Kitchen aprons with their own hands. How to choose a kitchen apron: designer tips. How to make an apron in the kitchen from MDF

After updating the kitchen set and the interior in general, you need to think about protecting the walls above the work surface. Many decide to make an apron in the kitchen with their own hands. In order for the efforts expended not to be in vain, you need to choose the right material, design, determine the dimensions and correctly install.

Your kitchen will become stylish and unusual with an original apron

Choosing an apron

Depending on the style of the room, as well as the available funds, the type of future apron is determined. The following parameters are taken into account here:

  • wall dimensions;
  • colors;
  • operational characteristics;
  • master skills;
  • type and cost of materials.

The width and height of the apron in the kitchen are determined by the contours of the furniture. If sheet material is used, seams and joints on the surface can ruin the overall look. The colors should match the design of the furniture, walls, floor and type of decor. Universal option - white or beige tones. A plain apron is simple and unobtrusive. You can create patterns or simple drawings, order photo printing or choose a ready-made material with the image you are interested in.

Strength and wear resistance largely depend on the type of material. Here's what you can make an apron in the kitchen:

  • oilcloth;
  • wallpaper;
  • tiles and mosaics;
  • decorative rock;
  • glass and mirror;
  • metal;
  • decorative panels.

The most expensive are mosaic and UV printed tempered glass.

The apron is in harmony with the interior of your kitchen

Features of arranging an apron from various materials

In order to decide what stone or glass to hang, it is worth considering in more detail the features of each type of apron. It is worth noting that the wallpaper is rarely used on its own. The exception is strong vinyl samples, but it is recommended to use a glass or transparent plastic protective screen in any case.

The cheapest option is oilcloth for walls in the kitchen. It is glued to the wall, nailed or nailed with a furniture stapler. The service life of such a panel is relatively short, but oilcloth is ideal as a temporary protection for the wall.

Ceramic tile

One of the most popular options is ceramic tiles. Advantages of tiles:

  1. durability;
  2. strength;
  3. water resistance;
  4. chemical inertness;
  5. simple care;
  6. wide range of.

The tiled design of the apron differs in color, the presence of a pattern or a schematic ornament, the size of the masonry elements, their location, etc. With the help of a tile of a certain format, you can visually expand the space.

For high-quality laying, a cement-sand mortar and a prepared surface are required. Distortions and height differences should be eliminated as much as possible. To be able to install an apron separately from the wall, you can glue ceramic tiles to chipboard. This will also solve the problem of leveling the base.

The right choice of design: bright, stylish, original


An alternative to ceramic tiles is mosaics. Its range is no less extensive. Mosaic is made from the following materials:

  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • a rock;
  • metal;
  • plastic and acrylic.

The first three varieties are predominantly used. Mosaic panels consist of a set of separate fragments. They can be connected with a mesh or paper base.

The interior looks original, where. Due to the high cost, the purchased mosaic is replaced with home-made from broken dishes, old tiles and other similar materials. Installation of such an apron is lengthy and requires skill.

beautiful stone

A stone apron is suitable for classic and country style. The surface is visually rough. Gluing a decorative stone is beneficial in terms of its durability and interesting appearance. The downside is the price of the product. Also, the matte porous surface is able to trap dirt. Embossed apron is difficult to clean from drops of fat. Glossy polished samples are easy to clean, but they remain splash marks and fingerprints.

This option is suitable for finishing the kitchen, where the hob is not used very often. Otherwise, you need to take care of a powerful hood that will catch splashes of grease and partially protect the panel from contamination.

The most common and inexpensive cladding option

Laminated MDF panels

A very affordable option is an apron made of laminated MDF panels. A laminate or plastic is applied to the surface of a thin sheet of material. Often they choose the same color as for the countertop. Gluing the panels is very simple, liquid nails are enough.

A big plus is the ability to choose an MDF sheet that is suitable for the format, since the height of the apron for the kitchen sometimes goes beyond the standard dimensions of the cladding. Splashes will be visible on the laminated surface, but they can be easily removed with a rag and glass cleaner. High-quality material is not affected by such chemistry. When using abrasives, there is a risk of scratching the panel.

Risks of rapid wear are associated with contact with high temperatures. Above the hob, the coating can deteriorate and deform. Cheap laminate will fade over time and may flake off with frequent contact with water and steam.

Due to the relatively low cost, the panel can be replaced after a while. This will also allow you to update the interior without significant costs and the need to carry out grandiose repairs.


The most popular type of apron in modern interiors is glass or skinali. Glass advantages:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • wear resistance;
  • decorative;
  • simple care;
  • water resistance;
  • heat resistance and fire safety;
  • chemical resistance.

Your kitchen is beautiful and relatively inexpensive

For the kitchen use tempered glass or triplex with a film layer. The panel can be transparent and protect the main wall covering, plain, have a film pattern or a photo print.

A special effect is given by the LED backlighting of the panel.

The original solution is to glue the mirror to the chipboard. Such a panel expands the space, looks interesting, but quickly gets dirty. To maintain beauty, you will have to rub the mirror daily.

You can make a glass apron with your own hands using vinyl film, oracal or photo wallpaper. The thickness of the glass must be at least 5 mm. You can attach a glass apron in the kitchen with glue, but this is an unreliable method. It is better to buy special fittings. Concealed fastening is organized according to the principle of support rails and hinged clamps. Unhardened material can be drilled, which allows it to be fixed with special rivets.


Metal is rarely used. Basically, this material is suitable for high-tech style, where stainless steel is a clear favorite. You can glue metal to glass with liquid nails or sodium paste. Such panels are durable, but not very diverse in terms of design.


To purchase the required amount of material, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the surface being trimmed. The following indicators are taken into account:

  • apron height in the kitchen;
  • panel length;
  • the distance from the wall to the furniture.

The design of your kitchen will completely transform the room and make it more spacious and lighter.

The standard dimensions of the working area range from 1.5-2.5 m in length. In modern apartments, these figures may be higher, you need to proceed from an individual project.

The height of the kitchen apron has clearer restrictions. The distance between the lower and upper cabinets according to the standard is 60 cm. In some cases, it can be less - up to 45 cm, and also more - about 65 cm.

Separately, the height of the kitchen apron from the countertop to the hood is calculated. This indicator largely depends on the model of the hood, its dimensions and power. Models built into the cabinet allow you to hide part of the wall, and separately installed options require the extension of the apron to the very top of the headset.

How to properly install and make an apron with your own hands: laying and installing tiles, sticking disks

The type of material used directly depends on how the kitchen apron will be fixed to the wall. In order to glue the glass, liquid nails are used or the panel is fixed on special fasteners. Tiled materials are laid on the solution. You can glue a decorative stone on glue with a cement base or polymer. Mixtures are sold in the form of a powder or a finished plastic mass.

Kitchen with an apron: unusual, bright and original

Consider how to make a tiled apron for the kitchen with your own hands:

    1. The surface of the wall is leveled and primed. If tiles are laid on chipboard, a deep penetration primer is used.
    2. The surface is marked with allowances for gaps.
    3. The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel to the wall or the tile itself.
    4. The element is applied to the control mark, pressed and leveled.
    5. A gap is established between adjacent tiles using plastic crosses.
    6. After drying, the seams must be rubbed. Ideally, an epoxy mastic is used. Joints with furniture are treated with sealant.


Properly selected material and competent installation is the key to a successful job. A homemade apron will serve you for more than one year and will delight you with its appearance.

Apron for the kitchen in this case is not a piece of clothing. We will talk about kitchen aprons, which also protect against splashes of water and grease, dirt and soot. But not an outfit (or a greasy dressing gown - whatever) of the hostess, but a wall behind the kitchen table and stove. And we will figure out why, from what and how to make an apron on the wall with your own hands.

What for?

The wall behind the stove has been lined with durable, dense and easily washable materials for a long time. The reason is clear: this is the most contaminated place in the kitchen. It is not worth relying on sheathing, plastering and painting: everyone knows that grease and soot eat into the usual finish tightly, and it is unprofitable to clad all the walls with expensive resistant materials. A kitchen apron occupies a small area and is relatively inexpensive. If necessary, it can be replaced without starting a general repair. But at the same time, some features appear in its implementation in comparison with a continuous finish, because. the apron actually hangs on the wall. But more on that later.

The second reason has appeared in our days along with new materials. For aprons, in particular - tempered carbonate glass. A wide variety of drawings can be applied to it for the overall design of the room, see fig. In addition, the glass apron is a solid, very hard plane that absolutely does not give in to fat, is easy to clean and lasts for decades.

In a kitchen with a glass backsplash, lighting from the underside of a hanging cabinet is especially effective in terms of aesthetics. Carbonate glass has a high index of refraction, which gives a beautiful play of light. But, of course, any other apron is not forbidden to highlight.

Of what?

So, we already know something necessary in order to make an apron in the kitchen ourselves: it must be light enough to hang on the wall, not absorb splashes and fumes of dirty water, grease, detergents. The last ones especially. Modern detergents are able to seep almost between the molecules. In recent years, research on kitchen contamination has been carried out in various countries. For walls, the conclusion is clear: they lose their appearance more from stubborn residues of detergents than from traditional kitchen dirt.


A tile apron is literally as old as the world. Kitchens were lined with ceramics in ancient times. According to hygienic indicators, glazed ceramics for the kitchen seems to be suitable, but! It is not produced in sheets or slabs of large size and cannot be made: during firing it leads and warps.

A tile is a tile: tile cladding is always with seams. Which, in terms of hygiene, immediately reduce all the advantages of tiles to nothing: dirt is very free in them, and in it - fungi with microbes. Nevertheless, the ceramic kitchen apron remains in use: modern grout mixtures make it possible to achieve proper hygiene of the seams for 10 years, the technology has been worked out for centuries, and the materials are inexpensive. Labor intensity, however, is tiled.

Varieties of ceramic aprons are shown in fig. The first on the left is a classic tiled apron, but the tile is already of modern production. The difference between this and the "good old Soviet" is visible without explanation.

In the center - the original apron from. Generally speaking, such a decision is an amateur with funds: the cost of the material is high, and the laboriousness is generally exorbitant, given the features of the apron, see below.

On the right is a mosaic apron. - an extremely complex and time-consuming type of decorative art, but for individual small patterned panels, modern manufacturers offer an interesting solution: sets of finished fragments, 200x200 mm or more in size, with elements of a mosaic seamless pattern. The drawing is developed on a computer. Having only 10-20 standard pieces at your disposal, you can get hundreds and thousands of various patterns, i.e. each of them will be almost unique, and the cost of a custom-made mosaic apron is comparable to a tiled one.


An apron made of glass, or skinali, is a relatively recent innovation. It appeared due to computer-controlled glass cutting on special machines and a sharp reduction in the cost of artificial diamond production technology in the last 10-15 years. The fact is that it is almost impossible to cut hardened carbonate: it is not only prickly, but breaks up into small rounded fragments.

Ordinary glass, albeit thick, is not very suitable for an apron: from accidentally splashing boiling water, it can crack, throwing out traumatic fragments. From fluctuations in temperature and humidity, thick glass begins to float in 5-7 years (remember, glass is not a solid body, but an exceptionally viscous liquid), a gap forms between it and the wall, in which dirt accumulates, forming nauseating stains.

Tempered glass is free from these shortcomings, but expensive, and together with custom-made computer cutting, it is even more expensive. Therefore, ready-made factory-made aprons are more in use. Their sizes, as a rule, are coordinated with those of certain types of kitchen sets.

About drawings on glass

Take another look at fig. at the beginning. Glass allows you to get a variety of decorative effects: stone imitation (top left), a visible increase in the depth of space (top center), which is especially important for a cramped kitchen, flat and 3D images, from abstract to “tasty”. How is this achieved?

The first way is photo printing. Layers of a special high-strength photographic emulsion are applied to the base, giving additional basic colors, as in a slide film. Then they are exposed to ultraviolet light through mask negatives, developed and covered with a protective film of acrylic or melamine.

The photo method allows you to get images that are stunningly realistic and fit exactly into the design. In addition, such panels can be permanently glued to the wall with silicone. There are two drawbacks: expensive, and the durability of the image, although it exceeds 5 years, is still incomparable with that of the glass base.

The second way is to stick a plastic poster with a picture on the wall, and put glass on top. The edge is sealed with silicone so that fumes do not penetrate the pattern. Such a beautiful apron costs several times less, but 3D has to be abandoned: even if the poster is three-dimensional, the volume of the image disappears under glass. Another disadvantage is that the glass has to be fixed to the wall with shaped screws. Fasteners are visible, and drilling carbonate glass costs money: 4 holes give an increase in price the same as cutting into a rectangle.

About plexiglass and acrylic

Will plexiglass or acrylic go to the apron? They are easy to process with conventional tools, water-resistant, lighter than ordinary glass. Temperature resistance - above 100 degrees.

Unfortunately, it won't work. Since it is easily processed with tools, it is easily scratched - once. Waterproof - yes, but splashes of grease and surfactants from detergents eat into it instantly and deeply. Heat resistance of 105-130 degrees - for softening and loss of strength, but already at a temperature "swing" of 20-45 degrees (and the plate may have 60) within six months for plexiglass and 3-4 years for acrylic, clouding, yellowing begins and warping. So, alas, if acrylic still goes to the windows, then it won’t go into the kitchen. And plexiglass - neither there nor there.


However, there are easily processed organic materials suitable for laying out an apron. These are resistant facing plastics and MDF.

The best material for a plastic backsplash is a special tile. Most often, it is produced in sets for panels of a certain size with a pattern, see fig. left. In almost all respects, such an apron is not inferior to a glass one with a 3D pattern, but it costs one and a half to two times cheaper. True, the durability is 7-10 years, but by that time the need for repairs will also be ripe in modern apartments.

MDF provides the same durability. This is a good option for retro and country kitchens, in the center in fig. It is easy to assemble an MDF apron, just remove the paint from the wall (as below) and walk on the plaster with an abrasive mesh on a bar, controlling the evenness with a rule or level, like a rail. MDF weighs a little, and on liquid nails it keeps tightly on the wall without additional fasteners.

If you need to quickly and inexpensively make an apron for 5 years, then plastic wall panels will do, on the right in fig. It is only necessary to take panels not for living rooms, but for the bathroom; There are also special ones for the kitchen. The difference is primarily in the filler, which gives a white background. In ordinary panels, this is chalk, and in moisture-resistant and not prone to warping, it is marble powder.

For the price, this is not always noticeable, a “marble” board may be cheaper than a coated one. It is useless to ask sellers - at best they will repeat what is written in the specification, and there it is far from always true. But, having wandered, looking closely, you can learn to recognize it yourself by eye.

On marble-filled PVC, firstly, the pattern appears to hang over a slightly iridescent white surface, see picture on the right. However, this effect is weakly expressed, it is better to select it first, and then consider the cut. It will be, firstly, smoother, almost smooth. Secondly, in the direct rays of the Sun, when light falls at a certain angle, the smallest sparkling sparks will be noticeable on the saw cut.

Video: choosing a kitchen apron from channel 1

How to do?

Laying the apron begins with the preparation of the wall. For heavy - glass and ceramic - and light, plastic and MDF, it is produced in different ways. But first of all, you need to know how far, to what level from the floor you need to deal with the wall, because this is not an easy and clean job.

We consider the lower border of the apron simply: the height of the table surface (usually 850 mm) minus the thickness of the tabletop (40-60 mm) minus another 50 mm. It is not necessary to drive it deeper under the table; hanging cabinets may be too low. If a washing machine of greater height is built into the table, it makes no sense to provide a recess in the apron for it: the work or selection of the finished product becomes much more complicated. It is easier to push the machine as far forward as possible so that a strip of tabletop remains behind it.

Further, the standard height of the finished one-piece apron is 600-750 mm. Here there are difficulties. The fact is that splashes of fat from pans fly 800-900 mm, and the recommended height of furniture suspension above the stove is also 900 mm. Therefore, you need to either move the hanging cabinets away from the stove, and install a splash-catching hood, on the left in Fig.

But such solutions are suitable if the apron is tiled. Already with wall panels, if they are with a large pattern, difficulties arise. Finished glass aprons are produced in the form of a flat strip. Buying a very wide one is in vain to hide a lot of money under furniture, and the cropped pattern will lose its expressiveness. Ordering curly cutting will be even more expensive. A more or less acceptable solution is furniture from leading manufacturers with a melamine coating, but it will also have to be cleaned regularly and often until the fat and fumes are eaten after the next cooking.

The size of the apron in length is up to you. There are three selection conditions:

  1. From the plate - at least 900 mm in each direction.
  2. From the sink - the same, at least 600 mm.
  3. If the stove or sink is less than 900 mm from the adjacent wall, the overlap on it is 600 mm or more.

Wall preparation

Under tile or glass, you need to knock down the plaster to the base, and treat it to evenness with a strong cement primer for concrete or stone: Plitonit Grunt, Prospector. They give a rougher surface than Knauf, Ceresit and others “from there”, but in our “oak” way, and this is exactly what is needed.

Under light organic materials, it is enough to wash off the paint and level the plaster, as described above. It is best to wash off with non-volatile washes based on surface-active substances (surfactants). They do not stink and do not give off toxic fumes. There are two types of surfactant washes: liquid, for horizontal surfaces and gel-like for vertical ones. We need a second one on the wall, of course.

Further, for any, except, perhaps, MDF, an apron, the installation of a permanent support under the bottom will be required. Under glass, a support is needed that is strong and at the same time not very rigid, i.e. wooden beam from 40x40 to 60x60, looking at the exit of the rear edge of the tabletop. It is attached to the wall with 6 mm self-tapping screws in dowels. The length of the self-tapping screws is chosen so that they go into the wall by at least 70 mm. Fastening step - 150-250 mm.

To stop under the tile, you can put a thin-walled perforated galvanized corner, it is cheaper than a bar. And it’s easier to fix: with flea screws to the thickness of the plaster, if the tile is plastic, and 20-25 mm into the wall under ceramics.



The most difficult thing is laying a slab apron. The fact is that the sizes of tiles of the usual price category differ by 1-1.5 mm. With conventional cladding, this is hidden by using crosses of a standard size - 3-4 mm. By the way, who does not know, crosses are inserted at the corners of adjacent tiles to withstand the width of the seams; removed before grouting.

But wide seams on the apron cannot be done. To maintain hygiene, the apron grout is made with grout mixtures with polymer additives, and for them the maximum joint width is 1.5 mm, otherwise the polymer film stretches, cracks and lets dirt into the seam when it dries. Therefore, 1.5 mm crosses are also needed for the apron.

But if you lay tiles on them, then it will be seen that the seams “walk” both horizontally and vertically. Therefore, you will have to immediately sacrifice a dozen or two crosses, biting off their hangers. What for? The shoulders of the crosses are wedge-shaped, and we need small wedges when laying:

  • We lay the tiles on tile adhesive with a hardening time of 10-20 minutes.
  • With a notched trowel, we apply a strip along the length of the apron and the width of the tile height onto the wall from below above the stop.
  • As soon as it came off (this is after 2-5 minutes), we lay the first row with support on the stop.
  • We divide the tiles of the first row along the vertical seams with wedges cut from crosses, two per seam.
  • We level the upper edge of the tiles, driving under the lower wedges.
  • We wait for the complete setting of the glue and lay the second row in the same way as the first, only the upper edge of the first row will now be the emphasis.
  • Each subsequent row is laid in the same way on the completely dried previous one.

With this method of laying, only the upper edges of the horizontal seams will “walk”, which is not so noticeable. And the “buzz” of the seam will not grow as the apron is laid out in height.

Video: laying a tile kitchen apron


If the apron is a full-fledged mosaic panel, then they make it like a mosaic without any features. If the mosaic apron is assembled from ready-made fragments, on a tile or on a fiberglass mesh, then they are laid in the same way as a slab one. The sequence of working operations is illustrated in the figure, and some features are also visible in comparison with tiles, porcelain stoneware or plastic.

Firstly, they are placed not on glue, but on a solution. In the process of work, you may have to slightly move the fragments to fit the borders of the pattern. Plate parts are moved with wedges or knocked out with a rubber mallet; on the grid - just pulling with your fingers. But, if laid on glue, then it will quickly seize, and even plastic from mechanical stress will lose strength.

Secondly, the solution is needed not cement-sand (it is too viscous, you can’t move anything on it) and not gypsum or alabaster (it is fluid, but fragile and sets too quickly), but gypsum-cement with a setting time of 2-6 hours. For the sake of greater fluidity, sand is added to it at least according to the instructions.


One-piece, without metal fasteners, a glass apron is installed by three people at least. First of all, upwards from the upper edge of the glass by 20-25 mm, holes are drilled into the wall for dowels of self-tapping screws 4-5 mm to a depth of 40-60 mm. Step - 300-600 mm. Dowels are driven into the holes, and paws or washers are prepared for the screws, grabbing the edge of the glass.

Further, holes are drilled in the support beam for the same self-tapping screws. Diameter - the body of the self-tapping screw without thread, depth - 2/3 of the length of the self-tapping screw. Step and indent from the edge - as above. Paws or washers are also prepared in advance for the lower self-tapping screws.

Then they prepare (clean, degrease) the wall and glass for gluing on silicone. A silicone sausage is applied to the wall with a zigzag gun, not an envelope. Zigzag loops - vertical, horizontal ones will be bad to hold, see fig. Loop pitch - 30-40 mm.

Now two people carefully (no need to hurry, the silicone hardens rather slowly) take the glass, and the third (and the fourth, if the apron is more than 1.5 m long) with two hands, crouching, puts two flat screwdrivers on the support bar. The “feeders” carefully place the glass on them and slowly lift the outer edge so that the apron slides into place over the screwdrivers.

When he got up, they press him against the wall and hold him. Meanwhile, the “screwdriver” takes out, without pulling, screwdrivers and manually wraps, until it stops, self-tapping screws with paws / washers, first at the top. After that, the “feeders” can relax a little and move to the sides, so that it would be more convenient for a friend below to work. But you can release the glass only after all the self-tapping screws-holders are wrapped. Remove them only after a double period of complete drying of the glue.

Plastic and MDF

The device of an apron made of plastic plates or MDF is no different from wall cladding without a crate. The apron on the crate not only sticks out their walls too much. In the kitchen, under the crate, children will inevitably settle and harmful microflora with microfauna will multiply.

After installation

When the heavy apron is already in place, the wall is plastered flush with its surface and the furniture is put in place. Light and mosaic aprons are usually made along the opening, without moving the furniture away. When the glue / solution is completely dry, seal the top and sides with silicone along the contour. How to be above the countertop - more on that below.

Finishing touch

Sometime the table will have to be moved away, and it is impossible to stick it to the apron. But then silk will remain, along which the children and dirt will settle down. How to cover it up? Different options are possible here, but the simplest is a side made of countertop material. He is glued to the apron. And the gap between it and the table is plugged with a PVC edging just tight, without any additional fastening. The edging is driven into the slot with a blunt wide flat screwdriver. The second option is a tabletop in one with a side, and an edging between it and an apron, see fig. So nothing needs to be glued to the apron and push the edging. But, if the table moves a little, the dirt will climb down.

About sockets

Sockets hanging in an apron are a common disease of "apron" kitchens. In order for the sockets on the apron to sit firmly, the wiring must be carried out with some features.

What's better?

So, what is the best apron for decorating the kitchen? If there is money for glass - of course, he is. In addition to perfect hygiene, we get a wonderful aesthetics.

Many would agree that the most popular place in any home is the kitchen. The whole family gathers here for dinner or just to drink tea. Of course, you want this room to be cozy and comfortable. The kitchen should be not only beautiful, but also functional. A very important part of the interior is the kitchen apron, it largely contributes to creating the mood of the entire room. From what to make an apron in the kitchen so that it is practical, modern and stylish, we will consider further. And we will also find out what modern ideas exist, and what materials are used for this.

What should be a kitchen apron

First, a few words about what a kitchen apron is.

A kitchen apron is considered to be the part of the wall between the work surface of the countertop and the hanging kitchen cabinets. As a rule, this territory captures the wall, which is located next to the stove, sink and work table.

What requirements should a modern kitchen apron meet:

From what to make an apron in the kitchen so that it meets these requirements, we will consider further.

What materials are used for kitchen apron

Currently, there is a very large number of finishing materials, let's call those that are used to design a kitchen apron:

  • Fake diamond.
  • Tile.
  • Mosaic.
  • Plastic panels.
  • Mirror surface.
  • Glass.

Modern kitchen apron ideas

Here are some original kitchen apron ideas:

  • Tiles are used for marble or granite, large sizes, and laid without seams. The table top is also marbled.
  • Contrasting solutions. Select several types and contrasting colors of tiles. Suitable for styles such as hi-tech, country, eco-style.
  • Pattern in the form of an ornament. They use individual elements of the apron, a decorative border, vertical and horizontal stripes. The combination of white tiles with a pattern on the tile.
  • Use of metal mosaic.
  • Original combination: mosaic and white apron tiles. The kitchen will attract attention with bright tiles or patterns, and this solution will also dilute the white monotony of this room.
  • The combination of smooth tiles with a mirror.
  • Drawing volumetric images on the tile.
  • combined with retro style.
  • Mirror surface as a single canvas, or cut into rectangles, bricks or geometric shapes.

Ceramic tile kitchen apron

Very often this type of finish is used, as such a material is considered very practical and hygienic. Currently, there is simply a huge selection of tiles, from cheap and budget options to expensive Italian tiles from leading foreign manufacturers.

We note the positive aspects of such a finish:

  • Easy to clean, the material is practical, allows you to use any cleaning products.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Lasting.
  • Heat resistant.
  • Does not absorb fat, resistant to any alkaline and acid solutions.
  • A wide range of tiles allows you to make a choice in favor of any interior.
  • Tiles can be of different shapes, sizes, different textures, with a pattern or not.

What are the cons to using tiles:

  • It is difficult to lay, if there is no skill, then it is better to contact the master. Laborious and dirty work. Additional spending on mortar or glue.
  • When changing tiles, it will take a lot of time and effort to chip them off. That's extra time and money.

If this method does not suit you, and you have not yet decided what to make an apron in the kitchen, consider the mosaic tile option.

Mosaic tile

If you want an original and unique design, an apron is perfect for you. The advantages of this finish are similar to the advantages of ceramic tiles, as it is made of the same material, but there are still some peculiarities:

The disadvantages include the fact that laying an apron in the kitchen from mosaic tiles will take a long time. This is a very laborious and long process that requires large investments and skills.

Mosaic, as a rule, involves the use of several colors, often more than three, but this is not acceptable for every room design.

You can use any detergents to wash such a surface, since the mosaic can be:

  • Ceramic.
  • Glass.
  • Smalt.
  • Mirror.
  • Metal.

Only overprinted and mirrored mosaics should not be washed with abrasives.

Smalt mosaic has amazing properties, emitting a mysterious light, while it has the ability to change its shade depending on the lighting, which gives the room originality. Mosaic tiles for the kitchen on an apron from smaller elements look more eccentric than from larger elements. If you want to lay out a mosaic of pieces of different sizes, it is better to invite a specialist.

Consider another type of popular material for a kitchen apron - plastic.

PVC kitchen apron

A plastic apron for the kitchen is chosen by those for whom practicality and relatively low repair costs are important.

Plastic can be used not only for a kitchen apron, but also for walls and ceilings.

PVC panels are made from rigid polyvinyl chloride by extrusion. The chemical process involves ethylene, chlorine and hydrogen. The material is considered environmentally friendly and safe. The composition contains stabilizers that prolong the life of the plastic.

There are such types of PVC panels:

Pros and cons of plastic

PVC apron for the kitchen has the following positive aspects:

  • Easy to install. Walls do not require special preparation.
  • Affordable.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Simple and easy to clean.
  • Large selection of drawings.
  • You can also apply the pattern yourself or paste over with a self-adhesive film.

If you decide to make a plastic apron for the kitchen, you need to know its negative sides:

  • You should not check the material for strength, it is easily pierced with a fork or knife. A point impact is enough to damage the wall.
  • It can not be installed in close proximity to a stove, oven, as at high temperatures the material is easily deformed, and when burned, it releases toxic substances.
  • Easily scratched or damaged by chemicals.

PVC apron for the kitchen can be fixed in two ways:

  • The panels are directly attached to the wall.
  • A special frame is being prepared on the wall, to which a kitchen apron is attached.

Consider another option that is becoming increasingly popular. This is a mirror surface.

Kitchen apron with a mirror surface

Mirror tiles noticeably expand the space of the kitchen and contribute to uniform lighting. At the same time, it requires high-quality installation, and before that the wall must be carefully prepared, since its slightest irregularities or cracks will damage the mirror sheet.

What are the advantages of a mirror apron:

If you chose the mirror version when you decided what to make an apron in the kitchen from, you need to know the negative aspects of such a finish:

  • High cost compared to other materials.
  • Difficulty in laying, requires painstaking and skill.
  • The complexity in cleaning the surface, daily care is required. Do not use abrasive substances.
  • The material, if it is not hardened, is very fragile and sensitive to shock and mechanical damage.

Choosing a mirror apron for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions, the number of windows, and the arrangement of the interior.

Mirror apron may consist of:

  • From mirror panels. It could be one big panel. Allows you to create a feeling of a large space, while there should be no unnecessary things, objects that will create a look of disorder.
  • From mirror tiles in the form of bricks or tiles, but with this option, dirt accumulates at the joints. Finishes can be matte with a geometric pattern or in the form of broken glass.
  • From The mosaic of pieces of different sizes and shapes looks very original.

The mirror surface can be used for styles such as techno, loft and modern.

Glass apron for the kitchen

One of the innovations in modern design is the glass backsplash in the kitchen.

It should be noted that the glass must be heat-resistant or triplex, at least 6-8 mm thick.

Can be done in the following ways:

This design has its advantages:

  • It is an environmentally friendly and safe material.
  • With care, it will last a long time.
  • The glass apron is the most hygienic.
  • It is simple and easy to take care of.
  • It does not lose its qualities and does not deform under the influence of acids, salts, food dyes, fats, oils.
  • Resistant to high temperatures and moisture, which allows you to place it near the stove or sink.
  • It is easy to assemble and dismantle.
  • Lots of different solutions.

Glass apron for the kitchen has its drawbacks:

  • Although it is easy to clean, you will need to wash it much more often to maintain a neat appearance.
  • With improper care and careless operation, the glass can be easily scratched.
  • Not every style is suitable for an apron made of this material.
  • High price.

It is very important to properly fasten the apron.

Fixing a glass apron and caring for it

If we talk about an apron made of glass, then the following options are used for fastening:

  • With the use of fasteners.
  • With the use of adhesive materials.

It is necessary to fix the glass on a prepared even wall, otherwise it may crack. Experts do not recommend fixing the canvas more than 2.5 meters, in this case the installation process is much more difficult. You can use several smaller canvases, the joints will be almost invisible.

You can also highlight the glass apron, and the kitchen will noticeably change.

Caring for such an apron is not at all difficult:

  1. First, wipe it with a dry and soft cloth from dust.
  2. Then apply glass cleaner and wipe first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  3. At the end, be sure to wipe the glass dry. Wipe first vertically and then horizontally.

If you wipe the glass regularly and follow all the rules of operation, such a kitchen apron will last a very long time and will always attract the attention of guests and delight the household.

Installing sockets on the apron

Of course, the kitchen must have the required number of outlets. And on the kitchen apron you can not do without them. Here are some tips for installing them in the kitchen:

  • Do not install the socket above the stove or sink.
  • Sockets on the kitchen apron are installed 1-1.5 meters from the floor.
  • It is recommended to install outlets deep or with special plastic protective covers.
  • Before installing the apron, holes are cut in the wall for sockets and wiring is done.
  • If it is a glass apron, then the manufacturer must make the apron according to the proposed scheme with the indicated holes for the exits.
  • When placing sockets on an apron, it is recommended to do this along the edges of the working area.
  • Above the countertop, the installation of outlets is allowed at a level of 10-30 cm.

When choosing what material to make a kitchen apron from, you need to consider that it must meet the following simple parameters:

When choosing, be sure to pay attention to the color, texture, whether the material is suitable for the overall interior of the room. And, of course, all finishing materials should be purchased from trusted and reliable manufacturers. You can check customer reviews first. If you take into account these simple recommendations, then after the repair the kitchen will shine with new light.

Finishing in the kitchen should not only please the eye, but also be practical. When choosing a material for an apron, you need to pay attention to its size, quality, aesthetic beauty and cost. The distance above the work surface, that is, the countertop and hanging headset cabinets, should be optimal to protect the wall from hot steam, oil splashes, grease and other contaminants. As a rule, finishing is carried out along the entire wall, but quite often it is limited to individual inserts, for example, in the sink area, stoves.


When choosing an apron model, consider its size. The height of this element is on average from 45 to 60 cm. When choosing certain sizes, it is necessary to build on your own height and type of plate. The fact is that the owners of gas stoves must observe the distance between the hood and the hob from 75-80 cm.

When you install the apron in the kitchen, leave a couple of centimeters under the top and bottom sets, the countertop. The visible joint should be hidden with a plinth or treated with silicone, sealant. This is done so that water does not flow behind the floor cabinet, and its wooden walls do not swell, deform, or provoke the formation of mold and fungus.

Each material has its own characteristics, technical characteristics. So, experts do not recommend the use of unglazed ceramic tiles, because it has a porous structure. If you do not want to deal with the accumulation of grease, moisture, which are difficult to remove from the surface, pay attention to chipboard, glass, Italian tiles, MDF and plastic, artificial stone. All other materials will become an excellent barrier against bacteria and their reproduction. With proper care, the kitchen apron will last a long time.

To facilitate regular maintenance, try to choose the right flat and smooth design without seams or joints.


Varieties and colors

Often a kitchen apron acts as an excellent design accent in the interior. You can not spend fabulous money on boring facades of a kitchen set, super-washable wallpapers, expensive floors with insulation. It is enough to decorate the apron with high-quality materials in an interesting color scheme. It will certainly attract the eyes of curious guests, it's great to decorate the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. There are a huge number of materials on the market from which you can create a truly artistic masterpiece.

If you do not have enough money to buy elite European materials, you can use their cheaper counterparts. Such a finish made of MDF, chipboard, plastic perfectly imitates wood species, natural stone, creates amazing stained-glass windows, the effect of broken colored glass, etc. When designing an apron, it is important to understand what role it will play in the interior of the kitchen. Sometimes it is a wonderful backdrop for a kitchen set or vice versa. In this zone, you can place a three-dimensional 3D photo print, visually expanding the workspace, giving the kitchen interior a plot.

It can be a seashore, a fascinating skyline, floral still lifes, fantasy scenes, animalistics or any national pattern (Scandinavian, Oriental, Provencal, Azulejo, etc.). White is still considered a universal color for an apron. Plastic panels, glass will look great with a set of any color. So that they do not have a “hospital” boring look, designers advise diluting the snow-white tonality with a color insert from mosaics, ceramic decor, and photo printing. The neutral range also includes a shade of ivory, beige, ivory, milky, cream.

If you stop at a colored apron, be sure to “support” its palette with other interior details. It is best if it goes tone on tone or pattern on pattern with kitchen textile elements: curtains, decorative pillows, and wallpaper. The color of marsala, burgundy, lime, emerald, ultramarine will look incredibly stylish in the kitchen.

If lilac becomes the key color palette for the bedroom, then in the kitchen - rich purple. Strive to use as many natural colors as possible. By the way, there will be all shades of brown, yellow, gray in contrast with black, white, cream, sand, pastel, etc.

Popular finishing materials

One of the most popular materials is ceramic tiles or small format porcelain tiles. They are affordable in price and quality, but more expensive than the option of chipboard, MDF. An order of magnitude higher are aprons made of sustainable glass, artificial stone. The latter are used mainly in country cottages, apartments to maintain the prestige of their property.


Try to choose tiles with a glossy finish for ease of maintenance. Its shiny surface will reflect light, which will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen. If small square meters do not favor you, you can use volumetric decors, select relief tile samples, for example, with a 3d effect. For any interior, beige-brown will be a win-win, regardless of what style surrounds you (classic, kitsch, vintage or art nouveau).

A feature of the tile is that it easily imitates other materials: stone, wood, glass. A popular decoration will be a watercolor drawing or patterns with stains. With them, small dirt, stains are practically not visible. When laying tiles, pay attention to problem areas, seams. Light grout will lose its original color over time. It is important at the stage of the beginning of finishing work to use only high-quality materials with dirt-repellent, moisture-resistant components, for example, like epoxy grout.

You can also choose rectified tiles, in which the distance between the seams does not exceed 2 mm. In this case, the darkened areas during operation will practically not be noticeable. Experts advise choosing tiles with a special coating that perfectly resists aggressive environments. With such a material, it will not be scary to use any chemicals, even with abrasive particles in the composition.

There are a huge number of options for laying Italian tiles. You can choose a checkerboard, traditional or offset. You can arrange it diagonally on the Soviet motif or using the kaleidoscope method (in discordance in colors). If you choose ceramic tiles 10 x 10 cm, then you can do without additional trimming when laying. It looks great in small kitchens.

It will be possible to reduce the time of finishing work with ceramic tiles if you purchase samples of medium size, from 30 x 30 cm and above. They can imitate small tiles, have slots, recesses, but they will fit several times faster.

photo tiles

An apron made with the participation of photo tiles looks unusually fashionable. It will become a unique decoration for the kitchen, will bring individuality, luxury to any interior. You can depict absolutely any print, pattern or drawing above the hob, even your family photo. This decoration will certainly inspire you to cook delicious, mouth-watering dishes for your beloved household.


If you are a fighter for quality, strength and longevity, look at tempered glass models. It can be decorated at any time with a pattern, for example, from acrylic. The advantage of such a finish will be resistance to pollution, practicality in use, long service life.

The product perfectly "gets along" with the hob, tolerates any temperature fluctuations, and does not allow moisture to pass through. You can decorate glass with drawings of large flowers, images of birds, animals, vintage items, fruits or vegetables, sweets.

The shine of the glass will give the kitchen neatness in any light. It is believed that glass, as well as laminate models, is the most noble type of finish, it always looks concise, expensive, and prestigious. When mounting, it is better to use fasteners. You will not scratch the headsets, facades, so repair and finishing work can be carried out at any stage of construction. Just as popular will be a mirror apron that corrects all the flaws in the geometry of your kitchen.


The exquisite design of the kitchen apron with the help of mosaics is trendy, consists of contrasting shades, non-trivial colors. Mosaic will give a special charm to the kitchen, tenderness and elegance. When installing this design, glue is used, grout, which takes most of the time to “eliminate” the seams. It is also necessary to observe the sequence when laying the mosaic.


For lack of sufficient funds, instead of an apron made of natural stone, an Italian fresco, you can resort to hypoallergenic plastic of the economy class category. There are several options for such a kitchen finish:

    from plastic based on MDF, chipboard or fiberboard;

    the use of decorative hot-pressed plastic;

    creating stunning visualization "under the tree", stone and other materials;

    using plastic made from polycarbonate.

All models are easy to mount, take care of them, extending their service life every year. You can also consider a budget option made of chipboard and plastic. This design is easy to do with your own hands, replace if necessary. Quite often the material is colorless, transparent. Under it, it will be possible to glue stylish wallpapers, create photo printing.

This model shows excellent resistance to moisture, high temperatures. If you want to get an apron at an affordable price without seams and joints - take into account the chipboard system!

artificial stone

One of the most aesthetically pleasing ideas would be the use of artificial stone. In this case, it is better that the countertop is made of the same material. Despite its high cost, the finish is very popular among wealthy owners of cottages, penthouses, townhouses.

During installation, high-quality work of experienced craftsmen is required, which will create an ideal picture of the interior. Careful handling of this surface guarantees a long service life. The product perfectly tolerates frequent cleaning, including wet.

Design styles

For a loft-style design, a boar tile or a brick model is suitable. It has a rectangular shape and beveled chamfers on the edges, which is why it resembles a brick. This finish will look great in a classic and modern interior. It is possible to choose both a standard version in the size of 10 x 20 cm, and a large format up to 15 x 45 cm.

As a rule, the "boar" is produced in a solid color, with a smooth glossy surface. The coloring is mostly neutral, calm. It is customary to dilute collections of kitchen apron with interesting photo printing, drawings with fruits, berries, sweets and other ideas on a culinary theme.


For styles of kitsch, eclecticism, mosaic products are suitable. They give the wooden house an atmosphere of well-being, comfort, joy. For luxurious baroque, avant-garde, Romanesque, Mediterranean styles, wall panels are suitable, for which it is important to provide space and symmetry. Pastoral still lifes, landscapes of famous cities (Ancient Greece, Venice, Florence, etc.) are suitable for the Victorian style. Tiles that imitate facings can be complemented by textured patterns, spectacular coatings, and stylized antique ornaments.

The term "kitchen apron" has recently entered the lexicon of interior designers, but it is already firmly entrenched in it, and its popularity is only increasing over time. This term is used to denote the surface of the kitchen walls near the sink and stove, covered with some kind of finishing material from those used to decorate kitchens. The apron differs from the usual tiled coating in a wide variety of materials, as well as wider design possibilities. In addition, those who want to make an apron for the kitchen with their own hands, with the right choice of material, can safely count on success.

When choosing this detail of the interior of the kitchen, you need to take into account several factors, each of which is important in its own way. The utilitarian factors include strength and practicality, which any housewife must pay attention to before or after the decorative and aesthetic factor.

For the overall style of this kitchen, the choice of stone as a finishing material is the best option, it is in harmony with furniture and other interior elements.

Protecting the wall behind the sink and stove

The strength of a surface is determined not so much by its ability to withstand mechanical damage, but by its resistance to abrasive or chemical cleaners, which are quite aggressive and can damage a low-quality surface. The desire to save money on such an important interior detail usually does not lead to anything good, so the idea that an inexpensive chipboard can be quite suitable as a kitchen apron should be discarded immediately so that you don’t contemplate its scratched surface with barely noticeable paint residues. It is better to additionally protect the wall behind the stove with metal bumpers, the recommended height of which should be at least 15-20 cm, however, as practice shows, there are cases in which this option is not appropriate, since low bumpers do not protect the entire surface of the wall, and high ones can look a little rude and out of place, not fitting into the overall style of the kitchen.

Practicality or aesthetics?

From the point of view of practicality, it should be borne in mind that most of all grease stains, dirt, scale and burning accumulate just near the stove or sink, so it would be better if this surface is cleaned without any problems. Typically, special problems are associated with textured porous materials such as natural or artificial stone, natural wood or ceramic tiles with a relief surface.

This apron is replete with joints between tiles, and cleaning the embossed border can be a real challenge, but the work wall, designed in this way, looks luxurious and stylish.

No matter how attractive these materials look and no matter how harmoniously they fit into the interior of the kitchen, experts do not recommend choosing them. The best option for the surface of the kitchen apron is solid, smooth, uniform, preferably without connecting seams or at least without large gaps between the coating parts.

From the point of view of operation, such an apron is remarkable in that dirt is almost invisible on its surface, which is heterogeneous in color. The joints between the elements of the apron are not striking, and the original urban landscape is another “plus”

If the decorative component of the material is a more influential factor compared to strength and practicality, and frequent and thorough cleaning of the kitchen does not frighten the hostess, then these recommendations can be completely neglected, because beauty comes first!

We kill two birds with one stone: on this working wall, trimmed with natural black pebbles, all the beauty of the stone is revealed and the kitchen dirt is almost invisible

Do-it-yourself apron or “I want sunflowers!”

Traditionally, the kitchen is considered to be a female territory, and in order for the hostess to be comfortable, her desires must be taken into account when choosing the design of this room. And it is from this moment that the most interesting begins, since the views on interior design for men and women can be fundamentally different. Men prefer solid and soft colors in pastel colors, while women love everything bright, unusual and that would make their kitchen stand out from the crowd. Therefore, on the eve of the start of the repair, the husband can hear the categorical: “I want sunflowers in the kitchen!” Confusing and inconsistent arguments may follow, or maybe not, but the fact remains, and the desire is voiced. Moreover, it does not have to be sunflowers, as an option, the seabed, and the spring forest, and the cityscape, and even a gladiator fight are considered. But at this moment, the man realizes that his life is turning into a nightmare: either he will contemplate sunflowers in a large area of ​​​​his apartment for a very long time, or he will not see forgiveness.

Sunflowers, as one of the plots for decorating the kitchen, are very popular: such bright and contrasting colors will not let you get bored, but in large numbers they can annoy. A compromise is achieved by allocating a small area for sunflowers

And then a kitchen apron appears on the horizon, which will help to reach a compromise: modern technologies allow you to apply any pattern on it, and its functional feature is that, taking up relatively little space, it is constantly in front of the eyes of the hostess working in the kitchen. That way, she sees what she wants all the time, and the kitchen doesn't turn into an annoying clutter of bright colors. Designers believe that the kitchen is the best place to use the possibilities of zoning and get the maximum aesthetic effect. And the desire of women to diversify the interior with bright details interspersed is quite justified and justified - a boring monotonous environment makes a depressing impression, no matter how expensive and high-quality it may be.

Tulips are traditionally associated with spring, and their bright, saturated colors will add vivacity even on a rainy autumn morning.

Advantages and disadvantages of apron materials

The most popular and suitable materials for kitchen backsplashes, in terms of the combination of aesthetic component and practicality, are ceramic tiles, glass, mosaic, natural stone, MDF, metal and brick. Many people wonder if it is possible to make a kitchen apron with your own hands? A positive answer will largely depend on the choice of material, because working with MDF will not present any particular difficulties even for a beginner, and it is better to entrust work on a mosaic panel to a professional master.

The execution of a mosaic panel with such a variety of shades is a job for a professional

Both experts and amateur craftsmen who decide to make an apron for the kitchen with their own hands unanimously declare that it is easiest to do this by choosing glass as the basis. In addition to ease of use, this material has other valuable advantages: ease of use, relative affordability, an almost unlimited number of pattern options, the ability to quickly replace a boring pattern or a damaged element without installing the entire apron.

Important! If the surface of the working wall is supposed to be decorated with a glass apron, it must be perfectly flat, otherwise the glass may burst when pressed against the wall.

How to install a glass apron

It is the possibility of choosing any pattern that can explain the growing popularity of glass, because tile manufacturers, despite the variety of colors, patterns and patterns, are still somewhat limited in this regard. You can, of course, make an individual order, but it will cost much more than the same option using glass.

You can get such coveted sunflowers or any other pattern on the apron in several ways, of which the most democratic is to simply choose the appropriate wallpaper in the store, on which transparent elements of the apron will then be attached. A more expensive way is to order photo wallpaper printing in a printing house according to an individual project. The most expensive way is to print the selected pattern on a transparent self-adhesive film. In this case, you still need to additionally stick an opaque base film so that the wall does not shine through the pattern.

The possibilities of glass aprons in the field of decor are endless - any pattern that meets the tastes and preferences of the owners can appear on the kitchen wall

Important! Glass usually has a slight greenish tint, especially if its width corresponds to that adopted for a kitchen backsplash and is at least 6 mm, so this must be remembered when choosing a pattern.

After that, profiles are attached to the wall (experts recommend choosing U-shaped and L-shaped aluminum profiles), into which the glass elements of the apron are inserted.

There is another way to fasten individual elements - using special fasteners for glass with wide hats. To do this, holes must first be drilled in the glass elements for this fastener. It is not recommended to perform such an operation on your own, it is better to ask the specialists of the workshop where the apron was made. By the way, it is imperative to ensure that the ends of the parts are polished with high quality - so the joints between them will be less noticeable.

MDF kitchen aprons

Our desire in nothing, even in trifles, not to yield to our more successful friends and acquaintances sometimes pushes us to make hasty unreasonable decisions. Of course, glass aprons in the kitchen look bright, stylish and fashionable, but this cannot be considered a reason to immediately reject without considering other options. For example, an MDF work wall covering has certain advantages that should be taken into account at the time of making the final decision:

  • practicality;
  • ease of care;
  • in the overwhelming case, the possibility of installing an apron without joints and connecting seams;
  • durability and strength with proper operation;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • price availability.

MDF board with a “natural wood” surface looks stylish and noble in this kitchen

The possibility of applying any pattern to the MDF board, as well as laminating its surface, makes this material even more attractive. In addition, it is advisable not to forget that one plate may be enough to make an apron, and then the general appearance of the wall will not spoil the joints, washing and cleaning of which is so annoying for many housewives.

In any case, when choosing a material for an apron, one must proceed from the general style of kitchen design and the aesthetic compatibility of the finishing materials used, it is advisable to make full use of the possibilities of the zoning method in order to achieve the most original result and not be afraid of bold experiments with textures, colors, especially bright and unusual , and different shades.

Video guide for installing a tile apron

There are no particular difficulties when using ceramic tiles as a material for an apron, you can do all the necessary operations with minimal experience in the construction industry.

Photo examples of designing an apron in the kitchen

Not everyone can choose non-standard mosaic fragments so that the pattern harmoniously fits into the interior

The main decorative element of this kitchen apron is a symmetrical pattern in colors that are in harmony with the general background.

There are no bright colors, unusual paintings and expensive materials in the interior of this kitchen. The desired effect is achieved due to the noble color combination of brown and blue.

This kitchen apron can not boast of special sophistication, however, it looks attractive, and scattered patches of light tiles bring a touch of immediacy to the interior.

This light-coloured ceramic tile with a textured surface looks great and blends perfectly with every detail of the decor. Provided constant care, it will be a real decoration of the room.

A somewhat unusual choice of plot for decorating the kitchen makes it unique, and the successful lighting of the working wall makes a good impression.

Ceramic tiles, selected in contrasting yet harmonious colors, as well as a small panel in the center, make this kitchen attractive and original.