Where to go with a child in Evpatoria entertainment. What to see in Evpatoria? The most interesting sights of the best resort of Crimea

Evpatoria is the center of the resort life of the Western Crimea. Unlike the southern coast of the peninsula, completely different climatic conditions and natural landscapes prevail here. The city is surrounded by arid steppe and lakes with medicinal mud. For tourists, the main advantages of a vacation in Evpatoria are sandy beaches, the opportunity to combine rest with treatment and the sea, which is warmer than in other parts of Crimea.

Evpatoria was founded more than 2.5 thousand years ago by the ancient Greeks. Since then, she managed to visit a part of different kingdoms that existed on the territory of the Crimean peninsula. The first tourists appeared in the city in the 19th century. Since that time, Evpatoria began to develop as a balneological resort. People came here to take baths with medicinal mud, swim in the healing waters of Sasyk-Sivash, or just enjoy the fresh sea breeze and clean air.

The best hotels and hotels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles / day

What to see and where to go in Evpatoria?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

City promenade, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the Crimea. It was renovated and refurbished in 2003. The promenade starts from Frunze Street near the sculpture of Hercules and stretches for 800 meters along the coastal strip to Duvanovskaya Street. Architectural sights, beaches, souvenir shops, restaurants and attractions are concentrated along the embankment.

The central embankment of Evpatoria, perfectly adapted for walking. There are no equipped beaches and tourist infrastructure, but a magnificent view of the sea, the Juma-Jami mosque and St. Nicholas Cathedral opens up. Many tourists prefer to sunbathe and swim here. The city authorities are planning a complete reconstruction of the embankment, including its park area.

Public sandy beach located at the beginning of the promenade im. Gorky opposite the amusement park. Frunze. The place is perfect for small children, as there are no sharp stones and a rather shallow entrance to the water. The sandy strip is small, because of this, even in the low season, there are a lot of people here. For this reason, many tourists prefer to go to paid beaches.

A picturesque strip of coastline 220 meters long with a gentle slope into the sea. "Cote d'Azur" is considered one of the cleanest and most comfortable beaches in Evpatoria and the surrounding area. It is equipped with everything you need for a comfortable stay. There are bars, water attractions, a VIP area with cozy bungalows at the very edge of the sea, awnings and comfortable sun loungers. The swimming area is fenced with a special net from algae and jellyfish.

The temple complex of the ethnic group of the Karaites, consisting of two houses of worship (Big and Small Kenassa), a Midrash religious school, a canteen and outbuildings. It was erected on the site of a dilapidated city kenassa at the beginning of the 19th century and became the spiritual and cultural center of the Crimean Karaites. The complex has a small museum, combined with the national library "Karai-bitikligi".

An architectural monument of the late 15th century (in Crimean Tatar - Odun-bazaar qapusy). Several centuries ago, the gate was part of the system of defensive fortifications of the city of Gozlev (Kozlev), which was part of the Crimean Khanate. From here the rulers went to Bakhchisarai after completing the prayer in the Juma-Jami mosque. The Gozlev Gate was destroyed in the 1950s. and restored in 2004 at the initiative of the city authorities at the expense of patrons.

Muslim abode of dervishes - ascetics who belonged to the Sufi branch of Islam. The complex is the only architectural monument of this kind in Crimea. It consists of a madrasah, a mosque and tekie, erected in the period from the 15th to the 18th centuries. Since the 1930s. the premises were used for the needs of the Black Sea Fleet. Since the 2000s. restoration work is underway on the territory of the complex.

The main Muslim temple in Yevpatoria, which has the status of a Friday mosque. The building was erected in the 16th century during the reign of Khan Devlet I Gerai (Girei). Over the next centuries, it was repeatedly restored and rebuilt. During the Soviet era, Juma-Jami served as a museum. In the 1990s. the building was returned to the Muslim community of Evpatoria.

Orthodox church of the late 19th century, erected in memory of the liberation of Yevpatoria from the enemy army during the Crimean War. Funds for the construction were provided by the Muslim, Karaite, Greek, Armenian and Jewish communities. A considerable amount was donated by the Russian Emperor Alexander III. During the Soviet period, the temple was planned to be blown up, but it managed to survive due to the fact that the order for the destruction was never issued.

The temple is located on the site of the former Armenian quarter, which during the time of the Crimean Khanate was located on the outskirts of the city of Gozlev (Kozlev). The construction of the church dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. During the Crimean War, the building housed a French garrison, as evidenced by the names of the soldiers scrawled on the walls. During the Soviet period, the temple was used for economic purposes, which is why it was somewhat dilapidated. In the 1990s. its restoration began at the expense of the Armenian diaspora.

A religious building of the early XX century, located near the Gozlev Gate. The temple did not serve the Jewish community for long, since it was abolished with the onset of Soviet power. During the Great Patriotic War, it housed a stable, later - a warehouse. In the 1990s. services resumed in the synagogue. There is a museum of Jewish life and a kosher restaurant at the temple.

Greek church of the early XX century, located on the city embankment. Donations for the construction of the temple were collected slowly, so representatives of the community turned to the city authorities for a subsidy. The building is built in the Greco-Byzantine style and is decorated with arches, stained glass windows and pilasters. During the years of Soviet power, the building has become dilapidated. Restoration work began in 2003.

City Theater, founded in 1910. The building was erected by architects A. Heinrich and P. Seferov in the neoclassical style. In its grace and beauty, it can be compared with the Odessa theater. F. Shayapin, K. Stanislavsky, E. Vakhtangov, A. Vertinsky, M. Savina and other famous artists performed here at different times. After the last restoration, the auditorium was expanded to 900 seats.

The theater was opened in 1987 at the initiative of directors Oleg and Nina Permyakov. Today it has turned into a full-fledged cultural complex, which will be interesting to visit for spectators of all ages. The theater has creative studios, a photo club, the Clown House Museum, a children's press center and a souvenir shop. Works by S. Ya. Marshak, A. de Saint-Exupery, K. I. Chukovsky, R. Kipling and other authors are regularly staged on the stage.

The gallery was opened in 2007 in the building of the Golden Key Theater. It exhibits works by independent artists and photographers, as well as works created by talented children in creative studios at the theater. During its existence, the gallery has organized more than 150 exhibitions of arts and crafts, painting, photography, small sculptural forms and children's drawings.

The museum was established in 1921 for the purpose of preserving the cultural heritage and researching the ancient city of Kerkinitida, which existed on the site of modern Evpatoria from the 5th century BC. e. and until the 2nd century. Today the collection contains more than 80 thousand exhibits belonging to different historical eras. Near the museum, under a glass pyramid, are the ruins of ancient Kerkinitida, discovered as a result of archaeological excavations.

A branch of the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore, whose exposition is entirely devoted to the Crimean War of 1853-1856. The collection contains personal belongings of soldiers, awards, paintings, weapons and other items. With the help of an audio guide, during the excursion, you can learn a lot about the course of hostilities, key battles and memorable events of the campaign that took place in the vicinity of Yevpatoria.

"House of Wine" brings together an exposition dedicated to the history of winemaking in Crimea, a tasting room and a shop. There are wines of all famous brands of the peninsula: "Novy Svet", "Massandra", "Solnechnaya Dolina", "Koktebel", "Inkerman", "Zolotaya Balka" and others. The selection of drinks is quite extensive. Guests are offered wine, champagne, cider, cognac and balsam. The collection of the museum contains antique exhibits.

The exposition is located in the building of a functioning pharmacy of the late 19th century, which once belonged to the pharmacist Rofe. The interior of the room has survived to this day practically unchanged. There are rare pharmaceutical scales, a machine for making pills, flasks and test tubes, where ready-made drugs were kept. The pharmacy-museum is the only institution of its kind on the territory of the peninsula.

A memorial complex dedicated to soldiers and civilians who died during the Great Patriotic War. During the German occupation of Crimea in Yevpatoria, more than 12 thousand people were killed as a result of mass shootings. The memorial was erected in 1954 on the site of a mass grave. In 2008, it underwent a major reconstruction, resulting in an entrance arch, a memorial plate and a public garden.

Central Park of Evpatoria, which begins at the embankment named after Gorky. It is a vast recreational area with an abundance of green spaces, manicured flower beds and walking alleys. There are attractions for visitors, as well as sports and playgrounds. It will be interesting for children to visit the "City of Fairy Tales" located in the park, ride a pony or mini-steam locomotives.

A picturesque green garden, where more than 280 species of trees and shrubs grow - several varieties of maple, palms, plane trees, almonds, figs, acacia, berry yew and many other representatives of the flora. The arboretum is a real miracle and the fruit of the diligent work of its creators, since the clay and stony soils of Yevpatoria are not well suited for such an exuberant plant diversity.

The theme park, where the main sights of Crimea are located on a reduced scale. All exhibits are made in 1:25 scale. Here you can see models of palaces, temples of various religious denominations, medieval fortresses and memorial monuments. There are several parks of this kind on the territory of the peninsula - in Alushta, Bakhchisarai, Simferopol and Evpatoria.

The zoo, home to about 200 species of exotic fauna - amphibians, reptiles, primates, birds and rodents. The conditions of keeping in the "Tropic Park" are close to natural, so the animals freely move around the territory of the spacious enclosures. Some of them roam freely among the visitors. It is better to come to the zoo with the whole family, as children will get an unforgettable pleasure from communicating with the inhabitants of the exotarium.

The Dolphinarium opened in 1997. Since 2012, it has moved to a modern building, where it is still located. This is a great place to relax with the whole family, interact with dolphins and get positive emotions. During the tourist season, the dolphinarium hosts colorful shows and performances with dolphins and fur seals. You can swim with these amazing animals in the Stepnoy Harbor, located on Lake Donuzlav.

The aquarium is located in the park. Frunze in the central part of Evpatoria. It is a small oceanarium with about 150 species of marine life. The aquarium building has two floors. On the first one there are pools with fish, on the second one you can see crocodiles, iguanas and turtles. The interiors are designed in the form of a fabulous underwater grotto.

A water park opened in Evpatoria in 2014. The design of its territory is based on the tales of A.S. Pushkin. Here you can see familiar figures of heroes, Baba Yaga, Chernomor, a goldfish and other magical characters from childhood. The water park has several slides of varying difficulty, a play area for children and outdoor pools. The smallest visitors are looked after by a nanny-animator.

Water park, decorated in a Latin American style, equipped with 25 attractions, slides, 8 swimming pools and sports grounds. It is located 9 km from Evpatoria in the Saki region. For the convenience of visitors, recreation areas have been created in the shade of exotic trees. The territory of the water park is designed for a comfortable stay of 2.5 thousand people. It is one of the largest in Crimea.

A reservoir located in the city limits of Evpatoria, the bottom of which consists of curative mud. Once the lake was part of the Black Sea, but over time it was separated from the large water by a sand spit. The healing properties of the local mud were discovered in the 19th century. The first clinic was opened here in 1886 by doctors S.P. Tsetsenovsky and S.I. Khojash. From that moment, Evpatoria began to turn into a full-fledged medical resort.

Salty reservoir located east of Evpatoria right at the edge of the sea. The name of the lake is translated as "stinking mud". The place received such an unattractive name in the XIV-XV centuries due to the unpleasant smell that filled the surroundings during the drying up of certain areas. Salt has been mined at Sasyk-Sivash since the time of Tauric Chersonesos. The lake has an unusual pink shade of water due to the presence of a special type of algae in it.

Evpatoria is considered the best resort in Crimea for children. Every year more than 10 thousand children from different countries come here for rest and treatment. The most favorable conditions for this are concentrated here: sandy beaches, a shallow sea near the coast, healing steppe and sea air at the same time. Also in Evpatoria there are many sanatoriums for children with various health procedures.

Evpatoria has many similarities with Jerusalem. Here you can see a Muslim mosque, synagogues, an Orthodox church, Karaite kenases and an Armenian temple. All of them are located close to each other, therefore Evpatoria is often called Little Jerusalem.

Getting to Evpatoria, most of the guests begin their acquaintance with the city from the Gorky embankment and Frunze Park. The embankment and the park can be reached from the central railway station on foot in 10 minutes. Entering the park, you find yourself on the main street that leads to the sea. Hercules is resting by the sea. He is the unspoken symbol of the city. This composition - the resting Hercules - was not chosen by chance. Exactly in the vicinity of Evpatoria, during the excavations, more than 14 similar sculptures related to the era of ancient Greece were found. On the shores of the Black Sea from the end of the last era to the beginning of our era, a Greek settlement called Kerkinitida was located on the site of the modern city.

It is stylized in the form of a grotto, and the entrance is made in the form of the mouth of a huge monster fish, which bared its teeth in an attempt to swallow a gaping tourist. But even if you are absorbed, the time spent inside will be spent with benefit and pleasure. The Evpatoria aquarium is one of the best on the entire Western coast of Crimea. The aquarium is open from 9:00 to 21:00, the cost of a visit is 500 rubles. ...

Not far from the aquarium is the Evpatoria water park "U Lukomorya". The water park "U Lukomorya" is one of the most modern in Crimea and was opened several years ago. The water park is stylized as a fairyland filled with characters from the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. The entrance to the Aquapark is made in the form of a giant head of a hero from the fairy tale Ruslan and Lyudmila. The water park is open from 9:00 to 18:00, ticket prices: from 1400 - for the whole day, up to 800 rubles from 14:00, children's ticket 1000 rubles, from 14:00 800 rubles, and if children are below 1 meter, the entrance is free.

One of the most popular attractions in Evpatoria Yevpatoria Dolphinarium can rightfully be considered, besides the fact that it is one of the newest dolphinarium in Crimea, it is also the largest. Dolphinarium is located at st. Kievskaya 19/20. Ticket prices: Adult 1000 rubles, children 500 rubles, children under 4 years old - free admission. Dolphinarium is open from 9:00 to 18:00

Lost World Park - one of new sights of the city of Evpatoria, opened in 2016 and has already become quite popular among locals and visitors to the city. The park consists of three parts: an exhibition area, an archaeological site and a photo area. The exposition areas and souvenir photos are quite understandable, but the area of \u200b\u200bthe young archaeologist is perhaps the most interesting part for children. In this zone, under a layer of sand, there are fossils of prehistoric animals and you will, with the help of a brush and a shovel, become a real archaeologist. The Lost World is open from 10:00 to 21:00, ticket price: adult 250 rubles. children 150 rub. More about the park.

The miniature park is one of the unique attractions of Evpatoria... A visit to this park is highly recommended for tourists who first arrived in Crimea or travel very little through it. In the miniature park, the most popular sights of the Crimean peninsula are presented, in a ratio of 1:50 and 1: 100 in an exact copy. The park is located on the street. Frunze, almost at the very embankment of Gorky. Entrance fee: 400 rubles, children 200 rubles, open from 9:00 to 22:00. More about.

If you return to the monument to Hercules and head left along the Gorky embankment (before turning to Duvanovskaya street), then you will certainly get to the Evpatoria Museum of Local Lore. Near the entrance to the museum, under a pyramidal dome, there are excavations of the ancient city of Kerkinitida. Under the domes are presented: household items, antique vases and some artifacts found in the area. Also, near the pyramid, pay attention to the stone figures - these artifacts were found during excavations of the city and are 1000 years old or more. Visiting the excavations is free.

Museum of Local Lore in Evpatoria - this is perhaps one of the most fascinating and interesting places in the city. On a relatively small area, you can clearly get acquainted with the history of the city from the moment of its foundation to the present day. The entrance to the museum itself is decorated with ancient cannons from the 19th century. The museum displays a large composition of weapons from the 18th-19th centuries. The museum is open from 9:00 to 18:00, the cost of a visit is 150 rubles. If you visit the museum, the history of the city flashes before your eyes: its ups, difficult times, two Turkish wars, fascist occupation and much more.

If you go from the museum towards the city center, you will find yourself on Teatralnaya Square. Theater Square is the heart of the city, all concerts and mass festivities are held here, the main fountain of the city is also located here with light and musical accompaniment. There is also the Raketa cinema, the Pushkin theater and along the square there is a large memorial wall with an eternal flame. Almost the entire history of Evpatoria is described on the wall.

Not far from the Theater Square is one of the oldest temples in the city -. Sometimes the temple is called the Elias Church. The temple was founded in 1918. Located at: st. Brothers Buslaevs, 5. The Church of St. Elijah is the beginning of the Tereshkova embankment and one of the most important shrines of the city. On the temple - from the side of the sea, you can see large potholes - these are the scars of the Second World War.

The second largest in the city. Along the Tereshkova embankment there is a small park with modern attractions, a large playground for scooters, roller skates, skateboards or bicycles. There is also a modern Ferris wheel with stunning views of the city and the sea. Near the Ferris wheel, there is a children's playground and a memorial complex - the Suvorov redoubt, dedicated to the time when the great commander builds the city's defenses.

At the very end of the Tereshkova embankment there is another monument of the Crimean War - the Suvorov Redoubt. The Suvorov redoubt, erected on the embankment, really existed during the Crimean War. In Evpatoria, in those years it was called Gezlev, it was here that Suvorov's headquarters was located. It was this great commander who organized the defense of the city. The redoubt itself was lost in the cycle of time, but the memory of the exploits of the great commander is kept in the hearts of the inhabitants of the city and on the pages of our great history. Therefore, the Evpatorian people decided to build this stylized memorial monument, on which they installed a bust of the great commander.

Immediately behind the bust, the redoubt, is the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The temple was built at the end of the 19th century to commemorate the liberation of Yevpatoria from the Anglo-French troops. In the 16th year of the 20th century, this temple was visited by Nicholas II with his family. Sailors come here before starting the journey to receive a blessing. The temple was built in the Byzantine style.

Leaving the temple, You discover the panorama of the Duvan House. Duvan was, perhaps, the best mayor who went down in history, as a patron of the arts and the founder of the city's tourist life. It was thanks to his efforts that Evpatoria became known as a resort and later received the status of an all-Union health resort. Duvan's house is made in the Art Nouveau style. Each floor is a separate piece of art and a separate design.

Mosques "Juma-Jami"

Just behind Duvan's house the largest Muslim mosque and one of the most ancient mosques of Crimea - Juma-Jami (Friday Mosque) is located. It was built back in 1552. The height of its central hall is 22 meters. It was here that the ceremony of consecration to the khan dignity took place, after the approval by the Turkish sultan. The mosque is still in operation, it hosts excursions, meetings and educational events.

Not far from the Juma-Jami mosque, if you move along the main street towards the exit from the city, literally in a 5-minute walk is the oldest pharmacy in the city. The pharmacy was founded in 1823. In those days, every drug was made to order, only a few drugs were kept ready-made. Therefore, the pharmacist had a whole workshop for the manufacture of potions, potions and other things. The pharmacy museum has preserved some of the equipment, which is now presented to the guests of the city. The pharmacy is functioning and the fee for examining the exhibits will not disappear. ...

Gezlev gate

Just above the Pharmacy Museum is the Gezlevsky Gate. The gate was built in the 15th century and served as one of the entrances to the city of Gozlev. Gezlevskie gates are sometimes called “the gates of the wooden market”. It was here that in ancient times there was a market where you could buy wood for a fireplace and stove. Now the gate houses a museum and a wonderful ethno-cafe on the second floor. The cost of visiting the museum is 250 rubles, the excursion includes the ascension of the second and third floors, the story of the guide and a small performance in the upper hall.

Monastery "Taki Dervish"

Near the Gezlevsky gate, there is an ancient temple Taki Dervish, right across the road. Takie Dervish monastery was built in the middle of the 15th century. Now the monastery houses a museum where guided tours are held. The place is quite interesting, with a rich history. According to one version, the monastery was erected on the site of the destroyed Armenian temple, but it is not known for certain. But the fact of the destruction of the Armenian temple in the history of the city is still captured. The new temple was erected in 2 minutes walk from Taki Darevish. The cost of visiting Such Dervish is 150 rubles. ...

The Armenian church was rebuilt after being destroyed in 1817 by the Armenian community of Yevpatoria. The church is an exact copy of the Feodosia Armenian Church, famous for the fact that the world famous moraine artist Aivazovsky was married there. Even after reconstruction, the Armenian church looks very beautiful and monumental. The church is currently undergoing reconstruction. ...

Synagogue Yegie Kapai

Entering the Gözlevskie gates, you find yourself on one of the most picturesque streets of the city, or rather the old city. The street is rather small and quickly disintegrates into lanes and dead ends, but following the tourist signs, you get to the ancient sights of Gozlev.
The Yegie Kapai synagogue was built in 1911 at the expense of the city council and private donations from the city's Jewish community. The synagogue is currently open to all tourists and guests of the city. Once on the territory of the synagogue, you can get acquainted with the life of the diaspora of the 20th century; there is an ethno-exhibition in the courtyard. Also on the territory of the synagogue there is a Jewish restaurant Yoskin Kot, in which only kosher food is prepared according to old Jewish recipes. ...

Not far from the synagogue are the remains of the city's large manufactory - a Turkish bath. It was built in the 16th century. Most of the workers were Slavs, captured by the Turks in the territory of present-day Ukraine and Russia. On the territory of Gezlev there was one of the largest slave markets in Europe. There were two divisions in Turkish baths: male and female. Most of the building was made of richly finished marble. The bathhouse was not only a place for hygiene, but also a public place where friends met to spend time. The cost of the visit is 200 rubles. ...

Karaite kenases are located in a three-minute walk from the Turkish bath. Karaites are one of the indigenous peoples of Crimea, with their own faith and religious buildings. Now in kenasi there is a prayer house and one of the amazing restaurants with Karaite cuisine and Crimean flavor. There are also showrooms and a guided tour. The cost of the excursion should be checked on the spot. ...

All Crimean cities have their own green zone, and Evpatoria is no exception. Central Park in Evpatoria is the busiest part of the city, especially in the evening. Frunze Park is full of vacationers who make an evening promenade along the sea under the arches of coniferous trees and to the music of evening fountains. Frunze Park in the summer becomes the heart of the city, it is in it that most of the nightlife of Evpatoria takes place. On the territory of the park there are: a water park, an aquarium, a miniature park, the central city beach and many other attractions of Evpatoria.

Memorial complex "Krasnaya Gorka"

Sights of Evpatoria within walking distance

Karting center

Evpatoria karting center - located a few kilometers from the city, in the village of Suvorovskoye (along the Black Sea route). Evpatoria Karting Center - Crimea Grand Prix - is the only professional karting center in Crimea. Its tracks are made according to international standards and in 2017, the center hosted the Russian championship. Today, in the karting center, you can rent karting for both a professional and any visitor who is ready to try new sensations and extreme sports. In the Evpatoria karting center, you can rent both a professional car, and a child's or two-seater. On the territory of the karting center there is a school and professional instructors. Price and other information about.

On the outskirts of the city in the direction of the village of Zaozyornoye, Lake Moinak is located. It is Lake Moinaki that is the main source of the healing mud of Yevpatoria. Translated from the Turkic, Moinaki Lake means "star". This lake is located in the west of the city and covers almost two square kilometers with a maximum depth of 0.9 meters. Springs are located along the lake. The bottom is rich in hydrogen sulfide and oily silt.
Evpatoria has a large number of mineral water pump rooms, due to which they also carry out treatment and prevention of various diseases. In Evpatoria, the production of several brands of mineral water was launched so that people could improve their health not only in sanatoriums, but also at home.

In the village of Zaozernoye, which will soon become part of Evpatoria, there is another ancient settlement. It was named after the sanatorium, on the territory of which it was discovered, the fortress Chaika. The Chaika settlement, like Kerkinitida, is a Greek settlement with a rich and interesting history.

Water park "Banana Republic"

At the exit from Evpatoria, towards the city of Saki, there is another water park called "Banana Republic". A large number of entertainment in Evpatoria, due to the fact that the city has been considered a children's health resort of Crimea for many decades. The cost of visiting the Banana Republic Aquapark: full day - 1400 rubles, from 13:00 to 18:00 - 1500 rubles, from 15:00 to 18:00 - 1400 rubles. Children below 90 cm, free of charge. Children's ticket from 1200 to 1000 rubles. The water park is open from 10:00 to 18:00, parking is paid 200 rubles.

Not far from the Banana Republic Aquapark - towards the city of Saki - there is an open-air museum. Kara-Tobe is one of the watchtowers of the ancient world, which was supposed to protect Kherosnes Tauride (now Sevastopol) from the invasion of nomadic tribes. This fortress was erected by the Romans, it was later used by other tribes, and already in modern history, during the Second World War, there was an observation post here. Today the museum is open to the public from 10:00 to 18:00, the cost of the excursion is 150 rubles, the average time is about one hour. More about.

In Evpatoria and its surroundings there are many sanatoriums for children, so the demand for water parks is extremely high here. No Crimean city can boast of two water parks. Rest in Evpatoria is very diverse and interesting. Many attractions and entertainment for every taste, beaches from sandy to pebble, several large salt lakes, warm Crimean climate. It is not without reason that the ancient Greeks chose these wonderful and unforgettable places on the Western coast of Crimea.

Attractions Evpatoria on the map of Crimea


Evpatoria is famous for its good sandy beaches. And as a result, for the most part, a huge number of married couples with children go here on vacation. In addition to high-quality beach holidays, all tourists will find a lot of interesting places aimed at absolutely any age of vacationers. Therefore, it simply cannot be boring here. And most of the vacationers return to Evpatoria again the next year. In addition, there is a wonderful climate, clean air, exactly what tourists tired of megacities need.

Places worth visiting while resting in Evpatoria.

  • Dolphinarium - this is not quite an ordinary dolphinarium, in addition to bright tricks, here you can purchase the "dolphin therapy" service. Many doctors claim that joint contact with these animals helps to cure a large number of diseases associated with the nervous system. A swim with a dolphin costs about $ 15. I don't know if this is true or not. But there are a lot of people who want to get a positive effect. The entrance ticket for an adult to the show program is 300 rubles, for children - 200 rubles. The dolphinarium is open daily from 11-00 to 20-00.

Address: Russia, Evpatoria, st. Gorky, 16


  • Frunze Central Park is the most important amusement park in Evpatoria. There is a large number of all kinds of entertainment for absolutely everyone. Even the smallest guests of the city can get a lot of pleasure in their zone called "The Town of Fairy Tales". At night, the park turns into a nightclub and a concert hall where artists come.

Address: Evpatoria, st. Gorky, st. Shevchenko or st. Frunze

Frunze Central Park.

  • Aquapark "Banana Republic Aquaparkos" - one of the largest water parks in Crimea. Here there are like super extreme slides for adults: Blue fog, Red pepper - as high as a 7-storey building. Also, children's slides, less scary, in the water park there are about 15 of them. The water park is open every day from 10 to 19. The cost of an admission ticket for an adult is 850 rubles, for children 450 rubles, and for kids up to 90 cm tall. The entrance to the park is completely free. The only caveat is that in the highest season, there are a lot of people here, and therefore there are long queues for the slides.

Address: Evpatoria, Station "Pribrezhnoe".

Aquapark "Banana Republic Aquaparkos".

  • Amusement park "Dinopark" - this park is intended exclusively for the public of children. There is a large number of dinosaur mockups, a play area, a bowling alley, an ice rink and a fish restaurant. The place is considered one of the largest in the Crimea among entertainment for children. Opening hours from 10 to 23. The cost of the entrance ticket is 150 rubles, and for kids under 3 years old admission is free.

Address: Evpatoria, park im. Lenin

Amusement park "Dinopark".

  • Entertainment complex "Solnyshko" - for those who want to dance or just have a good time, it is worth visiting this place at least once. The complex is located directly on the seashore and includes: a large three-level outdoor dance floor, water activities on the beach, animation programs throughout the day, a diving center, restaurants, cafes and bars. For those who wish, there is a hotel in which you can spend the night. The place is very fun, famous for its popularity especially among young people.

Address: Evpatoria, along the P25 highway from Evpatoria in the direction of the city of Saki

Entertainment complex "Solnyshko"

  • Juma-Jami Mosque - a Muslim mosque with two minarets, as the guides say, it is a kind of beacon for sailors from the water. Thanks to her, you can navigate where you are. In addition, Juma-Jami is the largest of all mosques in Crimea. In the city, she perfectly helps tourists to go to the embankment, which is very convenient. Therefore, while resting in Evpatoria, you will pass by it more than once.

Address: Evpatoria, park named after Karaev

Juma-Jami Mosque.

  • Karaite kenassas is a large temple complex of the Turkic people. All of their monuments are in the Crimea, including one of the main ones here in Evpatoria. If you get tired, there is an excellent cafe on the territory where you can sit and relax, and at the same time taste the most delicious pasties and kvass.

Address: Evpatoria, st. Karaimskaya, 68

Karaite kenassas.

  • Theater square of Evpatoria is also a kind of landmark of the city. It is the center of Evpatoria, it is located: Theater and Library. Pushkin, as well as the park.

Address: Evpatoria, Theater Square

Theatrical square of Evpatoria.

  • Moinak lake is an analogue of the Dead Sea in Israel. The water in the lake is very salty, and black silt has healing properties. Every year a huge number of tourists come here for mud therapy in the hope of curing all kinds of diseases.

Moinak lake.

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The city of Evpatoria is one of the most wonderful places on the Crimean peninsula, successfully combining comfort for vacationers, some practicality with a sufficient amount of entertainment and quiet rest.

Evpatoria is divided into two parts, the old town and the new building. In the old city, the streets are in a kind of wild chaos.

According to local legend, the old city was built in a very original way, without taking into account geographical features. The highest clergy came to the supposed place and one of them threw a stone behind his back, where the stone rolled - in that direction and the street. The old town is built up in an incomprehensible way, the building is a bit like a game of chess of two amateurs (whoever wants to - and walks). In addition, the restorers have tried, each street (like a twin sister) is similar to its predecessor. You can get lost very easily. My advice, so as not to waste yourself and your loved ones nerves on vacation wandering through the streets, buy a card. Fortunately, there are enough of them in the kiosks. In addition, almost all sights, monuments, even the markets of Evpatoria are indicated on the map. A very practical thing.

And there are plenty of ancient monuments in the city. Juma-Jami Mosque, Karaite Kenassa, Tekie Dervishes, old Orthodox churches. Every hour excursions to the most significant historical monuments are organized for everyone. The price of these excursions is "cheap". Excursion to Keraim Kenassa - 10 UAH, to Tekie Dervishes - 20 UAH.

But these excursions are good for adults. Children are not interested in this business, give them something more fun. Such a place in Evpatoria is a children's fairy tale park. The quiet, picturesque park contains more than 30 characters from everyone's favorite Soviet cartoons. All characters are skillfully made of wood and painted with bright colors. A real children's park. Children "come off to the fullest" climbing into the hut of Baba Yaga, sitting astride the Serpent-Gorynych.

The park is very clean and well maintained.

Another rare sight of the city is an old red tram. Grunting, creaking, but it will take you both to the Old Town and to the market or square.

The main attraction for vacationers is the embankment, with endless entertainment venues and cafes. It is on the embankment that the favorite statue of the "local nudist" is located. The statue is always full - full of people.

In my opinion, every vacationer sought to capture himself against the background of the statue. It's kind of like a good tradition. We were no exception.

Not far from the waterfront, along the various shops, there is a small alley. Here they make money in a newfangled way, trying themselves as a monument. People dress up in costumes of historical eras of past centuries, make up like statues, and stand like this (poor) all day on pedestals, sometimes only changing their position.

At the bottom of each pedestal of the bank, where everyone throws a denyushku (to whom, how many do not mind). It looks beautiful, but as you think, how much strength and endurance is required to withstand the sun all day, you just feel sorry for these guys. This is probably why their money banks are never empty.

There is one more place where you will be actively invited. Mineral source. Anyone can come and get water for free. Of course, according to local guides, this source is "with very healing properties." Hydrogen sulfide water. The smell is disgusting. But, and how healing it is or not, we did not check.

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It is customary to say about Evpatoria that it is a health resort, a pleasant climate, sandy beaches, but nothing more. It seems that there is really nothing to see there, lie yourself by the sea or go for procedures in numerous sanatoriums and mud baths.

But in fact, Evpatoria is not a boring health resort at all, but a bustling crossroads of various religions and cultures - with museums of different nationalities, with the shouts of Muslim heralds and minaret towers, steeples into the sky, an old operating mosque and synagogues, with Orthodox churches and Karaite kenases. It is not for nothing that the tourist route through the old part of the city is called "Little Jerusalem" due to the mixture of religions, cultures and traditions. Medieval streets (Evpatoria is really an ancient city - it is 25 centuries old!), Monuments, religious buildings of different denominations. The old buildings of the city keep the memory of centuries.

You can start exploring "Small Jerusalem" from the ancient Gezlev gate. Gezlev - this was the name of Evpatoria before, it was a large city, which was even planned to be made the capital of the Crimean Khanate. To this day, the entrance to the fortified city, which is called the Gate of the Wood Bazaar, has been preserved here.

The former monastery of the Sufi order of Muslim monks - "tekie dervishes" - consists of a monastery of dervishes of the 15th century, the ancient minaret of Shukurulla Jami and the Crimean Tatar museum in a teahouse. The temple is a place for meditation and "dancing" of monks. It is worth listening to music and watching the dances of the dervishes. An amazing sight!

Khan Jami Mosque, Merchant and Handicraft synagogues, the restored Yegie Kapai synagogue, the Yoskin cat museum-cafe, where you can taste Jewish Olivier, Ilyinsky Church, the Armenian Church of St. crosses: Greek, St. George and Orthodox. What a variety and mixture of nationalities, nationalities, religions!

Evpatoria is considered the capital of the Karaites, because it is here that their shrines are located - the small and cathedral kenases, where Semyon Solomonovich Bobovich lived - their spiritual leader, more than two hundred Crimean Karaites live here and now.

Walking along the quiet streets of Evpatoria, even aimlessly, you can still get to some sight. After all, there are 15 museums in the city!

The Museum of Local Lore, opened back in 1921, has over 80,000 items of exhibits, including rich collections of ancient Greek and Scythian monuments, numismatics, and weapons. The exposition of the museum is open every day, except Wednesday, from 10.00 to 16.30. The museum is located at 11 Duvanovskaya Street, and its branch at 16 Gagarin.

Probably, the guests of the city will be interested in visiting the open-air museum of world sculpture and applied art on the territory of the seaport of Yevpatoria, in Shelkovichny Square. The museum is open from 10.00 to 20.00.

An unusual museum displaying the tragic history is the "Museum of Chernobyl Heroes" Star Wormwood "in the park in memory of the Heroes of Chernobyl. The museum is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00.

A museum that will be of interest to those who are attracted by the history of wars. The Museum of the History of the Crimean War at 61 Revolution Street is open all days except Wednesday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.30.

Also in Evpatoria, on Revolyutsii Street, 56, every day from 11 am to 6 pm, except Monday, there is a museum "Pirates of the Black Sea".

The House of Wine Museum in the center of Evpatoria will present you with an exposition dedicated to the history of winemaking in Crimea. All wines presented are authentic. Here you can see ancient Greek finds related to culture and wine consumption. And of course the traditional tasting!

The original Museum of Post and the Museum-Pharmacy in Evpatoria are considered unique, there are no more similar ones in Crimea.

The Postal Museum in the old quarters of the city, on Karaeva Street, 2, tells about the development of postal services in Ukraine, Crimea, and Evpatoria.

The Old Sea Pharmacy Museum is open from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 21.00, and Sunday from 8.00 to 17.00.

You can visit the dilapidated, but unique complex "Turkish Baths", built in the 16th century!

And, of course, there are wonderful theaters in Evpatoria! And there are really a lot of them for a resort town. Theater named after Pushkin and puppet theater "Marionettes", fire theater "Wolfram" and dance theater of the peoples of the world, unusual theater on stilts, theater of live sculpture and "Gender interactive theater".

It is worth paying attention to the absolutely amazing children's theater near Evpatoria, which is called "The Golden Key". This is not just a theater, it is an International Children's Center-complex, which includes theater studios for children of different ages, a club of maritime professions, various hobby groups and art and craft workshops. This unique place is located at Bartenev, building 1-5. And it is really worth going there for both adults and children!

Here, on the basis of the center, the HARASHO Gallery of Contemporary Art and the Clown's House interactive museum, where performances and excursions, master classes for children are held. In the "House of the Clown" there is a children's club for toddlers, where you can leave your child with caring nannies for a while.

Every year, from July 1 to July 7, for more than 20 years, the theater has been holding the International Festival "Earth. Theater. Children", which attracts theater groups from all over the world!

And these days, not only the platform in front of the Golden Key, but the whole city turns into one big stage, into a single cheerful, colorful carnival, with a festive procession, performances of artists, singers, dancers, fireworks and a parade of stars. This unforgettable show, in my opinion, is the hallmark of Evpatoria. Now this festival is taking place and I myself have just returned from there, went to see the performances, to join the general holiday of art and real international friendship!

The festival "Earth. Theater. Children" and the theater "Golden Key" are far from the only things that can attract tourists who come on vacation with children. Right in the center, on the Embankment, there is a fabulous city "Aqualand near Lukomorye", and if you ever get there, you will not have a question of what to do with your child but rest. Here, to the whole children's town, which is guarded by the head of Pushkin's hero, is not just a roller coaster, but a whole interactive area for games, where children are always under the supervision of animators. Slides and water attractions are waiting for you: Serpent Gorynych, Tail of Gorynych, Princess Swan, Bogatyrskaya Gorka, Storm, Throne of Guidon. From 10.00 to 18.00 an adult ticket costs 1100 rubles, a child ticket - 800 rubles. From 14.00 to 18.00 the cost of an adult ticket is 950 rubles, and a ticket for children is 650 rubles. Children up to 1 meter tall are admitted free.

And on the outskirts of the city, children and parents are waiting for the Banana Republic water park with slides, attractions, cascading pools, geysers, waterfalls! The territory has parking, restaurants, cafes, tennis court. Admission to the water park for adults from 10-00 to 19-00 1400 rubles, from 13-00 to 19-00 - 1300 rubles, from 15-00 to 19-00 - 1200 rubles. Entrance for children from 10-00 to 19-00 -1000 rubles, from 13-00 to 19-00 - 900 rubles, from 15-00 to 19-00 - 800 rubles. Children up to 90 cm in height enter the "Banana Republic" free of charge.

For those who love sightseeing tours, you can order a city tour of the city, and there are auto-walking and tram tours!

Fans of cinema will be interested in walking around the places where the famous films "We met somewhere", "Walking in agony", "It was by the sea", "Money changers" were filmed.

In general, in Evpatoria you can walk, watch, study, learn and never get tired of either adults or children!