Whether biochemical analysis. What tests are passed "for cancer": laboratory diagnostics of oncological diseases. How to decipher the analysis

A biochemical blood test is important for the diagnosis of almost all diseases, therefore it is prescribed in the first place.

What indicators are included in the standard biochemical blood test?

Glucose (in blood)

The main test in the diagnosis of diabetes. This analysis is very important in the selection of therapy and in assessing the effectiveness of diabetes treatment. A decrease in glucose levels is observed in some endocrine diseases and liver dysfunction.

Normal blood glucose readings:

Total bilirubin

Yellow blood pigment, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes. The main reasons for an increase in the amount of total bilirubin in the blood: damage to liver cells (hepatitis, cirrhosis), increased breakdown of erythrocytes (hemolytic anemia), impaired outflow of bile (for example, cholelithiasis).

Normal values \u200b\u200bof total bilirubin: 3.4 - 17.1 μmol / L.

Direct bilirubin (conjugated bilirubin, linked)

Fraction of total blood bilirubin. Direct bilirubin increases with jaundice, which develops due to a violation of the outflow of bile from the liver.

Normal values \u200b\u200bof direct bilirubin: 0 - 7.9 μmol / L.

Indirect bilirubin (unconjugated bilirubin, free)

Difference between indicators of total and direct bilirubin. This indicator rises with an increase in the breakdown of red blood cells - with hemolytic anemia, malaria, massive hemorrhages in the tissue, etc.

Normal values \u200b\u200bfor indirect bilirubin:< 19 мкмоль/л.

AsAT (AST, aspartate aminotransferase)

One of the main enzymes synthesized in the liver. Normally, the content of this enzyme in blood serum is low, since most of it is found in hepatocytes (liver cells). An increase is observed in diseases of the liver and heart, as well as with prolonged use of aspirin and hormonal contraceptives.

Normal values \u200b\u200bof ASAT:

  • Women - up to 31 U / l;
  • Men - up to 37 U / l.

ALAT (ALT, alanine aminotransferase)

An enzyme synthesized in the liver. Most of it is found and works in liver cells, so the normal concentration of ALT in the blood is low. An increase is observed with mass death of liver cells (for example, with hepatitis, cirrhosis), severe heart failure, and blood diseases.

Normal ALT values:

  • Women - up to 34 U / l;
  • Men - up to 45 U / l.

Gamma-GT (gamma-glutamyltransferase)

Normal gamma-GT values:

  • Women - up to 38 U / l;
  • Men - up to 55 U / l.

Alkaline phosphatase

An enzyme widely distributed in human tissues. The hepatic and bone forms of alkaline phosphatase, the activity of which is determined in blood serum, are of the greatest clinical importance.

Normal values \u200b\u200bfor alkaline phosphatase: 30-120 U / L.

Cholesterol (total cholesterol)

The main blood lipid, which enters the body with food, and is also synthesized by liver cells.

Normal cholesterol levels: 3.2-5.6 mmol / L.

Low density lipoprotein (LDL)

One of the most atherogenic, "harmful" lipid fractions. LDL is very rich in cholesterol and, transporting it to vascular cells, are retained in them, forming atherosclerotic plaques.

Normal LDL readings: 1.71-3.5 mmol / L.


Plasma neutral fats are an important indicator of lipid metabolism.

Normal triglyceride levels: 0.41-1.8 mmol / L.

Total protein

An indicator that reflects the total amount of proteins in the blood. Its decrease is observed in some diseases of the liver and kidneys, accompanied by increased excretion of protein in the urine. Increase - with blood diseases and infectious and inflammatory processes.

Normal values \u200b\u200bfor total protein are 66-83 g / l.


The most important protein in the blood, accounting for about half of all whey proteins. A decrease in the content of albumin can also be a manifestation of some diseases of the kidneys, liver, and intestines. Increased albumin is usually associated with dehydration.

Normal albumin values: 35-52 g / l

Potassium (K +)

Electrolyte, which is mainly contained within cells. Enhancement the level of potassium in the blood is most often observed in acute and chronic renal failure, a sharp decrease in the amount of excreted urine or its complete absence, most often associated with severe kidney disease.

Normal potassium values: 3.5-5.5 mmol / L.

Sodium (Na +)

The electrolyte is contained mainly in the extracellular fluid, and to a lesser extent - inside the cells. He is responsible for the work of nervous and muscle tissue, digestive enzymes, blood pressure, water exchange.

Normal sodium values: 136-145 mmol / L.

Chlorine (Cl-)

One of the main electrolytes found in the blood in an ionized state and plays an important role in maintaining the water-electrolyte and acid-base balance in the body.

Normal chlorine values: 98-107 mmol / L.


A substance that plays an important role in the energy metabolism of muscle and other tissues. Creatinine is completely excreted by the kidneys, therefore, the determination of its concentration in the blood is of the greatest clinical importance for the diagnosis of kidney disease.

Normal creatinine values:

  • Women - 53 - 97 μmol / l;
  • Men - 62 - 115 μmol / l.


A substance that is the end product of protein metabolism in the body. Urea is excreted by the kidneys, therefore, the determination of its concentration in the blood gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functional abilities of the kidneys and is most widely used for the diagnosis of renal pathology.

Normal values \u200b\u200bfor urea: 2.8-7.2 mmol / L.

Uric acid

One of the end products of protein metabolism in the body. Uric acid is completely eliminated by the kidneys. P raising the concentration of uric acid occurs in kidney stones, other kidney diseases occurring with renal failure.

Normal Uric Acid Values:

  • Men - 210 - 420 μmol / l;
  • Women - 150 - 350 μmol / L.

C-reactive protein (CRP)

Normal values \u200b\u200bfor C-reactive protein are 0 - 5 mg / L.

Iron (serum iron)

A vital trace element, which is part of hemoglobin, is involved in the transport and storage of oxygen and plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis.

Normal Serum Iron Values:

  • Women - 8.95 - 30.43 μmol / L;
  • Men - 11.64 - 30.43 μmol / L.

How to prepare for the study?

The day before taking blood for biochemistry, it is necessary to exclude the intake of alcohol, for 1 hour - smoking. It is advisable to take blood on an empty stomach in the morning. At least 12 hours should elapse between the last meal and blood collection. Juice, tea, coffee, chewing gum are not allowed. You can drink water. It is necessary to exclude increased psycho-emotional and physical stress.

What are the terms of the analysis?

How are the results of a biochemical blood test evaluated?

The use of different diagnostic methods by different clinics leads to unequal results, and the units of measurement may also differ. Therefore, in order to correctly decipher the result of a biochemical blood test, consultation of the attending physician is required.

A blood test for oncology can often help prevent the development of serious complications. Even at an early stage of the development of a malignant disease in humans, the values \u200b\u200bof some of the basic characteristics of blood change. According to the change in blood test parameters, an experienced doctor will be able to suggest the onset of the development of a malignant disease and timely prescribe additional studies.

Features of changes in indicators of general blood analysis in oncology

It is impossible to say unequivocally what the blood test will be for malignant diseases. It depends on what type of tumor develops, in addition, its localization and the nature of the course of the disease are considered. The individual characteristics of the organism of each person are also important.

But still, some common distinctive features of the blood test results can be identified, which will help an experienced doctor to suspect the development of a malignant process.



In most cases, a complete blood count for oncology determines high ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This indicator is an indirect characteristic of the content of blood plasma proteins. The doctor should be alerted to the fact that the use of antibacterial or anti-inflammatory treatment does not lead to a decrease in the value of this blood indicator.


Another important blood indicator, a decrease in the value of which may indicate the development of a malignant process, is hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a special protein in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to organs and tissues, and carbon dioxide back. The doctor should be alerted by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood in the absence of blood loss in the patient (with volumetric surgeries, injuries, heavy menstruation). It is important if at the same time a person eats normally and leads a normal life.

The most significant and rapid decrease in hemoglobin occurs with the development of intestinal and stomach cancer. In some types of leukemia, liver cancer, in addition to a decrease in ESR, a decrease in the number of platelets is observed, and the rate of blood clotting increases. A blood test for colon cancer determines anemia due to latent bleeding. In this case, it is an early symptom of a malignant tumor. With a metastatic tumor, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood (anemia) often develops as a result of secondary damage to the bone marrow (organ of hematopoiesis).

Indicators of a biochemical blood test for oncology

Malignant diseases change not only the indicators of the general blood test, but also the biochemical study.

In the transcript of a blood test for cancer of the pancreas, a change in glucose level is indicated. Glucose is the main indicator of the body's carbohydrate metabolism. The hormone of the pancreas, insulin, is responsible for its production.

In case of malignant disease of the biliary tract, an increase in the content of bile pigment is determined in a biochemical blood test bilirubin... This is due to the development of blockage of the bile ducts.

Malignant neoplasms of the liver are manifested by an increase in the activity of the enzymes aspartate aminotransferase ( AST), alanine aminotransferase ( ALT) and lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH).

Tumor processes of bone tissue are manifested in the results of blood biochemistry by an increase in the concentration of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase (a participant in the breakdown of phosphoric acid in the body).

In addition, depending on the type of tumor process, its localization, many other indicators of biochemical research change.

The values \u200b\u200bof such indicators of blood analysis in oncology are increasing:

  • urea is the end product of protein metabolism;
  • uric acid - the end product of the metabolism of purines (compounds containing nitrogen);
  • gamma globulin is a blood plasma protein.

A biochemical blood test for malignant pathologies usually shows decrease in the content of albumin in the blood (one of the main proteins of blood), fibrinogen (a protein of blood plasma, which takes part in its clotting).

Patients are always interested in what the biochemical blood test shows and what pathologies does this research method reveal?

With the help of biochemistry, doctors manage to find out how accurately the kidneys, liver, pancreas and other equally important organs work.

In addition, the diagnosis allows the doctor to detect inflammation, rheumatic processes, imbalance of trace elements and metabolic disorders.

So, what diseases of an adult and a child can biochemistry show and how does the whole process take place?

Biochemistry is prescribed for almost any pathological condition. Even if the doctor does not visually see any abnormalities in the patient's condition, biochemistry will help to find out which organs are working perfectly and which ones have problems.

Any deviation from the norm in the analysis results may indicate the need for urgent treatment.

Almost any doctor in his practice, be it a gynecologist or pediatrician, cardiologist or surgeon, starts from the indicators of this examination. Biochemistry is mandatory during pregnancy.

Blood biochemistry is a whole complex of various tests that are prescribed by doctors based on the picture of the disease and the patient's complaints. These can be either standard 1-2 tests or a whole set.

As a result of the test, the specialist will be able to find out how the exchange takes place in the body, the state of all organs (or separately taken), whether there is a lack of vitamins and trace elements in the patient's body, how the pregnancy progresses.

The uniqueness of biochemistry lies in the fact that the change in research indicators occurs even before clinical manifestations of any pathology appear.

Therefore, early diagnosis allows you to find such diseases that do not yet have an external manifestation. Thus, the doctor gets the opportunity to prevent the development of a serious illness.

Biochemistry during pregnancy is an important and very informative study. The first time it is done at the beginning of pregnancy, when a woman is registered, and then at 30 weeks.

The results of the study show a complete picture of the course of pregnancy, the work of internal organs, and probable problems.

Preparation and performance

The procedure for this type of analysis is very simple. They produce it in the morning. The laboratory assistant takes from the vein of the investigated person from 5 to 20 ml of blood.

To obtain pure test results, blood samples are taken on an empty stomach.

This is due to the fact that any, even the smallest meal, can distort the results and make it difficult to decipher further.

This is especially true for those indicators that directly depend on the digestive system. The last lunch should be 12 hours before the sample is taken.

Coffee, tea, gum, juice or even water are not allowed, otherwise you will have to go through the whole procedure again.

No biochemistry indicator has a clear framework. Usually, the doctor talks about the norm if the level of one or another element is between the permissible minimum and maximum.

In addition, different laboratories may use different technologies or reagents, so the result may vary slightly based on where the patient was subjected to biochemistry.

Therefore, the doctor first looks to see if the value is within the acceptable range for an adult and a child or is beyond it.

The biochemistry of the blood of an adult and a child helps to determine the level of such indicators:

  • carbohydrate metabolism;
  • protein metabolism - general protein, as well as specific proteins;
  • lipid metabolism - cholesterol, triglycerides;
  • pigment metabolism - bile acids, bilirubin;
  • enzymes;
  • electrolytes;
  • vitamins.

Decoding of the main indicators

Total protein is the sum of all blood proteins, which usually consist of protein fractions such as globulins and albumin.

Proteins are participants in the work of immunity, blood clotting, they transport bilirubin, lipids, hormones throughout the body. This indicator is considered normal in the range of 64 - 84 g / l.

An increase in the level of protein can be with any infectious disease, rheumatism, arthritis, oncology.

In addition, the reason for the increase in protein can be the loss of a large volume of fluid by the body (for example, after diarrhea, vomiting (especially in a child), burns).

A decrease in protein can be in the event that it gets little from food, with pathologies of the intestines, kidneys, liver, oncology, after exhausting loads.

A very important indicator is glucose. Thanks to the reactions of its oxidation, the human body receives more than half of all energy. Glucose is ingested with food, the excess is stored in the liver.

High rates indicate diabetes, hormonal disruptions, pancreatitis, lingering pathologies in the kidneys and liver, and low rates are characteristic of pancreatic oncology, endocrine pathologies, and liver problems.

Urea is a protein breakdown product, the amount of which depends on the characteristics of the diet (the more meat food, the higher the indicator), as well as on age.

For a child, this is a low figure, and for older people, it is noticeably higher. The normal values \u200b\u200bof the component are 2.5 - 8.3 mmol / l.

Growth indicates poor kidney function, heart failure, cancer, bleeding, bowel or urinary obstruction. Urea rises temporarily after heavy exertion. This indicator decreases during pregnancy and with hepatic pathologies.

Creatinine illustrates how the kidneys work. Its norm is due to the volume of muscle mass: for men it is an indicator of 62 - 115 μmol / l, and for women - 53 - 97 μmol / l.

Growth signals muscle damage (surgery, injury, prolonged squeezing), and decrease - with loss of muscle mass and prolonged fasting, as well as in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy.

An increase in total cholesterol above normal from 3.5 - 6.5 mmol / l indicates the likelihood of ischemia, atherosclerosis, hepatic pathologies, problems with the pancreas or kidneys, diabetes, and alcoholism.

A low level of the indicator is observed with problems of assimilation in the intestine, with an acute form of the disease (infection, tuberculosis, and others).

Additional information

Bilirubin is a component of bile that helps doctors diagnose jaundice. If its level rises above the norm from 5-20 μmol / l to 27, jaundice occurs in the body.

This occurs in liver diseases such as cancer, decay, hepatitis, as well as in cholelithiasis, in hemolytic anemias.

ALT - an enzyme of liver cells, kidneys, heart, muscle tissue, pancreas. Its rate is due to its another enzyme - AST.

Helps to diagnose heart attack, liver damage, cancer of this organ, heart problems. AST is an enzyme that determines hepatitis, liver inflammation or cancer, heart failure.

The norm of these enzymes for men is 41 units / l, for women - 31.

Lipase is an enzyme of the small intestine. The norm is from 0 to 190 units / l. an increase in the indicator may indicate problems with the pancreas, intestines, overweight, diabetes, and a decrease occurs with an unbalanced diet, as well as with oncology (the exception is pancreatic cancer).

Biochemistry is quite informative in cancer, therefore, if there is a suspicion of oncology, the doctor prescribes an analysis with tumor markers.

They allow not only refuting or confirming the presence of oncology, but also determining in which organ the cancer is located, its size and stage of development.

Depending on which organ the cancer is located in, different antigens are produced. The analysis allows you to detect cancer at the earliest stages and begin treatment immediately.

Blood biochemistry is one of the most common tests for assessing a patient's health. What does a biochemical blood test show? What diseases can be diagnosed during this examination. Who is this study assigned to and how to properly prepare for the fence. Why this analysis is so common and how a laboratory blood test is performed.

What indicators reflects blood biochemistry

Blood is a separate tissue in the human body. Its composition is a combination of dozens of substances and compounds that nourish our body. With the development of technical and scientific progress, doctors have learned to recognize abnormalities in the composition of the blood and diagnose many diseases from them. Often this type of diagnosis gives a chance to identify diseases at the earliest stages, when there are no specific symptoms yet. Today, according to the composition of the blood, diseases of each internal organ can be determined, which greatly facilitates the diagnosis and treatment.

What does a biochemical blood test show, and what are the norms for these values? Of course, blood counts can change with age or with certain medical conditions. Also, some indicators can be affected by the patient's lifestyle and taking certain medications. What is included in a biochemical blood test? Blood is taken for biochemistry to assess the composition of the blood, which makes it possible to determine the work of all human organs. The analysis includes an assessment of the amount of the most important blood elements.

It is customary to consider as average indicators in adults:

Index Men Women Units
Glucose level 3.85 to 5.83 mmol / l.
Bilirubin 3.2 to 17.0 mmol / l.
ACaT up to 38 up to 32 units / l.
ALAT up to 46 up to 35 units / l.
Gamma-GT up to 55 up to 38 units / l.
Phosphatase from 30 to 120 units / l.
Cholesterol from 3.1 to 5.7 mmol / l.
LDL from 1.7 to 3.5 mmol / l.
Trigleceride from 0.4 to 1.8 mmol / l.
Total protein from 65 to 84 g / l.
Albumen from 34 to 53 g / l.
K + 3.4 to 5.6 mmol / l.
Na + 135 to 146 mmol / l.
Сl- from 97 to 108 mmol / l.
Creatinine from 61 to 115 52 to 97 mmol / l.
Urea from 2.7 to 7.3 mmol / l.
Uric acid from 210 to 420 from 150 to 350 μmol / l.
CRB from 0 to 5 g / l.
\u003e Iron from 11.63 to 30.42 from 8.94 to 30.42 μmol / l.

What do deviations in these indicators mean?

Each of these elements shows the state of an organ. If the indicators are exceeded or lowered, specialists can determine in which organ the failure occurred. In this case, additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed, and a more thorough examination is carried out. What do deviations in the analysis mean:

Glucose. This element is popularly called sugar. This indicator is very important in identifying diabetes mellitus. Blood sugar levels can change with age. Increased rates may indicate the presence of such diseases as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Physical or emotional stress.
  • Thyrotoxicosis.
  • Pheochromocytoma.
  • Increased growth hormone.
  • Cushing's Syndrome.
  • Pancreatitis
  • Chronic liver and kidney disease.

Decreased glucose levels can signal the development of the following diseases:

  • Exhaustion of the body.
  • Increased insulin levels.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Endocrine abnormalities.

Bilirubin. Orange blood dye. This pigment is produced in the liver and when it rises, the patient is first checked for jaundice. Elevated levels of bilirubin can be present with the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Hemolytic anemia.
  • Gallstones.
  • Malaria.

AST. An enzyme produced by liver and muscle cells. A healthy person's blood may contain a small amount. What does the increase in AST mean? First of all, if the AST level is disturbed, doctors diagnose heart diseases. This indicator can increase with diseases such as:

  • Cirrhosis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Liver failure.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Heart failure.
  • Other diseases of the heart and liver.

ALT. An enzyme found in liver cells. It can enter the bloodstream during mass death of liver cells. Why is ALT tested? When ALT is elevated, doctors first check the liver for serious diseases expressed by cell necrosis. ALT rises with:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Chemical poisoning of the liver.
  • Liver cancer.
  • Hepatitis of any origin.
  • Heart diseases.

Gamma-GT. An enzyme produced in the liver and pancreas. What is the increase in the enzyme in the blood? An excess of Gamma-HT indicates the following diseases:

  • Any liver disease.
  • Diseases of the pancreas.
  • Pancreatic oncology.
  • Chronic alcoholism.
  • Addiction.

Phosphatase. An enzyme found in all human organs. With an increase in the enzyme, first of all, doctors check the patient for liver and bone diseases.

Cholesterol. Refers to the main blood lipids. It is synthesized by liver cells and enters the body with food. An increase in cholesterol is most often indicative of the patient's poor nutrition.

The increase is dangerous with the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Protein. The indicator of total protein in the blood is very important in the diagnosis of diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys and inflammatory processes. It is also important to control not only the level of total protein, but also its fractions.

Potassium. Often, doctors diagnose an increase in potassium in the blood, which indicates kidney disease. A concomitant symptom is a decrease in the amount of urine. A decrease in potassium can occur with a prolonged diet, diarrhea, vomiting, and impaired renal function.

Sodium. Sodium indicators are important in the diagnosis of blood diseases, diseases of the muscular system, inflammatory processes of nerve fibers, and disorders of water metabolism in the body.

Urea. It is a protein breakdown product. Why is this indicator needed? Urea is excreted in the urine. An excess of its content in the blood gives doctors a reason to suspect kidney dysfunction. May increase with the following diseases:

  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Heart failure.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Extensive burns.

Iron. An important element of hematopoiesis. With a lack of this element, various diseases of all organs and tissues can be observed. It is especially important to control iron levels in pregnant women, because iron deficiency can lead to serious complications during childbirth.

This is not a complete list of the studied elements; as a result of the analysis, you can observe a more complete picture, according to which the doctor can make his conclusion.

When is this analysis assigned?

A blood test for biochemistry is prescribed for all patients who complained to a medical institution. Also, without fail, the analysis is carried out for pregnant women, the elderly and people who go to inpatient treatment. The shown analysis must be done, because it is the first diagnostic measure when visiting a therapist.

Evaluating the main indicators, the doctor will be able to detect a violation of the work of one or another organ, identify hidden inflammatory processes and assess the general condition of the patient. Without this study, it is not possible to diagnose diseases of internal organs. Only according to the results of the tests, the doctor can prescribe additional examinations of organs in which a suspicion of a disease is detected.

This analysis can show not only the presence of a disease, but also a lack of vitamins and minerals, then the doctor prescribes vitamin therapy. Many people are dismissive of the lack of a particular vitamin. However, a chronic deficiency of one of the elements can lead to serious consequences, for example, a lack of potassium causes heart disease, a decrease in calcium levels leads to the destruction of the skeletal and muscular system, etc.

How is the analysis done

Many people confuse a complete blood count with a biochemical one. These are absolutely two different concepts and blood sampling takes place in different ways. What is biochemistry? This is an analysis of material taken from a patient's vein. The procedure is simple, but quite exciting for many.

After sampling, the blood is sent to the laboratory, where, using special equipment, the composition of the blood is determined.

A blood test from a vein should be taken only on an empty stomach in the morning. Each patient should know what can affect the true composition of the blood and exclude these factors. Doctors can not be able to determine deviations only if the following factors are present:

  • Eating within 8 hours prior to analysis.
  • Alcohol intake within 7 days prior to analysis.
  • Drinking tea and coffee before taking blood.
  • Strong physical activity during the day before the analysis.
  • Smoking before donating blood.
  • Taking medications.

How to decipher the analysis

Many patients, having received the result of the analysis, decide to decipher it on their own, but they do this not based on their general condition, but according to information on the Internet. However, this is completely unacceptable. Only an experienced specialist can compare all the data and determine your diagnosis. The fact is that individual results can mean completely different diseases, only a comprehensive analysis gives a complete picture of your health.

It is possible to take as a basis the average indicators of individual elements only in the case of research for certain diseases. So, for example, you can independently control the blood sugar level during treatment. When diagnosing, it is important to take into account the patient's age, gender and the presence of chronic or hereditary diseases.

Today, doctors insist that blood biochemistry is a mandatory procedure for making the initial diagnosis and assessing the patient's health. If you are assigned this analysis, try to follow all the rules for its delivery. This will allow specialists to adequately assess your health and cure latent diseases in a timely manner. A blood test for biochemistry is taken at any state polyclinic or private diagnostic center. Take care of your health and follow the doctor's recommendations.

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Biochemical blood test for cancer, blood biochemistry for cancer
Published 26.02.2013 |

What is a biochemical blood test?

To determine the state of the human body, there is a biochemical analysis. 12 hours before taking blood (for analysis), you must refrain from food, and only drink plenty of fluids (only water and nothing else!).

To correctly determine violations in the state (working capacity, the presence of formations, etc.) of various organs, it is necessary to be able to correctly decipher the analysis (otherwise what is the point in it, and some people trust themselves more than a certain group of doctors) and know that what indicators are considered "normal".

Knowing this, you can learn about your diseases. For example, a low protein (the norm is 64-84 g / l.) Can tell us about diseases such as bowel disease, kidney disease, or even cancer. A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood (norm: men - 130-160 g / l, women - 120-150 g / l) reports anemia. A detailed list of indicators can be found in the appendix to this article.

Biochemistry of blood in cancer for the presence of cancer cells:

Many people are subconsciously afraid of cancer. And this fear becomes even stronger when a person is in close proximity to a cancer patient. To calm your nerves and sleep well, you can simply do a biochemical test for the presence of cancer cells in the blood. Most often, doctors refer patients to identify tumor markers (these are proteins and antigens that are secreted by cancer cells). If you find something, then this will allow you to quickly navigate and take the necessary measures. After all, it is much easier to cure cancer in the early stages of its development than at later stages, when the disease is already beginning to progress and developing rapidly. Also, this analysis will allow you to determine the type of tumor, its stage of development, as well as the size and (possible reaction) of the body to the presence of a tumor (including its further development).

It has already been scientifically proven that substances and antigens separately secreted by cancer cells are specific for each organ. And if they are formed in the cells of certain organs, then this already speaks of the appearance of malignant neoplasms (after all, in a healthy organism, in healthy cells, the appearance of such antibodies is blocked).

The value of the analysis mainly consists in determining the level of antigens circulating in the blood, secreted by tumor cells into the bloodstream of the examined person. I would like to say right away that for each person the "normal level" of such antibodies in the blood is different. "So how, then, can I tell if I'm sick or not?" - you ask. It's simple: the most important indicator (component) in the analysis is the dynamics of antibody release over a certain period of time.

The level of antigens in the blood must be checked several times in order for the results of the biochemistry and blood tests in cancer to be useful in subsequent treatment. You should know that one such biochemical blood test for cancer does not make it possible to immediately and unequivocally make a diagnosis.

Application. "Normal indicators of biochemical analysis for various blood components"
Proteins: norm - 64-84 g / l.
Hemoglobin: norm - men - 130-160 g / l, women - 120-150 g / l.
Amylase: the rate of alpha-amylase is 28-100 U / L; norm of pancreatic amylase: 0-50 U / L.
Lipase: the norm is 0-190 units / l.
Haptoglobin: norm - children - 250-1380 mg / l, adults - 150-2000 mg / l, elderly - 350-1750 mg / l.
Glucose: the norm is 3.30-5.50 mmol / l.
AsAT (AST) Aspartate aminotransferase: norm - husband - up to 41 units / l, women - up to 31 units / l.
ALT (ALT) Alanine aminotransferase: norm - men - up to 41 units / l, women - up to 31 units / l.
Urea: the norm is 2.5-8.3 mmol / l.
Creatinine: normal (depending on muscle mass) - men - 62-115 μmol / l, women - 53-97 μmol / l.
Cholesterol (cholesterol): the norm is 3.5-6.5 mmol / l.
Bilirubin: the norm is 5-20 μmol / l.