Whether mastopathy hurts. What painful sensations accompany mastopathy. Breast mastopathy treatment

With nodular mastopathy on mammograms against the background of diffuse changes, there are single or multiple foci of compaction with uneven, indistinct contours, without sharp boundaries passing into the surrounding tissue. Unlike a cancerous tumor, focal induration in mastopathy has a heterogeneous structure and does not change the structural pattern of the breast tissue.

Adenoma and fibroadenoma

Adenoma and fibroadenoma of the mammary gland on mammograms looks like a round or oval node with clear, even or slightly wavy contours. Small fibroadenomas with a diameter of up to 3 cm usually have a homogeneous structure, larger fibroadenomas often have a heterogeneous structure. In intensity, the node is slightly denser in comparison with the surrounding tissue of the gland. A transparent rim of adipose tissue is often visible around the tumor. Fibroadenomas, as well as, calcify in about 30% of cases, but the nature of the calcifications is different: they are few in number, larger and more shapeless.
The most informative method for diagnosing intraductal papillomas is ductography.

Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound)

Complements and clarifies the pathological picture of the breast, and when examining women under 35 years of age is the method of choice. Echography allows you to clearly identify multiple or single cysts in the chest, to carry out differential diagnosis of solid formations and cysts. Cysts appear as echo-negative formations. Passing through the liquid medium, the ultrasonic signal leaves a path of amplified echo behind the back wall of the cyst. Breast cysts are formed like retention cysts, usually have rounded outlines, well delimited and closed, since they do not communicate with the excretory ducts.

Single-chamber cysts are more common, long-term cysts can be multi-chamber. The diameter of large cysts is usually 2-5 cm. Echography can also detect small cysts with a diameter of 3-5 mm, which are not detected either by palpation or radiographically. In patients with adenosis, hyperplasia of the glandular lobules may be detected.

Morphological examination methods

Morphological examination methods for ordinary mastopathy are not always carried out, they must be used if there is a suspicion of a malignant breast tumor. To take the cellular and tissue material, a puncture fine-needle aspiration biopsy is used, a trephine biopsy with a thick cutting needle, a smear-imprint of nipple discharge, an excisional biopsy with urgent histological examination.

Analysis of cytological and histological preparations

When analyzing cytological and histological preparations, morphological signs of fibrocystic disease can be detected - proliferation of epithelial cells, atypia and atypical proliferation of epithelial cells, proliferation of connective tissue. In the absence of suspicion of breast cancer in patients with mastopathy, it can be recommended as a low-traumatic puncture fine-needle aspiration biopsy of seals in the tissue of the glands. Subsequent cytological analysis reveals epithelial hyperproliferation and atypia.

Histological structure

According to the histological structure, benign mammary tumors are divided into a simple adenoma - the parenchyma prevails over the stroma; fibroadenoma - approximately equal ratio of parenchyma and stroma; adenofibroma - a pronounced predominance of the stroma, contains single glands; fibroma - consists only of the stroma. The most common is fibroadenoma. In turn, fibroadenoma is classified as tubular - the glands do not build lobules, they have different diameters and shapes, the stroma is represented by dense fibrous connective tissue with a small number of slit-like vessels; pericanalicular - concentric proliferation of connective tissue around the basement membrane of the ducts, the lumen of the ducts is narrowed, but preserved; intracanalicular - lengthening of the glandular ducts, bundles of collagen fibers in the lumen of the ducts, located perpendicular to the basement membrane. The most common type of fibroadenoma is mixed with a predominance of tubular structures.

Intraductal papilloma histologically consists of many papillae. The periphery of the papilla is a parenchyma formed from the expanding integumentary epithelium. In the epithelium, the polarity of the cells, the integrity of its own membrane are preserved, and cellular atypism is weakly expressed. The tumor stroma is located in the center of the papilla.

Puncture fine-needle aspiration biopsy with cytological examination of aspirate

In case of cystic formations in the chest, puncture fine-needle aspiration biopsy with cytological examination of the aspirate is mandatory. Puncture biopsy allows you to obtain a yellowish opalescent serous fluid from the cyst. Under normal conditions, the aspirate does not contain cells and consists of neutral glycosaminoglycans and protein. In the presence of growths on the walls of the cyst, the aspirate contains a large number of epithelial cells. A dark bloody or brown color of the cyst contents is a sign of parietal papilloma or carcinoma. Cytological analysis reveals the presence of hyperproliferation and atypia of the epithelium, diagnoses papilloma or carcinoma of the inner surface of the cyst capsule. Parietal growths of a benign or malignant nature appear in the cyst cavity in 1-3% of cases.

Leaf-shaped (phylloid) tumor

Leaf-like (phylloid) tumor is rare. Macroscopically, in the section, the node has a characteristic layered structure. Histologically, the tumor looks like an intracanalicular or mixed fibroadenoma with cystic-dilated ducts, into the lumen of which connective tissue outgrowths are directed; foci of necrosis and hemorrhages are characteristic. The phylloid tumor differs from ordinary fibroadenoma in that the connective tissue does not undergo fibrosis, but becomes multicellular and pseudosarcomatous. A leaf tumor, although benign, may recur after resection and even metastasize.

Examination of hormonal status

Examination of the hormonal status is important for the choice of treatment tactics in patients with mastopathy. The hormonal profile in the 1st - folliculin phase (7-9 days) and in the 2nd - luteal phase (20-22 days) of the menstrual cycle is assessed using colpocytological, radioimmunological (RIA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent (IF) methods. This may require the determination of levels, estrogen, progesterone, thyroid hormones, prolactin.

We will consider the main causes of breast mastopathy in women. The main risk factors and protective factors for mastopathy.

Risk factors

Risk factors include:

  • Early onset of menstruation (before 12 years)
  • Late menopause (after 50 years). The risk doubles in the absence of childbirth and a large number of induced and spontaneous abortions
  • Late first pregnancy and childbirth (after 28-30 years), as well as the absence of childbirth at all
  • Neuroendocrine Disorders. That is, disruption of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus - the main structures through which the hormonal regulation system interacts with the nervous system.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy. In women who have had 3 or more induced abortions, the risk of developing PCB is 7.2 times higher, since the mammary glands reach their final development only at the end of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy (5-6 weeks), hormonal influences cause a pronounced restructuring of the gland. Abortion interrupts all restructuring processes in the structure of the mammary gland, but the reverse changes occur unevenly, which is the trigger for the formation of diffuse or nodular forms of mastopathy.
  • Absence, short or, on the contrary, a long period
    Prolonged mental stress leads to a change in the secretory function of the endocrine glands. The mammary gland in women is an organ that very clearly reacts to psycho-emotional stress. Under stress, pathological changes in breast tissue are most often found in the upper outer quadrant.
  • Age over 40
  • Obesity, especially when combined with diabetes mellitus and hypertension
  • Chronic hepatitis - the liver is a huge biochemical laboratory of our body and it processes many substances, including steroid sex hormones. Maintaining a constant level of hormones in the circulating blood is due to their enterohepatic metabolism. If the liver is disrupted, changes in the level of sex hormones in the blood can occur.
  • Thyroid diseases Thyroid hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine) play an important role in the development and function of breast cells. Therefore, if the thyroid gland is disrupted, mastopathy can also occur. In 64% of women with various forms of mastopathy, thyroid pathology was revealed.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system - menstrual irregularities, neoplastic diseases of the uterus (for example, uterine fibroids), adnexitis, endometritis. Almost all chronic gynecological patients have mastopathy in one form or another.
  • Taking certain medications (hormonal therapy with prolactin-stimulating drugs, the use of methylxanthines)

Protective factors

Protective factors include:

  • Normal menstrual function with correct cycle
  • First birth up to 20 years of age and breastfeeding.
  • Two or more births up to 25 years old with full breastfeeding
  • Absence during life of induced abortions and long intervals between pregnancies
  • ended childbirth
  • A diet moderate in fat and refined carbohydrates.

Treatment of mastopathy

Mastopathy is called pathological changes in the tissues of the mammary gland, as a result of which cysts and seals of a benign nature appear. If the disease is not treated, the growths in the breast become inflamed, increase in size, and often degenerate into cancerous tumors. Let's figure out what methods of treating mastopathy are offered by modern medicine and find out if it is possible to stop the development of pathology in the mammary glands on our own.

Treatment methods

Breast mastopathy can be cured, but therapy requires an integrated approach. The main task in treatment is to normalize the hormonal background of a woman, since hormones are responsible for changes in the tissues of the mammary gland:

  • progesterone;
  • prolactin;
  • estrogen;
  • somatotropic hormone.

Malfunctions of the hormonal system lead to the development of mastopathy.

The tactics and methods of treating the disease are individual and depend on:

  • forms;
  • stages;
  • severity of symptoms;
  • the patient's age;
  • concomitant pathologies;
  • plans for the future (pregnancy or contraception).

There is no single method of treatment that would help all women cope with the disease.

The doctor necessarily conducts a comprehensive examination of the woman's health, collects anamnesis and clarifies heredity (the presence of oncological diseases of the reproductive system in blood relatives in the female line).

Taking into account all the factors, appoint:

  • non-drug therapy;
  • treatment with non-hormonal drugs;
  • hormone therapy;
  • in severe cases, surgery.

The use of traditional medicine methods in the treatment of mastopathy should be discussed with the attending physician and act as an adjunct in combination with the main therapy.

Non-drug methods

In the treatment of mastopathy of any form and severity, an important role is played by changing the patient's lifestyle, adhering to a certain diet and choosing a comfortable bra. The use of these methods alone is sufficient for a complete cure of the disease at the initial stage, when there are no complaints and symptoms.

Lifestyle change

Experts identify several reasons for the development of breast mastopathy. One of them is regular stress and long-term experiences. Addiction to bad habits, unbalanced diet and constant lack of sleep are also stress factors for the female body.

To get rid of mastopathy, women need to try to change their lifestyle and avoid some of the usual things:

  • give up alcohol and smoking;
  • adhere to the principles of proper nutrition;
  • increase activity, more often be in the fresh air;
  • ensure a full night's sleep (at least 7 hours);
  • avoid depression and worries (visit a psychologist, engage in auto-training, change life circumstances that contribute to stress);
  • do not abuse bath or sauna visits;
  • limit exposure to open sunlight.

Mastopathy is a precancerous condition of the mammary gland and the influence of unfavorable factors can provoke the transition of a benign tumor to a cancerous one. The transition to a correct lifestyle allows you to normalize the hormonal background and significantly increases the chances of a cure for mastopathy without recurrence of the disease.


Plays an important role in the treatment of mastopathy. Clinical studies have confirmed that there is a connection between the occurrence of structural changes in the tissues of the mammary gland and the intake of food products containing organic compounds - methylxanthines. These include:

  • caffeinated drinks: coffee, tea, cola, cocoa, energy;
  • chocolate and products from it;
  • guarana fruits.

The use of these foods and drinks in unlimited quantities in combination with other unfavorable factors can cause hormonal disruptions in the body and proliferation of the connective tissue of the mammary glands. They should be discarded completely.

With mastopathy, the diet should contain as little saturated fatty acids as possible and a large amount of plant foods. It is recommended to limit and, if possible, exclude from the daily menu:

  • dairy products with high fat content;
  • butter, margarine, spreads;
  • fried and fatty meat;
  • sausages;
  • flour products.

The diet of a woman with mastopathy should always include:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • grain cereals;
  • vegetable oils (olive, sea buckthorn, linseed);
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • nuts.

Experts say that adherence to a diet will help to quickly cure breast mastopathy and is an excellent means of preventing the development of the disease.

Choosing the right bra

Wearing the right bra is the key to healthy breasts. Uncomfortable, unsuitable underwear leads to deformation of the mammary glands, and in case of mastopathy, it contributes to the development of a pathological process.

  • give preference to products with wide straps;
  • the underwear should ideally fit the shape and size of the chest: do not press, do not squeeze the chest, when wearing, do not leave red stripes under the straps and under the chest;
  • the fabric should be hygroscopic, not shed.

After buying a bra, you need to adjust the length of the straps and not wear it for more than 12 hours in a row. Be sure to shoot at night.

Choosing the right underwear helps to reduce the symptoms of mastopathy and prevents the development of complications.

Treatment with non-hormonal drugs

If the process of proliferation of connective tissue in the mammary glands has already been started, you cannot do without the use of medicines. Specialists begin the treatment of mastopathy with the appointment of non-hormonal drugs and biologically active additives (dietary supplements). In complex treatment, they complement each other's action; in case of hormonal treatment, they enhance the effectiveness of drugs.

Iodine preparations

Compounds of iodine with potassium reduce the rate of cell division, leading to an increase in the volume of breast tissue (proliferation), therefore, play a key role in the treatment of mastopathy. In addition, taking iodine preparations (Iodomarin, Iodine-active, Klamin, Potassium iodide) normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, hormones and reduces the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

The use of vitamins for mastopathy helps to strengthen the immune system, stabilizes the activity of the nervous system, and normalizes the functioning of the endocrine glands. Particular attention should be paid to the intake of vitamins A, B6, C, E, PP and P:

  • vitamin A has an antiestrogenic effect;
  • vitamins B6 and E reduce prolactin production;
  • vitamins C, PP and P normalize blood microcirculation, help to reduce painful swelling of the mammary glands.

Vitamins improve the functioning of the liver, which metabolizes hormones. Delayed utilization of estrogen in the liver leads to increased levels of hormones in the blood and the development of mastopathy.


In the treatment of mastopathy for the normalization of liver functions, it is recommended to also take hepatoprotectors:

  • Carsil;
  • Essentiale Forte;
  • Phosphogliv;
  • Liv 52;
  • Legalon.

Self-medication with drugs for the liver is unacceptable. Their admission is prescribed only by a doctor after a comprehensive examination of the patient, taking into account the intake of other medicines.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics for mastopathy must be taken if an inflammatory process is observed in the tissues of the mammary gland (after injury, mastitis). Usually drugs from the group of penicillins or cephalosporins (Movizar, Maxipim) are prescribed.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

With severe painful sensations in the chest, a woman is shown taking NSAIDs:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketorol.

Taking them stops inflammatory processes in the tissues of the mammary gland and relieves pain. But this group of drugs has many side effects with prolonged use, so they should be used only if absolutely necessary. It is better to replace it with selective NSAIDs (Movalis, Paracetamol, Celecoxib, Nimulid).

Medicines to improve blood circulation

The severity of the unpleasant symptoms of mastopathy can be reduced with the help of drugs that improve blood circulation - venotonic:

  • Troxevasin;
  • Ascorutin;
  • Curantil.

They eliminate venous congestion in the chest and promote resorption of the nodes.

Diuretics (diuretics)

The drugs of this group remove excess fluid from the body, which reduces the swelling of the mammary glands and reduces pain in the chest. With mastopathy, diuretics are often prescribed in tablet form:

  • Fitonefrol;
  • Uriflorin;
  • Ursosan.


Normalization of the psycho-emotional background of a woman in the treatment of mastopathy is of great importance, therefore the doctor may prescribe sedatives:

  • Tenoten;
  • Persen;
  • Afobazole;
  • Alvogen Relax;
  • Novo-passite;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Sedariston.

Antidepressants reduce increased anxiety and are used if the patient is in trouble at home, at work, and often stressful situations.

Homeopathic remedies

In the treatment of mastopathy, women often themselves or on the advice of friends include homeopathic remedies:

  • Mastodinon;
  • Phytolyakku;
  • Cyclodinone;
  • Carbo vegetabilis;
  • Apis.

Mainstream medicine does not recognize homeopathy as a method of treatment and warns patients against using homeopathic remedies for serious diseases, since their effectiveness has not been clinically proven. But many women note positive changes in their health after taking such medicines. Homeopathy should not be used as an alternative treatment, only along with the main one.

Dietary supplements

The course of complex treatment of mastopathy includes a variety of herbal preparations - biologically active food supplements:

  • Femikaps;
  • Mammoleptin;
  • Kelp;
  • Mamoklam;
  • Stella;
  • Muliman.

The use of dietary supplements allows you to gently and safely for the body to correct pathological hyperplastic processes in the tissues of the mammary glands, to balance the balance of hormones.

To increase the effectiveness of the treatment of mastopathy and reduce the side effects of drugs, it is recommended to take Wobenzym. This drug has immunostimulating properties and prevents the degeneration of affected cells of glandular tissue into cancerous ones.

Local remedies

In addition to relieving unpleasant symptoms with mastopathy, ointments and gels are used:

  • Traumeel (relieves puffiness, reduces inflammation);
  • Endau (contains progesterone);
  • Healer (activates metabolic processes and improves blood circulation);
  • Mastofit Cream from Evalar (improves the condition of the mammary glands, dissolves seals).

The list of non-hormonal drugs is quite wide, but you should not think that all groups of the above drugs are used in the treatment of mastopathy. The drugs required for therapy and the regimen for their intake will be prescribed by a specialist in accordance with the symptoms and examination data.

Hormone therapy

With a cystic and diffuse form of mastopathy or with severe painful symptoms in a woman, hormonal treatment is indicated for her. It can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-administration of hormonal drugs often leads to deterioration in health and unpredictable consequences.

Hormone therapy for mastopathy is aimed at correcting the production of estrogen, dysprolactinemia and hypothyroidism.

Hormonal drugs are divided into 6 groups.

  1. Antiestrogens: Tamoxifen, Zitazonium, Fareston. They block estrogen receptors of breast tissue, reduce painful sensations. But the drugs have many side effects, there is evidence that antiestrogenic drugs have a carcinogenic effect on glandular tissues
  2. Oral contraceptives: Femoden, Mersilon, Janine. They contribute to the balance of sex hormones and protect the organs of the reproductive system from cancer, reduce the symptoms of mastopathy.
  3. Synthetic progesterones or gestagens: Medroxyprogesterone acetate, Pregnyl, Norgistrel. Reduce the production of estrogens and inhibit the pathological division of breast tissue.
  4. Androgens - derivatives of testosterone: Danazol, Methyltestosterone. Suppress the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone, suppress the excessive activity of estrogen.
  5. Prolactin synthesis inhibitors: Bromocriptine, Parlodel. They are prescribed only if the woman has laboratory proven prolactinemia. Their intake reduces the synthesis of prolactin, leads to a balance of estrogen and progesterone, reduces pain and swelling in the chest, promotes the resorption of nodes in the tissues of the mammary gland.
  6. Gonadotropin-releasing factor (LHRH) analogs. Prescribed for severe mastopathy or if treatment with other hormonal drugs was ineffective. They reduce estrogen and testosterone levels, but have a number of side effects.

Hormonal drugs in the treatment of mastopathy are of key importance, but due to the large number of contraindications and undesirable health consequences, it is required to approach the choice of the drug carefully and strictly adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.


Surgical intervention for mastopathy is resorted to if conservative therapy has not yielded positive results. The nodular form of the disease cannot be completely cured with the help of medications and diet - in most cases, surgical treatment is required.

The amount of surgery depends on the stage and symptoms of the disease. With the nodular form of mastopathy with single formations, a sectoral resection of the mammary gland is recommended (cutting off the pathological focus).

With multiple nodes, fibromas, cysts and severe painful phenomena, the woman's breast is completely removed (radical resection) followed by mammoplasty.

If there is a large formation with liquid content in the gland, a puncture is performed with suction of the secretion and a sclerosing substance is injected into the cavity. This is the least traumatic variant of surgical intervention for mastopathy with a minimum recovery period.

During breast surgery, biomaterial is always taken for research on cancer cells. Based on the results of the biopsy, a decision is made on the subsequent treatment of mastopathy: chemotherapy or conservative maintenance therapy.

The surgical method of treatment removes pathological foci in the chest, but not the cause of the disease. After the operation, a woman needs to undergo a course of hormonal or non-hormonal drugs and be regularly monitored by a doctor.

Treatment of mastopathy using traditional medicine

Before you independently prescribe treatment for yourself or go for advice from a traditional healer, a woman with symptoms of mastopathy needs to be tested and undergo a comprehensive examination by a specialist.

It is important to understand that in some forms of the disease, mandatory hormonal treatment in combination with surgery is required. Can decoctions, infusions or compresses help? Treatment of mastopathy according to folk recipes is justified only as an additional method and as a means to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The most widespread and popular recognition in the treatment of mastopathy were the following methods and recipes.

Cabbage leaf compresses

At night, whole cabbage (or burdock) leaves are applied to the chest and fixed with a wide scarf or towel. The leaves are rich in minerals, vitamins and organic acids that help relieve inflammation and pain in the breasts.

Infusion of red brush root (Rhodiola four-membered)

Rhodiola four-membered is a medicinal plant with strong immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory properties. It is called “female herb” for its beneficial effect on the organs of the female reproductive system. With mastopathy, tincture or decoctions from a red brush help to normalize the level of prolactin, relieve pain, and promote the resorption of nodes.

For the preparation of the infusion 2 tablespoons. chopped root, you need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. An hour later, the infusion can be taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Pharmacies sell dry crushed raw materials for making medicinal infusions at home or ready-made syrups, tinctures, drops, tablets and balms containing a red brush root extract.

Infusion of horse chestnut flowers

An infusion of chestnut flowers will help to dissolve nodules in mastopathy and relieve inflammation: 1 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Take 1/3 cup 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

Mastopathy is a serious disease that requires mandatory treatment and supervision by a mammologist. There are several methods of treating the disease, but the best results can be achieved only with an integrated approach. You should not self-medicate or wait for the formations to dissolve on their own. Only a timely visit to a doctor and correctly prescribed treatment will help prevent complications of mastopathy, preserve health and life.

Prevention of breast mastopathy

Given the variety of reasons causing the development of mastopathy, the multivariance of its course, it is impossible to recommend any one, universal scheme of prevention.

Each case requires an individual approach. But the implementation of some recommendations can prevent the development of mastopathy and eliminate some of its manifestations.


It has been established that mastopathy develops much more often in emotional women. Troubles at work and in everyday life, fatigue, depression - these are the conditions against which pains in the mammary glands appear or intensify. That is why sedatives must be included in the complex of drug therapy, at first giving preference to herbal preparations (tincture of valerian, motherwort, etc.).

Consultation with a psychotherapist is very helpful. Before taking sedatives, try to independently understand the conflict or traumatic situation and find a way out of it, consult a specialist.


A relationship has been established between the use of certain foods and the development of fibrous tissue, the formation of cysts in the mammary glands. Therefore, limiting the intake of foods containing methylxanthines (tea, coffee, cocoa, cola, chocolate) can significantly reduce pain and the feeling of breast swelling. Women suffering from chronic constipation, intestinal dysbiosis are prone to the development of mastopathy. Therefore, for prevention, foods rich in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals) are very useful. Any violations of the diet (fatty foods, alcohol) that impede the normal functioning of the liver, over time, can lead to the development of mastopathy.

Health status

Normalization of metabolic processes in the body, improvement of the function of the ovaries, thyroid gland, activity of the central and nervous system, correction of immunity, normalization of liver function are necessary if there are problems with these organs and systems. If there are such problems, then it is necessary to solve them in a timely manner.

In many cases, mastopathy appears primarily after termination of pregnancy. Consult with your gynecologist in order to choose contraception.

- one of the most common diseases in women in the reproductive and. The disease is characterized by pathological proliferation of glandular tissues and the formation of seals, and is most often manifested by pain and discharge from the nipples.

Cancer processes in the mammary gland can have similar manifestations, therefore, patients are interested in how to distinguish these diseases and whether mastopathy can develop into cancer.

Types of mastopathy

Specialists-mammologists distinguish two general groups of mastopathy: nodular and diffuse. With a diffuse form of the disease, soreness manifests itself due to the proliferation of connective tissue and an increase in many small nodules at once under the influence of hormonal imbalance. Nodular mastopathy arises as a consequence of an untreated diffuse form of the disease.

It can manifest itself as a fibroadenoma or cyst and, under the influence of risk factors, become malignant over time (leading to the appearance of a malignant tumor). As a rule, the likelihood of developing breast cancer in patients with mastopathy is 3-5 times higher than in healthy women of the same age group.

Diffuse mastopathy occurs more often than nodular. The disease develops due to hormonal imbalance (excess of estrogens, prolactin with an insufficient amount of progesterone - this ratio is often observed in diseases of the ovaries or during menopause, as well as in some other conditions). With the proliferation of connective tissue, the patient begins to feel discomfort and tension of the glands, small nodules are palpated on palpation. Most often, the sensitivity of the breast increases, pathological discharge from the nipples is observed.

Depending on the nature of hormonal disorders, mastopathy may be accompanied by constant fatigue, dry skin, menstrual irregularities and amenorrhea, irritability or apathy.

Diffuse mastopathy can be of three types:

  • (manifested by the growth of connective tissue);
  • cystic (characterized by the appearance of fluid-filled cysts, in the later stages it can be accompanied by inflammation of the gland caused by congestion);
  • fibrocystic (mixed).

If untreated, dense nodes with a diameter of up to 8-10 centimeters are formed. They can have the character of a cyst or fibroadenoma. Despite the fact that any of the listed pathologies increases the risk of developing breast cancer, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is most likely to pass. Medical practice shows that no special conditions are required for malignancy. The most likely risk factor is a hormonal surge (for example, during or after menopause).

Pain with nodular and diffuse mastopathy

Pain in mastopathy depends not only on the stage, but also on the type of disease. The cause of painful sensations is multiple formations and proliferation of connective tissue. They compress the nearby nerves, which causes discomfort for the patient.

Chest pain with diffuse mastopathy has a number of differences:

  • increases in the premenstrual period, and after the end of the cycle disappears or decreases significantly;
  • accompanied by breast swelling and increased sensitivity;
  • is aching or oppressive;
  • manifests itself as increased sensitivity or even soreness of the nipples, in the later stages - discharge from them.

It is also possible to determine nodular mastopathy by a number of characteristic pain symptoms:

  • the pain does not go away during the entire cycle, with the aggravation of the disease it becomes more acute;
  • discomfort is given to the shoulder, armpits, back, forearm zone;
  • the pain usually has an aching character, but in an acute form it can become stabbing;
  • hypersensitivity turns into painful discomfort (even with a light touch or pressure of linen on the chest, aching pain appears);
  • the nipple area becomes very painful.

Benign lesions are usually mobile relative to the surrounding tissues.

It is very important to carry out differential diagnostics in order to distinguish it from breast cancer and to increase the chances of successful treatment in the presence of a malignant disease.

Differences in symptoms for breast cancer and mastopathy

Some signs of breast cancer are similar to the symptoms of mastopathy, but the rest (in combination with hardware techniques) still allow for a differentiated diagnosis.

Symptom Mastopathy Mammary cancer
Hardening of the skin gland Absent (breast augmentation with mastopathy often has the character of painful swelling, but palpation is not difficult) Observed
Discharge from the nipples Transparent, yellowish, white or purulent (with an inflammatory process (discharge The discharge is clear or bloody
Skin erosion Absent Observed
Breast tenderness Present, with a diffuse form of mastopathy, it decreases after menstruation, with a nodular form, it persists throughout the cycle Observed in diffuse (mastitis-like and erysipelas) form of cancer of the gland
Breast symmetry disorder Can be seen with large lesions (cysts, fibroadenomas) The tumor can enlarge part of the gland
Palpation of the node May be with the nodular form of the disease, the formation is mobile The knot is palpable, but immobile due to tight adhesion with the surrounding tissues
Soreness of the node Feeling the knot causes pain The node is painless
Retraction of the nipple and skin of the breast surface Is absent Observed
Changes in the surface relief of the skin (collection in wrinkles, folds, etc.) Is absent It is fixed, when the tumor grows into the surface of the skin, it takes the form of a cauliflower inflorescence, in case of armored cancer, the affected gland becomes covered with a crust
Skin discoloration Not visible It is fixed when the neoplasm grows into the skin
Puffiness It is observed throughout the affected gland with stagnation caused by tissue compression There is a "lemon peel" effect (swelling of the area above the tumor)
Lymph node changes Swollen lymph nodes The appearance of a seal in the armpit or near the clavicle with damage to regional lymph nodes
Pain syndrome outside the breast Not visible It is fixed when the cancer grows into the surrounding tissues (chest)
Hyperthermia (fever) May be present in congestion and inflammation Observed in diffuse forms of breast cancer

The success of early diagnosis of cancer may depend on how the chest hurts with mastopathy and what symptoms accompany this condition.

How to distinguish mastopathy from cancer using diagnostic methods

If, with mastopathy, the chest hurts and all the symptoms indicate the absence of oncology, the doctor still recommends that the patient undergo a series of additional studies. Differential diagnostic methods allow you to determine the localization, size and shape of the formations in the breast.

In rare cases, mastopathy turns into breast cancer (the frequency of malignancy is every tenth case with a diagnosed leaf-shaped fibroadenoma), therefore, the specialist must determine what is more justified: removal of the neoplasm, setting the patient on an oncological account, or prescribing conservative therapy.

If a lump is found in the mammary gland (either alone or at a yearly check-up), a mammogram (x-ray of the breast) is required. As a rule, mammography is prescribed for women over 35 years old, because in young patients, the mammary gland is sensitive to the effects of gamma rays. They are advised to replace the radiography of the gland with ultrasound diagnostics. Benign nodes on ultrasound have smooth outlines, and a malignant tumor has an uneven relief.

If malignancy is suspected, the patient undergoes a biopsy of tumor tissues (taking a sample to study the degree of cell differentiation). In order to diagnose cancer, an analysis is also performed for the main tumor marker of the mammary gland (Ca 15.3) and a contrast study of the glandular ducts.

When confirming the oncological diagnosis, an ultrasound of the regional and abdominal regions and a chest x-ray are prescribed, which allow to investigate the extent of the spread and the stage of the disease. The neoplasm is examined for sensitivity to progesterone and estrogen, if necessary, prescribing hormone-lowering therapy.

In the case of diagnosed mastopathy, the opposite is true: after examining the patient's hormonal background, she is prescribed replacement therapy with synthetic analogues of deficient hormones (most often progesterone).

Regardless of whether the breast hurts with mastopathy, if a seal is found, you should immediately contact a mammologist. Based on the results of analyzes and studies, he will be able to accurately establish the degree of malignancy of the process and prescribe adequate treatment.

By mastopathy, we mean a disease in which there is a pathological proliferation of altered breast tissue. Pathology occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body. Mastopathy adversely affects a woman's health. In some cases, it can lead to breast carcinoma. Let us consider in more detail the main signs of this disease.

The development of the disease

Mastopathy pier. gland is a very common female disease. It is mainly found in childbearing age. Often women diagnosed with mastopathy suffer from other gynecological diseases:

Despite the fact that many women are faced with such a problem, the proliferation of altered tissue is pier. glands are by no means the norm. If left unattended, the disease can turn into cancer. This often happens with a nodular form of the disease.

Women should know that breast cancer ranks first among all female malignant diseases. It is effectively treated only in the first stage. At the second and even more so at the third stage, treatment is impossible without radiation and chemotherapy, surgical intervention. The fourth stage of cancer is terminal, the last. That is why women need to pay attention to the condition of their breasts and visit a doctor regularly.

In its development, the disease is pier. the gland goes through several stages. At the initial stage, pronounced painful sensations appear. Pain with mastopathy intensifies shortly before the onset of the next menstruation, which is associated with hormonal imbalances in a woman. They can vary in intensity and duration, and go away after your period ends.

They are associated with the fact that an increase in the size of an organ leads to compression of the nerve endings responsible for pain.

Sometimes pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe pier. The glands can be very intense and spread to the shoulders, armpit, and shoulder blades. It can be difficult to remove it. Even a slight touch to the chest causes increased pain. Women lose their peace of mind, sleep poorly, they have obsessive thoughts about the developing cancer. This form of mastopathy occurs most often in women under 35 years of age.

The most dangerous thing is that women ignore these first symptoms of the disease and do not rush to see a doctor. Thus, they make a gross mistake. The disease inevitably progresses. At subsequent stages in the pier. gland the nodes of the seals grow. Such signs indicate the development of nodular mastopathy. Discharge from the nipples with mastopathy can often be with pressure. They can vary in appearance and worsen with the onset of menstruation.

The appearance of bloody discharge is especially dangerous for a woman, since this symptom indicates a malignant degeneration of mastopathy.

Clinic of the disease

In practice, doctors use this classification of breast disease, depending on the structure of the nodes:

With a fibrous form of the disease, they say. glands in the connective tissue of the organ may have fibrotic changes, as well as hypertrophy of the tissue inside the ducts. Often this duct is completely blocked. Symptoms differ in soreness, organ hardening. Possibility of detection of strand sections. Observed in the premenopausal period. On the X-ray, dense areas of the pier are visible. glands of matte color.

Many of our readers for the treatment of mastopathy and breast formations are actively using the well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. We advise you to read it.

With the cystic form of this disease, numerous cystic objects with an elastic consistency are formed in the mammary gland. They are well separated from other tissue of this organ. The affected area begins to hurt. Soreness, as a rule, increases before the onset of menstruation. This form of the disease occurs in older women.

On the regthnogram, cystic nodules are visible in the form of a scalloped pattern. Numerous light areas are visible on it. The color of the contents of the cysts is different. In about a quarter of patients, there are signs of calcification of cysts or the appearance of spotting from the nipples. Such symptoms indicate the development of a malignant process in the pier. iron.

Mastopathy with a predominance of the glandular component (or adenosis) has characteristic symptoms: soreness, coarsening and diffuse breast induration. The foci of seals gradually pass into other tissues surrounding the organ. These symptoms are often worse in women before menstruation. Coarsening pier. glands can also be observed in girls at the end of puberty. The X-ray shows shadows of different shapes and intensities with fuzzy boundaries. A sign of an extensive process is the spread of shadows throughout the organ.

As a functional state in women, adenosis can be observed in the initial period of pregnancy.

The mixed form is characterized by the presence of signs of fibrous thickening and cystic changes in the breast.

About ten percent of women have a form of the disease in which there are no pain symptoms. This is very dangerous, since the patients are unaware that changes in their breasts have already begun to occur and only go to the doctor when they notice signs of the development of thickening or enlargement of the lymph nodes.

It is possible that the development of this form of the disease is associated with a decrease in sensitivity.

The enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arm with this disease is quite rare. In this case, the lymph nodes swell and become painful. Most often, an increase in axillary lymph nodes occurs when cysts are located in the upper and lateral lobes of the mammary gland. In this case, the outflow of lymph is disturbed, which leads to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Its signs are as follows:

In severe cases of inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes, the clinical picture of the disease changes. When purulent foci appear in them, the temperature quickly rises (sometimes up to 40 - 41 degrees), symptoms such as fever, nausea develop, and the general condition rapidly worsens. A sharp, throbbing pain is felt in the organ.

Identification of mastopathy

Diagnosis of the disease occurs on the basis of breast examination, as well as ultrasound data, punctures, etc. All examinations should be carried out on the second or third day after the end of menstruation. In the second phase of the cycle, the examination is not carried out.

When viewed from the pier. glands, the doctor evaluates the appearance of the breast, as well as any manifestations of its asymmetry. This inspection is done only with hands up. Be sure to probe the cervical, subclavian and supraclavicular lymph nodes, as well as under the arm. If such an examination showed the slightest changes in the mammary gland or lymph nodes, an ultrasound or mammography is prescribed.

Mammography is an x-ray of the mammary glands. It is not done during pregnancy and lactation, or for women under the age of 35. If there is a dense formation in the chest, an ultrasound scan is recommended.

Mammography is usually performed on the eighth to tenth day of the cycle. This study does not require special preparation.

The most accurate methods for diagnosing the disease are computed and magnetic resonance imaging.

Unfortunately, mastopathy does not always pass without a trace for women. In some cases, the disease can develop into cancer. The most common type of carcinoma is nodular. The development of a mastitis-like process is also possible. Both forms of the disease are quite aggressive, and the process can develop very quickly.

With a mastitis-like and erysipelas process, the symptoms of an inflammatory reaction come to the fore. There is a sharp soreness of the breast and a red color of her skin appears. The body temperature may rise to 38 degrees or even more.

Review of our reader - Victoria Tarasova

I was not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered the packaging. I noticed the changes after a week: the constant pain and burning sensation in the chest that tormented me before - receded, and after 2 weeks they disappeared completely. The chest became softer, purulent discharge disappeared. Try it yourself, and if anyone is interested, then below is the link to the article.

In the case of the armor process, wrinkling of the mammary gland is observed due to the fact that it is covered with a crust. Much more dangerous is the latent form of malignant transformation of mastopathy. At the same time, the patient notices that her lymph nodes are enlarged. There is a regional lesion of the lymph nodes without a clear localization of the pathological focus. Often the size of such a focus is small, and the woman does not make any complaints.

With mastopathy, the following symptoms should certainly be alerted and forced to consult a doctor as soon as possible:

The presence of the so-called "lemon peel" directly above the tumor, excessive density of lymph nodes also speaks in favor of the malignant course. Swelling of the hand on the affected side is possible.

So, the symptoms of mastopathy are quite diverse. Every woman needs to pay attention to their appearance. It is important not to miss the appearance of signs of a malignant course of mastopathy. In such cases, treatment should be started as early as possible in order to prevent the disease from developing into a neglected form. After all, then the likelihood of recovery is reduced.

That is why timely detected mastopathy and started treatment are a guarantee of recovery and a high quality of life.

Do you still think that it is impossible to CURE MASTOPATHY forever?

From 60% of women suffer from mastopathy. The worst thing is that most women are sure that mastopathy is the norm and are in no hurry to see a doctor ... but the risk of BREAST CANCER in its place is very high ... If you notice yourself:

  • aching or pulling pains in the chest area before menstruation ...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. As if the breasts had increased ...
  • tension, seals and nodules. Lymph nodes under the arm are felt ...
  • nipple discharge ...
  • change in the shape of the breast, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared ...
  • change in body weight ...

All these symptoms can indicate the development of MASTOPATHY. But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the effect, but the CAUSE? That is why we recommend reading the new methodology of Elena Malysheva, who has found an effective remedy for the treatment of MASTOPATHY and breast reconstruction in general.

Alarming statistics show that eight out of ten women are diagnosed with mastopathy. This is a pathological lesion of the mammary gland, which is characterized by the formation of seals and painful sensations in the chest. Pathology arises due to the proliferation of breast tissue. The main danger of the disease is that in the absence of proper therapy, the risk of degeneration into oncology is not excluded. The main risk group is women from 18 to 50 years old.

Mastopathy can develop against a background of genetic predisposition, environmental influences and other superficial reasons associated with lifestyle. The root causes of the formation of mastopathy include emotional stress, chest trauma, hormonal disruptions. Therefore, the process of formation of mastopathy should be considered in more detail.

Every month before the onset of menstruation, each girl undergoes hormonal influence with an increase in the mammary gland. At the end of menstruation, the glands soften. If the body produces a large amount of estrogen, the proliferation of connective tissue and ducts begins. Thus, firm breasts are observed even in the postmenstrual period.

An excess amount of prolactin can also act as a provoking factor for the development of mastopathy. Upon completion of breastfeeding, the level of prolactin production is normalized. If a woman is not pregnant, but the indicators are higher than normal, then there is pain and swelling of the mammary glands, pain in the pelvic region, as well as the occurrence of headaches. The listed symptoms are equated with premenstrual syndrome.

Reference! Prolactin helps milk production and stimulates the growth of the mammary glands.

Risk factors that provoke the development of mastopathy

  • a hereditary factor, when one of close relatives was diagnosed with neoplasms in the chest area or inflammation of the appendages;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland contribute to the development of mastopathy four times;
  • liver ailments;
  • diseases of the bile ducts;
  • obesity;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • emotional upheaval, constant stressful situations;
  • bad ecology;
  • having sex without regularity;
  • abortion;
  • late pregnancy;
  • early first menstruation;
  • late onset of menopause;
  • bad habits;
  • the influence of ultraviolet rays;
  • regular diets;
  • microtrauma of the chest.

All of the above factors can form an unfavorable background, which will contribute to the occurrence of breast mastopathy.

Types of mastopathy

In clinical practice, three forms of pathology are distinguished, each of which has characteristic symptoms.

Form of mastopathya brief description of
MastalgiaThe second clinical name of pathology is mastodynia. On palpation of the chest, severe pain is observed, seals are palpable. Sometimes pathology leads to deformation of the mammary glands.
DiffuseWith this form of mastopathy, cysts and various seals are found on examination. Accordingly, diffuse mastopathy has several subspecies:

Diffuse fibrous, which is characterized by a large number of seals in the connective tissues of the mammary gland;
fibrocystic, differs not in seals, but in cysts that are formed in the mammary gland

LocalizedOn palpation, a mobile neoplasm is palpated in the chest, which is characterized by pain. A neoplasm with clear boundaries and a dense structure indicates a cyst

Attention! Mastopathy is not diagnosed in young girls, on the contrary, they may develop fibroadenomas. Education data require surgical treatment.

X-ray studies establish a different typology of mastopathy:

  1. Diffuse, in which the following components prevail: glandular-cystic type, cystic, fibrous, adenous.
  2. Nodal, which provides for only two subspecies - the formation of cysts or fibroadenomas.

Attention! It is characteristic that the disease begins to develop precisely from the diffuse form, but with untimely and incompetent treatment, it can change into another form, and sometimes even degenerate into breast cancer.

Symptoms of the disease

  1. Painful sensations. Soreness from time to time can appear in the chest area. Basically, discomfort occurs in the premenstrual period, and by the beginning of menstruation subsides a little. The level of pain will depend in this case on the individual pain threshold of sensitivity. But, it is worth noting that soreness of the mammary glands is not always a sign of mastopathy, since according to research it has been found that almost fifteen percent of women do not experience any sensations in the chest.
  2. Armpit pain. Such pain radiates from the chest to the area of \u200b\u200bthe lymph nodes.
  3. The appearance of discharge. From the nipples, there may be a discharge in the form of colostrum, which is formed in the first days after birth. In women with mastopathy, such discharge can come out either spontaneously or when pressing on the mammary gland.
  4. Multiple neoplasms. When examining the mammary glands for ultrasound, a specialist ascertains a large number of neoplasms. The patient can also feel small nodules by touch. But, the danger of nodular mastopathy is that it is very similar to cancer. Therefore, to diagnose and establish an accurate diagnosis, a woman is sent for a biopsy.
  5. Seals. This pathology indicates that the patient has cystic mastopathy.

Signs of pathology

In most cases, there is an asymptomatic course of the disease. In general, no change in well-being was observed. Therefore, the diagnosis of mastopathy occurs randomly during an ultrasound examination. The further development of pathology is characterized by a peculiar manifestation of the clinical picture.

The pathological process occurs when the connective tissue begins to grow, forming nodules or millet strands. Further, with the progress of the disease, seals of various sizes develop (from a small pea to a formation, with a diameter like a walnut).

The main symptom of mastopathy is aching pain in the upper-outer quadrant. Also, painful sensations can be given to the hand or shoulder. It is worth noting that some women do not have chest pains, and some worsen during ovulation. Therefore, this symptom depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. Among the other signs of mastopathy, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Lump of the mammary glands, which is permanent.
  2. Brown or clear nipple discharge.
  3. There is a strong heaviness in the chest, causing discomfort.
  4. Feeling of tension, which increases during menses.
  5. Discoloration of the skin or skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe halo.
  6. Pronounced venous pattern.

Attention! In some cases, with mastopathy, there may be an increase in axillary lymph nodes.

Why is self-examination necessary?

Every month, the girl needs to raise her hand up and carefully feel the mammary gland clockwise. If even a slight seal or nodule is detected, you need to urgently seek qualified help. A highly qualified specialist will tell you how necessary self-examination is.

Video - Self-examination of the mammary glands

Self-examination rules

  1. The first thing a woman does is probes her breasts with her arms lowered and then stretched up.
  2. After that, it is necessary to conduct a detailed examination for the presence of visible changes in the breast (deformation, change in skin color, skin structure).
  3. Then, in a supine position with a roller placed under the scapula, the woman begins to independently probe the breast with the opposite hand.
  4. Palpation should not involve pressure or force, and each area is worked through slowly and carefully. The examination includes three positions: when the hand is along the body, when the hand is raised up behind the head, and when the hand is laid to the side.
  5. How to self-examine the breast

    Note! If any pathological changes are found, then a diagnosis in a medical institution is necessary. For young girls, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound scan, for older women, mammography. If the case is very difficult or the mammologist has doubts, then the patient is sent for a biopsy. Then the obtained tissue sample is examined histologically. Also, a woman needs to donate blood to determine the hormonal level (further treatment will depend on this).

    Prevention of the disease

    In order not to become a victim of mastopathy, every woman should remember about preventive measures. The basic rules provide for the following actions:

    You can learn about the symptoms and treatment of this pathology from the commentary of a mammologist-oncologist.

    Video - Symptoms and treatment of breast mastopathy

Over the past 100 years, benign neoplasms of the mammary glands have become one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. They are found in 70-80% of women of late reproductive age. According to statistical studies, the most common pathology in women is mastopathy. It is 60-80% in the population, and among the patients of gynecological clinics - 30-95%. With such a frequency of occurrence, every woman should know, breast mastopathy - what is it and what are the symptoms of the disease?

Mastopathy is a term denoting a set of benign changes in breast tissue (MF), different in symptoms and morphology. Therefore, in the medical literature, you can find about 30 terms used to describe pathology.

WHO characterized mastopathy or fibrocystic disease as a breast disease not associated with the gestational period, in which there is an increase and decrease (destruction) in tissues and the proportion between the volume of the epithelium and connective tissue is disturbed.

Proliferative changes include:

  • hyperplasia (enlargement, accretion, uncontrolled division);
  • proliferation (tissue enlargement due to cell division) of tissues of parts of the breast.

Destructive processes in the breast are in the formation of:

  • cysts;
  • tissue atrophy;
  • fibrotic changes.

Therefore, the pathology is called fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM).

Causes of the disease

The tissues of the reproductive system are hormone-dependent - their condition and functions depend on the level and balance of female sex hormones. MF is a part of the reproductive system and occupy a special place among other organs of the reproductive system. The mammary glands begin to develop actively during the period (12-16 years) of the hormonal "surge" - the intensive functioning of the gonads and the adrenal cortex. In the childbearing period, all processes occurring in the breast are hormone-dependent.

Breast tissue contains receptors for hormones:

  • genital (estrogen, progesterone);
  • prolactin;
  • pituitary growth hormone;
  • lactogen or somatomammotropin.

For the proper development of the mammary gland, the combined effect of insulin, thyroxine, cortisol and prolactin and growth hormone is necessary.

However, most researchers tend to believe that the cause of the pathology is not a violation of hormonal homeostasis, but an increase in the sensitivity of estrogen receptors in the tissues of the breast. This hypothesis is confirmed by the fact that dysplastic processes are often localized in a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe breast, rather than covering the entire breast. Also, mastopathy is found in women with no symptoms of hormonal imbalance - infertility and disorders of the monthly cycle. All this makes it possible to assume that the onset of the initial stage of mastopathy is influenced by the sensitivity of estradiol and progesterone receptors in the breast tissue.

Previously, FCM was considered a precancerous disease. Today it is classified as a benign pathology, but in the presence of FCM and gynecological diseases, the risk of breast cancer increases by 3-37 times.

Until the end of the 19th century, mastopathy was considered not a separate disease, but a pre-pathological condition in the development of breast oncology, since the reasons provoking the occurrence of breast mastopathy and the factors provoking breast cancer are the same:

1. genetic - in women, in whose family there were cases of breast pathology, the risk of developing FCM is much higher.

2. reproductive - developmental anomalies and pathology of the reproductive system increase the likelihood of FCM:

  • puberty and the appearance of the first menstrual bleeding before 11-12 years;
  • early onset of menopause;
  • first birth after 30 years;
  • infertility;
  • frequent abortions (spontaneous or induced);
  • a small (1-2) number of pregnancies and childbirth;
  • lactation period less than 5 months;

3.Hormonal and metabolic - hormone imbalance and metabolic disorders affect the formation of breast tissue:

  • hyperactivity of estrogen and prolactin;
  • hypofunction of the thyroid gland;
  • violation of the monthly cycle;
  • inflammatory diseases of the appendages, ovaries;
  • hormone-producing ovarian cysts;
  • hyperplastic processes in the uterus;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • hormone replacement therapy;
  • use of oral contraceptives for more than 10 years;

4.the impact of ecology, working conditions:

  • stress;
  • exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • the influence of chemical and biological substances;
  • breast trauma;


  • excess or unbalanced nutrition;
  • lack of dietary fiber and plant fiber;
  • bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking.

Often mastopathy occurs against the background of gynecological diseases. As a rule, these are pathologies associated with hyperplastic processes in the mucous membrane of organs.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of mastopathy are caused by changes in the breast. The manifestations of the disease also differ depending on the phase of the pathological process.

The main symptom of mastopathy is pain. Pain sensations intensify 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation and decrease or disappear completely after its completion. The pain has different intensity, duration of the attack. So, for example, with the progression of pathological changes, pain sensations become more pronounced and longer - they persist after the end of menstruation, and sometimes are noted during the cycle.

Pathology can affect the nervous system of women, causing sleep dysfunction, mood swings, and nervous disorders.

One of the characteristic manifestations of mastopathy is premenstrual tension syndrome, accompanied by:

  • engorgement of the breast;
  • an increase in size due to the formation of edema;
  • sensation of heat and tingling due to increased blood circulation;
  • the appearance of seals, especially during the ovulation phase.

These symptoms are the result of the action of progesterone. It stimulates proliferative changes in the structures of the breast. Seals can look like strands or "cobblestones" when rough swollen lobules are palpated on palpation. 5-6% of women have nipple discharge of a different nature.

Premenstrual syndrome is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • headache similar to migraine;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • swelling.

With diffuse-nodular mastopathy, an increase in regional (nearby) lymph nodes is found in 35% of cases.

Types of mastopathy

Depending on the approach to assessing pathology, there are several types of classification of mastopathy:

1. The morphological approach divides pathology into forms:

  • proliferative;
  • non-proliferative;

2.from the point of view of radiology, the classification distinguishes the following types of pathology:

  • diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy (DFCM) with changes in glandular tissues - adenosis;
  • DFKM with the localization of the pathological process mainly in the connective tissue;
  • DFKM with a cystic component;
  • mixed form of DFKM;
  • adenosis of the breast;
  • nodal FCM.

With the non-proliferative form of FCM, the risk of developing oncology is low. With a proliferative form without atypical changes in tissue cells, the risk increases by 1.5-2 times, and with atypical changes - by 4-5 times.

Diagnostic measures

To identify and establish the correct diagnosis, physical and instrumental research methods are used.

Physical methods include:

  • examination and palpation (probing);
  • measurement of the volume of the gland;
  • sizing of seals.

Despite the fact that MFs are available for physical studies, their accuracy must be confirmed by instrumental studies:

  • Ultrasound, MRI, CT;
  • complex radiographic;
  • RTM-radiothermometry.

If nodes, cysts or other neoplasms are found, cytological and histological examination is used.

When examining patients over 40 years old or those at risk, mammography is performed. An X-ray examination of the breast is recommended to be performed once every 1.5-2 years in the first half of menstruation. This safe method allows detecting breast pathology in 85-97% of cases.

With the course of pathological processes in the breast, a change in temperature is noted. Temperature fluctuations can be measured by the RTM method. The computerized system displays an image of the breast with an indication of the corresponding temperature at a depth of 5 cm.

Prevention of the disease

The main method of prevention of breast pathology is the elimination of factors that cause their development.

Proper balanced nutrition is of great importance in the prevention of FCM, therefore complex treatment and prevention are accompanied by diet therapy. A close relationship was established between the development of FCM and the use of alkaloids, in particular caffeine and theobromine. Restriction or complete rejection of chocolate, coffee, strong tea and Coca-Cola relieves the patient's condition and eliminates the symptoms of engorgement, bloating, pain.

There is also an objective relationship with the risk of mastopathy and the state of the digestive system:

  • frequent or chronic constipation;
  • "Sluggish" intestinal peristalsis;
  • violation of the composition of the natural microbiocenosis - dysbiosis.

All of these factors can be eliminated by introducing foods rich in fiber and plant fibers into the diet. Subject to a drinking diet (1.5-2 liters per day) and a sufficient intake of fiber, the absorption and excretion of estrogens secreted into the intestinal lumen with bile occurs.

Also, the state of the liver affects the level of estrogen, since they are utilized in this organ. Elimination of factors that interfere with the normal functioning of the liver - alcohol, toxins, fatty foods, preservatives, and timely treatment of diseases is an effective prevention of the development of mastopathy.

For a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, vitamin therapy should be used:

  • vitamin A has an antiestrogenic effect, reduces the severity of the proliferation process;
  • vitamin E - enhances the effect of progesterone;
  • vitamin B 6 - reduces the effect of prolactin, normalizes the neuro-emotional state;
  • vitamins P and C stimulate microcirculation and eliminate puffiness.

Correctly selected low-dose oral contraception also prevents the development of mastopathy. Microdose oral contraceptives have an inhibitory effect on the ovulation process and the synthesis of the corresponding hormones.

Natural phytoestrogens contained in soybeans, berries, sprouted wheat, seeds have the same effect. Their introduction into the diet will prevent the occurrence of mastopathy.

A low percentage of FCM is observed in those countries where screening mammography is performed, which allows timely detection of changes in breast tissues.