The best homemade salting recipes. How to salt lard in brine, with garlic, in a jar, in onion peels

Lard - recipes for cooking at home

For centuries, lard has been the food of the poor - the most enviable chunks of pork have always gone to those who could pay for them. And it was fat that gave energy and health to the people who made up the "labor force" in the Middle Ages, and even earlier - in the era of antiquity, it was supplied to the army by order of the Emperor Justinian, so that the legionnaires had a lot of strength and energy. One of the most interesting facts about lard is its role in Columbus's discovery of America. Historians believe that if Columbus's ship had not had enough fat, it is unlikely that he would have been able to get to the New World - the sailors would have quickly become "brutalized" if they ate only fish.

Lard is rich in "long-lasting calories" - those who eat it restore energy and strength for a long time. There are about 800 kcal per 100 g of lard, but this does not mean at all that those who follow the figure should not eat this product - in moderation, everyone can and should eat lard! This is an extremely useful product, rich in many valuable fatty acids involved in cell construction, hormone formation, and cholesterol metabolism. In addition, the substances contained in lard contribute to the elimination of toxins (lard goes well with alcohol, preventing intoxication and preventing the negative effects of alcohol consumption). In general, listing the arguments in favor of the consumption of lard can take more than one hour, but we will end with the fact that 10-30 g of lard per day for people who do not have physical activity is not at all harmful, but very useful. Athletes, tourists and everyone whose lifestyle is associated with physical activity can eat fat and more than 30 g per day.

You can buy lard today without any problems. However, homemade lard will be much tastier - raw lard can be salted, boiled, smoked, fried, stewed, in general, prepared in any way with your favorite seasonings and spices, and enjoy the benefits and excellent taste of the prepared snack, delighting yourself and your family.

Selection of raw bacon

A big contribution to a successful homemade lard is choosing the right raw lard when purchasing. So, you should pay attention to the following:

It is better to choose lard with skin (by the way, the most useful ones are exactly 2.5 cm of fat under the skin);
The fat should be homogeneous, elastic, dense, the best way to check is to pierce with a sharp knife (good fat will slightly resist, but it will be easy to pierce, without jerking);
It is better to choose lard from "girls" rather than from "boys";
In the cut, the fat should be snowy white or slightly pinkish;
It is better not to buy yellowish soft lard.

Note that it is better to smoke or cook lard with streaks of meat; when salting in the usual way, such lard will either turn out to be too tough, or it may deteriorate in the refrigerator.

Salting lard at home - ways

Before salting, the bacon can be cut into layers 3-4 cm thick, or immediately cut into the desired pieces. There are three methods for salting bacon:

Since there are a lot of recipes for making lard in these three ways, we will present the most popular of them.

Salted lard with garlic recipe

You will need:

1 kg of raw lard on the skin,
10 cloves of garlic
4 bay leaves,
4 tablespoons salt,
3 tsp black peppercorns,
2 tbsp ground paprika
1 tsp cumin,
1 tsp ground chili pepper.

How to salt lard at home.

Rinse a piece of bacon, dry it, cut a piece into two layers, put it down with the skin on a board, make cuts in the bacon with a depth of 2-3 mm. Peel the garlic, chop it thinly, break 2 lavrushki, put the garlic and leaf on the bacon, press into the cuts. Grind the rest of the bay leaf and black pepper into crumbs with 2 tablespoons. salt and caraway seeds, mix, sprinkle one piece of bacon abundantly with this mixture. Stir the remaining salt with hot pepper and paprika, sprinkle the second piece of bacon with this mixture. Put pieces of bacon on foil carefully so that seasonings do not spill out, wrap tightly, put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. Or the fat can be removed to the freezer for 2-3 weeks.

Another option for salting lard with garlic:

Put the layers in a container, sprinkling abundantly with all the seasonings (garlic is also inserted into the cuts in this case) and salt, the bottom of the container should also be sprinkled with a layer of salt and seasonings, the first layer is put down with the skin, the second - up, etc. First, such lard is kept for a day at room temperature, then put into the refrigerator (not in the freezer), salted for 3-5 days.
For better salting of bacon, oppression can be placed on top. Another trick - do not be afraid to sprinkle lard with a lot of salt - the product will take exactly as much salt as needed.

A quick recipe for salting lard

You will need:

black pepper,

How to quickly salt lard at home.

Cut lard into medium or large pieces, rub with salt, pepper, garlic passed through a press, put in a bag, leave for 12 hours at room temperature, then put in the freezer for 2 days.

Recipe "Onion lard" - lard, salted in onion skins in brine

You will need:

Lard with layers of meat,
husk of 7-10 onions,
4-6 peppers,
3-4 bay leaves,
5-6 cloves of garlic
1l of water
1 glass of salt.

How to salt lard in brine in onion skins.

Pour salt into a saucepan, pour in water, bring to a boil, put onion husks, boil for 5 minutes, put bacon so that it is completely covered with liquid, reduce heat, boil for 10 minutes, remove from the stove, leave for 15 minutes, remove bacon, dry ... Chop the garlic and lavrushka, crush the black pepper, make cuts in the cooled bacon with a knife, stuff them with spices, rub the entire surface of the pieces with them, wrap the bacon with foil and put them in the freezer. It will be possible to eat such bacon after it is completely frozen.

The above method is the so-called hot ambassador. You can also salt the lard using the cold salting method - the brine should be at a temperature of 2-4 degrees (the concentration of the brine is at least 12%): the fat is put into a container, filled with brine, pressed down with oppression and covered with a lid.

There are also very modern ways of salting lard.

Recipe for salting lard in a slow cooker in onion skins

You will need:

1 kg of lard with layers of meat (brisket),
200 g of salt
4-5 bay leaves,
2 handfuls of onion skins
1 liter of water
2 tbsp Sahara,
ground black pepper,

How to cook bacon in a slow cooker in onion skins.

Soak onion skins, then rinse with running water. Put half the husk in the multicooker bowl, put the bacon, put the bay leaf and the rest of the husk. Dissolve the sugar and salt in 1 liter of boiling water, mix, pour in the bacon. Turn on the stewing mode for 1 hour, after stewing, leave the bacon in the marinade for 8-10 hours or overnight. Then dry the lard, grate with garlic, passed through a press and mixed with black pepper, wrap with cling film, put in the freezer, you can eat the lard after it is completely frozen.

Cooking lard in onion skins

A terrific and simple recipe for hot salting lard in onion skins.
This recipe is also good because bacon salted in this way can stay in refrigerators for about 3 months.

To make lard in onion skins you will need:

Pork fat,
Water - 7 glasses
Onion peel - a few handfuls,
Garlic - 4-5 cloves,
Black and red ground pepper to taste,
Coarse table salt - 1 glass.

How to cook lard in onion skins.

1. Cut the bacon into fist-sized chunks.
2. Add water to a saucepan, put onion peel and salt there. Bring to a boil.
3. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, and then put the chopped pieces of bacon into it (in order to evenly salt the bacon, the brine must completely cover the bacon)
4. Lard should be cooked in brine for at least 20 minutes, and if there are layers of meat on the lard, then it is advisable to boil more - 30-40 minutes.
5. Then turn off the heat and leave the bacon in the brine for about a day.
6. Then we take the bacon out of the brine, wipe it with a paper towel, so that the bacon is dry.
7. Now the bacon can be grated with your favorite spices - black and red ground pepper, garlic (if you like) and other seasonings.
8. Put pieces of bacon in bags and put them in the refrigerator for a day, then put them in the freezer or use them.

It turns out very tasty bacon - piquant and spicy, it goes well with main courses, as well as vodka.

Delicious lard


600 g lard (or brisket)
48 g salt (8% of lard)
5 bay leaves
5 juniper berries
10 black peppercorns
1 head of garlic


Grind the spices. Finely chop the garlic
Mix everything with salt, roll pieces of bacon in this mixture (I cut into small ones, about 3x8 cm).
Fold in jars and refrigerate for 3 weeks.

Everything is very delicious!

Baked lard

For the recipe you need:

Lard or wort - 1 kg
- pepper (peas) - 10 pcs.
- coriander (peas) - 10 pcs.
- bay leaves - 5 pcs.
- garlic - 1-2 heads.

Cut the bacon or chop into long sticks and sprinkle with spices and garlic. Rub each piece with salt and pepper and wrap tightly in foil.
Put the pieces in a gosper and close the lid tightly. Bake at 200 degrees for about 1 hour.
Serve cold.

Lard "Ladies" - extraordinarily tender

There are many ways to pickle lard. The "ladies'" ambassador in brine stands out especially among them - the salts are tender, tasty and can be stored for quite a long time.


1.5 kg. lard;
1 l. filtered water;
5 tbsp. l. salt;
5 pieces. bay leaf;
5 tooth. garlic;
black peppercorns;
ground white pepper.


Boil filtered water with salt for 10 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature. Peel and crush the garlic with a knife, mash the peppercorns, break the bay leaf and pour it into the brine together with ground pepper, mix everything thoroughly. Rinse the bacon and clean the skin well. Cut into large pieces. Place in a dish, preferably in glass. Pour the ready-made brine and put it in a cool place for two or three days, do not close the lid - the fat should breathe. After salting - take out, dry, sprinkle with spices to your taste. Wrap in foil and store in the freezer.

Lard pâté

Lard is loved by many. I suggest making a quick lard paste, which is perfect for a sandwich, especially with a green onion and a cucumber. Great picnic snack.

You will need:

0.5 kg of salted bacon,
1 large carrot
2 heads of garlic,
a bunch of dill.


1. Grind lard, garlic through a meat grinder.
2. Rub the carrots on a fine grater, finely chop the dill.
3. Mix everything, the bacon paste is ready.
4. Inexpensive, original and tasty.

A very easy way to pickle lard

Cleanly washed bacon, dried with paper towels, cut into pieces, then sprinkle with plenty of salt, red and black pepper, chopped garlic cloves, dried tomatoes and paprika, coriander, do not forget bay leaves.

Then cover the saucepan with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Salted lard in onion skins

1.5 kg lard
200 g salt
1 liter of water
ground red pepper
onion peel

This recipe for salting lard is simple, and many people like the result. The bacon prepared according to this recipe is stored for a long time, it can be served on the table in any situation.

It is better to take a not very thick piece of bacon, or cubes, about 4 * 5 * 15 cm in size.

Dissolve the salt in a liter of water, add the onion peel and bring to a boil, dip the bacon in the boiling brine, it should boil for about 5-7 minutes, remove from the heat, then the bacon should be left in the brine for 12-15 hours.

Then remove the bacon from the brine, blot it, chop the garlic, rub the bacon with it with red pepper. You need to store fat in the freezer.

Ural-style lard


1 piece of lard with meat layer
coarse salt

According to this recipe for salting lard, it is better to take a piece of lard with a layer of meat, but not necessarily. On a piece of bacon, you need to make cuts along.

Peel the cloves of garlic and cut in half, stuff the cuts in the bacon with the halves of the garlic cloves.
Then sprinkle a piece of bacon with coarse salt on all sides and wrap it in any cotton cloth.

To store bacon prepared according to this recipe, you need to be wrapped in paper, because of the plastic bag, it can acquire an unpleasant odor.


Chop a head of garlic with zhmeni of black and allspice, salt, spread the bacon with this mixture, wrap it in a bag, wrap a bag of bacon in another bag. It is necessary to wrap it carefully so that there is no air inside the bag, which, when heated, will greatly inflate. Leave the bacon in the kitchen overnight - marinate.

In the morning, having typed water into a saucepan, dip the bacon into it, and put it on the stove to boil. It is necessary to boil for 2 hours, and then leave to cool directly in water.

Then you need to put it in the refrigerator and when the bacon hardens, cut it and surprise yourself, your home and guests who have dropped in with fat melting in their mouths, which they have never tasted before ...

A quick recipe. Daily fat.

Very quick salting - cut fresh bacon into 5 x 5 cm cubes, roll in coarse table salt, ground black pepper, add any seasonings and place in a jar or saucepan, shifting with garlic cloves. Sprinkle additional salt on top and cover with a lid. Put the container in a warm place for a day, and the next day the bacon is ready. You need to store it in the refrigerator.

Lard roll "Quiet Ukrainian night, but lard must be hidden ..."

Lard roll is a wonderful dish that suits every connoisseur of delicious food, and can also become an excellent part of the festive table. The lard roll recipe is very simple (and not expensive), and the preparation of the bacon roll itself will not take much time. I took lard with a thickness of 3 cm. I always take exactly thin fat, in it the fat cells still do not need support from the connective tissue reinforcement - there are no veins, fibers, which sometimes interfere with biting off and get stuck in the teeth. lard was bright white with a subtle pink tint.
Make cuts on the layer and put chopped garlic in them

Then sprinkled with black and white pepper, dry basil and rosemary and salted. I twisted a layer of bacon into a roll, and so as not to turn around, tied it with a harsh thread. In this form, the fat in the bag was kept in the freshness chamber in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Then I put the bag of bacon in the freezer and remembered about it a week later, cut it.

Lard baked in foil

We take lean layers. Cut into portions and soak overnight in a strong salt brine with the addition of spices for lard (check the brine for strength with a raw egg: if the egg floats on the surface and does not sink, then the brine is good). The layers must be marinated for at least 8 hours. In the morning, remove the bacon from the brine, let it drain. Wrap each piece in foil and place on a baking sheet with the skin down. Bake the bacon in a hot oven for 20 minutes, if put in a cold oven, then 40 minutes. I usually put it in a cold one. Remove the prepared bacon from the oven, let it cool, drain the excess fat through a small hole in the foil. Fold it in a bag (directly in the foil) and put it in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

Lard in garlic-salt solution

There are a large number of different recipes for making salted lard and each hostess chooses the most acceptable one for herself. Here is another way of salting bacon.

When processing fat, it does not need to be washed, it is enough to clean it with a knife, that is, you need to remove everything unnecessary from its surface and after that you just need to put the fat in cold water and leave it for fifteen hours, so we will give the fat softness.

Then the bacon must be cut into long pieces of about twenty centimeters and about ten centimeters wide. After that, make small cuts, after about three centimeters and put pieces of garlic in them. If you want sharper lard, then you can smear it with a garlic mass.

Then sprinkle the bacon well with coarse salt and red or black pepper.

Separately, you need to prepare the brine, for this you need to take five liters of water for two kilograms of salt and boil it.

After that, pieces of bacon must be folded into an enamel bowl or saucepan and pour the prepared already cooled solution, put a plate with a load on top and put in the cold.

After seven or eight days, the lard should be completely cooked. At first, this fat will seem very salty, but this is only the first impression. You need to get the fat out of the solution and let it dry, then remove the excess salt, then the fat will already be unsalted to taste. If desired, lard can also be sprinkled with black or red pepper. Sprinkle abundantly.

This fat is stored only in a cold place. It can then be folded into a glass jar and closed with a lid. Or wrap in foil or parchment paper.

The finished bacon is cut into pieces and served, it can also be fried or made cracklings.

Lard in the oven


Pork lard with meat veins - 0.5 kg
salt to taste
freshly ground black pepper
bay leaf - 8 pcs.
garlic - 4 cloves
baking paper

Cooking method:

Wash and dry the fat.

Cut the bacon into small pieces, rub each piece with salt.

Sprinkle with pepper.

We take paper and cut it into squares. Put two bay leaves and chopped garlic on a leaf.

We spread a piece of bacon. We also put lavrushka and garlic on top.

We wrap the bacon in paper. We take a cauldron or a rooster, spread the bacon in paper.

We put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for exactly 60 minutes. Then we take out the bags and cool them at room temperature. We put the bags in the refrigerator at night.

Elnova Oksana

Lard in Belarusian


Fresh (homemade) lard with skin 1 kg
cumin 1 tsp
coarse salt 4 tsp
sugar 1/2 tsp
bay leaf 3 pcs.
1 head garlic

Cooking method:

If not peeled, scrape the skin well with a knife, wash the fat and dry it with a cotton towel. Pass half of the head of garlic through a press, cut the other half into thin slices. Combine salt, sugar, cumin and garlic. Grease lard with a salty-spicy mixture. Break the bay leaf, mix with the garlic slices and sprinkle the bacon on top and bottom. Put the bacon in a glass or enamel container, cover with a lid. Place the container in a cool, dark place (not in the refrigerator). Turn the piece over every day. Soak it for five to six days (depending on the thickness of the piece). Then put the container in the refrigerator for a week. Turn the piece over once or twice during this time. And the last step. Wrap the bacon in a film and put it in the freezer for a day, without peeling off the salt and garlic. Peel just before serving, cut into thin slices. Very tasty with black Borodino bread!

Smoked bacon in the oven


Lard or brisket 400 g
ready-made natural pickle-pickle for smoking meat or lard 100 ml

Cooking method:

Cut the bacon in half. We take a sleeve or a baking bag, put pieces of bacon in it, fill it with marinade, tie it and send it to the refrigerator to marinate for 12 hours. Then we take pieces of bacon and put them in a fireproof dish. We put the dish in the oven and bake lard for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees, brisket at a temperature of 150 degrees. Cool the finished bacon in the freezer, cut into slices and serve.

Lard in a bank


A large piece of lard with skin
1 head garlic
Bay leaf
3 liter jar

Cooking method:

Wash and dry a large piece of bacon. From this piece we cut rectangular pieces 5 cm long. Rub each piece well with salt and put it tightly in a jar, pouring each layer of bacon with chopped garlic slices. Put a couple of bay leaves and allspice peas on top. Close the jar with a lid and put in the cold. the fat is ready for 5-7 days.

Pickled bacon


Lard with a large layer of meat
Bay leaf

Cooking method:

We take the lard and clean the skin (for this we put the fat with the skin up and scrape it with a knife, trying not to cut or tear it). Then rinse and dry the bacon. Cut the bacon into small pieces 4 cm long. Pour cold boiled water into a saucepan and put salt at the rate of 100 gr. per liter. Add spices. Fold the bacon in a 3-liter jar or enamel pan, pour with brine. Add the cloves of garlic crushed in a garlic press to the jar. We close the lid, checking that all the fat is immersed in the liquid and put it in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.

Salo in brine

Ingredients for the recipe

Bay leaf


Cut the bacon into 5x15 cm cubes and put them in 1.5-1 liter jars (like pickled cucumbers while standing!), You do not need to fill the jars tightly. In a 1.5 liter jar, you need to put about 1 kg of lard, no more. And add different spices: garlic, peppercorns, bay leaf.

Cook brine.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on gas. Dip the peeled potato into the water. As soon as the water boils (along with the potato), we reduce the gas and put salt in the water, a few tablespoons. Bring the water to a boil and a little, until the salt dissolves, boil over a quiet flame. Our potato floats in the middle of the liquid (not at the bottom!). Put more salt and boil a little again. The potato rises even higher. Then we put the salt back in and boil, and put the salt in spoons until the potato is on the surface (it should be "pushed" from the salt to the surface). All this time we boil the brine quietly (on the quietest light). As soon as the potato "jumped out", we throw it away and boil the brine for just one more minute. That's it, brine is ready. Don't even try it with the tip of your tongue!
Tuzluk needs to be cooled. As soon as it has cooled down, pour it into jars with cooked lard, wait a little and, if necessary, top up again. We close the cans with plastic lids and leave them in the apartment for a day, then the cans need to be put in the refrigerator for 10-14 days (I have for 2 weeks). I store it on the loggia (but we now have frosts below -35). Tuzluk in jars does not freeze, it becomes very thick (it pours in a jar very slowly, imposingly!).

After 2 weeks our fat is ready. To say that it is delicious is to say nothing! Soft, tender and slightly moist bacon ... You have dreamed of this for a long time! Try it, salt it in this way - you will not regret it.

How to make Flavored lard

Ingredients for 10 servings:

Red pepper (coarsely ground) - 50 grams,
dried dill - 30 grams,
turmeric - 20 grams
bay leaf (grated) - 3 pieces,
cloves - 4 sticks,
cinnamon - a pinch
nutmeg (crushed) - 50 grams,
fat - 2 kilograms,
salt - 9 tablespoons,
garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

Stage 1: If you are interested in the question of how to salt lard, then this recipe is especially for you
Stage 2: First, you need to combine all the described seasonings and mix them well, so that they are evenly spaced among themselves.
Stage 3: Mode lard into small pieces, their size should be 10 centimeters by 10 centimeters. We put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. Bring lard to a boil and keep it for no more than three minutes. Remove from heat and add salt. We leave for 12 hours in a cold place.
Stage 4: After the lard is infused from it, remove all the water with a towel and rub with garlic.
Step 5: Grate the product with spices and leave until the bacon hardens. After acquiring hardness, the product can be consumed.

Lard in onion skins

The product prepared in this way looks like smoked lard, but has a specific taste. It is prepared by boiling it in a saline solution with the addition of onion husks and spices. The finished bacon is well cooled, rubbed with garlic, wrapped in foil, placed in the freezer and kept for 3 to 7 days. It should be borne in mind that boiled salted lard cannot be chopped immediately after it is removed from the freezer, otherwise it will crumble. Let it sit for a while at room temperature.


Fresh lard 1000 g
Water 1 l
Salt 150 g
Onion peel 10 g
Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
Garlic 2 head
Black peppercorns 10 pcs.
Bay leaf 2 pcs.
Ground red pepper 0.5 tsp.


To prepare the product, you need to take fresh lard of a small thickness, rock table salt without additives, water, onion husks, sugar, garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaves and ground red pepper.

Pour water into a saucepan, put onion peels, sugar, salt, pepper (red and black) and bay leaf.

Bring the solution to a boil and dip the lard cut into pieces into it.

Boil lard over low heat for 1 hour, and then remove from heat and leave in this brine for a day.
Peel the cloves of garlic from the dry shell and finely chop or pass through a press.

Remove the bacon from the brine and dry
Thoroughly rub lard on all sides with garlic, place in a bag and leave for 2 hours at room temperature.

Wrap each piece of bacon in foil and place in the freezer

Before use, let the bacon lie down for a while at room temperature (so that it does not crumble during slicing), remove the excess garlic and cut into thin slices. Serve with horseradish or mustard.

Lard roll recipe

Lard roll is a wonderful dish that suits every connoisseur of delicious food, and can also become an excellent part of the festive table. The lard roll recipe is very simple (and not expensive), and the preparation of the bacon roll itself will not take much time.

For a roll you will need:

Lard (preferably thin without skin) square or rectangular
- garlic 4-5 cloves
- salt
- allspice
- raw carrots 2-3pcs

Cooking method:

Rinse the fat thoroughly and dry with a napkin. Peel the garlic and grate it (or squeeze it with a garlic). First grease one side with garlic, rub with salt and pepper.

Wash and peel raw carrots, cut into small plastics along their entire length and lay on a greased surface. Then wrap the roll so that the filling is inside. To prevent the roll from unwinding along the entire length, tie it with a thread. And so that the filling does not get into the water, put the roll in a plastic bag. Place in a saucepan and cover with water at room temperature. Simmer for about 1.5 hours (cooking time depends on the thickness of the roll). Then drain the water and let the roll cool by placing it in the refrigerator. When the fat hardens, the roll can be cut into thin slices.

Lard recipe in Ukrainian

The best is fat from the sides or from the back of a pig, it is the softest, buttery. The skin should be thin, well tarred. The structure should be white, soft and firm.

For salting, it is better to take thick lard without thick veins of meat. You can cook lard in Ukrainian in various ways, but there is one that has been known for a long time. Let's consider how to salt lard in Ukrainian.

The recipe for lard in Ukrainian is quite simple and does not take much time.


Lard 1 kg,
1 head,
spices (ground red and black pepper),
bay leaf 1pc.

Cooking method:

Cut the bacon into pieces, about 15x7 in size, do not cut the skin. Grease liberally with salt on all sides (it is better to use coarse rock salt). Peel the garlic (1 head - 7-8 cloves), cut into thin slices. Make small depressions (holes) in the bacon with a knife and insert a clove of garlic into each depression. Then rub generously with pepper (black and red ground). Grind 1 bay leaf, and also grate each piece.

Put the pieces on a flat plate, cover with a plastic bag, tie and leave for 1-2 days at room temperature (the salting time depends on the size of the pieces of bacon and its structure). Then refrigerate for 1-2 hours to freeze the fat. Before use, clean the pieces of salt and spices. Store in the refrigerator (best in the freezer). The shelf life is several months. If an underline is used for salting, then the salting period is doubled.

Lard salted in this way is great for sandwiches and will become a real delicacy, both on an ordinary dinner table and at a festive feast.

How to salt lard with garlic?


Salo - who loves what
5-6 cloves of garlic
ground black pepper and peas
Bay leaf


Before salt the lard with garlic, cut it into small pieces. And cut each piece into a few more pieces, but without cutting the skin, so that the fat does not disintegrate.

Cut the garlic cloves into slices, mix the salt with ground pepper and peas.

Then roll each piece of bacon in a pepper-and-salt mixture and cover each piece of bacon with garlic petals.

Put the salted bacon tightly in a deep plate. We shift each piece of bacon with a bay leaf. Then we cover the container with bacon with a flat plate and put a press on top

We leave the lard for several hours at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for a day. After that, clean the fat from excess salt, put it in a bag and put it in the freezer.

Lard is a delicious thing. It is served to the table along with black bread, using it as a hearty snack. Lard can also be added to salads and soups, supplemented with meat dishes and side dishes.

Many people salt lard at home on their own, and it turns out to be very tasty.

Salted lard, prepared in any way, can be smoked, if conditions permit. This can be done using the most elementary smokehouse.
The most elementary way of salting bacon

We cut the bacon into pieces the size of a fist, clean the garlic in advance at the rate of 1 clove per 1 piece of bacon and cut this garlic into round pieces. We prepare spices - suneli hops, pepper, ground dill seeds or any other that you like.

Put some spices, pepper and garlic on the bottom of the enamel pot. Then we take a piece of bacon in our left hand, in the right handful of coarse salt and rub a piece of bacon with this salt over a saucepan. After that, put the bacon in the pan, skin side down and repeat the operation with another piece of bacon, sprinkling everything with spices and garlic. Do not spare salt!

Then we tamp the bacon a little in a bowl, cover it with a lid of a smaller diameter or a plate, put a little oppression on top (for example, a 3-liter jar of water) - and in a warm place for 3-4 days.

After that, the bacon is almost ready - all that remains is to pull it out of the vessel, shake off the juice, wrap it in a cotton rag and put it in the refrigerator. As soon as it freezes, you can enjoy the unique taste.

Dry salting of bacon

For 1 kg of lard, 2-3 heads of garlic, seasonings (coriander, red pepper, cumin, garlic, basil, paprika, bay leaf, thyme), salt are required.

We cut the lard into pieces of 10x15 cm in size, in them we make deep cuts every 3-5 cm (up to the skin itself). We sprinkle the bacon with garlic, rub it with a mixture of spices, roll in salt and lay tightly in layers in an enamel bowl, generously sprinkling each layer with salt (remember that you cannot spoil the bacon with salt!). Now we put it in a cool place - and after 5 days the bacon will be ready.

Wet salting lard with onion peel: 6 recipes

Salting bacon in brine with onion skins is a very old way. So not only our grandmothers, but, perhaps, our great-great-grandmothers also salted lard. Lard is best taken with layers of meat, such as brisket, as this light boiling is the best treatment for meat.

In a saline solution (at the rate of 1 kg of salt per 1 liter of water), boil onion peels and seasonings. Then we reduce the heat, put lard into the brine, cut into 10 × 15 cm pieces, and cook for 1.5-2 hours. We take out the pieces, let cool slightly and rub with a mixture of crushed garlic, salt and seasonings. We wrap it in a cloth and leave it for a day at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator.

Here are a few more ways to pickle lard in onion skins. With this method of salting, bacon tastes like smoked lard.

Method number 1

For 2 liters of water, you need a handful of onion peels and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt.

Boil the brine, strain, put bacon (about 2 kg) into this brine, boil for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave the bacon in the brine for 8-12 hours. After this time, remove the bacon from the brine, rub liberally with garlic, black pepper, wrap it in parchment paper and send it to the refrigerator for a day or two. Ready. If you've done a lot, don't worry. Such fat is stored for a long time in the freezer.

Method number 2

For 1-1.5 kg of brisket or bacon, 1 small head of garlic is required. For brine: 1 liter of water, ½ glass of coarse salt, 1 handful of onion husks (from 5-7 onions), if desired, 3 bay leaves, 15 black peppercorns.

Put all the spices together with salt and onion peels into a saucepan and cover with water. Bring to a boil, put lard so that it is covered with brine, boil for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from heat and leave in brine for a day. After the brine has cooled, put the pan in the refrigerator.

Then remove the bacon from the brine and let it lie in a plate for 15 minutes to drain the excess brine. Squeeze the garlic through a press and coat it with lard on all sides. Remove the bacon in the refrigerator for a day. Then transfer to the freezer.

Method number 3

Buy fresh bacon. Make cuts to the skin, salt it with coarse salt and put it in a wide bowl, put oppression on top (you can also use a wide bowl of water or a saucepan).

After a day, put all the lard and salt in a saucepan, pour water one or two fingers above the lard, add all sorts of spices (which you like), bay leaves and always more onion husks (it is she who will subsequently give the original color, taste and smell).

All this is brewed within an hour. Then let the contents cool to room temperature. The fat is removed from the pan, stuffed (rubbed with crushed) garlic, pepper (ground red, black pepper) to taste, wrapped in tracing paper (parchment paper, foil), rewound with ordinary thread so that tracing paper does not unwind, and put in the freezer. After a day, the bacon is ready for use.

Method number 4 (spicy bacon)

This recipe is for those who are not averse to indulging in spicy foods.

For the brine, you will need 7 glasses of water, 1 glass of coarse salt, a handful of onion peels.

Bring all this to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes. Then put pieces of bacon in the brine (so that the water completely covers them). Boil for 10-20 minutes (if the pig was old - 20 minutes, if young - 10). Leave in brine for a day. After that, remove the bacon from the brine, let the water drain. Grate with garlic and red pepper. Put in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer (it tastes better this way).

Method number 5 (spicy bacon)

You will need 1 kg of lard, 400 g of salt, onion husks, red ground pepper, garlic and other spices to taste.

Prepare a saline solution (for 1 liter of boiled water - 400 grams of salt). Add a handful of onion peels to the solution. Soak 1 kilogram of raw bacon (it can be salted in one piece or cut into small pieces) soak in a saline solution for 12 hours. The fat should be covered with a solution. After soaking, put on fire and bring to a boil. Simmer for 3 minutes (no more).

Let the lard cool in a saline solution. Grate the cooled bacon with salt (a small amount), garlic and ground red pepper. Let the lard soak in spices - and it's ready to eat.

Lard in brine "brine"

The fat prepared in this way does not age, does not turn yellow and is stored for a long time, retaining excellent taste.

To salt 2 kg of lard, prepare a brine: 1 glass of salt is required for 5 glasses of water. Boil the brine, cool to room temperature.

In the meantime, we will cut the bacon into small pieces (so that it is convenient to get it out) and put it loosely (!) In a 3-liter jar, adding 3-5 bay leaves, black peppercorns, 5-8 cloves of garlic between the layers.

Fill with brine, cover with a loose lid. We will keep it in the room for a week (it will be ready for use), then we will take it out in the cold. Usually, no more than 2 kg of bacon is used for such a capacity (3-liter can). The main thing is not to put the pieces very tightly in the jar, otherwise the bacon will simply "suffocate".

Lard with garlic: 4 recipes

Method number 1

We take fresh lard with a soft skin, it is even better if it is with meat veins. We cut it into pieces measuring 5x10 cm. Rub generously with salt. We put it tightly in one layer in an enamel dish.

Cut 5-7 large cloves of garlic into slices (not too small). Sprinkle so that the bacon is evenly processed. Sprinkle with ground black allspice (1 teaspoon per layer). Then we put, if necessary, the second layer, etc., depending on the amount of bacon that we salt. We cover the dishes with a plate that fits snugly into the pan (as if under oppression). And leave it alone at room temperature for about 2 days. On the second day, you will already smell! But it’s better to stand still for a day.

Then we take out the bacon from the saucepan. Wrap pieces of bacon separately in paper. Leave the garlic, which was in the pan with the bacon, with it. It is better to store pieces of bacon wrapped in a canvas or cellophane bag in the freezer.

Method number 2

The water is boiled with bay leaves, black peppercorns, dill and salt. Salt is taken in such an amount that a raw egg or potato placed in the solution does not sink. Grated garlic and bacon, cut into bars 4 cm wide and 20-25 cm long, are dipped into the cooled brine.

The product is ready for use in about a week. Before use, the bacon is removed from the brine, dried with a napkin and placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

With this method of salting, the lard retains its "fresh" taste throughout the entire storage period.

Method number 3

Fresh bacon is cut into pieces of 250-350 g and put in an enamel pan in layers, sprinkled with crushed garlic. Black peppercorns are pressed into each bar, 6-8 pieces. Then water is boiled with bay leaf and salt (there is enough salt to float a piece of raw potato thrown into it). After the brine has cooled, it is poured with bacon, pressed down with oppression and kept for 10-12 days. Then the pieces are removed, dried and stored in the cold.

Method number 4 (with garlic and spices)

Any fat, both soft and hard, lends itself to this method of salting.

Cut the bacon into palm-sized pieces or slightly smaller. With a sharp knife, poke holes in them 1.5-2 cm deep and put pieces of garlic in them (the amount depends on your love for garlic). Then you need to pierce new smaller holes and put peppercorns in them - according to your taste. Roll each piece of bacon in a mixture of your favorite spices and rub this mixture well into the bacon. Place pieces of bacon tightly on their side in a deep enamel saucepan.

Prepare a very cool brine, sparing no salt, because, as we already know, the lard will take just as much salt as it needs. Add bay leaf and all the same spices to taste to the brine, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cool the brine and pour the lard warm.

When the contents of the pot have cooled completely, put the pot in the refrigerator. After a week, the bacon will be ready. It should be removed from the brine, dried a little, wrapped in tracing paper or parchment paper and placed in the freezer.

For us, lard is a traditional and favorite product that is especially needed in winter. After all, lard is a very useful food product. For normal functioning, the body of every person needs fats. Natural fat contains essential fatty acids involved in cell formation and metabolic processes. Lard prevents inflammatory and colds, it is good for the skin, nerves, joints and bones. Eating it regularly is necessary for the mind, eyesight and beauty.

Many salat lard themselves with their own hands at home. And today there are a lot of salting recipes. They are all different. And lard turns out in different ways. But that doesn't make it any less tasty. Each recipe has its own flavor. And which of them is the best, everyone decides for himself. The taste of properly cooked salted lard is soft, tender and melting in the mouth. There are different ways of salting lard at home.


  • dry salting when only salt and spices are used;
  • salting in brine, which is divided into the so-called wet salting - in a jar based on cold brine and hot salting - when boiled salted broth of spices is used.

Salo is salted both in whole pieces and in smaller pieces, or even pre-chopped in a meat grinder. Each version of the preparation is tasty in its own way. It remains only to choose the one that is right for you.

Lard is perfect for appetizers, just put a slice of bacon on the bread - here's a delicious snack for you. Simple things like fresh bread, aromatic garlic and homemade bacon can be just as enjoyable as a culinary masterpiece you've been working on for more than one hour.

Like any medicine, bacon is useful in small quantities - no more than 2-3 slices with bread per day are allowed to be consumed.

Lard is 100% animal fat, high in calories and difficult to digest, so it should be consumed in moderation and occasionally. There are a lot of fatty substances that are harmful to the figure and hard for the liver.

The composition of lard - useful substances:

  • arachidonic acid - a participant in the formation of hormones in the body;
  • beneficial cholesterol, which increases the elasticity and flexibility of blood vessels;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids necessary for proper metabolism;
  • vitamins - A, E, PP, D and group B;
  • minerals - calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, selenium, sodium, copper and others.

Choosing lard for salting

Secrets of the right choice of salting lard:

  • fresh fat is cut smoothly and easily;
  • on the cut, it should be of a uniform white or pale pink hue, a dark color is usually in an old and stale product;
  • pork skin should be thin, a thick layer of skin indicates insufficient feeding of the animal;
  • lard is a product that is subject to mandatory inspection by the sanitary inspection authorities; the quality and safety mark is put on the tested product.

The choice of lard is a matter of personal taste. Someone chooses pieces with wide meat layers, someone likes a uniform white layer. Some are delighted with fatty pork belly, others prefer lean ribs with an elegant layer of bacon.

Cook lard in onion skins

smoked bacon recipe

You can get lard like from a smoke at home. And the differences between ready-made smoked lard and lard prepared according to this recipe are so small that only a real gourmet can notice them. And only two ingredients will help to cook such bacon - onion husks and prunes. Let's get real smoked bacon. But the biggest difference between cooked lard and purchased lard is, of course, that our lard is environmentally friendly. Not treated with any substances. / You can safely eat it and enjoy the taste.

Homemade lard in onion skins even looks like drooling. And the taste is beyond words. Try to cook such bacon and see for yourself. Onion skins color the lard in a golden color. And the marinade makes it soft and aromatic. Every piece of bacon literally melts in your mouth.

You will need:

  • lard (preferably with a meat layer) - 1kg
  • onion peels - 3 large handfuls
  • prunes - 6 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 6 cloves
  • ground black pepper - 3 tbsp. spoons to taste
  • salt - 200 gr.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • paprika or dry adjika if desired - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • clean drinking water - 1 liter.

Pour water into an iron stainless saucepan and put onion skins there. Stir the husk until it gets wet, then drain the water. Together with the water, the dirt will go away from the husk. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan and add salt, sugar and ground pepper, bring to a boil. After boiling, add prunes and lavrushka leaves. Boil this mixture for one minute.

Then covered with a lid, leave to cool to room temperature. When the saucepan has cooled, place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours without opening the lids. For 12 hours, the bacon will be marinated and you can get it out. Remove the pieces of bacon and place them on a paper towel.

We add spice to our bacon. Press the garlic until gruel and mix with black pepper. Rub bacon with this mixture and sprinkle with adjika or paprika. This is optional. Adjika and paprika will make the lard spice. Wrapping the fat with cling film or foil, we send it to a cold place for 4 hours. After the fat is ready to eat. It can be used with both first and second courses.

Such lard is usually eaten very quickly. Well, if you need to store it longer, then it will stay in the refrigerator for up to two weeks without losing its taste. If you put it in the freezer, then it will be perfectly preserved until the next year. But this is unlikely. Your pets will not let him sit for a long time. And soon they will ask you to cook more.

A hot way of salting lard. Recipe for delicious and soft lard

The best option for such a recipe is lard with meat layers. The meat layers will make the lard more tender. The refined taste of spices is conveyed by lard. This fat is very tasty and tender, it literally melts in your mouth.

According to this technology, lard should be sent to the freezer on the fifth day, and there it can be stored for a whole year.

If you do not like spices, then you can exclude paprika from this recipe. Well, in general, this recipe is similar to the preparation of Hungarian bacon.

We need:

  • lard with a layer - 0.750 kg

Dfor hot brine:

  • coarse salt - 6-7 tbsp
  • water - 1.5 l
  • lavrushka leaf - 3-4 pcs.
  • cloves - 4 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 9 pcs.
  • garlic - head or 9 cloves

For rubbing lard:

  • a mixture of ground peppers - 1.5 tsp
  • table salt - 3.5 tablespoons
  • paprika - 1.5 tsp
  • garlic - 7 cloves

1. First you need to prepare the fat. Cut into pieces of the desired size. The pieces should not be large or small. If it's small, cut the lard and lard in half. Better for 3-4 parts.

2. For the marinade, put water and bring to a boil. Throw peppercorns and bay leaves into boiling water. We also put a carnation. Peeled garlic is best cut into thin slices. Also put in boiling water and salt. Cook the marinade for 3 - 4 minutes.

3. So that the pieces of bacon are completely immersed in the marinade, it is better to take a deep dish. You can use a small metal bucket or if a deep iron pan is available. Add pieces of bacon and cover with hot marinade.

4. So that the pieces do not float up, they need to be drowned. Therefore, we put the saucer on top so that it covers all the pieces, and we put the load on top. You can put a jar of water. The main thing is not to let the pieces float. Otherwise, the top parts will not be soaked with marinade and will dry out. Let the liquid cool to room temperature. Then we put it all in the refrigerator for 4 days. Many people choose just such a wet ambassador. But if you like dry curing you can opt for the dry curing recipe.

5. You can try such lard after 72 hours, this is the minimum for salting. But it's better to wait another day. After the bacon, you can take it out and put it on paper napkins to remove the excess marinade.

7. Rub the bacon evenly from all sides. Rub the spices into the bacon thoroughly. It should be evenly covered with them.

8. After rubbing, the bacon must be wrapped in cling film or foil. To make the bacon soaked in spices, place the wrapped pieces in the refrigerator and after a day it can be served. It is better to store it in the freezer and serve chilled with black rye bread for the first and second courses.

Salo Pyatiminutka - quick salting

video recipe for cooking lard

Moving on. The video below presents another great salting recipe. The cut pork breast is cooked in boiling brine for 5 minutes. Watch the video yourself and you will be amazed at how many secrets and techniques are shown in the video. Have a nice watching!

Homemade salted lard with garlic

The simplest recipe for homemade salted lard with layers of meat 15 minutes

You will need:

  • fresh not dried pork lard - 1 kg
  • garlic - 1 head
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.
  • ground black pepper - 1.5 tbsp
  • table salt - 2.5 tablespoons

1. Place all spices and bulk ingredients in a bowl. It is better to break the bay leaf into small pieces, and pass the garlic through a press. Stir the prepared mixture thoroughly until smooth.

2. Cut bacon with layers with a knife into pieces, not cutting a little to the skin. In general, the skin can be separated, but many people love lard along with the skin. Rinse the bacon under water and pat dry using a paper towel. Drying ambassadors will rub lard with spices.

3. The main thing is to grate the fat as evenly as possible. Rub in the spices from all sides, do not spare the ingredients. The better you rub the spices, the tastier the bacon will end up.

4. Wrap the salted and grated bacon tightly with cling film and put in a cellophane bag. Place in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. Then you can try it.

5. Taking bacon out of the refrigerator and cutting it into small pieces. Call your family. In 15 minutes you have prepared a delicious home-style salted lard with garlic. Delicious and fragrant lard with garlic and spices. Having prepared it in the morning, you can serve it to the table in the evening.

Snack of lard rolled through a meat grinder with garlic and pepper

Recipe for a delicious appetizer from lard with garlic rolled through a meat grinder at home

This recipe makes a great appetizer. You can spread it on bread and make various sandwiches with it. Below is a recipe for making bacon pâté with herbs and a selection of the most suitable spices and seasonings. Cooking such a snack is very quick and easy at home.

For herbs, you can take dill, parsley, or even mint leaves: it all depends on your personal gastronomic preferences. Garlic plays one of the main roles and how spicy your pâté made of rolled bacon will be depends on its amount.

Such an appetizer can even be served on a festive table, because a neat roll interspersed with herbs and spices looks very attractive and appetizing.

You will need:

  • lard - 0.5 kg
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • ground pepper and black red - 0.5 tsp each
  • fresh greens - a bunch
  • salt at discretion

Take lard and separate the skin from it. Absolutely any fat will do, it depends on your taste. Pass the bacon through a meat grinder with a large-hole attachment. After scrolling, add salt and ground peppers to a bowl. Stir well to distribute the salt and pepper evenly throughout the mixture.

Peel the cloves of garlic and pass them through a press directly into the bowl of lard. Choose the amount of lard yourself, depending on your preferences. This also applies to other spices.

Take a fresh bunch of greens for this snack and rinse it off. Chop the leaves finely and add them to the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Stir.

Add pepper to make the dish spicier. Red pepper is very hot, so add carefully, again depending on your preference. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth.

On the table, unfold the cling film and wrap the resulting mass in it. Shape it into a sausage. Tie the edges of the film tightly with a thread. Put the bacon in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Then you can unfold the bacon and cut it into slices on bread with green onions. An excellent and simple appetizer of lard, twisted in a meat grinder with garlic is ready.

Boiled bacon in a package

Delicious recipe for quick salting of lard in a bag at home

Very often, experienced housewives use a recipe for quick salting of bacon in a bag at home. This is an old time-tested recipe. With which you can prepare excellent bacon with red borscht with a slice of black bread. Many people are looking for this particular recipe for salting lard on the Internet. Therefore, feel free to take it and do it.

On a note:

  1. The bags used must be clean, dry and made of food grade polyethylene.
  2. You can add other spices to salt and black pepper, such as red pepper or dry garlic. A chopped clove of garlic will also do the trick.
  3. Lard may not be kept for 6 hours at room temperature, but then the salting time will increase.
  4. In a similar way, you can salt a piece of any thickness, taking into account that the thinner the salted sticks, the less they should be kept in salt and spices.
  5. You need to choose such parts that are soft in themselves and with a thin skin - the cheek, the underparts (from the abdomen) will not work. A small layer of meat will only improve the snack.

You will need:

  • pork lard, raw, not boiled - 1 kg
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • coarse salt - 2.5 tbsp

Rinse the bacon and cut into pieces. Can be cut into cubes or small rectangular cubes. Try to make the sticks roughly the same. Prepare salt and black pepper.

Take a cutting board and rub each piece one by one with a mixture of black pepper and salt. Rub evenly on all sides. Try to rub this mixture into the bacon.

Take a plastic bag and put bacon in it. Fold the cubes flat on top of each other. As soon as the salt and pepper begin to absorb into the lard, it will release moisture. This is a normal process and it should be. Therefore, to prevent the bag from leaking, it is better to put it in another bag.

Tie both bags in a knot as tightly as possible. Let the lard inside the bags brew for about 6-7 hours. And then sit it in the refrigerator. After three days, the lard is ready for use.

The lard, while it is in the refrigerator, will have time to salt well. This will be clearly visible on the cut.

For storage, you can cleanse the fat from salt and pepper. Rinse it in cold water and dry it. It keeps well in the fridge or freezer. Well, for those who like it, of course, you can leave a mixture of pepper and salt in lard.

Cut the salted bacon into thin slices and serve; it is most delicious to eat it with black bread and juicy onions.

Salt lard dry at home

Dry salted lard recipe

You will need:

  • lard, bacon - 2 kg
  • salt - 4-5 tbsp and plus how much it will take
  • ground red pepper - 1 tsp and allspice peas - 10 pcs.
  • garlic - 12-15 cloves

Start by preparing the lard. Wash it and cut into about 5cm by 5cm pieces.

Prepare your ingredients. Mash the garlic until you get a gruel. You can use a garlic press or turn in a blender. Grind black pepper to powder.

Place the garlic, black pepper, red pepper and salt in a bowl and mix thoroughly.

Rub the lard vigorously with this mixture on all sides.

Take ceramic, glass, or enamel dishes. Put a fragrant pepper and salt gruel on the bottom. Place the grated pieces of bacon on top of it. Spread the garlic and pepper mixture on all sides. Pour regular salt on top, cover and refrigerate for 10 days.

After 10 days, remove the saucepan and remove the bacon from it. It will decrease slightly as it has lost some moisture. The moisture will be at the bottom or absorbed into the salt. Peel the pieces of bacon from excess salt and garlic and pepper, cut into slices and serve.

It is best to eat salted lard with black rye bread and garlic. Can be served with first or second courses.

Delicious lard in brine

quick recipe for salting lard

Another very simple and quick recipe for salting lard at home. According to this recipe, lard tastes spicy and aromatic, and the cooking process does not take much time.

You will need:

  • fresh sardine with a slot about 1 kg
  • liter of water
  • 5 tbsp coarse salt
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf
  • 5 pieces. black peppercorns
  • a pinch of allspice
  • 4 cloves of garlic

Salt lard at home or buy it on the market and in the store - everyone will decide for himself in his own way, but what is more profitable to salt at home and the lard at the exit is tastier, do not even undertake to argue! I think most will agree on the correct opinion: it is tastier and more profitable at home.

Our task is not to open the discussion, but rather to close and move the topic in the direction: how to salt lard - traditionally dry, in hot or cold brine? Each of these methods will have supporters, although, as in the well-known anecdote: “Why try it? Lard is like lard! " Lard is never bad, but it can be delicious!

Here are selected only those recipes according to which the bacon is guaranteed to be delicious. At the very least, you need to have lard, salt and our recipes and advice on how to properly implement them.

General rules for salting lard at home

With all the simplicity of this ancient process, the final taste largely depends on the quality of the lard itself, which must be chosen unmistakably. Too thin or, on the contrary, too thick lard should be discarded immediately, but a fresh product of medium thickness and with meat layers is our lard! And it is beautiful and very tasty - even if you eat it yourself, even if you treat it - you will please everyone!

There are a lot of recipes for making salted lard, but the main ways of salting lard at home are as follows:

  • lard in brine;
  • hot recipe for salting lard;
  • wet recipe for salt lard;
  • dry salting of bacon.

If we talk about saving time, the fastest of them is the hot method of salting fresh bacon, in which it can be eaten after 1 hour. Cold wet and dry salting will take at least 4-5 days of waiting, taking into account the thickness of the bacon: the thinner, the faster the final salting of the bacon will pass.

Salt in this business may be sea salt, but certainly large. When choosing spices, you can only be guided by your own preferences. Usually, the most common set is used: black or red ground pepper and peas, cumin - for an amateur, bay leaf and fresh peeled garlic, which is not abundant in lard.

Salted bacon is stored in the freezer or in the refrigerator, but always tightly packed so as not to lose its aroma. It is more convenient to pack in small pieces that can be eaten in a short time.

1. Home recipe how to dry salt lard

This is an old-fashioned way of extreme simplicity. For cooking, you just need to have salt and lard + spices to taste, someone is limited only to pepper, and someone adds spicy herbs.


  • fresh pork fat - 1 kilogram;
  • coarse table salt - 1 kilogram;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • seasonings - on preference or special mixtures for salting bacon.

Salt dry salted according to a home recipe like this:

  1. Wash fresh bacon, peeling the skin. Let it drain and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut into rectangular portions of the same size, although it is permissible in a whole layer.
  2. In a bowl, mix dry ingredients with coarse salt until evenly and in this mixture roll the pieces of bacon on all sides.
  3. Sprinkle salt on the bottom of the container with a layer of 0.5 centimeters.
  4. Place pieces of bacon with small gaps, sprinkle with bay leaf crumbs and salt.
  5. If necessary, put the second layer on top and sprinkle it with the remaining salt. Stand the container with bacon under the lid in a cold place or in the refrigerator for 5 days.
  6. Further storage of the finished bacon is possible in the refrigerator or in sealed packaging for each piece separately in the freezer, which will extend its shelf life many times over.

2. Home recipe for salting lard in brine (brine)

According to this recipe, it is very correct to salt lard with layers of meat - the most delicious way. It is believed that brine is more saturated with sea salt, and the salting process is quick and flawless.


  • drinking water - 800 milliliters;
  • fresh lard - 1 kilogram;
  • sea ​​salt or common coarse - 1 glass;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pieces;
  • peppercorns and other spices to taste.

Salt in brine according to a simple homemade recipe, salt like this:

  1. Cut the washed and dried lard into small pieces of 4-5 centimeters.
  2. Pour water into a suitable container and dissolve the specified amount of salt in it until it is completely dissolved. Followed by spices, crushed or chopped garlic cloves.
  3. Put the pieces of bacon tightly in a glass jar, pour cold brine and insist under the lid in the refrigerator for one day. If the pieces are larger, then the salting time is slightly postponed.
  4. After the end of salting, pieces of bacon can be stored without brine in the refrigerator or in the freezer.

3. How to salt lard with garlic and pepper at home

In the home tradition of salting fresh bacon for future use and for food, it is customary today to use garlic and black pepper, which, together with bay leaves, give the product a unique homemade taste and aroma.


  • fresh fat;
  • large table salt;
  • fresh garlic;
  • black pepper;
  • laurel leaf.

Salt lard with garlic and pepper in a home-style way:

  1. Cut the prepared (washed and dried with a paper towel) fresh lard into pieces of any size.
  2. Peel the garlic for pickling in the preferred amount and chop lengthwise into 4 pieces.
  3. In different places of a piece of bacon with a sharp-nosed knife, make a depression, where immediately insert a sharp quarter of a clove of garlic, drowning it as deep as possible - this is called stuffing the bacon.
  4. Rub the stuffed bacon abundantly with a mixture of salt and ground black pepper with crumbs of bay leaf and put it tightly in a plastic bag, generously sprinkling it with salt - you cannot oversalt the bacon.
  5. Place the bag of lard in a container, hold it for one day at room temperature and another 5 days in a cold place or in the refrigerator.

In the future, it is enough to scrape off the salt with a knife or rinse it in cold water for food. The rest of the pieces can be stored by wrapping each piece separately in the freezer. Here's a simple homemade salted lard recipe.

4. The original recipe for salting lard in onion skins

This is a hot method of salting fresh lard in a rich broth of onion husks, in which it becomes soft, beautiful and so aromatic that it can compete with smoked, but not so heavy for the liver.


  • fresh lard - 1.5 kilograms;
  • drinking water - 1 liter;
  • table salt - 7 tablespoons;
  • onion peel - 2 cups;
  • garlic and ground pepper - optional.

According to the recipe, salt lard in onion skins like this:

  1. Place the onion peel washed through a colander in a saucepan, pour the specified amount of water, place on fire, bring to a boil, put the required amount of salt and dissolve it completely.
  2. By this time, cut the washed bacon into pieces no wider than 5 centimeters, the length is not limited, put them in a boiling onion broth and cook for 15-20 minutes, if the pieces of bacon are thicker, then cook a little longer.
  3. Leave the boiled bacon to cool in the onion broth for 12 hours, after which the pieces of bacon are removed, smeared with chopped garlic and pepper, you can also connect the red ground, which will give the product an interesting tone and taste accent.
  4. Wrap each piece of bacon with cling film or foil and store those whose use is delayed in the freezer for even months.

For lovers of a sharper taste of smoked meats, when cooking lard in onion skins, we advise you to add a couple of tablespoons of liquid smoke, which will enhance the already appetizing smell of the product.

5. Homemade recipe for salting lard in hot brine

When solving the question: how to salt lard, do not forget such a simple and affordable way of hot brine. Lard with layers of meat is especially suitable for such salting. The whole process of such salting lasts no more than 4 days, but the product can be stored in the freezer for months.


  • fresh fat - 800 grams;
  • table salt - 7 tablespoons;
  • drinking water - 1 liter;
  • laurel leaf - 4 pieces;
  • allspice peas - 5 grains;
  • cloves - 3 grains;
  • fresh garlic - to taste.

According to a home recipe, lard is salted in hot brine like this:

  1. Rinse the fat and pat dry with a paper towel. Cut the bacon layer into 3-4 pieces.
  2. In a suitable saucepan, where adding all the listed ingredients, the amount of which, except for salt, is variable, cook after boiling for two minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire, and place the prepared bacon in the hot brine, cover with a suitable flat plate so that it does not float, remaining outside the brine. The fat remains in this brine until the product cools completely.
  4. After cooling, place the entire container with brine and bacon in the refrigerator and keep it there for three days under a lid.
  5. After three days, remove the finished lard from the brine, let it drain, dry it with a paper towel and, smearing it with a mixture of chopped garlic and spices, wrap each individually tightly in foil or cling film. You can store it in the freezer for a long time.

The mixture for coating pieces of ready-made bacon can be included according to your preference. But there is an option: do not coat with anything - it will still be very tasty!

6. How to salt lard for smoking according to a country recipe

Homemade smoked bacon is another delicacy! Only a significant proportion of its success is due to its correct salting before the smoking process.


  • fresh lard - 1.5 kilograms;
  • table salt - 200 grams;
  • ground pepper;
  • laurel leaf - 2 pieces;
  • fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
  • mustard powder - 1 teaspoon.

According to a village recipe, lard for smoking is salted like this:

  1. Peel and chop the garlic.
  2. Grate the washed and dried lard with a mixture of salt, pepper, garlic and place loosely in a container. Sprinkle generously with salt on top.
  3. Sprinkle further with mustard powder and spread the bay leaves. Then pour boiling water over so that all the bacon is covered with water.
  4. The container with lard reaches natural cooling and is placed in the refrigerator for 3 days with the lid closed, after which it can be smoked or eaten.
  • In the case of salting lard, you do not need to be afraid of an overdose of salt and spices: lard will take only a certain amount of salt, and you can always remove spices from its surface.
  • The peritoneum is suitable for hot salting of lard, but in the dry version it will remain very tough. The side layers of bacon and from the back are the best material for dry salting.
  • The smell of garlic, when previously used in salting, evaporates quickly enough. For this reason, it is better to rub pieces of bacon with them before eating them.
  • If the lard is harsh, then it can be softened by soaking in cold water for 10-12 hours, while adding a couple of teaspoons of granulated sugar, which will only improve its taste.
  • Before serving, cut the bacon thinly and evenly, hold it in the refrigerator. In a cooled state, it is more elastic and a sharp knife easily copes with it.
  • In ripe salted bacon, the meat strips darken. If they are still pink, then you need to give the fat time to brew. When dry salting, salt can be sprinkled on undersalted pieces of bacon, but in brine, the salt should be at least the norm.

Salting lard at home is a very easy and simple process. It should be noted that such a product is very popular not only in our country, but also in countries such as Germany, Ukraine, Poland, Italy, etc.

general information

Before telling you about how lard is salted at home, you should tell why this product is so popular in many countries of the world.

Thanks to its aroma and invaluable nutritional properties, bacon is one of the favorite types of snacks. For many centuries, salted lard was considered the food of the poor. After all, the fleshy pieces of carcass always went to those who could pay a decent price for them. But it was thanks to the fat that the working people gained a lot of strength and energy.

By the way, there is an interesting fact about this product. Historians believe that if Columbus had not been on lard, he would hardly have been able to get to the New World.

Product properties

Many people are interested in how salting of lard is carried out. Indeed, in their opinion, such a product must be present on every table. This is due to the fact that it contains "long-lasting calories." People who use them quickly restore strength and energy, and also preserve them for a very long time.

So, 100 g of fat contains about 800 energy units. But, despite this, such a product is considered very useful, since it contains many valuable fatty acids that are involved in the formation of hormones, cell building and cholesterol metabolism. That is why in this article we decided to present you the most popular ways of salting lard.

Product selection

Before you pickle tasty bacon, you should choose the right one. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • It is better to buy lard with skin. After all, the most useful is what is 2.5 centimeters below it.
  • To make salted pork lard tasty and healthy, the original product should be purchased wisely. The fat must be firm, homogeneous and dense. You can check it in the following way: pierce it with a sharp and long knife. If the fat is good, then it will slightly resist, but at the same time it will pierce well, without jerking.
  • For salting, it is better to purchase fat from sows than boars.
  • In the cut, this product should be slightly pinkish or have a snow-white color.
  • If you notice that the fat is a little yellowish, then it is better not to take it.

It should also be noted that it is better to cook or smoke a product with layers of meat. This is due to the fact that when salting with the usual method, the bacon can turn out to be too hard, in addition, it quickly deteriorates, even if it is stored in the refrigerator.

Product preparation and salting methods

To carry out the salting of lard at home, you should carefully prepare the main raw materials. It needs to be washed in warm water, and then cut into layers 4 centimeters thick - then the pieces will be salted well and evenly.

After preparing the product, you should decide what method you want to use for salting lard at home. There are three options in total:

Due to the fact that there are a lot of recipes for making homemade lard, we decided to give only the most popular of them.

Simple salting of lard (in Ukrainian)

The dry method of salting such a product is considered the most popular. After all, it is the least time consuming. For this we need:

  • raw pork lard with skin - about 1 kg;
  • medium garlic cloves - about 10 pcs.;
  • lavrushki - 2 leaves;
  • table salt - 4 large spoons;
  • peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.;
  • ground paprika - 2 large spoons;
  • caraway seeds - dessert spoon;
  • chopped chili pepper - dessert spoon.

Product preparation

Dry salting of bacon is quite easy. To begin with, the main product needs to be washed well, dried with paper towels, and then cut into two wide layers 3-4 centimeters thick. Next, they should be laid on the board with the skin down and several cuts 2-3 mm deep should be made.

Salting process

After the product has been processed, you need to peel the garlic cloves and then chop them finely. Next, you should break the leaves of the lavrushka and press them into the previously made cuts along with the garlic plates.

As for the rest of the components (table salt, peppercorns, ground paprika, cumin, chopped chili), they should be combined and ground into small crumbs. The resulting mixture must be rubbed with layers of bacon, carefully place them on food foil and wrap tightly with it. In this form, the product must be removed to the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks. After the specified time, it will be fully usable.

The fastest salting of lard

Ukrainian lard can be salted in another way. To do this, the prepared product must be rubbed abundantly with salt and garlic passed through a press, and then put in a container and tightly closed. We place the product in the refrigerator and keep it for 3-5 days. After that, you can safely put it in the freezer. After a day, the lard must be removed, cut into thin slices, and then served along with the bread.

Salt lard in brine (cold)

The wet process of salting lard takes a little longer than dry. To do this, we may need the following components:

  • fresh pork fat - about 800 g;
  • garlic cloves - about 6 pcs.;
  • table salt is not very coarse - 4 large spoons;
  • chopped allspice - a couple of large pinches;
  • black peppercorns - 4 pcs.;
  • sweet paprika - a couple of small spoons;
  • lavrushka - 3 leaves;
  • cold water - about 3 liters.

Brine preparation

How to salt delicious bacon? Wet, of course. To carry out our plans, it is necessary to prepare a fragrant pickle. To do this, pour cold water into the pan, and then put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Next, in the hot liquid, you need to put table salt, chopped pepper, lavrushka leaves and pepper in the form of peas. We mix the ingredients and remove the container from the stove, after which we keep it at room temperature until the brine has completely cooled. In the meantime, you can start preparing the main product.

Lard processing

After purchasing a suitable piece of lard, wash it thoroughly, scrape the skin off, and then dry it immediately with towels. Next, the product needs to be cut into medium pieces (about 3-4 centimeters wide).

Salting process

Having prepared the raw materials, it must be put in a glass jar (it is better to take a half-liter one), and then fill it with completely cooled brine. In this case, lavrushka and peppercorns should also be placed in a container.

Then the filled jar must be closed with a plastic lid and refrigerated. It is recommended to salt lard in this way for about four days. After this time, the product should be carefully removed from the container and lightly dried with paper towels. Next, it must be seasoned with ground paprika, grated with garlic and wrapped in food foil.

To make the bacon more tasty and aromatic, it is recommended to keep it in the cold for about three more days in this form.

Serving correctly

Now you know how to carry out salting of lard at home with a wet method. It should be noted that if you decide to cook such an appetizer without first cutting it into pieces, then the exposure time in brine and foil must be increased by a few more days. This is due to the fact that thick and wide layers of bacon absorb spices much longer than small pieces.

And now the most pleasant thing: a tasty and aromatic appetizer must be taken out, cut into slices, and then presented to the table along with rye or white bread, adjika or mustard.

Hot salting lard

The hot method of salting lard is not very popular among the population of our country. What is the reason for this? First, this method is very laborious. Secondly, most people prefer to salt fresh lard. After all, this way the appetizer turns out to be more aromatic and tasty. It should also be noted that during heat treatment, all the beneficial substances of this product simply disappear.

So, let's take a look at how hot salting of lard in onion skins is carried out. For this we need:

  • pork lard with layers of meat - about 1 kg;
  • table salt is not very fine - about 4 large spoons;
  • lavrushka leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • onion peel - from 4 large heads;
  • drinking water - about 1 liter;
  • granulated sugar - 2 large spoons;
  • ground black pepper - use according to taste and discretion;
  • garlic cloves - about 9 pcs.

Ingredient processing

Salting lard in onion skins is a fairly easy process. But in order to implement it, it is necessary to process all the ingredients in advance. To do this, remove all the husks from the onion heads, and then pour it with plain water, stand for several minutes and shake vigorously in a colander.

As for the fat, it needs to be washed, cut into layers 5 centimeters thick. It is also necessary to make a brine in advance. To do this, the drinking water should be slightly warmed up, and then granulated sugar and table salt should be dissolved in it.

Food preparation and heat treatment

After making the brine and processing the bacon, put ½ part of the onion husk into the multicooker bowl, and then place the main product on top of it (skin side down). After that, lard needs to be seasoned with ground black pepper and lavrushka leaves. In this form, it should be sprinkled with the remaining husk and filled with the previously prepared brine.

Having carried out all the described actions, the bowl of the device must be closed and the extinguishing mode must be set for exactly one hour. This time is quite enough for the product to be fully cooked, saturated with all the spices, and also acquired a pleasant golden hue.

The final stage

If you want to get a more delicate and tasty bacon, then after finishing the heat treatment, it is recommended to keep it in the same brine for about 8-11 hours. After the specified time, the product must be removed and dried immediately with paper towels. Next, you need to grate it with chopped garlic cloves and a small amount of black pepper.

In this form, the future snack should be wrapped with cling film and placed in the refrigerator. After a day, the salted bacon must be removed to the freezer and wait until it is completely hardened. Only then can it be eaten.

How should you use?

Lard, cooked by hot salting, turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. Moreover, thanks to the onion peel, such a product acquires a pleasant golden hue.

By the way, some housewives use such a product for frying potatoes. In this case, the chopped bacon must be fried in a pan to the state of cracklings, and then put the chopped onions and potatoes. It should be noted that such a dish turns out to be very tasty, satisfying and nutritious.