A personal self-development plan is a guarantee of a happy and fulfilling life. How to start self-development - a detailed plan

Personal development: more than motivation and positive thinking.
Personal development occurs when you finally decide to change your life for the better. But the whole process can be formed not only from positive experience or official seminars. Even negative experiences can help a person find the right direction in life.
Most personal development coaches try to focus our attention on self motivation and positive thinking, two of the most important ingredients for personal development success. Yes, in some ways they are right, but a holistic approach to self-development goes far beyond these two factors. Further you will learn about what else you need on your path of personal development.

Personal development plan.
First, you need to have a system for achieving your development goals. There is no point in talking about how much you want to achieve self-awareness or personal development. You need to accept the system and see a vivid image. As you know, personal development covers a wide variety of areas of interest, and you can easily get lost if you don't have a plan. You need to write down everything that you intend to do with your life and where you want to be after completing the program you have planned.
Always remember that only by having a certain plan of action can you determine whether you have become better or whether the circumstances of your life have improved. Done right, your plan will serve as a framework from which you can measure your progress.

A decisive step.
You may have sufficient motivation or positive thoughts, but if you don't take action today, your personal development will never become reality. Remember, personality improvement doesn't come overnight; timing is of the essence. So take action now, otherwise you may lose the chance to improve yourself. Take risks. Life should be an adventure, so if you don't get out of your comfort zone, you will remain rotting in the current situation.

Be open to change.

The operational word in personal development is change. If you cannot manage change, you cannot improve yourself. But, it can be argued that change will occur even if you do not welcome it. Would you prefer to change under the influence of factors that you have no control over? Obviously, it is better to be ready for external changes or personally lead the changes in your life. This way you will know what action to take.

Sit on the shoulders of giants.
If you want to accelerate your personal development, you need to learn from the people who were in your place before you. You really don't need to reinvent the wheel, all you have to do is learn from the experiences of others, especially those who have succeeded in their quest to become better. In order to save you time and effort, you can always hire personal development coaches or mentors. You can also read a book or listen to audio books about self-development.

Be responsible for your personal development.
You are what you allow yourself to be. In other words, the things that define you today happened because you allowed them to happen. If you have been lazy or indifferent all these years, you have no one to blame but yourself for where you are now. Even your environment cannot be held accountable for who you are now. You have the key to your development in your hands, and only you can use it. So, the manifestation of the initiative for self-development should come from you, and only you are responsible for the entire result that you get from the individual development program.

How to start a personal development program?

Starting a personal program can be achieved by raising awareness about your current life situation. A clear understanding of your starting point is essential to creating a successful personal growth plan.
While a personal passion for development may include a shared desire for greater growth and a shared understanding of areas of life where personal development is to take place, a diligent awareness raising and life planning process should include self-esteem in every aspect. everyday life.

Self-esteem for life awareness.

So, as we have already found out, we need to build a level of self-esteem in each of the areas of life. Psychological tests can help us with this.
In addition, it will be helpful to make a list of the assigned roles and responsibilities for each of the areas of life.
Limit your list to ten or twelve items that are most important and consume the most time and energy.
Do not forget about those areas of life that are not important at the present time, but are desirable in the future.
Further, it is necessary to give an assessment of satisfaction for each area. Use a score of one to ten points. Where ten points are completely satisfied, and one point is completely dissatisfied.
If you are honest with yourself in completing these tests, you can develop a sufficiently accurate and detailed outlook on life in order to begin effective life planning.

Ideal life plan.

The life plan should include a vision of the future - a life goal that you plan to achieve.
Your vision of a goal in life is a combination of all the “perfect ten” scenarios for each of the ten areas of life with which you evaluated awareness, satisfaction, assigned role and responsibility.
When setting a life goal, it is important that you can visualize the outcome. Therefore, when creating a goal for each of the areas of life, you should see yourself with sufficient detail and accuracy without making any special efforts. For example, your professional life goal might include phrases such as: respect, recognition, joy, well-paid, perfect balance between work and family life.

Personal development goals planning.

Research shows that challenging but achievable goals are the best goals. It has been found that goals that are too easy do not motivate, on the other hand, goals that seem too difficult are also not motivating, since the chances of success are reduced. The best goals are those goals that are difficult but achievable and also provide the most satisfaction when achieved.
If your current satisfaction score in the life area is low, ranging from three to four, out of ten possible, it is possible that your vision of an ideal life in this area may be too far from being achieved. Which may seem impossible and lead to de-motivation.
In this case, you should not jump above yourself, but it is advisable to develop a set of life goals that reflect modest personal growth and a level of growth that can be imagined and realized.

Start a personal development program.
The beginning of planning for personal growth is carried out with the help of life awareness through detailed self-assessment. You will then be able to formulate ideas for your plan that will serve as your overall life goal.

Set clear goals for yourself

A personal leadership development plan should be specific and realistic. He must mobilize all your abilities and demand your full commitment. Here are some basic rules from practice to help you develop such a plan.

Set clear goals for yourself... People sometimes fail because they have little idea of \u200b\u200bthe goals they are striving for. Try to visualize the end result you want to achieve and write it down in as much detail as possible.

Set realistic deadlines... Remember: the habits that have formed in you throughout your life cannot be changed in one or two days. A persistent and systematic work is required to change one's own thought patterns and stereotypes of behavior. "The road will be mastered by the walking one" - said the ancient sages. Get ready to work hard... Your current behavior is the result of many years of learning, so the new behavior will slowly replace the old one. The changes require constant attention and realistic deadlines.

Determine how you will judge your success

Determine how you will judge your success. Develop a system of intermediate goals... In this way, you can control your progress and give new impetus to your personal plan. Leadership development is ongoing. As soon as one goal is achieved, new areas of application of forces need to be set... Continuous ascent to leadership positions is often associated with hard work and constant self-improvement.

Be content with modest progress, especially at first
... It is often said that a large oak grows from a small acorn ... An impulsive person who hopes to change himself in the blink of an eye rarely succeeds. Success fuels success. Lasting but modest progress is consolidated and becomes a feature of the person's attitude to work.

a list of key goals important for the development of leadership skills at the initial stage

To facilitate the task of making a plan, we suggest that you do the following exercise.
Below is a list of the key goals that are important for developing leadership skills initially. Choose from the list below at least three goals to include in your self-directed leadership development program. Complement them with your own personal goals that are important to you.

1. During the year, take at least two training courses or trainings on self-development. For example, effective business communication, leadership, public speaking, time management skills, decision making, etc.

2. Chat - formally or informally - with recognized and respected leaders to hear their ideas about leadership and understand how they arrived at them. Attention! Of these leaders, no more than half should work in your industry or profession!

3. Ask your acquaintances or colleagues in the service what they value most in the behavior of leaders and what is the least. Write down and analyze their responses.

4. Read at least one leadership book during the year and develop at least five practical steps based on it.

5. Answer the following questions:

a) What are my career goals?
(b) What life purpose do they serve?
c) What value do I attach to achieving these goals?
d) When will they be achieved? What is my program of action?
e) Where am I now? Where will I go next?
f) How can I improve my performance?
g) Who can be considered my most valuable advisers and critics?

6. Get accurate information on how the organization in which you work assesses your potential. Find out how your superiors and co-workers assess your leadership skills. (Note: It may take a little courage for you to speak to your boss about this!)

7. If your current job does not provide you with opportunities to develop leadership qualities or it does not use all your abilities, choose another area in which you can add to your leadership track record. Changing the situation stimulates you and makes you tense.

8. "Knowledge is power." Choose one long-term study program (at least four weeks) that deepens and expands your knowledge in a specific area - financial management, marketing, human resources, etc. - and leadership in general. Develop a plan to convince your company that it is in their best interests to enroll in these courses.

What goals did you choose?

Have you set dates when you need to evaluate your progress?

example personal development plan

Personal Development Program - Building Awareness.
Take a look at the following nineteen week personal development plan and then modify it to suit your personal interests.
A proven success factor for successful people includes having a personal development plan and sticking to it. The following personal development plan example will help you form the structure and template for creating a personal improvement plan. Focusing on one aspect of personal growth each week of nineteen weeks will help you gain the benefits of cumulative growth.
Personal development starts with raising awareness.
Self-awareness is the main component of personal growth. The first half of this plan is about building self-awareness. The second half extends personal growth to the outside world.

Week One - Your personal development plan should start with an honest and detached outlook on life. What areas of life work well? What areas deserve improvement? Based on your current reality, develop a vision for life.

Week Two - Discover and clarify the purpose of life this week. Each person has goals in life, a set of patterns of behavior and qualities, finds the meaning and purpose of life. Ponder this over the course of a week and write down your personal understanding of your life purpose under the heading "My Life Purpose."

Week Three - This week the enthusiasm for personal growth should focus on personal virtue and passion. What activities are always enjoyable, easy and give you excellent results? Make a list under the heading: Personal Strengths and Passions.

Week four - learn to meditate. Take a lesson, read a book, or learn about meditation on the internet. By the way, on our site you will find information about meditation.

The second month of the personal development plan.
The first month of personal development is over, it's time to move on to even greater self-awareness. Be open to intuition and new understanding, refrain from judging about the past.

Week Five - Learn the art of living in the moment. Life is a series of present moments, lived and lost.

Week Six - Practice self-awareness of behavior and personality this week. Watch for qualities or characteristics that have been demonstrated in your daily activities this week. Are they in line with your personal development vision for the first week?

Week Seven - Focus on core beliefs and values. Beginning with the phrase “I believe that,” identify any deeply rooted beliefs. Repeat these steps with "These are my core values."

Week eight - this week you must face your fears and overcome their limitations. Personal growth is often associated with leaving your personal comfort zone. Recognize the fears that are limiting your growth and make the decision to move forward with courage.

Continued personal growth, month three.
This month we will introduce some personal development tools.

Week nine - dedicate this week to positive things only. Refrain from all forms of negative expression, including negative conversation, derogatory jokes and gossip, criticism, whining, and complaints. Recognize negative experiences and then look for opportunities for improvement.

Week Ten - Learn to effectively set goals by following your vision and personal development plan. Explore the SMART process and apply it to this plan.

Week Eleven - Be grateful and appreciative this week. Express gratitude and appreciation for life and all the benefits that you have.

Week Twelve - Dedicate this week to taking care of yourself. Make the decision to take care of your physical and mental health on a daily basis. Make commitments and goals.

Personal development plan, a shift to the outside world.
It's time to shift the focus from the inner workings to the outside world.

Week Thirteen - Increasing self-awareness of the use of work time, starting with keeping a log of time and activities. Briefly write down all activities, keeping records to free up time. At the end of each day, determine how much time you spent supporting your personal development plan.

Week Fourteen - Become a Generous Listener. Listen carefully to understand the words spoken and the underlying emotions. Learn to listen by mentally repeating the words spoken by the other person.

Improving relationships and more.
This month introduces aspects of personal development that may seem challenging. Be courageous and see further growth.

Week fifteen - focus on improving your relationship. The greatest satisfaction in life comes from relationships. Think about the strengths and weaknesses of all the relationships you have.

Week Sixteen - Practice generosity. Be a generous donor. Being generous to other people is an easy way to be happier.

Week seventeen - Set personal boundaries. It is important not only to define personal boundaries, but also to learn how to talk about them to others.

Week 18 is the week of forgiveness and apology. It's time to make a long-overdue apology for behavior that was offensive to others. This is also a week of forgiveness, forgive yourself and other people.

Week Nineteen - Think about the last few months of personal growth. Notice where you made good progress and where your growth was rather slow. Create your own personal development plan for the next four months by modifying this sample plan.

An effective personal development plan.
The personal development plan serves as the basis for personal development, which is a proven factor in the success of successful people: having a vision, a plan and implementing a plan. Modify the example of this plan for even more efficiency.

Ideal future plan

Bonus "Ideal Future"

Take a pen and a piece of paper. Imagine your ideal future. There are several characteristics of a quality life.

First, income. Write where the money will come from. Think of two categories: passive and active income. Passive cash flows are created capital, royalties, income from a business that works without you, investments. Active income appears with your direct participation. This is your own work in business, work on projects, grants - ideally something that you enjoy doing.

Secondly, emotions. They are the salt of life, a powerful engine. Write down what emotions you will experience in your ideal life. This is the satisfaction of self-realization, the joy of a new day, harmony with the world, cheerfulness from playing sports, the joy of communicating with a child - everyone has their own emotions. The main thing is that they are positive, make life rich, bright and lively.

Thirdly, skills and knowledge. Focus on skills. Knowledge by itself does little, but skills bring concrete results. It's more about business skills.
List them. Everyone has their own skills: the ability to influence people, speak in public, sell, create a successful business, and so on.

Fourth, joy. There are three types of satisfaction: from consumption, from current events, from achieving a goal. There is also a fourth type - that which brings joy to others. Write down the things that you will enjoy in your ideal life.

Fifth, the habitat. Write where you live: in the capital or a provincial town, near the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, not far from the lake. Maybe you live in one place in the summer and in another in the winter. Describe what is in the house, what you see from the window, what furniture is in the house, how many rooms it has, what the bedroom, living room, kitchen look like. Think about what kind of car you have, where you will go on the weekend, where you will spend your vacation. Describe everything to the smallest detail.

Sixth, relationships. What are they like with their parents, children, with a loved one, with friends. How do you see them in your ideal life?

Seventh, health and athletic performance. Everyone wants to be healthy and look good. Write about all this. What sports do you do, how often, what results have you achieved in your ideal life.

Eighth, time. What are you spending it on? If there is everything, but no time, there is nothing. Time, money, mobility are the three ingredients of success. Time is a valuable resource. Write down how your ideal day is going, what you are spending time on.

Ninth, values. What are you bringing to the world, what are you leaving behind? Write it down.

Review the description of your ideal future every day. This will become your source of energy to help you move forward. People often think that if you make a lot of money or work around the clock, everything will work out. This is not true. You need to do everything in parallel.
Every day, doing something, you should ask the question: Does this bring me closer to the ideal life?

It reads that a person's personality is formed by the age of three. This statement is only partially true: on the one hand, spiritual values, a way of life, the foundations of a worldview are laid precisely in childhood (even if not by the age of three, but by five or six, for sure), and on the other hand, self-education, the formation of conscious principles is still no one did not cancel. Yes, the child's mind is much easier to perceive the norms laid down by the parents, but this is only the starting point from which the path of self-development in adulthood begins.

What is a personal self-development plan?

The process of self-development implies constant work on yourself, the desire to change your life for the better, to maintain health, while constantly moving forward. Any personal development can move in two directions: a constant striving for self-improvement implies the growth of moral, spiritual and healthy principles, and passive contemplation without any goal sooner or later leads to regression. Nature is complex and unpredictable, but this principle has no exceptions - all living things, including humans, either develop or gradually degrade.

The path of self-improvement is difficult and thorny. Not only external factors sometimes prevent a person from becoming better, but also his inner "I". Awareness of the problem does not yet guarantee its successful solution: self-development, like a puzzle, is made up of many disparate and equally important pieces. The essential ingredients for success are:

  • correctly chosen direction;
  • firm confidence in the desired result;
  • motivation for personal growth;
  • willpower;
  • willingness to sacrifice established habits in favor of a new, healthier lifestyle;
  • progressive, but continuous movement towards the set goals.

The main assistant in the implementation of this goal will be the plan for self-development of the individual. It will help you to clearly outline the desired results, break the difficult path to a ghostly distant goal into short-term steps with individual achievements, outline the boundaries of what is permitted at each stage of the path, and think over methods that will help you get closer to your dream. It is not necessary to immediately develop a plan "for the next five years" - it is enough to think over just a few first steps, and the rest will be applied in the process, when the body will taste and appreciate all the delights of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if the plan succeeds and a healthy lifestyle becomes an obligatory part of the daily routine, this plan will be constantly adjusted and supplemented, because self-development is a dynamic, never-ending process. It is enough to take the first hesitant steps, and the rest of the progress will seem easy and self-evident, because it will not work any other way!

How to make a plan for self-development?

Well-formulated goals are the key to self-improvement. They don't have to look unfeasible or sky-high. Each person steps on this path for a good result:

  • achieving harmony with your own "I";
  • preservation and improvement of health - the only valuable, but, unfortunately, exhaustible resource;
  • victory over their own fears, complexes, weaknesses.

Of course, this wording can be left unchanged, but in this case the plan will look vague, and the results, although important, are difficult to achieve. It is much easier to clothe highly spiritual values \u200b\u200bin a more tangible form in order to feel joy and inspiration from small but regular victories over oneself.

Each of the goals set will look transparent and achievable when broken down into its components. To do this, it is worth answering the question: what is the lack of personality for balance and integrity? The answer will become the basis for planning consistent self-development. For example, harmonious development of a personality is impossible without control over one's emotions, the ability to keep thoughts and feelings in order, the predominance of the spiritual over the material. Maintaining health implies giving up bad habits, a balanced diet, an active lifestyle and a thoughtful daily routine. Victory over their own weaknesses can have hundreds of guises: for some it is just a struggle with laziness and a passive life position, others need to eradicate gossips and idle talkers in themselves, and still others do not want to get rid of commercialism ... The nuances can be listed endlessly, because each person has a unique inner the world and a set of qualities. However, you must admit that in this way of self-development planning looks much easier and more accessible.

This breakdown is not final, because it may take more than one month to move to a new level. It is difficult, and sometimes dangerous, to completely rebuild the body in a day or even a week, to give up obscene food and start actively playing sports. In any process, including in self-development, rationality and progressiveness are needed, therefore, it is better to break each component of the final goal into micro-components and, on their basis, build a plan for self-development for a month or a week. This will help to track the achieved results, adjust the program as it is being implemented and analyze why it is not possible to translate some aspects into reality.

Personal self-development plan. Stage number 1: bad habits and how to deal with them

The most common addictions are considered to be alcoholic, nicotine and drug addiction. Of course, these are the most insidious and dangerous enemies of a healthy lifestyle, so you should get rid of them immediately. However, the list of bad habits is not limited to this: no matter how controversial it may sound, elementary nail-biting, nose-picking, crunching fingers are not so much a sign of bad upbringing as a banal sticky habit. And of course, the scourge of our time - Internet addiction - confidently occupies an honorable place in the ranking of human addictions.

Many do not even notice how they become slaves of bad habits - sticky manipulations are firmly entrenched in the subcortex, so they happen automatically. Therefore, getting rid of them at first seems almost unrealistic. However, nothing is impossible: a well-designed plan for personal self-development will help to overcome the harmful cravings step by step.

Why is it necessary to defeat bad habits?

The dangers of alcoholism, tobacco smoking and drug addiction can be talked about endlessly. Many medical articles, scientific papers and treatises have been written on this topic, but it was not possible to put this information into the heads of patients to the end - the number of addicted to "doping" throughout the country is decreasing very slightly. At the same time, each lifted glass destroys dozens of nerve cells, destroys blood vessels and undermines the work of the heart, each smoked cigarette settles in black smoke on the lungs, brings cancer and strokes closer. There is nothing to say about drug addiction: a person addicted to the needle destroys himself from the inside in a matter of months. This is just a physiological degradation - from a moral point of view, the consequences of addictions look no less depressing. Ethyl alcohol destroys consciousness, removes moral restrictions, which means it turns a person into an unreasonable being without principles and morality. And how much aggression exudes a smoker in search of a cigarette?

Even the seemingly innocuous habits have many pitfalls. It would seem, well, what is it about constantly gnawed nails or a ballpoint pen cap? At the same time, such a habit can ruin teeth or become a source of an unpleasant intestinal infection - even if you wash your hands thoroughly, there will still be a bunch of pathogenic microbes under your nails that will immediately enter your mouth. And the annoying crunching of the surrounding fingers is the first cause of joint deformation.

You can go on indefinitely, because every bad habit is not so named in vain - it carries a completely justified and obvious destruction. And let the damage from one incident be minimal, turning into a "life partner", the consequences of addictions accumulate like a snowball, while increasing the strength of the habit. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them as early as possible - tomorrow it will be a little more difficult to do, and the consequences will be a little more destructive.

Getting rid of bad habits: a personal plan for self-development

Getting rid of addictions is not an easy task. To defeat them, it is necessary to initially determine in what circumstances the urge to perform this or that action arises, which became the primary source of the harmful cause. Having understood at what moments the hand itself reaches for the cigarette, and the glass is involuntarily filled with alcohol, it is easier to defeat the painful attachment - self-development an approximate plan allows not only to streamline, but also to simplify. A classic scheme to help get rid of bad tendencies is as follows:

  1. Formation of a goal (short-term, long-term).
  2. Determination of the motives for behavior correction.
  3. Identifying the source of the problem and the circumstances that lead to harmful behavior.
  4. Exclusion of these circumstances from the surrounding reality.
  5. Self-control and discipline within the established framework.
  6. The joy of small victories, gradually approaching the cherished goal.

Of course, this plan will help to better control the emotional side of addiction - the physiological aspects will remain unchanged. However, there is no such thrust that iron willpower and correct attitudes could not defeat!

If we are talking about the use of harmful substances (alcohol, nicotine, narcotic drugs), they need to be abandoned at once. Compromise options like lowering the dosage or frequency will not work: one way or another, "doping" will enter the body, which means that there can be no question of victory over oneself. Chronic alcohol and drug addiction is out of the question - they should be treated exclusively in stationary conditions. But the widespread alcohol abuse, which does not turn into painful forms, as well as nicotine addiction can be corrected independently. To cope with emotional and physical "breakage" will help trivial, but very effective advice:

  1. Think of giving up the habit not as a process, but as a fait accompli. For example, when your name is to smoke, say “I quit” instead of “I quit” - such a substitution of concepts will help the subconscious mind to come to terms.
  2. Try to avoid circumstances that provoke you to breakdown. If the craving for alcohol is still high, you should not attend a banquet where everyone will drink - by going there, you deliberately subject the body to temptation, which is not yet accustomed to a new way of life.
  3. Find a rational substitute. Was a smoke break at work perceived as a small respite? Try to rest in a different way: go out for a few minutes in the fresh air, chat with colleagues, listen to your favorite song, or just sit for a while with your eyes closed, immersed in your thoughts.
  4. Learn to be happy without "doping". Look at the world with a fresh, unclouded look, and you will see a lot of beauty! Can a puff of tobacco smoke or drunken courage in a basement club compare to this? Spending time with friends or family, strolling in the park, going into nature, or sitting on a bench by the pond reading an informative spiritual book will give you much more goodness than the illusion of happiness from satisfying your own addiction.
  5. Create a calendar and mark every small victory: how many days you do not smoke or drink alcohol, how quickly you were able to defeat withdrawal symptoms, etc. In moments of weakness, this will help you not to deviate from the true path.
  6. Don't equate a single breakdown with the collapse of your entire plan of self-development. No matter how ideal willpower is, the possibility of a breakdown cannot be completely ruled out, especially at first. If this has already happened, it is stupid and unproductive to worry, be tormented by a sense of guilt and, as a result, abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bself-development.

As for more harmless bad habits, it is better to get rid of them gradually, and not in bulk: take a week or two to completely break the habit of one ritual, and then move on to the second. This will make it much easier for you to control yourself.

Rational nutrition is the leading chapter of the personal self-development plan

A harmoniously balanced diet is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. It helps to avoid diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, to keep the body in good shape, to maintain efficiency and energy during the day, to increase the duration and quality of life. Eating correctly, a person will never face problems of excess weight and associated side conditions of the body.

The transition to a healthy diet is not as difficult as it seems at first glance: in the human body, nature is laid down to use only healthy plant foods without flavors, and the process of frying appeared in cooking relatively recently, when jaded gourmets began to look for new forms, without thinking about the usefulness technology. Therefore, everything that is needed for a healthy diet is already inherent in the body - it remains only to remind him of this.

The principles of building a rational menu

A comprehensive plan for personal self-development will enrich and fill an example of rational nutrition with meaning - the main thing is to understand how to build it correctly. For this, it is necessary to take into account what principles are the basis of a harmonious diet.

  1. Refusal from harmful products. Even if you are a soulless person who is alien to the compassion of living beings, take care of yourself at least: products of animal origin are only destructive. By eliminating them from your diet, you will feel healthier and more energetic.
  2. Cooking technology. Braising, boiling and steaming are healthier and safer cooking foods. Fried foods contain a large amount of cholesterol and other harmful components that are difficult for the digestive tract to absorb and subsequently affect the body's work. Well, what can be eaten raw is better to use this way, because then all the useful trace elements will be preserved in their original form.
  3. Flavoring additives. Chemical seasonings with monosodium glutamate are a real poison for the body. It is much better to use spicy herbs and roots as seasonings - this way the dishes will turn out not only fragrant, but also healthy. The use of table salt is also best kept to a minimum or completely eliminated.
  4. A varied menu. There is no need to focus on one type of food - nature has presented us with a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, cereals, legumes, nuts and berries. They can fully satisfy the needs of the body.
  5. Calorie content of each portion. The rule that you need to leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger has a scientific basis. The feeling of fullness comes in 20-30 minutes after a meal, so it is much more logical to calculate the required calorie content of a portion instead of being guided by your own feelings.
  6. Fractional and frequent meals. Even the healthiest dishes will be harmful if you eat a lot 1-2 times a day. An adult should eat 3 times a day at approximately the same time and have snacks twice more. This is the only way to provide the body with everything it needs without overworking the stomach.
  7. Time for food. As corny as it sounds, eating is a ritual and should be treated with due respect. You should not eat on the go, try to swallow large pieces and finish the meal as soon as possible - you need to chew each piece thoroughly, but eat consciously and without haste.
  8. No dry water. Soup should be eaten not only by children, but also by adults - nutritious broth promotes the release of enzymes and gastric juice, improves digestion and helps food to be absorbed. In addition, you should drink at least two liters of fluid throughout the day to maintain moisture balance in your body.
  9. Freshly prepared food. Cooking for future use and then freezing food is not the best idea. During long-term storage and freezing, the proportion of trace elements and vitamins is destroyed, so such food is not considered useful.

These 9 rules will help you create a rich and varied menu that will guarantee you a great feeling of well-being and a fulfilling life.

Sample menu for a week: personality self-development plan in action

If until today gluttony was a part of your life, you do not need to abruptly cancel all harmful and potentially dangerous dishes. The transition to a healthy diet should be carried out gradually, otherwise the body will regard the restriction as temporary and go into an "energy-saving mode". Ideally, if you can develop a self-development plan for at least a few months, gradually changing your diet to a healthier and more complete one. Progressive progress on the path to health and longevity guarantees success, and the possibility of breakdowns is minimized.

Step # 1. Refusal of animal food

The first thing to do is to completely eliminate meat and fish from the diet. Any living creature is worthy to live the life allotted to him by nature, and killing for the sake of food is abhorrent to human nature. People have forgotten about this, turning the meat industry into a real cult for the sake of profit, but maintaining this production means becoming like murderers and sadists. By giving up steak or barbecue, you will not only save the life of at least one innocent creature, but also help your body to avoid serious diseases, because the chemical composition of meat has an extremely negative effect on human health. If the moral side is not yet so strong, and temptation sometimes obscures common sense and humanity, open any video filmed in the slaughterhouse - you will no longer have the desire to eat innocent victims.

Step # 2. Avoiding frying in favor of cooking

At first glance, fried foods seem more attractive, but this visual design is extremely deceiving: many serious ailments are hidden behind the golden crust. At first, while the body stops eating with the eyes, use small tricks: add a handful of colorful berries to the porridge, choose brightly colored vegetables for stewing (for example, season cauliflower with red and yellow bell peppers, corn or green peas) - this will help satisfy not only hunger, but also aesthetic perception.

Step # 3. Replacing salt and artificial spices

Salt, chemical flavors and flavors turn the healthiest foods into a bane. In addition to obscuring the true flavor of the ingredients, these additives are extremely harmful to the kidneys, liver and stomach. Try replacing store-bought spices with natural herbs (dill, parsley, basil, etc.) - the aroma will be unimaginable. And the lack of salt is compensated by lemon or apple juice, which can be sprinkled on the dish before serving. Homemade cakes or bread can be made with mineral water enriched with natural salts. If you really feel unbearable, at the initial stage you can use a small amount of unrefined sea salt, rich in trace elements and minerals.

Analyze each key step and your willingness to change the diet, distribute the time frame for each of them, and then start developing a weekly menu. Such an organization will help not to deviate from the chosen course until the body itself gets used to a new state of ease and comfort for itself.

Physical fitness: plan for the year for self-development

An active life position, maintaining the body in good shape are impossible without regular sports. This does not mean that you need to start running marathons and lift 100 kg with one hand - harmony and consistency are important in everything. Physical self-development will not bring the desired result if it runs counter to moral satisfaction. That is why beginners and avid athletes choose yoga: the set of exercises is suitable for the first acquaintance with physical education, and for the full development of natural skills, and the philosophy of this discipline is akin to spiritual rebirth.

At first, you may need a mentor, but further self-development is possible on an individual basis. The main thing is to realize why each position is necessary, what is the true essence of the complexes, and then you will not encounter difficulties on the way of physical and spiritual development. This part of the plan for self-improvement has no outlined completion, because yoga is multifaceted and deep, and decades will not be enough to learn all its subtleties. Therefore, stages can be planned not only for the near future, but also for years to come.

Body and soul activity

Yoga is a complex of philosophical beliefs. Knowing them, a person achieves harmony of the bodily and spiritual principles, strengthens health and physical fitness, hardens the spirit, learns to relax and at the same time control his impulses. The benefits of yoga are reflected not only in the physical component of self-development, but also in moral aspects. The effect of the exercise will bring only positive aspects to the body:

  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the risk of heart disease will decrease;
  • physical data inherent in nature will improve;
  • sleep will become deeper and more complete;
  • stress and nervous tension will recede;
  • depressive disorders will be a thing of the past.

A measured and calm environment in which all yoga classes take place is an opportunity not only to do physical exercises, but also to listen to your body, focus on breathing and a new pose. A variety of exercises aimed at developing flexibility, endurance and strengthening the muscular skeleton will help tone the body, give lightness and smoothness to movements. For those who dream of getting rid of extra pounds, yoga will also benefit: fat deposits will go away smoothly and painlessly, the forms will become more contoured and graceful.

Doctors recommend yoga for chronic pain and after injuries: it has been proven that well-chosen exercises help relieve painful symptoms, promote the fastest recovery of lost functions and help prevent recurrent injuries after damage to tendons and joints. The beneficial effect is achieved through balanced training, improved overall blood flow and tissue supply with oxygen and beneficial trace elements. In addition, improved coordination will help to later avoid the circumstances leading to injury, which means that the risk of repeated injury is minimized.

Personal self-development plan: yoga for beginners

Including yoga in the self-improvement program, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the philosophy of this direction, accept the origins of the teachings and know their true value. It is great if a spiritual mentor can help you with this, but it is not always possible to find such a person. The specialized literature of leading gurus and yoga masters, philosophers and adepts can become a source of knowledge.

Yoga classes should become an obligatory part of the day, regardless of its workload - only a systematic approach will help to strengthen health, ensure efficiency and harmony. It is better to devote a couple of hours to yoga right after waking up, but evening time is also good for productive activities. You do not need to overeat before exercise: you should exercise on an empty stomach or 3-4 hours after eating. Before you start, take care of creating a welcoming environment. Spread a non-slip rubber mat for maximum peace and privacy.

Do not overexert yourself: the main condition is calmness, safety and pleasure from classes. If any position is difficult or painful, it is better to postpone it to a later stage, when the body is sufficiently prepared. All movements should be smooth and consistent, and then the benefits will not be long in coming.

It is best to start with simple and straightforward asanas for beginners:

  • Tree pose. This asana is performed as the opening one for each lesson. Standing on straight legs, slowly raise your arms up (as you inhale). Then pull your arms behind your head, straightening your chest. More experienced practitioners can complicate the posture by raising the bent leg and touching the opposite knee with the foot.
  • Chair pose. This exercise is familiar to each of the school physical education course. The pose helps to improve coordination, strengthen the muscles of the glutes, back and abdominals. To perform it, you must take an upright position, focusing on the feet spaced shoulder-width apart. Then raise your hands up, palms facing each other. Sit down slowly in an imaginary chair, gradually bending your legs to a 90-degree angle, leaving your back consistently straight. Maintain this position for 2-3 breaths, and then slowly straighten up.
  • Inclined pose. Deep inclinations activate blood circulation, improve stretching and prevent osteochondrosis. This position is especially useful for the spine - maximum stretching helps to relax muscle spasms and align the position of each vertebra. As you exhale, tilt your straightened torso to the floor, standing on straight legs. As soon as the tilt is completed, relax the body and stay in this position for another 2-3 breaths.
  • Bow pose. This exercise has a positive effect on posture, muscle tone in the shoulders and cervical spine. Lying on your stomach, wrap your hands around your ankles behind your back, and while inhaling, tense your muscles, lifting the body and hips a few centimeters from the floor. As you exhale, take a starting position and relax.
  • Candle pose ("Birch"). Even toddlers in kindergarten are taught this exercise to develop dexterity and coordination, they only call it "Birch". Lying on the floor, you need to raise your legs up, and then tear the pelvis off the ground, propping it up with your arms bent at the elbows. The higher you can go, the better. Keep your legs straight by imitating a slender young birch (or candle, whichever is best for you).

These exercises are just a small part of the variety that yoga has prepared. Starting with the simplest, you yourself will not notice how the body will become fit, and new poses will succeed more and more easily and confidently.

We tame the negative: a plan for personal self-development, or how to become a little kinder

Character, emotional background and moral qualities are inherent in a person almost at the genetic level. True, you should not justify this boorish behavior, excessive aggression, nervousness, irritability and other negative forms of behavior. Even if a person is brought up in the best possible way, constant stress unsettles him, and a busy schedule is exhausting. In such conditions, even an angelically self-possessed person can break loose and behave in a bad way: shout, respond with excessive harshness or sarcasm. Nervous strain will accumulate like a snowball if you do not give it a way out. However, you do not need to break down on others - such behavior will only aggravate the situation. You need to develop your own method of relieving stress in order to channel negative energy there.

The healing effect of meditation

In order not to succumb to stress, it is necessary to minimize the situations that provoke it. But in the modern world, full of vanity and chaos, it is not so easy to do this. Therefore, the only thing that can help is to switch attention from annoying factors to inner harmony. Meditation is the ideal partner for this.

The beneficial effect of meditation has a logical rationale, confirmed by scientific research. Those who regularly use this technique note dramatic changes in self-perception:

  • actions become more conscious;
  • anxiety and irritability recedes;
  • thoughts lend themselves to systematization;
  • depression goes away;
  • health becomes stronger, and the mind becomes clearer.

During meditation, blood pressure returns to normal, blood circulation improves, which means that the brain receives more oxygen and gradually recovers. The beneficial effect also affects the nervous system, which rests from external stimuli and returns to normal. After such a session, the world involuntarily seems beautiful and bright, energy overflows, and positive thinking prevails over nervousness.

Since most diseases appear in the body precisely against the background of nervous disorders, meditation has a healing effect on health. According to statistics, people who practice this method are less likely to catch colds and recover faster. Meditation is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, oncology, pulmonary abnormalities. In addition, the time devoted to communication with your inner "I" helps to introspect and better understand your inner world.

Meditation as an important point of the plan for personal self-development

Self-education cannot do without controlling one's own emotions, because it is they that give rise to weakness and vices. That is why it is important at first to master at least elementary meditation techniques so that in the future it will be easier to reach a new level of self-knowledge and relaxation.

Breathing techniques are great for beginners. To do this, you need to take the most comfortable position, relax your muscles and abstract yourself from what is happening around. Try to focus on your breathing: think about how your lungs slowly expand, filling with air, how life-giving oxygen enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, and all negativity is released along with exhalation. If conditions permit, you can combine breathing meditation with aromatherapy with soothing essential oils or incense.

Visual meditation is also extremely effective. Just focus your gaze on any object around you - a candle flame, a wall clock, foliage outside the window or any interior detail. Examine it in detail, imagine how it feels, feel it with your fingertips in your imagination. Distracting from external influences, you learn to contemplate the beauty around you, see beauty in every little thing and look at the world more positively.

For complete relaxation, you can use acoustic meditation. This does not mean that you should surround yourself with modern pop music or try to distract yourself with heavy beats. Turn on the background sounds of nature or a classical instrumental composition, try to feel it not only with your ear, but also with your soul, imagining what happens to this melody, how the foliage is spinning, a mountain stream is rustling, or an experienced violinist raises his bow over the instrument. Immersion in yourself, your thoughts and associations will calm you down and set you in a new way.

You should choose a technique based on your own feelings and capabilities: some incense may seem too intrusive, others may be upset by the sounds of rain or thunder on audio, and still others will fall into a slight depression from the classics. Therefore, there is no single meditation mechanism - you need to be guided by the positive effect that the sessions bring, and then stress and nervous overstrain will be left far behind.

Personal self-development plan: how to avoid common mistakes?

Sometimes even the most ideally thought-out and drawn up plan does not bring tangible results. This is due to the common mistakes that not only beginners face, but also experienced adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Here are the main ones:

  1. Knowledge does not translate into action. You can talk as much as you like about the dangers of addictions, realize their harm, read a lot of literature on the spiritual and moral education of a person, but all this will be useless if you do not apply the knowledge gained in practice. Only the active introduction of new attitudes into the lifestyle will help change it for the better.
  2. Rejection of authorities. It is better to learn some truths from one's own experience, but on the path of self-improvement, each person will need a mentor - a kind of reference point from whose examples one can draw inspiration. Be sure to include an example to follow in your self-help plan! It does not have to be an acquaintance from your inner circle - you can choose a scientist, preacher or writer as an authority - the main thing is that his ideas resonate in your soul.
  3. Lack of motivation. Self-development for the sake of the process itself is a utopian and useless undertaking. It is important to be aware of why you are doing this. There can be a lot of options: to preserve your health, set a positive example for your loved ones (most often children), overcome your weaknesses and vices, and feel yourself a happy and harmonious person.
  4. The limitations of self-improvement. Equilibrium is impossible without an integrated approach: focusing on one of the areas, you can miss the important thing that is necessary for balance. A healthy lifestyle is a multifaceted concept, and one cannot be promoted at the expense of others.
  5. Rise above others. Unfortunately, many perceive healthy lifestyle superficially, changing their life position not for personal growth, but for the sake of modern fashion trends. Having achieved certain successes, a person begins to flaunt them, which is fundamentally wrong: those who have realized all the charm of a rational and healthy life should only gently instruct others with their example, and not put themselves on a step higher. Pride is not the best helper!

Only by avoiding these mistakes, you can achieve significant results, reveal the potential of your body and live in harmony with yourself.

Instead of an epilogue

Talking about self-development, making plans and dreaming that everything will change tomorrow can be infinitely long. It is much more difficult to start acting, not from Monday, the first day or New Year, but today. Time flies by relentlessly, and if you don't start changing today, another day will be wasted. Skip french fries for dinner, walk through the picturesque park, breathe in the wonderful aroma of freshness, and you will understand how good life is. So why waste in vain what Mother Nature gave us with a generous hand: health, vitality, optimism, energy and kindness? Indeed, in fact, a personal plan for self-development has already been formed deep in the subconscious, it remains only to clothe it in words and put it into practice.

Did you know that the 25 most paid top managers in Russia earn 1000 times more than 25 good middle managers with work experience? Data based on a forbes article.

Why do you think?

What is the difference, why do some people earn the same amount in 2 hours of work as their colleagues in a year? A consultation with a famous doctor can be ten times more expensive than a regular one. Why, what is the secret of success?

The secret in the self-development of a person's personality, in order to succeed, you need to do something better than others. Remember, will you choose the worst cooperation option for yourself? Everyone wants to see a good doctor, teacher, employer, our whole life is a choice and everyone wants to choose only the best.

What do you need to do to get better?

To become better you need 2 things:

- Work, it is a must-have attribute of any long-term success;

- It is good to understand the direction of where to spend efforts, that is, the vector of invested labor.

And how to find out the direction where the invested labor will give the maximum return? The direction of work is determined by knowledge, i.e. self-development of a person and a way of thinking. Imagine a situation in life, you need to get from point "A" to point "B", 2 people:

- First man unfamiliar with the city and in it for the first time;

- Second person, is familiar with the city and knows what kind of transport you can get there, where there are traffic jams and other information.

Who do you think will get from point "A" to point "B" faster? Is the person familiar with the city or not?

Why will there be a difference in speed?

Knowledge determines the shortest path from point "A" to point "B". It's the same in life knowledge helps us find the shortest path to happiness, success, achievements, money and whatever you want... When we go by car, knowing the traffic situation - traffic jams, the optimal route and other information allows us to get to our destination faster. In life, knowledge also helps you avoid mistakes and achieve success faster.

Now I will tell you about 7 ways of personal self-development to gain new knowledge in your field that will help you succeed in your career and life faster. So, the plan (program) of self-development is as follows:

1. Read while waiting and transport

Life story

I will now tell a little story about myself and share my impressions. I myself was born and lived in Samara, and when I was about 15 years old I ended up in Moscow. The first thing I noticed when I was in the subway car was that many had newspapers in their hands. It was about 2000, there were no e-books and smartphones yet, so people read newspapers. It was unusual for me, in Samara I hardly saw people reading in transport and therefore I remember it well.

Later, I realized how important it is to use the time on the road or waiting for good. A huge amount of time is wasted when we are waiting for someone or when we go in transport. I will share my experience: When I plan to go somewhere, I always take my tablet with me to write articles or read e-books saved on the same tablet. Also, I always have a smartphone with me, on which several e-books are saved, because there are situations when it is more convenient to read from a phone than from a tablet. For example, if one hand is busy, the phone is more comfortable to hold than the tablet. If you are in a queue or crowded transport, then reading from your phone is also more convenient than from a tablet.

To make good use of your waiting and transport time always take a book, magazine with you or download them to your tablet, phone, laptop... So you can always usefully spend time in transport or waiting. In crowded transport, it is very convenient to read from your phone, because it is always with you and only 1 hand is required to read. You can cut out the pages of interest from the magazines and put them in a folder with files to read while waiting.

2. Trainings, offline courses

Do you know how training differs from reading and other sources of information? Why waste a lot of time and money? Why can't I watch a webinar or read a book?

Life story

I will tell you a little story from my life. I first came to the training when I was about 20 years old. The training was dedicated to sales. Despite the fact that about 10 years have passed since that moment, I still remember the main key points of the training. I am sure that if several more decades pass and health does not fail, I will still remember these skills. Moreover, the skills that I remember well, I apply in my daily life.

Another situation with books. In my life I have read a lot of business literature and I can say that the skills read in the text are quickly forgotten from memory, especially if they are not applied in practice. Why do you think information is remembered better in a good training? What is the secret of trainings, why are people willing to pay money for training, which can be used to buy several dozen or even hundreds of books?

The secret of training

Emotions are the secret of any good training.... That is why information is remembered better in trainings than in reading books. AND the more emotionally you feel, the better you will remember this event... Everyone knows that TV does not show without an antenna. If you connect a portable antenna, the signal is amplified and the TV starts showing many channels. And if you put the antenna on the roof of the building, then even more channels become available in even better quality. Emotions are like an antenna at the TV, which amplifies the signal, that is, the transmitted information.

Trainings play a big role and help to remember the transmitted information easier than reading books and magazines, especially in the field where it is important to consolidate practical skills. This is achieved due to the fact that emotional, visual and sound components are more involved in trainings thanks to a living storyteller.

Types of trainings

A) Industry trainings, according to your field of activity;

B) Personal growth, aimed at the development of personal qualities, for example, in time management, public speaking, and others.

Go to trainings not only for knowledge, but also to recharge with emotions that will motivate you to new achievements in life.

3. Books

I'll ask a very simple question: "How many books have you read in the last year, month?" Many people answer: "we have no time to read books." Let's be honest. Do you want to live better tomorrow than now? If you didn't want to, then you would not watch this video and read this article. And if you want to live better tomorrow, then the reason is not a lack of time, but a lack of understanding or unwillingness to read books. Right?

Why read books

Publishing a printed book is a costly business, since you have to invest money in layout, preparation, printing, and to get on the bookshelf of an offline store you need useful content, otherwise it will not be bought and, accordingly, will be removed from the store. Due to such difficulties, only the best books usually end up on the shelves of bookstores. Therefore, reading industry books is the foundation of your knowledge.

4. Rule of 30 minutes

We know a huge number of stories of entrepreneurs who went from poverty to the richest people in the world. How do you think, what is the principle behind the growth of an entrepreneur's welfare? The principle is very simple - business investment... The entrepreneur invests part of the profit in equipment, premises, renovation, etc., so that these investments pay off and bring more money in the future. If there is no investment, then there is no growth.

Why do you think you need to spend time on self-development? The contribution of personal time to self-development is an investment in oneself, the scheme is the same as in business, the more we invest, the more profit can be expected in the future. When you spend time on self-development, then your further actions become more thoughtful, more accurate and faster, which means that your investment of time begins to pay off.

In some cases, the time will pay off immediately, in some in a month or even a year. But the principle of payback is inevitable sooner or later. For example, by sharpening knives in the kitchen in 5 minutes, in a week you can recoup the time spent, since sharp knives will cut faster. Also in self-development, spending time studying information, you can recoup this time through more effective and thoughtful actions.

Set aside at least 30 minutes every day. for self-development: reading books, magazines, watching thematic videos. The time of daily self-development depends on the existing baggage of knowledge and the specifics of your industry. But in many areas, it can take more than 1 or even several hours of daily self-development to achieve success.

For maximum effectiveness, engage in self-development during the period of time when you are at your peak of activity. Usually, many people have a peak of activity in the morning, because after sleep a lot of energy. Getting up early, like at 5 a.m., will eliminate distractions and make the most of this time.

5. Fast reading

Think back to your most recent book you read. I'll make a reservation right away that the book should be non-fiction, it can be business literature, a book on a specialty or other informational focus. Remember the most recent book you read?

And now question: "If you were offered to write the content of the book you read, that is, to retell the book, in your own language, then how many pages will it take to write everything that you remember?" Assume this figure at least approximately. Look no further until you mentally estimate the number of pages you will need to retell the content of the last non-fiction book you read.

Appreciated? Let's say you read a 300-page book and remember 3 pages. That is, from memory, you can write 3 pages of text from this book. This means that you memorized only 1% of the information you read from the book. And there is nothing strange in this, because our brain can remember only the most important, there is no point in even reading the secondary, because we will soon forget it anyway.

Reading books completely is very unproductive... Reading books in their entirety is an old habit, from a time when there was a lack of information. My parents told me about the times when books were in short supply. But now in the world, on the contrary, there is an overabundance of information. It is better to read the most important of the 3 books than read the entire book.

Now I will tell you how to find the most important information in any books in order to read only it. The method consists of the following 4 parts:

Stage 1. General information about the book. Read everything on the front and back covers, annotation, introduction, information about the author. Read the entire table of contents and start reading all the headings and subheadings, flipping through the pages, also look at the pictures and read the captions to them. Treat this stage with attention, act at an average pace. Duration: 10-15 minutes. for the whole book. Having studied the general information, it will be much easier to understand which chapters and sections to read in full, and which quickly.

Stage 2. Reading the most important. Always read the headline and subtitle, if they are hooked, then the first paragraph. Often it is in the first one or the first two paragraphs that a brief summary of the content of the subsequent text of the chapter is described. Therefore, it is worth reading the first paragraph almost always and sometimes also the second. If the text in the first and second paragraphs and in the headings is not hooked at all, go to the next heading.

Also always read in bold, italic, image captions... If there are brief conclusions at the end of the chapters, then read them too. Additionally, you can read one random paragraph on each page. While reading, slide your finger under the sentence you are reading, this simple action will help you better focus on the text.

Stage 3. Don't read everything... If you feel that the text is useful, read everything at your usual pace. Some books can be very useful and can be read carefully from cover to cover, but do not neglect the fast reading rule otherwise. If the first one or 2 paragraphs did not hook you, feel free to turn the pages to the next heading, in extreme cases, read one more random paragraph at a time. There is no need to waste time on secondary ones, it is better to read the most important of 2 or 3 books than everything from one.

Stage 4. Reading vertically... If you are reading and understand that this is not text, but solid water, but are still afraid to miss important things, then read vertically. Draw a line in your mind from top to bottom and read one word from each line that crosses the mental vertical line. The rule is: "1 word - 1 line"... This rule will increase the speed of your reading at times and you will not miss important things.

When you come across a very useful thought that can make a big difference in your life. Read it 5-10 times and say the same amount from memory so as not to forget. Then circle it and in the margins of the notes at the end of the book indicate the page number where you circled important text, you can also fold the corners of the pages. And after a few years, you can very quickly recall all the important thoughts of the book in your memory by quickly flipping through it and reading the previously selected fragments. If the book is an e-book, then make a text file with the most important notes and store it in the same folder as the book.

Circle the chapters you have read in full and sign. Also, sign the chapters that you skimmed, i.e. on fast reading technology. It is important to sign the read chapters so that after a few years, you do not read again what has already been read if you need additional information. Also, if you need information from a book you read, you knew where to look for it.

Do not use fast reading in fiction, because the classics are read for pleasure. Fiction should be read at a pace appropriate to your relaxed state in order to rest and disconnect. Don't spoil your enjoyment of fiction with fast reading.

6. The 50/50 rule

We live in an era of consumption, words such as shopping, shopaholic have taken root in our lives. I very often see among friends and relatives how many people buy completely unnecessary things and only because they are cheap. And then these things are moved to the attic or in the closet and lie there until they are thrown away. What you can call it: Buying unnecessary junk.

Think about how much money we spend on unnecessary things? Now think about how much money you invest in yourself to become better, in your self-development? Buying junk and unnecessary things is not a good investment and it reduces both your financial condition and your free time. And investing in self-development is a good investment in your future, which pays off and helps you achieve success faster.

When you develop and gain new knowledge, you understand how to quickly achieve success in the chosen direction. Do you feel the difference? Excessive consumption leads to degradation and stagnation. And investing in your education leads to development and success. This is the difference.

I'll ask a very simple question: Estimate how much money you spend each month on car maintenance, unnecessary shopping, restaurants, entertainment, clubs, alcohol, etc.? Don't read on until you've estimated the value of your entertainment for a month.

Appreciated? Now estimate how much money you invest in your self-development to achieve your goals and achieve success? How many books have you bought and read? How often do you attend trainings, seminars, seek advice from professionals in your field?

In order for life, in addition to pleasures, to be a movement towards success through self-development, balance is necessary. How do you balance entertainment and self-development? Apply the simple and effective 50/50 rule... The 50/50 rule means that when you have money for entertainment: Restaurants, new purchases, improved quality of life, spend as much on your education as on entertainment, i.e. 50% rest and 50% development... This rule can significantly speed up your career and personal growth.

Going shopping? Visit and training. All expenses in half - 50/50... Did you go to a restaurant? Attend a workshop. All expenses in half - 50/50.

7. Audiobooks

Do you know the advantages of an audiobook over an electronic or textbook? It is enough to go to the ozon.ru online store to understand that audiobooks are not in demand. Many people do not even know about the benefits of audiobooks and therefore do not buy them. Now I will tell you more about when to listen to audiobooks and their advantages over textbooks.

Benefits of audiobooks

There are 2 of the most informative channels for obtaining information: visually or through speech. Visual information requires a strong gaze concentration, that is, it is difficult to read, look and simultaneously perform some physical actions. After all, most actions in life require a glance in order to make them correct, accurate and fast. And audio information does not require any concentration of gaze; you can perform habitual physical actions and simultaneously receive information through hearing. Therefore, in the car, they listen to the radio, not the TV, because in order for the driver's actions to be correct, one needs to concentrate on the road.

This is the difference between audiobooks and textbooks: When you read, there are very few things that can be done in parallel, since most physical actions require a glance. AND when you listen to an audiobook, you can do a large number of physical actions in parallel... Thus, you can combine 2 things at once: physical actions and listening to an audiobook.

For example, you can cook food and listen to an audiobook. You can disassemble the table and listen to an audiobook. Any physical activity: cleaning, repairing, cooking, playing sports, etc. can be done in parallel while listening to an audiobook.

How to listen to audiobooks

The question may seem very simple, but still I will ask you. The question is: "How do you listen to music when you are walking down the street?" Answer: "you put on headphones and walk while listening to music." With audiobooks, do the same as with music - if you are walking, then you can also listen to audiobooks through headphones by downloading them to your player or phone. Second question: "How to listen to music in society so as not to disturb others?" Answer: "Through headphones." Do the same with audiobooks. When people are near you, you can listen to audiobooks with headphones so as not to disturb them.

Text to sound

And now I will share with you a unique idea that few people know about. Do you think it is possible to turn an electronic text book into an audiobook, i.e. translate text into sound? You probably know that pieces of music are played from notes. Also, an audiobook can be made from text. The question will arise: "So you need someone to read the book out loud?" I will answer: “No. The book will be read by a computer at a speed hundreds of times faster than a human reading speed.

And now, how to make an audiobook from text. You need to install 2 programs: "Balabolka" and "Govorilka". You copy the text into the program and it creates music files that you can listen to. Thus, it becomes possible to listen to all recordings electronically. Personally, I create audiobooks from textbooks using the Govorilka program, but first I install the Balabolka program, since it has the engine necessary for the Govorilka program to work.

8. Choose the best books

To get the most out of your reading experience, only prioritize the best books. How do you choose the best book? Take a look at a large online store, for example, ozon.ru, where there is a rating of books among readers, sort the books by popularity and proceed to further selection:

- Read the table of contents (for most books, the first pages are posted on the site for informational purposes);

- Read reviews of the book;

Try to find out how long does the author write, the bigger, the better

Make sure that author familiar not only with theory, but also in practice, I myself have studied this issue well... If the author has no practical experience, then think: Can you be taught karate by a coach who has read 1000 books on martial arts, but did not participate in competitions?

- Rate if there is any practical advice in the book... If there is no practice, then such a book may be useless. For example, imagine you want to start your own business and you have 2 books in front of you: One is a professor of economics who has never been an entrepreneur, and the other is written by a real entrepreneur and contains practical recommendations. Which book will you buy? There are many areas of activity where, without practical experience, it is impossible to understand the real order of affairs. Theory without practice is like learning karate from a book on the couch.

9. Speed \u200b\u200breading courses

Speed \u200b\u200breading skill becomes more important every day, as the amount of information in the world increases. The principle of speed reading is to choose what is important and not read the rest. The point is that there is not enough time to read all the books of interest, so it makes sense to learn the most important of several books than to read everything from a single one.

Of course, you can master speed reading without courses, but compared to courses or training, individual study can seem boring and difficult and you will interrupt this initiative. The courses will be more interesting than studying yourself. The use of speed reading makes sense in non-fiction literature. Therefore, if you are reading classical works for pleasure, you should not break the harmony by speed reading.

10. Exhibitions

Visit all thematic exhibitions, where you can meet the most successful companies and learn from their experience. Come up and be interested in the technologies used, you can even not hide that you are doing the same, but consider everyone as a partner. because if you cannot fulfill the order, you will be able to recommend your partner or cooperate as with a subcontractor on mutually beneficial terms.

The peculiarity of the exhibitions is that in one place you can communicate with the top officials of the enterprises. Many directors and heads of companies are personally present at exhibitions and communicate with visitors. Besides invaluable conversation experience, you can find a business partner.

11. Coaching or personal consultation

This is individual training from a specialist in a specific field. If a specialist can really teach something, then this is one of the most effective methods of self-development, since you can find out details that are not described in books and magazines, that is, reveal the topic of interest to you more deeply.

And what is very important, to get a competent look from the outside, because a person makes many mistakes, due to excessive self-confidence in his innocence, because in many situations it is harder for us to admit our mistakes than to go down the wrong path. From the side of the error, it is always more visible.

12. Read the most relevant at the moment

Gone are the days when books were scarce and information was scarce. Now, on the contrary, there is an overabundance of information. Many people have a huge amount of unread books on their bookshelves. You shouldn't read books or magazines from start to finish. Choose only the chapters that interest you and read only them. Our the brain is designed so that it better remembers the information that we need now... And the more information we need at the moment, the better we will remember it.

There is also a feedback, many people read all sections in books and magazines, with the hope that it may be useful in the future. But remembering the principle of the brain, we can say with confidence that such reading is not productive, since we poorly remember information that we do not need now and, moreover, we will not apply in the near future, that is, we will not consolidate it in practice. It looks like a container of water with a hole, no matter how much water you pour into the container, it will still drain and the work will be in vain.

Especially a large surplus of potentially unnecessary information is found in glossy magazines. It should be remembered that by reading an unhelpful article, we are missing out on time that could have been spent reading another more useful one.

13. Conferences, seminars, master classes

In many areas of activity, conferences, seminars, master classes are regularly held. Participation in such events may be free of charge. Information about upcoming events can be found at samopoznanie.ru and vsetreningi.ru

Additionally, you can type phrases in the search engine:

- "Conferences + class. Phrase"

- "Seminars + class. Phrase"

- "Master classes + class. Phrase"

Where "cl. The phrase "can be the following:" the name of your city "," the subject of your activity. " For example "conferences on psychology" or "seminars in Samara".

14. Industry magazines

These are magazines dedicated to your activity. They can publish new ideas, successful examples of implementation. Interviews with other professionals will help you gain invaluable knowledge very quickly. Subscribe to industry magazines to stay on top of new ideas and opportunities in an ever-changing world.

You can find out what industry magazines exist by visiting an industry exhibition, there are usually pavilions with thematic literature. And also they can be found on the Internet by typing in the search the phrase "magazine" + key queries on your topic, for example: "magazine for construction", "magazine for fireplaces", etc.

15. Educational video courses

There are a huge number of training courses on the Internet, which are a series of lessons in text or video formats. These are the so-called tutorials. The advantages of video training courses are that the information is prepared by a specialist in his field and is structured, so you do not need to waste time searching from different sources.

Self-study guides are free - as a rule, this is a small demo version so that you can evaluate the level of a specialist and paid ones, they contain the most complete information. Courses are distributed on dvd disks or downloaded from the authors' sites.

Video tutorials differ from books in that they focus on practice. For example, a photoshop course contains video tutorials in which the author shows on video all his actions at the computer, which is much easier to understand than reading such information from a book.

Here are examples of sites on which you can find a huge number of training courses, including free ones: info-hit.ru, video-kursov.net. You can find other sites if you type in the search engine: "Video tutorials".

16. Blogs, sites

Many leading experts have their own blogs, where they share their opinions and notes. Find and view blogs of experts on your topic, many have the opportunity to subscribe to updates.

17. Forums

If you have questions about your field of activity, then many of them, especially of a technical nature, can be solved by writing about them on the forum. Thematic forums on the Internet are an excellent opportunity to quickly resolve issues of concern in many areas.

18. Online consultation

To get an advanced answer to your question, you can use a paid consultation. There are special services that represent a huge number of specialists in various fields. There you can get both free and paid consultation.

To find such sites, type in the search engine the phrase "online consultation". The advantages of such services are that you can quickly find a reputable expert, see reviews, his past answers, work experience and much more, which is very important to agree. An example of online consultation: liveexpert.ru

19. Mailing directories

Many people may have associations associated with spam. In fact, mailing directories are not associated with spam. To receive letters from the mailing catalog, you must subscribe. There will be no letters without a subscription, and if you need to unsubscribe, you can always do it very simply - by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link, in a letter or in your personal account of the mailing catalog.

Many reputable experts conduct their email campaigns. A large number of these authoritative specialists conduct thematic mailings on special services. Namely, on these services you can find and subscribe to a huge number of industry mailings in just one evening. There are 2 of the most popular email marketing services with a huge number of reputable experts: smartresponder.ru and subscribe.ru. Just go to these services in the "mailings" section, then "catalog" and subscribe to the most interesting for you.

You can even subscribe to all thematic mailings. And when I receive letters from the authors, it will be very easy to refuse - by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link, in a letter or in the personal account of the mailing catalog. By receiving thematic mailings from experts, you will be able to keep abreast of new trends in your field of activity, as well as gain invaluable knowledge from experts in their field.

20. Social networks

Almost all bloggers and influencers have social media accounts. Social networks will allow you not only to find out about the latest publications of the author, but also to follow his life. The lifestyle of successful people will help anyone to learn from this experience and quickly improve their own lives.

So that you have a reference point to strive for - subscribe to the news of the most authoritative experts in your field on social networks, add them as friends. And now you will have the opportunity to learn in much more detail from which building blocks success in your activity is built.

To find authoritative specialists in your field, go to an online bookstore, you can also find the same ozon.ru and find books in your industry, list the authors of these books. Now, by typing in the search engine, the names of the authors, you can find their accounts in social. networks. Subscribe to all reputable social media professionals. networks.

There are also thematic groups on social networks. You can find thematic groups using the group search, which is available in almost all social networks. networks. Enter keywords related to your field of activity in the search bar of a social network and join the most interesting groups to keep abreast of interesting materials and the latest news.

21. Youtube

A huge number of reputable professionals create videos. The video format in many areas of activity allows you to better convey the essence of the matter. There are authors who make excellent educational videos, but do not write articles, so the information on video hosting may be unique and cannot be skipped, because it may not exist elsewhere.

You can find authoritative specialists in the same way as in social media. networks by typing keywords related to your industry in youtube search. The video will allow you to combine several things at once, for example, you can watch and do another thing at the same time. For example, watching a thematic video is. Or play sports and watch videos. Find and subscribe to reputable youtube channels.

P.S. If you have any difficulties or questions about the article you have read, as well as on the topics: Psychology (bad habits, experiences, etc.), sales, business, time management, etc. ask me, I will try to help. Consultation via skype is also possible.

P.P.S. You can also take an online training "How to get 1 hour of extra time". Write comments, your additions;)

Subscribe by email

I recently had an idea to create and publish on my blog self-development plan, which will include a number of consecutive steps. Each of these steps will consist of theory, in the form of material that you need to read and practice - some "homework" that you need to do as your training. It will be like a game: you go through one level and go to the next. As you progress through these steps, you will change, develop your skills, deal with your weaknesses, and solve personal problems.

All this is free and online, all materials can be found on the links on this site. You can subscribe to the site (form under the article) to learn about the appearance of each new step. No one will control you, but it is welcomed if you, in the comments to each step, describe your impressions, successes or ask questions that I am only happy with and will be happy to answer them. It will be better if you show some kind of activity and are interested, write in the comments and ask about what is not clear or say what you disagree with.

Why am I doing this? Let's tell you, so, firstly:

Not sure where to start?

This program is designed for those who want to develop, but have no idea where to start and what he needs to do and what to read. A personal development plan guides you through the pages of my blog, tells you in which order to read them, and offers fun self-assessment and practice methods.

Lacking motivation?

Everyone knows that it is quite difficult to force yourself to purposefully work on yourself: to break your habits, correct shortcomings ... It is much easier to do this when you have a ready-made plan in front of your eyes. The tasks of the initial steps of the program are not very difficult for any person, they are easy to perform. This will help you move forward on the intended course, and not give up everything, barely starting.

Efficiency considerations

This plan will streamline your work with this site. Of course, you can read articles in any chaotic sequence, but it is much more effective to go through them in a clearly organized order, in addition, each step will offer practical exercises, which I will try to make as fun and interesting as possible: with the help of them you will consolidate and work out the material covered ...

Do you have to follow the plan?

Not necessarily, you can forget about it and read the articles in any order. I only offer a choice, just as Julio Cortazar, author of the postmodern novel The Classics Game, did: he gave the reader the opportunity to choose the order of reading the chapters, either use the author's order or read in the order the reader chooses. So I say: read my site as you like, but if you do not know where to start, how to continue, how to check yourself and understand whether you are on the right path, then it is better to follow this plan.

You may be able to skip some steps if you find that they are not necessary for you. For example, the step “fighting bad habits” can be skipped if you do not have such habits.

Steps structure

Each step will consist of theory, this is actually what you will need to read. Practices are what you have to do. And optional, what to do / read is desirable, but not necessary. There will be a conclusions section. This is just the content of the theory in a condensed form so that you all remember and consolidate.

Features of publishing steps.

I have just started to develop the idea of \u200b\u200ba plan for personal self-development, so all steps will not be published immediately, the output of each new step after the previous one will take some time until I prepare it. How many steps there will be - I still cannot say, and not because I was too lazy to calculate it in advance, but because there may not be a limit: I myself am in the process of self-development, I move on to new abstract "steps" and then, what I do not know yet or cannot formulate today, tomorrow it will become clear to me, and the day after tomorrow it will appear on my website as recommendations.

Since self-development is a dynamic process, a process in which I myself am involved with you and, because it is very long (probably lasts a lifetime), it is not possible to communicate the finite number of steps now.

What to expect from the program?

But nevertheless, taking the initial steps and following the recommendations can significantly change you for the better or outline the right guidelines that you will follow on the path to achieving happiness, well-being and harmony. Of course, I cannot promise that each of these steps will help you achieve your goals and immediately solve your problems. These steps can only raise you to a new level of understanding, push and put you on the right path, help you get rid of prejudices and dispel the veil of illusions, and then everything will depend on you, you yourself will act.

I can't promise instant results. Just as I cannot lead you to the very end, I can only show the way, the rest will be decided by yourself only later, each for himself, already proceeding from his own characteristics, because everything is individual. But I will try to give you some "base" that should suit everyone, it will help you to reveal part of your potential, perceive yourself and the world more consciously and soberly, clearly set your goals and not deviate from your life course. This is something with which it will be much easier and happier for you to live, something that will open up new horizons for you for self-development and the implementation of your personal life plan, which will make your life the way you want it to be.

Step one. Self-development plan for the year

Here is a rough plan of how to change your life in 365 days. Naturally, this is just a template. Each person is individual, so this plan can be shortened or, conversely, supplemented.

So here we go! Before you 365 days, during which you must change your life.

Spend the first month working on self-discovery.

What is self-knowledge? Self-knowledge is understanding yourself as a person. It begins in infancy and continues throughout life, being formed under the influence of the external world and the knowledge of the inner "I". Self-knowledge is peculiar only to man. It helps to answer the questions: "Who am I?", "Why do I live?", "What is the meaning of life?", "Why don't I develop relationships with loved ones?"

Self-knowledge is more inherent in creative and thinking people. Without the torment of self-knowledge, there would be no brilliant scientists, actors, artists. But ordinary people also turn to self-knowledge when they find themselves in a crisis life situation. Assessing the circumstances, a person tries to understand himself, to understand what could lead him to this problem, looks for the motives of his actions and as a result finds a way out of this black life streak.

To find your true self, honestly answer the following questions:

What do I know about myself?

What do I think of myself?

How do I rate myself?

How do I feel about myself?

My real self-image: what am I really like?

My ideal self-image: what would I like to be?

Mirror image of me: what do others think of me?

Study the exercise "The Jogari Window: Looking Inward." Find your strengths and weaknesses. Make a plan for what you need to change in yourself.

Second month - goal setting. Human thinking is different from animal instinctual thinking. A person thinks about the meaning of life, tries to find his purpose. Therefore, in order to make your life meaningful, filled with meaning, you need to set true goals for yourself. The goals will be your guiding star. A separate chapter of our book will help you in setting goals.

The third month is a way out of your comfort zone. To change your life, you need to acquire new knowledge, new life experience and skills. All this can be mastered only if you leave the usual comfort zone, which limits personal growth. In our book, an entire chapter is devoted to how to change your comfort zone.

The fourth month should be devoted to mastering the science of time management - time management. To achieve your goals, you just need to learn how to properly allocate time. The life of modern people has become like an endless race: a nervous and long road to service, study, production, emergency work, part-time work. The time for personal life never comes. As a result, at the finish of this race, instead of tempting prizes, runners will experience nervous breakdowns, fatigue, and depression. If this life scenario does not suit you, then listen very carefully to the chapter of our book on time management.

Changing your life, you should also change your image. Dedicate this fifth month of your work on yourself. Change your personal space so that it is comfortable and enjoyable for you. Using the teachings of feng shui, put in the house "material" and "energetic" order. Study the theory of image and work to ensure that your inner state matches your appearance.

When changing your image, ask yourself questions: why should you change your image? Why did your appearance cease to suit you? Perhaps you have already changed your social status, made a leap forward in your career. Or maybe, on the contrary, it is worth changing your image in order to position yourself more expensively, create the necessary reputation, name? A correctly set goal or motive will help you find the right way to change your appearance.

You can use another exercise.

Take a piece of paper, divide it into three columns. In the first column, write down what qualities you want to possess (for example, you want to become a brighter personality, more relaxed, or, conversely, businesslike). In the second column, write down what you are missing to look like this. In the third column, write how you can fix it. If your knowledge is not enough, you can turn to stylists.

But don't make superficial changes. A business suit will not turn you into a businessman or a business person, and a Gucci dress will not turn you into a socialite. You should not enter the image without having an inner attitude for this.

Sixth month - we study material on creating positive thinking. The ability to think positively is the path to freedom, success, new life, and personal growth. Each person can be loved, successful and happy. What we have with you today is the result of our yesterday's thinking. Our future is the result of our thinking today. That is why, if we want to change our life for the better, it is simply necessary to learn positive thinking. After all, it is the positive, optimistic mood of our thoughts that evokes positive emotions and feelings. And those, in turn, have a great effect on our health, energy, help to launch even the most, at first glance, unrealizable desires into life.

Learning to think positively is a huge work. Both our ancestors and our contemporaries wrote about how to master this science. Even religions teach people not to indulge in despondency, considering it a great sin. A lot of useful information about the development of positive thinking is outlined in the books of Jose Silva, Elizabeth Hach and Robert Dilts. Read them.

Seventh month. Six months of your training has passed, allow yourself a rest. Rethink what you learned. Relax and enjoy life, pleasant moments.

Eighth month. Review your personal relationships, assess the strengths and weaknesses in them, maybe it's time to change something in them?

Relationships between people can be compared to a living organism that needs constant care. This is an area of \u200b\u200blife where responsibility for what is happening is valued equally between partners. There can be no struggle in a relationship. If you win, then the partner loses, therefore, the relationship also loses. But if the relationship wins, both partners win.

You need to learn to build relationships by working on yourself. It is impossible to make your partner happy or unhappy, because not in all areas of his life you will influence and help him, and even more so, you cannot change a loved one. Some still manage to sculpt their idea out of a life partner, but this does not bring happiness to the partner, therefore, it does not bring happiness and relationships.

Relationships between people are an indicator of a person's inner world. If the relationship began to go wrong, then the breakdown has occurred within you. Your partner is your mirror. Before making a complaint to your companion, look at yourself from the outside. If a person is harmonious on the inside, it means that in relations with others, he has agreement. As you work on your qualities, observe the reactions of your life partner. If it starts to change, it means that your work on yourself is going in the right direction.

And remember, do not transfer career problems to personal relationships. If the negative received at work is taken out in the family, then the result will be problems in both spheres of life.

Take the ninth month to study meditation. Millions of events take place every second in our vast world. New stars light up, the wind drives waves across the ocean, birds flutter from branch to branch, or just snowflakes fall from the sky. All things, both large and tiny, become part of the moment and merge into a single whole. And you and I are also a part of this moment. Learn to live by appreciating the present moment. Don't miss it. Only by appreciating every second lived, we will realize the fullness of life and get a chance to move forward.

Master some simple meditations this month to learn how to taste life. For example, if time starts to run away from you, breathe. Just take a deep breath, exhale. Feel the air fill your lungs. Pay attention to other senses: sight, hearing, touch. Listen to the world around you. How many sounds in it! This is the noise of engines, and the singing of birds, and the splash of water, the creak of trees, the hum of aircraft. Learn to appreciate every second of your life!

Tenth month. During this period, it is worth practicing generosity and learning to forgive insults. Many of us associate the word “generosity” with material donations. But this is far from the case. Let's think about whether generosity is love?

If a person loves, then he is generous in his actions. He sees who needs his money, time, attention, care, and shares all this. Generosity is rooted in heartfelt desire, openness, compassion, and listening. By gifting others, we show how we value and love them.

You can donate not only something material, but also your time, your care, just a kind word. Oftentimes, the other person just needs to be heard. And you, having spent your time talking with him and saying kind words at the same time, give the person hope and help.

There can be no good family relations without generosity. And don't think that when I get rich, I will be more generous and attentive. Don't live tomorrow. Your care is needed by your loved ones today and, perhaps, right now. Spend more time with your closest people.

And if it happens that you have been offended, then learn the art of forgiveness. Many of us do not understand why traitors, offenders, and liars should be forgiven. But forgiveness is the liberation of oneself from the burden on the soul. While the resentment sits inside you, it has tremendous power over you, makes you suffer, constantly turns on unpleasant emotions inside you, does not give you the opportunity to enjoy life. And if a person carries an insult in his soul for many years, then his body is in constant stress, the insult destroys a person from the inside, causing strokes, heart attacks, and illness.

Your abuser will dominate you until you forgive him.

What does it mean to forgive? Forgiveness is acceptance of the situation that has occurred, sometimes contrary to your attitudes. After all, you cannot change what happened, but it is in your power to change your attitude to what happened. When you forgive an offender, you forgive yourself, rather than admit that your opponent is right. This does not at all impose on you obligations in the sense that your relationship should remain at the same level. As you forgive, you release the grievances of the past, finding the energy for new life.

Try this exercise. Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Imagine that you are on the shore of a warm sea, sand under your feet, and waves are splashing nearby. Relax and without tension remember the old childhood resentment that still sits in your soul. Think of that little resentful kid. Mentally take this child in your arms and try to calm him down, convincing him that you will always be there now and do not give him offense. The kid will start smiling harder and harder. But he smiles inside you, freeing you from the old childhood resentment. Say goodbye to the baby and open your eyes. Repeat this exercise several times and you will feel better.

And for the future, adopt the rule: one must live without offense. Moreover, a person cannot be offended, he is always offended himself.

Now the eleventh month has come, it's time to start studying financial literacy. Although you are learning the science of self-development, financial well-being is still a must. Without money, a person cannot fulfill not only his desires and dreams, but also purely physiological needs. Calm yourself with the thought that you are living no worse than others is not worth it. Achieving financial independence is a very difficult matter, especially since parents do not teach it, do not go to school, and there is no single recipe for success and wealth. Start your financial literacy education with family budgeting. This will give you the opportunity to spend your budget with maximum benefit. Draw a table and indicate in it a list of items of your income, in another column - expenses. Compare the numbers. Maybe it's worth somewhere to cut costs or optimize them. Think about where you can invest your remaining money. Study the literature on budgeting and spending. Once you've made a schedule, learn to stick to it strictly.

Ahead is the last, twelfth, month of your training. Month of summing up and drawing up a plan for the next year. Evaluate your achievements, what have you managed, what is still worth working on, what to learn?

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