Lunar birthday. Seventh lunar day

The magic of the word is the motto of the 7 lunar day. You have to be very careful in your choice of words, as a word can heal, and it can also cripple. On the 7th lunar day, the power of the word increases many times.

A thoughtlessly thrown phrase can materialize even if you didn't want to.

7th lunar day rules

On the 7th lunar day, you cannot scold anyone, curse, wish someone bad, so that there is no back blow, so that the boomerang law does not work. During this period, it is recommended to speak less, it is better to just be silent, since silence is golden. No one has yet regretted that he spoke little, but careless words caused a lot of trouble, because people say correctly that the language is our enemy.

7 lunar day does not like noise. It is advisable to give up entertainment activities, it is better to engage in introspection in a quiet and calm atmosphere. Astrology does not recommend taking any destructive actions. If you are in a garden or in nature, then it is best to do just contemplation, do not pick herbs and flowers, do not break branches and trees. Use your energy only for creation.

Introduce yourself in a calm and quiet environment

For those who like to travel - the road is open, the green light of the traffic light. It is great if friends or relatives accompanying you wish you a happy journey, a good rest and a safe return. These kind words will be a security certificate for you. Inspiration and energy will not leave you on the 7th lunar day. So - go for it!

Work in the garden, in the garden, in the country, write prose and poetry. Success will await you in any endeavors. Creative work will bring you only joy and satisfaction, both moral and physical.

On the 7th lunar day, the Cosmos is very actively giving up its energy, you just need to assimilate it within reasonable limits. Excessive energy can have a negative impact on your health.

Health on the 7th lunar day

Diseases are not dangerous. Those sick on these lunar days quickly recover. The respiratory organs are especially vulnerable during this period. Therefore, one should not overcool, smoke, drink cold drinks, eat ice cream. As a preventive measure for the respiratory system, you can do breathing exercises or cleansing practices. Sometimes it is useful to just be quiet, to rest the vocal cords. On the 7th lunar day, you need to monitor your vocabulary, since speech disease leads to mental illness.

Pay close attention to your body's signals. If you suddenly feel unwell, wheezing or coughing, urgently change your behavior and the direction of your thoughts in order to improve your health in a timely manner.

Sex on the 7th lunar day

Quite long-term foreplay, compliments and caresses, enthusiasm and sensuality should anticipate sex on the 7th lunar day.

Foreplay, compliments and caresses

He should be calm and measured. Give more affectionate and tender words to your loved ones, because this day is the day of the magic of the word. As you name your boat, so it will float.

7th lunar day and marriage

For marriage, the 7th lunar day is very favorable. It is especially suitable for people of creative professions - artists, musicians, writers, artists, scientists and so on. The interests, views, aspirations of partners should coincide. The mutual understanding achieved will strengthen their marriage union.

This day is favorable for conception, especially in nature, with the rustle of leaves, birdsong and the breath of the breeze. A dreamer and wandering lover will be born.

7th lunar day and business

On this day, it is best to negotiate, conclude contracts, conduct interviews. You can start looking for sponsors. Show eloquence and benevolence, eliminate any conflict situations, doubts and uncertainties.

This day is best to negotiate

Leadership in relation to their subordinates should show nobility and benevolence. It is not forbidden to engage in patronage and sponsorship. This kind of kindness and generosity will pay dividends over time.

Dreams on the 7th lunar day

One of the symbols of this day is the fighting cock, the Avestan deity. For those who see a fighting rooster in a dream, a dream can mean the approach of some kind of disaster. You have to be very careful - sleep warns. If in a dream you hear certain words, try to remember and write them down. This audio information is directed towards you.

Having correctly interpreted a dream on the 7th lunar day, you will learn a lot of useful things for yourself. After all, these can be words - revelations, if they are pronounced by a wise and authoritative person.

7th lunar day - haircut and beauty

A haircut during this period is not desirable. This hair manipulation can attract quarrels, conflicts. Relationships can deteriorate not only with superiors, but also with a loved one, friends.

Hair manipulation can attract quarrels, conflicts

But cosmetic procedures on this day will only benefit. Nourishing masks, face cleansing, massage, manicure and pedicure are very effective.

7th lunar day and esotericism

Some esoteric schools advise to spend the 7th lunar day in silence in order to know better yourself, your own “I”. This makes it possible to know the truth. You can silently read prayers. Thus, superpowers can open. It is advisable to read spiritual books on this day.

The seventh lunar day passes under the sign of word magic. The power of the word on this day increases many times, and not only the sacred word - prayer, spell, but also the usual one, thrown by you in vain. That is why during this period one should be especially careful with the spoken words and in no case send curses to anyone's address. At this time, curses become especially effective and will definitely come true.Remember that a word is a vibration that generates a certain form in the invisible world. In other words, every spoken word in the astral and mental worlds becomes an absolute reality. It is no accident that in all mystical practices such close attention was paid to the correct use of words, in particular, to the achievement of the unity of thought, word and action. Any fleetingly thrown bad phrase can turn into a series of big troubles for you. And your word will come back not on this day, but after some time. You will already forget that on the 7th lunar day you recklessly uttered words that carry a negative charge, and they will suddenly affect your life in the most unpleasant way.

On the 7th lunar day, it is desirable to generally speak less. Pronounce only the necessary and the most un-. passable words, if possible be silent. The element of the day is Air, and you don't need to shake it in vain. During this period, it is better to refuse to participate in public events and refrain from visiting noisy companies and parties. It is better to spend the 7th lunar day in communication with yourself, in thinking about your true nature. Some astrological schools also advise not to commit any destructive actions on this day, to the extent that not to tear flowers or paper. All the energy entering a person at this time should be used only for creation, for example, for the implementation of ideas and plans. This period is favorable for travel, both short-term and long-term. But just before departure, a good "parting word" must be uttered. It is on the 7th lunar day that a wish of a happy journey will be the best talisman.

The seventh lunar day is a very suitable time for working with both land and water, and especially for practicing pottery. The time for creativity is coming for poets and writers. Inspiration is sure to come! The power of the word on this day increases many times, and not only the sacred word - prayer, spell, mantra, but also the usual one.

It is worthwhile to be extremely careful with the words spoken and in no case utter curses, since at this time they become especially effective and will definitely come true.

A word is a vibration that generates a form in the invisible world, that is, every spoken word in the astral and mental worlds is absolutely real. It is not without reason that in all mystical practices such close attention was paid to the correct use of words, in particular, to the achievement of the unity of thought, word and action. Therefore, you need to be very careful in the choice of words, because there is a possibility of realization behind each of them. Any phrase thrown fleetingly can turn into a series of big troubles for you. Moreover, the word will "shoot" not even on this day, but after a long period of time, when you have already forgotten that on the seventh lunar day you recklessly uttered words that carry a negative charge. Because of this, you should also limit the number of spoken words, exclude from your vocabulary everything that in one way or another carries a negative load, for example, obscene words, expressions of anger, hatred, and the like.

This period is also favorable for travel, both short-term and long-term.But only before departure a good "parting word" must be uttered. It is on the seventh lunar day that a wish of a happy journey will be the best talisman. This time is no less favorable for working with land and water, especially for practicing pottery. Tibetan astrologers, oddly enough, consider the seventh lunar day suitable for performing funeral rites. In terms of communication during this period, it is better to refuse to participate in public events and refrain from visiting noisy companies and parties. It is better to spend the seventh lunar day in communication with yourself, in reflection on your true nature.

Some astrological schools also advise not to commit any destructive actions on this day, to the extent that it is not even recommended to tear flowers or paper. All the energy pouring into a person at this time should be used only for creation, for example, for the implementation of ideas and plans. Naturally, for poets and writers, the seventh lunar day is the best time for creativity. Inspiration will not leave you now, everything will work out in the best possible way. The period of absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Prophecies, transmission of thoughts, work with the word. It is also recommended to work with odors, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana - takes place. The day of finding grace, love. Reminds of forgiveness. People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. In ancient times, on this day, they used to read the clouds. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, it means that the world is devoid of harmony. It is good to see the clouds, hear the melodic ringing.

Business is the seventh lunar day.

Since the seventh lunar day is associated with the magic of the word, it is best to devote them to negotiating, convincing partners and investors, establishing new personal connections, interviews, campaigning and advertising campaigns, conferences and similar events, where the basis is the spoken word. For example, if you need to convince someone to become your sponsor, then do it on the seventh lunar day. Just remember, an altercation during this period will lead to very serious consequences - a breakdown in business relations or to more dire results. It is also fraught with troubles on the seventh lunar day and expressing aloud fears or doubts. They all tend to come true. Better to stay calm, conduct financial affairs with dignity and fear nothing. Bosses are now encouraged to express their verbal thanks and compliments to their subordinates. This will help to create more friendly relations in the team, and, therefore, increase productivity. Subordinates on the seventh lunar day can turn to the chiefs with various requests. Only your speech should be well thought out and planned, for you have every chance of both achieving success and failing because of a rash word. For those who are connected with the world of Business, it is very useful now to help, sponsor and support creative people - writers, poets, singers and artists in every possible way. Such acts of patronage will certainly pay off and bring considerable benefits over time.

Marriage is the seventh lunar day.

The seventh lunar day is the ideal time for marriage to creative people, in particular, writers, poets, singers, actors, and so on. A marriage entered into during this period will be characterized by a high level of mutual understanding between spouses and all family members. Full communication will become the basis of such an alliance. But at the same time, it should be remembered that for them a quarrel or verbal squabble, supported by strong negative emotions, can end in divorce and a long period of constant mutual grievances. If creative people create a new family, then the spouses will help each other in creativity, live by the same ideals and aspirations, which, naturally, will make the family cohesive and friendly. Creative inspiration in such a union will become a constant guest. The seventh lunar day is also suitable for creating a family for teachers and psychologists.

Health is the seventh lunar day.

Sex is the seventh lunar day.

Sex on the seventh lunar day, if possible, should be unhurried, with prolonged love prelude, various love games, an abundance of affectionate words, unusual compliments and reading poetry (of course, about love). During this period, joint reading of erotic literature is highly encouraged, but it is erotic, not pornographic. The main thing is more words about love, do not skimp on mutual compliments. Remember that on the seventh lunar day, all words eventually become reality, and if you tell your husband, wife, lover or mistress that they are charming, sexy, then they will be. Luna is calling you for romantic, passionate sex, so you should turn her down!

Dreams - the seventh lunar day.

The closest attention should be paid to the words that you hear in dreams - it is in them that the message addressed to you lies. Anyone who can correctly interpret the meaning of the words heard in a dream will discover a lot of useful things, for they reflect the subconscious, which on the seventh lunar day expresses itself in a dream through words. It is advisable to write down the words spoken in a dream upon awakening, and on the next seventh lunar day compare with what you will hear again. An amazing discovery awaits you. If in a dream you see any image that is symbolic for you, that is, personifies the highest authority, the highest wisdom, and so on, then everything that will be uttered is a direct revelation for you. For example, if a believer during this period sees Jesus Christ, the Mother of God or John the Theologian in a dream, then everything that has been said should be taken into account.

I phase of the moon
from new moon to first quarter - young moon
for all days of the quarter
(1-7 lunar days)

Compression: Yang rise
The manifestation of chronic health disorders is possible, the level of your vital energy increases - the period of maximum activity of the human body, at this moment all dormant diseases accelerate

Wellness procedures:
start the wellness cycle with 1-2 lunar day (preventive treatment, restorative measures);
get rid of bad habits (by pre-tuning yourself intellectually in the 4th phase);
physical activity can be increased to the maximum on the 5th, 6th and 7th lunar days;
water procedures: warm shower for 1 min., sharp dousing with cold water for 5-10 sec. (first a stream on the shoulders and then down to the feet) or a contrast shower - warm - cool - warm - cold for 2-5 seconds; from the 1st to the 7th day, bath procedures are good.

There is Yang food, and after the 4th day there is more "charging", that is, not thermally processed, fresh, juicy, watery, pro) cold (for example, carrot juices, beets with apples, etc.)
Yang food brings warmth to the body, making the body harder, saturated with gravitational energy and contributes to the contraction of the body - it is mainly dry, boiled food, saturated with microelements, retaining water in the body, it is recommended to use it in cold weather. An excess of Yang food in the diet contributes to tension, irritability. Treats yin diseases.

First quarter of the moon
Is an active, ambitious and stressful time. It is characterized by fast forward movement and an incentive to progress. An atmosphere of energy and enthusiasm arises. But at the same time, problems and acute situations, disagreements and conflicts arise. Conflicts often occur between men and women, adults and children. There is a temptation to waste money. The risk of injury and accidents on the roads increases due to negligence. The susceptibility to colds increases, chronic diseases are aggravated.

During the first quarter, there is often a tendency to be over-optimistic, so remember that you will have to pay the price for any mistakes you make during this time. This is a good time for hard work without relaxation. You should not shy away from difficult conversations and unpleasant meetings, it is useful to resolve conflicts and overcome differences. This is not a time for contemplation, but a time for action. But presentations and ad impressions should be postponed for a few days.

On the growing moon, it is customary to start new business.
Everything that has to be "introduced" into the body, that builds and strengthens it, has a double effect. The more the moon grows, the more unfavorable operations and healing of injuries can proceed. And one more thing: for example, laundry with the same amount of detergents will not be as clean after washing as during the waning moon. With the growing moon and full moon, more children are born.

Symbols of the day: wind rose, rooster

Day stones: sapphire, heliotrope, coral

Description of the day

The seventh lunar day endows a person with active energy and vitality. The power that rages within us should be used for peaceful purposes, for the benefit of ourselves and those around us.

Direct your activity towards the implementation of ideas and plans.

But be careful. Keep in mind that words are gaining magical powers today. The sacred words of prayer are especially powerful. The ordinary words we say to each other are also endowed with unprecedented power. Not a single word spoken today will be lost. Everything is realized either directly, or in some other form, but when this happens, you will definitely remember what you yourself have done.

Haircut that day

Today, a haircut will sharpen your intuition, which will help you achieve your goals. Coloring into this will add to your appeal, which will boost your self-confidence. For energy, you need to do a light curly hairstyle today. Emotions are stable today. New ideas are being successfully implemented today. You will be able to successfully defend your ideas and ideas

Gardening this day

A great day to work on your backyard as the plants continue to be saturated with beneficial minerals and moisture, strengthening their upper parts and saturating them with vital energy.

Do not regret words for good wishes to your loved ones and, of course, yourself. Say only what you would like to see in reality. If you wish someone harm, it will come true, and in the next lunar cycle it will return like a boomerang on your head. And a lie on this day has tremendous destructive properties. Do not utter swear words, because these are, in fact, the same evil wishes and curses. It is no coincidence that since ancient times the sages took speech so seriously, advised to be careful and careful in choosing words. After all, words are material, each of them is capable of being embodied in reality. It is worth saying something in passing - and you have already created an energetic niche in which what was said will begin to take shape.

On this day, you can communicate with colleagues and friends, but it is better not to take part in public events, spend the day alone with yourself, think about what is important to you.

The seventh lunar day is suitable for operations and medical intervention. If someone has done you bad things, stole something from you, then it is highly likely that today you will catch the attacker by the hand or find out exactly who has harmed you.

Actually, it's a pretty happy day. Its first half is especially favorable. At this time, you have the opportunity to implement ideas and plans that appeared on the previous day. During these hours, the ability to complete affairs is great, especially those related to partnership. Partners today trust, there is a possibility of finding new clients, assistants or patrons. Friends and relatives will provide support in business.

The second half is more chaotic - you can get lost in the hustle and bustle. However, this will not happen if you have planned your day in advance and follow the plan, correctly distributing responsibilities and time. If you didn't do that, then a lot of the effort you put in at the beginning of the day will go down the drain.

Features of the day

The seventh lunar day, according to Tibetan traditions, is considered ideal for performing funeral rites. Many schools of astrology pay attention to the fact that on this day, in no case should destructive actions be allowed: kill insects and pests, dig the ground, cut down trees, pick flowers and even paper. This is due to the fact that on the day of such a powerful energy, the force should be directed not at destruction, but at creation, otherwise a negative trace will remain in the energy plan of a person.

The 7th lunar day has its own signs. If today you dreamed of a rooster, this warns you of possible failure. And if during the day you broke the dishes, this is also a bad sign.

On the 7th lunar day, you can safely go on the road, regardless of whether you are waiting for a long journey or a short trip. But keep in mind: before you set off, be sure to wish you luck. Such words spoken on the 7th lunar day will become the best amulet and protective spell.

What saints to pray for financial affairs to go smoothly
Prayer is a very effective tool, it can really work miracles, turn the impossible into the possible. The history of Christianity shows that different saints help in different life situations. Each saint received from the Lord a certain gift for his work in His glory. Some saints pray for healing from diseases, others - for family well-being or for the granting of any abilities. An explanation for this can be found in the life of the saint: he either himself suffered a similar illness or sorrow, or others through him received deliverance from this ailment. With a request to improve their financial situation, get rid of lack of money, they turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God (icons "Life-giving source" and "Joy of All Who Sorrow" with pennies), and if luck is needed in trade and business, then to the Apostle Paul. Buy an icon of one of these saints, put or hang them in a prominent place at home and pray in front of it.

There is one more secret. One should pray on all days of verbal magic (4th, 6th, 7th, 12th). After all, it is important to be attuned to God, and such attunement occurs only with regular prayer. A one-time prayer will be heard only if you are fluent in concentration or did not want anything during the week, except for what you are praying for.

Wealth conspiracies
Conspiracy is one of the most ancient forms of magic. Conspiracies were created in the old days by healers - people who possess Knowledge. In Russia, conspiracies were one of the most common ways to get rid of ailments and bad luck. The now popular affirmations - short positive phrases - are a modern version of conspiracies. By the way, if you prefer affirmations to conspiracies and prayers, you can already adopt them today (see the 12th lunar day).

The conspiracy does not tolerate rough handling. The power of a conspiracy is based largely on the combination of words it consists of. The wrong word or neglect of one or another part of the ritual can give a result that is exactly the opposite of what is expected. Therefore, when making a conspiracy, you must strictly adhere to these rules:

1. While reading the conspiracy, your thoughts should be directed solely to your goal, that is, to increase income.

2. Reading the text of the conspiracy to yourself, mentally imagine everything that is said in the text. Conspiracies are usually written in a very vivid, figurative language, reminiscent of the language of Russian fairy tales. It is important to feel the conspiracy, relate it to your goal.

3. Before starting the ceremony, you need to read the text of the conspiracy several times. The better you know the text, the easier it will be for you to perform the ceremony. But it is not necessary to learn the text by heart, you can read it from the book, this does not affect the result in any way.

4. Try to make your words come from the heart.