Round crib: types of modern designs and colors (100 photos). Rules for choosing a transformer baby bed, and existing models Dimensions of a transformer baby bed

When a baby appears, happy parents have a question about buying a crib and a roomy chest of drawers for arranging children's things. A changing table is also needed for a comfortable change of clothes for the baby.

Small children's room with a transformer bed

But a stand-alone chest of drawers, a changing table and a baby crib simply may not fit in the apartment, especially if it is of small footage. For these purposes, a transforming bed is suitable, which replaces these necessary pieces of furniture in one form. Plus, the transforming bed "grows" with the child and will serve until they reach 12 years old. When purchasing a crib for a baby, first of all, the comfort of the place to sleep and compactness are taken into account. It is better that the orthopedic bottom of the crib has several levels, there is a changing place and roomy drawers.

Bed with a built-in chest of drawers for an active and inquisitive preschooler

There are transforming beds with a mechanism for rocking a baby, with it a simple bed turns into a cradle, which makes it easier for parents to lull a small child: it takes less time. If desired, the pendulum is fixed in a static position. Mechanisms for side railings, capacious drawers at the bottom of the bed and pads made of soft polymer - “rodents” are standardly attached to such a crib.

Bright children's room with a massive bed transformer

Tip: For a restful sleep of the baby, place a canopy over the crib, so he will be protected.

The stores offer a wide range of items for decorating a baby bed, but a canopy is best. It not only decorates the crib, but also protects the baby's sleep from exposure to sunlight, harmful insects, dust, and so on. The canopy is able to create a comfortable environment for the newborn.

When a baby appears, happy parents have a question about buying a crib and a roomy chest of drawers for arranging children's things.

But the most important issue when choosing a transformer bed for a child is the mandatory safety of the structure, and the eco-friendly material from which the bed is made is also considered an important decisive condition. Consider the possible positive and negative qualities of such a crib.

Pull-out bed transformer with several beds

Let's start with the advantages, and first of all they include the abundance of various kinds of drawers and shelves located in the chest of drawers, and one or more drawers under the bed itself. This advantage lies in the fact that things, toys or other necessary items for the child are laid out nearby for accessibility.

Comfortable and mobile bed transformer for a newborn

The presence of a changing table next to the crib is also a plus, since there is no need to carry the child far to change clothes, which is favorable for the child, especially during the night awakening. The store also sells transforming beds with motion sickness devices. In some models, there is a mechanism for increasing the dimensions of the bed with the growth of the child.

Stylish bedroom interior with a transformer bed

But, like any furniture, a transforming bed also has some drawbacks. The sizes of transforming cribs are larger than the size of a standard crib and will also require certain dimensions of space when placed. In the attached chests of drawers, the drawers are in the standard of a small size, and everything that is needed does not always fit there.

Comfortable bed transformer for a newborn

The downside is that the transforming crib with the growth of the child only increases the length, but the width remains unchanged. Therefore, for a schoolchild or preschooler, it may eventually become narrower. If you buy separately a crib and chest of drawers, you will be able to change the situation. It is difficult to find models of a low price category among transforming cribs, as they are more expensive than a standard separate set.

Let's start with the advantages, and first of all they include the abundance of various kinds of drawers and shelves located in the chest of drawers, and one or more drawers under the bed itself.

In the standard version, the changing table is made folding and attached to the back. On some models, the table is transformed to increase the bed. It is better to check the reliability of fastening before buying. The most rational and comfortable to use changing table is obtained from the upper part (lid) of the chest of drawers with obligatory side restraints, for maximum safety of the child.

Bright bedroom with a transformer bed

Tip: If the design does not include a side rail, be sure to purchase one separately.

  • There are models, the transformation of which results in the second floor of the structure. In the designs of such transformer beds, an aluminum folding base, fabric, and mesh are used as standard.

There are models, during the transformation of which the second floor of the structure is obtained

  • pendulum mechanism. Beds with pendulum mechanism have a design that, when light contact with the crib, swings, which helps to lull the child. If a device for detecting movement or crying of a child is installed on a special crib, then the pendulum mechanism starts automatically. Such cribs are produced without additional devices and will serve the child for a maximum of three years. If you lower the bottom of such a crib model, it will turn into a playpen.

    Original children's bed with hanging canopy and chest of drawers

    When removing the boxes located behind the pendulum mechanism, the level of the bed itself changes. Cribs with retractable drawers are used up to 5 years, and cribs with a removable pendulum mechanism and chest of drawers will last longer, up to twelve years. It is better that the pendulum apparatus be made on silent bearings, wooden planks are also suitable, but they may begin to creak as a result of frequent use. The mechanism itself is equipped with clamps, thanks to which, if necessary, the stability of the crib is adjusted. It is important to note that a crib with the options of a pendulum system is much more stable than with runners.

    Stylish transformable bed for a little girl

    Such models do not harm the floor covering. The pendulum mechanism acts longitudinally or transversely. The longitudinal pendulum creates the effect of rocking the child in mother's arms. So the baby quickly calms down and falls asleep. However, this is a controversial statement, because our grandmothers rocked us small in cradles on the contrary across, like the whole past generation.

    Stylish baby bed with built-in changing table

Tip: When planning the location of a swing bed, you need to take into account the extra space, otherwise the crib will knock against the wall when rocking.

Oversized baby bed with changing table and drawers

  • Children's bed-transformer with a chest of drawers and a changing table. It would seem that what more could you want, but some models will surprise you even more. There are transformers that provide an opportunity in the future, for an adult child, to make a small table that rests on the chest of drawers and a lattice wall. From the unnecessary far wall of the bed, it is easy to make, for example, a board for creativity. Thus, a variation of the model with a chest of drawers and a changing table is expedient and practical in the perspective of a child growing up.

Children's bed-transformer with a chest of drawers and a changing table

Of course, the designs of transforming beds are made in various sizes, depending on the modular assembly. But it is worth adhering to the average indicators necessary for comfortable operation.

Baby bed with changing table in dark shade

For newborns, the crib should be approximately 1.2-1.25 m so that the baby is comfortable. In this case, the width should be at least 0.6-0.65 m.

Children's bed equipped with a drawer

Depending on the composition of the modular type of transformer bed, these parameters may differ, for example, for a bed model combined with a dresser, the length will depend on the size of the dresser itself. In the standard, it is 1.7-1.8 m, which is quite suitable even for a schoolboy. The width remains approximately the same 0.6-0.8 m.

Of course, the designs of transforming beds are made in various sizes, depending on the modular assembly.

Beds with pull-out sides have a width of 0.7 m and a length of 1.4 m. Round or oval bed models have a standard size of 1.3 x 0.75 m in length and width, respectively. But the arenas are made in a single size, namely 1.2 x 0.6 m.

Original baby bed with built-in drawers

When choosing a suitable version of a transformer bed for your beloved baby, consider how it will look in the interior of the children's room, and it is also important to choose the right color scheme for the design, which is focused on boys and girls. For example, themed upholstery patterns will make a fun impression.

Comfortable and comfortable bed transformer for children

Tip: Before buying, it is not superfluous to carefully check the safety of the mechanisms installed in the crib, and the possible guarantee for them.

Good luck with your choice!

Review of the crib-transformer Ulyana 4

Children's bed transformer with chest of drawers and changing table 37 photo ideas:

Expecting a child is an important event in the life of any family, a time of happiness and hesitation. Someone seeks to furnish the children's room in advance and purchase all the necessary things, while others believe that this should be done after the baby is born. Despite the differences in views, expectant mothers and fathers should start exploring different options and select the best of them as early as possible.

The first step is to decide on the cradle. It is very important to choose the right bed for the baby, because he will spend many hours in it. Today, the most popular crib for newborns is round. This is not surprising - it has many advantages.

Advantages of a round cradle

The rounded cradle is the latest development of furniture designers. Today, manufacturers offer convenient transformer models, you can use them until the child reaches 10 years old.

Consider the advantages of such furniture:

  • It provides the baby with a full view (at 360 °) of the space surrounding him.
  • It has no sharp corners.
  • The variety of materials used in its manufacture.
  • Can be turned into a playpen.
  • Thanks to the wheels, it can be easily moved around the room.
  • The dimensions of the crib can be lengthened as the child grows (the rounded shape turns into an oval).
  • She saves space.
  • It has an unusual, interesting appearance.
  • Models equipped with drawers allow you to refuse to purchase a chest of drawers for storing children's clothes.
  • Many types of such furniture are equipped with special devices for swinging, which allows the newborn to fall asleep directly in them.
  • Such products are safer to use.

The only drawback of a round cradle is its price. Modern transformers, combining more than a dozen functions necessary for future parents, are expensive.

Their cost is much higher than that of conventional baby beds. But they eliminate the need to buy a playpen, a chest of drawers, a changing table and other necessary furniture items, the purchase of which will cost more.

Possible modifications of transforming beds

  • Changing table.
  • Playpen.
  • Crib round shape for baby up to 6 months.
  • Sleeping place of oval configuration for a child from 6 months.
  • Miniature sofa.
  • Attached cradle.
  • Small table with a couple of chairs.

Construction and packaging solution

A round crib is a pair of semicircular planks with slats, which can be either metal or wood. The product from which material to choose depends on the preferences of the parents: each option has its own advantages. The tree is environmentally friendly, a feeling of warmth emanates from it.

Metal constructions are easy to assemble, resistant to loosening and keep an impeccable look for a long time. The bottom is usually made from plywood. Models made of metal are equipped with a wide bar with holes located over its entire surface.

The kit additionally includes a pair of rectangular slats with slats and a plate for the bottom. They are used to convert a round cradle into an oval one.

All motion sickness mechanisms are divided into rocking chairs and pendulums. The rocking chair is suitable for children up to 6 months, then there will be a danger that when swinging, the baby may fall out of it. A crib with a pendulum is a safer option. There can be two ways to swing it: “right - left” or “forward - back”. The most preferable and convenient for the baby is the first option.

In addition to the necessary structural details of the cradle, it is necessary to take care of its competent configuration. A set in a round crib must necessarily contain a mattress, a bumper, a blanket.

It is better to choose a mattress for a baby of medium hardness. Coconut fiber is the best filler. A mattress having an asymmetric thickness is allowed. This design ensures that the baby's head will lie on a slight elevation. This will prevent the newborn from choking when spitting up.

There are many different types of round crib bumpers. Some of them consist of a solid linen with filling, on the sides of which there are tapes for attaching to the cradle. Others are separate pads on ribbons. An interesting idea of ​​​​designers are the sides of a variety of soft toys.

The question “does a baby need a pillow” causes a lot of controversy. Many are convinced of its uselessness and harmfulness. And some believe that a thin, wide pillow is necessary so that the baby's head does not roll.

Be sure to purchase a diaper made of waterproof fabric with an elastic band - this is a guarantee that at the right time it will remain in place.

The blanket for the baby must be made of non-allergic materials. Wool or baize is perfect. Due to the fact that the heat exchange processes of the newborn have not yet been established, you should not wrap the baby in blankets made of heavy, dense fabric.


The photo of the round crib shows that it can be:

  • Hanging type.
  • Classical with no zoom function.
  • equipped with a pendulum.
  • Attached type.
  • Transformable (from 3 in 1 to 11 in 1).

Such a variety of species shows that round cradles are quite popular today. For a baby, you can purchase a hanging model in the form of a cradle. It will give the newborn a feeling of weightlessness, lightness, and at the same time it will look quite cute and touching.

But such a cradle will cease to be safe as soon as the baby learns to roll over. This is a good option for a crib in a nursery, albeit for a rather short time.

The classic round bed is usually made from natural wood. The level of the bottom can change as the child grows. The product is not equipped with an additional insert to increase the size, so it will not work for a long time. Usually such a bed is equipped with wheels.

Models with a pendulum are considered more advanced. They make it easy to rock the newborn. The downside is their large size. Still, over time, they can begin to creak.

The attached structure will be appreciated by parents who want their child to be nearby even at night. Such a model will allow them not to jump out of bed in the middle of the night, hearing a baby cry.

All about sizes

The round cradle is distinguished by its non-standard dimensions. Most products have a diameter at the bottom of 0.75 m and a width of 0.85 m. With an average baby height of 46 - 54 cm, a decent margin remains.

In the oval modification, the round crib has a size of 1.25 × 0.75 m. Products with a diameter of 0.8 m can also be found on sale. Older children will feel more comfortable in them.

There is no such bed for a baby that all parents would consider the best option for their crumbs. If the main criterion is the financial component, then you should not buy the classic type of round cradle. Already upon reaching 6 months, the baby will become cramped and uncomfortable in it, which means that you will have to look for another bed again. The ideal solution in a situation with a limited budget would be a round bed - a transformer with 2-3 functions.

If you are guided by the fact that the newborn is most comfortable and cozy, pay attention to the classic or hanging round cradle. According to experienced parents, sleep in such cradles is the sweetest and strongest.

If your budget allows, it is best to purchase a transforming bed. Before buying, you need to carefully consider what modifications you will need - maybe you need a compact sofa, but you can do just fine without a table with chairs. It is irrational to pay for unnecessary functions.

When choosing a crib, do not forget about bedding. Special baby underwear for a round cradle is not sold everywhere. As a result, before purchasing a bed for a newborn, it is necessary to take care of its complete set: order linen via the Internet or directly in the store.

Usually a standard set of linen in a crib consists of a sheet, pillowcase, blanket, duvet cover, a small wide pillow, bumpers and a canopy.

We hope that in this article you have found the answer to the question: “how to choose a crib” and you will not have any difficulties with its purchase. Good luck!

Photo of a round crib

The crib with transformation mode will captivate parents with its stylish design, versatility and practicality. A properly designed cradle will provide a sense of security and comfort while improving the quality of your newborn baby's sleep.

Round bed transformer for newborns - advantages and features

The multi-component round transformer bed will be an excellent addition to the classic and modern interior of the children's room. Babies spend most of their time in the cradle, so the furniture must be spacious and safe for children aged 0 to 3 years.

A crib with a transformation mode is a combination of several items that are actively used when caring for a baby. The design can be transformed into a playpen, a sofa, a changing table and even a full-fledged sleeping place for children aged 3 to 6 years.

Advantages and features of a round crib:

  • Compactness. The design consists of many components that take the place of a conventional cradle. In elite models of furniture, boxes are mounted for storing clothes and toys for a child.
  • Ease of transformation. Parents can independently assemble and transform the cradle into a full-fledged bed, playpen or a comfortable changing table.
  • Excellent review. Parents can watch the child from any corner of the room.
  • Sleek and original design. The bed will perfectly fit into the design of the nursery.
  • Security. Designers of children's furniture try to smooth out sharp corners that can harm a child who starts to crawl or roll over. The framework is made of natural materials, safe for health of the kid.

The service life of a crib is on average 10 years. Worn structural elements can be replaced, thereby updating or modifying furniture. Many models are equipped with canopies, rocking mechanisms and wheels to move the crib.

In the interior, a children's round bed will attract attention, so you should carefully study its equipment. The transformation takes place in minutes. You can adjust the height of the base of the bed, converting the crib into a full-fledged playpen or changing table. Some models expand in diameter and are divided into two chairs.

A transformer is more expensive than a regular bed for a newborn. The price depends on the configuration and the number of functions. If you sum up the cost of buying the structural elements of such furniture separately, purchasing a bed with a transformation mode will be a profitable investment.

Complete set - what elements does a transformer round bed consist of

In order to choose the right bed, along with the design of structural elements, the parameters of materials for manufacturing and decorative components should be taken into account. We must not forget about the preferences of the child, especially if the furniture is designed for long-term operation.

First of all, a crib must be safe, therefore, its package includes structural elements that must meet the individual needs of the child. Be sure to take into account the width between the bars, which should not exceed 6 cm.

Types of bed frame:

  • Solid arcs connected by a single semicircle.
  • Quarters of a circle, fastened together.

The first option is stronger and more reliable. This design is easy to assemble and transform. The frame is strengthened with the help of a connecting strip (tsarga), which is located at the bottom of the semi-cylinders. The child can frolic, move and even jump inside, the frame can easily withstand such loads.

Additional structural elements:

  • Wheels with locks will allow you to move the crib.
  • The pendulum mechanism is designed to rock the child.
  • The drawer under the bed is used as a place to store children's things.
  • Pads on the sides made of silicone, plastic or natural fabric will protect the child from injury.
  • The bottom height adjustment system is designed to change the position of the bed base.
  • The removable partition will allow you to attach the crib to the parent's bed.

A quality round bed for newborns is characterized by a solid and stable construction, in which every detail performs a specific function. Additionally, a multi-stage base height adjustment system, wheels and an extension to convert the cradle into a full-fledged oval crib are installed.

Equipment options:

  • 3 in 1 consists of a cradle, a changing table and an arena. It is transformed by moving the bed base along the fixed side walls. Suitable for children up to 1 year old.
  • 5 in 1 transforms into an oval bed. The design can be turned into a comfortable sofa by removing one of the side walls. The furniture is suitable for a kid at the age of 23 years.
  • 6 in 1 turns into a changing table, a sofa, a play area and a large bed for a preschool child. This furniture can be converted into a table with two chairs.
  • 8 in 1 has a built-in pendulum system for motion sickness of children.

Standard crib sizes are around 90 cm in diameter for a round cradle and 125x75 cm for an oval bed. Some models suggest the possibility of expanding the bed up to 160x90 cm. The height of the sides is regulated by the parents.

Materials for the manufacture of children's furniture should be natural and environmentally friendly. Manufacturers use solid birch or beech of the highest grade. Additionally, the frame is covered with hypoallergenic paints and varnishes and reinforced with metal fasteners.

What transformation options does a round crib have?

There are no corners in a round bed that can cause injury. The child here feels protected, as if in the mother's womb. Manufacturers, complete with a bed, send instructions that allow parents to independently choose the optimal mode for converting furniture.

Popular 6 in 1 bed transformation options:

  • The cradle for the newborn of rounded shape with the falling basis for a berth. By moving the bottom to the top position, you can get a full-fledged changing table. This bed option is designed for children aged 0 to 6 months. The size of the bed is from 70 to 100 cm in diameter. A canopy can be installed above the cradle.
  • Spacious oval crib for babies up to 3 years old. Due to additional details, the bed can be expanded up to 120 cm in length. The width depends on the diameter of the cradle, that is, it ranges from 70 to 90 cm. The height of the bed is adjustable, and the fences are removed if necessary.
  • A spacious playpen can be obtained by moving the bed base to the lower position. The crib becomes a safe play space.
  • The children's sofa, which the structure turns into after the dismantling of one of the side rails, will allow the child to relax during the day. The width of the seat depends on the size of the bed (120-160 cm). For added comfort, it is recommended to lean a few pillows against the back.
  • Two armchairs and a table are formed by detaching the central bar and side parts. Each chair is 70-90 cm wide and 35-45 cm deep and can support up to 90 kg.
  • An oval bed for children from 3 to 9 years old can be obtained by expanding the central bar. The width of the bed remains the same, and the length can reach 140-165 cm.

The base is surrounded by bumpers on all sides, which protect the child from falling out of the bed. During installation and unfolding, a small set of tools may be needed to tighten and unscrew the bolts.

What mattresses are equipped with round transformer beds

Three mattresses can be supplied with the bed at once, which are equipped with a cradle, a standard and a large oval transformer bed. For kids, mattresses filled with coconut coir and latex foam are suitable. They perfectly support the body of the child. It is better to buy removable covers, as the baby often stains the bed. In the process of buying bedding, natural fabrics should be preferred. The best solution would be to purchase a cover made of cotton, but as a substitute, you can use a canvas made of high-quality wool.

The mattress differs not only in ecological cleanliness, but also in stunning orthopedic properties. The base with ventilation holes ensures optimal air circulation around the bed. When using the bed as a table, playpen or chairs, the mattress is removed.

What is additionally equipped with round models of children's beds of transformers

Additionally, the oval bed for newborns is equipped with decorative elements, including soft sides and pillows. In advanced furniture models, a canopy and a motion sickness system are additionally installed. The canopy over the bed allows you to protect the baby from drafts, sunlight and dust. Complete with children's furniture, a canopy in the form of a “crown” design is used, covering the cradle with a translucent canvas or partially covering the bed of an ordinary bed.

The pendulum mechanism is adapted for comfortable motion sickness of the child. The transverse pendulum swings the bed from side to side, while the longitudinal mechanism moves the bed in the direction from the head to the foot. The second option is preferable. The cradle, due to its rounded shape, supports both mechanisms.

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P.S. We do not sell furniture, we only help you get acquainted with what happens and navigate in the choice.

Cozy nursery with a brown oval bed and a cute teddy bear

Having learned about the imminent replenishment, the expectant mother begins to come up with a name for the baby, slowly buying up clothes and choosing furniture for the newborn. She carefully studies information about the latest models, reads reviews, goes shopping.

Round Safe White Canopy Bed for Toddler

A round transformer bed is a trend in children's decoration. An elegant piece of furniture makes the interior sophisticated and pleases the eyes of new parents. Let's analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of this model so that mothers can cast aside all doubts, or vice versa - abandon the idea of ​​​​buying a round crib.

Oval transforming bed for a girl in the interior of the room

Unassembled transforming bed as a table and high semicircular chairs

Round crib with blue canopy and little table

This piece of furniture is a new solution for the interior. Among the obvious advantages, one can identify the versatility of the transformer bed. Manufacturers claim that its use stretches up to 7-8 years.

Transforming bed for a baby folded and unfolded

Possible use of round and oval transforming beds

Oval beds for twins in the children's room

Table and chairs that are easily obtained from the transforming bed when the baby has grown

How to choose the right material?

White round pine bed with soft pillows for the safety of the baby

White transforming bed with stars in the design

Having studied the information about popular models of round transformers, we can conclude that Russian brands use birch as the main material for the manufacture of this piece of furniture. Foreign companies supply pine products to the market.

Turquoise transforming bed made of solid New Zealand pine

Both materials are quite durable, however, resistance to deformation and long-term use depends on the method of wood processing. A quality product will serve more than one child. But cheaper analogues are unlikely to please their owners. Indeed, even with careful use, scuffs or even cracks will appear on low-quality wood.

Wooden bed-transformer in the interior of the parent bedroom

Before you buy a miracle bed, you should pay attention to the furniture cover. The documentation must indicate which varnish was used for painting. It is also worth touching the bars of the crib, its back with your own hands. If the parts initially seem to be of poor quality, then a miracle will not happen during assembly. The purchase should be abandoned.

Cradle bed that can turn into round and oval depending on the configuration

If you decide to purchase a transformer bed, then remember that during teething, children often “sharpen” them on the railing. Learn about special silicone pads that are not included with round cribs.

Round crib-transformer made of wood

Additional options for a transformer bed

Beautiful and comfortable oval bed with an unusual design in turquoise and gray tones

Round cribs are of two types:

  • Fully slatted walls;
  • Two walls are slatted and solid.

In the first model, the height of the backs does not change. In the second case, it becomes more attractive, because its walls are shortened by half and the bed looks like an ordinary one.

Bed transformer 7 in 1 round with milling on the sides

It is possible to add a few additional innovations to the simplest configuration of the transformer bed.

  • The underbed drawer provides extra space for linen or toys. Such a storage item will save space in linen closets or chests of drawers, fill the empty space under the bed.
  • The teenage version of the bed will allow you to use the piece of furniture for a longer period. Only the question arises of comfort for a growing child on a bed 120 cm wide.
  • The pendulum is becoming a popular means of rocking children and making life easier for moms. The transformer bed is no exception. Manufacturers contrived to stick a pendulum mechanism into a small round cradle. This significantly increases the price of the product, but calms the maternal nerves. Although it is worth remembering - you will accustom the child to motion sickness and then you will not be able to put him down in any other way!

Baby round crib with pendulum mechanism and changing table

Crib transformer - is the game worth the candle?

Round crib for a newborn attached to the parent's bed

Having considered most aspects with regards to such a bed, it is worth keeping in mind the following. If you, having studied the information, are ready for additional expenses for “round” linen, a set of several mattresses and other troubles of a popular bed for a newborn, this transformer is for you! At the same time, since you have decided to spend money on such a model, it is better to shell out several thousand more in order to purchase high-quality furniture from a well-known manufacturer. Otherwise, you can get a cheaper analogue that will not bring you long-term joy and threatens to fall apart after six months of operation.

Round bed for a little princess with an unusual design

Oval bed with beige decor, canopy and bows

If you are still in doubt whether to spend money on this "miracle" - feel free to take the most ordinary crib with a rectangular bed and standard parameters. You save money, and the functionality of the bed is in no way inferior to the round innovation.

Rectangular bed-transformer with chest of drawers and drawers

Video: Crib-transformer. Reliable children's furniture

The main feature of transformer beds, as well as the main difference from ordinary cribs, is multifunctionality, as well as the ability to use this furniture until the child is a teenager.

The transformer bed is most often equipped with a changing table, several drawers. And after the baby has grown up, all this can be easily transformed into a small bedside table. The bed itself increases in length in accordance with the age of the child. So a small and cozy nest turns into a comfortable bed for a grown child.

The main thing to remember is that an ordinary crib is intended for children under the age of three, after the child already becomes cramped and uncomfortable to sleep in such a bed.

Which is better, normal or transforming, and why?

Many parents prefer to buy a transformer bed, because it not only saves time, because in the future you won’t have to go back and choose a bed for an already grown child, but also replenish the interior with other furniture after the transformation, for example, a bedside table or a small chest of drawers.


The advantages of transformer beds are much greater than the disadvantages, so it's worth paying attention to.

  • long term of use due to the possibility of transforming the crib;
  • the presence of shelves, drawers, a changing table, which allows you to store everything at hand;
  • favorable price, since buying a transformer bed will cost less than a regular crib, changing pad and chest of drawers, and in the future, another adult bed;
  • saving space, thanks to which the baby will have his own little children's corner.


  • If the bed is made of low-quality material, then the appearance and operation of the crib and other components will deteriorate.
  • Many transformer beds increase in length, but not in width, or if they increase, then not much, so it will be cramped for a growing child.
  • After the crib is transformed into an adult, you will have to buy a new mattress that matches the new dimensions of the bed.


Nowadays, there are a huge number of varieties of transformer beds, so choosing the right model should be approached with all responsibility.

  1. Bed with chest of drawers. This model is equipped with a roomy chest of drawers with several drawers in which you can store your baby's things, as well as a bed that can be changed with the child's age.
  2. Bed with pendulum. Such a crib is equipped with a special sliding structure, which is based on bearings, hinges or wooden planks with holes, allowing you to rock the child sleeping in the bed. A little push is enough, and there are also pendulum beds that begin to swing from the movements of the child, and even from the crying of the baby.
  3. Transformer bed with changing table. This model consists of a cozy crib, as well as a changing table, which will allow you to quickly change your baby next to the crib.
  4. Round crib transformer. For a newly born baby, a small cozy place has been made without any sharp corners.

    Over time, this bed can be transformed into an oval model, or even into a sofa.

  5. Multifunctional bed transformer. This crib includes a bed, a chest of drawers and a changing pad, which will become separate parts in the future.

Top 10 rating, their sizes and photos

Round carrycot Nido Magia Bianco

This bed is made from solid beech wood.. The round bed is equipped with the maximum amount of transformation. For a newborn, this is a round and cozy cradle, but with age, the crib changes its shape. It changes and grows with the baby, increasing in size. It can be transformed into a side bed, a playpen, a small sofa, a teenage bed and a table with chairs.

Bed dimensions: 76 cm x76 cm - cradle; 126 × 76 - children's bed; 176 × 76 - teenage bed.


  • maximum number of transformations;
  • safe, as it has no corners;
  • pendulum swing mechanism;
  • modern model.


  • high price;
  • availability is not in all stores;
  • narrow bed;
  • Difficulty finding bed sheets.

The approximate price of this model is 19 thousand rubles.

Island of comfort Chunga-Chang

This transformer bed is made of wood (birch, pine) + MDF.

Comes with a crib that converts to a teen, a chest of drawers and a changing table, and in the future a cabinet and a table.

The size of the baby crib is 120 x 60 cm, after transformation it is 170 x 60 cm and the changing table is 102 x 65 x 60 cm.


  • bed color scheme;
  • equipped with sides;
  • there is a pendulum mechanism;
  • bottom height can be adjusted;
  • transformation into a teenage bed and accessories.


  • not very clear assembly instructions;
  • workmanship and material quality.

The price of such a bed is from 8 thousand to 10 thousand rubles.

Fairy 1100 with chest of drawers

Production material - chipboard.

Crib converts to teen, the set includes a chest of drawers with three drawers and a changing surface. After the transformation, the chest of drawers turns into a bedside cabinet.

The dimensions of the baby crib are 120 x 60 cm, for a teenager 170 x 60 cm, the size of the nightstand: 41.6 x 66 cm.


  • wide range of colors when choosing a model;
  • protective wall that can be lowered;
  • in addition to the chest of drawers, there are two drawers at the bottom for storing things;
  • pendulum mechanism.


  • shaky construction;
  • poor quality material.

The price of such a model varies from 7,000 rubles to 10,000 thousand rubles.

SKV-Company 83003

A transformer bed is made of wood + chipboard (birch).

Crib converts to teen bed with 2 drawers underneath, chest of drawers becomes a bedside table.

The size of the baby crib is 120 cm x 60 cm, total size is 68x184x115 cm.


  • design;
  • pendulum;
  • good quality materials.


  • complex instruction;
  • marriage may occur.

The price is from 10 thousand to 13 thousand rubles.

Noony Wood Chalet

The material of which the crib is made is wood (birch).

The crib converts into a bed for older children, there is a chest of drawers and a changing pad with sides, which then become next to the bed.

The width of the bed is 60 cm by 120 cm, after transformation it is 160 cm. The height is 98 cm.


  • control wall;
  • box under the bed;
  • material quality.

Minuses: heavy, weight is 51 kg.

The price of such a bed is 11,000 - 15,000 rubles.

Valle Allegro

This crib is made of ecological and allergy-free material - from laminated chipboard

The design includes a crib that turns into a teen bed, as well as a changing chest. Also, the bed can be transformed into a comfortable sofa, you can get an excellent table from a crib.

The total size is 107x175x68 cm, the size of the changing table is 60x49 cm.


  • the bed for the newborn has a pendulum mechanism;
  • two regulating bottom levels;
  • capacious drawers in the bottom;
  • luxurious design in various colors.


  • low-quality drawer handles;
  • may be of poor quality.

The average price for such a bed is 11,500 rubles.

Mozhga (Red Star) Kiryusha С859 transverse pendulum

Material: solid hardwood, MDF fibreboard.

Bed transformer changes with the child. First, it is a comfortable bed for a baby with a chest of drawers, then you just need to remove the side wall and it is already a sofa, and then a teenage bed with a desk and a bedside table.

The dimensions of the place to sleep in a crib are standard - 60 by 120 cm, and the length of a teenage bed is 170 cm.


  • multifunctionality of the model;
  • pendulum;
  • capacious boxes;
  • appearance.


  • price.

The average cost of this bed is 16 thousand rubles.

Video review of the crib Kiryusha C859:

Pink Forest Little Princess with changing table

The bed is made of high-quality material — LDSP.

Pink crib is a great choice for a newborn princess. Thanks to the transformations, the bed will grow with the child. So a small crib will become a teenage one. You can also make a small sofa, and a chest of drawers with three drawers can always be placed side by side. You can also make a desk out of a small bed.
Main characteristics:

  1. The total size of the transformer bed is 173x65x104 cm.
  2. Changing table height: 89 cm.
  3. Changing surface size: 37x63 cm.
  4. Chest of drawers size: 41x65x71 cm.


  • design;
  • multifunctionality;
  • roomy drawers.


  • there is an incomplete set;

The average price for such a transformer bed is 8 thousand rubles.

Tommy Premium Dream

The bed is made of metal, plastic and textiles.

In this bed, you can adjust the level of the bottom, which allows you to make a playpen out of it.. By removing the side wall, you can get a compact sofa.