Onions on a feather from seeds on the balcony. Garden on the balcony. Growing onions for greens. Watercress and lettuce on the balcony

Onion sets planted in several bowls at intervals of a week or two. I did not soak the onion before planting, I just warmed it up in the warmth of the room for several days - in apartment +26.

I planted the bulbs close to each other, only slightly deepening the bottom into the ground. The roots began to grow back immediately.
The first batch was planted on April 2

The greens hatched on the third day and began to grow rapidly.

5th of April

Here's a look at how quickly onions grow. 8 days after planting.

April 10th

When we have eaten all the onions, I free the bowl from the roots, add fresh earth and plant the next batch of bulbs again.
Land - neutral purchased soil. I don't add any fertilizers. I just water the onions with water as the soil dries.

Always fresh greens to the table is very convenient. You can cut as much as needed. At least two feathers of onions in soup, at least a whole bunch in a salad.

The more sunny days the greenery grows faster.

The same bowls the next day - May 2. I moved it from the balcony to the kitchen, since I can start eating soon.

Unlike large onions, everything is simpler here. The onions, from which the greens were driven out in February, had to be soaked and heated in water to "wake up".

In past years, I told you how I do it - here in this post:

And the current onion set grows on the balcony even during nighttime cold snaps up to +7, and in warmth - it seems to make no difference. Doesn't even react to what has become cloudy - every day there is a new increase.

A question for beginners - for those who grow vegetables on windowsills, balconies.

Do you know what the danger of too high air humidity?

I am faced with this today.

There is fog outside the window - high humidity on the balcony.

When there is 100% humidity outside and there is no sun, the seedlings are in danger.

For the first time, the salad did not come up the first time.
On the balcony, it is warm +20 even in cloudy weather, despite the fact that there are only +2, +6 outside the window - therefore all the seedlings are on the balcony.

This is not the first time I grow vegetables, and I did everything as in previous years.
She sowed seeds in seedling bowls with drainage holes, organizing a greenhouse for each.
I waited, waited, but the salad seeds still do not hatch. A week later, I got worried and checked what was there.
It turned out that the seeds simply suffocated! Sometimes it happens.

When too high a moisture content does not allow moisture from the soil to evaporate quickly, the seeds do not have enough air. Despite the airing (and I rented the shelter during the day), the ground in one of the bowls even began to turn sour - an unpleasant smell appeared. I had to sow all three varieties of lettuce.
I will consider for the future!

And in past years, at this time, seedlings salad has already been picked up.

April 12th yeralash salad

So now I will have to wait longer for such bushes as in the photo below.


Seedling tomato I still have a little one - there is nothing to talk about yet.
Tomatoes grow at home under lamps, so they are not threatened with high humidity. During the day I put it on the balcony - there is still more light.

Each housewife remembers that greens are not only vitamins, but also decorations for any table. But, unfortunately, it does not always happen, it is possible to pick green lettuce leaves, a bunch of dill, or a few feathers of green onions. But this is fixable. To do this, it is enough just to establish its cultivation on your window or loggia, balcony.

Conditions for successful onion cultivation

Growing a plant will be better if you make glazing on the balcony. It is also important that it is insulated. Growing should be in a place where it is not humid and warm, then the plant will grow comfortably, and it will give its greens all year round. If the space on the balcony is not glazed, then such bulbs will be able to release feathers only from April until the beginning of frost.


The bulbs are not demanding on the lighting on the balcony, the main thing is that in the hot summer months, the feathers are not scorched by too bright sun. Therefore, it is best to plant it on a southern windowsill or balcony. Although it can be both southeast and southwest. Growing a plant is best done on a summer terrace, veranda, windowsill.

Plant container

When choosing a container for successfully growing onions, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time. Since the plant is absolutely not picky about the container. It can be planted in a container, in wooden boxes of different sizes, in bowls, and even in a cardboard box.


The optimum comfortable temperature for a plant is about 15-20 degrees Celsius.

In general, they easily tolerate strong temperature drops. If the room is cold, then the onion does not freeze, but simply slows down its growth, and the color of its feathers becomes more intense. But if the room is hot and the temperature reaches 30 degrees, then on the contrary the greens become pale and lethargic. In order to get juicy greens, it is necessary in the first week when it takes root to lower the temperature to 10 degrees Celsius in order to harden. Then the temperature can vary from 18 to 23 degrees.

Land for a plant

Onions love soil rich in trace elements and high levels of fertility. It must be properly prepared, leaving it out of humus, peat and earth from the garden. They are taken in equal shares. At the bottom of the tank, expanded clay, shards, gravel or sand are laid out, in a word, everything that can provide a drainage layer. Such soil can be reused, it is enough to pull out old bulbs, fill up with new soil.

In general, the bulb has enough nutrients for it to feather without using fertilizer. But if you want the forcing on the feather to go faster, then you can fertilize the soil. In the first week, you can fertilize with ammonium nitrate (you can add fifteen to twenty grams per 1m2) or urea (twenty grams per 1m2). After the bulbs take root, they can be watered with superphosphate (thirty grams per ten liters of liquid) and potassium chloride (ten grams per ten liters of liquid).

You can do with ordinary natural fertilizers without chemicals, for this we water the bulbs with water with a soaked banana peel or a solution of water with ash.

Plant growing and care

For onion cultivation to be successful, it is necessary to prepare the seed. It is cooked in the autumn months. For this, two to three-year plantings of plants are taken, dug up, the shoots are cut into two-thirds of the shoots. The ready-made bulbs are planted in the prepared soil, previously watered with warm water at a distance of one or two centimeters. And soil is poured between them. After the plants are planted with heated water thirty to thirty five degrees. Such water is not taken from the tap, due to the content of chloride compounds and hardness. Such water has a detrimental effect on plants.

It is best to warm it up almost to boil and keep it in an open container for a day so that harmful substances precipitate, and the chlorine compounds themselves are corrected. The best option for irrigation will be water after rain or melted snow, you can take water from rivers and lakes. You can grow onions not from a bulb, but from seeds, but they must have good germination. They are sown in a prepared container, deepening by two centimeters. So that feathers appear quickly, it can be covered with a film, and as soon as the bulb grows, the film is removed.

An interesting fact is that you can irrigate with warm water and cold water. The effect of such watering will be different. If the water is cold, the green feathers will become bright and tough, but will take longer to grow. If the water is warm, then the greens will fade and thinner, but will grow rapidly.

You can plant onion sets to get greens on a feather. This type of plant easily copes with temperature changes and has good yields. To distill it, it is necessary to keep the planting material in a cold place, picking up bulbs no more than 4 centimeters in diameter, pick up a container for planting, and prepare the soil. The planting material is prepared within 24 hours by immersing the roots in water and cutting off the top. Then the bulbs are planted in the ground. More details can be read in the article.

Varieties of onions

This plant has many species, they all differ in taste and appearance.

  • Batun - the second name of this type is called sandy. The plant has a high degree of frost resistance and is easy overwintering. Its feathers can reach half a meter in height. Such an onion grows all season, it can be cut up to three times per summer.
  • Onion - its feathers are hollow, have a bright green color. Taste: spicy, the juice of the plant is very pungent. It has unpretentiousness and healing properties.
  • Schnitt-bow - its feathers are delicate, low. Productivity is high: can be cut 3 times per season. It can be used for decorative purposes because of its pink beautiful flowers. It can be grown on a balcony or in a home and is easier to grow outdoors during the summer months.
  • Shallot. The plant has thin feathers, and the oval bulbs themselves are small in size. Its greens are spicy, the taste is spicy, and the aroma is slightly sweet. Cold hardy, can be grown for decorative purposes in the garden.
  • Slime. Such plants have flat leaves of short stature, the taste is pungent, and the smell of slime resembles garlic. A unique feature of the variety is the absence of bulbs and its frost resistance.

When the summer harvest season ends, fresh vegetables, let alone greens, are hard to find on store shelves. You can make delicious salads with fresh herbs in winter and summer by growing herbs on the balcony. You can get useful vitamins all year round and do your hobby at the same time.

Growing greenery on the balcony is easier than it sounds. It is worth starting planting a home garden on a loggia with unpretentious plants, for example, onions, parsley, dill.

In the warm season, even beginners can cope with planting greenery. Seed preparation starts already in March-April. Planting in boxes or pots on windowsills is carried out from April to May, depending on the plant.

Usually, instructions for planting, harvesting are printed on the back of the package with seeds, however, the characteristics of each crop must be taken into account.

Growing onions

One of the most unpretentious plants is onion. Often the onion itself begins to sprout on the balcony if the temperature is above zero degrees. For planting onions, cups or small jars of mayonnaise are best. Water is poured into cups about half so that the onion roots reach it. The bulbs are tightly packed in jars and after a couple of days they begin to grow.

You can also plant onions directly into the ground. Forcing the onions will take approximately 20 days. Many seasoned gardeners choose to plant shallots as they produce more green feathers.

Growing parsley and dill

The right period for sowing parsley seeds on the loggia is in April. Before sowing parsley or dill, I soak the seeds in a cloth for a couple of days. The soil must be poured into small boxes, no more than 20 centimeters deep. Having previously watered the soil with warm water, we begin planting seeds to a depth of 1 centimeter, observing the distance between the rows of at least 10 cm. After sowing, it is also necessary to water the soil. When the parsley rises, watering is carried out once a day.

Dill is sown similarly to parsley. Withstands even low temperatures on the balcony, from 17 degrees. Great for those new to balconies growing greenery.

Salad and its landing

In the prepared soil, it is necessary to outline grooves 1 cm deep and sow lettuce at a distance of 12 cm a row from the row. It is better to place the boxes in a dark place before germination. You need to water the salad often, because it is picky about care and an abundance of moisture. After three weeks, you can use the ready-made salad for your meals.

Sorrel at home

Sorrel is planted as in all the cases described above. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, separating the rows from each other by 6-8 cm.

Planted pots are turned to the sunny side each day. If necessary, the greens must be thinned for optimal development of the sorrel bushes.

Growing basil

Basil on the balcony windowsill will provide a bright taste to dishes throughout the year. It is planted just like parsley or sorrel.

It is better to start sowing in May, as basil loves warm weather and does not tolerate frost at night. After the sprouts sprout, make a dive of the plant.

Basil flowers must be removed by cutting them off the bush, otherwise the basil will grow poorly, giving strength to flowering. Basil seedlings should not stand in a draft; the best solution would be to put them in a secluded corner on the balcony. Do not forget to regularly fertilize the bushes with mineral fertilizers.

Rosemary on the windowsill

Growing rosemary at home is much easier than growing it outdoors, as it is native to the warm Mediterranean regions. However, you will have to suffer a lot with him, compared to caring for other plants. The balcony is suitable for growing rosemary only in warm weather, because the plant is light-loving and does not tolerate drafts.

It is better to start planting with an adult plant, which can be purchased at a special store. Watch the watering of the rosemary carefully. With abundant watering, the plant will most likely die, and if insufficient, the leaves will begin to turn yellow and bend. Water the rosemary sparingly on hot summer days.

Rosemary bushes are pruned in the spring in order to allow the plant to grow quickly. It is necessary to transplant into a new pot every year or two, depending on the development of the roots. Also, the plant requires feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers from early spring to September. For rosemary, balconies located on the south side of the house are best suited, as the plants will need a lot of light.

Winter care

With the onset of winter, plants can be moved to a windproof place, and it is better to grow them on insulated loggias. For additional lighting, lamps are installed above them with a special mount in order to raise the height of the lamps as the plants grow. The window sill with seedlings can be insulated with foam rubber and other materials.

Onions are considered one of the most picky vegetable crops - in an apartment they are grown to obtain a green feather rich in vitamins. What kind of onion deserves attention, it's up to you.

Green onions on the balcony and in the apartment

How to grow onions on the balcony? In the conditions of a city apartment, we can grow what we are accustomed to, as well. Planting material can be both bulbs and seeds.

Onions are characterized by optimal cold resistance (acceptable temperature range: + 18 ... + 22 degrees). To obtain a good growth of greenery, it is worth increasing the temperature to + 25 ... + 27 degrees. But at temperatures above +30 degrees, the onion loses strength - the growth of the feather stops. Based on this, it is recommended to control the temperature and avoid overheating in the sun or from a nearby battery. Supplementary lighting is needed in winter, on cloudy days, as well as when the balcony is poorly lit.

Onion sets on the balcony

Onion sets are not a separate type of onion, but planting material (young onions up to 2.5 cm in diameter). Before planting, soak the seedlings in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours, then plant them in boxes or pots, without completely burying them in the ground. Water the "vegetable garden", cover with cellophane (remove it after the sprouts appear). For ten days, keep the onion cool and partial shade (so that the root system develops), after which you can put it on a sunny window. There should be no stagnation of water, but the moisture of the earth must be maintained at an optimal level. Sevok can be grown from seeds, but this does not make much sense for home cultivation of onions on a feather.

Onions on a feather on the balcony

Sprouted onions can be used to quickly get greens. The bulbs must be firm, with shiny husks and free from rot, and they can be grown both in the ground and in a container of water. In the first case, immerse the bulbs in the ground by about 2/3 (as in the case of the set) - the distance should not be large (place the bulbs almost close to each other, since the main goal is to obtain greenery). In the case of water, place each bulb in a separate glass or small jar - the root system must be submerged in water (if the bulb falls into the container, you will have to provide a support - for example, a cardboard circle with a slot). To prevent water from causing root decay, you can use a very weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Since the sprouted onion has its own resource, you will periodically have to plant new lots. There is usually no need for feeding. Complex mineral fertilizers can be used in very moderate quantities.

Choosing soil for planting onions

To plant onions, prepare loose, nutritious, neutral soil (PH 6-7). Place a layer of drainage on the bottom.

Growing containers can be anything - you can plant onions in boxes, pots, cut plastic bottles (holes should be provided to drain excess moisture). In order to save space, you can use a five-liter plastic water bottle. Cut round holes in the side walls. Pour drainage on the bottom, then a layer of earth. Lay out a row of bulbs, root to center and top out (this is where holes are provided). Re-fill the layer of earth, etc.

Chives, slimes and loaves on the balcony

Chives yield thin, fisty, green leaves. Their taste is pleasant, with spicy notes.

Batun forms sharp-tasting, fumous-shaped leaves, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Slime onion gives about 8 linear leaves, rounded at the tips. The length of the gray leaves can reach 30 cm, and the width is 1-2 cm.They have a weak taste, the texture is juicy.

Perennial bows "live" for 2-4 years. They can be propagated by seeds and bulbs.

How to grow onions on the balcony? Water the bulbs planted in the ground and put them in a cool shaded place for a week (temperature - + 10 ... + 12 degrees). If there is no shade, cover the planting with an opaque material. Then move the drawer to a lighted, warm windowsill. You will get greens faster than with onions.

For the seed method, follow the instructions given. Feed perennial onions with solutions of superphosphate, nitrate, potassium chloride.

How to plant onions on the balcony? Everything is quite simple - this process will not cause difficulties even in the absence of "gardening skills". Onions are completely unpretentious - you can grow them in a city apartment throughout the year.

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All types of perennial onions are suitable for forcing greens at home on the windowsill and balcony. On the balcony, forcing greens from perennial onions can be carried out from April to October, on the windowsill - all year round, starting in October. It is better to use windows and balconies facing south, west and east for this.

Preparation of material for forcing green onions.Planting material is harvested in the fall before the onset of severe frosts (in October), from two or three-year plantings of perennial bows. Before digging, the leaves are cut two-thirds of their length. When digging out the bushes, the roots are cut to 5 ... 10 centimeters. The harvested forcing material is stored in sods with a clod of earth in boxes or in heaps in unheated closed rooms without drafts and drying cold winds. The distillation material is used as needed.

Sighting bulbs are taken from leeks for forcing, if they are not supposed to be used in the future as a perennial crop for greens or for obtaining seeds. The bulbs are dug out after cutting the seed arrows, some of them by this time (September) already have 2 ... 3 leaves. These bulbs can be used directly for forcing. Bulbs that have not yet grown are stored in boxes or bags at a temperature of 0 ... 3 degrees and used as needed or left in place as a perennial plant.

In multi-tiered onions, air bulbs are mainly used for forcing. To obtain green onions, seeds can also be sown on balconies and window sills, but plants from seeds, as a rule, develop slowly at first. The most suitable for this purpose is a batun onion.

Preparation of containers, soil, planting and sowing.For growing green onions from turf, air, sighting bulbs and seeds, polyethylene or wooden boxes measuring 50X16X15 centimeters are used. Before use, the container is disinfected with a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. The success of growing green onions at home depends largely on the potting mix. It must be fertile enough, contain all the nutrients necessary for plant growth. It is better to prepare the soil mixture in advance. It is made up of equal parts of humus, well-decomposed peat and fertile garden soil.

Before filling the container with soil, broken brick, expanded clay, gravel, and coarse river sand are laid on the bottom of it. Soil and soil at home can be reused, while the remnants of the previous culture are removed from them, and fresh soil is added to the required volume. Before planting, the sod of perennial onions is divided or planted whole. Sod and aerial bulbs of multi-tiered onions are planted in moist soil by bridge or half-bridge method at a distance of 1 ... 2 centimeters. All the gaps between them are covered with earth. Sighting leek bulbs are planted at a distance of 2 ... 3 centimeters in a row and up to 8 ... 10 centimeters between rows.

After planting, they are watered with warm water at a temperature of 30 ... 35 degrees. Water for irrigation cannot be taken directly from the water supply system, as it contains a lot of chlorine and lime. Excess chlorine is detrimental to the growth and development of plants. To get rid of chlorine and excess calcium and magnesium salts, tap water is heated to a temperature of 50 ... 60 degrees and kept in an open container for 24 hours. As a result of such treatment, harmful volatile substances evaporate, and sediment remains at the bottom.

It is better to use rain or snow water for irrigation, as well as water from rivers, reservoirs and ponds. For sowing, seeds are taken that are well executed, with good germination. They are sown in moistened soil to a depth of 1 ... 1.5 centimeters, distributed evenly over the entire surface. For rapid growth of leaves, plantings and crops are covered with a translucent film. When seedlings appear, coverings are removed.

On balconies and window sills, crop care includes watering, temperature control. Air humidity is maintained within 70 ... 75%.

Perennial bows can tolerate significant temperature fluctuations. At low temperatures, the growth of leaves is inhibited, but they have an intense green color and good quality. At high air temperatures up to 28 ... 30 degrees, the leaves grow quickly, but they have a pale color, are unstable and easily lodge. For the successful forcing of green onions in the first 5 ... 7 days (rooting period) maintain the air temperature at least 10 ... 12 degrees, after rooting - 18 ... 23 degrees.

To accelerate growth and obtain an intense color of onion leaves in room conditions, it is effective to use additional lighting with fluorescent lamps.

Cleaningharvest... The harvest of green leaves, depending on the conditions, is ready in 25 ... 30 days from the start of forcing. It is removed at a time or selectively. The plants are dug up with a bulb or the leaves are cut alternately. The second method of harvesting significantly extends the period of use of onion plantings.

Onions grow faster on the balcony, the products are of higher quality than in room conditions on the window. Therefore, it is better to transplant some of the plants obtained from seeds on the window onto the balcony in spring.