. In small rooms, you have to show your imagination.

So that red curtains in the interior of the living room of small sizes do not put pressure on the psyche, the designers advise:

  • hang classic curtains or red roller blinds with light tulle - beige or snow-white;
  • for sewing long curtains, use loose lightweight fabrics: linen, silk, polyester, with their help a room with drawn curtains will look lighter and more spacious;
  • preference is given to fabrics with a pattern, since they look lighter than plain ones.

In the bedroom

Red curtains, pink bedspread and pillows - even in the absence of speaking accessories, such an interior looks "oriental".
The bedroom with warm sandy-beige walls and deep red curtains follows the color principles of Feng Shui.
If you are not a fan of feng shui, use red in the bedroom only on the curtains, and choose the rest of the details in calm pastel colors.

Red curtains in the bedroom should be used with caution, especially by people with sleep problems. However, according to Chinese philosophy, this sensual color has a beneficial effect on marital relationships. Therefore, in the Feng Shui bedroom there is always a lot of red textiles. If you are not a fan of this teaching, choosing red curtains in the bedroom, give preference to muted tones and patterned canvases.

In the kitchen

A little red for a good appetite and cheerful mood in the kitchen will not be superfluous.
Red roll-up filters are the perfect accent for a white kitchen.
For a small kitchen, it is better to choose curtains with motifs to match the headset, and not completely red.

Experts do not recommend using red curtains for the kitchen if there is a lot of bright red in it without them. The red dress on the windows will cheer you up in the morning, increase your appetite and won't tire you, provided that the walls and furniture are kept in calm shades. Conversely, an excess of it can cause aggression and cause unbalanced behavior. This nuance is especially important to consider for housewives who have to spend a lot of time in this room.

The most popular models of red curtains for the kitchen are:

  • lifting models: red roller blinds and roman blinds;
  • classic curtains up to the windowsill;
  • curtains in the "cafe" style with a lambrequin;
  • light curtains made of red tulle, muslin, veil or organza.

In the bathroom and toilet

Red curtains can also be installed on bathroom windows. This is one of the most interesting solutions, considering that the interior of this room is filled not only with furniture, but with hygiene items and, as a rule, they are white. Faience and glossy enamel will reflect blurry red shades, creating smooth flow of primary colors into each other.

Do not forget about the bathroom curtains, which can be not only made of polyethylene, but also fabric, with moisture-repellent impregnation.

Well, if you just want to beautifully decorate the space near the bathtub, then you can use muslin, as, for example, in the photo below.

Color combinations

Since red is an energetic, sensual and strong-willed color, it should be used in the interior with single strokes. Red curtains in the setting should be an accent spot, and in order to fully reveal their attractiveness, you need to choose the right main color palette. To create a harmonious frame for them will help:

  • white;
  • beige;
  • blue;
  • grey;
  • green;
  • the black.


Against a white background, red loses its vigor, remaining light and festive.

Interiors with red curtains, white walls and furniture are mistakenly considered boring by many. In fact, this is one of the most win-win combinations. And what is important, accents of other colors can only ruin the picture.


Against the beige walls, the red curtains look cozy and the whole environment is warm and relaxing.

Red textiles against a background of beige walls will look calmer, as if illuminated from the inside by a soft golden light. At the same time, it will help to avoid some of the boredom inherent in a monochrome beige setting. There is also no need for other colors here, with the exception of woody browns related to the beige tone.


Blue walls "extinguish" the fire of red curtains and the whole interior looks cool and peaceful.

This combination is rare due to the antagonism between blue (ice) and red (flame). Since these colors have different "temperatures", few people dare to decorate the interior with them. But in vain. A red and blue setting is pleasant, cool when blue predominates and warm when red predominates.


We constantly observe the duet of green and red in nature, which means that it will be harmonious in the interior.

As in the case of blue, it is not the most popular, but interesting color combination, despite the apparent conflict. We constantly observe green along with red in nature: fruits, vegetables, flowers. And, as you know, nature is the best designer. The temperature accentuation method also works here. In creating a warm interior, red will be the leading, and in creating a cool one - green.


A gray background is perfect for red curtains, as a "neutralizer", so this combination is appropriate in the bedroom.

Red curtains in the interior of the living room and bedroom look great against the background of gray walls. Monotonous and not too expressive by its nature, gray takes on a part of the "kumachy" energy. As a result, it is evenly distributed throughout the environment.


The combination of different shades of red is typical for oriental "Arab" interiors.

Red goes well with all its shades, and pink is essentially the same red, but diluted with white. Interiors in such colors are often found in the East, but for the European mentality they seem unusual. Pink textiles or walls and red curtains are especially appropriate in the bedroom for a little girl or young girl. Having decided to create such a design, try to adopt more than one shade of pink, but several.

The black

Red curtains in an interior with a predominance of black should be diluted with light accents, for example, light from lamps.

For many, the combination of red and black seems too gloomy. These two mourning shades just need to be balanced with something, for example, an abundance of chrome or glass accessories, light-colored wallpaper. The best solution is to add more white colors to the red and black interior.

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Red is one of the three basic colors, but despite its versatility, it must be applied carefully. This is the most "active" color from the entire spectrum - a bright, effective and powerful energy accumulator that affects the psyche and physiology.

And, if the interior in such tones gives a calm, phlegmatic nature a liveliness, adds "tone", then impulsive choleric people can cause unconscious irritation and even outbursts of aggressiveness.

It can be compared to hot spices that whet the appetite and give the dish a special piquancy, however, in excessive quantities, they completely spoil the taste of the original.

So red curtains in the interior - they can add "zest", the necessary accent, highlighting the designer furniture (as in the photo), or they can oversaturate the atmosphere of the room with excessive theatricality.

Beautiful curtains in red tones will decorate the women's bedroom and the bachelor's room. The main thing is to choose the right shade and find out what to combine this passionate color with. Unlike, for example, pink, it is not considered exclusively feminine.

Such neutrality, and, accordingly, versatility has become the reason for the use of this tone in all stylistic directions. Modern, classic, loft, provence, neoclassic - many modern styles do not exclude its use.

Today you will be convinced of the ability of the beloved red color to transform classic and modern interiors.

Combine or Solo?

Curtains of this color visually narrow the room, as if bringing the window closer to the observer. If the room is spacious and the walls are decorated in soothing colors, then cherry or wine-red curtains will look quite appropriate.

And for small-sized living rooms, textile "duets" of fabrics of various textures and contrasting colors will become more harmonious. Red-green curtains are elegant and relevant.

It is best to combine red with neutral colors. Compositions of red and brown look gorgeous. The only color it doesn't look very good with is pink.

The combination of red and black in the hall is a classic reception that will suit a spacious living room of 20 square meters. and more.

Take a look at this photo. Dense curtains in a dark burgundy shade are complemented by a light thin curtain. The cornice with lambrequin successfully complements the color scheme.

Dark red curtains with fringes and monograms will perfectly fit into luxurious interiors.

Red and gold or black and red curtains will accentuate the sophistication of the Art Deco style.

Soft coziness: terracotta translucent curtains give the lighting an almost tangible velvety feel.

Beauty and smart design: this is how red curtains look in the interior of a high-tech living room.

This active color is a good option for the bathroom, as shown in the photos below.

In the bedroom

Any room in the house needs to be decorated not only according to your color preferences, but also taking into account its functional purpose.

Lifting roller blinds are practical to use in the kitchen. Curtains on eyelets are no less comfortable.

Brightness in the interior of the nursery

Red that stimulates physical activity should be used with caution in the nursery.

It is better to use a neutral color as the base background of the canvas. White, with red pictures or flowers, curtains are one of the acceptable options for decorating a baby's room, recommended by feng shui and psychologists.

White is rightfully considered the best companion to red. And this is what red and white curtains can look like in a nursery.

A warm and eye-pleasing combination will be yellow-red compositions that guarantee a good mood for both children and adults.

A little girl will love coral curtains or, for example, white tulle with a lambrequin in a rich color. Red roses can flaunt on a translucent organza or veil.

Thread curtains in combination with tulle will fill the girl's room with romance, making the interior more feminine. White-black-red compositions are suitable for the boy's bedroom, allowing to balance the energy of colors. Dark colors, of course, should be in the minority.

We create unique decor

As you know, combining different materials is in vogue now. By combining several types of fabric, you can create a unique window decor and complement the style and color scheme of the decor.

In addition, you need to combine different types of curtains, achieving both practical and aesthetic goals. So, for example, Roman or roller blinds combined with light tulle are suitable for a small room. In this case, a short arch-shaped tulle would be a good option.

Filament curtains, beautifully tied with a hook or fixed with a magnet, will also act as an unobtrusive and elegant window frame. They also go well with tulle.

In addition to combined curtains, other unusual compositions are often found in modern interiors. Patterned tulle against the background of dense curtains is one of them. Double curtains will be an equally interesting solution.

Two or three canvases on each side of the window will provide a single color ensemble. Red-beige or gray-red compositions look exquisite. Sometimes a special niche is provided in the wall, where you can always hide one of the curtains, modifying the window decoration. Plus, there are ways to embellish the curtains themselves - for example, drape them at one level or another.

Crossed sheer curtains in contrasting colors create the ultimate window decoration.

Tip: if you skillfully use red curtains, you can refresh any interior, make it more stylish, fashionable and interesting.

As additional accessories that will "overlap" with bright textiles, you can use decorative vases and dishes, lampshades for lamps, covers for furniture and cushions.

Red curtains will become a non-standard and bold solution for interior decoration of an apartment. Shades of red can be the main tone or be present only in details, in any case it will attract attention. Given the nature of the red color, it is worth using it in dosage, without overloading the interior of the house with bright colors.

Several nuances will help to decorate the house with taste, making it stylish and laconic.

  • The intensity of the color depends on the area of ​​the room; the smaller the room, the calmer and lighter it is to choose a shade of red.
  • Shades of red are suitable for decorating a room for both girls and men.
  • Red curtains will accentuate attention.
  • Do not overload the interior with color, a few red details will be enough.



A simple and convenient mechanism is a tube on which the fabric is wound when it is lifted. For convenience, weights are sewn along the bottom edge. Roller blinds are suitable for decorating a kitchen, office, loggia.


According to the principle of operation, Roman blinds are similar to roller blinds, but visually they are more elegant. Along the entire length, the canvas is divided into equal segments, along the edges there are chains or laces fixed along the lower edge. As it rises, the material folds into even waves.

Classic straight curtains to the floor will decorate the interior in any style. In this case, color and material will attract attention. Long curtains or tulle are suitable for decorating almost any part of the house.

A good option for kitchen curtains and children's rooms. Thick fabric that can be adorned with cute designs can be combined with tulle fabric. Short curtains are suitable for the kitchen.

The photo shows a modern kitchen with bright red and blue details. Due to white furniture, maximum space is visually preserved.


Decorative curtains perform the function of zoning the space, while not making it heavier. The threads can be of different thicknesses, decorated with glass beads, beads, rhinestones and other decorative elements.

Pelmets are usually decorated with long curtains, adding grace to them. They can have different shapes, differ in color from the general range and are complemented by decorative elements, such as tassels or fringes.

Their main advantage is always smooth waves, which are formed due to fastening. The fabric is pierced with rings at an equal distance, which in turn are strung on a tube-shaped curtain.


Tulle looks good both in combination with thick curtains, and without any additions. Transparent material does not hide the visual space and gives a feeling of spaciousness.


The fabric is divided into equal segments vertically. The ribbons sewn into the division points form equal waves when lifted. The curtains look luxurious and look voluminous. Suitable for hall and bedroom decoration.


The overall picture depends on the selection of fabric. Natural, non-glossy fabrics are suitable for a modern trend, rich and complex will decorate a classic room.

Linen and cotton

Completely natural fabrics made from plant materials. The material has a wide range of uses, from shawls and linen to upholstery.

Velor and velvet

Fabrics with a pleasant pile texture. They differ in the composition and length of the pile. Due to the unusual texture, the color forms an overflow.

It is a transparent, matte and lightweight fabric. The composition can be from natural or synthetic materials.


Unlike organza veil, it is a harder material, the surface can be shiny and matte.

In the photo is the living room. The matte organza curtains are in harmony with the armchair and cushions in red shades.


A fabric made from natural materials with a unique, easily recognizable weave. Matting curtains will decorate the interior in a nautical, modern and eco-style.

Curtain fabrics

They differ in composition and texture, can be monochromatic or have completely different patterns. The fabric also differs in density, the satin transmits light, but hides it from the sun's rays.

  • Jacquard is a denser material and has a rich texture.
  • Blackout isolates the room from light as much as possible, it is convenient to use in home theaters.

In the photo there is a bedroom with massive natural wood furniture. Red curtains are decorated with tassels.

Combination of different types of curtains

A classic combination of fabrics that will suit both classic and modern designs. Curtains can be supplemented with lambrequins, grabs or tassels.

Combination with lambrequin

Curtains, complemented by lambrequins, are suitable for decorating a classic living room or bedroom. Lambrequins can have a simple straight shape, thus not overloading the overall picture or making up an unusual complex figure that will become the main decoration of the room.

Long curtains look harmoniously with roller, Roman and French curtains. If desired, they can be made lower or raised as much as possible, letting in sunlight.

Plain curtains with patterned or ornamented curtains

Dense curtains can have a common color scheme and distinctive features in the form of patterns or ornaments. Some interior details can be made of the same colored fabric, such as pillows or bedspreads.

In the photo there is a kitchen in beige tones. Long curtains are combined with roman blinds.

Roman and tulle

Tulle combined with roman blinds softens the overall picture. This combination is suitable for the interior of the kitchen and nursery.

Color combination

Red and white

One of the best solutions for combining red. White will lighten the bright shade.


A dark color combination, it is better to dilute the interior with a light color.

Red gray

Stylish combination. With a gray tint, red does not look so bright.

In the photo there is a living room with red elements.


The combination of green and red is associated with a flower bud and, despite the bright shades, look harmonious with each other.

Red beige

Beige softens the shade of red. The combination looks warmer than with white.

Red brown

A warm and rich color combination will brighten the study, living room and bedroom.


A perfect combination for a modern interior. Blue floral patterns on a dark red background are perfect for a classic room.

Red yellow

Summer combination of red and yellow will fill the room with warm light.

Red orange

Autumn colors will envelop the room with warmth.


Golden blotches in the form of floral patterns are suitable for a classic interior.

Curtain design


Solid red or crimson curtains are a good solution for an interior in any style. You can focus on an unusual cut or texture of the fabric, for example, beautiful burgundy velvet curtains.


Striped curtains will enhance modern, classic and nautical interiors. The combination of red and white looks the most advantageous, white "calms" a bright shade of red, while emphasizing it.

Into the cage

The classic Scottish plaid always remains in fashion, it can be present in details, for example, sofa covers, pillows, curtains, decorative accessories. Also, the cage can be of a simple geometric shape, this option is suitable for a kitchen or living room.

With a pattern or ornament

A pattern or ornament can support the overall idea of ​​the interior. Dense curtains with a graceful floral pattern will harmoniously look in a classic interior, and hieroglyphs will decorate an Asian-style interior.

With drawing

Playful drawings will decorate the interior of a child's room. Drawings of flowers in a pink-red shade will make the interior delicate, while reflecting the nature of the room. For example, poppies or scarlet roses will become a bright accent and can be in harmony with other red elements.

With photo printing

Photo-printed curtains will become the main object of attention in the room. Technologies allow you to recreate any image on a textile canvas, forming a big picture.


Decorative details add zest to the overall picture.


They are fixed on the walls and lightly hold the fabric in a certain position, if desired, it can be easily straightened. Holders can be almost invisible or, on the contrary, become a decoration.


They are two magnets connected by a tape, they fix the curtain in the desired position and at any height. The “hats” of the clips can be decorated with rhinestones, fabrics and other textures.

Grips, tassels and fringes

Fabric hooks hold the curtains and can be attached to wall brackets. Tassels and fringes are completely decorative and can be used to decorate dense fabrics.

What color of wallpaper matches the red curtains?

Taking into account the nature of color, in the interior of the house, red curtains will look more harmonious with the light color of the walls, for example, white, milky, beige. This finishing option will be the best for rooms with a small area.

Dark wall decoration creates a brutal and backstage interior. This combination is suitable for a room with abundant natural light.


The depth of color, material and cut reflect the character and style of the room.


Red curtains in a classic interior can have both a simple straight shape and an unusual cut. Lambrequins, tassels, fringes, floral patterns and noble fabrics will look appropriate.


For minimalism and high-tech styles, plain curtains in red and a simple cut would be ideal. In the living room and bedroom, these can be straight curtains to the floor, and in the kitchen, curtains with a roller mechanism.


For a rustic style, curtains in a red check or with a small pattern are suitable. It is preferable to choose a natural material.


The style will be supported by brick-red curtains made of plain material. Rolled, straight and Roman curtains look harmoniously.

Pictured is a loft-style bedroom. The red curtains on the eyelets are complemented by sheer roller blinds.

Photos in the interior of the rooms


For the kitchen, short red curtains are suitable, for example, tulle, thin mesh, or with patterns and discreet ornaments. Roman and roller blinds will also look harmonious.

Living room

The living room is the place where you can maximize your ideas. The design of the curtains depends on the total area and the stylistic direction of the room. In a small room, curtains of a simple cut look more appropriate, in a spacious room you can use unusual lambrequins or French curtains.


Thick ruby ​​or burgundy curtains create a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom. Textured fabrics such as jacquard and velvet will give the interior a special chic.

In the photo there is a stylish bedroom with dense straight curtains in red.


In the nursery, curtains can be decorated with patterns and fun designs. Curtains with photo printing will become an interesting interior solution, thematic images will help the development of the child and decorate the nursery.

In the photo there is a compact children's room with plain red roman curtains.

Photo gallery

Red curtains are an unusual, stylish and bold solution. Red has many shades, for example, scarlet curtains will decorate a modern minimalist room, and light reds are suitable for a calm classic interior.

It is not strange for anyone that the combination of black and white in the interior and clothing is considered classic. Black and white curtains more and more often began to attract everyone's attention. They are appreciated for their extraordinary appearance, a variety of shapes and images, which are obtained as a result of a combination of opposite tones.

Black and white are different, discordant colors, the interior with their elements seems to be harmonious and holistic.

What could be easier than combining two solid colors? In fact, in order to achieve a pretty and elegant decor, you need to follow certain norms, rules, take into account how all the elements look as a whole.

Curtains and curtains in black and white will suit both the hall, living room, kitchen and bedroom. The main thing is to choose the right color scheme.

How to correctly apply black and white?

The curtains of this color palette perform the following functions: the white part creates a clean background that emphasizes the rest of the elements, makes them more voluminous, black adds contrast and sharpness.

In order for the curtains to perform the aforementioned functions, the following rules must be taken into account in interior design:

When buying curtains in a black and white shade for a bedroom or living room, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all interior details and furnishings against their background will become more expressive, more contrasting. If you have bright items (pillows, tablecloth, bedspread), dilute the curtains or curtains with a neutral gray shade. It will reduce the contrast level in the room.

Listen to your inner "I", it will tell you how not to "litter" the room and what is better to choose. If from the very beginning something does not attract you in the created image of the room, it is better to change everything at the initial stages. If you still fail, then a specialist will help you in the design of the room.

If you have a monochrome room, then you will find a complex selection of curtains or curtains in black and white. Usually, if the interior is nondescript, mundane, boring, then it will be saved only by bright, colorful elements, furniture, and not just a change of curtains.

Let's see a photo of black and white curtains in the interior of the kitchen, bedroom and hall.

Black and white in the living room

When choosing curtains for the living room, you need to present the final picture you want. Want a bright, contrasting, dynamic living room? Then decorate the windows with curtains or curtains with chrome elements: eyelets, special clips, metal hooks.

Shades such as white and black will be appropriate in the classic design of the house - hi-tech, minimalism, empire style.

Japanese panels, blinds with a variety of patterns are perfect for an Art Nouveau interior. If you want to emphasize the pomp and luxury of the room, then for this use thick silk curtains from a large number of layers, massive curtains with hooks in the form of metal chains. The design of curtains with a pattern resembling a checkerboard, figures, Japanese hieroglyphs or skins of wild animals looks exquisite.

A practical option for rooms of any style will be black and white curtains of a straight cut. If you prefer the classics, then decorate the curtains with fringe in dark tones, apply patterned lambrequins. For curtains, high-quality, expensive fabrics are used - jacquard, silk.

Bedroom decoration with black and white curtains

Bedroom - a room designed for rest, sleep, relaxation. If black tones prevail in it, this will tune the owners to a sound, restful sleep, and in combination with white, it will eliminate gloom, gloom, add light and nobility. Dark curtains will protect you from the morning rays and keep you asleep.

Curtains with the same print as on the bed set will look great. In the design of a bedroom with black and white curtains, you can use models such as Roman curtains, patterned panels with voluminous lambrequins.

A more practical option is a sheer curtain and a dark curtain. In the morning and at night, the windows are tightly closed with curtains so that the sun does not bother in the morning, and the moon at night. In the daytime, the curtains are pulled apart and tied at the sides with exquisite tie-backs.

Black and white in kitchen decor

In a small space, using the same amount of white and black will feel boring, sullen. The desired picture will turn into an ordinary set of nonsense. Usually, you want to somehow increase the kitchen space due to light shades, so white should prevail.

In case you have dark furniture, curtains or curtains must be white or milky, a small bright print is allowed. In a room with a predominance of light colors, on the contrary, there are black curtains with a light pattern.


Black and white curtains and drapes are able to highlight stylish, attractive elements and interior details. Due to this, they become a versatile addition to the decor of a room in any style.

One thing you shouldn't do is use this element in every room of your home. When these two colors are overused, an unwanted, negative effect can be achieved. An abundance of black and white can lead to depressed, depressive states. Therefore, decorate the interior correctly.

Photo of black and white curtains