The best homemade burners to be tested. Making a waste oil burner with your own hands. Comparative advantages and disadvantages

As you know, in diesel burners, high pressure fuel is pumped into a nozzle and sprayed through a very small hole.

Unlike diesel fuel, used oil is a much more viscous product that needs to be heated before burning to reduce its viscosity. But mining is prone to the formation of polymer clots and carbon deposits when heated, and also always contains impurities, inclusions and rather large particles of metal and dirt. Therefore, waste oil burners are quite different in design from diesel burners.

First of all, in such universal burners, the fuel is not pumped into a nozzle with a very small hole, but is sucked into a nozzle of a special design by a stream of compressed air from an external compressor. At the same time, the diameter of the fuel hole in such a nozzle is much larger and it is less susceptible to clogging.

Burner diagram NORTEC WB

The used oil has a high viscosity, so it is heated in a special tank. The tank is equipped with a thermostat that allows you to change the heating temperature depending on the type of fuel. This ensures the versatility of the burners in terms of fuel.

Compressed air from an external compressor, passing at high speed through a special nozzle, creates a vacuum in the fuel line and sucks fuel from the heater tank, while spraying it.
A combustible mixture is created, which is ignited by means of ignition electrodes.

An additional volume of combustion air (secondary air) is supplied by the burner fan in the volume required for normal combustion.

Power regulation in burners of this type is performed by a primary (compressed) air regulator installed on the burner.

Waste oil burner nozzles

It is hardly necessary to once again talk about the need for a cheap type of heating. If it is impossible to heat the apartment with alternative systems, then for premises such as a garage or a workshop, this is the best solution. Let's talk with you about how the Babington burner is made. The principle of operation of the unit is quite simple and implies the use of a cheap type of fuel. This allows you to use the mining as efficiently as possible.

General information

Babington appeared a long time ago and it is quite easy to guess who its creator was. Currently, the scope of such mini-heating equipment is reduced to heating small rooms. Interestingly, the burner can be assembled from scrap materials and does not require any investment. In addition, the organization of a chimney is not required, since no smoke is formed during the combustion process. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to take care of good ventilation in the room. By the way, the patent for the Babington burner was removed relatively recently, therefore, in recent years, the drawings of the unit have become available to everyone. But before moving on to the assembly process, I would like to understand in detail how the device works. First, a little history.

How did the burner come about?

Back in 1969, inventor Robert Babington was awarded a patent for this burner. True, today his term has long expired. In 1979, Babington proposed a new burner design. It was fundamentally different in that it had a double air diffuser. This invention was very similar to the Eirtonik burner, which was also manufactured according to the technology of the present inventor. It was used for military purposes on Naturally, the burner was powered by diesel fuel and was irreplaceable. The final version was suggested by John Archibald. Many people call this person the inventor of the Babington burner. But it is impossible to give a definite answer. And it hardly plays a significant role for us. The most important thing is to be able to create such a unit with your own hands and achieve its efficient operation. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Burner operation principle

Exhaust, in our case this is fuel, flows along a curved tube. As a result, due to the effect of surface tension, a thin film is formed, which is pierced by air from tiny holes, usually no more than 0.010 mm in diameter. As a result, the fuel is atomized and enriched with oxygen. For this reason, no additional systems are required to organize the air supply, since the process is completely completed. This design is best suited for working with mining. This is due to the fact that regardless of the quality of the fuel composition and the presence of foreign elements in it, the burner will function. Of course, the heating efficiency in this case will change somewhat. However, the Babington burner must be equipped with a sump with oil, which will be supplied to the working body of the device. Although this is a drawback, it cannot be called a significant drawback.

Fuel used

We have already figured out a little about how the Babington burner works and what it consists of. You can find drawings suitable for the development of the unit in this article. But you need to understand that regardless of the design and what materials this heating equipment was made from, it is forbidden to use such fuels as gasoline, methanol and other evaporating fuels.

Efficient atomization makes efficient use of heavy fuels. These include various oils, such as biodiesel, kerosene, diesel, engine and anyway, any of these fuels will do. As for heat transfer, it depends on the quality of the fuel. Of course, the amount of heat generated can be significantly increased by increasing the fuel consumption. For this, an additional small diameter hole is drilled. But more on that later.

Diy Babington burner: drawings and something else

As noted above, the fuel must flow over a curved surface, which is necessary for efficient combustion. At the same time, many use ordinary ones. The first step is to cut off the base; this can be done using a regular hacksaw. Then we solder the copper adapter. Next, the gas source is brought in or Pay a little attention to cleaning the surfaces. They must be well processed and preferably fat free. Sometimes hollow balls of various diameters made of metal are used in place of the handle. Large balls are preferred because they provide fast fuel delivery and create a thin film, which is an advantage. In addition, the larger ball has a larger opening. This is important if used oil with a lot of foreign bodies is used. Therefore, if you are faced with a choice between a large and a small ball, then give preference to the first option.

Drilling holes

For the air flow to atomize the fuel as efficiently as possible, the hole should be as small as possible. Priority is 0.010 inches. Although holes up to 0.020 are considered acceptable. To obtain them, special thin drills are used. If you look at them from the side, they will seem intermittent to you. In any case, the drilling process should be done slowly and carefully. Compressed air will flow through these holes.

Air atomization is preferred over gas. This is due to the cheapness of the resource. If you have to pay for gas, then no for air. In addition, very little of it is needed, so you can use ordinary compressors, which are installed on aquariums. In principle, the Babington burner, the drawings of which you can find in this article, are almost ready to use. There are a few small details left.

Fuel supply and barrel fabrication

We have already figured out a little about how the Babington burner is made. The scheme of the product, despite its simplicity, has several pitfalls. For example, you need to use a suitable pump. Best of all in this case is gear. It is ideal for handling viscous fluids. But if there is no pump, then you can use an elementary scheme for organizing the supply of fuel by gravity. But such a solution only takes place if the amount of oil in the sump, and therefore the pressure, is maintained at a high level.

The barrel is the usual 6 inches in diameter and 3 feet in length. Just one nozzle is enough. If there is a pipe with thick walls, then it is better to use it, since this option is better suited for the combustion process. Pipes of this type retain heat much longer. Do not forget to install a pulsator at the final station. The Babington burner will operate without flame ripple.


If there is no desire to engage in design, then you can always buy yourself such a burner. Fortunately, there are a lot of proposals, so there shouldn't be any problems with the choice. As for the prices, they depend on the capacity of the equipment. In addition, such burners are not manufactured by specialized companies, so they can only be bought from private individuals. For example, an automatic burner with a power regulator from 15 to 30 kW will cost about 35-40 thousand rubles. Basically, so we figured out with you what is and how the Babington burner is created. The price, as you can see, depends on the seller. If you have free time and desire, then such simple heating equipment can be made by hand.

In one of the articles, we talked about the one that allows you to burn mining. Today we will provide you with instructions for making a waste oil burner with your own hands. We will also consider the design, manufacturers and prices of factory products that can be bought on the domestic heating appliance market.

There are models without a compressor and a package.

Even looking at the burner, one can understand that this is a rather complex device. The design of a factory waste oil burner provides for the simultaneous interaction of many processes. In this case, the equipment may differ slightly. Main elements:

  • tank with heating element for fuel heating;
  • secondary air supply system;
  • primary air supply system, where the compressor is the heart;
  • pieza;
  • fuel supply system or fispacket - pump, fuel intake and filters.

There are models that are sold without a package and a compressor. The device cannot work in such a configuration, you still need to connect these elements separately. Such devices are bought when a person has a compressor and a fuel pump with filters.

The presence of a fuel intake allows fuel to be drawn into the burner waste oil tank from a remote storage tank. This distance is individual for each model. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the burner power, fuel consumption per hour, energy consumption.

The power of the waste oil burner is selected in such a way that it is equal to or higher than the heat output.

Also an important parameter is the air consumption in cubic meters / hour and the required pressure. These indicators affect how often the compressor will need to be turned on and its performance. All devices are equipped with an electronic control system. You can select the required coolant temperature by installing an external temperature sensor on the circuit.

The principle of operation of a factory burner during development

The oil burner is installed in the boiler furnace - the flame must heat up the heat exchanger. At the very beginning, when you turn on the burner (first turn on), the fuel pump through the fuel intake and the filter system draws the waste from a container located at some distance into a special tank. Electric heating elements are installed there, which heat the fuel to a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

There are heating elements in the development tank.

The compressor then supplies air pressure. The air flow squeezes out the fuel through a special nozzle, spraying it with a torch. In this case, the mixture is additionally enriched with oxygen by means of a special fan installed in the burner housing. There is a piezo behind the nozzle, it works continuously. That is, there is always a discharge between the contacts, like a small lightning, it is visible visually. Warm oil enriched with oxygen ignites. The following must not be used as fuel:

  • gasoline, solvent or diesel fuel in pure form (must be mixed with oil);
  • synthetic engine and transmission oil;
  • new engine oil.

The burner is working loudly, very loud. The stronger the air pressure, the stronger the sound and, accordingly, the larger the flame. In order to somehow arrange the flame torch, a divider is provided at the end of the burner. The commands to turn the device on and off are given by the electronic unit, operating with information from external temperature sensors.

Burners are available in one-stage and two-stage. Single-stage, when started, immediately start working at full capacity (the one that you set). Two-stage devices are included in two stages. In the first, they first give out 25% of the power and gradually increase to 50% or 70%, depending on the model. In the second stage, the burner reaches full capacity. Please note that the first stage may differ for different models of burners during development, that is, the power increases according to its individual scheme.

Manufacturers and prices of waste oil heaters

Both domestic and foreign models of burners are presented on the Russian market. These are mainly Chinese products, or made with the participation of China. But this does not mean that their quality is inadequate. In China, they also know how to do quality things, just more often than not our merchants bring cheap low-grade trash to the Russian market. In certified stores, everything is completely different - the quality is high, guarantees, service.

Among the popular manufacturers are:

  • Master - joint production of Poland and China;
  • Euronord - China;
  • Kroll - Germany;
  • Nortec - China;
  • Caeq - Canada;
  • Olympia - Russia, manufactured on the basis of the OLB burner from South Korea.

The price of a waste oil burner depends on the configuration and capacity. From cheap Nortec WB40 with a capacity of 15 to 40 kW with a consumption of 1.5-3.9 kg of mining per hour. The price is 92,200 rubles. For comparison, we will present one of the most expensive models of Kroll KG / UB burners - power up to 1276 kW, consumption at a maximum of 110 kg of waste oil per hour, price 1837 thousand rubles (almost 2 million). At the same time, it is produced without a package, it must be purchased separately.

Homemade burner for mining

Of course, you cannot make an analogue of a factory burner at home. But you can make a simple design that will allow you to burn mining for. Its power will be small, but quite enough for a small room. In order for such a homemade waste oil burner to work, a compressor will need to be connected to it.

The burner body is hollow.

For manufacturing we need:

  • ½ inch tee;
  • ½ inch plug;
  • half-inch corner;
  • clutch;
  • two jets - for air and working off.

A hole must be made in the plug through which the mining will be blown out. At the tip of the air jet we make two side slots of 1 mm each, through which oil will be drawn in. In the jet itself, there is a 0.8 mm air hole.

For installation in the boiler, a round tube divider is put on the assembled burner. The oil supply pipe is lowered into a container with fuel. Pre-mining needs to be heated in order to increase its fluidity and flammability. A compressor is connected to the air inlet. When pressure is built up, the air itself draws oil from the reservoir. The flame must be ignited manually. For more information on how to make a waste oil burner with your own hands, see the video.

Burner for working furnace

During the onset of cold weather, every inhabitant of our country begins to think about how to warm their home. For this, many different systems have now been developed. They all differ in the type of fuel they run on, as well as in the price of the devices themselves. The simplest and cheapest device for heating a summer cottage or utility room that you can make with your own hands is a working burner.

Burners can be divided into several types:

  • Lighting.
  • Welding.
  • Heating.

According to the fuel used, they can be:

  • Gas.
  • Liquid fuel.
  • Combined.

The history of the emergence of burners on used engine oil

This type of burner has been known for a long time and has become widespread, since the waste oil that is used in them is not just cheap, but practically free in comparison with gas, electricity or solid fuel.

In the distant 60s of the last century, the inhabitants of our country began to acquire summer cottages and build houses on them, which had to be heated with something in the cold. Although gasoline and other fuels were inexpensive, citizens' wages were also low, so people looked for alternatives to gasoline, firewood and coal. And our craftsmen have developed with their own hands a system that works on working off.

Its principle of operation was already known. It is similar to kerosene gas, which was used by a lot of people at that time. In it, kerosene evaporated, and then it was burned out in a specially provided chamber. This device was relatively safe to use, but had the disadvantage that if any failure occurred, soot would be released and a pungent odor would appear. And this all happened shortly before the possible accident. The waste oil burner works on the same principle, only the craftsmen had to think about how to make sure that the combustion of contaminated fuel goes to the very end.

The work of the device consisted of several stages:

  • The initial not too large energy reserve of liquid fuel was used for its decomposition to simpler and lighter fractions. They were the most active. The cleavage process is called pyrolysis. This is the thermal decomposition of many inorganic and organic compounds. In the narrow sense - decomposition of organic natural compounds with a lack of oxygen. In a broad sense, the decomposition of various compounds into somewhat less heavy molecules or elements when exposed to elevated temperatures.
  • The resulting fractions were burned in several stages.

Advantages and disadvantages of a liquid fuel burner

This equipment has a lot of advantages, the main of which are:

  • Ease of DIY manufacturing and operation.
  • Widespread distribution of drawings for the manufacture of devices.
  • The cheapness of waste oil used as fuel. These devices are perfect for transport organizations and companies where there is a lot of testing. Thus, it is possible to dispose of the waste and heat the premises.
  • Efficiency and functionality of devices.
  • Device mobility.

Despite the listed advantages, the burner also has a disadvantage. It is quite demanding on the quality of the used oil.

Features of making do-it-yourself liquid fuel burners

Outwardly, the burner resembles a small empty gas cylinder, to which oppositely directed sections of steel pipe are attached by welding from above and below by welding.

Burner Babington

Its inner dimension is one inch and the wall is quite thick. The lower section is necessary for supplying the oil-air suspension to the compartment, where combustion takes place. The upper section is used as the torch socket. A torch of flame with a high temperature is emitted from it. A simple, high-powered household vacuum cleaner is used to provide a flow of air that is forced into the oven to form a torch.

Making a burner with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, you will need a welding machine with which the parts are connected, as well as a grinder and a lathe.

Manufacturing begins with the case. To do this, you need to find an empty gas cylinder of a suitable size. Then remove the filler hole and use the template to mark the pipe fasteners. Then use an electric drill to drill them along the inner part of the contour. To do this, you need to use a drill in the form of a spiral. With a high degree of accuracy, using a chisel or grinder, you need to remove the jumpers between the holes. In order for the holes for the seating of the pipes to be of the correct shape, it is necessary to bore them with a round file by hand. You can also do this with a router bit by placing it in an electric drill. When working with metal, you must follow the safety rules.

Pipes are inserted into the holes of the desired size and welded. The pipes are measured in advance and sawn off with a grinder. A hole is made in the lower half of the pipe and an M16 nut is welded. This hole is required for attaching the oil nozzle.

The principle of feeding mining into the burner itself

The oil nozzle is made on a lathe. A rod is used for the base, which has a smooth shank. You will need it when attaching the oil supply hose. If a flexible liner is provided, then it is necessary to cut a thread on this part. For most of the length of the rod, metric threads are made. The pipe diameter is 16 mm. A hole is drilled through almost the entire length of the nozzle. It meets with a transverse piece installed at the bottom, the diameter of which is 3 mm. If you own turning skills, then this part is easy to do with your own hands. And if not, then you can order it from a professional.

The principle of operation of the nozzle is based on the draining of the working out of a viscous consistency from the hole, which is drilled in the transverse part, and its capture by the air flow. This process breaks the fuel into small droplets. Their combustion is much easier.

Air flow regulation

Making a furnace for testing

The strength of the fiery torch depends on the intensity of the air flow. The adjustment system is based on a steel cup. It has a semicircular bottom and a hole of a certain diameter. This rather simple part can also be made on a lathe. To accurately make the bottom in the form of a hemisphere, you need to use cutters, and, of course, it must be made by a highly qualified turner.

The air flow is regulated by a round curtain. It is fixed on the L-shaped axis with an M4 screw.

To firmly connect the outlet pipe on which the hose is put on, and to operate the air valve, an adapter is used, which has a slot along its length.

During arson, access to the mining chamber is provided by a cover with a sufficiently large weight. It is installed on pre-welded canopies on the neck of the body. If the part is used not such a massive part, then spontaneous opening of the device during operation is possible. If all the steps during the assembly of the burner were performed correctly, then its operation is accompanied by an even flame of violet color, which occurs when the oil-air mixture burns in the body of the device.

When working with a liquid fuel burner, the fire safety regulations must be observed. The attachment point of the nozzle itself and the hose through which the fuel in liquid form enters must be protected with a steel screen. It will protect the waste oil from ignition in case of leakage.


Making a burner with your own hands is quite simple. But at the same time, it is necessary to observe safety rules when working with a lathe and carrying out locksmith operations. And besides this, comply with fire safety requirements, since all work carried out is associated with the use of power tools. You need to be especially careful when choosing a cylinder for the burner body. It must be empty, otherwise, when making holes in it, an unforeseen situation may arise, which is fraught with injuries that are quite dangerous for the life of the master.

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This type of burner was developed in the 1960s and gained its popularity as a stove among owners of summer cottages and utility rooms that needed to be heated.

Since the burner runs on liquid waste oil, its use is quite cheap when compared with gas heating of a boiler, electricity or solid fuel. This is a more economical option than a gas burner.

Waste oil is a kind of cheaper alternative to all types of fuel. In addition to the fact that with the help of a waste oil burner it was possible to heat the premises, it is able to help with the disposal of used and no longer needed oil. Both diesel and oil mining are suitable.

Principle of operation

This device works in the same way as breathing in a whale. The oil flows in a curve and, due to surface tension, creates a thin film.

When a jet of air under pressure from small holes pierces the fuel veil, the combustible mixture is efficiently atomized, and a certain amount of air picks up the atomized fuel, which ends the entire combustion process. Therefore, no additional air flow is required for efficient combustion.

The main advantage in Babington burners is the absence of any nozzles, which often get clogged, because the fuel immediately goes over the top of the small air holes.

Note: since the pump can operate on fuel with different impurities, metal shavings, dirt, it will be necessary to mount a fuel sump to the burner as a filter, and place it just below the nozzle.

What is required for manufacturing

It is not difficult to assemble the burner, but there are certain components that must all work together correctly in order to ensure trouble-free operation.

The burner consists of the following parts:

  1. Babington nozzles, which can be used as a door handle. Usually located in the burner.
  2. A 20 lb (9 liters) propane tank that will act as a compressed air source.
  3. The liquid fuel pump is usually a gear pump for oil. Connected via copper pipe.
  4. A cut-off 100 lb (45.36 liter) propane cylinder can be used as a burner pilot. Installed at the required height. You can also get by with a blowtorch.
  5. Sump for collecting impurities that have not burned out. A cut off unnecessary balloon will do.
  6. A spray catcher, as without it there will be splashes everywhere. For this, a piece of beam is used.

It is important: it is recommended to prepare a fire extinguisher before making the burner, because this type of fuel can be dangerous.

General view of the finished structure

A cinder block at the outlet will help maintain the flame.

When the burner is set correctly, there should be no smoke. There will be only hot, undulating air at the exit.

There is an oil pump under the burner. Its task is to suck oil from the reservoir, where the oil settles, which passes twice around the propane cylinder (while heating up), goes to the handle from the door and as a result is sprayed.

Note: in this installation there is no regulation of the propane supply, since it is rather inconvenient to control it with just the handle of the cylinder, however, automatic equipment can be installed on everything.

Also, for ease of understanding the design, there is no fuel tank, the suspension is immediately poured into the sump. There are various drawings for these burners, but now we are considering the simplest option.

The advantages of this type of burner:

  • quite simply made without any help.
  • a cheap way to get heat.
  • An efficient and functional device, it is lightweight, which makes the structure mobile.

We start self-production

Let's list the main tools that will be needed in the work:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • lathe.

In appearance, the burner looks like a small empty gas cylinder, on the top and bottom of which oppositely directed steel pipe sections are welded. The inside of the burner is only 1 "(2.54 cm) in size and the walls are quite large.

The pipe section at the bottom is required to supply oil and air to the part where the combustion occurs. The short tube at the top is used as the burner flare from which the flame will be spewed out.

Master's advice: a conventional high power household vacuum cleaner can be used to set the air flow to the oven.

Installation manufacturing

From the side, the device looks more like an empty gas cylinder. First you need to find an empty gas cylinder of the required volume.

Holes for pipes are drilled along the inside of the marked circle. To drill, you need a spiral drill. Using a chisel and a grinder, you need to remove the jumpers between the drilled holes. To give the correct shape, use a round file or cutter.

Pipes are inserted into the armholes made and welded. The pipes are measured in advance and sawn off with a grinder. A hole is made on the bottom of the pipe, where an m16 nut will be welded. This is required to secure the oil nozzle.

How oil is fed to the burner

A homemade oil nozzle is made using a lathe. A stem with a smooth shank is required for the base.

It is required to secure the hose to the oil supply. When a flexible oil supply is provided, we cut a thread in this place.

More than half of the length of the rod will be taken up by a metric thread. The pipe has a diameter of 16 mm. A hole is drilled along the entire length of the nozzle, which will come into contact with the cross piece, which is installed from below and has a diameter of 3 mm. This part is ordered from business professionals, or if you have the skill of working with a lathe, it is done by hand.

The principle of operation of the injector is that the viscous waste flows out of the hole, which was made in the transverse part, and is captured by the air pressurization. The fuel splits into small droplets, due to which their ignition is much easier.

How the air is adjusted

The strength of the fire will depend on the calculation of the strength of the air flow.

The heart of the system is to adjust a steel cup or ball that has holes of the correct diameter and a semicircular bottom.

This is also done with a lathe. Cutters are used to create the correct hemisphere. It is attached to the L-shaped axis with an M4 screw.

Take into account: to firmly connect the hose outlet and ensure correct operation of the air valve, an adapter is used that has a slot along its entire length.

When ignition occurs, a heavy cover provides access to the treatment chamber. It is installed on welded canopies to the neck of the body. When the weight is not heavy, an involuntary opening may occur. If all parts of the assembly are made correctly, then during operation a violet flame is issued with an even background, appearing from the combustion of the air-oil mixture inside the device.

Specialist's note: it is necessary to protect the docking point of the nozzle with the hose according to safety rules; this can be done with the help of a steel screen. This will protect the spent fuel from ignition in the event of a leaky joint.

This burner is quite easy to manufacture, however, you should carefully consider the safety rules during operation and further use. It is important to know that you should be especially careful when choosing a cylinder to create a device body. The container is required to be empty, otherwise, when holes are made, it can cause severe injury.

Watch a video in which a specialist explains in detail how to make a Babington burner with your own hands: