Who ordered the construction of the Chinese wall. The Great Wall of China was built by the Russians. Can you see the wall from space

European architecture

However, researchers who managed to visit inside the Chinese Wall claim that those small piles of stones, in fact, the remains of genuine masonry, could not protect against any raids.

And the wall that we are used to seeing in photographs, mighty, with towers and loopholes, with a road along the ridge, on which two carts can pass, this wall was built much later, when the wild northern nomadic tribes were no longer up to the Chinese and before raids. And the wall itself, if you look at it objectively, surprisingly resembles European defensive structures created after the 15th century, and designed to protect against cannons and other serious siege weapons, which the nomads simply could not have.

By the way, about loopholes. Many pay attention to the fact that part of the loopholes in the Great Wall of China is not facing north, but ... south - against the Chinese themselves! What's this? Error in modern reconstruction? But even in the surviving ancient sections, the walls of the loopholes are also directed to the south. So, maybe the Great Wall of China was built not by the Chinese, but, on the contrary, by the northern inhabitants in order to defend themselves from the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire?

There was no such country

It is also interesting to trace the history of the construction of the Chinese Wall. According to sources stored in the Celestial Empire, the main part of the wall was built between 445 BC and 445 BC. e. by 222. BC e, that is, when there were still no Mongol-Tatar nomads and there was no one to defend against.

Moreover, there was no one to defend, since China itself as a single country did not yet exist. There were eight small states, each of which was unable (and there was no need) to engage in such a titanic work. The unification of all of them into one Chinese state under the rule of the Qin dynasty began only in 221 BC. e., that is, a year after the main part of the wall was already completed. It turns out that the first part of the wall was not built by the Chinese at all.

If we consider the history of the construction of the Chinese Wall further (and it was built with long interruptions, in different places and up to the middle of the 17th century), according to Chinese historical sources, it turns out that the rest of this structure was not built by the Chinese themselves and not at all. for defense against the northern tribes.

There is an assumption that the Wall of China was erected between China and Russia at a time when these two countries agreed among themselves on a common border. There are maps on which the Chinese Wall serves as a dividing line between China and the Russian Empire. For example, on the map of Asia of the 18th century, made by the Royal Academy in Amsterdam, Tartaria is indicated from the north, and China from the south. The border between them runs approximately along the 40th parallel, that is, exactly along the wall. And this border is marked in French - Muraille de la Chine, that is, not the “Chinese Wall”, but the “Wall of China”. In other words, a wall that separates some territory from China.
So it turns out that the Wall of China was actually built on our side...

SOME Russian researchers (President of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences A.A. Tyunyaev and his associate, Honorary Doctor of the University of Brussels V.I. Semeyko) express doubts about the generally accepted version of the origin of the protective structure on the northern borders of the state of the Qin dynasty. In November 2006, in one of his publications, Andrey Tyunyaev formulated his thoughts on this topic as follows: “As you know, to the north of the territory of modern China there was another, much more ancient civilization. This has been repeatedly confirmed by archaeological discoveries made, in particular, on the territory of Eastern Siberia. Impressive evidence of this civilization, comparable to Arkaim in the Urals, not only has not yet been studied and comprehended by world historical science, but has not even received a proper assessment in Russia itself.

As for the so-called "Chinese" wall, it is not quite right to speak of it as an achievement of the ancient Chinese civilization. Here, to confirm our scientific correctness, it is sufficient to cite only one fact. LOOPHOUSES on a significant part of the wall ARE NOT DIRECTIONAL TO THE NORTH, BUT TO THE SOUTH! And this is clearly seen not only in the most ancient, not reconstructed sections of the wall, but even in recent photographs and in works of Chinese drawing.

It is generally accepted that they began to build it in the 3rd century BC. to protect the state of the Qin dynasty from the raids of the "northern barbarians" - the nomadic people of the Xiongnu. In the 3rd century AD, during the Han Dynasty, the construction of the wall was resumed and it was extended to the west.

Over time, the wall began to collapse, but during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), according to Chinese historians, the wall was restored and strengthened. Those sections of it that have survived to our time were built mainly in the 15th-16th centuries.

Over the three centuries of the reign of the Manchu Qing Dynasty (since 1644), the protective structure dilapidated and almost everything collapsed, since the new rulers of the Celestial Empire did not need protection from the north. Only in our time, in the mid-1980s, restoration of sections of the wall began as material evidence of the ancient origin of statehood in the lands of Northeast Asia.

Earlier, the Chinese themselves made a discovery about the belonging of ancient Chinese writing to another people. There are already published works proving that these people were the Slavs of Aria.
In 2008, at the First International Congress "Pre-Cyrillic Slavic Writing and Pre-Christian Slavic Culture" at the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkina Tyunyaev made a report "China is the younger brother of Russia", during which he presented fragments of Neolithic ceramics from the territory
eastern part of northern China. The signs depicted on ceramics did not look like Chinese characters, but they showed almost complete coincidence with the ancient Russian runic - up to 80 percent.

Based on the latest archaeological data, the researcher expresses the opinion that during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, the population of the western part of Northern China was Caucasoid. Indeed, throughout Siberia, up to China, mummies of Caucasians are found. According to genetic data, this population had the Old Russian haplogroup R1a1.

This version is also supported by the mythology of the ancient Slavs, which tells about the movement of the ancient Rus in an easterly direction - they were led by Bogumir, Slavunya and their son Scythian. These events are reflected, in particular, in the Book of Veles, which, let's make a reservation, is not recognized by academic historians.

Tyunyaev and his supporters draw attention to the fact that the Great Wall of China was built in a similar way to European and Russian medieval walls, the main purpose of which is protection from firearms. The construction of such structures began no earlier than the 15th century, when cannons and other siege weapons appeared on the battlefields. Before the 15th century, the so-called northern nomads did not have artillery.

Pay attention to which side the sun is shining.

ON THE BASIS of these data, Tyunyaev expresses the opinion that the wall in eastern Asia was built as a defensive structure marking the border between two medieval states. It was erected after an agreement was reached on the delimitation of territories. And this, according to Tyunyaev, is confirmed by the map of that
the time when the border between the Russian Empire and the Qing Empire passed exactly along the wall.

We are talking about a map of the Qing Empire in the second half of the 17th-18th centuries, presented in the academic 10-volume World History. That map shows in detail the wall that runs exactly along the border between the Russian Empire and the Empire of the Manchu Dynasty (Qing Empire).

There are other translations from the French phrase "Muraille de la Chine" - "a wall from China", "a wall delimiting from China". Indeed, in an apartment or in a house, we call the wall that separates us from our neighbors a neighbor's wall, and the wall that separates us from the street is an outer wall. We have the same thing with the name of the borders: the Finnish border, the Ukrainian border... In this case, the adjectives indicate only the geographical location of the Russian borders.
It is noteworthy that in medieval Russia there was the word "whale" - knitting poles that were used in the construction of fortifications. So, the name of the Moscow district Kitay-gorod was given in the 16th century for the same reasons - the building consisted of a stone wall with 13 towers and 6 gates...

According to the opinion enshrined in the official version of history, the Great Wall of China began to be built in 246 BC. under Emperor Shi Huangdi, its height was from 6 to 7 meters, the purpose of construction was protection from northern nomads.

Russian historian L.N. Gumilyov wrote: “The wall stretched for 4,000 km. Its height reached 10 meters, and watchtowers rose every 60-100 meters. He also noted: “When the work was completed, it turned out that all the armed forces of China were not enough to organize an effective defense on the wall. In fact, if a small detachment is placed on each tower, then the enemy will destroy it before the neighbors have time to gather and give help. If, however, large detachments are spaced less often, then gaps are formed through which the enemy will easily and imperceptibly penetrate into the interior of the country. A fortress without defenders is not a fortress.”

Moreover, the loophole towers are located on the South side, as if the defenders repelled attacks from the NORTH ????
Andrey Tyunyaev offers to compare two towers - from the Chinese wall and from the Novgorod Kremlin. The shape of the towers is the same: a rectangle, slightly narrowed upwards. From the wall inside both towers there is an entrance blocked by a round arch, lined with the same brick as the wall with the tower. Each of the towers has two upper "working" floors. Round-arched windows were made in the first floor of both towers. The number of windows on the first floor of both towers is 3 on one side and 4 on the other. The height of the windows is approximately the same - about 130-160 centimeters.
And what does the comparison of the preserved towers of the Chinese city of Beijing with the medieval towers of Europe say? The fortress walls of the Spanish city of Avila and Beijing are very similar to each other, especially in that the towers are located very often and have practically no architectural adaptations for military needs. Peking towers have only an upper deck with loopholes, and are laid out at the same height as the rest of the wall.
Neither the Spanish nor the Peking towers show such a high resemblance to the defensive towers of the Chinese Wall, as the towers of the Russian Kremlin and fortress walls show. And this is an occasion for reflection for historians.

Despite the fact that the height of the Great Wall of China is about ten meters, climbing it is much easier than descending. The ascent is cheerful, fun, fervently, but the descent is a real torture. All steps have different heights - from 5 to 30 centimeters, so you need to look extremely carefully under your feet. Descending from such a height, the main thing is not to stop, since it will be extremely difficult to continue the descent after a stop. Nevertheless, the Great Wall of China is the place where every tourist wants to visit.

Despite such difficulties, the tourist will be provided with vivid impressions for a lifetime, and he will be able to feel like a 100% local resident. After all, it is not for nothing that the Chinese like to repeat the words of Mao Zedong: whoever has not climbed the Wall is not a Chinese. The Great Wall of China from space is also a frequently requested tourist request, as the grandiose structure has a unique view from space.

The Great Wall of China is the largest architectural monument that has ever been erected by human hands. Its total length (including branches) is almost nine thousand kilometers (however, some researchers argue that the length of the Great Wall of China actually exceeds 21 thousand km). The width of the wall is from 5 to 8 meters, the height is about ten. Some facts say that at one time it was used as a road, and in some places additional fortifications and fortresses were erected near it.

Who built the Great Wall of China and how did it happen? Officially, the construction of the wall began in the third century BC by order of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The original purpose of the construction was to protect the country from barbarian raids. It fixed the borders of the Chinese empire, which at that time consisted of several conquered kingdoms, and thus contributed to the formation of a single state. It was also intended for the Chinese themselves, since it was supposed to prevent them from leaving the country, returning to a semi-nomadic way of life and merging with the barbarians.

The Great Wall of China is also interesting because it fits extremely organically into the surrounding landscape and it can even be argued that it forms an integral composition with it. And all because during construction it smoothly went around mountains, spurs, hills, deep gorges.

In our time, the Great Wall of China and its length leaves tourists with an ambiguous opinion about themselves. On the one hand, restoration work has been carried out in some places, lighting and illumination have been added. On the other hand, in places where tourists are a rare occurrence, it is completely abandoned, and the few travelers who get on it have to wade through thick bushes, crumbling steps and areas that are dangerous to such an extent that you almost need to crawl through them (Otherwise you can break).

The height of the walls of this amazing structure is on average about seven and a half meters (if we take into account the rectangular teeth, then all nine), the width at the top is 5.5 m, at the bottom - 6.5 m. Towers of two types are built into the wall, mainly - rectangular shape:

  • The towers that existed before construction are less wide than the wall;
  • The towers that were built at the same time as it were erected every two hundred meters.

The wall provides for the presence of signal towers - from them the soldiers watched the enemies and transmitted signals.

Where does the wall start?

The Great Wall of China begins in the northern city of Shanhai-guan (it is located on the shores of the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea) and is the easternmost point of the Long Wall (this is how the Chinese call this building).

Considering that for the Chinese the Great Wall of China symbolizes an earthen dragon, its head is the Laoluntou (Dragon's Head) tower, from which this grandiose structure originates. Moreover, it is interesting that Laoluntou is not only the beginning of the Great Wall of China, but also the only place in China where it is washed by the sea, and it itself goes directly 23 meters into the bay.

Where does the wall end

From Laoluntou, the Great Wall of China zigzags across half the country to the Center of China and ends near the city of Jiayuguan - this is where it is best preserved. Despite the fact that the fortpost was built here in the XIV century, it was constantly restored and strengthened, thanks to which, over time, it became the best outpost of the Celestial Empire.

According to one legend, the craftsmen calculated the amount of material needed for the construction of the walls so accurately that when the construction was completed, only one brick remained, which, as a symbol of respect for the ancient builders, was subsequently placed on the arch of the outer wall of the west-facing gate.

An outpost was erected near Jiayuyoshan Mountain and it consists of a semicircular outer adobe wall in front of the main gate, a moat, an earthen rammed embankment and an inner wall. As for the gates, they are located on the eastern and western sides of the outpost. Here is the Yuntai Tower - it is interesting because on its inner walls you can see carved bas-reliefs of heavenly kings and Buddhist texts.

Lost section of wall

A few years ago, on the border with Mongolia, scientists found a fragment of a wall that was erected during the Han Dynasty, about which the researchers had no idea before. Five years later, its continuation was discovered already in the territory of neighboring Mongolia.

building a wall

One Chinese legend says that the mortar used to hold the stones together was made from a powder prepared from the bones of people who died while working on a construction site. Naturally, this is not true: ancient masters prepared mortar from ordinary rice flour.

Interesting facts say that up to the era of the reign of the Qin dynasty, any materials at hand were used in the construction of walls. To do this, layers of clay, small pebbles were laid out between the rods, sometimes unbaked, sun-dried bricks were used. It is because of the use of such building materials that the Chinese called their wall the “earth dragon”.

When the representatives of the Qin dynasty came to power, stone slabs were used to build the wall, which were laid back to back on the rammed earth. True, the stone was used mainly in the east of the country, since it was not difficult to get it there. In the western lands, it was difficult to access, so the walls were built from a rammed embankment.


The construction of the Long Wall began in the third century BC, even before the unification of the kingdoms into one empire, when they fought with each other. More than one million people took part in its construction, which was 1/5 of the total Chinese population.

First of all, it was needed in order to protect the cities, which turned into large trading centers, from nomads. The first walls were adobe structures. Since at that time a single Celestial Empire did not yet exist, several kingdoms began to build them around their possessions at once:

  1. Kingdom of Wei - circa 352 BC;
  2. The kingdoms of Qin and Zhao - about 300 BC;
  3. Yan Kingdom - circa 289 BC

Emperor Qin Shi Huang: Beginning of construction

After Shi Huangdi united the kingdoms at war with each other into one country, the Celestial Empire became an extremely powerful power. It was then that the commander Meng Tian received the order to begin construction (primarily near the ridge of the Yingshan mountain range).

For the construction, first of all, existing walls were used: they were strengthened and connected to new sections. At the same time, the walls separating the kingdoms were torn down.

They built the wall for ten years, and the work was extremely difficult: difficult terrain for such work, lack of proper food and water, numerous epidemics and hard work. As a result, more than one thousand people died here (therefore, this wall is unofficially called the longest cemetery on the planet).

The Chinese had a whole funeral ceremony specifically for those who lost their lives in construction work. While the relatives of the deceased were carrying the coffin, there was a cage with a white rooster in it. According to legend, the cries of the bird kept the spirit of the dead person awake until the funeral procession crossed the Long Wall. If this is not done, then the spirit of the deceased will wander along the structure that destroyed him until the end of the century.

Researchers claim the construction of the wall played an important role in the overthrow of the Qin dynasty.

Construction during the Han Dynasty

When the Han Dynasty (206 BC -220 AD) began to rule the country, construction continued to the west, and thus reached Dunhuang. In addition, at that time it was connected to watchtowers located in the desert (their main purpose was to protect caravans from nomads).

Representatives of the Han Dynasty reconstructed the already existing walls and completed about ten thousand kilometers more (which is twice as much as their predecessors). About 750 thousand people took part in the construction.

Construction during the Ming Dynasty

Sections of the wall that have been well preserved to this day, from 1368 to 1644. built by the Ming Dynasty. To do this, they used brick and stone blocks, which made the structure much stronger and more reliable than before. It was at this time that the Great Wall of China was built in Shanhaiguan and connected to the western outpost of Yumenguan.

The effectiveness of the wall as a defense structure

Despite the fact that the Chinese managed to build a wall of impressive proportions, it was no good as a defense structure: the enemies easily found poorly fortified areas, in extreme cases, they simply bribed the guards.

An example of the effectiveness of this structure as a defensive structure can well serve as the words of the medieval historian Wang Sitong, who said that when the authorities announced the construction of a wall in the east of the country, the barbarians would attack from the west. They easily destroyed the walls, climbed over them and robbed - what they wanted and where they wanted. When they left, the walls began to be built again.

Despite all the criticisms, in our time, the Chinese have given their wall a new meaning - it has come to symbolize the invincibility, endurance and creative power of the nation.

What breaks down the wall

Fragments of the wall, which are far from the tourist pilgrimage, are in a terrible state. At the same time, it is not only time that destroys them. The facts say that in Gansu Province, due to the irrational way of farming, almost all underground sources have dried up, so this area has recently become the site of the strongest sandstorms. Because of this, about forty kilometers of the wall (out of fifty) have already disappeared from the face of the earth, and the height has decreased from 5 to 2 meters.

A few years ago, in Hebei province, a section of the wall, the length of which was about thirty-six meters, fell apart due to days of heavy rain.

Quite often, local residents disassemble the wall when they are going to build a village where it passes, or they simply need building stone to build their houses. Other facts indicate that the wall is destroyed during the construction of a highway, railway, etc. Some "artists" raise their hands to paint the walls with graffiti, which also does not contribute to the integrity of the image.

In China, there is another material evidence of the presence in this country of a highly developed civilization, to which the Chinese have nothing to do. Unlike the Chinese pyramids, this evidence is well known to everyone. This is the so-called The great Wall of China.

Let's see what orthodox historians have to say about this largest piece of architecture, which has recently become a major tourist attraction in China. The wall is located in the north of the country, stretching from the sea coast and going deep into the Mongolian steppes, and, according to various estimates, has a length, taking into account the branches, from 6 to 13,000 km. The thickness of the wall is several meters (on average 5 meters), the height is 6-10 meters. The wall is said to have included 25,000 towers.

A brief history of the construction of the wall today looks like this. The construction of the wall allegedly began yet in the 3rd century BC during the dynasty Qin to defend against the raids of nomads from the north and clearly define the border of Chinese civilization. The initiator of the construction was the famous "collector of Chinese lands" Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di. He drove about half a million people to the construction, which, with a total population of 20 million, is a very impressive figure. Back then, the wall was a structure made mostly of earth – a huge earthen rampart.

During the reign of the dynasty Han(206 BC - 220 AD) the wall was expanded to the west, strengthened with stone and built a line of watchtowers that went deep into the desert. Under the dynasty Min(1368-1644) the wall continued to be built further. As a result, it stretched from east to west from the Bohai Bay in the Yellow Sea to the western border of the modern provinces of Gansu, entering the territory of the Gobi Desert. It is believed that this wall was already built by the efforts of a million Chinese from bricks and stone blocks, which is why these sections of the wall have survived to this day in the form in which a modern tourist is already accustomed to seeing it. The Ming dynasty was replaced by the Manchu dynasty Qing(1644-1911), who did not build the wall. She limited herself to maintaining in relative order a small area near Beijing, which served as the "gateway to the capital."

In 1899, American newspapers started a rumor that the wall would soon be demolished and a highway built in its place. However, no one was going to demolish anything. Moreover, in 1984, a wall restoration program initiated by Deng Xiaoping and led by Mao Tse Tung was launched, which is still being carried out and financed by Chinese and foreign companies, as well as individuals. How many drove Mao to restore the wall is not reported. Several sections were repaired, in some places they were erected altogether anew. So we can assume that in 1984 the construction of the fourth wall of China began. Usually, tourists are shown one of the sections of the wall, located 60 km northwest of Beijing. This is the area of ​​Mount Badaling (Badaling), the length of the wall is 50 km.

The wall makes the greatest impression not in the Beijing region, where it was erected on not very high mountains, but in remote mountainous regions. There, by the way, it is very clearly seen that the wall, as a defensive structure, was made very thoughtfully. Firstly, five people in a row could move along the wall itself, so it was also a good road, which is extremely important when it is necessary to transfer troops. Under cover of the battlements, the guards could stealthily approach the area where the enemies planned to attack. The signal towers were located in such a way that each of them was within sight of the other two. Some important messages were transmitted either by drumming, or by smoke, or by the fire of bonfires. Thus, the news of the enemy's invasion from the most distant frontiers could be transmitted to the center per day!

During the restoration of the wall, interesting facts were revealed. For example, its stone blocks were fastened together with sticky rice porridge mixed with slaked lime. Or what loopholes on its fortresses looked towards China; that on the north side the height of the wall is small, much less than on the south, and there are stairs. The latest facts, for obvious reasons, are not advertised and are not commented on by official science - neither Chinese nor world. Moreover, when reconstructing towers, they try to build loopholes in the opposite direction, although this is not always possible. These photos show the south side of the wall - the sun is shining at noon.

However, the oddities with the Chinese wall do not end there. Wikipedia has a full map of the wall, which shows in different colors the wall we are told each Chinese dynasty built. As you can see, the great wall is not alone. Northern China is often and densely dotted with "great Chinese walls" that go into the territory of modern Mongolia and even Russia. Shed light on these oddities A.A. Tyunyaev in his work "The Chinese Wall - a great barrier from the Chinese":

“It is extremely interesting to trace the stages of the construction of the “Chinese” wall, based on the data of Chinese scientists. It can be seen from them that Chinese scientists, who call the wall "Chinese", are not very concerned about the fact that the Chinese people themselves did not take any part in its construction: every time the next section of the wall was built, the Chinese state was far from the construction sites.

So, the first and main part of the wall was built in the period from 445 BC. to 222 BC It runs along 41-42 ° north latitude and simultaneously along some sections of the river. Huanghe. At that time, of course, there were no Mongol-Tatars. Moreover, the first unification of peoples within China took place only in 221 BC. under the reign of Qin. And before that, there was the Zhangguo period (5-3 centuries BC), in which eight states existed on the territory of China. Only in the middle of the 4th c. BC. Qin began to fight against other kingdoms, and by 221 BC. conquered some of them.

The figure shows that the western and northern border of the state of Qin by 221 BC. began to coincide with that section of the "Chinese" wall, which began to be built even in 445 BC and was built in 222 BC

Thus, we see that this section of the "Chinese" wall was built not by the Chinese of the Qin state, but northern neighbors, but precisely from the Chinese spreading to the north. In just 5 years - from 221 to 206. BC. - a wall was built along the entire border of the state of Qin, which stopped the spread of his subjects to the north and west. In addition, at the same time, 100-200 km west and north of the first, the second line of defense from Qin was built - the second "Chinese" wall of this period.

The next construction period covers the time from 206 BC to 220 AD During this period, sections of the wall were built, located 500 km to the west and 100 km to the north of the previous ones ... from 618 to 907 China was ruled by the Tang dynasty, which did not mark itself as victorious over its northern neighbors.

In the next period from 960 to 1279 The Song Empire was established in China. At this time, China lost dominance over its vassals in the west, in the northeast (on the territory of the Korean Peninsula) and in the South - in northern Vietnam. The Sung empire lost a significant part of the territories of the Chinese proper in the north and northwest, which went to the Khitan state of Liao (part of the modern provinces of Hebei and Shanxi), the Tangut kingdom of Xi-Xia (part of the territories of modern Shaanxi province, the entire territory of modern Gansu province and Ningxia Hui autonomous region).

In 1125, the border between the non-Chinese kingdom of the Jurchens and China passed along the river. Huaihe is 500-700 km south of the places where the wall was built. And in 1141, a peace treaty was signed, according to which the Chinese Sung Empire recognized itself as a vassal of the non-Chinese state of Jin, pledging to pay him a large tribute.

However, while China itself huddled south of the river. Hunahe, 2100-2500 km north of its borders, another section of the "Chinese" wall was erected. This part of the wall built from 1066 to 1234, passes through Russian territory north of the village of Borzya near the river. Argun. At the same time, another section of the wall was built 1500-2000 km north of China, located along the Greater Khingan...

The next section of the wall was built between 1366 and 1644. It runs along the 40th parallel from Andong (40°), just north of Beijing (40°), through Yinchuan (39°) to Dunhuang and Anxi (40°) in the west. This section of the wall is the last, southernmost and most deeply penetrating into the territory of China ... During the construction of this section of the wall, the entire Amur region belonged to Russian territories. By the middle of the 17th century, on both banks of the Amur, there were already Russian fortresses-prisons (Albazinsky, Kumarsky, etc.), peasant settlements and arable lands. In 1656, the Daurskoye (later Albazinskoye) voivodeship was formed, which included the valley of the Upper and Middle Amur along both banks ... The “Chinese” wall built by the Russians by 1644 ran exactly along the border of Russia with Qing China. In the 1650s, Qing China invaded Russian lands to a depth of 1500 km, which was confirmed by the Aigun (1858) and Beijing (1860) treaties ... "

Today the Wall of China is inside China. However, there was a time when the wall meant country border.

This fact is confirmed by ancient maps that have come down to us. For example, a map of China by the famous medieval cartographer Abraham Ortelius from his geographical atlas of the world Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 1602. On the map, north is on the right. It clearly shows that China is separated from the northern country - Tartary by a wall.

On the map of 1754 "Le Carte de l'Asie" it is also clearly seen that the border of China with Great Tartaria runs along the wall.

And even the 1880 map shows the wall as China's border with its northern neighbor. It is noteworthy that part of the wall goes far enough into the territory of China's western neighbor - Chinese Tartary...

Interesting illustrations for this article are collected on the Food of RA website ...

False antiquity of China

Photos from open sources

The most grandiose wonder of the world - the Great Wall of China, which has a length of almost nine thousand kilometers, is perceived today by us far from being a fortification against enemy raids, but only as a unique ancient monument. For this reason, few people think, but on which side of this wall were those very enemies?

Photos from open sources

The Chinese Wall was not built by the Chinese

But in 2011, British archaeologists unearthed an unknown part of the Chinese Wall, and came to extreme amazement: its loopholes were directed towards modern China. It turns out that the famous wall was not built by the Chinese, then by whom and from whom?

From the north of Ancient China lived nomadic tribes who could hardly build such a grandiose structure. And in general, scientists considered that even with modern technologies, the construction of such a wall would require tens of thousands of kilometers of railways to be laid, hundreds of thousands of machines, cranes and other equipment to be used, tens of millions of people to leave and spend at least hundreds of years on all this.

In ancient times, there were no such opportunities, which means that it took more than one thousand years to build a giant wall, in comparison with which even the Egyptian pyramids seem like toys in a sandbox. Why and who needed it, because it is meaningless from both an economic and a military point of view. But someone built this wall, most likely with higher technology than we have today. But who? And for what?

Photos from open sources

The Chinese wall was built by the Slavs

The medieval geographical atlas of Abraham Ortelius, released back in 1570, helped answer this question. It could be seen that modern China is divided into two parts - southern China and server Catai. It was between them that a wall was laid, which, apparently, was built by the inhabitants of the mysterious Tartaria, which occupies the territory of Siberia and the Far East of modern Russia and the northern part of modern China.

The ancient vessels found in the northern provinces of China back in the sixties of the last century, but deciphered quite recently, completely shed light on this mystery. Paradoxical as it may seem, they were written in runic - ancient Slavic writing. Yes, and in the ancient treatises of China, it is often said about white people who live in the northern lands and communicate directly with the Gods. These were the ancient Slavs, the descendants of Hyperborea, who lived in Tartaria. It was they who built the Great not Chinese, but the Slavic wall. By the way, on the rune the word "china" means only "high wall".

The truth about the Chinese wall is not needed by the powerful of this world

But against whom was this "high wall" built? It turns out that against the race of the Great Dragon, with which the White race of the Russians, who lived in Tartaria, fought for a long time. This battle at the level of two extraterrestrial civilizations ended with the great victory of the White race more than seven and a half thousand years ago. It is this date that the Slavs consider the beginning of the creation of the World, the ancient Slavic calendar began with it, which, to our regret, was canceled by Peter the Great.

Photos from open sources

And the fact that there was once a war of extraterrestrial civilizations, legends of many peoples of the world say, naturally, it is reflected in the traditions of the Slavic and Chinese people. So why didn't these civilizations leave any traces on Earth? It turns out that they did, and the Great Wall of China is not the only unique evidence of this. A lot of such artifacts have been found, but no one is in a hurry or even dares to publish all this data: firstly, then you need to rewrite all history and geography, and secondly, for many peoples, say, the same Americans or Chinese, this is not at all profitable .

Even we Russians cannot restore our true history - the history of the ancient Slavs, which, as it turns out, goes back not centuries, but millennia. However, watch the new documentary film "Ancient Chinese Russia", where you will find answers to these and many other questions that modern "fundamental" science is silent about.