Wormholes: what is it - a myth, a gate to other worlds or a mathematical abstraction? There is no way back. Why a wormhole is a space trap

- Sergey Vladilenovich, what is a wormhole?

There is no strict definition. Such definitions are needed when you prove some theorems, and there are almost no strict theorems, therefore, they are mainly limited to figurative concepts, pictures. Imagine that we took out a ball from our three-dimensional space in one room and took out exactly the same ball in another room, and glued the resulting boundaries of these holes. Thus, when in one room we step inside this former ball that has become a hole, we emerge in another room - from a hole that was formed in the place of another ball. If our space were not three-dimensional, but two-dimensional, it would look like a piece of paper with a pen glued to it. A three-dimensional analog and its development in time is called a wormhole.

How are wormholes generally studied?

This is a purely theoretical activity. No one has ever seen wormholes, and, in general, there is no certainty yet that they even exist. Wormholes began to be studied, starting from the question: are there any mechanisms in nature that would guarantee us that such holes cannot exist in nature? These mechanisms have not been found, so it can be assumed that wormholes are a real phenomenon.

- Is it possible, in principle, to see a wormhole?

Of course. If a person suddenly crawls out of nowhere in a locked room, then you are observing a wormhole. Wormholes as an object of study were invented and promoted by the American theoretical physicist John Wheeler, who, with their help, wanted to explain, neither more nor less, electric charges. Let's explain. The description of a free electric field from the point of view of theoretical physics is not a very difficult task. But to describe the electric charge from the same point of view is very difficult. Electric charge appears in this sense as a very mysterious thing: some kind of substance, separate from the field, of unknown origin, and it is not clear how to deal with it in classical physics. Wheeler's idea was as follows. Let's say we have a microscopic wormhole, which is riddled with lines of force - from one end these lines enter it, and from the other they exit. An outside observer who does not know that these two ends are connected by lines of force will perceive such an object as a simple sphere in space, will examine the field around it, and it will look like the field of a point charge. Only the observer will think that this is some kind of mysterious substance that has a charge, etc., and all because he does not know that in fact it is a wormhole. Of course, this is a very elegant idea, and many tried to develop it, but did not make much progress, because electrons are, after all, quantum objects, and no one, of course, knows how to describe wormholes at the quantum level. But if we assume that the hypothesis is correct, then wormholes are more than an everyday occurrence, everything connected with electricity will ultimately be tied to them.

Exotic matter is a classical physics concept that describes any (usually hypothetical) matter that violates one or more of the classical conditions, or does not consist of known baryons. Such substances may have properties such as negative energy density or repel rather than be attracted by gravity. Exotic matter is used in some theories, for example, in the theory of the structure of wormholes. The most famous representative of exotic matter is the vacuum in a region with negative pressure produced by the Casimir effect.

- What are wormholes?

In terms of theoretical travel, there are traversable and impassable wormholes. Impassable - these are those through which the passage is destroyed, and this happens so quickly that no object simply has time to go from one end to the other. Of course, the second type of wormholes, traversable, is the most interesting to study. There is even a beautiful theory that says that what we used to think of as supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies are actually the mouths of wormholes. This theory is almost not developed and has not found, of course, so far no confirmation, it exists, rather, as a kind of idea. Its essence is that outside of the wormhole you only see that in the center of the galaxy there is a certain spherically symmetrical object, but what it is - a wormhole or a black hole - you cannot say, because you are outside this object.

In fact, they can be distinguished only by one parameter - mass. If the mass turns out to be negative, then this is probably a wormhole, but if the mass is positive, then additional information is needed here, because a black hole can also turn out to be a wormhole. Negative mass in general is one of the central moments of the whole story with wormholes. Because in order to be passable, a wormhole must be filled with what is called an exotic substance, a substance whose energy density is negative at least in places, at some points. At the classical level, no one has ever seen such a substance, but we know for sure that it can, in principle, exist. Quantum effects have been registered that lead to the appearance of such a substance. This is a fairly well-known phenomenon and is called the Casimir effect. It has been officially registered. And it is connected precisely with the existence of negative energy density, which is very inspiring.

The Casimir effect is an effect consisting in the mutual attraction of conducting uncharged bodies under the action of quantum fluctuations in vacuum. Most often, we are talking about two parallel uncharged mirror surfaces placed at a close distance, but the Casimir effect also exists with more complex geometries. The cause of the effect is the energy fluctuations of the physical vacuum due to the constant birth and disappearance of virtual particles in it. The effect was predicted by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir in 1948 and later confirmed experimentally.

In general, in quantum science, negative energy density is a fairly common thing, which is associated, for example, with Hawking's evaporation. If such a density exists, we can ask the following question: how large is the mass of a black hole (the parameter of the gravitational field it creates)? There is a solution to this problem that is applicable to black holes - that is, objects with positive mass, and there is a solution that is applicable to negative mass. If there is enough exotic matter in the wormhole, then the outside mass of this object will be negative. Therefore, one of the main types of "observations" of wormholes is the tracking of objects that can be assumed to have negative mass. And if we find such an object, then with a fairly high degree of probability it will be possible to say that this is a wormhole.

Wormholes are also divided into intra-world and inter-world. If we destroy the tunnel between the two mouths of the second type of holes, we can see two completely unrelated universes. Such a wormhole is called interworld. But if we do the same and see that everything is fine - we have remained in the same Universe - then we have an intraworld wormhole. These two types of wormholes have a lot in common, but there is also an important difference. The fact is that an intraworld wormhole, if it exists, tends to turn into a time machine. Actually, it was against the background of this assumption that the last surge of interest in wormholes arose.

Wormhole as imagined by an artist


In the case of an intraworld wormhole, there are two different ways to look at the neighbor: directly through the tunnel, or in a roundabout way. If you start moving one mouth of the wormhole relative to the other, then, in accordance with the well-known twin paradox, the second person, returning from the trip, will be younger than the remaining one. And on the other hand, when you look through the tunnel - you both sit in laboratories that are motionless from your point of view, nothing happens to you, your clocks are synchronized. Thus, you have a theoretical possibility to dive into this tunnel and get out at a moment that, from the point of view of an external observer, precedes the moment when you dived. The delay brought to an appropriate degree will give rise to the possibility of such a circular travel in space-time, when you return to your original place of departure and shake hands with your previous incarnation.

The twin paradox is a thought experiment that attempts to "prove" the inconsistency of the special theory of relativity. According to SRT, from the point of view of "stationary" observers, all processes of moving objects slow down. On the other hand, the principle of relativity declares the equality of inertial frames of reference. Based on this, an argument is built that leads to an apparent contradiction. For clarity, the story of two twin brothers is considered. One of them (a traveler) goes on a space flight, and the second (a homebody) stays on Earth. Most often, the "paradox" is formulated as follows:

From the homebody's point of view, the moving traveler's clock has a slow running time, so when returning, it should be behind the homebody's clock. On the other hand, the Earth was moving relative to the traveler, so the homebody's clock should be behind. In fact, the brothers are equal, therefore, after returning, their watches should show the same time. However, according to SRT, the traveler's watch will be lagging behind. In such a violation of the apparent symmetry of the brothers, a contradiction is seen.

What is the fundamental difference between a wormhole and a black hole?

First of all, it must be said that there are two types of black holes - those that were formed as a result of the collapse of stars, and those that existed originally, arose along with the emergence of the Universe itself. These are two fundamentally different types of black holes. At one time there was such a thing as a "white hole", now it is rarely used. A white hole is the same black hole, but evolving backwards in time. Matter only flies into a black hole, but can never escape from there. From a white hole, on the contrary, matter only flies out, but it is impossible to get into it in any way. In fact, this is a very natural thing, if we remember that the General Theory of Relativity is symmetrical in time, which means that if there are black holes, there must also be white ones. Their totality is a wormhole.

Black hole in the representation of the artist


- What is known about the internal structure of wormholes?

So far, models are only being built in this sense. On the one hand, we know that the appearance of this exotic matter can be detected even experimentally, and still there are a lot of questions. The only model of a wormhole known to me that is more or less consistent with reality is the model of an initially evaporating (since the origin of the Universe) wormhole. Due to this evaporation, such a hole remains passable for a long time.

- What exactly are you working on?

I am engaged in purely theoretical activity, what can be generally called the causal structure of space-time is the classical Theory of Relativity, sometimes semi-classical (quantum, as we know, does not yet exist).

In the classical non-relativistic theory, one can come up with fairly convincing evidence that time travel cannot exist, but in general relativity there is no such evidence. And Einstein, when he was just developing his theory, was aware of this. He wondered if there was some way to eliminate that possibility. Then he did not cope with this task, as he himself later said. And although Einstein created a language to study this issue, the task remained academic. A surge of interest in it occurred in the late 1940s, when Gödel proposed a cosmological model containing such closed curves. But since Gödel always offered something exotic, it was treated with interest, but without serious scientific consequences. And then, somewhere at the end of the last century, thanks mainly to science fiction - for example, the film "Contact" with Jodie Foster - interest in the topic of time travel using wormholes was revived again. The author of the novel, on which the film script was written, is a very famous astronomer, popularizer of science, Carl Sagan. He took the matter very seriously and asked his friend, also a very famous relativist, Kip Thorne, to see if everything described in the film was possible from the point of view of science. And he published a semi-popular article in the magazine for American physics teachers "Wormholes as a tool for studying the General Theory of Relativity", where he considered the possibility of time travel through wormholes. And I must say that at that time the idea of ​​traveling through black holes was popular in science fiction. But he understood that a black hole is an absolutely impassable object - travel through them is impossible, so he considered wormholes as an opportunity for time travel. Although this was known before, but for some reason people perceived his conclusions as a completely fresh idea, and rushed to investigate it. Moreover, the emphasis was on the presumption that a time machine cannot exist, but we decided to find out why. And quite quickly the understanding came that there were no obvious objections to the existence of such a machine at all. Since then, more large-scale studies began, theories began to appear. Basically, I've been doing this ever since.

Contact is a 1997 science fiction film. Directed by Robert Zemeckis. Main plot: Ellie Arroway (Judy Foster) devoted her whole life to science, she becomes a member of a project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. All attempts to search for extraterrestrial signals are fruitless, and the future of her project is in jeopardy. Ellie despairs of finding support, but unexpectedly receives help from the eccentric billionaire Hadden. And here is the result - Ellie picks up the signal. Signal decoding shows that it contains a description of a technical device. Its purpose is not clear, but a place for one person is planned inside.

After building and launching the device, Ellie travels through the wormhole system and is transported, presumably to a planet in another star system. Waking up there, on the seashore, she meets a representative of another civilization, who chose the image of her late father. Looking around, the heroine realizes that this area is recreated by an alien mind in her mind in the image of a drawing she drew as a child. The alien tells her that the device allows you to organize a system of interstellar communications, and the Earth from now on becomes a member of the community of civilizations of the Universe.

Ellie returns to Earth. From the point of view of outside observers, nothing happened to her after the launch of the installation, and her body did not leave our planet. Ellie finds herself in a paradoxical situation. Being a scientist, from the point of view of rigorous science, she cannot confirm her words in any way. It also turns out one more circumstance: the video camera attached to Ellie during the trip did not record anything, but the duration of the empty recording was not a few seconds, but 18 hours ...

Is it possible to "make" a wormhole?

Just about this there is a rigorous scientific result. This is due to the fact that there are no exact results on the study of wormholes. There is a theorem that has been proven for a very long time, and it says this. There is such a thing as global hyperbolicity. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all what it means, but the point is that while and since space is globally hyperbolic, it is impossible to create a wormhole - it can exist in nature, but it will not work to make it yourself. If you manage to break the global hyperbolicity, then maybe you can create a wormhole. But the fact is that this violation in itself is such an exotic thing, so poorly understood and poorly understood, that the side effect of the birth of a wormhole is already a relatively minor thing compared to the very fact that you managed to violate global hyperbolicity. There's a very famous thing going on here called the "principle of strict cosmic censorship" which says that space is always globally hyperbolic. But this, in principle, is nothing more than a wish. There is no proof that this principle is true, there is simply some inner certainty, common to many people, that space-time must be globally hyperbolic. If this is so, it is impossible to create a wormhole - you need to look for an existing one. Meanwhile, severe doubts about the fidelity of the principle of cosmic censorship were expressed by the author himself - Roger Penrose, but that's another story.

- That is, some serious energy costs are required to create a wormhole?

It's very difficult to say something here. The trouble is that when your global hyperbolicity is violated, predictability is also violated at the same time - this is practically the same thing. You can somehow geometrically change the space around you, for example, take a bag and put it in a different place. But there are certain limits to which you can do this, in particular the limit imposed by predictability. For example, sometimes you can tell what will happen in 2 seconds, and sometimes you can't. The edge of what you can or cannot predict lies precisely in global hyperbolicity. If your space-time is globally hyperbolic, you can predict its evolution. If we assume that at some point it violates global hyperbolicity, everything becomes very bad with predictability. Therefore, an amazing thing arises, for example, such that right here and now a wormhole can materialize, through which a lion will jump out. It will be an exotic phenomenon, but it will not violate any laws of physics. On the other hand, you can spend a lot of effort, money and resources to somehow facilitate this process. But the result will still be the same - in both cases, you do not know whether a wormhole will appear or not. In classical physics, we can’t do anything about it - if it wants, it will arise, if it doesn’t want, it won’t arise - but quantum science does not give us any clues in this matter yet.

The principle of "cosmic censorship" was formulated in 1969 by Roger Penrose in the following figurative form: "Nature abhors the naked singularity." It says that space-time singularities appear in places that, like the interior of black holes, are hidden from observers. This principle has not yet been proven, and there are reasons to doubt its absolute correctness (for example, the collapse of a dust cloud with a large angular momentum leads to a “naked singularity”, but it is not known whether this solution of the Einstein equations is stable with respect to small perturbations of the initial data).

Penrose's formulation (a strong form of cosmic censorship) suggests that spacetime as a whole is globally hyperbolic.

Later, Stephen Hawking proposed another formulation (a weak form of cosmic censorship), where only the global hyperbolicity of the "future" component of space-time is assumed.

A group of physicists from Germany and Greece, under the general supervision of Burkhard Clayhaus, presented a fundamentally new view of the problem wormholes. So called hypothetical objects where there is a curvature of space and time.

It is believed that they are tunnels through which you can travel to other worlds at one moment.

Wormholes, or, as they are also called, wormholes, are known to every fan of science fiction, where these objects are described very vividly and impressively (although in books they are more often called zero-space). It is thanks to them that heroes can move from one galaxy to another in a very short time. As for real wormholes, the situation with them is much more complicated. It is still not clear whether they actually exist, or whether this is all the result of the wild imagination of theoretical physicists.

According to traditional notions, wormholes are some hypothetical property of our universe, or rather, space and time. According to the concept of the Einstein-Rosen bridge, at every moment in our Universe, some tunnels can appear through which you can get from one point in space to another almost simultaneously (that is, without loss of time).

It would seem that teleport with their help for your own pleasure! But here's the trouble: firstly, these wormholes are extremely small (only elementary particles can easily roam through them), and secondly, they exist for an extremely short time, millionths of a second. That is why it is extremely difficult to study them - until now, all models of wormholes have not been experimentally confirmed.

Nevertheless, scientists still have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat could be inside such a tunnel (although, alas, also only theoretical). It is believed that everything there is crammed with the so-called exotic matter (not to be confused with dark matter, these are different matters). And this matter got its nickname from the fact that it consists of fundamentally different elementary particles. And because of this, most of the physical laws are not observed in it - in particular, energy can have a negative density, the force of gravity does not attract, but repels objects, etc. In general, everything inside the tunnel is completely different from that of normal people. But it is precisely this irregular matter that provides that miraculous transition through the wormhole.

As a matter of fact, Einstein's famous general theory of relativity is very loyal to the possibility of the existence of wormholes - it does not refute the existence of such tunnels (although it does not confirm). Well, what is not forbidden, as you know, is allowed. Therefore, many astrophysicists have been actively trying to find traces of at least some more or less stable wormhole since the middle of the last century.

As a matter of fact, their interest can be understood - if it turns out that such a tunnel is possible in principle, then traveling through it to distant worlds will become a very simple matter (of course, provided that the wormhole is located not far from the solar system). However, the search for this object is hampered by the fact that scientists still, in fact, do not quite imagine what exactly to look for. In fact, it is impossible to see this hole directly, since, like black holes, it sucks everything into itself (including radiation), but does not release anything. We need some indirect signs of its existence, but the question is - which ones?

And just recently, a group of physicists from Germany and Greece, under the general leadership of Burkhard Kleihaus from the University of Oldenburg (Germany), in order to alleviate the suffering of astrophysicists, presented a fundamentally new look at the problem of wormholes. From their point of view, these tunnels can indeed exist in the universe and be quite stable at the same time. And there is no exotic matter, according to the Klayhouse group, inside them.

Scientists believe that the emergence of wormholes was caused by quantum fluctuations inherent in the early universe almost immediately after the Big Bang and gave rise to the so-called quantum foam. Let me remind you that quantum foam- this is a kind of conditional concept that can be used as a qualitative description of subatomic space-time turbulence at very small distances (of the order of the Planck length, that is, a distance of 10 -33 cm).

Figuratively speaking, quantum foam can be represented as follows: imagine that somewhere in very short periods of time in very small regions of space, energy can spontaneously appear, sufficient to turn this piece of space into a black hole. And this energy appears not just from nowhere, but as a result of the collision of particles with antiparticles and their mutual annihilation. And then before our eyes there will be a kind of seething cauldron, in which black holes continuously appear and immediately disappear.

So, according to the authors of the study, Right after the Big Bang, our universe was all quantum foam.. And arose in it at every moment of time not only black holes, but also wormholes. And then inflation (that is, expansion) of the Universe should not only inflate it to a huge size, but at the same time sharply increase the holes and make them stable. So much so that it became possible to penetrate even fairly large bodies into them.

True, there is one snag here. The fact is that although large bodies, according to this model, can enter a wormhole, the gravitational influence on them at the entrance should be very small. Otherwise, they will simply be torn apart. But if the curvature of space-time at the entrance is "smooth", then the journey itself through it cannot be instantaneous. It, according to the calculations of the researchers, will take tens or even hundreds of light years, since the exit from the wormhole, accessible to a large body, will be very far from the entrance.

Researchers believe that finding these objects in the universe, although not easy, is still possible. While they may look like black holes, there are still differences. For example, in a black hole, gas that has fallen beyond the event horizon immediately stops emitting X-rays, while gas that has fallen into a wormhole (which does not have an event horizon) continues to do so. By the way, this behavior of the gas was recently recorded by Hubble in the vicinity of the Sagittarius A* object, which is traditionally considered a massive black hole. But judging by the behavior of the gas, it could be a stable wormhole.

According to the concept of the Klayhouse group, there may be other signs that indicate the existence of wormholes. Theoretically, one can assume a situation where astronomers will directly note the inadequacy of the picture behind the wormhole if the telescope is accidentally turned into its sector of the starry sky. In this case, it will show a picture for tens or hundreds of light years, which astronomers can easily distinguish from what really should be in this place. The gravity of the star (if it is on the other side of the wormhole) can also distort the light of distant stars passing near the wormhole.

It should be noted that the work of Greek and German physicists, although purely theoretical, is very important for astronomers. For the first time, she systematizes all the possible signs of wormholes that can be observed. So, guided by it, these tunnels can be detected. That is, now scientists know what exactly they need to look for.

Although, on the other hand, if the model of the Klayhouse group is true, the value of wormholes for humanity is sharply reduced. After all, they do not provide a one-time transition to other worlds. Although, of course, their properties should still be studied - all of a sudden they will come in handy for something else ...

It is curved, and gravity, familiar to all of us, is a manifestation of this property. Matter bends, "bends" the space around itself, and the more, the denser it is. Space, space and time are all very interesting topics. After reading this article, you will surely learn something new about them.

The idea of ​​curvature

Many other theories of gravitation, of which there are hundreds today, differ in details from general relativity. However, all these astronomical hypotheses retain the main thing - the idea of ​​curvature. If space is curved, then we can assume that it could take, for example, the shape of a pipe connecting areas that are separated by many light years. And perhaps even eras far from each other. After all, we are not talking about the space that is familiar to us, but about space-time when we consider the cosmos. A hole in it can appear only under certain conditions. We invite you to take a closer look at such an interesting phenomenon as wormholes.

First ideas about wormholes

Deep space and its mysteries beckon. Thoughts about curvature appeared immediately after GR was published. L. Flamm, an Austrian physicist, already in 1916 said that spatial geometry can exist in the form of a kind of hole that connects two worlds. The mathematician N. Rosen and A. Einstein in 1935 noticed that the simplest solutions of equations in the framework of general relativity, describing isolated electrically charged or neutral sources that create, have a spatial structure of a "bridge". That is, they connect two universes, two almost flat and identical space-times.

Later, these spatial structures became known as "wormholes", which is a rather loose translation of the English word wormhole. A closer translation of it is "wormhole" (in space). Rosen and Einstein did not even rule out the possibility of using these "bridges" to describe elementary particles with their help. Indeed, in this case the particle is a purely spatial formation. Therefore, there is no need to specifically model the source of charge or mass. And a remote external observer, if the wormhole has microscopic dimensions, sees only a point source with a charge and mass while in one of these spaces.

Bridges Einstein-Rosen

On the one hand, electrical lines of force enter the hole, and on the other they exit, without ending or starting anywhere. J. Wheeler, an American physicist, said on this occasion that "charge without charge" and "mass without mass" are obtained. It is not at all necessary in this case to consider that the bridge serves to connect two different universes. No less appropriate would be the assumption that both "mouths" of a wormhole go out into the same universe, but at different times and at different points in it. It turns out something resembling a hollow "handle", if it is sewn to an almost flat familiar world. The lines of force enter the mouth, which can be understood as a negative charge (let's say an electron). The mouth from which they exit has a positive charge (positron). As for the masses, they will be the same on both sides.

Conditions for the formation of "bridges" Einstein-Rosen

This picture, for all its attractiveness, did not become widespread in elementary particle physics, for which there were many reasons. It is not easy to attribute quantum properties to the Einstein-Rosen "bridges", which are indispensable in the microworld. Such a "bridge" is not formed at all for known values ​​of the charges and masses of particles (protons or electrons). The "electrical" solution instead predicts a "bare" singularity, that is, a point where the electric field and the curvature of space become infinite. At such points, the concept of space-time, even in the case of curvature, loses its meaning, since it is impossible to solve equations that have an infinite number of terms.

When does OTO not work?

By itself, GR definitely states exactly when it stops working. On the neck, in the narrowest place of the "bridge", there is a violation of the smoothness of the connection. And it must be said that it is rather nontrivial. From the position of a distant observer, time stops at this neck. What Rosen and Einstein thought was the throat is now defined as the event horizon of a black hole (whether charged or neutral). Rays or particles from different sides of the "bridge" fall on different "sections" of the horizon. And between its left and right parts, relatively speaking, there is a non-static area. In order to pass the area, it is impossible not to overcome it.

Inability to pass through a black hole

A spacecraft approaching the horizon of a relatively large black hole seems to freeze forever. Less and less often, signals from it reach ... On the contrary, the horizon according to the ship's clock is reached in a finite time. When a ship (a beam of light or a particle) passes it, it will soon run into a singularity. This is where the curvature becomes infinite. In the singularity (still on the way to it), the extended body will inevitably be torn and crushed. This is the reality of the black hole.

Further research

In 1916-17. Reisner-Nordström and Schwarzschild solutions were obtained. They describe symmetrical electrically charged and neutral black holes spherically. However, physicists were able to fully understand the complex geometry of these spaces only at the turn of the 1950s and 60s. It was then that D. A. Wheeler, known for his work in the theory of gravity and nuclear physics, proposed the terms "wormhole" and "black hole". It turned out that in the spaces of Reisner-Nordström and Schwarzschild there really are wormholes in space. They are completely invisible to a distant observer, like black holes. And, like them, wormholes in space are eternal. But if the traveler penetrates beyond the horizon, they collapse so quickly that neither a ray of light nor a massive particle, let alone a ship, can fly through them. To fly to another mouth, bypassing the singularity, you need to move faster than light. At present, physicists believe that supernova velocities of energy and matter are fundamentally impossible.

Schwarzschild and Reisner-Nordstrom

The Schwarzschild black hole can be considered an impenetrable wormhole. As for the Reisner-Nordström black hole, it is somewhat more complicated, but also impassable. Still, it's not that hard to come up with and describe four-dimensional wormholes in space that could be traversed. You just need to choose the type of metric you need. The metric tensor, or metric, is a set of values ​​that can be used to calculate the four-dimensional intervals that exist between event points. This set of quantities fully characterizes both the gravitational field and the space-time geometry. Geometrically traversable wormholes in space are even simpler than black holes. They do not have horizons that lead to cataclysms with the passage of time. At different points, time can go at a different pace, but it should not stop or speed up indefinitely.

Two directions of wormhole research

Nature has put a barrier in the way of the appearance of wormholes. However, a person is arranged in such a way that if there is an obstacle, there will always be those who want to overcome it. And scientists are no exception. The works of theorists who are engaged in the study of wormholes can be conditionally divided into two areas that complement each other. The first deals with the consideration of their consequences, assuming in advance that wormholes do exist. Representatives of the second direction are trying to understand from what and how they can appear, what conditions are necessary for their occurrence. There are more works in this direction than in the first one and, perhaps, they are more interesting. This area includes the search for models of wormholes, as well as the study of their properties.

Achievements of Russian physicists

As it turned out, the properties of matter, which is the material for the construction of wormholes, can be realized due to the polarization of the vacuum of quantum fields. Russian physicists Sergei Sushkov and Arkady Popov, together with the Spanish researcher David Hochberg, and Sergei Krasnikov recently came to this conclusion. The vacuum in this case is not a void. This is a quantum state characterized by the lowest energy, that is, a field in which there are no real particles. In this field, pairs of “virtual” particles constantly appear, disappearing before they are detected by devices, but leaving their mark in the form of an energy tensor, that is, an impulse characterized by unusual properties. Despite the fact that the quantum properties of matter are mainly manifested in the microcosm, the wormholes generated by them, under certain conditions, can reach significant sizes. One of Krasnikov's articles, by the way, is called "The Threat of Wormholes."

A question of philosophy

If wormholes are ever built or discovered, the field of philosophy concerned with the interpretation of science will face new challenges, and, it must be said, very difficult ones. For all the seemingly absurdity of time loops and the hard problems of causality, this area of ​​science will probably figure it out someday. Just as the problems of quantum mechanics and the created Cosmos, space and time were dealt with in their time - all these questions have interested people in all ages and, apparently, will always interest us. It is almost impossible to know them completely. Space exploration is unlikely to ever be completed.

In science fiction wormholes, or wormholes, is a method often used to travel very long distances in space. Can these magical bridges really exist?

For all my enthusiasm for the future of humanity in space, there is one obvious problem. We are soft meat sacks made up mostly of water, and those others are so far away from us. Even with the most optimistic spaceflight technologies, we can imagine that we will never reach another star in a time equal to the duration of a human life.

Reality tells us that even the closest stars to us are incomprehensibly far away, and it will take a huge amount of energy or time to make this journey. Reality tells us that we need a spacecraft that can somehow fly for hundreds or thousands of years while astronauts are born on it, generation after generation, live their lives and die while flying to another star.

Science fiction, on the other hand, leads us to methods for building advanced engines. Engage the warp drive and watch the stars rush past, making the journey to Alpha Centauri as fast and enjoyable as cruising on a ship somewhere out at sea.

Frame from the movie "Interstellar".

And you know what's even easier? Worm-hole; a magical tunnel that connects two points of space and time with each other. Just set a destination, wait for the stargate to stabilize, and just fly... fly half the galaxy to your destination.

Yes, it's really cool! Someone should have invented these wormholes, ushering in a bold new future of intergalactic travel. What are wormholes, and how soon can I use them? You ask...

A wormhole, also known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge, is a theoretical method for folding space and time so that you can connect two points in space together. Then you could instantly move from one place to another.

We'll use the classic demo from , where you draw a line between two points on a piece of paper, and then fold the paper and insert a pencil at those two points to cut the path. This works great on paper, but is it real physics?

Albert Einstein photographed in 1953. Photographer: Ruth Orkin.

As Einstein taught us, gravity is not a force that attracts matter like magnetism, it is actually a curvature of space-time. The moon thinks it's just following a straight line through space, but it's actually following a curved path created by Earth's gravity.

And so, according to physicists Einstein and Nathan Rosen, you could twist a ball of space-time so tight that two points would be in the same physical location. If you could keep the wormhole stable, you could safely separate these two regions of spacetime so that they are still in the same location, but separated by the distance you like.

We go down the gravity well on one side of the wormhole, and then appear at lightning speed in another place at a distance of millions and billions of light years. While the creation of wormholes is theoretically possible, they are practically impossible from what we currently understand.

The first big problem is that wormholes are impassable, according to the General Theory of Relativity. So keep that in mind, the physics that predicts these things forbids their use as a method of transportation. Which is a pretty serious blow to them.

Artistic illustration of a spaceship moving through a wormhole into a distant galaxy. Credit: NASA.

Second, even if a wormhole could be created, it would most likely be unstable, shutting down instantly upon creation. If you tried to go to one end of it, you might just fall through the .

Thirdly, if they are traversable and can be kept stable, as soon as any matter tries to pass through them - even photons of light - it would destroy the wormhole.

There is a glimmer of hope, as physicists still haven't figured out how to combine the theories of gravity and quantum mechanics. This means that the universe itself may know something about wormholes that we do not yet understand. It is possible that they were created naturally as part of when the space-time of the entire universe was pulled into a singularity.

Astronomers have proposed looking for wormholes in space by watching how their gravity distorts the light of stars behind them. None have shown up yet. One possibility is that wormholes look natural, like the virtual particles we know exist. Only they would be incomprehensibly small, of the Planck scale. You will need a smaller spaceship.

One of the most interesting implications of wormholes is that they could also allow you to travel through time. Here's how it works. First, create a wormhole in the lab. Then take one end of it, put a spaceship in it, and fly at a significant fraction of the speed of light, so that the time dilation effect takes effect.

For people on a spaceship, it will only take a few years, while hundreds or even thousands of generations of people will change on Earth. Assuming you could keep the wormhole stable, open, and traversable, then traveling through it would be very interesting.

If you went in one direction, you would not only travel the distance between the wormholes, but you would also move forward in time, and on the way back: back in time.

Some physicists, such as Leonard Susskind, believe this won't work because it would violate two fundamental principles of physics: the law of conservation of energy and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle of energy-time.

Unfortunately, it seems that wormholes will have to remain in the realm of science fiction for the foreseeable future, maybe forever. Even if it were possible to create a wormhole, you would need to keep it stable, open, and then figure out how to allow matter to pass through without collapsing. Still, if you could figure it out, you would make space travel very convenient.

The title of the article you read "What are wormholes, or wormholes?".

According to scientists, space is a kind of focus of all kinds of tunnels leading to other worlds or even to another space. And, most likely, they appeared along with the birth of our Universe.

These tunnels are called wormholes. But their nature, of course, is different from that observed in black holes. There is no return from heavenly holes. It is believed that once you fall into a black hole, you will disappear forever. But once in the "wormhole" you can not only return safely, but even get into the past or the future.

One of its main tasks - the study of wormholes - is considered by the modern science of astronomy. At the very beginning of the study, they were considered something unreal, fantastic, but it turned out that they actually exist. By their nature, they consist of the very "dark energy" that fills 2/3 of all existing Universes. It is a vacuum with negative pressure. Most of these places are located closer to the central part of galaxies.

And what will happen if you create a powerful telescope and look directly into the wormhole? Perhaps we can see glimpses of the future or the past?

It is interesting that gravity is incredibly pronounced near black holes, even a light beam is bent in its field. At the very beginning of the last century, an Austrian physicist named Flamm hypothesized that spatial geometry exists and it is like a hole that connects worlds! And then other scientists found out that as a result, a spatial structure similar to a bridge is created, which is able to connect two different universes. So they began to call them wormholes.

Power electric lines enter this hole from one side, and exit from the other, i.e. in fact, it never ends or starts anywhere. Today, scientists are working to, so to speak, identify the entrances to wormholes. In order to consider all these "objects" from a close, you need to build super-powerful telescopic systems. In the coming years, such systems will be launched and then researchers will be able to consider objects that were previously inaccessible.

It is worth noting that all these programs are designed not only for the study of wormholes or black holes, but also for other useful missions. The latest discoveries of quantum gravity prove that it is through these "spatial" holes that it is hypothetically possible to move not only in space, but also in time.

There is an exotic object "intra-world wormhole" in Earth orbit. One of the mouths of a wormhole is near the Earth. The mouth or goiter of a wormhole is fixed in the topography of the gravitational field - it does not approach our planet and does not move away from it, and in addition, it rotates with the Earth. The neck looks like tied world lines, like "the end of a sausage tied with a tourniquet." Luminesces. Being a few tens of meters and further, the neck has a radial size of about ten meters. But with each approach to the entrance to the mouth of the wormhole, the size of the neck increases non-linearly. Finally, right next to the mouth door, turning back, you will not see any stars, or a bright sun, or the blue planet Earth. One darkness. This indicates a violation of the linearity of space and time before entering the wormhole.

It is interesting to note that as early as 1898, Dr. Georg Waltemas from Hamburg announced the discovery of several additional satellites of the Earth, Lilith or Black Moons. The satellite could not be found, but on the instructions of Waltemas, the astrologer Sepharial calculated the "ephemeris" of this object. He argued that the object is so black that it cannot be seen, except at the time of opposition or when the object crosses the solar disk. Sepharial also claimed that the Black Moon had the same mass as a regular one (which is impossible, since perturbations in the Earth's motion would be easy to detect). In other words, the method of detecting a wormhole near the Earth, using modern astronomical tools, is acceptable.

In the luminescence of the mouth of the wormhole, the glow from the side of four small objects resembling short hairs and included in the topography of gravity, which, according to their purpose, can be called the control levers of the wormhole, is especially prominent. An attempt to physically influence the hairs, such as, for example, to move the clutch lever of a car by hand, has no result in the studies. To open a wormhole, the psychokinetic abilities of the human body are used, which, unlike the physical action of the hand, allow influencing the objects of the space-time topography. Each hair is connected to a string that runs inside the wormhole to the other end of the throat. Acting on a hair, the strings give rise to an ethereal vibration inside the wormhole, and with the sound combination "Aaumm", "Aaum", "Aaum" and "Allaa", the neck opens.

This is the resonant frequency corresponding to the sound code of the Metagalaxy. Going inside the wormhole, one can see that four strings are fixed on the wall of the tunnel; the diameter has a size of about 20 meters (most likely in the wormhole tunnel the space-time dimensions are non-linear and non-uniform; therefore, a certain length has no basis); the matter of the tunnel walls resembles red-hot magma, its substance has fantastic properties. There are several ways to open the mouth of a wormhole and enter the universe from the other end. Chief among them is natural and bound with the structure of the entry of strings into the bundle of the topography of the spatio-temporal lines of the neck of the wormhole. These are short levers, when tuned to the sound tone "zhzhaumm", a wormhole opens.

The universe of Zhjaum is the world of titans. The intelligent creatures of this existence are billions of times larger and extend over a distance in the order of magnitude, as from the Sun to the Earth. Observing the surrounding phenomena, a person discovers that he is comparable in size to the nano-objects of this world, such as atoms, molecules, viruses. Only you differ from them in a highly intelligent form of existence. However, the observations will be short-lived. An intelligent creature of this world (that titan) will find you and, under the threat of your destruction, will demand an explanation of your actions. The problem lies in the unauthorized penetration of one form of ethereal vibration into another, in this case, vibrations "aaumm" into "zhjaumm". The fact is that ethereal vibrations determine world constants. Any change in the ethereal fluctuation of the universe leads to its physical destabilization. At the same time, the psychocosmos also changes, and this factor has more serious consequences than the physical one.

Our Universe. In one of the tentacles is our Galaxy, which includes 100 billion stars and our planet Earth. Each tentacle of the universe has its own set of world constants. Thin threads represent wormholes.

The use of natural wormholes for space exploration is very tempting. This is not only an opportunity to visit the nearest universe and obtain amazing knowledge, as well as wealth for the life of civilization. It's also the next opportunity. Being in the channel of the wormhole, inside the tunnel that connects two universes, there is a real possibility of a radial exit from the tunnel, while you can find yourself in the external environment outside the Universe or the mother matter of the Forerunner. Here are other laws of the forms of existence and motion of matter. One of them is the instantaneous speeds of movement in comparison with light. This is similar to how oxygen, an oxidizing agent, is transferred in an animal body at a certain constant speed, the value of which is not more than a centimeter per second. And in the external environment, the oxygen molecule is free and has speeds of hundreds and thousands of meters per second (4-5 orders of magnitude higher). Researchers can incredibly quickly be at any point on the surface of the space-time of the universe. Then go through the "skin" of the Universe and find yourself in one of its universes. Moreover, using the same wormholes, one can deeply penetrate into the universe of the Universe, bypassing its border. In other words, wormholes are space-time tunnels, the knowledge of which can significantly reduce the flight time to any point in the Universe. At the same time, leaving the body of the Universe, they use the above-light speeds of the mother form of matter, and then again enter the body of the Universe.

In any case, the existence of wormholes suggests their extremely active use by space civilizations. The use can be inept, and lead to local disruption of the world background of the ether. Or it can be consciously aimed at changing the set of world constants. The fact is that one of the properties of wormholes is a resonant response not only to the etheric code of the real world vibration, but also to the set of codes corresponding to the past eras. (The universes during the existence of the Universe ran through a certain set of epochs, which strictly corresponded to a certain set of world constants and, accordingly, a certain ethereal code). With such access, a different ethereal vibration spreads from the wormhole tunnel, first it spreads to the local planetary system, then to the stellar, then to the galactic environment, changing the very essence of the universe: breaking the real forms of interaction of matter and replacing them with others. The whole being of the present epoch, like knitted fabric, is torn in ethereal catatonia.

Black Moon - in astrology, an abstract geometric point of the lunar orbit (its apogee), it is also called Lilith after the mythical first wife of Adam; in the most ancient culture, Sumerian, Lilith's tears give life, but her kisses bring death... In modern culture, the influence of the Black Moon denotes manifestations of evil, affects the subconscious of a person, strengthening the most unpleasant and hidden desires.

Why do some representatives of the higher mind perform such a type of activity associated with the destruction of the foundations of one being and replacing it with another? The answer to this question is related to another research topic: the existence of not only universal forms of consciousness, but also those that were generated outside the Universe. The latter (the Universe) is like a small living organism located in the waters of the boundless ocean, whose name is Forerunners.

Until now, the functions of protecting the wormhole near the Earth were performed by the nearest civilizations surrounding earthlings. However, humanity grew up in psychophysical conditions with significant fluctuations in the values ​​of world constants. It has acquired internal spiritual, physical and mental immunity to changes in the fluctuations of the world ethereal field. For this reason, in the field of functioning of the terrestrial space-time tunnel, the terrestrial universe is highly adapted to unexpected situations - from random, unauthorized, emergency, associated with the penetration of alien life forms and changes in the global ethereal field. That is why the future world order is connected with the fact that the earthly civilization will play the role of an atlas of the sky, it will give sanctions or reject requests for the use of a wormhole near the planet Earth by space civilizations. Terrestrial civilization is like a phagocyte cell in the body of the Universe, allowing the cells of its own organism to pass through and destroying alien ones. Undoubtedly, an incredibly high diversity of representatives of universal civilizations will flow through the earthly civilization. Each of them will have certain goals and objectives. And humanity will have to deeply understand the requirements of non-earths. An important step for earthlings will be the entry into the union of space civilizations, contacts with alien intelligence and the adoption of a code of conduct for space civilization.

Modern science of wormholes.
A wormhole, also a “wormhole” or “wormhole” (the latter is a literal translation of the English wormhole) is a hypothetical topological feature of space-time, which is a “tunnel” in space at every moment of time. The area near the narrowest section of the molehill is called the "throat".

Wormholes are divided into “intra-universe” and “inter-universe”, depending on whether it is possible to connect its inputs with a curve that does not intersect the neck (the figure shows an intra-world wormhole).

There are also passable (English traversable) and impassable molehills. The latter include those tunnels that collapse too quickly for an observer or signal (having a speed of no faster than light) to get from one entrance to another. A classic example of an impassable wormhole is the Schwarzschild space, and a traversable wormhole is the Morris-Thorn wormhole.

Schematic representation of the "intraworld" wormhole for two-dimensional space

The general theory of relativity (GR) does not refute the existence of such tunnels (although it does not confirm). For a traversable wormhole to exist, it must be filled with exotic matter that creates a strong gravitational repulsion and prevents the hole from collapsing. Solutions like wormholes arise in various versions of quantum gravity, although the question is still very far from being fully investigated.
A traversable intraworld wormhole gives the hypothetical possibility of time travel if, for example, one of its entrances is moving relative to the other, or if it is in a strong gravitational field where the passage of time slows down.

Additional material on hypothetical objects and astronomical research near the Earth's orbit:

In 1846, Frederic Petit, director of Toulouse, announced that a second satellite had been discovered. He was spotted by two observers at Toulouse [Lebon and Dassier] and a third by Lariviere at Artenac in the early evening of March 21, 1846. According to Petya's calculations, his orbit was elliptical with a period of 2 hours 44 minutes 59 seconds, with an apogee at a distance of 3570 km above the Earth's surface, and a perigee only 11.4 km! Le Verrier, who was also present at the talk, objected that air resistance had to be taken into account, which no one else had done in those days. Petit was constantly haunted by the idea of ​​a second satellite of the Earth, and 15 years later he announced that he had made calculations of the motion of a small satellite of the Earth, which is the cause of some (then unexplained) features in the motion of our main moon. Astronomers usually ignore such claims and the idea would have been forgotten if the young French writer, Jules Verne, had not read the summary. In J. Verne's novel "From a Cannon to the Moon", it appears to use a small object approaching close to the capsule to travel through outer space, due to which it circled around the Moon, and did not crash into it: "This", said Barbicane, "is a simple , but a huge meteorite held as a satellite by the Earth's gravity."

"Is that possible?" Michel Ardan exclaimed, "Earth has two satellites?"

“Yes, my friend, it has two satellites, although it is generally believed that it has only one. But this second satellite is so small and its speed is so great that the inhabitants of the Earth cannot see it. Everyone was shocked when the French astronomer, Monsieur Petit, was able to detect the existence of a second satellite and calculate its orbit.According to him, a complete revolution around the Earth takes three hours and twenty minutes. . . . "

"Do all astronomers admit the existence of this satellite?" asked Nicole

"No," answered Barbicane, "but if they met him, as we did, they would no longer doubt ... But this gives us the opportunity to determine our position in space ... the distance to him is known and we were, therefore, at a distance of 7480 km above the surface of the globe when they met the satellite. Jules Verne was read by millions of people, but until 1942 no one noticed the contradictions in this text:

1. A satellite at an altitude of 7480 km above the Earth's surface should have an orbital period of 4 hours 48 minutes, not 3 hours 20 minutes

2. Since it was visible through a window through which the Moon was also visible, and since both of them were approaching, it would have to have a retrograde motion. This is an important point that Jules Verne does not mention.

3. In any case, the satellite must be in eclipse (by the Earth) and therefore not visible. The metal projectile was supposed to be in the shadow of the Earth for some more time.

Dr. R.S. Richardson of the Mount Wilson Observatory attempted in 1952 to numerically estimate the eccentricity of the satellite's orbit: the perigee height was 5010 km, and the apogee was 7480 km above the Earth's surface, the eccentricity was 0.1784.

Nevertheless, Jules Vernovsky Petit's second companion (in French Petit - small) is known all over the world. Amateur astronomers concluded that this was a good opportunity to achieve fame - someone who discovered this second moon could write his name in the scientific chronicles.

None of the big observatories ever dealt with the problem of the second satellite of the Earth, or if they did, they kept it a secret. German amateur astronomers were persecuted for what they called Kleinchen ("little bit") - of course they never found Kleinchen.

V.H. Pickering (WH Pickering) turned his attention to the theory of the object: if the satellite rotated at an altitude of 320 km above the surface and if its diameter was 0.3 meters, then with the same reflectivity as that of the Moon, it should have been visible at 3 inch telescope. A three-meter satellite should be visible to the naked eye as an object of the 5th magnitude. Although Pickering did not look for Petit's object, he continued research related to the second satellite - the satellite of our Moon (His work in Popular Astronomy magazine for 1903 was called "On the photographic search for the Moon's satellite"). The results were negative and Pickering concluded that any satellite of our Moon must be smaller than 3 meters.

Pickering's paper on the possibility of the existence of a tiny second satellite of the Earth, "Meteoritic Satellite", presented in Popular Astronomy in 1922, caused another short burst of activity among amateur astronomers. There was a virtual appeal: "A 3-5" telescope with a weak eyepiece would be a great way to find a satellite. This is a chance for an amateur astronomer to become famous." But again, all searches were fruitless.

The original idea was that the gravitational field of the second satellite should explain the incomprehensible slight deviation from the movement of our large moon. This meant that the object must have been at least several miles in size - but if such a large second satellite really existed, it must have been visible to the Babylonians. Even if it was too small to be visible as a disk, its relative proximity to the Earth should have made the satellite's movement faster and therefore more visible (as artificial satellites or aircraft are visible in our time). On the other hand, no one was particularly interested in the "companions", which are too small to be visible.

There was another suggestion of an additional natural satellite of the Earth. In 1898, Dr. Georg Waltemath from Hamburg claimed to have discovered not just a second moon, but a whole system of tiny satellites. Waltemas presented orbital elements for one of these satellites: distance from Earth 1.03 million km, diameter 700 km, orbital period 119 days, synodic period 177 days. "Sometimes," says Waltemas, "it shines at night like the sun." He believed that it was this satellite that L. Greely saw in Greenland on October 24, 1881, ten days after the Sun had set and the polar night had come. Of particular interest to the public was the prediction that this satellite would pass across the disk of the Sun on February 2, 3, or 4, 1898. On February 4th, 12 people from the Greifswald post office (postmaster Mr. Ziegel, members of his family and postal employees) observed the Sun with the naked eye, without any protection from the dazzling brilliance. It is easy to imagine the absurdity of such a situation: an important-looking Prussian civil servant, pointing to the sky through the window of his office, read Waltemas' predictions aloud to his subordinates. When these witnesses were interviewed, they said that a dark object one-fifth the diameter of the Sun crossed its disc from 1:10 to 2:10 Berlin time. This observation was soon proven wrong, as during that hour the Sun was carefully examined by two experienced astronomers, W. Winkler of Jena and Baron Ivo von Benko of Paul, Austria. They both reported that there were only ordinary sunspots on the solar disk. But the failure of these and subsequent predictions did not discourage Waltemas, and he continued to make predictions and demand their verification. The astronomers of those years were very annoyed when they were asked again and again the favorite question of the inquisitive public: "By the way, what about the new moon?" But astrologers seized on this idea - in 1918, the astrologer Sepharial named this moon Lilith. He said that it was black enough to remain invisible at all times and could only be detected at opposition or when it crossed the sun's disk. Sepharial calculated Lilith's ephemeris based on the observations announced by Waltemas. He also claimed that Lilith has approximately the same mass as the Moon, apparently happily unaware that even an invisible satellite of such mass should cause perturbations in the movement of the Earth. And even today, the "dark moon" Lilith is used by some astrologers in their horoscopes.

From time to time there are reports from observers of other "additional moons". So the German astronomical magazine "Die Sterne" ("The Star") reported on the observation by the German amateur astronomer W. Spill of the second satellite crossing the disk of the Moon on May 24, 1926.

Around 1950, when the launch of artificial satellites began to be seriously discussed, they were presented as the upper part of a multi-stage rocket, which would not even have a radio transmitter and which would be monitored using radar from the Earth. In such a case, a group of small close natural satellites of the Earth would have to become a hindrance reflecting the radar beams when tracking artificial satellites. A method for searching for such natural satellites was developed by Clyde Tombaugh. First, the motion of the satellite at an altitude of about 5000 km is calculated. The camera platform is then adjusted to scan the sky exactly at that speed. Stars, planets and other objects in photographs taken with this camera will draw lines, and only satellites flying at the correct height will appear as dots. If the satellite is moving at a slightly different height, it will be shown as a short line.

Observations began in 1953 at the Observatory. Lovell and actually "penetrated" into unexplored scientific territory: with the exception of the Germans who were looking for "Kleinchen" (Kleinchen), no one had paid so much attention to the outer space between the Earth and the Moon! Until 1954, reputable weekly magazines and daily newspapers claimed that the search was beginning to show its first results: one small natural satellite was found at an altitude of 700 km, another at an altitude of 1000 km. Even the answer of one of the main developers of this program to the question: "Is he sure that they are natural?" No one knows exactly where these messages came from - after all, the searches were completely negative. When the first artificial satellites were launched in 1957 and 1958, these cameras quickly detected them (instead of natural ones).

Although it sounds strange enough, the negative result of this search does not mean that the Earth has only one natural satellite. She may have a very close companion for a short time. Meteoroids passing near the Earth and asteroids passing through the upper atmosphere can reduce their speed so much that they turn into a satellite orbiting the Earth. But since it will cross the upper atmosphere with each passage of perigee, it will not be able to last long (maybe only one or two revolutions, in the most successful case - a hundred [that's about 150 hours]). There are some suggestions that such "ephemeral satellites" were just seen. It is very possible that Petit's observers saw them. (also see)

In addition to ephemeral satellites, there are two other interesting possibilities. One of them is that the Moon has its own satellite. But, despite intensive searches, nothing was found. time, in a few years or decades). Another suggestion is that there may be Trojan satellites, i.e. additional satellites in the same orbit as the Moon, rotating 60 degrees ahead and/or behind it.

The existence of such "Trojan satellites" was first reported by the Polish astronomer Kordylewski from the Krakow Observatory. He began his search in 1951 visually with a good telescope. He expected to find a sufficiently large body in lunar orbit at a distance of 60 degrees from the moon. The results of the search were negative, but in 1956 his compatriot and colleague Wilkowski suggested that there might be many tiny bodies too small to be seen in isolation, but large enough to look like a cloud of dust. In this case, it would be better to observe them without a telescope, i.e. to the naked eye! The use of a telescope will "enlarge them to a state of non-existence". Dr. Kordilevsky agreed to try. It required a dark night with clear skies and a moon below the horizon.

In October 1956, Kordilevsky saw for the first time a distinctly luminous object in one of the two expected positions. It was not small, extending about 2 degrees (i.e., almost 4 times more than the Moon itself), and was very dim, at half the brightness of the notoriously difficult to observe counterradiance (Gegenschein; counterradiance is a bright point in the zodiacal light in direction opposite to the sun). In March and April 1961, Kordilevsky succeeded in photographing two clouds near expected positions. They seemed to change in size, but it could also be changed in lighting. J. Roach discovered these satellite clouds in 1975 with the help of OSO (Orbiting Solar Observatory - Orbiting Solar Observatory). In 1990 they were photographed again, this time by the Polish astronomer Winiarski, who found that they were an object a few degrees in diameter, "deviated" by 10 degrees from the "Trojan" point, and that they were redder than the zodiacal light.

So the search for a second satellite of the Earth, a century long, apparently came to success, after all efforts. Even though this "second satellite" turned out to be completely different from what anyone had ever imagined. They are very difficult to detect and differ from the zodiacal light, in particular from the counter-radiance.

But people still assume the existence of an additional natural satellite of the Earth. Between 1966 and 1969, John Bargby, an American scientist, claimed to have observed at least 10 small natural satellites of the Earth, visible only through a telescope. Bargby found elliptical orbits for all these objects: eccentricity 0.498, semi-major axis 14065 km, with perigee and apogee at altitudes of 680 and 14700 km, respectively. Bargby believed they were parts of a large body that collapsed in December 1955. He justified the existence of most of his supposed satellites by the perturbations they cause in the movements of artificial satellites. Bargby used data on artificial satellites from the Goddard Satellite Situation Report, unaware that the values ​​in these publications are approximate, and sometimes may contain large errors and therefore cannot be used for accurate scientific calculations and analysis. In addition, it can be deduced from Bargby's own observations that although at perigee these satellites should be first magnitude objects and should be clearly visible to the naked eye, no one has ever seen them that way.

In 1997, Paul Wiegert et al. discovered that asteroid 3753 has a very strange orbit and can be regarded as a satellite of the Earth, although, of course, it does not directly orbit the Earth.

An excerpt from the book of the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov "Inhomogeneous Universe".

2.3. System of matrix spaces

The evolution of this process leads to the sequential formation along the common axis of systems of metauniverses. The number of matters that form them, in this case, gradually degenerates to two. At the ends of this “beam”, zones are formed where no matter of a given type can merge with another or others, form metauniverses. In these zones, there is a "punching" of our matrix space and there are zones of closure with another matrix space. In this case, there are again two options for closing matrix spaces. In the first case, closure occurs with a matrix space with a large coefficient of quantization of the space dimension and, through this closure zone, the matter of another matrix space can flow and split, and a synthesis of matters of our type will arise. In the second case, closure occurs with a matrix space with a lower quantization coefficient of the space dimension - through this closure zone, the matter of our matrix space will begin to flow and split in another matrix space. In one case, an analogue of a superscale star appears, in the other, an analogue of a "black hole" of similar dimensions.

This difference between the variants of closure of matrix spaces is very important for understanding the emergence of two types of sixth-order superspaces - six-ray and anti-six-ray. The fundamental difference of which lies only in the direction of the flow of matter. In one case, matter from another matrix space flows through the central zone of closure of matrix spaces and flows out of our matrix space through zones at the ends of the "rays". In an antisix-beam, matter flows in the opposite direction. Matter from our matrix space flows out through the central zone, and matter from another matrix space flows in through the "radial" zones of closure. As for the six-beam, it is formed by the closure of six similar "beams" in one central zone. At the same time, zones of curvature of the dimension of the matrix space arise around the center, in which metauniverses are formed from fourteen forms of matter, which, in turn, merge and form a closed system of metauniverses, which combines six rays into one common system - a six-beam (Fig. 2.3.11 ) .

Moreover, the number of “rays” is determined by the fact that in our matrix space fourteen forms of matter of a given type can merge, during the formation, as a maximum. At the same time, the dimension of the resulting association of metauniverses is equal to π (π = 3.14...). This total dimension is close to three. That is why six “rays” appear, that is why they talk about three dimensions, etc... Thus, as a result of the consistent formation of spatial structures, a balanced system of matter distribution between our matrix space and others is formed. After the completion of the formation of the Six-beam, the stable state of which is possible only if the mass of incoming and outgoing matter is identical.

2.4. The nature of stars and "black holes"

At the same time, zones of inhomogeneities can be both with ΔL > 0 and ΔL< 0, относительно нашей Вселенной. В случае, когда неоднородности мерности пространства меньше нуля ΔL < 0, происходит смыкание пространств-вселенных с мерностями L 7 и L 6 . При этом, вновь возникают условия для перетекания материй, только, на этот раз, вещество с мерностью L 7 перетекает в пространство с мерностью L 6 . Таким образом, пространство-вселенная с мерностью L 7 (наша Вселенная) теряет своё вещество. И именно так возникают загадочные «чёрные дыры»(Рис. 2.4.2) .

This is how, in the zones of inhomogeneities in the dimensionality of space-universes, stars and “black holes” are formed. At the same time, there is an overflow of matter, matter between different space-universes.

There are also space-universes that have dimension L 7 but have a different composition of matter. When joining, in the zones of inhomogeneities of space-universes with the same dimension, but different qualitative composition of the substance forming them, a channel appears between these spaces. At the same time, there is a flow of substances, both into one and into another space-universe. This is not a star and not a “black hole”, but a zone of transition from one space to another. Zones of inhomogeneity of space dimensionality, in which the processes described above occur, will be denoted as zero-transitions. Moreover, depending on the sign of ΔL, we can talk about the following types of these transitions:

1) Positive zero-transitions (stars), through which matter flows into a given space-universe from another, with a higher dimension (ΔL > 0) n + .

2) Negative zero-transitions, through which matter from a given space-universe flows into another, with a lower dimension (ΔL< 0) n - .

3) Neutral zero-transitions, when the flows of matter move in both directions and are identical to each other, and the dimensions of the spaces-universes in the zone of closure practically do not differ: n 0 .

If we continue further analysis of what is happening, we will see that each space-universe receives matter through the stars, and loses it through “black holes”. For the possibility of a stable existence of this space, a balance is needed between the incoming and outgoing matter in this space-universe. The law of conservation of matter must be fulfilled, provided that the space is stable. This can be displayed as a formula:

m (ij)k- the total mass of forms of matter flowing through the neutral zero-transition.

Thus, between the spaces-universes with different dimensions, through the zones of heterogeneity, there is a circulation of matter between the spaces that form this system (Fig. 2.4.3).

Through zones of heterogeneity of dimension (zero-transitions) it is possible to pass from one space-universe to another. At the same time, the substance of our space-universe is transformed into the substance of that space-universe where matter is transferred. So, unaltered "our" matter cannot get into other space-universes. The zones through which such a transition is possible are also “black holes”, in which the complete decay of a substance of this type occurs, and neutral zero-transitions, through which a balanced exchange of matter occurs.

Neutral zero-transitions can be stable or temporary, appearing periodically or spontaneously. There are a number of areas on Earth where neutral zero-transitions periodically occur. And if ships, planes, boats, people fall within their limits, then they disappear without a trace. Such zones on Earth are: the Bermuda Triangle, areas in the Himalayas, the Permian zone and others. It is practically impossible, in case of getting into the zone of action of the zero-transition, to predict at what point and in what space the matter will move. Not to mention that the probability of returning to the starting point is almost zero. It follows that neutral zero-transitions cannot be used for purposeful movement in space.