The best rates on deposits in dollars. How to open deposits in dollars (dollar) in banks at a high interest rate. Why do banks set such a low percentage on deposits in foreign currency

We offer a convenient service for finding profitable foreign currency deposits in banks in Moscow or other Russian cities. A filter has been developed that helps to find the highest interest on deposits in US dollars, euros and rubles. The site contains information that will help you compare the conditions of banks and find the best offer.

The best interest rate on a deposit: search using a filter

To find the maximum rates for dollar deposits, fill out the form below:

  • term - the percentage of the deposit depends on it. The higher the first indicator, the more profitable it is to open an account in dollars;
  • the possibility of replenishment is a condition that allows you to get a good profit, especially when capitalizing. Funds are saved and increased;
  • type of interest accrual - capitalization or account replenishment: in the first case, daily accruals are added to the body of the deposit. The longer the term, the higher the amount of income. Such conditions are suitable for investors who want to save dollars.

The option to accrue to the account is chosen when the maximum interest on the deposit is used to cover expenses, and the need to open a dollar deposit has arisen in order to invest the currency.

How to get the most out of investing US dollars

Finding the highest interest rate on a deposit does not mean it is profitable to invest the currency. It is important to take into account all the risks and calculate the best option based on the following components:

  • conditions: sometimes the bank offers a good interest, but you need to open a current account;
  • size: a high percentage of a dollar deposit is charged at the start of a certain amount. It can be 10 or 100 thousand;
  • term: the longer the money is kept in the institution, the more tempting is the deposit offer. Usually they offer to sign a contract for a year;
  • early closure: there are force majeure in life, so you need to study the conditions for closing. Some banks exclude this possibility, while others reduce the amount of payments.

Please read all terms and conditions carefully. There are more than 20 institutions in Moscow that are ready to accept your money for savings and growth. We offer to study the top of the most reliable and choose based not only on seductive benefits, but also on reputation. You can also follow promotions: financial institutions often offer promotional conditions for placing deposits. You just need to invest in the timing of the offer.

In search of a profitable investment of money, we turn to financial products with high returns. One of them was recently considered savings certificates, the interest on which exceeded that of traditional time deposits. However, since June 1, 2018, there have been changes in this sector of banking services. We will talk about them in this article.

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      June 26, 2018

    It is a fairly popular way to store funds. Despite the fact that it seems to be less profitable compared to the ruble, even with a low foreign exchange deposit rate, it can bring a good profit. Indeed, in this case, the investor receives not only income in the form of interest, but also due to the growth of the dollar against the ruble. It is generally accepted that dollar deposits are better protected from the negative impact of economic crises.

    Opening a deposit in dollars at interest will be beneficial for those

    • to whom wages are calculated in this currency
    • who is trying to save a certain amount for travel
    • or purchase foreign real estate,
    • who doubts reliability of the ruble.

    Moreover, experts usually advise to divide funds into several accounts: dollars, rubles, euros, in order to diversify risks.

    Every citizen of Russia, Ukraine and any country of the former Soviet Union can open an account in foreign currency - not only a large investor, but also legal entities and individuals. As a rule, the minimum deposit amount is one hundred dollars. The conditions for depositors are the same as when registering a ruble account.

    Before depositing funds in dollars, you need to pay attention to some features:

    • According to the duration of the accounts are divided into urgent, long-term and perpetual
    • Depending on the type of registration, you can open it online or at a bank representative office
    • Interest can be accrued at the end of the month, quarter, year, in advance
    • There are various types of deposits - savings, savings, demand
    • The procedure for depositing money into the account - with or without the possibility of replenishment

    As a rule, deposits in US currency involve lower interest, longer terms, certain limit restrictions are often set, there is no possibility to withdraw funds at any time, etc., but it all depends on the specific offer.

    Benefits of deposits in US currency

    Many depositors choose just this option to save and increase funds, so banks constantly create new offers and try to attract customers with maximum opportunities and advantages, giving them the opportunity to profitably.

    Among the main advantages of the decision to put the US currency on deposit are the following:

    • High level inflation protection, relative reliability and stability due to the fact that the dollar acts as an international means of payment, many other countries depend on it
    • Deposit insurance for an amount equal to a maximum of 1 million 400 thousand in ruble equivalent. If the bank goes bankrupt, the state will cover the payments and settle with the client at the current rate of the Central Bank
    • Most often, banks draw up an account for free, allow you to replenish it by depositing funds both in dollars and in rubles at the current exchange rate
    • When opening an account with an amount exceeding one thousand US dollars, the client receives a card that works in any country in the world
    • Given the current exchange rate, even small rates on deposits in foreign finance are very beneficial compared to ruble accounts

    Disadvantages and risks of deposits in dollars

    When deciding to open an account in US currency, you need to remember some of the nuances and risks:

    1) It is worth looking not only at interest on deposits, but also at other indicators: bank reliability rating, interest calculation features, additional services, etc. It often happens that with lower interest, the total amount in one bank is greater than in the one where much higher interest is declared, since they use different methods of accrual.

    2) It is desirable that the term of the deposit is indicated in the contract, not in months / years, but in days.

    3) When deciding where to put a deposit in dollars, you also need to pay attention to whether interest by date deposit or on the first day of each month.

    4) Be sure to find out all the possibilities of capitalization, the limit of funds, the features of replenishing the deposit, etc.

    5) Familiarize yourself with termination terms contracts to know how to act in emergency situations.

    6) When opening a multi-currency account, be sure to ask conversion terms currencies - at what rate is made.

    7) Availability preferential terms- it is possible that when applying online or at an ATM, it will be possible to obtain additional benefits.

    8) If a plastic card is provided, inquire about service cost, including it in the commission service.

    9) Be sure to pay attention to cash withdrawal rates or adding funds, general maintenance, etc.

    Some statistics on contributions to the video:

    Selecting a specific offer for a deposit

    To choose a profitable deposit in dollars, you need to carefully study the programs and types of deposits of different banks:

    • VTB24 Bank offers a variety of programs, thanks to which you can receive from 1.7 to 3.85 percent per annum
    • Sberbank makes it possible to open several deposits in a fairly wide range: from 1.8% to 5.05%, depending on the conditions and amount
    • Alfa-Bank offers rates in the range of 1.1-4.9%
    • Gazprombank makes it possible to open deposits with rates from 3.8 to 4 percent

    All of them have different minimum amounts, terms of capitalization, payment scheme, etc. Therefore, in the process of finding the most profitable deposit in dollars in Moscow, you should personally visit the branches and deal with all the subtleties, percentages, which may vary depending on the economic situation, exchange rates, the success of the bank, etc. on the spot.

    It is worth noting that comparatively advantageous offers are made by little-known commercial structures: for example, Investtorgbank makes it possible to receive up to 5.5%, Agroinkombank - up to 7% (and is only $ 30), the Republican Social Commercial Bank guarantees 8% and fairly loyal conditions, Agrosoyuz also attracts customers with profitability and good conditions.

    The final choice always depends on the client, but before trusting an impressive amount of funds, you need to study everything very carefully.

    Well, a little joke

    Do you want to make a bank deposit for 1 month in US dollars, but do not know which financial institution provides the most favorable interest rates in Moscow today? This problem is relevant for many residents of the capital, because there are many financial institutions, and it is quite difficult for an ordinary investor to choose the best offer among them. Our service will help you decide exactly where to open a deposit in US dollars and euros. We have collected and regularly update data on what interest capital banks provide and on what conditions. Every day, our clients have the opportunity to make profitable foreign exchange investments, save their own funds and significantly increase them.

    To find out the highest percentages of banks, or the conditions for the provision of services by financial institutions, use the special search form on this page. You can receive an answer to your own requests only after entering the following data:

    • the amount of the deposit to be opened;
    • the name of the banks on which you wish to receive information;
    • the name of the settlement where you wish to open a foreign currency deposit;
    • deposit currency (euro, dollars);
    • the longest investment period (1 month, year, etc.).

    You can sort the output of results (set a rating) by interest rate, time, deposit size. After entering all the necessary parameters, click the "Find" button. As a result, you will receive all the necessary and up-to-date information that will allow you to make profitable deposits in dollars in banks in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation.

    Profitable bank deposits in US dollars

    Based on the search results, you will find out the existing rating of financial institutions that offer the highest bank interest and the best conditions for cooperation. Comparing such data, you can choose the best offer for yourself personally. After choosing a bank, you should click the "Apply" button to submit the appropriate application. Soon, after a quick review, a bank representative will contact you to clarify all the nuances of cooperation.

    Our ratings include only verified banking organizations that have been providing financial services for more than one year in Moscow. Remember, choosing the highest deposit percentage, you not only take care of the safety of your own capital, but also significantly increase your funds. Money that is placed on a short-term deposit (for example, 1 month) will allow you to quickly earn a certain amount. With a long-term deposit, the amount is guaranteed to remain completely safe and increase in proportion to the interest rate.

    Benefits of using Creditznatok for your own benefit

    Today we are the best service for monitoring existing banking offers, which allows you to quickly determine the favorable interest rates of banks on dollar deposits. To provide only up-to-date information, we analyze the current situation in the financial services market on a daily basis. Every citizen of the Russian Federation can use our portal for their own purposes. By comparing the rates on deposits in US dollars, as well as euros, you can significantly enrich yourself without much effort. It should be understood that currency fluctuations, with the skillful management of financial resources, are used to increase the capital itself. The current interest rate of deposits will help you choose a bank with the most favorable conditions. Creditznatok specialists work to meet the financial needs of every citizen of our country.

    Due to the difficult economic situation that has developed in the country over the past decade and led to sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, for many people, deposits in dollars in Moscow remain more preferable than a similar banking product, but in Russian rubles.

    What are the conditions for making dollar deposits in Moscow?

    All banks, without exception, currently adhere to the position that interest on deposits in dollars is kept at a very low level, in the region of one or two percent. This is due to the fact that deposits in Moscow banks in dollars bring their holder a profit not only in the form of interest, but also due to changes in exchange rates. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in foreign exchange rates, including the dollar, against the national currency. Therefore, keeping your savings in foreign currency allows you to save them from depreciation. That is why dollar deposits in Moscow remain a popular service, even at very low interest rates.

    The term for making a deposit in Moscow may vary: it ranges from one month to several years. When choosing the right option, it is important to pay attention to additional conditions that affect the final return on the deposit, namely:

    • the presence of a commission;
    • the possibility of replenishment of the deposit;
    • the right to partial withdrawal of funds;
    • granting benefits to certain categories of citizens.

    In which bank of Moscow to open a deposit in dollars?

    Despite the general low level of interest rates, the choice of a bank in which it is planned to open a deposit in dollars in Moscow should be approached with the utmost care. This is due to the fact that, firstly, even a small difference in interest with a significant amount of the deposit leads to significant financial losses. Secondly, the role is also played by additional conditions on which the deposit is opened (including such as the presence of a commission, restrictions, capitalization of interest, and so on).

    Fortunately, the online deposit calculator in Moscow allows you to quickly find the right option in one place. To do this, it is optimal to use our portal, which is the most convenient resource for those who are interested in profitable deposits in dollars in Moscow. The advantages of visiting our website when looking for a suitable offer are obvious:

    • it is possible to set the amount and term of the deposit, on the basis of which the automatic calculation of profitability is made;
    • the presence of filters that allow you to select only those offers that meet the specified conditions;
    • data in the table can be sorted by any criterion;
    • offers are grouped, including by banks;
    • sending an online application for registration of a deposit is available.