Baptism of a Child: Rules, Tips and Practical Questions. What is baptism and why is it performed on a person

What do you need if you decide to accept the sacrament of Baptism or to baptize a child?

NS Before planning the date of the sacrament of Baptism, in order to avoid refusal to perform this Sacrament, please pay attention to the following:

I. Conversations

According to decree(click the link) Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, baptized(from 7 years old), and also,godfather and parents child needs to pass free conversations (at least two) .

If someone does not want to prepare for Baptism, if they want to "just baptize the child (or be baptized), as before," then one should think ... why? Baptism only makes sense when a person radically changes his life, when a child is introduced to church life. It is noticed that people who are baptized, but not enlightened, fall into even greater sins than even those who are not baptized, and "for that person, the last is worse than the first." (The Gospel of Luke chapter 11, verses 24-26).

In our temple conversations held regularly , according to the schedule

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday - 1 conversation - 13.00, 2nd conversation - 16.30

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 1 conversation - 16.30, 2nd conversation - 13.00

  • Attention! If The baptism is planned to be performed in our church, and the conversations were held in another church, then one of the parents child, (as a rule, they live near our temple), we still ask come to our temple for any of the conversations they find convenient to test their level of knowledge. The same applies to those who have already had conversations in our church, but that was a very long time ago (more than six months). The requirements for the level of training in our temple can be found below.

II. In our temple, at the end of the 1st conversation, homework is given (which is necessarily checked at the 2nd conversation):

  1. Understanding every word from prayer "Symbol of Faith"(Orthodox Niko-Tsaregrad) and reading the text itself no mistakes.
  2. General understanding of the teachings of Jesus Christ. This requires read the Gospel of Matthew(Orthodox in synodal translation), and also, in writing make upnot less than five questions on the "dark" passages from the Gospel.
  3. Pass the Confession, (that is, to repent of their sins), from a priest in any temple of the Russian Orthodox Church.In our temple, Confession can be done dailybutin the evening after18.30 and, also, in the morning, after the Divine Liturgy (except for the period of summer holidays and the period of Great Lent, when in the evening the Confession may be canceled).
  1. In case of failure homework, you will have to come to us again and again, until a person honestly not prepare to participate in the sacrament of Baptism, (including as godfathers or parents of the child).

III. Baptism

  • Date of Baptismdiscussed during the last conversation.
  • Our baptism is performed on a voluntary basis donation(including completely free).
  • Usually in our templebaptize two people at a time... But they can baptize and individually if about it warn in advance , when registering for Epiphany.
  • Over women NOT it is supposed to be baptizedduring your period or within 40 days after the baby is born,except in special cases.The same rule applies to the godmother or parent, that is, during the period of uncleanness, they cannot take part in the Baptism of the child.

IV. Epiphany Memo (what you need to take with you):

1. Child's birth certificate(passport) or their photocopy. It is given before the beginning of Epiphany in the temple behind the window of the candle box.At the end of Baptism, the documents can be taken back together with a new document - the certificate of Baptism.

Documents are required to make an entry in the temple book with proof of identity: who, when and by whom was baptized. This book is kept and, if necessary, you can always confirm that a person is really baptized.

2. TOrestick with ribbon or chain. (Such a cross can always be purchased at the icon store at any church).

3. Baptismal kit: shirt / shirt / undershirt - the main thing is that the clothes are clean and light. (The priest puts on the person to be baptized after immersion, and in the future, as a shrine, it should be thrown away it is forbidden ).

4. Towel to wipe off lightly after a dive.

5. Select patron saint name and write down the date of his memory. (

*6. D for immersion: men - swimming trunks, women - a swimsuit, babies - nothing. You can also wear a shirt for diving (but not baptismal). (There is a dressing screen in the Chapel). In the future, all this is like a shrine to throw away it is forbidden.

*7. Slippers(preferably slippers) to stand during Epiphany.

5. In what cases you CANNOT become godparents (the most common cases are considered):

  • In absentia, because godparents need to personally participate in the sacrament of Baptism. In the same way, you cannot participate in the sacraments of Communion or Wedding in absentia.
  • B l and the closest relativesbaptized:father or mother.
  • For married couples the same person being baptized, as well as, potential spouses,because having become godfathers, according to an established tradition, they do not have the right to start a family with each other, since spiritual ties are incompatible with marital ties.
  • For the same reason , spouse, including potential, the most baptized... (The same rule applies to baptized).
  • Teenagers up to 14 years old (in some cases even older).
  • The mentally ill.
  • Not baptized in the Russian Orthodox Church or in the Local Orthodox Churches.
  • NS ravoslav baptized, butnot recognizing the Russian Orthodox Church led by our patriarch (freethinkers, schismatics, sectarians and others).
  • Orthodox baptized, who recognize our Russian Orthodox Church, but non-christian... Especially those living in such grievous sins as abortion,unregistered marriage, adultery and other forms of fornication, drug addiction, gambling addiction, drunkenness,recourse to magic, blasphemy, murder, attempts at suicide, incitement to the above sins, denial of any provisions on the Christian faith from the prayer "Symbol of Faith", as well as those living in other grave sins... (But you can repent of them with an Orthodox priest in Confession and never commit them again... In such cases, you can become godparents).

Edited by Priest Sergiy Ayupov.

Baptism is one of the main sacraments of Orthodoxy. This rite consists in the acceptance of the Christian faith. It is designed to protect a person from the influence of dark forces and direct his life to the bright spiritual side. There is an opinion regarding the correctness of the adoption of Christianity already in an adult, meaningful age. However, Orthodox priests say the opposite. Being baptized in infancy, a person early finds a guardian angel, is cleansed of original sin and is forever accepted into the holy church monastery.

The Orthodox Church recommends that babies be baptized on the 8th or 40th day after their birth. Newborn children in a dangerous illness should be christened as soon as possible. Before christening, you need to decide on the choice of an Orthodox name for the baby. The saint bearing the same name becomes his intercessor before the higher powers. A limited number of people should know the Orthodox name, this will make a person invulnerable to evil and ill-wishers.

Baptism of a child in a church

Many people are interested in what days and how a child is baptized in a church. The rules are practically the same in every Orthodox church. For christening, you can choose any day of the week. The exception is big church holidays, when, due to the heavy workload, the priest will not be able to conduct the ceremony.

Preparing for the sacrament

Preparation for the sacrament involves the purchase of a baptismal set, preliminary conversations with a clergyman, and the choice of a godfather with a mother. The baptismal set includes a shirt (diaper), a pectoral cross and an icon depicting the patron saint. For female babies, a hat or handkerchief is added. The baptismal shirt (kryzhma) is considered a miraculous amulet and must be kept throughout the life of its owner.
With its help, traditional healers remove curses and help in the treatment of serious diseases.

Kryzhma for baptism

You can buy a kryzhma or sew it yourself. This can be done by both a mother and a future godmother. Preference is given to the white color of the fabric as a symbol of purity and purity.

The godfather traditionally buys the pendant cross. It should be made of inexpensive metal. It is allowed to have a cross made of silver, since this metal is able to cleanse and drive away evil spirits. But gold is not considered pure, so gold crosses are undesirable. You can purchase such a cross in the future, without forgetting to consecrate it. After performing the sacrament, the pectoral cross is supposed to be worn constantly as a symbol of faith.

Godparents often wonder what is better to buy for the cross - a chain or cords? In church shops there are sold strings - gaitanchiks, specially designed for wearing it. They are safe and easy to use and are especially suitable for small children.

Relatives and godparents should first visit the priest and ask him all the necessary questions about the upcoming ceremony. He will tell you in detail what is needed to properly participate in it. To take a photo or video, you need to get the obligatory approval and blessing from him. On the day of christening, you must have a baby's birth certificate with you. On its basis, a baptismal certificate will be issued.

Choosing Godparents

The choice of godparents should not be made for mercantile reasons. The priests advise to invite believers for this, who in the future are capable of becoming spiritual parents and mentors for the godson, and, if necessary, replace his own father and mother. They must necessarily belong to the Orthodox faith.

Future godparents are invited to the church for a conversation with the priest. The priest will tell them how the child is baptized, explain their role in conducting the ceremony and in the spiritual life of the future godson. Church rules strictly define the category of persons who cannot be godparents:

  • the parents of the child;
  • atheists and representatives of other religions;
  • temple staff;
  • minors;
  • persons who are married to each other.

Women are forbidden to be present in the holy monastery during critical days. Before the sacrament, the godparents are required to observe a three-day fast, confess and receive communion.

Baptism of children in the church

Church rules previously forbade the parents of children to be with them during the ceremony. Today, the order of the ceremony has changed somewhat and the Orthodox priest can baptize the baby in their presence.

All participants in the ceremony need to pay attention to their appearance. He must meet church requirements. Restrained colors are preferred in clothing. All those present should have worn crosses, and baptismal candles in their hands.

Women are not supposed to be in short open dresses or skirts. The head is covered with a scarf or kerchief. Flashy jewelry and bright makeup are excluded. Female children should also have their heads covered. Men are allowed into the temple without a headdress.

Christening of children of both sexes follows the same rules. The first sacred act is the laying on of the hands of the priest on the baby. This gesture symbolizes the acquisition of God's protection. The godparents answer on behalf of the godson some of the father's questions, then the priest anoints the child with church oil (oil).

After the anointing, the godparents with the baby in their arms should go to the font. The priest blesses the water and immerses the baby in it three times. If a boy is baptized, then the godmother brings him to the font, and if the girl is baptized by the godfather. After ablution, you need to put on a baptismal gown and cover your head. The priest performs the rite of chrismation, which happens only once in a lifetime.

Church baptism rules

Then a small strand of hair is cut from the child's head. The baby is carried 3 times around the font. This means that he accepted the Orthodox faith and united with it forever. The entire ceremony is accompanied by constant recitation of prayers.

Upon returning from the holy monastery, all those invited gather at the festive table. During the celebration, children are given gifts and warm sincere wishes.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

The duration and cost of the ceremony vary. Many parents ask how long it takes for a child to be baptized in a church. This largely depends on the priest. Most often, the ritual takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main material expenses fall on the shoulders of the blood father and mother, although it was once the custom to pay the godfather in full. The cost of baptism in the church is indicated in the price list with prices for church services. It can be found in the Icon Shop. You can find out how much it costs to baptize a child in a church from its workers. Traditionally, the amount ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe him in omens or not. There are beliefs associated with christening. Our wise ancestors advised to do the following:

  • do not inform strangers about the date of the upcoming christening;
  • admit only an even number of guests to the temple;
  • before christening, count all the money in the house - this will ensure a comfortable life for the child;
  • on the day of the christening, as on the days of church holidays, do not perform any work;
  • not open the doors of the house to anyone until all participants in the ceremony have returned from the temple;
  • do not take a pregnant woman as godparent;
  • on a holiday in the house not to make noise or quarrel;
  • after the feast, the godmother and father should be the last of the guests to leave.

Orthodox priests teach that the mere fact of baptism is not enough to enter the Heavenly Kingdom. Further life in Christ and participation in all church sacraments are important. The Church calls on the parents of baptized children to live in her bosom and set a worthy example for the growing generation.

The rules for baptizing a child in a church: video

What is baptism and why is it performed on a person?

Baptism is a sacred act in which a believer in Christ, through a three-fold immersion of the body in water with the invocation of the name of the Holy Trinity, is washed from original sin, as well as from all sins committed by him before Baptism, spiritually dies to a carnal, sinful life and, being born again, clothed in the grace of God for a saintly life, according to the Gospel. The apostle says: We were buried with Him by baptism into death, so that, as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also can walk in a renewed life.(Rom. 6: 4).

Without Baptism, one cannot enter the Church of Christ and become a partaker of the grace-filled life.

How many times can you be baptized?

Baptism is a spiritual birth, which, like a carnal birth, cannot be repeated. Just as during a bodily birth, the outward appearance of a person is laid once and for all, so Baptism puts an indelible seal on the soul, which will not be erased, even if a person has committed an innumerable number of sins.

What should a person who does not know if he was baptized and has no one to ask about it?

If an adult who wants to be baptized does not know for sure whether he was baptized in childhood or he was baptized by a layman, but it is not known whether this was done correctly, then in this case he should be baptized by a priest, warning him of his doubts.

What is needed for Baptism?

Receiving Baptism from an adult requires a voluntary and conscious desire to become a Christian, based on strong faith and heartfelt repentance.

How to Prepare for Baptism?

The preparation for Holy Baptism is true repentance. Repentance is an essential condition for baptism to be received in a dignified manner, for the salvation of the soul. Such repentance consists in confessing one's sins, in regretting them, in confessing them (in a confidential conversation with a priest, which is carried out immediately before baptism), in abandoning a sinful life, in realizing the need for a Redeemer.

Before Baptism, you need to get acquainted with the basics of the Orthodox faith, with the "Symbol of Faith", with the prayers "Our Father", "Virgin Mary, rejoice ..." and try to learn them. The public talks for those wishing to be baptized, which are held daily in our church, will also help. It is advisable to read the New Testament, the Law of God and the Catechism. It is important to accept the teaching of Christ with all your heart and mind, and then, at the appointed time, come to the temple on an empty stomach, having a cross, a white shirt and a towel with you.

When should a child be baptized? What is needed for this?

Church rules have not established a specific time for performing the Sacrament of Baptism of Infants. Orthodox Christians usually baptize their children between the eighth and fortieth days of life. The postponement of the baptism of children after the fortieth birthday is undesirable, this indicates a lack of faith among parents who deprive their child of the grace of the Church Sacraments.

Are godparents obligatory?

For children up to 12-14 years old, godparents are obligatory, because the children themselves cannot consciously profess their faith, and the godparents are vouched for the faith of those who are baptized. According to the rules of the 7th Ecumenical Council (787), from the moment of baptism, a recipient of the same sex becomes a relative of an infant. Therefore, for the baptism of a baby, one godfather is needed, two are not necessary. Adults can be baptized without godparents.

Where does the custom of having godparents come from?

During the times of persecution of Christians, when Christians gathered in a secret place to celebrate the Liturgy and prayers, the new convert was accepted into the community only if he had a guarantor who prepared him for Baptism.

Who can be godfather?

All baptized and churched, except for parents and other close relatives.

Who can't be godfather?

Godfathers cannot be:

1) children (the recipient must be at least 15 years old, the recipient must be at least 13 years old);

2) people are immoral and insane (mentally ill);

3) non-Orthodox;

4) husband and wife - with one baptized person;

5) monks and nuns;

6) parents cannot be the recipients of their children.

Can a godfather marry a godfather?

According to the decrees adopted in the Russian Orthodox Church, which in turn are based on the decrees of the VI Ecumenical Council: marriage is impossible between the godfather, goddaughter, and the parents of the baptized person. All other cases are permissible.

Can his mother be present at the Baptism of a baby in a month of uncleanness?

He may be present, but in this case the infant's churching ceremony will not be performed, which consists in reading prayers related to the mother and the baby and in bringing the baby to the throne or royal doors (depending on the gender), as if in front of the Lord Himself. To be churched means to be introduced into the church congregation, to be numbered in the congregation of the faithful. Such reckoning is accomplished through the Sacrament of Baptism, in which a person is reborn to a new life and becomes a full member of Christian society; churching is a special expression of this reckoning; it can be compared with an official act, which secures new rights of a new member of society and by which he is introduced into the possession of these rights.

Can parents be present at the Baptism of their child?

The customs existing in some places not to admit the father and mother to Baptism have no ecclesiastical basis. The only requirement is that parents should not participate in the Sacrament of Baptism (that is, they do not hold the baby in their arms, do not receive him from the font - this is done by the godparents), and parents can only be present at Baptism.

Who needs to keep a child at Baptism?

Throughout the entire Sacrament of Baptism, the baby is held in their arms by the godparents. When a boy is baptized, the godmother usually holds the child before immersion in the font, and the godfather after that. If a girl is baptized, then at first the godfather holds her in her arms, and the godmother receives her from the font.

Wouldn't it be better to postpone Baptism until the time when the child can consciously say that he believes in God?

Since God gave the parents a child who has not only a body, but also a soul, then they should take care not only of his bodily growth. The Sacrament of Baptism is a spiritual birth, which is the first and irreplaceable step on the path to eternal salvation. In Baptism, the grace of God sanctifies human nature, washing away original sin and endowing the gift of eternal life. Only a baptized child is able to fully commune with shrines, be a fellowship of the Eucharist, and generally perceive grace, which will save him from many temptations and vices during the period of growth and maturation. And whoever postpones the Baptism of a child, he leaves a small soul accessible to the influence of the sinful world. Of course, a small child cannot yet express his faith, but this does not mean that parents should neglect his soul. The desires of young children on many issues that are important to them are far from always taken into account. For example, some children are afraid and do not want to go to the hospital, but the parents, even against their wishes, treat them. And the Sacraments of the Church, the first of which is Baptism, is spiritual healing and that spiritual nourishment that children need, although they do not yet realize it.

Is it possible to be baptized at 50 - 60 years old?

You can be baptized at any age.

On what days is Baptism not performed?

There are no external restrictions for the performance of the Sacrament of Baptism - neither in time, nor in the place of its performance. But in some churches the Sacrament of Baptism is performed on a schedule on certain days, for example, due to the busyness of the priest.

Can only a priest perform Baptism?

In exceptional cases, for example, when a newborn baby or adult is in mortal danger, when it is impossible to invite a priest or deacon, it is permissible for a layman to perform Baptism - that is, any baptized Orthodox Christian who understands the importance of Baptism.

How, in case of mortal danger, to baptize a person without a priest?

For this, it is necessary consciously, with sincere faith, with an understanding of the importance of the matter, to accurately and correctly pronounce the formula of the Sacrament of Baptism - the sacramental words: “ The servant of God (servant of God) (name) is baptized in the name of the Father (first immersion or sprinkling with water), amen, and the Son (second immersion or sprinkling with water), amen, and the Holy Spirit (third immersion or sprinkling with water), amen "... If the person baptized in this way remains alive, then the priest must make up for Baptism with prayers and sacred rites prescribed in the rite, and if he dies, then he can be buried, order panikhidas, write his name in church notes

Can a pregnant woman be baptized?

Pregnancy is not an obstacle to the Sacrament of Baptism.

Do I need to bring a birth certificate to Baptism?

To perform the Sacrament of Baptism, a birth certificate is not required, it is only needed to make an entry in the temple archives - who baptized whom and when.

What word comes from the word "baptism"? If from the word “cross,” then why does the Gospel say that John “baptized” with water, even before the Savior endured the sufferings of the cross?

In all European languages, "baptism" means "baptizo", that is, immersion in water, ablution in water. Initially, this term was not associated with the Church Sacrament, denoting any ablution with water, immersion in it. The Slavic language, which arose already in the Christian era, emphasizes precisely the Christian meaning of Baptism as co-crucifixion with Christ, dying in Christ and resurrection for a new life of grace. Therefore, when the Gospel speaks of the baptism of John, it means the symbolic immersion in water of people who come to him for the remission of sins; the origin of the name of the Sacrament from the word "cross" is a philological feature of our language.

About the Creed

Hwhat is the Creed?

The symbol of faith is a short and accurate statement of the main truths of the Christian faith. It consists of twelve members (parts). Each of them contains the truth of the Orthodox faith. The 1st member speaks about God the Father, 2-7 members speak about God the Son, the 8th - about God the Holy Spirit, the 9th - about the Church, the 10th - about baptism, the 11th and 12th - about the resurrection of the dead and eternal life.

How and why was the Creed composed?

Since apostolic times, Christians have used so-called "creeds" to remind themselves of the basic truths of the Christian faith. There were several brief creeds in the Ancient Church. In the 4th century, when false teachings about God the Son and the Holy Spirit appeared, it became necessary to supplement and clarify the previous symbols.

At the First Ecumenical Council, the first seven members of the Creed were written, at the Second - the remaining five. The first Ecumenical Council was held in the city of Nicaea in 325 to confirm the apostolic teaching about the Son of God against the wrong teaching of Arius. He believed that the Son of God was created by God the Father and therefore is not true God. The Second Ecumenical Council was held in Constantinople (Tsar Grad) in 381 to confirm the apostolic doctrine of the Holy Spirit against the false teaching of Macedon, which rejected the divine dignity of the Holy Spirit. According to the two cities in which these Ecumenical Councils took place, the Symbol of Faith is called Nikeo-Constantinople.

What is the meaning of the Creed?

The meaning of the Symbol of Faith is the preservation of a single confession of the immutable truths (dogmas) of faith, and through this - the unity of the Church.

The symbol of faith begins with the word "I believe," so reciting it is a confession of faith.

When is the Creed recited?

The Creed is recited by the baptizer (“catechumens”) during the performance of the Sacrament of Baptism. When a baby is baptized, the Creed is pronounced by the recipients. In addition, the Symbol of Faith is sung by the faithful in the church during the Liturgy and is read daily as part of the morning prayer rule. Every Orthodox Christian should know it.

How to understand “I believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible”?

This means believing in one God the Father, in the fact that God contains everything in His power and authority, controls everything, that He created heaven and earth, visible and invisible, that is, the spiritual world to which the Angels belong. These words express the confidence that God is, that He is one and there is no other besides Him, that everything that exists, both in the visible physical world and in the invisible, spiritual, that is, the entire immense universe was created by God and nothing can be without God. A person accepts this faith with his heart. Faith is confidence in the real existence of God and trust in Him. God is one, but not alone, because God is one in essence, but threefold in Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, - the Trinity is consubstantial and indivisible. The unity of the Three, infinitely loving each other persons.

How to understand “and in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born of the Father before all ages, Light from the Light, true God from God, true, born, not created, consubstantial with the Father, Who was all”?

It means believing that the Lord Jesus Christ is the same One God, the second Person of the Holy Trinity. He is the Only Begotten Son of God the Father, born before the beginning of time, that is, when there was no time yet. He, like Light from Light, is just as inseparable from God the Father as light is from the sun. He is the True God, born of the True God. He was born, and not at all created by God the Father, that is, He is one being with the Father, Consubstantial with Him.

The Son of God is the name of the second Person of the Holy Trinity according to His Deity. He is called the Lord because He is the true God, since the name Lord is one of the names of God. The Son of God is called Jesus, that is, the Savior, this name is called by the Archangel Gabriel himself. Christ, that is, the Anointed One, was called by the prophets - this is how kings, high priests and prophets have long been called. Jesus, the Son of God, is so named because all the gifts of the Holy Spirit are immeasurably imparted to His humanity, and thus, in the highest degree belongs to Him the knowledge of the Prophet, the holiness of the High Priest and the power of the King. Jesus Christ is called the Only Begotten Son of God, because He is only one and the only Son of God, born from the being of God the Father, and therefore He is one being (nature) with God the Father. The Creed says that He was born of the Father, and this depicts the personal property by which He differs from other Persons of the Holy Trinity. It was said before all ages, so that no one would think that there was a time when He was not. The words of Light from Light in some way explain the incomprehensible birth of the Son of God from the Father. God the Father is the eternal Light, from Him is born the Son of God, who is also the eternal Light; but God the Father and the Son of God is one eternal Light, inseparable, of one Divine nature. The words of God are true from God is true, taken from the Holy Scriptures: the Son of God came and gave people light and reason to know the true God and abide in His true Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life (see 1 John 5:20). The words born, uncreated were added by the holy fathers of the Ecumenical Council to denounce Arius, who impiously taught that the Son of God was created. The words consubstantial with the Father mean that the Son of God is one and the same Divine being with God the Father.

“By Him all was” means that everything that exists was created by Him, as well as by God the Father - the Creator of heaven and earth. God the Father created everything by His Son as His eternal wisdom and His eternal Word. This means that the world was created by One God - the Holy Trinity.

How to understand “us for the sake of man and ours for the sake of salvation who came down from heaven, and incarnated from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human”?

This means to believe that Jesus Christ appeared on earth for the salvation of the human race, incarnated from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human, that is, he took not only a body, but also a human soul and became a perfect man, without ceasing at the same time to be God - became a God-man.

The Son of God, according to His promise, came to earth to save not just any nation, but the entire human race. “Descended from heaven” - as He says about Himself: “No one ascended into heaven except the Son of Man who came down from heaven, which is in heaven” (John 3:13). The Son of God is omnipresent and therefore always abides in heaven and on earth, but on earth He was previously invisible and became visible only when He appeared in the flesh, became incarnate, that is, took human flesh on Himself, except sin, and became Man, without ceasing to be God ... The incarnation of Christ was accomplished with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Virgin was both a Virgin and remained a Virgin after the Nativity of Christ. The Orthodox Church calls the Virgin Mary the Mother of God and venerates Her above all created beings, not only people, but also angels, since she is the Mother of the Lord Himself.

The Word made human was added so that no one would think that the Son of God took only flesh or body, but that in Him they would recognize the perfect Man, consisting of body and soul. Jesus Christ was crucified for all people - He, by His death on the cross, delivered the human race from sin, curse and death.

How to understand “crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried”?

This means believing that the Lord Jesus Christ during the reign of Pontius Pilate in Judea (that is, at a very specific historical moment) was crucified on the cross for the sins of people for the salvation of the entire human race. He Himself was sinless. He really suffered, died and was buried. The Savior suffered and died not for His sins, which He did not have, but for the sins of the entire human race, and not because he could not avoid suffering, but because he voluntarily wanted to suffer.

How to understand “and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures”?

This means believing that Jesus Christ was resurrected on the third day after His death, as predicted in the Scriptures. Jesus Christ, by the power of His Godhead, rose from the dead in the same body in which he was born and died. In the Scriptures of the prophets of the Old Testament, it was clearly predicted about the suffering, death, burial of the Savior and His resurrection, therefore it is said: "according to the Scriptures." The words “according to Scripture” refer not only to the fifth term, but also to the fourth term of the Creed.

Jesus Christ died on Good Friday at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and rose again after midnight from Saturday on the first day of the week, since that time is called "Resurrection". But in those days, part of the day was considered the whole day, and therefore it is said that He was in the tomb for three days.

How to understand “who ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father”?

This means believing that the Lord Jesus Christ on the fortieth day after His Resurrection with His pure flesh ascended into heaven and sat down at the right hand (on the right side, in honor) of God the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven with His humanity (flesh and soul), and with His Divinity He always dwelt with the Father. The words "sitting at the right hand" (sitting on the right side) must be understood spiritually. They mean that the Lord Jesus Christ has the same power and glory with God the Father.

By His ascension, the Lord united the earthly with the heavenly and showed all people that their homeland is in heaven, in the Kingdom of God, which is now open to all true believers.

How is it to be understood “and judging the living and the dead with glory to come with glory, His Kingdom will have no end”?

This means believing that Jesus Christ will again (pack - again, again) come to earth to judge all people, both living and dead, who will then be resurrected; and that after this Last Judgment will come the Kingdom of Christ, which will never end. This judgment is called terrible, because the conscience of each person will be revealed to everyone, and not only good and evil deeds, which those who have done all their lives on earth, will be revealed, but also all the words spoken, secret desires and thoughts. According to this judgment, the righteous will go into eternal life, and the sinners into eternal torment - because they did evil deeds, which they did not repent of and which they did not atone for with good deeds and the correction of life.

How to understand “and in the Holy Spirit, the Lord of Life-giving, who is from the Father who proceeds, who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke the prophets”?

It means believing that the third Person of the Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit, the same true Lord God as the Father and the Son. To believe that the Holy Spirit is Life-giving, He, together with God the Father and God the Son, gives life to creatures, including spiritual life to people: “unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3: 5). It befits the Holy Spirit to worship and glorify, equal with the Father and the Son, therefore Jesus Christ commanded to baptize people (all nations) in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (see Matt. 28:19). The Holy Spirit spoke through the prophets and apostles and according to His inspiration all the Holy books were written: "The prophecy was never uttered by the will of man, but the holy men of God spoke it, being moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Pet. 1:21).

It is also said here about the main thing in the Orthodox faith - about the mystery of the Holy Trinity: the One God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was revealed to people in a visible way: at the Baptism of the Lord in the form of a dove, and on the day of Pentecost He descended upon the apostles in the form of tongues of fire. A person can participate in the Holy Spirit through right faith, church sacraments and fervent prayer: “if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13).

“The one who proceeds from the Father” - Who proceeds from the Father; “Who is with the Father and the Son we are worshiped and glorified” - Whom should be worshiped and who should be glorified along with the Father and the Son. "The spoken prophets" - who spoke through the prophets.

How to understand “in One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”?

This means believing in the Church founded by Jesus Christ through the apostles: one, Holy, Catholic (which includes all the faithful, its members). It speaks of the Church of Christ, which Jesus Christ founded on earth for the sanctification of sinful people and their reunification with God. Church is the totality of all Orthodox Christians, living and dead, united among themselves by the faith and love of Christ, the hierarchy and the holy sacraments. Each individual Orthodox Christian is called a member, or part of the Church. When we speak of faith in one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, then the Church means all in the aggregate people faithful to it, who profess the same Orthodox faith, and not the building where they go to pray to God and which is called the temple of God.

The Church is one because “one body and one spirit, as you are called to the one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all of us ”(Eph. 4: 4-6).

The Church is Holy, because “Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her (that is, for all believers - members of the Church) in order to sanctify it (by sanctifying every Christian by baptism), purifying it with a bath of water by means of the word (that is, with baptismal water and with secret-executive words at baptism), in order to present her to Himself as a glorious Church, without spot, or wrinkle, or anything like that, but so that she might be holy and blameless ”(Eph. 5: 25-27).

The Church is Catholic, or Catholic, or Ecumenical, because it is not limited to any place (space), neither time nor people, but includes the true believers of all places, times and peoples.

The Church is Apostolic, because from the time of the Apostles it has been continuously and invariably preserving both the teaching and the succession of the gifts of the Holy Spirit through consecrated ordination. The True Church is also called Orthodox or Orthodox.

How to understand “I confess one baptism for the remission of sins”?

It means recognizing and openly declaring that you only need to be baptized once for spiritual regeneration and forgiveness of sins. Baptism is a Sacrament in which the believer, when the body is immersed in water three times, with the call of God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, dies for a carnal, sinful life and is reborn from the Holy Spirit into a spiritual, holy life. Baptism is one, because it is a spiritual birth, and a person is born once, therefore he is baptized once.

In the Creed, only Baptism is mentioned, because it is the door to the Church of Christ. Only the one who has received Baptism can participate in other church ordinances. A sacrament is a sacred action through which the real power (grace) of the Holy Spirit is secretly, invisibly given to a person.

How to understand the "tea of ​​the resurrection of the dead"?

This means with hope and confidence to expect (for tea - I expect) that the time will come when the souls of dead people will again unite with their bodies and all the dead will revive with the action of the omnipotence of God. The resurrection of the dead will follow simultaneously with the Second and Glorious Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the moment of the general resurrection, the bodies of dead people will change, in essence the bodies will be the same, but in quality they will be different from the current bodies - they will be spiritual - incorruptible and immortal. The bodies of those people who will still live at the time of the Second Coming of the Savior will also change. According to the change of man himself, the entire visible world will change - from perishable it will turn into imperishable.

How to understand “and the life of the century to come. Amen"?

This means expecting that after the resurrection of the dead the Judgment of Christ will take place, and for the righteous there will come the endless joy of eternal bliss in union with God. The life of the century to come is the life that will come after the Resurrection of the dead and the Universal Judgment of Christ. The word "amen" means confirmation - truly so! Only in this way can the truth of the Orthodox faith be expressed and it cannot be changed by anyone.

On naming a name and on names

Are the name day and Angel day the same?

Sometimes the name day is called the day of the angel, because the saint and the guardian angel come close in their service to man so much that they are even designated by a common naming, although they are not identified.

Each person has his own Guardian Angel, he is given by God at Baptism. The Guardian Angel is an incorporeal spirit, it has no name. And the saints, in whose honor people are given names, are also people who, with their righteous life, have pleased God and are glorified by the Church. The day of remembrance of the saint whose name a person bears is a name day. One saint can be the patron saint of many people with the same name.

The Day of the Angel is the day of the Baptism of a person, and another day of the Angel can be called the day of remembrance of all the Heavenly Forces incorporeal (November 21, new style).

But in the popular mind, these holidays merged together, and on the day of the name day they congratulate on the day of the Angel.

How to choose a name for a baby?

In the Russian Orthodox Church, there is a custom to call the name of the baby in honor of the saints (according to the calendar). The baby is usually called the name of the saint, whose memory is celebrated by the Church on his birthday itself, on the eighth day after his birth, or on the day of Baptism. But you can choose the name of any saint whose memory is celebrated shortly after the baby's birthday. Sometimes a child is named in honor of a saint who was chosen in advance and prayed to him even before the appearance of the child.

How to correctly determine who your saint is?

It is necessary to find in the month (at the end of the Orthodox Church calendar) the saint of the same name, and if there are several of them, then choose the one whose commemoration day follows first after the birthday or the one whom you especially venerate. You can also rely on the choice of a name by a priest at baptism.

How to determine the day of the name day?

The name day, the day of the namesake, is the day of remembrance of the saint of the same name, the closest after the birthday, or the one in whose honor the priest named you during the sacrament of Baptism.

How should you spend your name day?

On this day, you need to go to Church, receive communion, submit notes about the health and repose of your relatives, order a prayer service to your patron saint. The best things to do on a name day is reading the life of your saint and other spiritual books, as well as doing works of piety. It is not forbidden to have a festive meal for relatives and friends without any excesses in "eating and drinking".

Can a child be named after his father?

It is possible, if this name is in the Orthodox month.

What if the child has a non-Orthodox name?

If the name under which the child is registered is absent in the Orthodox month, this does not mean that his name should be changed at Baptism. It is quite possible that, through ignorance, the parents gave the child an Orthodox name, but in the Western European or local form. In this case, the priest usually translates him into the Church Slavonic form and baptizes under this name, having previously informed his parents of the baptized person or himself.

Here are examples of such translations: Angela - Angelina; Jeanne - John; Oksana, Aksinya - Ksenia; Agrafena - Agrippina; Polina - Appolinaria; Lukeria - Glyceria; Egor - Georgy; Jan - John; Denis - Dionysius; Svetlana - Fotina or Fotinia; Martha - Martha; Akim - Joachim; Roots - Cornelius; Leon - Leo; Thomas - Thomas.

In the event that it is not possible to establish such a correspondence (for example, names such as Elvira, Diana do not have them), the priest recommends that the parents or the baptized person himself choose an Orthodox name (better sounding close), which will henceforth be his church name.

What if a person with a non-Orthodox name does not remember the name with which he was baptized?

You can raise the archive in the temple where the person was baptized. If this is not possible, you need to contact a priest. The priest will read a prayer for the naming of a name and name the Orthodox saint.

Can the Orthodox name given at birth be changed at Baptism to another Orthodox name? For example, baptize Vitaly with the name Vyacheslav?

If at birth the baby was given the name contained in the Orthodox calendar, when naming, this name should not be changed to something else. Sometimes people who want to be baptized ask for a different name from the one given at birth. In most cases, this is not connected with the desire to radically change the way of life, as is the case when accepting monasticism, but with a superstitious desire to avoid the influence of sorcerers who know the name of a person.

Some parents wish to baptize their child at home and invite a priest for this. It seems to them that this is more convenient, safer for the child's health and that other people's eyes will not see him. But there are several reasons why it is better to baptize a child in the temple:

1. Baptism itself presupposes the joining of the baby to the Church of Christ, therefore it is in the church that this dedication takes place.

2. After the Baptism, the child becomes churched: the boy is carried along the altar, the girl is only handed over to the mother from the salt, so you will still need to come to the church.

3. After Baptism, if it occurs in the morning, communion of the infant often takes place, a sacrament no less important than the first.

4. The baptism of a child has been taking place in the church since ancient times, because in no other place will there be such a solemn and majestic setting for accepting this sacrament.

5. Many parents complain that Baptism of an infant is performed “not quite according to the rite,” that is, not through immersion in water, but simply by pouring it over. Here the desire to be baptized according to the full order is felt, but at home this is impossible. Meanwhile, there are special baptismal churches or baptisteries in churches, where even adults can be baptized through immersion.

6. If you are afraid of other people's eyes, although the very sacrament of Baptism drives away all dark forces, you just need to order an individual Baptism, then only your family and friends will be present at it.

Baptism at home, as a rule, is performed by a priest in cases when a child or an adult is ill, or when it is not possible to reach a church in the countryside with a small child. Today, many have their own transport or have someone to ask for, so this problem occurs quite rarely.

Where to baptize a child.

The main tasks of parents when preparing for the baptism of a child is to look at the names according to the calendar and choose a name for their baby, choose the date of baptism, choose and invite godparents to baptism, study the rules for baptizing a child. Godparents should buy a cross, learn the Symbol of Faith prayer, think about what a baby is given for christening, but the main thing is to study how a child is baptized and what you need to know for a child to be baptized. Where to baptize the child, the parents can decide, and the godparents can also advise. Some want to baptize a baby in a big beautiful temple, for others it is important that there are fewer people. Still others definitely want to baptize the child by full immersion, while others want relatives and relatives to be allowed to be baptized and allowed to film this event on camera. Therefore, it is worth thinking in advance about where it is better to baptize a child so that everyone is happy and the baby is happy.

Today in Russia there are a huge number of churches, and there is no temple in which baptism is not performed. You can call any temple you like and find out what rules there are for preparing and performing the sacrament:

1. In some churches baptism is performed daily, in some on Saturday or Sunday.

2. In most churches it is customary to sign up for baptism, but in some, baptism is performed every day: you can come up on a convenient day in advance, register and baptize the baby.

3. In most churches, godparents are asked to have an interview or several lectures before the baby is baptized. At the interview, the godfathers explain the basic truths of the Orthodox faith, tell in detail about the following of the sacrament of Baptism. It is useful that during the interview you can talk to the priest and ask him all the questions you are interested in, you can get to know church life from the inside, get interesting and necessary knowledge. It is a pity if the godparents treat these conversations as a duty and try to avoid attending them.

If the godparents live in other cities and can only come for baptism, it is better to look for where you can baptize the child without an interview. Then the priest holds a short conversation with the godparents immediately before the sacrament and gives explanations during its performance.

Where to baptize a child in Moscow &

When choosing where to baptize a child in Moscow, you need to think about how many people want to attend the sacrament, whether the godparents have the opportunity to attend lectures before the baptism of the baby, whether you want to baptize the baby by full immersion, whether you want to baptize him individually, and finally, how much donation you need count. All this can be found out by calling the temples you like or visiting them. Here are a few churches that those who have undergone baptism speak well of:

1. Cathedral of Christ the Savior. In the Alekseevsky side-altar of the lower Transfiguration church there is a baptistery, where baptism is performed with full immersion, the water is warm. Here, before the baptism of the baby, the godparents need to listen to the conversations.

2. Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity in Cheryomushki. There is a separate room for baptism, baptism is performed daily.

3. Holy Danilov Monastery. Here baptism is performed on weekdays in a font by full immersion.

4. Church of All Saints on the Falcon. Here baptism takes place in a separate building.

5. Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign on the Pionerskaya metro station. Here, men are baptized separately on one day, women on another, and children on the third.

Without an interview, you can get baptized in the church of the Archangel Michael at Klinniki on Devichye Pole, in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh on Ryazanka (on Saturdays and Sundays), the Church of St. Nicholas on Smolenskaya, the Nativity of the Virgin in Krylatskoye.

It is imperative to call the church and find out whether it is necessary to sign up for baptism and what time you need to come, since baptism without a preliminary interview assumes that before the baptism itself there will be a small conversation with the priest.

There are also special baptismal churches in Moscow: for example, the chapel-chapel of St. Olga at the Church of the Ascension of the Lord outside the Serpukhov gate.

The amount of donation for the sacrament of Baptism differs in different churches: it ranges from 300 to 3000 rubles.

Where to baptize a child in other cities?

In small cities, there are no such difficulties as in Moscow, difficulties with choosing where to baptize a child, since there are a small number of churches and, most importantly, there are few churches, so there will be no big inconveniences during baptism in any temple.

In St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, many people prefer to baptize a child in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in the Temple of the Presentation of the Lord or in the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God.

In Yekaterinburg, it is advised to baptize the baby in the John the Baptist Cathedral or in the Ascension Church on the Ascension Hill, here you need to go through 12 lectures before baptism.

In Novosibirsk, the Church of the Sign, the Alexander Nevsky Church, the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos are often chosen for baptism.

In Krasnoyarsk, you can christen a baby in the Holy Intercession Cathedral, the Annunciation Convent or the Holy Dormition Monastery.

In Chelyabinsk, for baptism, you can choose the churches of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Simeon Cathedral.

In Rostov, it is advised to baptize a baby in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, in St. Nicholas Church or in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Kazan has a large number of beautiful monasteries. Why not baptize the child in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kazan Kremlin, in the Tikhvin Church or in the St. Nicholas Cathedral?

There are over 90 churches in Volgograd. For the baptism of a baby, you can, for example, choose the Cathedral of St. John of Kronstadt, St. John the Baptist Church, St. Nikitskaya or Lavrovskaya Church.

In Tver, in the cathedral, baptism takes place every day at 8.30, registration - at 8 o'clock.

In Izhevsk, you can baptize your baby in St. Michael's Cathedral or Trinity Church.

Perm speaks very well of the monastery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

In Omsk, you can be baptized in the Kazan Cathedral, and in the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Cross, they try to keep the water for the baptism of babies always warm.
In Kirov, in the church of the holy Archangel Michael of the Novovyatsk parish, baptism takes place at 9.00 by appointment, in the church of the Theodorovsk Icon of the Mother of God - at 10.00 every day, except Monday, and in the parish of the Church of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, baptism is performed from 7.30 every day ...

In Samara, many baptize babies in the church of St. Sophia, the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the Ivanovsky monastery, In the Oznesensky and Pokrovsky cathedrals.

In Tyumen, it is advised to baptize a child in the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Archangel Michael.

In Voronezh there is a baptismal church of John the Baptist at the Intercession Cathedral and a church of John the Theologian in the courtyard of the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In Saratov, you can be baptized in the Trinity Cathedral, the Church of the Nativity of Christ or the temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The Cathedral of St. Sophia in Vologda, the Transfiguration Cathedral in Tambov, the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Yaroslavl and the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod are also attracted by its beauty.

Fortunately, now in Russian cities and villages there are many active Orthodox churches, so choosing where to baptize a child can be quite easy.

Baptism is the first of the seven main sacraments, symbolizing the birth of a person in faith. Parents want the meeting of their baby with the church to be remembered as a bright, joyful event, and they try to foresee in advance everything that is needed for the baptism of the child, as well as to properly prepare for it.

What you need to know about baby baptism

Having decided on the place and date of the christening, parents and future godparents need to agree with the priest the days of attending public talks, during which the priest will explain the essence of the sacrament, tell how the ceremony is carried out, and also what responsibilities the recipients have. In addition, immediately before baptism, the godparents must fast, confess and commune for three days.

Baptism interview

The main purpose of public talks is to convey the essence of the Orthodox faith and convince those who wish to be Baptized or become a recipient of its truth.

The organization of these interviews depends on the rules of the temple. Meetings can be regular - held on specific days for parents and future godparents, for example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. In some churches, such conversations are purely individual and are scheduled at an agreed time. There are churches that, after listening to lectures, practice exams and the issuance of a corresponding certificate. The duration of such a course can be up to 7 days.

The interview does not have to take place in the temple where the baptism is scheduled. Nonresident godparents can listen to catechumens in the nearest church.

Communion and fasting before the Sacrament

A day or two before baptism, both parents and recipients need to visit the temple, confess and receive communion in order to be cleansed from sins before the bright event.

The godfather is supposed to fast before the sacrament for three days, refraining from profanity, pleasures and amusements. On the day of baptism, the recipients are forbidden to take food until the end of the rite, since very often after the rite, communion immediately takes place, and the godparents are given the opportunity to commune with the godson.

Preparation for the rite of Baptism

At what age should a child be baptized

The Orthodox Church encourages the baptism of infants as early as possible, so that grace will descend on the child as soon as possible, and he will find his Guardian Angel.

Most often, the 40th birthday is chosen as the date of christening. Several prerequisites contribute to this:

  • up to 40 days, a woman in labor is not allowed to attend church sacraments, after a cleansing prayer is read over her, allowing her to participate in baptism;
  • in babies of the first months of life, intrauterine reflexes do not completely fade away, so they easily tolerate dipping under water;
  • newborns behave more calmly when strangers (godparents, priest) take them in their arms.

What days can a baby be baptized

Baptism of children is carried out on any day, including festive and fast. On weekends, services are usually longer and the number of parishioners is larger, so it is better to arrange for baptism on a weekday. On the days of major holidays, when services of special content and duration are performed, Baptism may not be carried out at all, it all depends on the particular church. It is also worth considering that during the fast, the treats at the christening celebration should be fast.

It is good to choose a day when the church is quieter and there are few people, but it is better to agree with the priest about an individual sacrament, discussing the main nuances of organizing the ceremony:

  • the date of the ceremony is agreed;
  • a list of necessary baptismal accessories is announced;
  • the name of the child who will be named at baptism is being specified.

Is it possible to baptize on critical days

On the days of monthly cleansing, women are forbidden to participate in church sacraments, so the date of baptism should be chosen when the godmother and mother of the child will not have their periods. If the critical days unexpectedly came earlier or later and fall exactly on the christening, then it is necessary to inform the priest about this. The father may recommend to transfer the sacrament, and if this is not possible, then give certain recommendations. Most likely, the godmother will simply be present in the church, not taking full part in the ritual, that is, she will not be able to accept the child from the font and hold him in her arms, as well as kiss the icons. It is permitted to offer prayers.

What you need to take to church for the baptism of a girl: a list

Godfathers need to prepare the necessary baptismal accessories in advance:

  • A pectoral cross on a string or chain - the godfather must buy. If purchased in a jewelry store, then the priest must be warned before the beginning of the sacrament so that he can consecrate the product. All the crosses in the church shop have already been consecrated.
  • - a white linen (diaper, towel) to be taken from the baptismal font, bought or sewn by the godmother. In the cold season, you may additionally need a blanket or a blanket to wrap the child before the font and warm it after.
  • or a dress - clothes after the font, bought by the godmother. The cut of the shirt should be free and give access to the breast, arms, legs for the anointing of the priest. The fabric should be natural and pleasant to the body, absorb moisture well.
  • ... Its presence for a baby girl (up to 7 years old) is not necessary, but for newborn children, parents themselves prefer to wear caps, even for boys. But one-year-old babies and girls are selected from year to year with lace kerchiefs, headbands - they beautifully complement the image. It is advisable to buy a product that goes well with the dress. In ready-made sets, all baptismal accessories are made in the same style, so such an outfit will be preferable.
  • Icon by name. If the image of the heavenly patron was not available, then you can purchase an icon of the Mother of God or revered saints - Nicholas the Pleasant, Panteleimon the Healer, Matrona of Moscow.
  • Church candles for the sacrament.

What you need to buy for the baptism of a boy: a list

The list of things for the boy's christening is practically the same. Godfathers and parents will need to bring with them:

  • Pectoral cross -, or.
  • - terry or cotton (according to the season).
  • or a ready-made baptismal set without a headdress. For newborn boys, the presence of a cap is allowed.
  • Name icon or image of the Savior.
  • Church candles.
  • The second small towel so that the priest can dry his hands. After that, it remains for the needs of the church.
  • A bottle of water, a pacifier.
  • Spare clothing.
  • Birth certificate, mom and dad passports.

Rules and duties of parents and godparents

All those invited to the church for the sacrament must wear body crosses, and also know their responsibilities.

Godfather and godmother

The girl should be taken from the font and held in her arms throughout the entire sacrament by the godmother, the boy by the godfather. Godparents will also have to dress the baby in baptismal clothes, so it is good when they have experience of communicating with newborns.

Recipients instead of the baptized one renounce the unclean and his deeds and take a vow of fidelity to the Lord, thereby promising God to help the newly-made Christian to believe and live according to the laws of the church.

Mother and father

Parents of a child under seven years old (baby) must give their consent to baptism, since they are the ones who will be involved in the spiritual education of the baby and his introduction to the church. A child over 7 years old (adolescent) makes such a decision himself.

The presence of the mother at the baptism depends on how many days have passed since the birth. Only after 40 days and after reading the cleansing prayer, the young mother is allowed to attend the ceremony.

When, after baptism, the priest conducts churching: he brings and lays the baby to the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God (the boys are first brought into the altar), then after that he is given either to the godparents or to the present father and mother.

The first sacrament can be scheduled for some other day, for example, a week later. Parents or mother will need to come with the child to the morning prayer service for the priest to commune the baby. Children should be given Communion as often as possible, preferably every week.

Grandmother and grandfather

Grandparents present at the baptism offer prayers and can help the godparents to dress the child. Being one of the closest relatives, they take part in solving organizational issues. If desired, they can buy additional baptismal accessories, for example, a blanket, rug, booties, socks, which will be needed during the sacrament, and will also be useful to the child in the future.

What prayers you need to know to baptize a child

The main prayer pronounced by the baptized or his successors is. You need to know it by heart, as a last resort, confidently read from the sheet, understanding the meaning. This prayer consists of 12 statements and briefly describes the essence of the Orthodox faith.

Also, the recipients pronounce the prayer words of the godfather and godmother, in which they ask to be named godparents and bless them for this sacred mission.

It is customary to know and well-known to all Orthodox believers of the prayer and "Virgin Mary, rejoice."