Cool magic tricks with cards for beginners. Very cool and simple card trick "Don't be me a magician." Tricks for beginners learning with cards

If you want to surprise your friends, then card tricks are the way to go. Almost everyone likes this "magic", although there is nothing magical about them. All it takes to master a few techniques is a little practice, a bit of artistry, and sometimes special equipment. The simplest tricks can be learned literally overnight.


For a successful performance, you need master basic mechanical actions (substitution of one card for another, shuffling in a certain order). The secret to most tricks is sleight of hand. Therefore, until you bring your actions to automatism, do not demonstrate to the audience.

The second important aspect of a successful number is manipulation of the viewer's mind ... Your goal is to distract the observer so that he does not concentrate on important details, to make him believe in a miracle. The real trick is a performance in which every little thing matters: your clothes, every look and every word must be prepared in advance. All transitions between actions should be clear and quick so that no one notices the catch.

IMPORTANT! 4 main tips for a magician:

  • Don't reveal the essence of the trick.
  • Don't focus on the audience twice in a row.
  • Don't show a raw number.
  • Use only a prepared speech.

Simple magic tricks

If you have not done magic tricks before, then it is better to start with something simple. Watch the video and master these three techniques, and already at the next meeting with your friends you will have something to surprise them with.

Three cards

Focus "3 cards of Monte"

This trick is very popular both among illusionists and among ordinary scammers (you have probably seen how on the street they offer to guess where the ace is for money). One of its names is -3 Monte cards, learn it is not at all difficult for him.

The essence: the presenter shuffles and puts them upside down three cards (1 figured, two ordinary), and the viewer must guess where the Ace is.

The secret can be different. Someone uses pre-prepared gaff cards. For example, one of them may have a corner from the other (when the magician shows all three pieces, he holds them in a "fan" so that it is not visible). Experienced illusionists only use sleight of hand. There are dozens of variants of this trick.

Call a friend

The essence: you ask the viewer to choose a card and show it to everyone around.Now we call a friend and pass the phone to the viewer. We clarify that the person's name is Michael. And he really calls it right!

The trick is that all cards in the deck will have their own name. You and your assistant only need to remember this code. When you supposedly name a person, you are actually giving a hint.


This trick involves two people and a magician.

The essence: guess the two cards, drawn by two different people.

How to do it: Collect all red suits at the top of the deck, and black at the bottom. Let the first person remove any card from the top, memorize it and put it down. The second will need to do the opposite.

Then you quickly turn over the deck to see and remember the hidden ones (they will differ in color from the others), mix well, turn over again and take them out.

Hello again, my dear subscribers!

Kulikov Sergey is in direct contact with you again, he is your humble servant - Sailor!

Our today's article is called "Cool trick" If I am not a magician. " Tricks for beginners learning with cards. " It will be dedicated to one really very cool trick that I really love to show. And I do it very often, because I love simple and effective tricks. I think you've noticed that in tricks, I primarily value the simplicity of the method.

Here everything is so simple that even a child or a beginner can show this trick. But if you are already an average level or even higher, then still do not pass by, since this trick is very effective! If you want to learn a couple more simple and effective tricks, then you are here: "" and "".

Well, in the meantime, we'll move on to our trick! Before the focus, we mix the deck well, let the viewer mix it. In general, we do everything with it that only we and the viewer want :) Then we offer the viewer to choose a card, he chooses, we put it into the deck and mix the deck well again.

But then, we begin to interfere with the deck in an absolutely strange way - we interfere with it with shirts to the faces! We stir it several times and shoot as much as we like! We lay out the cards with a ribbon, and what we see with the viewer is complete chaos!

All, it would seem, the map can not be found. BUT! Remember the name of the trick! “I’m not a magician” :) We snap a finger and…. We take out one card from all this mess, which lies face down.

And it really is a spectator card! We remember the surprised and incomprehensible face of the viewer, and then we leave into the sunset to thunderous applause .. 🙂

Demonstrating and teaching this wonderful trick

Well, on this wonderful note, I will have to leave you!

Sergei Kulikov was with you, he is the Sailor!

Until next time, dear subscribers!





You can always watch just gorgeous card tricks on this video absolutely free of charge and at any time. "Sleight of hand and no cheating" - this phrase very clearly reflects the essence of card tricks.

In order to skillfully show various illusory card manipulations, you will need much more time to master the secrets than learning the basic secrets of tricks using your fingers, with coins, with paper or an eraser.

The best card tricks on video. The most incredible and wonderful transformations and disappearances of cards. Sleight of hand of magicians from all over the world.

Cards, one might say, are the next step in the knowledge of the wonderful world of magicians.

In modern society, in a world where information is spreading at lightning speed through Internet technologies, you can download any video training card tricks for beginners.
You can also find educational video of card tricks on the World Wide Web.

How easy it is to do any trick using only one card. Great video secrets. The best masters and amateurs work with cards.

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Card tricks for beginners from the simplest to the most difficult

Imagine how effectively a deck of cards is thrown from hand to hand, how quickly and easily card after card changes. But these are additional effects that help to show illusions more effectively, and one of the main ones in focus cards is guessing the chosen card. Surprise the girl - learn how to perform card tricks, learning for beginners starts with basic lessons, then becomes more difficult.

Even if the person watching you and your hands concentrates, he will not be able to notice anything, he will not be able to reveal your secrets.
It would seem what cards are.

These are small cards with pictures, nothing more, but why are they so attractive to everyone. There are many manipulations and ways to use these cards. Poker for money, fortune telling. To predict fate, solitaire is just for free time and much more. And now also the magic tricks.

Try to learn on your own using the video. In the lessons, everything is pretty simple and straightforward.

The wizard describes in detail the secrets of card tricks. Download the lesson you need right now and start practicing. The sooner you start practicing, the faster you will surprise your loved ones.

A trick is a cunning and dexterous trick action of a magician, which is based on the artist's sleight of hand, the technique of special equipment, props, optical illusion and cunning distractions.

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Some card tricks are easy to learn, while others will require a lot of patience, a lot of time, skill and practice.

To be able to masterfully and beautifully perform card tricks is the dream of many boys, and sometimes girls. This makes it possible to attract the attention of the public, to make your persona a mysterious center of events, to envelop yourself in some kind of mystery. Therefore, from childhood, adolescents who are interested in this craft, rush to master this skill as best as possible. Sometimes the desire to learn how to own a deck comes later, already at a completely mature age. However, it is never too late.

We will try to consider the simplest card tricks, with the development of which you should start your work. This will help any hardworking, diligent and hard-working person to become a real magician in the future.

Basic skills to possess

Even the simplest card tricks require the ability to mask some of your actions. And the best way to do this is:

  • various florishes;
  • false shuffles in different ways;
  • false and true card draws.

Therefore, first of all, you need to force the deck to become obedient in your hands. Learn, without hesitation and instantly, to perform at least one type of each of the above techniques. Some of them can be trained here:

To master at least one method of false shuffling is necessary for almost any card trick. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this.

Examples of simple card tricks

The first elements are based, as a rule, on working with an accomplice from the audience or mathematics. Knowing the basic simple calculations will help you carry out more than one spectacular card trick with guessing the intended card. And if you agree with a friend in advance, then you can amaze those present even more.

Let's look at a couple of the most common math-based tricks.

  1. "Delightful trick." The bottom line: you guess the card the viewer has guessed. For this, the technique of performing the trick should be as follows: a person shifts the deck onto himself as he wants and takes one of the halves for himself. You ask him to count the number of cards and add the resulting numbers among themselves (for example, having counted, he received 12). This means that when these numbers are added, he will receive 3. Now he must count out the third card in his part of the deck from the bottom and memorize it. Put your half on yours and give the whole pack of cards to you. At the same time, he can keep all his calculations in mind, not voice. You effectively flip through the deck with the magic phrase "Delightful trick" and on the last letter of this phrase turn over the hidden picture. Secret: this card will always be 19, these are the laws of mathematics!
  2. "Fast Count". Beginner card tricks like this one require the ability to perform instant, simple computational operations in your head. The bottom line: you guess the card that the viewer has taken from the deck behind your back and hid it in his pocket. Secret: the numerical sum of all cards in the deck is 312. In this case, the king is considered to be zero, and the jack and queen are 11-12, respectively. In your mind, you quickly add up all the numerical values ​​of the cards (51 pieces) and get a certain amount. Subtract that number from 312 and that's the missing card. If the result is the number 312, then there is no king.

Video training of mathematical tricks with cards can be found at this address:

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

In these tricks, it is important to be able to count quickly and correctly. It is better not to make mistakes, this will undermine your credibility as a magician.

Spectacular stunts

Simple but beautiful card tricks for beginners, always winning. An example is the "Four Aces" trick. The bottom line: according to any number named by the viewer in the range from 10 to 20, you do several card swaps and effectively put aside exactly four aces from the deck.

Secret: from the entire pack, count the number of cards that the viewer named. It turns out a small pack. Remove from it from above the number of cards that will be obtained by adding the components of the viewer's number (for example, if it is 12, then remove 3). Return the rest of the cards to the deck. Of the three, set the top aside with the outer side up. The rest to the general heap, but strictly on top of the deck. Repeat this four times. Then turn over all four pending cards - these are aces. The whole main trick is to put aces in the 9,10,11,12 place into the deck before starting.

These simple card tricks can help you jump-start yourself into a more challenging trick future. Another beautiful and effective option can be viewed here, as well as learn it:

To show such tricks with cards, you will need specials. cards with special coated. You can order these

Any of the above execution options requires great dexterity and the use of special deck control techniques. Relentless training will help you achieve the desired result.

The ability to show tricks will always come in handy in good company, and you don't need any additional items and, often, special skills to perform card tricks. The very simple card tricks presented below are just one of these simple, but surprising tricks for observers.

A simple card trick is to find the hidden card

To begin with, ask one of the people around you to choose any card, remember and put it on top of the deck so that you do not see which card it is. After that, remove the deck and put its lower part on the upper one. Then lay the cards face up, and simply indicate the card that the person has chosen.

The secret to this simple card trick is this: before you start, you need to look at the bottom card in the deck you're using and, of course, memorize it. When you lay out the deck, then the card chosen by the person will be just in front of the one that you remember and you just have to indicate it.

Another simple card trick is to choose four aces from the deck without revealing cards.

Tell others that you can easily pick four aces from a deck without looking at the pictures of the cards. Have anyone tell you a number between 10 and 20.

After that, count the number of cards from the deck equal to this number and put them aside in a pile. Add the digits of this number together (for example, 14 = 1 + 4) and remove the number of cards equal to this number from the top of the pending pile. They can be put back into the deck. Then put the top card of the remaining in the pile aside, and return the rest to the deck.

Again ask for a number from 10 to 20 and, having done the above manipulations with the deck, put aside another card. This entire procedure must be done four times, after which you will have four cards pending. By opening them, you will demonstrate to others that these are aces.

The secret to this card trick is very simple. It is necessary to put aces into the deck in advance at 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th place and do not shuffle the cards until the focus begins. Then everything will turn out as described above.

Simple trick with cards, kings and queens

The trick itself is as follows: choose from a deck of kings and queens, and divide them into two separate piles - in one kings, in the other queens. Combine them into one deck, let the deck be removed several times, remove it behind your back, and then take out two cards from the deck. They are the king and queen of the same suit.

The tricky secret to this simple card trick is to keep the same suit sequence when stacking kings and queens. Behind the back, the deck must be divided into two parts, four cards each, and then the top cards of each part will turn out to be a king and a lady of the same suit.