Creative ideas for office design. Creative office? What is this? Fornari Group Business Office, Milan

Creative ideas for the office

Modern creative ideas for the office allow you to transform even the most boring room beyond recognition. At the same time, the use of unusual ideas will be appropriate both when decorating the offices of creative enterprises and when developing design for industrial premises.

The designers did a great job decorating the premises of the Energoprom company, which is located in the capital of Russia - Moscow.

Preference was given to the loft style, which is complemented by elements of street art and elements of popular culture from the sixties of the last century. The premises testify to the creativity of the employees and the modern vision of the company.

Style selection

The usual concrete structures, which are the main element of the loft style, were used as facing materials.

The simplicity of the material is emphasized by drawings and graffiti on the walls, which can depict colorful abstractions and black and white geometric lines.

Wall decoration

Employee offices are separated by transparent partitions. On the one hand, this allows you to isolate yourself from other employees while performing your duties, and on the other hand, it makes it possible to constantly feel like part of a large and friendly team. The transparent partitions are decorated with matte designs, a common element of street art.

Office separation

The office of the director of the enterprise, as expected, is a separate room, decorated in an individual style. Simple brick was used as facing materials.

And the design is dominated by bright colors and shades, which have a beneficial effect on the mood. There is a reception desk in the corridor, behind which there is a huge window without curtains. All this perfectly complements the idea of ​​simplicity and minimalism.

Director's office

The design of the corridors is no less original. Concrete ceiling structures are decorated with decorative pipes, which are ideal for the direction of work of this enterprise.

Either simple painted plaster or bright brickwork is used as wall cladding. The floors are filled with concrete monolith. In some places there is carpet or laminate. As for the selection of colors, you can find all kinds of bright shades in the interior.

It was thanks to experiments with color that it was possible to perfectly replicate the principles of the street art technique, which is complemented by unusual graffiti and images of celebrities popular in the last century.

Corridor design style

Selection of original cladding

Flooring variations

French facade in design

Street art

Graffiti in the interior

Decoration of utility rooms

Interior color scheme

Loft style in the common hall

Industrial plant design choices do not have to be strict and restrained. The brighter and more original the idea, the more creative the staff’s work will be.

Choosing bold decisions and unusual design styles will create a relaxed atmosphere and increase the productivity of the team.

Moving forward and for the better does not leave unchanged the transformation of office spaces, the approach to the design of which has changed significantly in recent years. Today's modern office design is the use of new forms of premises arrangement in order to create the most favorable working environment for staff and cooperation with partners and clients, which in turn is the key to a positive image of the company, its successful prosperity and capital increase.

Many factors influence how you want your “brainchild” to be. Among them are the layout of the room and its stylistic image, the color scheme of work areas, the presence of utility rooms, the convenience of furniture, the location of equipment, lighting, temperature conditions, and air quality. Let’s say, as many enterprises as there are, there can be as many solutions in office design, but there are also some boundaries that you shouldn’t go too far beyond.

We suggest looking at how to properly and competently plan an office space and organize workplaces so that a person would be happy to go to work in the current publication “Dream House”.

Interior layout of a modern office

The creation of any interior, including an office one, begins with a layout, which is of significant importance for the performance of the entire enterprise. When drawing up a project for a future office, you need to be guided by what type of activity the company conducts and how many of its employees are there. Several methods are used for the internal layout of office space:

  • according to the principle of a cabinet system;
  • open (Open Space);
  • using modular partitions;
  • mixed.

Today, offices with huge lobbies, long corridors and numerous offices can be found mainly in huge corporations, where the scope of work covers many industries and requires an individual approach to many issues. Huge offices include suspended glass ceilings, luxurious lobbies with staircases, parapets and columns, which are made of granite or marble. The design of lobbies, as well as offices and reception areas, also uses wall panels made of wood, which is still in demand.

Medium and small companies welcome the organization of space like an open space or modular office, which combine ergonomics, freedom and visual beauty, which corresponds to high-tech and styles. The main advantages of such layouts are rational use of space, the possibility of close interaction between colleagues and open relationships with the client.

But sometimes even the field of activity of a small company requires silence and concentration. In this case, if square meters allow, preference is given to a mixed office layout.

If space has to be saved, a move such as creating one closed room for negotiations and resolving issues that require privacy is used.

Many offices have a reception, a reception area for clients and partners, a conference room and separate offices for management staff. Their design may differ slightly from the general interior of the office and work areas. Let's say the reception desk may have a brighter finish, and the boss's room may be expensive and solid.

Part of progressive offices, in addition to the locker room and toilet room, is the presence of other office premises, the presence of which will prove that management cares about subordinates. So, during irregular working hours, the team will be given moral satisfaction by a relaxation room, which, in addition to comfortable armchairs or a sofa, may include a place for snacks, a billiard table, a small gym and a shower.

Design of an office that keeps up with the times: color and style

Today's offices are stylish, comfortable, practical and positive. Preference is given to interiors in which the decoration of walls, ceilings and floors, the design of furniture and equipment represent a single ensemble. It is clear that there are many styling options, and each specific office is an individual solution, and it should be such that the desire to work does not leave you.

In the first place is work on the color environment. Preferred colors for a modern office:

  • pastel – blue, green, beige, yellow, cream;
  • neutrals - dark gray, metallic and white.

Pastel cold shades used for the interior design of a modern office are suitable for structures whose activities require concentration and logical thinking, warm ones are appropriate where the work is creative.

Business and formal offices in high-tech and Manhattan styles are impressed by huge windows, polished metal furniture, glass partitions, smooth surfaces, light, simple accessories, chrome and silver fittings, lamps on brackets, built into the furniture.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the office design in a classic style, which always remains cutting-edge. It is characterized by cabinets, tables and chairs made of dark wood, with noble upholstery and massive legs. The decoration of such interiors is rich libraries, expensive paintings and various antique objects. Massive chandeliers and are used as light sources here.

Relevant in the organization of office space is one that is aimed at discipline and collectivism. Its distinctive features are the refined harmony of colors, accessories and furniture. Simple furniture, light colors, a lot of light, lightness, asymmetrical repetition of elements - design principles in the spirit of Japan.

For offices where work is related to artistic or creative activities, interiors in the and styles are suitable, which represent elegance of lines, openwork partitions, screens, draped furniture, painted walls. They are characterized by unusual things, bright accessories, forged items, in general, everything that helps immerse oneself in the world of art.

Arrangement of the work area of ​​a modern office

In addition to creating a beautiful and stylish office space, providing staff with comfortable workspaces is an equally important point. The environment in which a person spends a long time affects his emotional state, which, in turn, affects his attitude towards his responsibilities and, in general, his productivity.

Important rules:

  1. The furniture of each workplace should not only correspond to the company’s style, but also be of high quality and comfortable. At a minimum, this is a table with enough area to complete tasks, as well as a chair with the correct backrest position.
  2. To decorate the floor of a room where people spend at least 8 hours, it is used, or, unlike tiles, these materials are not so cold, and also, due to their versatility, beautifully complement any interior.
  3. If the work area is an open space or grouped in blocks, care must be taken to soundproof the room. They cope with this task perfectly

A table, a chair, a computer, a pile of papers... That, in fact, is the entire gentleman’s set of a typical “white collar” worker in a typical office. So, without exaggeration, we can say that if you have seen at least one office, then you have seen them all. It's a bit sad, isn't it?

But the soul asks for a holiday, and preferably a regular one. No one will argue that the state of our mood and our brains largely depend on the state of the office. On the other hand, the office is the business card of the company. It is clear that more often the task arises not to jump in over your head, but at least not to lose face. Nevertheless, from time to time there is a desire, if not to show yourself, then at least to look at others. So today on the agenda are offices whose inhabitants seem to be unfamiliar with the concept of “gray everyday life.”

Let's start... no, not with Google, although their commitment to interior hooliganism is already known in neighboring galaxies. Let's act more patriotically, let's walk through our domestic brothers. We also have something to see.

So, the list opens with the First Patent Company (note - do not try to find logic in this list, a futile exercise). The company provides various services in the field of intellectual property, including those related to the registration of non-traditional trademarks, such as olfactory, tactile, audiovisual and holographic (that’s what they say on their website, honestly).

The Soviet-style poster slogans on the ceiling are, of course, the first thing that catches your eye, but in my opinion, the most successful find is the signpost. A great alternative to the typical office left-right arrows.


About God and Jerusalem, in my opinion, a masterpiece))))

One more pearl, may the children of Israel not be offended...

And this is a real mammoth skull, for which there is even a certificate.

One of the people you don't expect to be creative is lawyers, but apparently there are exceptions. In general, the guys had a blast.

The next item in our program is Yandex. The Yandex office works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so God himself ordered to create conditions for people, not people for conditions. The work schedule here is approached very democratically: work whenever you want, the main thing is to deliver everything on time.

Contrary to expectations, the Yandex office is not yellow, but green, literally and figuratively.

By the way, all plants are living. The office has a sophisticated system of automatic watering and drainage of excess water.

Another feature is that all the walls are covered with a special film on which you can write if suddenly a brilliant idea finds you in an unexpected place.

Everything – not just for work and rest.

The office design for Yandex was developed by wizards from Artemy Lebedev Studio. And here, by the way, are the interiors of the Studio itself, or rather its toilet:

All awards and certificates hang in the bathroom. This is how the Studio expresses its attitude towards other people’s assessments.

And this is the office of the Three Rings company, which develops game design. It’s hard to get rid of the thought that three heroes are about to come out from around the corner.

Who doesn't know ABBYY dictionaries? Here, too, the office design was approached with creativity. Work spaces are adjacent to recreation areas. For example, this is what a gym looks like:

ABBYY also has its own collection of board games, which employees use to while away their free time.

And this is the office of the Game Technologies company. It seems that here the line between the game and reality is very arbitrary. The second floor is something between a children's playroom and a hookah lounge.

Somewhat unexpected interior solutions can be found in the VKontakte office, which is located in the very center of St. Petersburg. For example, this is what a meeting room looks like:

Here employees relax and spend time in leisurely conversation.

The VKontakte office is very eclectic, rooms designed in the style of a hookah lounge or in a medieval style coexist with hard high-tech. The company is located in the building of the former Zinger manufactory, so a certain “factory” feel is felt.

It's no secret that VKontakte is a Russian clone of Facebook. Let's see how their foreign counterparts are imaginative.

No, this is not a college dorm after someone's birthday, this is actually a Facebook office. And this too:

I especially liked the find with the tent. So I came to work, hammered in the pegs, took out a sleeping bag - and it was as if the vacation was not over yet.

Another giant of the IT industry is Google. The company's offices are scattered all over the world, but that doesn't stop them from being equally crazy. This is the workspace of Google employees in Pittsburgh:

And these are their brothers in New York:

The headquarters in Zurich is rightfully considered the most original of the entire “office family” of Google.

The British, despite their stiffness, also hung themselves, although more restrainedly. Google office in London:

The eternal problem of “open offices” is the complete lack of a sense of personal space. By the way, psychologists say that this significantly increases the already stressful state of office workers. In the Paris office of Pons and Huot, they solved this problem in an original way by giving each employee... a capsule and a tree for relaxation.

More modest design options from Eastern European colleagues from Romania - X3 Offices, but very nice. Attic offices are a dream, and that’s all.

And this is the office of the Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia. Even though the country is the size of a teaspoon, they also know how to be creative.

The Swedish company Bahnhof AB went even further, not in breadth, but in depth in every sense of the word; they chose not only original interior design, but also a very extravagant office location, which is located in a mountain at a depth of 100 meters. The employees don’t mind, they say that it’s even better, no fuss - peace and quiet helps you concentrate on work. The round thing under the ceiling is a meeting room.

The Spaniards are also not lagging behind; they set up an office in the forest. And what? Good for health and, by the way, very compact. Selgas Cano Architecture Office:

And finally, an absolutely crazy office complex from the invention factory from Pittsburgh - Inventionland. The company patents more than 2,000 inventions a year, working with customers all over the world!!! For such fruitful creativity, the environment must be appropriate. Sixteen work areas with their own unique design have been created for employees, including a cave complex, a racing track, a tree house, a castle, a pirate ship and many others.

These are the wonderful conditions in which modern office employees work. And this article is a great motivation for you to get creative with your workplace!

If you have a home office or need to organize your belongings into a storage unit, this article will give you helpful tips to make the job less difficult.

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1. Store small items in a spice rack.

Just be sure to wash them thoroughly, or your eraser will forever smell like caraway seeds.

3. Keep papers and pens in a neat organizer made from old frames.

4. Turn the frame into a list of things to do.

5. Make These Colorful Tin Can Organizers

6. Stack them on top of each other to save space.

7. Coat them with chalkboard paint for easy marking.

8. Lucky enough to have an extra Slinky spring? Use it to store writing utensils.

9. Keep your cables organized with this desk-mountable organizer.

It costs only $9.99, and you will no longer have to crawl on the floor in search of a cable.

10. Attach a small hook under the table to keep cords out from under your feet.

11. Label the cords with bread tags. True, to begin with you will need to eat a lot of bread, but we all sacrifice something.

12. Using clips, you can make a large cord holder.

13. Cover the file cabinet with pieces of wallpaper. Fabric or craft paper will also work.

14. Create a shelf with storage space for paper from a magazine rack.

15. Use your morning coffee wrapper to keep your headphones from getting tangled. And your mornings will become kinder.

16. Store papers on the wall using clipboards.

17. Use one for your to-do list. This person obviously has no obligations.

18. Upgrade your chair. Now, if someone wants to steal your chair, you will know about it.

19. Make a compact charging station out of a lotion bottle. No one will know what it was before.

20. Never spill liquid using this drink holder. It attaches to the edge of your desk and prevents the dreaded soy-latte-meets-MacBook-Pro disaster.

21. Cover the inside panels of the shelves with craft paper to add some color.

22. Create your own bookshelf using drawers. You can make it larger or smaller depending on how limited your space is.

23. This beautiful bookshelf is made from Ikea drawers using clips. You can nail or screw it to the wall if you are concerned about its stability.

24. Pegboards save a lot of space. Keep important reminders and photos you like at eye level.

25. Attach baskets to pegboard to store papers. They are easy to move.

When arranging the interior of an office, like any other room, you need to start by drawing up a design project. There are no small details when designing an office: all the nuances are extremely important here, right down to the location of electrical wiring and network communications. One of the most important components will be the layout of lighting fixtures. This is explained by the fact that proper lighting is the key to efficient work of employees. It creates a work environment.

Types of Office Layouts

It is worth noting that office interior design can be done in two ways:

  • Closed concept
  • Open concept

The first type includes the offices that are in the photos from Soviet times: long corridors, many doors with signs, everyone works behind a closed door. This design is required for offices of a linear-functional structure of an organization.

An open concept arrangement is the concentration of workers in one space without restrictions such as walls and doors. This type of space is called a “studio” or open space. It gives greater contact between people.

A mixed type that has been popular for several decades but is now less relevant is known as cubicle. This is an open space divided into workspace cells using thin human-height partitions.

Proper lighting in the office interior

As noted above, lighting plays a major role when creating office space design. All offices or workstations, if it is a studio, must be decorated in the same style. The same applies to lighting. Firstly, you need to clearly calculate the number of employees who will be in the room at the same time. Stylish interior solutions are created through the correct use of light and color. It’s worth looking at how the different zones in the room are played out in the photo, of which there are now a huge number, and it becomes clear that the same interior with different lighting solutions will take on different sounds.

If the office is decorated with a warm range of shades, then the presence of cold lighting here is a huge mistake. The use of this or that type of lighting directly depends on the type of activity of the company. So, for a factory office, the best solution would be bluish lighting in combination with a cool shade of the walls. This will emphasize the severity of the situation and develop discipline. A creative atmosphere is achieved by using warm colors in lighting and interior design.

Spotlights will help make the room wider and visually raise the ceilings. Massive lighting structures, even the most modern ones, cannot do this.

Advice! The interior of a small office is decorated using light shades of the walls and warm lighting, so you can create the effect of more free space.

Furniture is an important link in the office interior

The office space should not be cluttered with a huge number of shelves and cabinets; such design, first of all, will not have the best effect on the employee himself. Here it is worth recalling photos of archival premises - this is where it is appropriate. Furniture design depends on the style of the office, and there are a great many options for their arrangement. The most famous and frequently used is the linear version. An excellent arrangement option is a corner one. Zoning is also often done with the help of furniture, thereby separating some employees from others.

The color of the furniture in the office is selected according to the overall color scheme of the interior design. Gray, cherry and natural wood colors are popular now, although more recently black was in trend.

Now manufacturers offer a huge range, from which you can choose something that will fit well into any style. Office furniture is created simple, but at the same time functional.

Head office

The director's office combines the functions of a manager's workplace and a room where negotiations are held. There should not be a design that only he likes, but the decision to create an environment in the general style of the company is very successful. There is no need to decorate your office with your personal belongings: a huge number of photos of family and friends, one on the desk will be enough. The abundance of paintings, hunting trophies, weapons and other elements of the boss’s hobby makes his office look like a museum and distracts him from work.

A simple design with small accents indicating the identity of the room will look best. Instead of paintings on the walls, it is better to place certificates and awards, only the most important ones, if there are a lot of them. Furniture should also not remind you of your home environment, even if it is very convenient. If desired, you can put a sofa: the default option is a plain leather one, but not a variegated color. In addition to the desktop, there should be a table for meetings and negotiations that can accommodate a larger number of people.

Employees' offices

The premises in which employees work must match the design of the interior of the manager’s office. The environment, even strict, should create a feeling of comfort. Workplaces need to be made comfortable for both employees and clients. They should not be cluttered.

Advice! It is enough to have a computer, telephone, diary and writing materials on the table. This order suggests the employee’s performance.

The style of furniture should also be similar to the one that the director adheres to, without copying it. Some basic elements are enough. In most cases, paintings are welcome, but not in too many. They have a strong influence on everyone in the office. Seascapes and paintings in soothing colors will put you in a working mood and give you a boost of strength, but images of flowers and still lifes will bring calm, so they are more suitable for a relaxation room.

If on the eve of holidays, such as New Year's, the boss gives instructions to decorate the interior, then this is done in moderation so that tinsel and other attributes do not interfere with work and are not too intrusive. There is no need to decorate every wall with New Year's greetings; just a few accents are enough to bring in the holiday atmosphere. Design ideas can be gleaned from thematic photos, and some companies even invite a designer to create a New Year's mood.

Basic office interior styles

The distribution of styles tends to differ according to geographical location:

American - an office-studio with moving shelving, characterized by a large area and many workplaces. Here every square meter is functional.

Coworking space with many workspaces for different purposes in the business section of a residential complex, Beijing, China