Linguistic flair: talent or skill? How to learn to "feel" the English language What is a flair for the language

Test name. Language sense test

purpose. This test is designed to study the level of language flair of the subjects. This is not a Russian language test. Moreover, this is not a literature test. Linguistic flair means a clear understanding of the meaning of the words of Russian speech and possession of its various nuances. Linguistic flair is formed both under the influence of cultural enrichment and under the influence of communicative experience.
This test can be used both for the purposes of the personal growth of the subject, and for the purposes of professional selection. In the context of professional selection, this test can be called a communicative test, because it is aimed at assessing the risks of barriers to communication. A high or normal level of language sense is recommended for Human-to-Human occupations. This test, together with other communication tests, can be very useful for selecting persons who should become the "face of the company": assistant secretaries, account managers, PR specialists, etc.
This test consists of 46 short quotations taken from Russian literary classics. In each quote, one (and only one!) word is missing, which the subject must guess. Quotes are selected in a special way. Tasks of varying degrees of difficulty. The probability that one person can solve all the tasks is almost negligible. The specificity of the test is such that the subject's answers can be influenced by the factor of chance (luck / bad luck). Nevertheless, a sufficiently large number of tasks nullifies the effect of the random factor.

Assessed qualities. Linguistic flair


The subject is given a form with tasks, which contains gaps. The gaps should be large enough for the subject to fill in one word ten letters long. Test time: 25 minutes.

Instruction. You now have to take a test aimed at examining the level of your language flair. This is not a test for knowledge of the Russian language. If you do not remember how to spell a particular word, then write as you think is best. This is not a literature test, although you will have to work with quotations taken from the classics of Russian literature. You are required to insert a missing word in the text of each task. In one task, one and only one word is missing. The next task will have a different word. The missing word is indicated as follows: __________________. It is not necessary to know the cited works. You are required to GUESS which word is missing. Do not stay long on one task. You are given time: 25 minutes. Good luck!


1. What was it like for her, directly and without preparation, to hear that ____________, the last of the kind, Prince Myshkin, about whom she had already heard something, was nothing more than a miserable idiot and almost a beggar, and was accepting alms for poverty.
2. And a proud motherly smile slightly touched her colorless, dried lips ... From that night in ____________ it became ill.
3. It dawned on Davydov: with his right hand he pulled out a knife, with his left sleeve he wiped the profuse sweat on his forehead and with such accentuated attention began to turn and examine the knife, as if he had seen it ____________ in life.
4. Since it is difficult to meet the Yepanchins ____________, Nastasya Filippovna, once putting the prince in her carriage, ordered to drive with him past the very windows of their dacha.
5. "Fearless, ____________!" - thought Semyon, leaving the hall. In winter, the large cold hall in the Ostrovnovskiy kuren was unoccupied.
6. In this importance one could now see only the boundlessness and, perhaps, even the naivete of her respect for ____________, which she undertook to convey.
7. ... and my daughters pouted, but I don't give a damn about them..." - "Oh Nastya, ____________ you are boring with your eternal details!" "Yes ____________ you are impatient! Well, we left the table.
8. He rarely met with the Turks, Yes, he didn’t like __________ painfully, Although rarely, yes, he beat him aptly at each meeting.
9. There were acquaintances abroad, - ____________, merchant Rukavishnikov, - they told me ... Yes, I can figure it out without Rukavishnikov.
10. -- ____________ I didn't think about it before? - objected Zinaida Pavlovna, - but I was somehow sorry to leave Lisa, - the girl loved me very much.
11. .. cold-cold! .." The hooks trembled, rose into ____________, then again sank into the water. - Shove him.
12. Here ____________ happened: Azamat ran in there in a torn beshmet, saying, ____________ Kazbich wanted to kill him.
13. And with terrible clarity he understood how terrible and irretrievably ___________ this man of all human things, to which he had the same right as kings in their chambers, as saints in their cells.
14. Can you imagine, Shura? Do not yield! Mulattos, bay, coffee export, so to speak, coffee dumping, Charleston called "My girl has one little ____________" and.
15. By the way, the test subject is here and, if ____________ to the respected assembly, can be presented for inspection and examination.
16. The chairman must know everything, a fact! Everything to the bottom! And suddenly Davydov felt Varya's hand trembling under his fingers, her step became ____________, as if stumbling, and immediately a short sob was heard.
17. But, groaning ____________ white and clean in the sand, large as pigs, potatoes, groaned and ____________ bags that had to be turned many times before being sent from the island, not to mention how to deliver them to the place.
18. ____________ everything was going well, they wrote proclamations, propagandized in the factories, but then they seized one outstanding personality, seized the papers and began to take everyone.
19. - Be patient, Yegorushka ... dear. We'll get to the hospital in a moment... - Don't cry, - Egor asked quietly, without opening ____________.
20. Therefore - over a person, ____________ knows his own worth, life has no power! -- Wow! how proud you are.
21. The heart is full of strength ... and there is no ____________ dark in it ... - Sofya Pavlovna! Thomas exclaimed softly.
22. -- The blind man said: "We'll see!" - Davydov answered cheerfully, driving the horses with the reins. - Are you not shy? - And what ____________? There are only twelve of them or a little more.
23. No, you see, he needs to come up with something weirder than that! Forest silence! Where is she here? And he will take ____________, draw a forest silence and sign: "Table with an orange."
24. - I went to the defendant, and ____________ in the corridor these people surrounded and asked ... - Which defendant did you go to? - A peasant who is innocently accused and to whom I invited a defender.
25. How the heart of ____________ was breaking!.. She was carefree, like a blue distance, Like a sleeping swan, it seemed; Who knows, maybe there was sadness.
26. In ____________ face and even in the position of ____________ of the body, this naivety was somehow reflected, this faith, which does not suspect either ridicule or humor.
27. The loss of time was huge. Tired bulls, in order to ____________ before the watering place and return to the camp, it took almost two hours, and during this period it would be possible to plow or cover up more than one hectare.
28. If there was a tenth, I would indicate the tenth. Seems like an empty case. Need to quit. ____________ Well, they tested it in all places, but it didn’t work out.
29. Well, it happened that the wolves attacked the leader in the forest and it was completely bitten, but the bear, as it moves, this and that, ____________ scattered the flock.
30. Oh no, no! She will tell ____________ how dear and close he is to her, she will find words that cannot be resisted.
31. Probably, he had already gone far from that place and was exhausted again. The shots from behind died down, and he, ____________ to silence, thought with vague relief that, apparently, everything was already over there.
32. In the evening, before the beginning of the cell meeting, as soon as the frowning Makar entered, Davydov first of all ____________: - Have you thought about it? - I thought about it.
33. Well, they got stronger. - If, - says the youngest, - all ____________ household is sold to the thread, then half will not run up.
34. Opposite at the table, Sotnikov breathed restlessly in a dream, who should have been more securely arranged, but ____________ needed a hostess.
35. ... I, however, do not force you to listen! .. With trembling hands, he opened the package, took out several sheets of note paper, finely written, ____________ them in front of him and began to straighten them.
36. .. - The secretary pulled out a graphed sheet from the table, squinting, slid his eyes over it and at once ____________ crimson paint.
37. Most of all, he was afraid of turning from a partner into a burden, although he knew that, if the worst happened, the way out for himself ____________ himself, without burdening anyone.
38. Khizhnyak, as Andrei expected, was in the premises of the security platoon, on the back of the building. Sitting near the kitchen, he ____________ tea and talked with an elderly fighter-cook, his fellow countryman.
39. ____________ flew in a fiery storm, the huts caught fire. - Now everything is all right, - said Arkhip, - how does it burn, huh? tea, it's nice to watch from Pokrovsky.
40. “Go,” she said, “to your Lyalya and give her this rubbish. By the way, with her ____________ listen to that disgusting opera cacophony that I hate so much.”
41. He entered Batum blindly seeing nothing ____________. His position was the worst. Five thousand kilometers from home, with twenty rubles in my pocket, to get to my native city was positively impossible.
42. The Cossacks saw all this, only not one of them came down to look for me: they probably thought that I had killed myself to death, and I heard how they rushed to catch my ____________.
43. He interrupted his speech and defiantly went to the ashtray with a chewed cigarette in his hand. His gait is ____________ sprawling.
44. So if we ____________ standing by the same villages or farms, it will turn out to be nonsense. - Understandably.
45. It negatively affects the brain. For twenty rubles, we may be able to get to Stalingrad. And what money to eat? Vitamins, dear comrade leader, ____________ are not given to anyone.
46. ​​And now they are waiting for them every minute ... But now we have come to the house. Andriy had already seen a house from a distance, unlike the others and, as it seemed, built by some ____________ Italian.

Results processing

Count the number of correct answers. To do this, use the following key.

One point is awarded for each correct answer. This test does not assess writing accuracy. Therefore, words that are spelled incorrectly but match the key are considered the correct answer and are evaluated for a full score. Examples: "uncertain", "covered himself", "around". Words that are close in meaning, but do not match the key, are not considered the correct answer and are evaluated at 0 points. Examples: "devil" (need "damn"), "free" ("free"), "said" ("asked").

32-46 points. High level of linguistic flair. Such a person can safely recommend all those types of professional activities where increased requirements are placed on the quality of speech. A person is not just a native speaker - he is also its engine, which develops and enriches the Russian language.

22-31 points. Normal level of language flair. It can be assumed that the subject is well-read and accurately expresses his thoughts. For him, the Russian language is both a friend and an important tool. It is even possible that the subject writes or speaks with errors, but he is a real native speaker of the Russian language. The Russian language does not interfere, but helps him to establish contacts with other people, allows him to understand and be understood.

    Linguistic flair- a sense of language, style, thanks to which the individual seeks to express his thoughts stylistically, competently and undiminished, unconventionally and experiences specific awkwardness, noticing the speech errors of the interlocutor, subtly feels the slightest speech, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    In Indo-European languages, the main part of a word, repeated invariably or with minor changes in a number of etymologically related (that is, similar in sound terms and close in meaning) words. K., at the same time, is a carrier ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Aya, oh. adj. to language (in 3 and 4 digits). language phenomena. Linguistic flair. Linguistic relationship... Small Academic Dictionary

    LINGUAL, linguistic, linguistic. adj. to language in 3 and 4 digits. Linguistic flair. language fact. language phenomena. language system. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Bible. The word bible comes from the Greek. byblos book words. B. is a collection of 66 individual books. For B.'s interpretation, see Holy Scripture. I. OLD TESTAMENT 1) COMPOSITION OF THE OT. In present OT time is a collection of 39 works of various lit. ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

    - (1889 1945) humorist writer All people are divided into two categories: those who have the habit of dividing all people into two categories, and those who do not have such a habit. For a professional writer, the biggest hindrance is the need to change the tape in the writing ... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Directions of style- Like any science with a complex object of study and a fairly long history of existence, stylistics is not limited to one area of ​​research, but includes several scientific areas. Known attempts to systematize ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    classic- a, m. classique m. German Klassiker, lat. classicus first-class, exemplary. 1. Follower, representative of classicism in literature and art. BAS 1. [Bookinist:] Before, it used to be just the classics, but the last one, but now it’s for nothing ... ...

    normalizer- a, m. normaliser. Correct, corresponding to the norm, is recognized that which does not hurt the hearing of the normalizer; the same thing that his linguistic instinct rejects is declared non-normative, no matter how authoritative and revered the classic writer is. E. F. Petrishcheva K ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    normative- and I. oh. normatif, German. normative 1. Setting the norm, standards; defining the rules. Normative grammar. ALS 1. Normative view of language (establishing rules of thumb). Ush. 1938. Correct, corresponding to the norm ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language


  • Gift for a first grader (set of 6 audio books), . Cheerful musical and poetic programs of L. A. Yartova develop memory, logic, thinking, fantasy, speech and ear for music. They will help children in a playful, entertaining way to increase ... audiobook
  • Who came up with this name for the crocodile - Crocodile? , Hope Foss. Book about animals for children of primary school age. On the material of various texts, the manual improves the skills of oral and written speech, expands vocabulary, teaches how to work with ...

What is the sense of language? Definitions and definitions

"Sense of language is a phenomenon of intuitive language proficiency, manifested in the understanding and use of idiomatic, lexical, stylistic and other constructions even before the purposeful mastery of the language in teaching.

It is a generalization at the level of primary generalization without prior conscious isolation of the elements included in this generalization.

It is formed as a result of spontaneous mastery of speech and basic cognitive operations. Provides control and evaluation of the correctness and familiarity of language constructs. A source: Psychological Dictionary)
"A literate person has a special linguistic flair. Therefore, without remembering the rules, he finds the right solution in a split second. How?

A literate person does not know the rules, but the logic of spelling and feels it as a kind of vague "sense of language". Where does it come from? First of all, from the experience of long-term use of the language: reading, writing. In this case, the brain is forced to process a huge amount of linguistic information in its sound and graphic display.

The peculiarity of the work of our brain is that everything unnecessary and non-repeating is gradually eliminated and the main thing remains - what is repeated - logic. Compact logical models control the choice of the desired letter or punctuation mark. Compactness generates speed - hence the feeling of innate literacy, when a person writes correctly without thinking about how he does it. In the same infrequent cases when doubt arises, logical models guide the search for the correct option and find it. A source: Russian language courses and Russian literacy courses -

Sense of language - articles and websites

“Sense of language” is the key to learning and improving any language, including your native language (
M. Shestov's method from the Guinness Book.
The concept of “innate literacy” has long entered our lives, but how much it has the right to life is a moot point. There are no people who can read and write from birth, so where does innate literacy come from ?! The concept of "innate literacy" is applicable when a person, without thinking about the rules of grammar and spelling, speaks and writes correctly.

There are many courses that position themselves as "innate literacy" courses, but ... by attending them, you will encounter an intensive study of grammar.

What to do for those who cannot, on a subconscious level, speak and write without errors? Are there really only two ways out: to cram the rules or go all your life with the stigma of an illiterate person?

“Innate literacy” is, first of all, the ability to feel the language. “Sense of Language” is inherent in every person. First of all, it depends on the environment that surrounds you; more precisely - from the society in which you most often find yourself. We automatically imitate the pronunciation and articulation of the people around us. Pay attention to how different the speech of different segments of the population is. Moreover, the difference is not only in the vocabulary, but also in the very way of pronouncing both individual words and expressions in general.

Often, about a student who does not know the rules, but writes quite competently, we say that he has a sense of the language, while we mean his intuition, flair. But there are not so many people with an innate linguistic instinct, and if we assume that everyone has it, then it means that it needs to be awakened, developed, educated.

A sense of language is a sense of the word, and to develop a sense of the word, i.e. to arouse love for him and interest, it is impossible without introducing students to the texts of works of art, to the best examples of masters of prose and poetry.

The linguist says that the study of foreign languages ​​sharpens the sense of the language - and of one's own in the first place: “This is an educational tool. It is especially important to study the grammar and idioms of a foreign language. Russian literature itself was brought up on the study of Church Slavonic and Latin, and in ancient times - Greek. The main drawback of modern literature is a flawed sense of language.

Perfume workshop. - Sense of language (Tim Skorenko's blog,

There is such a thing: a sense of language. Someone from birth was given the ability to solder microcircuits, someone - to run long distances, and someone - to correctly and beautifully express thoughts without making serious mistakes.

A sense of language is either given or not. One, in order to write correctly, needs to memorize the rules and substitute test words. I just have to watch out for typos, because rules are for the illiterate, yes.

By the way, it is likely that if you ask me how this or that word is spelled, I will not be able to answer. But I'll always write it right myself.

Further discussion of the above:

Innate literacy is a myth ;)
it’s just that you read a lot as a child, and well-written words were imprinted in the subcortex with whole visual images. Like hieroglyphs.

No, what are you. Not a myth. In the same way as not a myth - the ability to music, to drawing, to sports disciplines, to mathematics. It's just innate. Like talent.

I think you are mixing two concepts. Sense of language - i.e. a sense of style, the ability to choose the most accurate words, to create a text - yes, talent is akin to a musical ear.

And literacy is a purely technical skill.

This, I repeat, IMHO - I have not read studies on this topic, I can only refer to my own experience;)

No-o-o-o-o! What you're talking about is a sense of style. And innate literacy is a sense of language. It is similar to the ability to foreign languages.

I have always believed that a sense of language can be developed by reading books. My personal observations have shown: the more a person reads / read, the less grammatical errors he makes in writing. Regardless of whether he taught the rules of the Russian language at school or not.

O.A. Lebedeva Sense of language as a component of communicative competence (in terms of correlation of concepts) - article in pdf format

Communicative competence and a sense of language are among the commonly used, but not quite defined terms in the scientific literature. In science, for a long time, reference to communicative competence and a sense of language was carried out when considering issues of language proficiency, ability to speak, and without defining the essence of these concepts.

The sense of language is often spoken of in connection with the question of the formation of communicative competence. And also this term is used by language teachers to explain the rapid formation of spelling and stylistic skills in some students.

Of all the variety of definitions of the feeling of language, it seems to us that the most complete definition is E.D. Bozhovich, who understands this term as "the mechanism of selection and control of language units in which the correlation between the semantic and the formal is objectively non-formalized, varying in nature" . In our opinion, this definition overcomes the narrow understanding of the feeling of language as a reaction (O.S. Akhmanova, N.I. Imeladze, etc.); as a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the utterance (M.M. Gohlerner and others); as a specific relationship to linguistic structures (G.V. Eiger); as language proficiency (M.R. Lvov and others); as a skill, a skill to follow the norms of speech (T.K. Donskaya, L.P. Fedorenko, etc.); as a manifestation of intuition (Z.A. Potikha, G.V. Ramishvili); as the ability to act correctly in a new speech situation based on past experience (V.A. Artemov, A.V. Puzyrev, T.M. Kolesnikova, etc.).

Thus, the formation of communicative competence is a complex process, one of the components of which is the formation of a sense of language, because this is one of the sides of communicative competence, namely the one that controls the choice in the communication process of such a language unit that most successfully expresses the content of the statement and corresponds to certain criteria for good speech.

A few words about the sense of language- thoughts in the blog (

For successful work, a copywriter needs excellent knowledge of spelling and grammar. But there is one important point that can sometimes play a decisive role in the success (or failure) of the text. It's a sense of language.

What is the sense of language? A talent given from birth? Maybe. Is there any chance to develop it? Undoubtedly. According to the perception of the surrounding world, people are divided into three conditional groups: visuals, auditory and kinesthetics. To develop a sense of language, visuals are usually advised to read more, auditory - listen to the radio, high-quality recordings of audio books or performances, written works help kinesthetics. It's great if there is an opportunity to communicate more with people who have a high culture of speech. And if they take the trouble to respond to the inaccuracies of your speech and correct them, then this is good luck.

So the sense of language is in the hands (as well as the eyes and ears)) of each of us. And only personal efforts and work on oneself can make it more perfect.

Magnetic alphabet ("Notes of a speech therapist" -

If you have a magnetic alphabet lying idle in your toys, then you yourself do not know what a treasure you have. With this set of letters, you can develop a sense of the Russian language in your child, the so-called language flair.

Books about the sense of language

Stephen Pinker. Language as an instinct (The Language Instinct) Publisher: Editorial URSS, 2004, Paperback, 456 pp. ISBN 5-354-00332-6 (

The popular science book by the famous American psychologist and linguist Steven Pinker examines human language from a variety of points of view: proper linguistic, biological, historical, etc.

Many studies of teachers and psychologists are devoted to the study of the development of children's speech. Speech activity has a very complex structure. This area of ​​the brain combines properties such as automatism, linearity, craving for creativity and multidimensionality. Usually, the formation of speech proceeds gradually and imperceptibly to others, which is why scientists have not yet been able to describe in detail all speech mechanisms.

For example, it is not yet clear how children memorize a huge variety of different words in a short time and thanks to which they learn to combine these words with each other and change them. Scientists can only put forward theories on these issues.

Thanks to research, it is fully proven that it is communication with adults that contributes to the successful acquisition of the language by a child. At the first stage, the child learns only some words in different forms, but at the same time he cannot use the rules of the language. The kid simply repeats the words in the form in which he hears them most often from adults.

Over time, the child begins to change the forms of words, inserting them into different speech structures.

Sometimes children tend to create their own words that do not exist in their native language, but they use the correct models (usually highly productive) in doing so.

Usually children do not think too much about which words to choose and how to combine them correctly in their statements. However, they automatically use them correctly. This is because the language does not imply the isolated use of different words. Most often, the meaning of a word depends on the context and on where in the derivational series it is located.

The word is only an element of the whole system of language. It is the ordering of words and their interaction that form a coherent speech, which the child’s brain eventually learns.

A language is a system that is built according to logical rules, as well as a norm that implies the traditional use of the structural elements of the system. First, the child perceives the language as a system, and only then begins to learn language norms.

The language system can only be acquired through the well-developed language abilities that are usually present in all normal children.

In addition to the language abilities that a person acquires at birth, there are abilities that are formed gradually as they master the language. For example, language flair for each person has a different degree. Namely, how well a person can learn his native language as a whole depends on the instinct of the language.

F. de Saussure, A.A. Potebnya, A.R. Luria, I.i. Sreznevsky and others.

But different theories imply the use of a different term. Someone calls the linguistic instinct the gift of the word. Someone uses the term language ability. Someone is closer to the concept of "linguistic feeling". There are other concepts, and everyone interprets them in their own way.

Linguistic flair has also been studied in detail by S.I. Lvova, G.A. Cheremukhina and other researchers.

If we talk about the physiological component of linguistic flair, then S.F. Zhuikov, A.M. Shakhnarovich and others.

However, in the course of the study, a contradiction was revealed between the need to develop the language sense in elementary school students and the lack of knowledge of the pedagogical conditions for the development of language sense in elementary school students in literary reading lessons.
The identified contradiction made it possible to identify the research problem, which is to study the pedagogical conditions for the development of language flair in elementary school students in literary reading lessons.
The urgency of the problem led to the choice of the research topic: "The development of language flair in elementary school students in the lessons of literary reading."
The purpose of the study: to identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the development of language flair in primary school students in literary reading lessons.
Object of study: the process of developing the language sense of elementary school students in the lessons of literary reading.
Subject of study: pedagogical conditions for the development of language flair among primary school students in literary reading lessons.
Research hypothesis: it is assumed that the development of language flair in primary school students in literary reading lessons will be more effective under the following pedagogical conditions:
– education of sensory perception of students through the implementation of various exercises;
- enrichment of students' vocabulary through speech games;
- learning to retell the text.
In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were defined:
- based on the analysis of linguistic and psychological-pedagogical literature on the problem, determine the degree of study of the chosen topic;
- to determine the features of the development of language instinct in students;
- to identify, substantiate and experimentally test the pedagogical conditions for the development of language flair in younger students in the classroom of literary reading.
Methodological basis and theoretical basis of the research The analysis of the mechanism of linguistic instinct is made on the basis of the general provisions of the theory of code transitions in speech (N.I. Zhinkin, A.R. Luria, A.A. Leontiev, S.D. Katsnelson, etc.) , the theory of speech activity (A.A. Leontiev, I.A. Zimnyaya, T.V. Ryabova, A.M. Shakhnarovich, etc.).
Of decisive importance for the creation of a methodological system of education were the achievements of methodological science on the use of methods based on language sense in the practice of teaching younger students (F.I. Buslaev, K.D. Ushinsky, AM Peshkovsky, L.P. Fedorenko, L.I. Aidarova, A.P. Eremeeva, S.F. Zhuykov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.R. Lvov, S. Lvova, T.G. Ramzaeva, M.S. Soloveichik, E.N. Puzankova and others. ), as well as studies related to the development of the problem of speech errors at a younger age (M.M. Koltsova, T.N. Ushakova, V.K. Kharchenko, S.N. Zeitlin, K.I. Chukovsky and others).
To solve the tasks and test the hypothesis, the following research methods were used:
a) linguistic (descriptive, functional);
b) methodical (socially pedagogical - observation of the educational process, study and generalization of work experience, experimental method).
Experimental base of the study: the study was conducted on the basis of elementary school No. ______ of the city of _____________.
The study was carried out in three stages.
Staged - the choice and understanding of the topic, the study of psychological and pedagogical literature, the formulation of the problem, the formulation of the goal, subject, object, tasks, research and hypothesis formulation.
Own-research - development of a set of measures and their systematic implementation, processing of the results.
Interpretation and design - conducting a control experiment, processing and systematization of the material.
The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the concept of "linguistic flair" is considered, the features of its development in younger schoolchildren in the lessons of literary reading are determined.
The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results of the study in the classroom in elementary school in the process of developing the language instinct of younger students.
Approbation and implementation of the results of the study were carried out during all its stages in MAOU secondary school No. ____ of the city of _____. The results and conclusions of the study were heard at meetings of the MO of primary school teachers.
Structure and scope of work. The final qualifying work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list and an appendix.
The total amount of work is 66 pages of computer text (without appendix).
1.1. The concept of "linguistic flair" in the psychological and pedagogical literature ... ..8
1.2. Features of the development of linguistic instinct in primary school students……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18
1.3. Pedagogical conditions for the development of language flair in primary school students in literary reading lessons…………………………..25
2.1. Diagnosis of the level of development of language instinct in primary school students……………………………………………………………………………………………39
2.2. Implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the development of language flair among primary school students in literary reading lessons ……………….46
2.3. Analysis of the results of the study……………………………………………………59

The full text of the work can be purchased by filling out the form

Regarding the sense of language on the Internet, a lot of both sensible and completely crazy ideas are expressed. Those definitions of "sense of language" that psychologists give are often sinful of schematism (like the fact that "sense of language" is what you know even before you had time to really learn the language). And the townsfolk all dream of "innate literacy" in order to get everything without any serious effort on their part.

Question: - Is it possible to teach students a sense of language as part of their studies at a university?

Answer: - "This situation can be improved, and it can be very noticeably improved. I got the impression from everything I saw at the university that students very often lack a sense of their native language."

QUESTION 1: If a person does not (if possible) have a sense of language, can it be said that he will never become a good translator, even if he really wants to be one and makes every effort to do so? Is the sense of language given from birth or is it developed and brought up in the society and culture where a person lives?

Abilities (or humanitarian orientation), of course, play a role, but a sense of language is not given from birth, but develops in the process of learning the language, work, etc. :)

You can be fluent in the language, but be a shitty translator or not want to be one at all. On the other hand, it is impossible or very difficult to become a translator without a "sense of language".

In my opinion, the very term "sense of language" is somewhat confusing. This concept is more psychological than linguistic.

Obviously, a person with a "sense of language" is able to find such logical connections that the rest pass by. And he does it unconsciously, and without straining - he just thinks in this way, and not otherwise ...

A sense of language cannot be innate. This means that in early childhood, parents / grandmothers / nannies / educators noticed a humanitarian orientation and developed it. But I do not deny the role of inclinations.

QUESTION 2: How to develop this sense of language? What is desirable to do (maybe what exercises are there) in order to develop or constantly maintain a sense of the native language in the form of translation?

It is useful to compare the translation made by an ace and the original, to admire the translation solutions. Take them on a pencil.

As for how to develop a sense of the native language, I think one should read/listen to more diverse texts (different style, different topics), and also - if, say, the translator is already specialized in some area (politics or exploration, for example ), then, accordingly, a bias in this direction + it is desirable to communicate more live with people from this area, while not necessarily translating, but simply listening to how they speak and what words and phrases they use, to see the realities of their work, and so on. Hang out with them professionally, so to speak.

A translator without a sense of language will make interlinear translations. Probably, he will be able to translate packing lists, dry descriptions of cars. And that is not said. Will misinterpret any, more or less figurative expression.

I cannot but comment on some of the naively erroneous statements of the participantsdiscussions about the sense of language on the forum "Abby Lingvo ":

Statement 1:“But there is a paradox: people who do not know a foreign language very well translate better than people who know it well, but do not have translation practice. Why?

An abstract statement is debatable. The more complex the text, the less likely it is to be successfully translated by a person who does not know the language very well. Miracles don't happen. And the translation and guessing of the meanings that you approximately know, as they relate to your specialty, are completely different things.

This is clearly about unprofessional translation or low-skilled translators. And what does "translate well" mean? What are the evaluation criteria? Accuracy? Style keeping? conveying a general meaning?

In order to translate easily and naturally, without thinking about every word, you need to work hard for more than one hour and more than one month.

At the same time, there are undoubtedly (especially in non-business interpreting) situations where special accuracy is not required, and it is enough for the interpreter to have a well-versed language.

Statement 2:"When I worked in a publishing house, we were told that a good translator is not necessarily a good editor - and vice versa."

It has an indirect relation to the sense of language. First, let's start with the fact that there are different editors:

Stylistic editors (so-called "stylists"): they really need to know the language in all its subtleties

Control editors: their task is to check the formal correspondence of the translation to the original (especially the absence of omissions and semantic errors)

Technical editors: produce page layout (location of illustrations, heading format, etc.).

In practice, the work of the control editor is often reduced mainly to performing the functions of a proofreader, proofreading the text. And initially, his task is to catch fleas and gross errors in translation ("the principle of four eyes").

And by and large, a good editor should be head and shoulders above the translator he edits. Otherwise, how can he rule it? In any case, the level of understanding of the text by the editor should be close to the depth of understanding of the text by the translator.

A translator and an editor are really two different types of activity with a different set of skills and abilities. © Yuri Novikov

What is "sense of language" - definitions

Definition of a sense of language in the Psychological Explanatory Dictionary: (

"Sense of language is a phenomenon of intuitive language proficiency, manifested in the understanding and use of idiomatic, lexical, stylistic, and other constructions even before the purposeful mastery of the language in teaching. It is a generalization at the level of primary generalization without prior conscious isolation of the elements included in this generalization. Formed as a result of spontaneous mastery of speech and basic cognitive operations.Provides control and assessment of the correctness and familiarity of language structures."

Literature. Gohlerner M.M., Weiger G.V. Psychological mechanism of language feeling // Questions of psychology. 1982, N6, p. 137142; Bozhovich E.D. On the functions of the sense of language in solving semantic-syntactic tasks by schoolchildren. Voprosy psikhologii. 1988, N3, p.7078.

Linguistic Intuition - fragmentary Wikipedia article (quoting in full)

"Language intuition(also a sense of language?) - the ability to feel the language, its phenomena, understand its interconnected hierarchical structure and anticipate, intuitively guessing new, hitherto unknown to the individual linguistic phenomena, neologisms, etc.

Human linguistic intuition is closely related to such concepts as " language development”, in particular “language development of the child”, “ language ability”, “sense of language”, intuition. The development of language intuition is directly related to the process of learning first the native language, and then a foreign language or languages ​​in kindergarten, school and other educational institutions.

Language intuition is, first of all, the result of language practice, but the ability to engage in this practice is different for different people and depends on a number of factors, including which of the components of language ability is emphasized (intellectual or special). In general, linguistic intuition is an integral part of the creative language process, and therefore, in order to develop the child's abilities, it is necessary to constantly improve and stimulate his linguistic intuition.