Laboratory work 4 structure and variety of flowers. Laboratory work: The structure and diversity of a flower. Flower structure and variety

Laboratory work

Subject. Structure and variety of flowers.

Target: learn the structure of flowers, learn to identify the parts of a flower;

get to know the variety of flowers.

Equipment: flowers indoor plants,

Briefing on safety precautions and rules of use

laboratory equipment and handouts.


    Look at the proposed flower, identify its parts and label them in your notebook.

Fig 1.

    Consider the proposed flower models in Fig. 2. Identify and write down the numbers (numbering may be repeated): a) which of them double perianth ; b) which ones - simple ; c) which flowers whisk lobed ; d) which ones - interpetalous.

Fig 2.

    Among the proposed flowers in Figure 3, determine which

flowers same-sex , and which ones bisexual

Fig 3.

    Conclusion: Fill in the missing words

1. Flower – ……………organ angiosperms. It is usually located on …………, which ends with ………………. Attached to the receptacle are………….., …………. And ………… .

2. Sepals form……………. , and the petals are ………………..

If a flower has a calyx and a corolla, the perianth is called ……….

If a flower has stamens and pistils, it is called …………….

If there is only …………… or only ………….. – same-sex.

Laboratory work Topic: “Structure of a flower.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the structure of a flower as a plant reproductive organ. Equipment: dummies of plant flowers.

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"Escape Biology" - in Mech. part Tube I w K R Eyepiece Table prev. R. top up. Rast Bot... alive eukar. CYTOLOGY cell science. Structure Lens Preparation. Reproductive organ. H. Vessels - min. Lub. S t e b l e. Mobile FUNCTIONS in-in tolerates growth. stock for light. Xylem. Straight. Cl. juice. Back. B. Gardens, parks. Leather

“Structure of the stem” - Functions of the stem. Plantain. Long and short. Dandelion. Conclusions: External structure of the stem. Topic: Stem. Plantain dandelion daisies primrose. Internal structure of the stem. External and internal structure stem. Conducting Supporting Storage. Sunflower corn aster gladiolus. Shortened stems.

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“Seed is fruit” - Thus, fruits can be divided into single-seeded and multi-seeded. The number of seeds depends on the number of ovules inside the ovary. Municipal educational institution "Spasskaya main" comprehensive school" Juicy and dry fruits. But many plants have many ovules in the ovary. Single-seeded and multi-seeded fruits. Types of fruits.

6th grade

Laboratory work No. 14, 15

“Structure and functions of a flower”

Target: consolidate knowledge about the structure of a flower as a plant reproductive organ.

Equipment: natural objects, replicas of plant flowers, drawings.


Exercise 1

    Look at the picture showing the structure of a flower (handout)

    Draw a picture in a notebook and label all parts of the flower.

Task 2

Examine a dummy flower (or drawing), count the number of petals, sepals, stamens, pistils; make a flower formula and fill out the table:

Plant name

Number of sepals

Number of petals

Number of stamens

Number of pestles

Flower formula

Task 3.

    Flowers with which perianth are shown in the picture?

Task 4.

Answer the questions:

1 Option

    Define flower.

    Name female organ flower. What does it consist of?

    Which flowers are called bisexual?

    What flowers are called regular?

    What flowers are called monoecious?

Option 2

    Define flower.

    Name male organ flower. What does it consist of?

    What flowers are called dioecious?

    What flowers are called irregular?

    What flowers are called dioecious?

Chapter 2. Diversity of flora

Flower- a modified shortened shoot used for seed propagation. Flowers develop both at the top of the stem and in the axils of the leaves. Like any shoot, a flower develops from a bud. The stem part of the flower is represented by the peduncle and receptacle, and the calyx, corolla, stamens and pistils are formed by modified leaves.

Flower structure

No matter how great the variety of flowers of the surrounding grassland species may be, similarities can be found in their structure (Fig. 57). Pistil and stamens- the main parts of a flower. Each stamen has an anther, inside which pollen ripens. The anther is located on the filament. The pistil has a stigma, styles and an ovary. The pistil is formed by one or more modified leaves - carpels. On the inner walls of the ovary there are one or more ovules from which seeds develop. The perianth is located around the stamens and pistil. In most plants, the perianth consists of two types of leaflets. The inner leaflets are the petals that make up whisk. The outer leaves - sepals - form cup.

In some plants (apple tree, cabbage), the corolla of the flower consists of unfused petals. In others (crystal, primrose), the petals grow together in the lower part into a tube. Therefore, a distinction is made between free-petalled and fused-petaled corollas. In some plants (carnation), the lower parts of the sepals grow together into a tube. In others (geraniums), the sepals do not grow together.

The thin stem on which the flower sits in most plants is called peduncle, and its upper, expanded part, which can accept different shape, - receptacle.

The perianth consisting of a calyx and corolla is called double. Apple trees, roses and many other plants have such a perianth. In some plants, mainly monocots (lily, tulip), all tepals are more or less the same. This perianth is called simple. In some plants, the tepals of a simple perianth are large and bright, for example, a tulip, while in others, for example, a rush plant, they are inconspicuous. Willow and ash flowers do not have a perianth. They are called naked.

Laboratory work in biology grade 7 No. 6 - The structure of a flower

Consider the flowers offered to you. Find all the main elements of a flower - pedicel, receptacle, perianth, stamens and pistils.

Fill the table.

Sketch the flower and label its main parts.

Cut the ovary crosswise and examine it with the underside. (You can use a picture or table.) Find the ovules. What is formed from the ovule and the ovary of the pistil?

Ovule: seeds

Pistil ovary: fruits

Draw a conclusion.

What are the structural features of a flower?

The structure of a flower is associated with the functions it performs: there are organs for the formation of germ cells, attracting pollinators, and protection.

What are the types of flowers? Why are they called that?

They are bisexual - because they have a pistil and stamens on one flower; dioecious - since pistils and stamens are formed on different flowers.

What role do flowers play in the life of a plant?

Flowers are the reproductive organs of flowering plants.

How does a dioecious plant differ from a monoecious plant?

In dioecious plants, staminate and pistillate flowers develop on different plants.

Color of flowers in land and aquatic plants very diverse. Naturalists have long noticed that plants that bloom in the evening or at night most often have a flower corolla white. How can you explain this phenomenon?
The white corolla is easier to see in the dark for pollinating insects.