Who are Cain and Abel. The story of the first murder on earth. Cain and Abel - the Bible story of the brothers

The merciful God gave Adam and Eve children. The eldest son was Cain, and the other, Abel, was younger than him. Cain was a farmer, Abel was a shepherd. I must tell a very sad story about these two brothers.

Once Cain and Abel offered sacrifices to God, each of them. Cain lit a fire and put a sheaf of ripe ears on it. Abel made a fire, killed and put on it the best lamb that he had in the flock. Abel was kind, pious; he loved God and, in his fervent sacrifice, believed in the promised Savior. Cain made a sacrifice only for show, so that they would not say about him that he did not believe the promise of God and did not love Him. He offered the sacrifice just as we often pray to God because we are forced, or we go to church just because we are sent or taken there. How often do we read a prayer or stand in church, while we ourselves think about a stranger, we hurry to read prayers as soon as possible and do not wait until the service in the church leaves soon in order to run away and play with our comrades.

Children! God sees what a person is thinking. He saw the zeal and faith of Abel, accepted his sacrifice and showed that she pleases Him. The smoke from Abel's sacrifice rose to heaven, and the smoke from Cain's sacrifice spread across the ground. Yes! God did not accept the sacrifice from Cain and, so that Cain would continue to pray with greater faith and zeal, showed him His displeasure. Well, children, do you think Cain has corrected himself? No! He was annoyed that his sacrifice was not pleasing to God, and he became very angry with his brother.

As Cain became more and more angry, the Merciful God said to him: “Why are you angry, Cain? And why do you have such a sad face? Stop getting angry, this is a sin. "

But Cain did not obey God and became more and more angry with Abel. And do you know, children, what he did because of his anger? He called Abel into the field, took him away from his parents' dwelling, and there he killed his brother. He didn't mind killing him; he didn’t want to hear when poor Abel with tears in his eyes asked him for mercy, he didn’t want to think that father and mother would grieve and cry for the murdered Abel. This is what jealousy and anger drove Cain to. He killed a man, his own brother, ruined an innocent soul ...

Cain goes home and thinks that no one saw how he killed his brother. People did not see, but God saw, who sees everything and everywhere, from whom we cannot hide anything, who sees not only what we have done, but also what else we want to do. And now God Himself appears to Cain and in order to induce him to repentance, asks: "Cain, where is your brother Abel?" The secretive and rude Cain replies: “I don't know where he is. Am I my brother's keeper? "

Then the Merciful God said: “Cain! Cain! What did you do?! There lies your dead brother, covered in blood that cries out to Me. And for the fact that you killed your brother, be you cursed. Don't you dare stay in this side, get away from your parents and run further from here. But wherever you come, you will never have peace. Your conscience will always torment you for killing your brother without any fault. " Then Cain said: "Yes, Lord, now I see that my sin is great and you will not forgive me." And imagine, children, Cain, who killed his poor brother without any pity, began to fear that he would be killed himself. He says: "Everyone who meets me will kill me!" But the Lord marked Cain with a special sign so that none of those who met him could kill him.

And so the unfortunate Cain went away from his native places, to a foreign land. But his heart always sank with fear, and his conscience constantly tormented him. A leaf fell from the tree, and he threw himself to the side in fear. Wherever he sat down to rest, everywhere it seemed to him that Abel lay in front of him in blood. It seemed to him that behind every bush there was a killer who would kill him now. But people, looking at this man, groaning with remorse, shaking and wildly looking around, tried not to meet him and ran away when they saw Cain.

The brothers Cain and Abel, the most famous brothers in the Christian religion, are familiar to everyone. Their story while reading the Bible made me think about a lot. About what lesson they taught humanity, how fratricide influenced the fate of descendants. In this article, I will talk about the story of the two brothers and its different interpretations.

Probably there is no person who has not read this biblical story or heard about it. Just in case, let me remind you what happened between the two legendary brothers, and tell you about the details.

Cain and Abel are two brothers, children of the founders of the entire population of the Earth, the sons of Eve and Adam. They were born after they had eaten the forbidden fruit, and God expelled the couple from the Gardens of Eden.

The Creator instructed his sinned children to engage in hard physical labor, to find food themselves, to take care of food. Cain was engaged in agriculture, and Abel grazed cattle in the meadows.

The story about Cain and Abel describes the legendary fratricide committed on Earth. The planet was still young then, although it underwent many changes and felt all the negative power of the first sin of Adam and Eve. The elder brother was the first to be born on this planet, and the youngest was the first to die on it.

This story is told in the fourth chapter of Genesis.

Why did the murder happen?

The brothers were obliged to sacrifice the fruits of their labor to God. The younger brother gave these gifts sincerely, with a pure heart. He did not feel greedy and was grateful to the Creator, despite his hard lot. Therefore, God accepted him with gratitude and gave him his favor.

The elder brother gave the fruits of his labors out of duty. He had no love for the Creator, and his gifts were rejected. Full of resentment and envy, in a fit of anger, Cain killed his younger brother. This act was the first terrible crime to desecrate the land.

After the committed fratricide, Cain tried to cover up the traces of the crime, he did not confess to God what he had done. When asked where Abel had disappeared, he replied that he was not following and guarding his brother, therefore he had not the slightest idea of ​​where he disappeared.

God hoped to receive a confession and make Cain repent, but he chose to hide his sin and wanted to avoid punishment. For this monstrous offense, the creator cursed the killer, saying that the earth would no longer give him fruit and strength. Cain was exiled and doomed to wander forever in the land of Nod.

From that moment on, a period of wanderings and suffering of the elder brother began, which he could not bear. He cried out to God with a request that any person he met on the way should kill him.

In response, God commanded that no one could kill Cain, so as not to receive revenge seven times more than he deserves. Therefore, the life of the elder brother continued in torment and suffering.

How did Cain's wanderings end? Here are the highlights of the Bible's story:

  • Cain gave birth to a son named Enoch and became the founder of his family, as well as the city of the same name.
  • There is no definite information about Cain's wife. In different sources, one can see opinions that his wife was his sister, named Avan, or a girl named Sava.
  • The family of Cain has seven tribes. It ceased to exist after the Flood, in which the descendants of the fratricide could not escape.

It is also indicated that the innocent soul of Abel led a horde of other martyrs who persecuted members of the older brother's clan all their lives. His soul could not rest until the clan was completely wiped off the face of the earth.

The meaning of brothers' names

Cain's name symbolizes jealousy in all its forms. Currently, it has become a household name, personifying a person full of evil, meanness, capable of committing a crime against his family members.

Abel is translated from Hebrew as breath, powerful positive life energy. Other sources give a translation from the Akkadian language - "son".

Other interpretations

The story of the two brothers became known to modern society through the study of the oldest manuscripts. The most famous of them was published presumably in 250 BC and is called the "Dead Sea Scrolls".

In this and other historical manuscripts, Abel is presented as the first person to become a victim of a cruel murder, a martyr who atoned for the sin of his parents before God. The image of Cain is presented in the form of a monstrous killer, the personification of evil, its first manifestation in the human world.

There is another opinion of researchers: some of them believe that the legend of the two brothers came from the Sumerians, who wrote about the conflict between farmers and shepherds. The Kabbalah indicates that the elder brother was not the son of Adam, but the fruit of the love of Eve and the angel Samael. In other sources - the devil's offspring, which was born after the adultery of Eve with Satan himself.

Watch a video about the biblical story of two brothers:

Notable facts

This biblical story did not leave researchers and scholars alone. Therefore, over time, many interpretations and interpretations of the first fratricide appeared.

Here are the most interesting ones:

  1. In biblical stories, the story of Cain and Abel is not the only one in which God preferred the youngest of the brothers. This event was repeated at least three times - with David, Joseph and Esau.
  2. This story has become an archetypal example of fratricide, envy and betrayal. Various interpretations can be found in works of art in almost any art form.
  3. In the Middle Ages, there was a legend that the Creator sent his elder brother into exile on the Moon, so that from there he looked after earthly life, yearned for it, but had no opportunity to return. Therefore, people, during the full moon, can take a closer look and see the image of the older brother threatening the younger one.

There is another interesting opinion that the sin committed by Cain became the prerequisite for various wars, the cause of which is blood feud. The author of the opinion believes that the reason for contention is the inequality of people before God and the battle for justice.

Many people know that Adam and Eve had two sons, and the elder took the life of the younger, but why Cain killed Abel for many remains a mystery. This is the first example of fratricide in the history of mankind, which is often used by people in identical life situations. Despite a fairly detailed description of what happened in the Bible, today there are many versions that differ from each other.

Why did Cain kill Abel?

To understand this issue, you must first remember the story itself. Adam and Eve were the first people who, after committing sin, were expelled from paradise. They had two sons: Cain and Abel. The first devoted his life to agriculture, and the second became a cattle breeder. When they decided to give the sacrifice to God, the brothers bore the fruits of their labor. Cain offered the grain as a gift to God, and Abel offered the lamb. As a result, the sacrifice of the younger brother was accepted into heaven, and the elder was left without. All this angered Cain, and he killed his brother Abel. This is the story that the holy book tells.

In general, there are several different explanations presented by Christians, Jews and Muslims. One version says that it was a kind of test for the older brother. He had to understand that a person cannot receive everything at once. Cain had to humble himself and continue to live without any resentment or disappointment. Muslims believe that Abel has the heart of a righteous man and this was the reason for accepting the sacrifice.

Other versions of why Cain killed Abel

Although the holy book indicates that at the time of the incident, only 4 people lived on earth, there is another version. There were also sisters, one of whom, Avan, became a dispute between two brothers. As you know, many conflicts between men over women end in bloodshed. This version arose on the basis of the fact that it was Avan Cain who married and they had a son.

There is a version that Cain deliberately could not kill anyone, since at that time it was not known what death is. Muslims are of the opinion that everything happened solely by chance. Angry with his brother, Cain grabbed him and asked God what to do next. It was at this moment that the Devil appeared and set him up for murder. As a result, Cain killed his brother, completely unwilling to do so.

Christian theologians complement the Bible's version. According to her, God did not want to accept Cain's sacrifice, because it was not from a pure heart. The Jewish philosopher Yosef Albo has a different opinion, who believed that killing an animal was an unacceptable phenomenon for an older brother, which is why he took revenge on a relative for his actions. This version has some contradiction: on the basis of what such thoughts could arise if the concept of death did not yet exist.

In the Talmudic literature there is information that the brothers fought on equal terms, and Cain was defeated, but he managed to beg forgiveness. As a result, Abel let go of the unfortunate, but the fratricide from the Bible, taking the chance, dealt with a relative. According to another version, the brothers are the personification of the confrontation between agricultural and pastoralism.

What happened next?

After Cain killed his own brother, he married Avan and founded the city. He continued to engage in agriculture, which became the basis for the development of a new society. As for Eve, she learned about the death of her son thanks to the Devil, who told her what had happened in the most terrible colors. The mother experienced the bitterness of loss and cried all day. This can be called the first manifestation of human pain. Since then, this topic has been present quite often in the pages of the Bible.

One of the chapters of the Bible tells about the brothers Cain and Abel - the elder and younger sons of Adam and Eve. It is known that the elder brother killed the younger - this was the first murder of one person by another in history. Rereading the pages of the Holy Book, a person never gets an answer to the question: ? Banished from Paradise for committing sin, Adam and Eve found themselves in a world similar to the one in which people live today. For the first time they learned about the suffering of people, in this world everyone was mortal. They had the eldest son Cain, and then the younger Abel.

Each of them chose his own path in life. Cain began to cultivate the land and grow bread on it, Abel grazed sheep. Both of them sincerely worshiped the Almighty. When the time came to confirm their love for the Creator by making a sacrifice to him, both did it without hesitation. Cain put the seeds of the harvest on the sacrificial place, Abel brought a young lamb. But the Almighty accepted the gift of only Abel, sacred fire descended on his gift and the smoke rose straight into the sky. Smoke drifted from Cain's sacrifice along the ground. Cain did not show humility, was filled with anger. His face changed, darkened. Seeing this, the Lord began to admonish Cain to come to terms with his will, not to commit evil deeds.

But Cain's mind was clouded, he thought only of revenge for the offense. By cunning luring Abel to a deserted place, Cain kills his brother. And there is no remorse for your deed. Cain thinks only about how to hide the committed crime from everyone. He even forgets that the Lord sees everything and knows about all his actions. The merciful God gives him the opportunity to repent by asking where Abel is. But there is no repentance. Cain replies that he is not obliged to keep an eye on his brother. Having lied to the Lord, he is rejected by them. As a punishment, the Lord puts on him the mark of immortality, which makes him an eternal wanderer. Cains are now called vile people capable of low deeds.

Why did Cain kill his brother Abel? Cain did not understand the choice of the Most High, before Cain there was no guilt of Abel. Many believe that Cain was guided by a feeling of envy for his brother, who had a softer disposition than, perhaps, won over to God. This assumption is consistent with the opinion of adherents of the Muslim faith.

There are other assumptions, why Cain killed his brother Abel... Christianity claims that Abel lived according to righteous laws, therefore his gift was accepted by the Lord. Cain's thoughts were evil. There was no sincere love for the Almighty in his sacrifice. Therefore, his sacrifice was rejected. The test to which the Lord Cain was subjected, confirmed the wickedness and envy of his character. He could not defeat his pride, resign himself to the will of God, which caused the tragedy.

The stories in Scripture are confirmed by life. In various situations, a person is faced with a choice whether to succumb to temptation and commit a vile act, or to be merciful to his neighbor, forgiving him human weaknesses. There is an assumption that Abel was much stronger than his brother physically. After Cain's attack on Abel, Cain began to beg for mercy. Merciful Abel released his brother, and he killed him.

But whatever versions and assumptions about why Cain killed his brother Abel, did not exist, the conclusion suggests itself that the feeling of envy of Cain for Abel is the main reason for fratricide. After reading the first few dozen chapters of Holy Scripture, we learn the secret of human origin, delve into our inner world. The secrets of the creation of plants, animals and, most importantly, man are revealed to us.

CAIN AND ABEL, in the Bible, two brothers, sons of Adam and Eve. According to Genesis, Cain was the first murderer in history, and Abel was the first murder victim. The Hebrew name Cain bears a resemblance to the verb "kana" (to give birth) used by Eve, who said: "I made a man" (Genesis 4: 1), as well as with the words "cain" (blacksmith) and "kana" (jealous) ... The name Abel (Hevel in Hebrew) may be traced back to the Hebrew word for breath.

The story of Cain and Abel is given in chapter 4 of Genesis and is not mentioned anywhere else in the Hebrew Bible. Abel was a herder, Cain was a farmer. Cain brought as a gift to God from the fruits of the earth, while Abel sacrificed the first-born animals of his flock. Cain, angry that God had preferred Abel's sacrifice, killed his brother. When God asked him, "where is your brother Abel?" - he replied: "Am I my brother's keeper?" (Genesis 4: 9). God punishes Cain with a curse: "You will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth" (Gen. 4:12), but at the same time marks him with the "Cain seal" so that no one will kill him. Cain leaves for the "land of Nod" (the land of wandering), east of Eden.

Throughout the Bible runs the motive of God's preference for younger brothers, such as Jacob, Joseph, or David; Abel is the first in this row. Some researchers see in the biblical story a reflection of the conflict between the two ways of life, cattle-breeding and agricultural. More significantly, however, the gifts offered by Cain and Abel are the first sacrifices mentioned in the Bible. Therefore, it has been suggested that this tradition reflected the belief that the offerings of animals are more pleasing to God than of plants.

It is especially important that this story develops further the theme of moral responsibility, which was first heard in the previous story about Adam and Eve. When Cain begins to envy his brother, God tells him: “If you are doing good, will you not raise your face? but if you do not do good, then sin lies at the door; he draws you to him, but you have dominion over him ”(Gen. 4: 7). This is the first occurrence of the word "sin" ("chet") in the Bible. Cain's sin is especially striking because it is not just murder, but fratricide.

According to the rabbinic tradition, Cain repented of his sin and was subsequently accidentally killed by his descendant, the blind Lamech. If Cain is mentioned in the New Testament as a model of villainy (1 John 3:12), then Abel is referred to as the first righteous person to endure a violent death (Matt 23:35) and as an example of faith (Heb 11: 4). In the Christian exegetical tradition, Abel is the typos (type) of Christ. On the other hand, there is evidence that some Gnostics worshiped Cain as an opponent of Israel's Creator God, whom they rejected.

The Bible says that Cain married, had offspring, and built the first city (Gen. 4: 17-24). Apparently, one of his sisters became Cain's wife (Gen. 5: 4). Cain's male descendants did not survive the flood, but the Kenites, a tribe of blacksmiths and metallurgists, are referred to as contemporaries of Abraham (Gen. 15:19), Moses (Judges 1:16), Deborah (Judges 4:11), and Saul (1 Sam. 15: 6) may have traced their origins to Cain. In the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf the monster Grendel is a descendant of Cain.