Treatment of menopause with non-hormonal drugs. Review of the best non-hormonal drugs for menopause in women. Composition, prices. Choosing an effective non-hormonal drug

With age, every woman begins to undergo age-related changes in her body, associated with the extinction of her fertility and the approach of old age, which manifest themselves in one life period called menopause.

The menopausal or climacteric period, as a rule, is accompanied by symptoms corresponding to it, manifested in the form of a decrease in the functionality of the ovaries and the level of sex hormones produced by them, the appearance of hot flashes, the spasmodic nature of blood pressure, sleep disorders and psychoemotional state, as well as an increase in the likelihood of the appearance and development of concomitant pathologies of various etiology.

The entire menopausal period can last from a year to 10 years. Therefore, for an easier course of this period and the elimination of all unpleasant symptoms that cause a great feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to take special pills for menopause.

Only a qualified specialist should prescribe pills for menopause, taking into account all the data of diagnostic examinations characterizing the physiological state of the female body and the presence or absence of concomitant pathologies.

Consider the most popular menopause pills with high efficiency, as well as their approximate cost on the pharmacological market.

With an exacerbated course of the climacteric period and the absence of a number of contraindications to the use of hormonal agents, it is prescribed, which includes taking pills containing synthetic hormones for menopause, which are highly effective in eliminating menopausal symptoms. Among hormonal tableted drugs, the following drugs are most popular:


The main active ingredient of the drug is estradiol valerate, which is a synthetic analogue of the natural sex hormone estrogen. Provides normalization of hormonal levels in the body and improvement of overall well-being. The average cost of the drug varies within 500 rubles.


Contains estradiol valerate at a concentration of 2 mg. It has a prophylactic effect on the body against the development of osteoporosis and hyperplasia, and also has a stopping effect on menopausal symptoms associated with a decrease in estrogen production. The market price for this hormonal drug varies within 650 rubles.


This is a hormonal preparation with a combined spectrum of action, containing two active components: estradiol valerate and drospirenone, as well as auxiliary components in the form of magnesium, titanium and iron. This drug on the modern pharmacological market is quite expensive: its cost reaches 1,300 rubles for 28 tablets that are part of one package. But such a high cost of this drug is justified by its wide range of effects on the female body during menopause. It contributes to:

  • stabilizing the functioning of the ovaries;
  • blood, cardiovascular disorders and hyperhidrosis;
  • alignment of the psycho-emotional state, elimination of tearfulness, irritability and apathy;
  • restoration of elasticity, elasticity and functionality of mucous surfaces in the intimate area and in the genitourinary system of organs;
  • prevention of calcium leaching from the composition of bone tissue, and the development of osteoporosis;
  • activation of the removal of excess fluid from the body and removal of puffiness;
  • prevention and formation of pathological disorders in the composition of the skin.

Angelique is a very effective hormonal drug, but only a specialist should prescribe its intake, dosage and duration of the course of treatment, since this drug has a number of specific contraindications and possible side effects. Therefore, taking Angelique on its own is highly discouraged.

The main advantage of taking hormone-containing drugs is their high efficiency and an instant result in eliminating the unpleasant, which gives women who have entered the next age stage of hormonal changes in the body an intolerable feeling of discomfort.

But despite such a high therapeutic efficacy of hormonal drugs, it is strictly forbidden to take them in the presence of the development of pathological changes in the cardiovascular system and the gastrointestinal system, as well as in the presence of tumors of various etiologies. Therefore, you can start taking hormonal drugs after a full body and consultation with a specialist.

Non-hormonal pills

To treat the symptoms of the menopausal period, most doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy. But hormonal drugs cannot always be taken to treat menopause in women. In the presence of obvious contraindications to taking hormones, non-hormonal tablets come to the rescue, which are divided into the following drug groups:

  • homeopaths;
  • antidepressants;
  • antiepileptics;
  • phytopreparations;
  • Dietary supplements.

The pharmacological effects of these drugs are aimed at:

  • alignment of the psycho-emotional state and the elimination of depression, irritability and apathy;
  • normalization of healthy sleep;
  • intensity of manifestation of hot flushes and hot flashes.

Let us consider in more detail the most popular drugs from each drug group of non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of menopausal manifestations.


Do not forget that antidepressants should only be taken as directed by the attending physician and strictly adhered to the prescribed treatment regimen.


Anticonvulsants are prescribed for women suffering from a high frequency of hot flashes and their excessive manifestation with characteristic attacks of suffocation. Gabapentin is the most recommended anticonvulsant for reducing the amount and duration of hot flushes. But, in addition to him, drugs such as Konvalis, Tebantin, Neurontin or Katena can be prescribed.


Phytopreparations are non-hormonal drugs that help to effectively reduce climacteric manifestations, developed on natural extracts and oils of medicinal plants. Some of the most popular means are:

  1. Estrovel - a tabletted agent that helps to normalize hormonal levels and eliminate the intensity of hot flashes. It also has a normalizing effect on, eliminates the deficient level of fortified drugs, has a preventive effect against the development of osteoporosis and estrogen-dependent neoplasms of various etiologies. One package contains 28 tablets, the cost varies from 300 to 350 rubles.
  2. French drug Inoklim... It has estrogen-like properties and prevents the development of pathological changes characteristic of the climacteric period, as well as development. It is produced in the form of capsules, 30 pieces in one package. The market value of the drug is 650-700 rubles.
  3. Polish tableted phytopreparation Lefem... Replenishes the deficient level of estrogen, helps to eliminate the intensity of hot flushes, increased sweating, anxiety, irritability, apathy and sudden mood swings. It has a preventive effect against osteoporosis, pathological changes in the cardiovascular system and neoplasms in the area.

Tableted biological additives

Dietary supplements are used as additional support for the body in a rather difficult period of a woman's life. The Russian drug Bonisan is one of the most popular supplements that help to improve the general well-being of a woman with menopause. Another additive of domestic production, Epifamin, has similar properties.

With menopause, they help a woman to adequately go through the difficult path of transition from reproductive age to the elderly, without making any special changes in her usual way of life and remaining energetic and cheerful.

Informative video

In severe menopause, a woman is prescribed hormone replacement therapy. But there are a number of contraindications for this type of treatment. How to be, how to relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore working capacity? Non-hormonal drugs will come to the rescue: with a mild menopause in women, they do an excellent job with the situation.

What are the features of non-hormonal therapy

A decrease in hormonal levels after 40 years is accompanied by changes in the menstrual cycle and the functioning of various organs in the woman's body. This is the so-called climacteric period. Sometimes it goes unnoticed, but in many women it is accompanied by the appearance of the famous hot flashes to the face and upper body (they can be single or very frequent, depriving a woman of the ability to work), changes in blood pressure (BP), accompanied by headaches and dizziness, heart attacks and pain in the heart, etc. But the woman is especially worried about mental disorders: constant irritability, aggressiveness, tearfulness, often turning into depression. The list of women's complaints is endless, since literally all organs and systems are interested.

If the symptoms of menopause are insignificant, then a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and proper nutrition will help a woman with the onset of menopause. If this does not help, then hormonal drugs. The advantages of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are the rapid relief of seizures, and the disadvantages are the presence of contraindications for use and side effects.

In recent years, many non-hormonal drugs have appeared for the treatment of menopause. The advantage of these drugs is relative safety: they have much fewer contraindications and side effects. There is a sufficient selection of such funds, of which, on an individual basis, you can choose the most suitable one for a given woman. The disadvantages of non-hormonal treatment include the lack of a quick therapeutic effect: non-hormonal drug therapy requires long-term treatment.

The opinion of a practitioner

Watch the following video to learn how to choose medicines to relieve menopause symptoms:

Remedies with herbal estrogen substitutes

Phytohormones are often prescribed as non-hormonal drugs for menopause in women. These are medicines and dietary supplements (dietary supplements) containing plant substances that have the same effect on the body as natural female sex hormones.

Phytoestrogens have different chemical structures, but act in the same way as estrogens due to the connection with the receptors of these hormones located on the surface of cells in target organs (ovaries, uterus, mammary glands). Non-hormonal drugs for menopause in women (phytoestrogens), list:

Estrovel (Valeant Pharma, Belarus)

Supplement with phytoestrogens (extracts of soy seeds, fruits of sacred vitex, rhizomes with Dioscorea roots). When taking a course, it eliminates the symptoms of menopause, frequent flushes of blood to the face. Drink 1-2 capsules a day for 4 weeks.

Feminal (Jadran, Croatia)

Dietary supplement with red clover extract, contains 4 isoflavones, which have the maximum similarity to estrogens. Effectively relieves climacteric symptoms. Drink 1 capsule daily with meals for a month. If necessary, after consulting a doctor, dietary supplements can be taken for a long time.

Klimadinon and Klimadinon Uno (Bionorica, Germany)

Medicines with dry extract of cimicifuga rhizomes. The Klimadinon tablet contains 20 mg of the active ingredient, and 32.5 mg in Klimadinon Uno. The drug relieves well autonomic and neuropsychic disorders, prevents the development of osteoporosis. Klimadinon is drunk on a tablet 2 times a day, Klimadinon Uno - on a tablet once a day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.

Remens (Richard Bittner, Austria)

A homeopathic remedy containing three plants containing phytohormones. Eliminates neuropsychic disorders, relieves emotional tension and anxiety, prevents the progression of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and obesity. They drink a homeopathic remedy for 1 sublingual tablet or 10 drops three times a day for six months or more.

Climaksan (Materia Medica, Russia)

Homeopathic preparation with isoflavones of cimicifuga. Available in lozenge tablets. When used as a course, it eliminates the manifestations of menopause. Drink 1 tablet twice a day (keep in the mouth until completely absorbed) for 1 to 2 months. If necessary, you can increase the intake, and repeat the course of treatment after 3 weeks.

Tsi-Klim (Evalar, Russia)

Anti-climacteric phytopreparation with active ingredient from extract of cimicifuga rhizomes. The medicine slowly but steadily restores the woman's condition. Take 1 tablet twice a day for 1 - 1.5 months.

Lignarius (Provo Pharma, Netherlands)

BAA, contains a patented formula of lignan, isolated from European spruce knots, which has phytoestrogenic properties. Contains vitamins and minerals. Normalizes a woman's condition, providing anti-anxiety and sedation. Prevents the development of osteoporosis. Drink 1 capsule after breakfast for a month. If necessary, taking the supplement can be repeated.

Preparations with cytamines: Ovariamine

Cytamines are biologically active substances obtained from organs and tissues of animals. Cytamines are used to eliminate various pathologies.

During menopause, dietary supplement Ovariamin is prescribed, the active ingredients of which are cytamines obtained from the ovaries of cattle. Their mechanism of action is similar to that of phytohormones. The dietary supplement also contains vitamins A, E, group B, as well as macro- and microelements.

With course use, Ovariamin restores hormonal levels and metabolic processes, eliminates the main manifestations of climacteric syndrome. This dietary supplement is especially effective with the simultaneous administration of calcium preparations for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Ovariamin supplements are taken 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

Vaginal suppositories

During menopause, there is a loss of fluid from the skin and mucous membranes. From this, a woman's skin quickly ages, becoming covered with wrinkles. Dryness of the mucous membranes also manifests itself in the external genital area. They become thinner, easily injured and serve as an entrance gate for infection. Therefore, postmenopausal women often develop inflammatory processes (vulvovaginitis). Sex life is also disrupted - the slightest injury to the mucous membranes causes pain and bleeding. Some local medicines are absorbed into the bloodstream and have a general hormone-regulating effect.

Therefore, the course of non-hormonal therapy should include the use of local drugs to restore the mucous membranes of the external genital organs: List of drugs for local treatment:

Klimaktol-Anticanum (Verbena, Russia)

Rectal and vaginal suppositories with plant extracts containing phytoestrogens (hop cones), as well as herbal oil extracts, which have a softening and restorative effect on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and urinary tract; use 1 suppository at night in the rectum or vagina for 4 to 8 weeks;

Cicatridine (Pharma-Derma, Italy)

Cicatridina - vaginal suppositories with hyaluronic acid. It attracts water to itself, as a result, the mucous membranes revive and recover. Well relieves dryness of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs and urinary tract. Apply 1 candle at night until the condition normalizes;

Vagikal (Farmina Ltd, Poland)

Vagical - vaginal suppositories with calendula flower extract; have a stimulating and regenerating effect on mucous membranes; as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, it prevents the development of infectious and inflammatory processes of the external genital organs. Apply 1 candle 2 - 3 times a day for two weeks;

Feminella hialosoft (Angelini, Austria)

Feminella Hyalosoft - vaginal suppositories with hyaluronic acid and herbal extracts; attract water, revitalize and restore the vaginal mucosa with its atrophic changes associated with menopause; used during menopause, 1 candle 1 time per day in the vagina; the course of treatment is 10 days, if there is a need to continue, candles are used twice a week.

Selective estrogen receptor modulators: Evista

Selective estrogen receptor modulators are drugs that selectively act as estrogens in some (non-reproductive) tissues, while as anti-estrogens in other (reproductive) tissues.

The first drug in this group was discovered by temoxifen. It acted as an estrogen in relation to bone tissue (prevented the development of osteoporosis) and as an antiestrogen in relation to the mammary gland (suppressing the proliferation of cells - proliferation and their transformation into cancer). A side effect of tamoxifen was considered its estrogenic effect on the endometrium - stimulating proliferation. Tamoxifen is used only as an antineoplastic agent in the treatment of breast cancer.

The next generation of selective estrogen receptor modulators is raloxifene. As an estrogen, it has a positive effect on bone tissue, lipid metabolism (prevention of atherosclerosis) and the blood coagulation system (increased risk of thrombosis). As an antiestrogen it acts on the mammary gland without affecting the endometrium. Therefore, raloxifene is used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in menopause.

Raloxifene is produced by pharmaceutical companies Lilly S.A., Spain and Daiichi Sankyo, Germany in 60 mg tablets under the trade name Evista. It is taken daily for a long time and under the supervision of laboratory blood tests.

Drugs for symptomatic treatment

Menopause appears as a list of numerous symptoms. First of all, the neuropsychic state suffers. Therefore, sedatives (sedatives), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medications, and antidepressants are prescribed. All these drugs are selected by the doctor for each patient individually for the daytime and at night.

Menopause in women is a special period in the life of every woman, usually at 48 ± 3 years, accompanied by a decrease in the level of sex hormones and a gradual loss of reproductive function. In medicine, menopause is a chain of physiological events extended over time.

In different sources, climacteric restructuring lasts up to 10 years. The correct organization of life, a special diet, psychological assistance, and in some cases drug therapy, create a worthy quality of life for a woman experiencing temporary difficulties.

The first problem a woman faces is psychological. During this period, changes in character were noticed, manifested by excessive irritability, suspiciousness and vulnerability. Psychologists unanimously recognize critical age as a problem of the inner circle (husband, children, grandchildren, colleagues). A friendly, calm atmosphere in the family, at work, facilitates coexistence.

Relatives should understand that:

  • Menopause is not a disease - it is a new stage in life;
  • Natural age-related changes in appearance with menopause can be smoothed out;
  • The intimate sphere remains an important part of married life;
  • Excessive, for a side view, care (mothers, grandmothers, wife), demanding reciprocal attention, must find understanding, perhaps this is a new meaning of life.

Mensa pills

Mensa tablets are a non-hormonal drug for menopausal women. The drug contains phytoestrogens, soy isoflavones, amino acids beta-alanine and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), vitamins ...

Sagenit tablets

Sagenit tablets are an anti-climacteric drug. Participates in the implementation of positive and negative feedback in the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system, has a stabilizing effect on ...

Menoril Plus tablets

Menoril Plus Tablet helps support health during menopause. The period of menopause in women is accompanied by a change in hormonal levels and a decrease in the production of estrogen by the ovaries. Menopause is often characterized by ...

Klimalanin tablets

Klimalanin tablets are a drug, the active ingredient of which is the amino acid b-alanine. Beta-alanine slows down the release of histamine, a biologically active compound that ...

Proginov's tablets

Proginov's tablet is a hormonal estrogen-containing drug. The preparation contains estradiol valerate - a synthetic analogue of human endogenous estradiol. A decrease in the production of endogenous estradiol is noted in ...

Climaxan tablets

Climaxan tablets are a homeopathic complex drug that is used in gynecology to relieve symptoms associated with premenopausal and ...

Menopace tablets

Menopace tablets are a selected complex of vitamins and minerals, the action of which is aimed at restoring and maintaining the condition of women in the menopausal period. Pantothenic acid conditions ...

Feminal tablets

Feminal tablets are a homeopathic preparation, not a medicine in the full sense of the word. It is used as a dietary supplement of plant origin, which ...

Klimadinon tablets

Klimadinon tablets are a herbal remedy (special extract BNO 1055 - cimicifuga) with a complex estrogen-like mechanism of action. Active substances of special ...

Estrovel tablets

The composition of the dietary supplement Estrovel includes plant extracts, vitamins and amino acids of natural origin, specially created for non-hormonal support of a woman during ...

Klimonorm tablets

Klimonorm tablets are a remedy for the prevention and treatment of menopause and menstrual disorders ...

Tsi-klim tablets

The natural remedy Tsi-Klim is created on the basis of dry extract of cimicifuga and is an effective alternative to hormonal preparations. Cimicifuge extract has a mild estrogen-like ...

Bellataminal tablets

Bellataminal tablets are a combined drug, the action of which is due to the properties of its constituent components. Reduces the excitability of central and peripheral ...

Alora tablets

The caused effects of the Alora tablet are due to the extract of passionflower included in its composition. Passion flower herb contains harmanol alkaloids, flavonoids, quinones and others ...

Climaktoplan tablets

Homeopathic tablets Klimaktoplan includes substances that have receptor-modulating activity in relation to estrogens (phyto-SERM). Promotes the normalization of vegetative ...

Symptoms of menopause in women

Symptoms of the climacteric period are varied, due to the presence of receptors receptive to estrogen in most organs of a woman.

Harbingers of menopause

The precursors of menopause are recorded long before the onset of the first signs. Diseases of the genital area, in the period from 30 to 40 years:

  • Endometriosis;
  • Problems with conceiving and bearing a fetus;
  • Breaking cycles.

Previous illnesses negatively affect the course of menopause.

Signs of menopause

Signs of menopause - absence of menstruation, hot flashes, dizziness, irritability:

Tides. Duration from several seconds to several minutes, occur at any time of the day, accompanied by a feeling of heat, hyperemia, sweating, possibly numbness, tingling of the fingertips, tachycardia, rarely loss of consciousness, the tide ends with a feeling of cold. Read more about tides in this article.

Dizziness (vertigo). During the period of climacteric restructuring is a consequence of surges in blood pressure, the emergence of foci of excitability of the autonomic nervous system under the influence of hormones.

Excitability. Manifested by sleep disturbance (insomnia, daytime sleepiness, anxiety).

But besides the basic signs, there is a whole list of other symptoms from the emotional sphere, the nervous and genitourinary systems:

Emotional symptoms of menopause

Even the ancient Greeks noted the relationship between the emotional background of a woman and the state of her reproductive organ - the uterus. The word hysteria comes from the word hystera (translated from Greek as the womb). A certain number of women during this period experience astheno-neurotic syndrome. It manifests itself in increased irritability, excessive tearfulness, in a feeling of inexplicable anxiety and fear. Violations of night rest, intolerance to smells and even sounds are observed.

Another part of women suffer from depression, which is difficult to correct or does not respond at all to treatment. In this case, severe depressive disorders, behavioral disturbances, which often become defiant, are noted. This finds expression in vulgar hairstyles, outfits and makeup. Thus, a woman is trying to prolong the youth that is leaving her.

Symptoms of menopause from the autonomic nervous system

If the climacteric period is rather difficult, then women experience frequent and pronounced hot flashes. They are the reaction of the autonomic nervous system to hormonal changes occurring in the woman's body.

Their clinical manifestations are as follows:

  • Lack of air;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Hyperemia of the skin;
  • Feeling anxious
  • A feeling of nausea;
  • Sinking heart;
  • Weakness and dizziness.

If heart rhythm failures occur, the respiratory rate and its depth increase, then we can talk about hyperventilation syndrome or DHW. At the same time, women complain of a lack of air, a feeling of a lump in the throat, pressure in the chest area. The majority of patients suffer from severe headaches similar to migraines. It is difficult for them to be in stuffy rooms for a long time, with high humidity, in the heat. This syndrome develops due to a lack, as well as due to a violation of the metabolism of magnesium and calcium, which leads to a significant drop in the already low level of estrogen.

Increasingly, modern doctors note the relationship between hyperventilation syndrome and snoring, during which there are rather long stops of breathing at night.

Therefore, it is possible to talk about indirect symptoms indicating climacteric changes when:

  • Frequent unmotivated night awakenings;
  • Increased sleepiness during the daytime;
  • The presence of apnea;
  • An increase in blood pressure in the morning.

In addition, estrogens are responsible for the ability of neurons to recover (their rapid death occurs in Alzheimer's disease), for improving their performance, for normal cerebral blood supply, for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, for maintaining normal glucose levels.

Symptoms of menopause from the genitourinary system and skin

Osteoporosis and disruption of the heart and blood vessels, which is expressed in surges in blood pressure, in heart pain.

Vaginitis of the atrophic type is observed with a deficiency of estrogen, leading to vaginal ischemia. Its typical symptoms are dryness, lack of natural lubrication, burning sensation, drooping of the walls, and decreased blood supply.

Atrophic cystourethritis manifests itself in an increased urge to empty the bladder, in pain when urinating. Women experience a burning sensation and stinging in the corresponding area. Sleep is often disturbed by the urge to empty.

Atrophic transformations affecting the pelvic ligaments lead to a violation of the location of the bladder and urethra. This causes prolapse and prolapse of the uterus and vagina.

Changes in the skin are reduced to its thinning, loss of elasticity, the appearance of flabbiness and age spots. The reason lies in the malnutrition of the skin. Hair begins to fall out on the head, while their growth on the face increases.

Postmenopausal osteoporosis, which develops against the background of a lack of one of the hormones belonging to the estrogen group. We are talking about estradiol.

At the same time, the bone tissue ceases to be renewed, a woman against this background experiences the following symptoms:

  • Its growth decreases, it becomes lower;
  • Bone fractures are more frequent, this can occur even as a result of the application of a small force;
  • Painful sensations appear along the spinal column, in the lower back, while standing and walking, joint pain;
  • A stoop develops.

At what age does menopause begin in women?

The climacteric period is a time that is characterized by a natural dying out of the most important function of the female body - reproductive. There is an irreversible regression of female organs: uterus, ovaries, breast. The amount of estrogen decreases.

There are no strict criteria for the onset of menopause, it usually occurs at the age of 48 ± 3 years. The onset of menopause has no connection with the time of menarche, the first sexual experience, the number of pregnancies and offspring.

Some of the fairer sex practically do not notice these restructuring, and some are difficult and painful to experience such a process. It has been established that the age at which the extinction of reproductive function will occur is influenced by the fact of heredity. That is, if a woman wants to know the approximate age of her entry into menopause, she should ask her own mother about it. This will facilitate the psychological aspect of entering a new phase of life.

The correlation dependence of the age of menopause on:

  • Heredity;
  • Social conditions of life;
  • Concomitant diseases;
  • Psychological factor.

In the last few decades, there has been a tendency for women to reach menopause before the age of 40.

There is a risk of becoming a "victim" of early climacteric syndrome:

  • Women who abuse tobacco;
  • Women who have undergone many abortions;
  • Those who do not have a regular sex life;
  • Alcohol abusers and overweight;
  • Those who do not follow the daily routine, violate the rest and work regime;
  • Women on strict diets who are fond of fasting;
  • Women with endocrine system diseases, as well as those suffering from autoimmune diseases;
  • Women living in constant stress;
  • Women who have suffered or are suffering from gynecological pathologies, from oncological diseases.

Methods for prolonging youth have been developed, they include:

  • Medication correction with hormonal, fortifying agents;
  • Rational diet, based on an in-depth examination of the individual metabolism;
  • Using folk remedies (baths, drinks);
  • Physiotherapy procedures;
  • Physical education.

Periods of hormonal changes

The extinction of reproductive function takes place in several successive stages:

1) Premenopause. This period lasts about 6 years. The follicles are gaining firmness, their response to maturation-stimulating hormones is getting weaker. At this time, menstruation disorders occur. There are delays in the next menstruation, the cycle itself becomes shorter, up to a complete cessation. The volume of blood secreted at this time also decreases, the nature of the discharge changes to a leaner one. Heavy periods are less common.

Pathological disorders in the premenopausal period are most often associated with a significant increase in estrogen production. This syndrome is called hyperestrogenism.

The gynecologist is able to confirm the diagnosis. During the examination, he notices:

  • Increase and hardening of the uterine walls, while they should become smaller;
  • Enlargement of the mammary glands, painful small seals are palpated in them, the breast becomes heavy;
  • The volume of cervical mucus increases, the walls of the vagina become more folded;
  • Often, neoplasms are found in the organs of the reproductive system, myomatous nodes are observed in the uterine wall;
  • Menstruation does not fade away, but, on the contrary, becomes more abundant and prolonged, dysfunctional bleeding may occur.

2) Menopause. Menopause is characterized by complete cessation of menstrual bleeding. This is the shortest period in the entire climacteric restructuring.

3) Postmenopause. The hormonal diversion ends, the ovaries no longer reproduce hormones, the level of estrogen drops by half compared to the original. The reverse development of the whole organism is observed. This is how the early postmenopausal period proceeds, it lasts from one to two years.

All systems that depended on the work of sex hormones undergo hypotrophic changes:

  • Pubic hair begins to fall out;
  • The vaginal walls lose folding, their tone decreases;
  • There is a flattening of the vaginal vaults;
  • The size of the uterus becomes smaller;
  • The mucus produced by the cervical canal decreases in volume, up to complete disappearance.

Transformations take place in the female breast, her glandular tissue is replaced by fibrous and adipose tissue. If the period of extinction of reproductive functions has a normal course, without any pathological disorders, then the woman feels quite satisfactory. Postmenopause is a period that continues for the rest of your life.

Early menopause in women

The appearance of the first symptoms of menopause, before the age of forty, is a strong argument for examination.

Causes of early menopause

Distinguish between inherited and acquired causes of early menopause.

Genetically causes of early menopause:

  • Female X chromosome defect
  • Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome
  • Ovarian dysfunction under the influence of the X chromosome
  • Other hereditary disorders

Acquired causes of early menopause:

  • Hormonal diseases (thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, others);
  • Gynecological diseases, including infectious diseases;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Obesity;
  • Exhaustion (anorexia);
  • Not rational hormonal contraception.

Why is early menopause dangerous?

Changes in the body of women aged 35-40 are a manifestation of early menopause. Early menopause is dangerous by the appearance of signs of aging:

  • Loose skin (neck, arms, etc.);
  • Wrinkled skin;
  • Pigmented spots on the skin;
  • Fast weight gain and storage for the female type (sides, abdomen, thighs and buttocks) or the male type (belly).

Early menopause is dangerous with the risk of hormonal, oncological, metabolic diseases.

How to avoid early menopause?

Early menopause is the result of dysfunction of the ovaries (gonadal dyskinesia). Ovarian function is supported by hormones and biologically active substances. It is not always possible to prevent early menopause, for example, many hereditary causes do not respond to treatment. In some cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used to prevent early menopause.

Also, to help the body delay menopause or make it invisible, use ginger, as well as special medicinal herbs.

Earlier aging can be triggered by previous illnesses, which can be stopped with hormone replacement therapy.

Pain with menopause

Pain is an element of the body's defense complex, which sends a signal to the corresponding part of the brain about the excitation of nerve receptors, above the homeostasis threshold, manifests itself as unpleasant sensations and emotional experiences. With organic damage, pain becomes part of the pathogenesis.

Pain in the abdomen with menopause

The abdomen or abdominal cavity is the seat of the digestive and genitourinary system. It is necessary to differentiate the source of pain as a result of physiological (menopause) or pathological (diseases of the abdominal cavity) processes. Sources of pain emanating from the abdominal region are a consequence of diseases:

  • intestines and stomach (inflammation, ulcers, spasms);
  • diaphragm (formation separating the abdominal cavity from the chest);
  • kidney and bladder;
  • stomach, pancreas, hernia;
  • appendicitis;
  • hepatic colic;
  • uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries;
  • poisoning and toxic infections;
  • pneumonia and heart - myocardial infarction (radiating pain).

If there are no concomitant diseases, then abdominal pain with menopause is easily stopped.

Pain in the abdomen with menopause result:

  • spastic phenomena in the abdominal cavity;
  • unsatisfactory functioning of the goblet cells of the vaginal epithelium secreting mucus (pain after intercourse).

Menopause headaches

They are felt in the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal regions of the head. Headache provocateurs are diverse: stress, weather changes, and so on. All known factors that provoke pain are combined into four groups associated with:

  • changes in blood pressure;
  • spasms of the vessels of the brain;
  • irritation of the nerve endings in the head area;
  • diseases of the cervical spine.

Based on clinical observations, approximate landmarks have been determined that indicate the sources of headache and the area of \u200b\u200bthe head in which it manifests itself.

Pain in the occipital and parietal regions occurs when:

  • injuries of the cervical spine;
  • damage to the muscles of the cervical spine;
  • neuralgia of the occipital nerves;
  • vascular pain;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Pain in the temporal region of the head with menopause

The cause of pain in the temporal region of the head can be:

  • decreased vascular tone in the brain;
  • increased intracranial and blood pressure;
  • dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and blood vessels (syndrome of vascular dystonia);
  • atherosclerosis and inflammatory diseases of the cerebral vessels;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • damage to the jaw joints;
  • spontaneous, cyclical (cluster) pain;
  • infectious diseases.

Information about the localization of the source of pain can be taken into account, the doctor determines the exact diagnosis based on examinations.

Spontaneous, serially occurring at the same time (cluster) pains very much resemble pain in menopause. Unlike pain in menopause, cluster pains have a pronounced pain reaction. Headaches at a critical age can accompany a variety of diseases. Differential diagnosis is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Headaches during menopause are the result of:

  • depression;
  • spastic phenomena of cerebral vessels against the background of a hormonal surge;
  • fall or increase in arterial, intracranial pressure.

With menopause, the chest hurts (mammary glands)

Breast pain (mastalgia) occurs at different ages. Pains appear periodically, namely:

  • cyclically (at regular intervals)
  • not cyclically (intervals at different intervals).

Cyclic pains appear at fertile (childbearing) age, coincide with monthly cycles. For women aged 45 to 50, pain is a sign of hormonal imbalances. Cyclic pain occurs suddenly, at a certain time (morning, night). Pain of varying intensity, accompanied by hot flashes, unpleasant sensations, spreads to both breasts.

Not cyclical, pain can be:

  • unilateral or bilateral;
  • occur when moving, touching;
  • periodic or constant;
  • aching, burning, stabbing, dull.

Causes of pain associated with climacteric changes in the body:

  • Changes in hormonal and mineral metabolism.
  • Chest injury, location of the source of pain, character and strength depend on the injury.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Neoplasms. Determined by palpation of the breast, the nature of the pain depends on the involvement of the breast nerve endings in the pathogenesis.

Pain in the chest area can accompany heart disease - angina pectoris, coronary heart disease. A characteristic sign is the appearance of pain after physical exertion or emotional arousal.

Menstruation with menopause (regulation)

Regula does not always end with the fertilization of the egg, it begins with menarche - the first cycle. In girls, usually at the age of 12-13, deviations are possible. The end of menstruation is menopause. Usually occurs at the age of fifty. Deviations are possible, come too early, as well as too late, as an individual physiological feature or as a pathology in hormonal and other diseases.

The onset of menopause is a complete absence of cycles, preceded by a period of acyclic menstruation. They can stop for a while (be absent for 6 months or more), and then start again. There are long (more than 7 days) or short cycles (less than 3 days), abundant (more than 100 ml) and scarce (10-15 ml).

Long periods with menopause

The duration of your period is coordinated by the hormonal system. An increase in the course of regulation up to two weeks is considered a pathology.

Long periods are diagnosed for diseases accompanied by a deficiency of a proteolytic enzyme:

  • Chronic inflammation of the uterus;
  • Scars on the muscle layer of the uterus;
  • Abnormalities in the development of the uterus;
  • Hormonal disorders (high or low estrogen content).

Long periods with menopause are a pathology of the early stage of menopause. Pathology is caused by a violation of hormonal metabolism. Determination of the reasons for long-term regulations is carried out on the basis of:

  • Gynecological examination and smears of mucous membranes for oncology and flora;
  • Colposcopy and ultrasound;
  • Blood examination for morphology and biochemistry, with the analysis of the blood coagulation system;
  • Research on STDs;
  • Studies of the hormonal status of sex hormones in the blood;
  • Examination of the thyroid gland followed by consultation with an endocrinologist.

Abundant menstruation with menopause

Sign of heavy periods:

  • Bleeding for more than seven days.
  • Blood loss over 100 ml

Before menopause, non-ovulatory cycles are characteristic, as a result of a violation of the cooperation of estrogens and progesterone. An imbalance in hormones is the cause of heavy bleeding (metrorrhagia) not associated with menstruation. Metrorrhagias are one of the harbingers of menopause. Not to be confused with metrorrhagia and menorrhagia - profuse bleeding during monthly cycles.

A diagnostic sign of metrorrhagia is detection in the blood with a high level of progesterone. In some cases, the cause of heavy bleeding is ulceration of the walls of the myometrium, rupture of the wall of blood vessels. The diagnosis is carried out on the basis of a gynecological examination and laboratory tests.

When do menopause stop?

The onset of menopause is the absence of menstruation throughout the year. Vaginal bleeding that occurs after the specified time is not monthly. It is necessary to consult a specialist to determine the causes of bleeding.

Is it possible to get pregnant with menopause?

Pregnancy occurs when a mature male reproductive cell (sperm) and a mature female cell (egg) merge during the fertile period, which occurs approximately in the middle of the monthly cycle. In order for a successful pregnancy to occur, several important conditions must be met, including sperm activity, favorable conditions for gestation in the birth canal, and the uterus.

Ovulation in the initial stages of menopause can be latent. Therefore, theoretically, the fusion of a mature sperm with an egg can occur, but in practice it is rare. It is possible to conceive and carry a fetus after artificial hormonal stimulation, but there are limitations. Stimulation is performed after a thorough clinical examination of the spouses. Pregnancy at a critical age is undesirable, due to the extremely high risk of genetic abnormalities in the fetus. The complete absence of menstruation for a year or more means the onset of physiological infertility.

How is menopause in women treated?

In the early stages, the onset of menopause can be delayed. For the treatment of menopause, the method of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is used. The method is based on replenishing certain hormones.

The task of the doctors involved in developing the HRT strategy includes:

  • Determination of the level of hormones produced by the body in insufficient quantities;
  • Determination of the need for them and other substances necessary for better assimilation of hormones;
  • Determination of the compatibility of various hormonal drugs in order to reduce the risk of their mutual antagonism.

It should be recognized that HRT is not suitable for everyone, there are contraindications. With complete infertility, it is impossible to restore cycles with HRT.

The use of hormone replacement therapy is limited, with:

  • Cardiovascular pathology;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Diseases of the excretory systems;
  • Endometriosis.

The positive effects of HRT:

  • Increasing tone, eliminating depression, reducing nervousness, improving sleep;
  • Reducing the risk of age-related diseases (heart attacks, strokes, fractures);
  • Extension of monthly cycles for some time;
  • Improving the condition of the skin, mucous membranes.

It is strictly forbidden to prescribe hormonal and non-hormonal drugs on your own. Their admission should take place under medical supervision. The gynecologist is able to accurately calculate the dosage suitable for each specific woman. If a decision was made to start substitution therapy, then one cannot do without regular visits to the doctor.

It is important to remember about the presence of contraindications to the use of hormonal and non-hormonal drugs, among them:

  • Blood clotting disorders, namely: thrombophilia;
  • Diseases of the biliary tract;
  • Autoimmune disorders, diabetes;
  • Hepatic pathology;
  • Kidney disease;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Oncology;
  • Genital neoplasms.

Diet with menopause

  • Potassium. Potassium is found in almost all foods. There is a lot of it in potatoes, prunes, beans, oatmeal, pumpkin and so on.
  • Calcium. There is a lot of calcium in canned fish, asparagus, cheeses, fermented milk products.
  • Sodium. It is advisable to limit the use of sodium chloride. Excess negatively affects the work of the heart, metabolism.
  • Phosphorus. The deficiency is manifested by the fragility of bones, a decrease in mental, physical activity. Many products of animal and plant origin are rich in phosphorus.
  • Boron, magnesium, zinc, others. The disadvantage is manifested in the violation of many processes in the body. They are necessary to normalize the hormonal status of the body, to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and normalize the heart. A lot in prunes, almonds, wheat porridge, asparagus, strawberries, peaches.
  • Vitamin deficiency (E, A, D, C), it is recommended to replenish the intake of a vitamin and mineral complex, or a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, freshly squeezed juices.

The balanced need for nutrients is not difficult to calculate on your own (focusing on the daily need and the amount of nutrients in the product) based on special tables. It is advisable to follow the advice of a dietitian.

After about 45 years (someone earlier, and someone later), the processes of extinction of the reproductive function begin in the female body: ovulation becomes less and less frequent, follicles stop forming, the menstrual cycle gradually stops. The impending menopause often proceeds with all sorts of unpleasant sensations for a woman - these are "famous" hot flashes, headaches, sweating, etc. your condition. The safest drugs for a given physiological period, according to the general opinion of experts, are non-hormonal drugs for menopause - these are mainly herbal remedies, or vitamin-based drugs that do not disrupt their own hormone production and practically do not cause negative side effects.

ATX code

G02CX Other preparations for use in gynecology

Pharmacological group

Drugs used for menopause

pharmachologic effect

Anti-climacteric drugs

Indications for the use of non-hormonal drugs for menopause

Non-hormonal drugs for menopause can be taken as soon as the first signs appear:

  • with neurovegetative disorders (hot flashes, "surges" of blood pressure, dizziness, feeling of "creeping", excessive dryness of the skin and mucous membranes);
  • with psycho-emotional disorders (irritability, sleep and appetite disorders, constant fatigue, impaired concentration, decreased ability to work);
  • with metabolic disorders (osteoporosis, diabetes, overweight, chondrosis, arthrosis, with atrophic changes in the genitals);
  • with cyclical disorders (dysmenorrhea).

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Release form

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry offers a very wide selection of non-hormonal drugs for menopause. What kind of drug is suitable in a given situation - the doctor decides. Each woman is unique and special, so it is impossible to say with certainty which form of the drug will be most optimal for her.

Some women prefer to take pills, which is convenient, especially if you need to take them outside the home.

Someone prefers remedies for menopause symptoms in drops - this form of the drug allows you to very accurately dose the medicine.

In addition to the listed forms, non-hormonal drugs are available in the form of injection solutions, in the form of granules or capsules.

Of course, everyone has the right to choose for himself which drug to take. But before making your choice, it is preferable to consult a doctor.

The names of non-hormonal drugs for menopause

Non-hormonal drugs for menopause may differ in the mechanism of action and in the medicinal product of the active ingredients. Based on this, homeopathic remedies, biologically active preparations, multivitamin complexes and phytopreparations (phytoestrogens) are distinguished.

  • Non-hormonal drugs for menopause from hot flashes

The most popular non-hormonal drugs for menopause are homeopathic complex remedies. As a rule, they practically have no side effects and have a very short list of contraindications: nevertheless, such medications are also prescribed by a doctor.

Homeopathic remedies act cumulatively, therefore, the course of treatment with such drugs usually lasts several months. The effect of such drugs is stable and long-term.

  • Remens is a homeopathic remedy made from cuttlefish glandular extract and snake toxin. The drug eliminates hot flashes, increased sweating, stabilizes mood, and activates metabolic processes. Remens is used both at the first signs of menopause and in the midst of symptoms: the medication is contraindicated only in the presence of allergies.
  • Climaxan - has an estrogen-like effect, suppresses hot flashes, improves sleep, relieves headaches and dizziness. The drug is available in the form of tablets or granules.
  • Klimadinon is a homeopathic drops based on cimicifuga rhizomes, vitamins and minerals. Klimadinon successfully fights hot flashes, urination disorders, vascular and muscle spasms, and pressure drops.

Homeopathic preparations of the German company Heel are no less common. Among them are such popular products as Climakt-Heel, Ovarium-compositum, Ovariamin.

  • Non-hormonal dietary supplements for menopause

Non-hormonal biologically active additives work due to the presence of plant estrogen-like substances in them - phytoestrogens. Such drugs are natural analogs of hormonal agents:

  1. Feminal - an additive that is an extract from the red clover plant;
  2. Femikaps is a complex biological supplement with extracts of sacred vitex, passion flower, as well as primrose and primrose oils, and with a number of essential vitamins;
  3. Inoklim is a soy preparation with the addition of gelatin and vegetable oil;
  4. Bonisan is a soy extract based supplement;
  5. Femivell is a dietary supplement, an analogue of Bonisan. Contains soy extract;
  6. Estrovel is a supplement that contains cimicifuga, soy, extracts from wild yam and nettle, as well as some vitamins and amino acids.
  • Non-hormonal vitamins for menopause

Among the many non-hormonal drugs, multivitamin complexes with a specially combined composition can restore physical and psychological health in menopause. The action of such drugs is explained by the stimulation of the immune defense and the body's own forces. The most popular are the following tools:

  • Menopace is a multivitamin remedy with an additional increased content of minerals required during the period of active hormonal changes;
  • Ladies Formula Menopause is a specially formulated vitamin preparation containing tocopherol and B vitamins, as well as minerals and pantothenic acid. The tool has a positive effect on the condition of the musculoskeletal system, prevents atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Klimalanin is a remedy whose action is based on the property of the amino acid β-alanine;
  • Biotredin is a drug based on L-threonine and pyridoxine. Improves metabolic processes and tissue energy supply.
  • Non-hormonal suppositories for menopause

With the onset of menopause, many women complain of dryness of the vaginal mucosa. Such dryness manifests itself in everyone in different ways: from mild discomfort to loss of sexual interest and the development of inflammatory infectious diseases of the genital organs.

The use of non-hormonal suppositories allows you to soften and moisturize the mucous membrane, restore or maintain the beneficial microflora inside the vagina and prevent the development of infectious complications.

  • Vagikal is a non-hormonal calendula-based suppository, which is known for its antimicrobial, immunostimulating and preventive properties.
  • CyCatridine - these are candles on a natural basis, with hyaluronic acid, calendula, aloe extract, etc. Candles relieve vaginal dryness, improve tissue turgor.
  • Klimaktol - candles based on sea buckthorn, lemon balm, hop and valerian oils. Thanks to these candles, it is possible to restore the mucous tissues of the vagina, soothe itching and burning.

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Non-hormonal drugs for menopause in the vast majority of cases "work" due to estrogen-like effects on the body. After the use of such medications, the production of certain hormones decreases, which leads to a decrease in LH levels. As a result, the woman's condition stabilizes, as the manifestations of the lack of sex hormones are weakening. This mainly refers to a decrease in the severity of symptoms from the autonomic nervous system, which include hot flashes, hyperhidrosis, etc.

Non-hormonal drugs used during menopause often have a slight sedative effect - this has a positive effect on sleep, relieves irritability and mood swings.

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Most of the non-hormonal drugs that are designed to eliminate the negative symptoms of menopause have not been studied for their kinetic properties. Most often, the kinetic features of such medicines are difficult to trace, since they include a whole list of herbal components with complex pharmacology.

It is known that non-hormonal drugs must be taken in courses - sometimes for several months. Only such treatment can be guaranteed to get rid of the negative signs of menopause and lead to lasting relief.

Moreover, most non-hormonal drugs show a pronounced therapeutic effect already in the second week of their intake.

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You can not use any remedies for menopause - even non-hormonal - in the presence of estrogen-dependent tumors (for example, with cystomas, or breast cancer). In addition, there are a number of contraindications for certain non-hormonal drugs for menopause:

  • drugs based on cimicifugi should not be used by persons with lactose intolerance;
  • alcohol-based medications should not be used by those who suffer from alcohol dependence;
  • you should not take herbal estrogenic drugs in the presence of pathologies of the brain, liver, as well as with a tendency to seizures;
  • unequivocally non-hormonal drugs should not be taken while carrying and breastfeeding a child;
  • you cannot take any medications if you are allergic to the composition of the drug.

Side effects of non-hormonal drugs with menopause

Method of administration and dosage

Before taking any non-hormonal drugs, you should consult with your gynecologist-endocrinologist. In addition, it is advisable to undergo a complete examination of the reproductive organs in order to exclude diseases that could become a contraindication to treatment. It is very risky to choose and take any drugs on your own, since each medicine has its own nuances of use, which only the doctor knows about.

To improve the effectiveness of non-hormonal treatment of menopause symptoms, doctors recommend making some changes in the diet. For example, it is very useful to include in the menu daily seafood (fish, seaweed, shrimp), liver dishes, potatoes boiled in their skins, sprouted wheat and bran.

Non-hormonal drugs for menopause are taken for at least 3 months in a row, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

Which drug to choose, and how much to take, the doctor decides.

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Non-hormonal drugs used for menopause are difficult to overdose. However, if this still happens, then the symptoms of an overdose are manifested by an increase in side effects. If you take medicines in accordance with the treatment regimen suggested by your doctor, then you cannot take an excess dose of medicines: this can only be done by accident or deliberately.

If an overdose does occur, it is necessary to flush the stomach and intestines, and then take activated charcoal (or other similar remedy), drinking plenty of clean water.

Interaction with other drugs

You should not combine hormonal and non-hormonal drugs without the permission of the doctor - especially for medications based on estriol and corticosteroid hormones.

The combination of various herbal preparations, if their kinetic properties have not been investigated, is also not recommended, as this can lead to unpredictable effects.

Menopause is an inevitable aging process in a woman's body. It occurs naturally and is laid down by nature itself. Each woman has a different attitude to this period - someone is trying by all means to postpone its onset, and someone is more loyal and philosophical towards it. In any case, at the onset of a certain age, the menopause makes itself felt.

The climax is divided into four stages, namely:

  1. Premature menopause - can make itself felt by the age of 40;
  2. Early menopause - 40 to 45 years old;
  3. Timely menopause - from 45 years old;
  4. Late menopause is about 55 years old.

On average, a woman's menopause occurs at 50-55 years old, but preparation for it can begin 10 years earlier. The first sign of menopause is considered to be the termination of the menstrual cycle.

In addition to this feature, a number of others are also distinguished:

  • Cardiopalmus;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Irritability;
  • Disorder;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Problems in the genital area;
  • Headaches;
  • Skin problems.

And when certain signs appear, a woman asks the question: what to take with menopause in order to get rid of or reduce all these unpleasant sensations? Are there any vitamins for menopause?

Non-hormonal pills for menopause

Fortunately, modern research allows women to get through this unpleasant period, because a large number of homeopathic remedies are available for menopause. Each woman can choose the medicine she needs, which the doctor will prescribe for her to facilitate this process. Any woman who has experienced menopause knows firsthand what hot flashes are.

Their signs are considered to be the following:

  • sudden heat all over the body;
  • the skin may become covered with red spots;
  • dizziness;
  • suffocation;
  • sweating;
  • insomnia.

Hot flashes can manifest themselves individually, for someone they can be so strong that you have to call an ambulance, and someone has never felt any of these syndromes.
Modern medicine offers various pills for menopause from hot flashes, but for their use, in any case, you need to consult a doctor. If a woman has any contraindications, she is prescribed non-hormonal drugs for menopause. They increase immunity, do not lead to excess weight and do not affect the nervous system.

The most common ones are as follows:

  1. Estrovel - is an excellent herbal, honey and vitamin remedy that increases estrogen levels and normalizes the emotional state, thereby reducing the number of hot flashes.
  2. Klimadinon - this medicine is homeopathy, contains extract of cimicifuga racemose, due to which, the estrogen content returns to normal, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Also, this tool helps to restore the function of the vascular system.
  3. Feminal - This medicine is based on red clover extract, thanks to which estrogen in the blood is normalized, which becomes noticeable during menopause.

Acquiring non-hormonal menopause pills is an excellent solution to the problem. Taking them, a woman who has crossed the threshold of menopause will feel significant relief and can forget about those unpleasant sensations that she felt when hot flashes came.

Today there is a fairly large variety of homeopathic remedies for menopause, containing both plants and chemical compounds.

Herbal medicines are often used as an adjunct to hormone replacement therapy. The plant origin of such funds is not a reason for self-treatment and prescription of drugs. They can be harmful, not beneficial, if misused.
Climaxan- a homeopathic remedy that eliminates estrogen deficiency and corrects psychophysiological disorders that occur during menopause. Climaxan suppresses hot flashes, dizziness, restores heart rate, normalizes sleep.
Remens - normalizes psychoemotional manifestations in the climacteric period (depression, aggressiveness, sleep problems, resentment), autonomic hot flashes, tachycardia attacks, changes in pressure), metabolic disorders (reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, prevents weight gain).

Tsi-klim - reduces the frequency of hot flashes, lowers high blood pressure, eliminates headaches, normalizes sleep.

B iocomplex Lady's formula® Menopause. Reinforced formula - biocomplex of vitamins, preventing complications of menopause. It is not recommended to take the Ledis formula for more than three months and without the advice of a specialist.

Hormonal drugs for menopause

Hormonal agents significantly improve the general condition of a woman during menopause, but you need to be very careful with them, because they have a large number of contraindications, namely:

  • diabetes;
  • bleeding from the genitals;
  • liver and kidney disease;
  • heart pathology;
  • oncology of the mammary glands.

With the listed diseases, hormonal agents are prohibited.

But despite this, they have excellent qualities:

  • improve mood;
  • stop frequent urination;
  • act on bone tissue;
  • improve the work of the thyroid gland;
  • affect the vagina.

The most common drug should be considered Femoston 2/10... It is hormone replacement therapy, which consists of two important components, which are analogous to the female genital organs. It is this remedy that replenishes the supply of estrogen and removes symptoms of a mental and emotional nature.

HRT for menopause is a new generation of drugs. It is this remedy that is the most effective today, if, of course, there are no contraindications for it. The opinion of doctors on the question of whether hormone therapy is useful for menopause was divided. Someone thinks that it is very harmful, while someone insists on the need to prescribe hormonal drugs.

There is no consensus on this situation, so you need to carefully and responsibly approach the intake of this or that drug.
Almost every remedy for menopause contains beta-alanine. It is an amino acid that can reduce the number and severity of hot flashes, add energy, improve body structure, normalize mood swings and improve memory.

But taking drugs with beta-alanim must be treated very carefully, because this amino acid has a large number of side effects.
Also, an excellent tool is considered - divigel.

It belongs to estrogenic drugs and has a number of advantages: it has a great effect on lipid metabolism, helps to survive the stage of menopause and hot flashes, helps to strengthen bone tissue, stimulates the development of the uterus, vagina and mammary ducts.

Divigel increases the concentration of thyroxine in the blood, and also reduces cholesterol levels. It is the Divigel that can normalize the pressure and the work of the cardiovascular system.

One of the unpleasant symptoms of menopause is vaginal dryness, while intercourse delivers sharp pain and discomfort. Various lubricants and lubricants can perfectly cope with this problem, which can be selected to your taste and based on price. Also, an excellent tool is divigel, which is used for external use.

Menopause in women is a period that needs to be experienced. Sooner or later, everyone gets it, but fortunately, modern medicine has stepped forward and helps to cope with many unpleasant symptoms. The selection of the medicine must be approached carefully and carefully, and be sure to consult a doctor.