What does Christina mean? The meaning and origin of the good name Christina. The fate and career of a girl named Christina

The artistry of your nature suggests a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite in line with your friendly, open nature. It is only important to observe the measure, not to go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is rather ephemeral.

Christina name compatibility, manifestation in love

Christina, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to show your feelings in such forms that they can’t but cause a reaction. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift to find beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades. But although you often endure the breakup easily, memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, because you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. So quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It is good if you have enough prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards its achievement. It is bad if you are trying to "chase two birds with one stone", not wanting to give up even a small chance of success. In this case, you run the risk of wasting all your spiritual potential for nothing, “spraying” it, letting it go to the wind. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He does not care about external brilliance, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic natures. Therefore, it is it that at the right time will tell you the only right decision. Try to "hear" it.

The stylish and sonorous name Christina takes 21st place in the ranking of the most common female names in Russia. The strong energy of a melodic name leaves no chance for girls to go unnoticed. Christinas are extraordinary individuals with great ambitions who strive to succeed in life. They are distinguished by stress resistance, strong character, high moral principles.

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Even the most modest and timid Christina feels special and needs praise, compliments and approval of her actions. Despite the external coldness, restraint, sometimes arrogance, a volcano of passions and emotions boils in the girl's soul. Her behavior is so unpredictable that it is not possible even for close people to predict further actions.

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    Patrons and talismans

    The magical symbols and talismans of a girl named Christina include:

    The owners of the name are patronized by several saints, so the days of the angel are celebrated 6 times a year. All name days according to the church calendar:




    Martyr Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia)

    Martyr Christina of Persia

    Martyr Christina of Lampsaki

    Martyr Christina of Nicomedia

    Martyr Christina of Tire

    Martyr Christina

    The meaning and origin of the name

    The meaning of the name Christina- “Christian”, “dedicated to Christ”. This is a derivative form of the Greek name Christina (from the Greek word "Χριστός" - "performing baptism"), the analogue of which is the Latin Christianus. Male options - Christian or Christian. The name came to Russia from Byzantium after the adoption of Christianity.

    In ancient times, only commoners were called Christinas, so the name was not used among the nobility. In the post-revolutionary years in Russia, it completely disappeared from use, but after some time it returned in a slightly updated version (the first letter “X” was replaced by “K”). The improved name Christina acquired the imprint of aristocracy, selectivity, elitism, therefore it was included in the rating of the most popular names in the countries of the former USSR.

    Common forms of the name: Kristinochka, Kristinka, Kristyusha, Kristya, Kristyushenka, Khristinka, Khristya, Christy, Chris, Khrisya, Krestya, Kristenka, Khristonya. Synonyms include: Christiana, Christiana, Kristel, Krista, Kristel, Kristen. Short forms Nana and Tina are independent names.

    The patroness of all Christinas is the holy martyr Christina of Tyre, who lived in the 3rd century. Her father, the ruler of the city, dreamed that his daughter would become a pagan priestess, but the girl converted to Christianity. The enraged parent imprisoned Christina and, with the help of torture and torture, tried to force her to renounce her faith, but she was adamant. Deep wounds on the girl's body incredibly healed immediately after the appearance, and all the witnesses of this miracle believed in Christ.

    general characteristics

    The main features of the name are observation, pragmatism, emotionality. The nature is influenced by the environment, so parents should understand the characteristics of the child in advance in order to focus on the positive aspects of character in the process of education.

    Among the famous women who glorified the name Christina: singers Christina Orbakaite, Christina Aguilera, Christina Nilsson, actresses Christina Asmus, Christina Applegate, Christina Ricci, Christina Lilley, Christina Pascal, the first woman president of Argentina Christina de Kirchner, poetess Christina Kosach, German tennis player Christina Barrois.


    Little Christina is a quiet, calm, shy child. She hardly makes contact with strangers, is often silent, from the outside she looks detached and thoughtful. Her habit of carefully thinking and weighing everything is mistaken for slowness and lethargy. People around think that the baby does not notice anything around, but in reality she takes the position of an observer: she looks, analyzes, studies people and the situation. For a girl, it is important how her parents and friends evaluate her; she needs praise and approval of her actions.

    Christina lives in her own world of illusions, where there is no place for disappointments, sorrows and losses. She belongs to a rare category of children who do not like external manifestations of tenderness and care. The girl understands without words that her parents love her. She gets along better with her father than with her mother. Relationships with peers are good. A timid and shy girl becomes open, sincere and responsive after longer communication.

    School performance depends on Christina's interest in a particular subject. If desired, she can overcome laziness, take up her studies and achieve good results, becoming an excellent student or a good student. The owner of the name is easily given the humanities and exact sciences, since she has a good memory and quickly absorbs information. In parallel with her studies, the girl has many hobbies, attends circles and sections.


    The girl Christina is an active, mobile, cheerful person. Surrounding people love her for her cheerful disposition, spontaneity, sincerity. At school and university, she participates in public life, fulfills the instructions of teachers, helps lagging students or students, and becomes the host of performances and productions. Despite her sociability and ability to get along with people, the owner of the name does not have too many friends, since she does not seek to open her soul to unfamiliar persons.

    Relationships with others are harmed by the stubbornness and love of freedom of the girl.

    Christina is artistic, has a high creative potential, but in order for it to be fully revealed, time and experience are needed. In her youth, the owner of the name lacks self-confidence, she still carefully considers every step, tries to control emotions, takes the position of an observer. In situations where you need to quickly make an important decision, the girl is lost and out of balance.


    Adult Christina is a balanced, friendly, charming, sociable woman who knows how to make a good impression. She looks like a relaxed, open person, but in reality her true thoughts and emotions are hidden behind seven locks. The owner of the name, despite the seeming lightness and airiness, is distinguished by practicality, pragmatism, a real look at the world around her. By nature, she is a conservative, therefore she does not accept rash and impulsive decisions and does not like to swim against the current.

    Christina prefers the company of men to women's society, so she has few friends. She loves to visit, not averse to gossip, but she will never tell the secret entrusted to her. The owner of the name is loved for a good sense of humor, compassion, empathy, the desire to help a friend in difficult times. Christina does not complain about life and does not tire others with her problems, so communication with her is always fun and easy.

    Since childhood, Christina has dreamed of achieving a certain social status and getting into high society, so she devotes herself to work. To quickly move up the career ladder, a woman lacks cunning, resourcefulness, perseverance, and the ability to overcome obstacles. She needs the support of loved ones, which consists in praise and approval of her actions. If a woman devotes her life to the family and is not realized in her career, she will consider herself a failure.

    Character traits and fate

    By type of temperament, Christina is a phlegmatic. She has a well-developed intuition, but the girl prefers to be guided by common sense when making decisions. Has conservative views on life, respects traditions, is often religious. The owner of the name never changes her ideas and beliefs, she prefers to follow the beaten path.

    Despite external restraint, she is temperamental, emotional and unpredictable. Christina reacts sharply to criticism, remembers insults, does not forgive betrayal and betrayal. Praise, compliments and recognition instill in her self-confidence, are the driving force on the way to her goals. That is why the fate and success of a woman directly depend on the support of people close to her.

    Character pros and cons:

    The character and fate largely depend on the season in which the girl was born:



    Winter Christina is a silent, serious, thoughtful girl. She readily takes on any task and brings it to perfect results. It is easy to convince her and persuade her to her side, if you act tactfully and not too persistently. However, people who affect the girl’s pride will not be fine, because the owner of the name is quick-tempered, touchy and vengeful. She values ​​her freedom and independence, so her chosen one will be a patient, calm man who will surround her with care and attention.

    A woman born in the spring is an incorrigible romantic, a dreamer, a creative impulsive person who lives with emotions. She is not at all interested in the opinions of others: the owner of the name can sing, cry or laugh on the street, look like an eccentric. Spring Christina falls in love with men at first sight, fully surrenders to feelings, which leads to quick disappointments. For a reliable and serious chosen one, she will become a complaisant and obedient wife. If the beloved does not correspond to her ideal, he will turn into an angry fury

    Summer Christina is an incredibly soft, kind, sensitive and sympathetic person. She will always come to the aid of friends and strangers, give the last money to those in need. The lack of firmness of character and perseverance prevents a woman from climbing the career ladder. Leadership positions are contraindicated for her, since Christina is afraid of offending her subordinates and often follows their lead. But in her personal life, the owner of the name is in perfect order: men are drawn to a romantic and sensual beauty like a magnet. There is a certain secret in the girl that drives the representatives of the opposite sex crazy

    Autumn Christina is a principled and highly moral woman, has an overestimated self-esteem, which makes her look a little arrogant. From others, she expects moderation and strict adherence to the rules established by her. Despite the strict and somewhat despotic disposition, the girl is emotional and prone to sudden mood swings: she is able to yell at a person, and in a minute pounce on him with kisses. Her chosen one will be a pedantic man who appreciates order in everything.


    The owner of the name cannot boast of excellent health. Already in childhood, the girl's immune system is weakened, so she often suffers from viral and colds. In adulthood, there may be problems with the joints, lungs, bronchi.

    Love and marriage

    Christina is an emotional and impulsive girl. She quickly falls in love and, in a fit of passion, is immediately ready to go down the aisle, but after a short period of time, feelings cool down, and love disappears as suddenly as it appeared. The distrust of the owner of the name, her caution and love of freedom interfere with the construction of harmonious relations. External coldness, arrogance and alienation repels men, and many gentlemen simply do not know how to approach such a self-confident beauty.

    In reality, a woman needs a reliable, secure, strong and powerful chosen one who can surround her with care and attention. You can melt Christina's heart with compliments, gifts, romantic courtship. You will have to confirm your love not only in words, but also in deeds: otherwise, the owner of the name will regard the chosen one as a frivolous and talkative person.

    Christina usually marries either too early (while the fire of love is burning) or too late (carefully considering potential candidates for a hand and heart). Marriage transforms a woman: she becomes more feminine, flexible, soft and calm.

    The owner of the name will be happily married to Mikhail, Alexander, Nikolai, Konstantin, Mark, Yegor, Daniil, Igor, Ruslan, Yuri, Vadim, Georgy Timofey. Average compatibility with Alexey, Nikita, Andrey, Sergey, Ivan, Kirill, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Anton, Oleg. Lack of understanding is observed with Maxim, Victor, Gleb, Peter, Dmitry.


    The family for Christina is a fortress, protection and support, so she spares neither time nor effort to create a cozy nest. It is easy for a woman to combine work and household. The husband will have to come to terms with the fact that the wife will never sacrifice her career for the sake of the family and will not become a housewife. Christina does not like to let uninvited guests into the house, but she meets relatives and relatives with cordiality.

    The owner of the name is a strict and fair mother, who from an early age teaches children to be independent. A woman is also demanding of her husband, which often causes conflicts and disagreements. She knows how to find compromise solutions, because she tries with all her might to save the marriage. Divorce Christina is going through extremely hard.

    High moral principles do not allow a woman to change her spouse, even if the relationship has become strained and cold. She does not forgive her husband's betrayal under any circumstances, so the chosen one should remember that a fleeting infatuation will certainly become the reason for parting.


    Christina dreams of loving and being loved, so she is rarely alone. Despite the outward coldness and inaccessibility, she is a passionate and temperamental lover who knows how to bring real pleasure to herself and her partner. Falling in love with a man, the owner of the name gives all of herself without a trace, and sex is a natural continuation of love and a way to express emotions. Intimacy is possible if the woman really has deep feelings for the chosen one. If they are not, Christina will never go to bed with the unloved.

    Work and career

    Christina is an ambitious girl. Through her career and work, she seeks to improve her social status and gain financial independence. The owner of the name will not be able to come to terms with the role of a dependent, so the fate of a housewife is not for her. This woman should always have her money. She knows how to manage finances, is not prone to squandering, so she never finds herself on the verge of poverty and poverty.

    The level of wages and prestige are the main components when choosing a profession. Christina easily copes with routine and monotonous work, if she gives the girl pleasure. Being artistic and creative in nature, the owner of the name is making progress in creative activity. The woman is an excellent performer and a good leader.

    Suitable professions for Christina:

    • designer;
    • painter;
    • journalist;
    • teacher;
    • doctor;
    • producer;
    • singer;
    • theater agent;
    • actress;
    • politician;
    • diplomat;
    • engineer.


    The owner of the name will certainly achieve success in entrepreneurial activities thanks to a sharp analytical mind and incredible hard work. Christina rarely listens to the advice of others, but she knows how to make the right decisions. Failures do not destabilize her, but give strength and inspire her to further achievements.

    The girl has a strong masculine character, and this feature allows her to easily cope with difficulties alone. She does not need help, but working with Alexander, Mark, Timothy and Daniel will help to achieve better results.

    Horoscope for Christina

    The astrological horoscope will allow you to make a more accurate description of Christina, to identify strengths and weaknesses:

    Zodiac sign


    Christina-Aries is an energetic, curious, cheerful person who always wants to be aware of all events (even if they have nothing to do with her). Sometimes it is annoying and fussy, striving for leadership. Her strengths are perseverance, determination, optimism. In love, a girl often experiences disappointments, because she falls in love with men at first sight and opens her soul too quickly. The owner of the name needs compliments and praise from the chosen one. With a reliable partner, she will become an exemplary wife and mother

    A woman born under the constellation Taurus is distinguished by calmness, self-control, determination and pragmatism. It looks like a slow and inactive person, but in an extreme situation it quickly takes action. Christina's sensuality attracts men of all ages to her, but the girl herself prefers to choose a partner. She likes to tease and seduce at a distance gentlemen who are of little interest to her. A woman will make a great wife who knows how to run a household


    This is a versatile, multifaceted, sociable personality with an inexhaustible supply of energy. Despite the seeming openness and sincerity, in reality the girl is secretive and hides her true feelings and emotions from others. She has a sharp mind, but her knowledge is superficial. Christina-Gemini does not tolerate routine and everyday life, therefore she strives for new experiences: she changes her place of residence, work, place of study, etc. Surrounded by many fans, but all her life she has been in search of the ideal man

    Christina-Cancer is a woman with a fine mental organization, a suspicious, sensitive and overly touchy person. From the outside it looks weak and defenseless, but in reality it has iron willpower, determination and determination, knows how to give a tough rebuff to the opponent and stand up for itself. This is a homebody who would prefer a family to a career. If the owner of the name feels love and care from the chosen one, she will become soft and accommodating, if not, she will turn into an irritable and jealous person. Her husband will be a reliable man who is ready to financially provide for his family.

    This is a vain, ambitious, bright person who loves to impress and be in the spotlight. Behind the mask of kindness and sincerity lies an aggressive and selfish nature. Christina's behavior and character depend on the life situation: when everything goes well for a girl, she shows generosity and care, but in case of difficulties and troubles, she sharply becomes angry and sarcastic. The owner of the name is successful with the opposite sex, but she will marry only a rich gentleman who can introduce his wife into high society

    Christina-Virgo is a pragmatic, practical, restrained and reasonable woman who loves to live by the rules and according to a predetermined plan. She is demanding and strict with herself and those around her, she may seem arrogant and arrogant, but in reality she never harbors evil and resentment against anyone. Purposefulness and perseverance allow a woman to achieve success in work and career. In a love relationship, she is cold and restrained, with difficulty showing her feelings and emotions. But Christina-Virgo is a reliable life partner who will never change or betray her lover

    The owner of the name, born under the sign of the zodiac Libra, is a well-mannered, intelligent, conceited woman. She strives for luxury and a prosperous life, likes to attend social events and parties, needs communication. Christina prefers to work in a team. A leadership position does not suit her, because the girl does not want to take responsibility. When choosing a life partner, he is guided not by the material component, but by spiritual kinship. The owner of the name searches for her ideal for a long time and falls into a state of depression if her lover does not justify her hopes and expectations.


    Christina-Scorpio is a passionate, impulsive, ambitious person with leadership ambitions. Thanks to perseverance and perseverance, he achieves good success in his career. Often jealous of the success of others, but tries to work on himself and suppress this feeling in himself. If you hurt the pride of a proud woman, it is likely that you will face aggression and criticism. The chosen one Christina often torments with jealousy. Thanks to female cunning, she knows how to appear before a man weak and defenseless, to give up leadership. A woman will not fit the role of a housewife, because she needs society, work and entertainment.

    This is a cheerful, freedom-loving, independent woman who appreciates individuality in everything. She likes to stand out from the crowd, often living against the rules, preferring to swim against the current. Of the merits, one can single out independence, determination, the desire for knowledge and self-improvement. The disadvantage is straightforwardness, since her words often hurt loved ones and lead to conflicts with others. Christina-Sagittarius does not seek to get married quickly, because she is not ready to sacrifice freedom. Her chosen one will be a man who will not infringe on her personal space

    Christina-Capricorn is a born careerist. Persistence, perseverance, punctuality, exactingness to herself and others allow her to achieve great success in her professional activities. In communication, a woman is simple, sincere, straightforward, does not like to talk about herself and does not seek to be the center of attention. All potential candidates for the hand and heart are rigorously selected. Her ideal chosen one is a reliable, strong, accomplished man. When marrying, he must remember that he connects life not only with Christina, but with her entire family, since family ties are extremely important for a girl

    A versatile, sociable, inquisitive person who strives for self-improvement. She accepts people as they are, does not try to remake, impose her point of view. Christina, born under this sign, is an interesting conversationalist, knows how to win over those around her, has many friends. He chooses a profession to his liking, not guided by the material component. Trying to find his vocation, he often changes his job and occupation, stopping at creative professions. Her marriage is often late. The chosen one needs to remember that marriage can destroy his jealousy and conservative views.

    Christina-Pisces is a romantic, dreamy, impressionable person who lives in her own illusory world. She prefers to run away from problems, prone to alarmism, absent-minded and inattentive. The girl has an incredible sense of compassion for others and understands the people around her better than herself. Relatives appreciate Christina for sincerity, openness and responsiveness. She is very popular with the opposite sex. Cavaliers want to protect a fragile girl from troubles and hardships, to substitute a reliable male shoulder. The chosen one of Christina-Pisces will be a cheerful, cheerful, optimistic man who will be her support, support and driving force. She should avoid partners who can lead her to moral and spiritual exhaustion.

The name Christina comes from Greek roots - it came to us from Greece along with Christianity and originally sounded like Christina, which meant a Christian, a follower of Christ. In Soviet times, this name was very rare, but then it underwent a slight phonetic modification, and now it sounds like Christina. This name evokes a feeling of something good and bright.

Of course, it is still very similar to the word peasant, although the essence of the name is the same, in the modern world there is a big gap between Christina and the peasant. At the moment, in Russia, those parents who are Christina want to distinguish her from other girls, trying to show the chosenness and style of their child. This name suggests a certain imprint of aristocracy and elitism.

Since childhood, Christina has many talents, especially creative ones, such as artistry, musical talents. This is a very mobile and cheerful girls. So are they. For parents, she is not a problem child, since mostly girls with that name are obedient and kind children. But parents should not worry about her if she suddenly wants to live on her own, move to another city for study or work. Because she grows up early.

But in life, Christina will have to try very hard to justify her stylish name, as it can often cause envy. Although these women at first sight seem shy and timid, with a bunch of complexes, in fact, they just observe and analyze the environment and other people all the time. They have a lot of potential inside. a lot of energy and sufficient strength charge. In society, they mostly behave liberated and free, easily find a common language with strangers. It is also difficult to confuse Christina, they do not panic, and make decisions very deliberately, which takes some time.

The owners of this beautiful names are never left without male attention. When choosing a man, they basically look more at the inner world than at his well-being. People close to her should be very empathetic, and remember that she is very susceptible to criticism, and at the same time flourishes as if she is complimented and praised.

Most likely, Christina, trying to justify the name given to her, will make ambitious plans and achieve them. Look for the most prestigious profession, look for dating with celebrities and influential people. Sometimes, losing sight of the most important thing in life. And if it so happens that she does not achieve all this, then she will consider own life lived unsuccessfully and in vain.

Currently, we have a vivid example of a representative of this name, this is Christina Orbakaite. She began to show her acting skills from the very childhood, starring in the movie "Scarecrow". At first, no one really believed in her musical talents, but with her perseverance and hard work, our heroine achieved good vocal results. And as we now see, she is famous, beautiful, sexy, and doing what she loves, despite all the difficulties that she had to overcome.

Now let's talk about the properties of this beautiful name. Is there a secret in the name Christina?
more successful zodiac sign Names are: Virgo, Leo, Gemini, Capricorn.
Colors: steel silver and also yellow. Not a very favorable color purple.
Gems: amber, jasper, diamond, andalusite.
planet, celestial bodies: Sun, Saturn.
Animal: pigeon
Wood: cypress
Flower: myrtle.
name day: August 6 (Christina of Tire - martyr); February 19 (Christina of Kisarii - martyr); March 26 (Christina of Persia - martyr).
A diminutive abbreviation: Kristinochka, Kristya, Kristyusha, Kristinka, Chris.

The meaning of the name Christina, starting from early childhood, reveals a far from simple personality. The mobile, cheerful, smart little girl never ceases to amaze her loved ones with her photographic memory. This female name periodically rises to the peak of popularity, after which it has been in the shadows for several years.

Accordingly, in order to compare the interpretation with the behavior of a particular person, there will be no difficulties in finding an example.

Regardless of what time of the year the baby was born, she pleases her parents with a careful attitude to things and toys, over time she will take on a significant part of household duties, giving the mother the opportunity to do her own thing. the meaning of the name Christina for a girl is associated with a strong, one might even say masculine character.

The girl is used to defending her point of view, regardless of the age of the interlocutor, but even in the most tense situation she shows cold restraint, does not allow herself rudeness and rudeness, prefers to achieve her goal in civilized ways.

The meaning of the name Christina for a child relieves worries about how the girl will feel in the circle of her peers. Christie's self-esteem is, to put it mildly, overstated, heading towards the goal, she simply tries not to notice the obstacles. The girl is 100% sure of her knowledge, it is almost impossible to take her by surprise.

A diligent student, I freely combine my studies and all kinds of circles. Periodically appearing hobbies for some period are turned into a “slave”, however, after a fairly short period of time, interest “evaporates”, all his life he is in a creative search.

Willpower and courage allow you to achieve your goal. In addition to accuracy, an indisputable positive quality is the desire to always look fashionable, impeccable taste allows you to make a choice that matches the features of the figure.

The girl has very few friends, but if she maintains a relationship, then throughout her life and is ready to help in the most difficult moments of life.
At the first meeting at any age, she gives the impression of being shy and modest, however, when faced with injustice that is contrary to her interests, she reincarnates and can become the initiator of serious conflict situations.
To achieve her location is quite simple, compliments and original gifts are of particular importance.


Has a strong character. This means that he cannot imagine a weak-willed person next to him. For a girl, the financial situation of a guy matters. In her youth, when it is rather difficult to judge the social status of her chosen one, Krista, wise beyond her years, really assesses the potential of a young man.

Often an obstacle in a relationship is a mask, behind which a girl tries to hide tenderness and femininity. The young man must make every effort to reveal her true face, as a result, the most unforgettable romantic moments await him.

Men at any age pay attention to the fair sex, who always looks perfect. A spectacular appearance in any society is Christie's calling card.


The choice of a spouse is treated with the utmost responsibility. Once defined, it changes beyond recognition. This means that she becomes a gentle and caring wife, does not hesitate to show tenderness and love. The value of the family for a woman is too great, for the sake of loved ones she is ready for crazy deeds.

Agrees to get married, convinced of the reliability and sincerity of a man, tries to save the marriage, overcoming life's difficulties, but betrayal is a serious blow.

Her house is a unique combination of a fortress and a cozy nest, well-being matters, she categorically disagrees with the statement that with a cute "paradise in a hut." If the spouse proves her worth, she is ready to devote herself entirely to housekeeping and children. A caring mother is ready to do anything for the sake of her children.

You can sympathize with a person who tries to interfere in her personal life, a woman will turn into a predator, confidently protects her family.

If the spouse is not able to provide for the family, he will easily find a solution to this problem.

Business and career

Confidence and purposefulness allow you to realize yourself in business. She is also attracted to fashionable modern professions. Regardless of which path she chooses, the girl strives to take a worthy position in society, which means that the level of earnings is of fundamental importance for her, she will definitely not work for "pennies".

Natural aristocracy is harmoniously combined with creative activity; style cannot be left without attention. As a rule, men become her business partners; it is much easier for a straightforward and confident woman to negotiate with them.

origin of the name Christina

The origin of the name Christina has European roots, the etymology of the name provides a fairly specific definition of "Christian". History contains many facts about worthy of emulation of personalities, whose name has become the pride of the country. Having decided where it came from, you can continue to get acquainted. The secret of the name will allow you to get comprehensive information regarding amulets, talismans, lucky numbers.

History testifies that in Russia ordinary people were called that. For some time, the name disappeared, after the appearance, it began to be perceived as foreign.

Characteristics of the name Christina

The characterization of the name Christina begins with an acquaintance with a strong, purposeful personality. Character, just like any person, has pros and cons that you need to learn to live with.

The ability to make non-standard decisions helps to find a way out of difficult life situations.

Loves life, always in a good mood. Easily converges with people, the main drawback is irascibility and arrogance, education is of particular importance for the formation of personality.

He tries to get everything from life, confidently moves towards his goal, not paying attention to the difficulties.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: jasper, amber.
  • Name days: February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, August 6, August 18.
  • Name horoscope or zodiac sign: Virgo.

Famous people

  • Christina Aguilera - famous pop star;
  • Kristina Orbakaite is a pop singer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Christina is quite simple, thanks to popularity in different countries over a long period. It is useful for a child to learn how to translate for further unhindered communication with foreigners.

  • in Chinese - Kè Lǐ Sī Jīn Nà;
  • in Japanese - Ku-ri-su-chi-na.

Name Forms

  • Full name is Christina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Krista, Christy, Christinka, Christina, Christya, Kristinochka, Krisya.
  • Declination of the name - Christina, Christina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Khrestina.

Origin: Christina - the name of Greek origin ("Christian", "dedicated to Christ"), common in Europe and America. In the Soviet Union, the name was not very common.

Short form of the name: Kristinka, Chris, Khristyusha, Christy, Tina, Krisya.

Foreign forms of the name People: Christiana (England), Khristiana (Bulgaria), Khristina (Ukraine), Khrystyna (Belarus).

Characteristics of the name Christina

Positive traits of the name: Christina has a very good memory, which she skillfully uses. It may seem to others that Christina is silent and somewhat constrained, but in fact she simply prefers to silently observe the situation and analyze it. In companies, the owner of the name quickly makes new acquaintances, behaves liberated. The firmness of character and observation will allow Christina to carefully choose the people with whom she prefers to communicate.

Negative traits of the name: Since Christina is ambitious and arrogant, it is not always easy for her to build relationships with other people. The desire to stand up for herself often leads to the fact that Christina becomes too hot-tempered and turns to veiled insults. Naturally, this annoys and offends people. There is another extreme - Christina grows up timid and shy, if in childhood she did not manage to develop her natural advantages of character.

Choosing a profession by name: As a rule, Christina strives to achieve great success and loudly declare herself in society. Therefore, Christina can find work in the scientific field, fashion, journalism. If fate assigned the owner of the name the fate of an ordinary housewife, she will constantly be tormented by discontent. However, Christina can also be just a good housewife, always closely monitoring the order in the house.

The impact of the name on business: Christina is one of those women who do not like to ask for money. Creating financial well-being is her own concern, with which she is quite able to cope.

The impact of the name on health: Mediocre, so Christina should carefully monitor the state of her body from childhood. Long walks in the fresh air, an active lifestyle are recommended. Christinas are easily caught by viral diseases, so they often get colds in childhood.

Name psychology: Christina loves compliments and really dislikes criticism (even if it is constructive). Moreover, compliments are Christina's real weakness. She should be on her guard so that no one, with the help of flattery, takes advantage of her for selfish purposes.

Name compatibility: Christina strives to make an outstanding career, and at the same time there is not always enough time to create a family. True, sooner or later she realizes that it is the family that is the main value in life. Christinas become good mothers and caring wives. The main thing is that they have husbands who can really be relied upon in any situation. Good compatibility: Bartholomew, Arseny, Vladlen, Venedikt, Herman, Gerasim, Felix, Lawrence. Bad compatibility: Eldar, Martin, Adam.

Famous name bearers:

  • Christina of France (Princess of France, Duchess of Savoy, daughter of Henry IV and Marie de Medici).
  • Marie de Medici (German figure skater).
  • Kristina Pelakova (Slovak singer who represented Slovakia at Eurovision 2010).
  • Christina Aguilera (American singer).
  • Kristina Orbakaite (Russian singer, daughter of Alla Pugacheva).
  • Christina Ricci (American actress)
  • Christina Nilsson (Swedish opera singer).
  • Christina Alchevskaya (Russian poetess).
  • Christina Asmus (Russian actress, star of the television series "Interns").
  • Kristina Goryunova (Russian gymnast).
  • Christina Augusta (Queen of Sweden from the Vasa dynasty).
  • Christina of Lorraine (Grand Duchess of Tuscany).
  • Christina Tiren (Swedish artist).
  • Christina Applegate (American actress, Emmy Award winner).
  • Cristina Elisabeth Fernandez de Kirchner (President of Argentina).
  • Christina of Pisa (medieval French writer, considered one of the pioneers of feminism).