Magic rituals for success and help in work. If it is necessary for a person to be fired from work - strong conspiracies from our ancestors

Yakov Porfiryevich Starostin

Lord minister

Posted articles

In the country, the crisis, and many people lose jobs. Perhaps that rumors have reached the closest dismissal? Or are you afraid to dismiss you from work during the crisis for the company times? The reasons for fear for their future can be a lot. But your task is now to concentrate, attach all the strength and opportunities to stay. There are several techniques and tips in folk magic. In this article we will give the most effective, you will also be left to use them when the "terrible time of change" comes.

Prayer for those who are going to dismiss

The head accidentally mentioned about your immediate dismissal? Or "Soroka brought on the tail" this unpleasant news? You understand that you are under great threat. To reduce (or even cut) it, it is necessary to go to the boss, to become the threshold of his office with the right foot, raise up the right hand and pronounce a simple text:

After that, you can safely begin the conversation about the upcoming HRO Aldion with your boss. You need to believe in the protective force of magic, emit confidence and strength. It is necessary to further strengthen the effect of the prayer read.

IMPORTANT! Try at this time to think as much as possible about work, work, work additionally. It helps to distract from sad thoughts and send energy to the necessary direction.

Ritual + Prayer for those who reported dismissal

Still a little bit - and dismissed you and. Just a few steps separate you from the start of the search for "new refuge." What to do? How to do to stay in your place? There is one ancient rite with water, which often made our ancestors. It is followed by:

  1. We take a glass of pure water.
  2. We put it next to the bed.
  3. We are waiting for this water "Fit" 3 days.
  4. We carry the "charged" water to work in a small bottle.
  5. We go to the toilet and try to wash your face.

At the same time, we look into the mirror, filled with energy and pronounce cherished words:

See also: How to return the guy with prayer?

"This watch is my face washed and left here. So let me go here! As I came here, and the driver brought. Now this guy is not removed from here. And this means that I will stay here! Stayed exactly until I want to go. When he herself wants, then desired and get. Amen!".

Many have pronounced the text of this prayer, the prayer gave an excellent result. Only after the ritual it is necessary to fill the energy of confidence in tomorrow. From now on, try to avoid evil people who may wish for dismissal, refuse to participate in different conflicts between the departments or employees of the enterprise.

Prayer for the stern boss canceled the decision

Officers are different. Many cannot be tolerated because of their rigor, severity and pedantry. If you are tired to endure his whims, but you can not do anything, it's time to turn to magic. If you are interested in the complexity of prayer, prayer is quite simple. Even a child will cope with her reading. Before entering the Cabinet of the Chief, stop, breathe deeply to get together with the forces and thoughts. After that, say simple words:

As soon as you finished reading the text of the prayer, the prayer began to act. You just have to do everything possible so that when conversing with the head gently "arrange" everything in places. So you will not only stay at work, work, you will become more in connection with the increase.

Prayer in case colleagues are sitting

Unfortunately, there are now a lot of evil people who are ready for all for the sake of profits, raising the career ladder. Therefore, they are doing everything possible so that you are fired: "Sit down," gossip disseminate, they interfere with focusing at work, "coming" by the authorities. What do you do

This article contains: prayer to stay on your workplace - information is taken from the Corner of Light, electronic network and spiritual people.

In the country, the crisis, and many people lose jobs. Perhaps that rumors have reached the closest dismissal? Or are you afraid to dismiss you from work during the crisis for the company times? The reasons for fear for their future can be a lot. But your task is now to concentrate, attach all the strength and opportunities to stay. There are several techniques and tips in folk magic. In this article we will give the most effective, you will also be left to use them when the "terrible time of change" comes.

Prayer for those who are going to dismiss

The head accidentally mentioned about your immediate dismissal? Or "Soroka brought on the tail" this unpleasant news? You understand that you are under great threat. To reduce (or even cut) it, it is necessary to go to the boss, to become the threshold of his office with the right foot, raise up the right hand and pronounce a simple text:

After that, you can safely begin the conversation about the upcoming HRO Aldion with your boss. You need to believe in the protective force of magic, emit confidence and strength. It is necessary to further strengthen the effect of the prayer read.

IMPORTANT! Try at this time to think as much as possible about work, work, work additionally. It helps to distract from sad thoughts and send energy to the necessary direction.

Ritual + Prayer for those who reported dismissal

Still a little bit - and dismissed you. Just a few steps separate you from the start of the search for "new refuge." What to do? How to do to stay in your place? There is one ancient rite with water, which often made our ancestors. It is followed by:

  1. We take a glass of pure water.
  2. We put it next to the bed.
  3. We are waiting for this water "Fit" 3 days.
  4. We carry the "charged" water to work in a small bottle.
  5. We go to the toilet and try to wash your face.

At the same time, we look into the mirror, filled with energy and pronounce cherished words:

Many have pronounced the text of this prayer, the prayer gave an excellent result. Only after the ritual it is necessary to fill the energy of confidence in tomorrow. From now on, try to avoid evil people who may wish for dismissal, refuse to participate in different conflicts between the departments or employees of the enterprise.

Prayer for the stern boss canceled the decision

Officers are different. Many cannot be tolerated because of their rigor, severity and pedantry. If you are tired to endure his whims, but you can not do anything, it's time to turn to magic. If you are interested in the complexity of prayer, prayer is quite simple. Even a child will cope with her reading. Before entering the Cabinet of the Chief, stop, breathe deeply to get together with the forces and thoughts. After that, say simple words:

As soon as you finished reading the text of the prayer, the prayer began to act. You just have to do everything possible so that when conversing with the head gently "arrange" everything in places. So you will not only stay at work, work, you will become more in connection with the increase.

Prayer in case colleagues are sitting

Unfortunately, there are now a lot of evil people who are ready for all for the sake of profits, raising the career ladder. Therefore, they are doing everything possible so that you are fired: "Sit down," gossip disseminate, they interfere with focusing at work, "coming" by the authorities. What do you do to protect yourself from these evil people? Sometimes it remains only to read prayers, the prayer helps to return strength and mood, to get invisible protection from the highest strength.

What is needed to read prayer from evil people?

  1. Come to work before all.
  2. Go to the toilet, to visit alone.
  3. Concentrate on the desire to get protection from higher strength and read simple words:

As soon as you finish the text of the prayer, the prayer begins its action. You may notice strange coincidences: someone from ill-wishers fired; Someone from the enemies went to the hospital; Someone began talking about the translation to a new job. This is normal. Your task is to maintain the maximum self-control. After a while you will forget about saturating as a terrible dream.

IMPORTANT! No need to despise evil people: they simply cannot cope with their feelings, they cannot find other ways to grow and development. Try to treat them neutral (if possible at all possible for you).

Prayer, so as not to be fired in the period of difficulties

Everyone has difficulties at work, work, work is poorly implemented, the decision on development is made erroneously and much more. A good boss gives each right to an error. But what if your manager does not understand this? What to do if because of a small error already fired good and evil people? There is also a "misfortune" of prayer, this prayer is very effective.

To spend a ritual at work, work, work, take cones and plasticine. We fasten the bumps with plasticine and say:

To keep the workplace during the crisis, it is necessary not just to pray and contact the holy. It is important to show yourself at work, work, work everything is done high quality and professionally. Come to the workplace early in the morning, and leave late in the evening. Do more than the rest. Finally, remember: all events in our lives are not as chance. It is possible that it is already very soon awaited by a new and prestigious work.

Prayer so as not to dismiss from work - conspiracy so as not to reduce at work

In our economically unstable time there is a massive reduction due to the inability to pay for a large number of employees. Everything else, in such a period, the competition of people in the labor market is growing. To cope with this problem, it is necessary to excerpt, composure and faith in yourself and your forces that are so lacking. Prayers will help to find support in this situation: they are able to lead from the leadership anger, to protect against evil attacks of ill-wishers and envious and much more to protect themselves from dismissal.

Prayer from envious

Quite often, the cause of dismissal is becoming an evil language of envious and rivals, wearing intrigue everywhere. It is possible to protect themselves if you sit at the workplace every day to pronounce this prayer:

"The merciful Lord is now dying to delay and slow down all the plans around me about my movement, dismissal, displacement, exile. So now destroy evil wants and the demands of all condemning me. So now, in front of the spiritual blindness on the eyes of all the enemies of my enemies. And you, all the holy lands of the Russian, break the power of prayers of his about me all the demonic spells, all the devilish plans and the goats - to shock me and destroy me and my heritage. And you, the Great and Terrible Guard, ArchReart Mikhail, Fire Sword Safety All Waldings of the Enemy of the Republic of Human and all the minions of him who do to destroy me. Stay indiscriminately on guard at home of this all living in it and all the treasures of it. And you, Vladychitsa, not in vain called the "unreal wall", be for all those who are warring against me and malicious readiness to do me, truly a certain obstacle and an unreal wall that enlightens me from any evil and serious circumstances, bless. "

But before you contact the highest forces, it is necessary to confess and compete. This prayer will not only save the attacks of ill-wishers, but will turn all their evil against them themselves, and will also have a strong influence on the bosses.

Morning prayer not fired

Going out of the house, you need to cross the threshold with my left foot and whisper to pronounce Prayer Archangel Mikhail. It is very important that no one is distracted during her progress, so it's best to do this in the corridor in which you will not meet neighbors.

"Lord, God's great, the king is initial, went, Lord, the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slaves (name). Protect, Archangel, us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh Lord Great Archangel Mikhail! Demons crusher, prohibit all enemies fighting with me, and the coordinate of their Yako Sheep, and Smiri their evil hearts, and crushing their sneaks in the face of the wind. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Six-colored first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force - Cherubimov and Serafimov, Budge the assistant to all the troubles, sorrow, in the sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet man. Oh Lord Great Archangel Mikhail! Get rid of us from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya, Zechy will hear us, sinful, praying for you, calling your name Holy. Speakers to help and bring all opposed to us, the power of honestly and the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the Holy Apostles, the saint of the Wonderworker Nikolai, Andrei, Christ for the sake of whitewash, the Holy Prophet Elijah and All Saints Great Martyrs: Holy Martyr Nikita and Eustafia , and all the reverend fathers of our, from the century God of the faithful, and all the saints of heavenly forces.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Mikhail! Help us, the sinful (name), and save us from the coward, the flood, fire, the sword and in vain death, from the great evil, from the enemy of flattened, from the storms of a pronounced, from the dear to get rid of us forever, now and are confused and forever. Amen. The Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail, the lightning sword of your discharge from me the Spirit of the Deck, tempting and Toying me. Amen".

And if there are some difficulties at work, it needs to be read three times, and it is better to even rewrite a prayer on a sheet and carry it with you in a bag or wallet.

Conspiracy so as not to reduce at work

When everyone goes from work, you need to linger and, holding three bumps in your hand, attached to each other plasticine, say such words:

"I'm at work, work, I have a lot of work, and there are no evil people. As these cones are firmly connected, so I (here you indicate your name) with it forever. To part with the work, you need to disconnect the bumps. So that it was always at work, work, work. Amen!"

After that, be sure to do some job. So faster it turns out - no one can dismiss. Corses bonded, you need to put in the desktop box or in your locker.

If they are going to fire

Accidentally the authorities have changed about the nearest reduction? Need to act. Go to the office of the head, get up on the threshold right foot, raise the right hand and say such words with a whisper:

"My hand right. My leg is my right. Yes, and my right right! Therefore, I worked here (s), I work and work will be smoothly until it is a desire for it! Amen!"

After that, you can start a conversation with the head about the upcoming dismissal, convincing that you cannot be reduced in any way. The protective force of magic will help that Fortuna is on your side.

If they reported dismissal

It is already known that you are a candidate for dismissal, but you can still fix it. You need to take a glass with bad water, put it near my bed on three days, and then attribute to work. Close up in the toilet and wash this water, looking at the same time in the mirror and sentence words:

"This watch is my face washed and left here. So let me go here! As I came here, and the driver brought. Now this guy is not removed from here. And this means that I will stay here! Stayed exactly until I want to go. When he herself wants, then desired and get. Amen!"

After that, you need to try to avoid those who can wish your dismissal, not to enter into conflicts, even if you are provoked hard. In this case, this conspiracy must be pronounced, again going to the toilet:

"This place is sneezing from people rubbish all takes and washes off. So let my enemies go only here, and no complaints are presented to me. And if in their heads and there will be angry thoughts, so let them go here and stay! And let people go out from here, good, calm and loose! Amen!"

Perhaps someone from the unfriendlies will be fired, but in no case can not be rejected on this matter, otherwise everything will come back to you.

Make a plot and do not think about dismissal

  • Conspiracy on a nail so that they did not dismiss from work.
  • Conspiracy for money so that they have not reduced from work.
  • Conspiracy on the thread is red to stay at work.

Conspiracy on a nail so that they did not dismiss

In order to put the root in the place of their working roots, the rite is not good to do the rite. It is best to spend the witchcraft in the walls of service. But if it was so impressed so that the eyes of others could not see you, it doesn't go out, then you can do at home. Though the target from the action there may be less due to being.

Conspiracy for money so that you have not reduced from work

With the moon growing money, take any nominal, but the more he will, the way the conspiracy will work. Against her seven times a conspiracy secretly yes to work:

How malice to all anyone, as everyone will challenge, how everything is arguing for him, how they work, no strength, no hands, do not raise the head, and in my service, let him spit everything around me. Let my bosses go for me and my advice asks. Let me roam the commercials for me yes, no one will throw me. The same honor to me, the slave (name), as well as the Child. Amen.

Taken this at the place of its working Schoroni so that no one finds her before it did not take. How to hide it, so whisper three times:

Dockens to sit here, I feel like you. You are secretly lying here, and I have a sister of yours for what works. Amen.

Money conspired not only the place of working for you to keep capable, but also to increase the salary can attract: money for money is always drawn.

Conspiracy on the thread is red to stay at work

At the place of my work, it can also be conspiraced to leave the thread so that no one for your service I missed and does not imagine the only work without you.

The thread is woolen, sorry, in the font sabbber baptized, wax church waxed. Be faithful to my oppressory: from a bad tide, from Lychy Schoroni, from the evil to get rid, and the good is addicted. Amen.

Thread in service to bind to what is hard to be, yes it should be that you just used it. If no one knocks your chair to himself, it is possible to suspect the thread on his leg. Or put on the table to the table, if no one else is behind him.

How to bind you, on the nodule the last conspiracy of Kohlping:

To the place of myself I bind myself, I associate myself with a durable myself. Doconcoule does not go away, I have to stay when working. Amen.

The thread is so and from the enemies will save you, and firmly you will connect you with this service. While you do not want to leave, no one will have actions on you.

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In the workplace of prayer

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our site before starting to study information, please subscribe you to our group of VKontakte prayer for every day. Also visit our page in Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her prayers for every day classmates. "God bless you!".

It happens that on the life path of many people there are some situations when it seems that, overnight, success in affairs and successfulness from them simply turned away and there is a black irresponsive strip failure. Naturally, in such situations, without positive thoughts, it is impossible to do without positive thoughts, however, the force coming from the pronounced prayer is able to have a miraculous influence. Prayer in the workplace on well-being is capable of not only to attract positive emotions to asking, but also will be successful in all of his affairs.

What does such a prayer helps

To date, it is quite difficult to find a decent job that would meet all the requirements of the applicant. In order to achieve this, you should take advantage of a special prayer, with which you can ask for the highest forces of help, Example:

  • On the preservation of the workplace;
  • Obtaining enhanced service;
  • Prayer will help to achieve good luck and success in work;
  • Prayer in the workplace from evil people is also able to help and protect against their disastrous impact;
  • You can even contact the sacnesses for the prosperous discovery and implementing your own business;
  • On the successful completion of any cases.

Wheel in the workplace

In order to protect against the negative impact of ill-wishers and to advance through the career ladder, you can use the charm, which is able to help many people gain unprecedented results, and also bring fame, success and money, and life itself can radically change for the better.

This kind of protection can be stored right in the workplace, but at the same time hiding well from prying views. On the leaf paper, you need to write such words:

"Almighty Lord, the Savior, went to your guardian angel, to me for help, to rescue, to save and save. The Angel of God, the keeper my saint, take care of my body, take care and save my soul, fencing the matter from people unrighteous, from the thoughts of their sinners, from failure and an hour of lyout. With the Lord put up, and never let down, the enemy does not give in. God Father, God Son, God of the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Abbey with me! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong prayer in the workplace

To get the desired vacancy (position), you can pronounce the prayer text of the Scholya Trifon. To do this, it is enough to buy a miraculous image of the saint in the temple in the temple every day without breaks (preferably in the morning) pronounce these words:

"Oh, Holy Christ, the martyr trif, the fast our assistant, I appeal to you, I pray in front of your holy. Hear me, now and always ask, the slave is yours (name), honing the sacred memory of you.

You are pleased with Christ, I myself said before your outcome from the life of this timeful praying for us from the Lord and this gift from him: if anyone in any sophisticated and the need for your own sacred name, he will be delighted with every dark and evil. And if you delighted the Roman king from the devil and healed, and I save me from the evil goat and keep everywhere and always.

Whether I am an assistant and a quick chandelier of the devils of the evil, and the leader, I go, you are now foreseen with the way the saints of the throne. Moth of the Most High let him give me fun and joy from the work of the new, and he always will always be near and conceived by me. Amen".

Prayers from problems at work - who to pray for troubles in the workplace

The unstable economic situation led to the fact that it became very easy to lose work. People hold for any opportunity to have a stable income, albeit small. Some bosses enjoy this and give the will the negative traits of their character. Non-successors are able to spoil the nervous system to anyone - even if a person perfectly fulfills his duties. In such a situation, one hope is to read prayers from trouble at work.

What to do to not be kicked out of work

What kind of real help can appeal to heaven? You will see how circumstances add up in your favor, as if the invisible conductor manages the events from heaven. The fact that yesterday also seemed unbearable, it will be easily. An invincibility will distract or leave another position. It is only necessary to show perseverance in their requests for protection.
  • You can pray every day before joining work, during a break and even in the process. After all, not every work requires complete concentration, many actions we do automatically. It is at such moments that the mind can fulfill his own work - prayer.

Defenders of offended off-day were considered the righteous princes Boris and Gleb. They are capable of many wonders:

  • terminate conflicts with the bosses;
  • protect spiritual peace;
  • find quiet relationships in the family.

Prayer from difficulties at work

"About the border sacred, the brotherhood of the beautiful, the kind of Passionerpits Boris and Gleb, from younning to Christ, the cleanliness and loving served, and the blood of your own, Yako Bagryanitz, and now, and now with Christ the reigns! Do not forget us, weighing on the earth, but, well, the heat of the oppressory, your strong petition, before Christ, keep the young in the holy faith and purity, inflated from all the prick of disbelief and sewage, protect all of us from everyone sneaks, bits and in vain death, tame all Enjoyment and malice, the action of the diatling erected from the neighbor and alien. Molims of you, Christ-lubbivia Passionworthy, ask for the Lord's Lord's Governorates to all of us to leaving our limits, dispossessment and health, getting rid of the invasion of the invalid, interference brani, ulcers and glads. Suppose our country to our intercession, all of the centuries of the holy memory. Amen."

The righteous princes themselves are well known to all as bright historical characters. At the same time, they were sincere Christians, always stood for the right thing. They always defended their wards, help from trouble at work.

Who else pray for problems in the workplace

Saints in Orthodoxy so much that sometimes people are lost and do not know who to choose to appeal during difficulties. Here you can rely on your inner flair. Usually each family has the most revered righteous. There are well-known holy patrons:
  • Angels and Archangels;
  • God's Mother;
  • Holy, whose name you wear in baptism.

From any misfortune is able to protect the Lord God. In the Bible, it is not in vain that it is impossible to condemn anyone - the creator executes this role himself. People are not always understood by his action and logic, but still it is worth trusting age-old wisdom. Testing hatred in relation to the authorities, the situation cannot be corrected. We must ask for patience, that the Lord will give to see his own mistakes. In every way to try to get rid of the negative towards others. It is necessary for the soul, and for work.

Prayer from problems at work Arkhangel Mikhail

"Mercy Lord! You once the mouth and the prayer prophets have created the abyss, stopped the river, delayed the water, stabbed the mouth of Lviv in the RB.

And now all the plans around the enemies standing for me and thinking about my movement, dismissal, displacement, exile, and slow down to parlegalization. So now destroy evil wants and the demands of all those who condemn me, the magnitude of the mouth and the heart of all slandering, tasty and growing on me and all hula and degrading me. So now, in front of the spiritual blindness on the eyes of all the enemies of my, upright on me.

The house of my house, in which I live, in the circle of my prayers to you and keep it from fiery mental, thieves attack and any evil and fear. Hold for the fence at home of my all the resistant forces and all the hungal name of God and despise me.

Oh, God's God, now suspend all the ideas of my enemies, whoever, to drive me out of the city of this and destroy me: Do not allow them to approach the house to this, stop their power of my prayer: "Lord, the Judge of the Universe, you who are disagreeable anything wrong when This will come to you prayer, let the holy force stop all enemies on the place where they will comprehend them. "

I pray you the Almighty Lord God, fence me from the Satanian goat, eating all the goats of the devilish and demonic spells from me, do not let them annoy me, do not let them take me away and my heritage.

I pray the powerful and terrible guard of ArchReart Mikhail so that he is his fiery sword of the Soviet, all the wants of my enemy and all whoever destroy me. Praying Archangel Mikhail that he stood indiscriminately on the guard of my house, all the property in him and all his herifting. Molt Archangel Mikhail that he was for everyone who warrant against me and make plumps to do to me, truly a certain obstacle and a naked wall that enlightens me from any evil and serious circumstances.

Lord bless! Amen."

Sometimes the bosses seem very terrible, the feeling arises that it is possible to cope with it only supernaturally. To resolve problems, it is customary to contact Archangel Mikhail. He is one of the few heavenly warriors whose name was open to people. This is not just like that - a very strong warrior, the leader of many other angels, Archangel is able to cope with many problems. That is why he often asks intercession.

When a person is given power over others, he often uses it not for good. In any team there are conflicts, but the right side does not always won the dispute. The boss can apply psychological pressure, blackmail, even arrange a plot with loyal employees. One unbearable task - and now he has a reason for fine or dismissal.

In this case, one thing remains to pray for assistance to the highest forces. Do not grow in your heart bitterness and hatred. In mortal life, all many problems. Often they are sent to harden the will and character. So even difficulty it is necessary to thank the Creator. Then the one who tempts you will understand - it is useless. And soon the trouble stops. After all, even the most difficult times are once ends.

Prayers from problems at work Peter and Fevronia

"Holy Spouses Righteous, Peter and Fevronia are pious, migrating for each suffering yes to the help of the Lord's in need! Take away from my house of my sorridge, discord Yes, save my marriage, the Lord is blessed, dreaming and forever. As you live in the world, I lived, so I want to live with my spouse, to serve our father, instructing it to fulfill him, the kingdom to know him. For the mercy of your I hope with all my heart and your prayers are about the family of my Lord Almighty. Do not leave us, spouses (names), in sadness, do not leave in joy. Bless the family righteous and Lord God pleasing. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Often, we bring difficulties in your family. Fatigue, irritability, misunderstanding becomes the reason for the disaster. But the husband and wife must serve each other reliable spiritual shelter. If a crack appeared in a relationship, it is necessary to eliminate it until she turned into a hole.

The occurrence of peaceful relations between spouses (and not only) is asked by Saints Peter and Fevronia. Peter was a prince, who ruled his people rightly - he definitely never built a shock against the subordinates. Therefore, a holy pair can also be applied to protect against injustice. If the troubles of your children - Murom's miracles are capable of protecting them.

  • Prayers for help in a difficult situation;
  • Prayers for good luck;
  • Prayers for monetary well-being -

Prayer from trouble in the workplace of the Virgin

What to pray you to ask you? You see everything, you know yourself: look into my soul and give her what she needs. You, all undergoing, all premier, - will understand everything.

You, who hurt the baby in the manger and taking it with her own hands from the cross, you alone you know all the height of joy, the whole burns of grief. You, who entered the adoption of the whole human genus, look at me with maternal concern.

From the Tenet Sin, bring me to my son. I see a tear, irrigated your face. It is necessary for me, you shed her and let her move tracks of my limits. So I came, I'm standing, I'm waiting for your response, about the Mother of God, Oh, Four, Oh, Vladychitsa!

I do not ask anything, just stand before you. Only my heart, a poor human heart, exhausted in the longing of the truth, I will turn to your preching legs, Vladychitsa! Give everyone who calls you, to reach the eternal day to you and the face to worship you.

Even in the most difficult times you need to remind yourself - the Lord sees you, he wants to help. Surface moments are not eternal, they will pass, like everyone else on earth. Life is so short, you should not be too pronounced. Try to learn to notice around you good things for which you can be grateful. So you will be able to support optimism in the shower. With difficulties, contact prayer - it will heal the soul and help.

Holy Fathers taught Orthodox so that they would less spend time on empty conversations with each other, and more - on conversations with God. Reading the Holy Scriptures, the repetition of saints is purified from sins.

Prayer about Aid B. work Nikolay Wonderworker. Yes, no matter how cool, and it is necessary to work with everyone, even millionaires have daily responsibilities. Any time is hard, sad, everyone overcome problems.

This will be wonderful spiritual support if children problems at school. . In addition, very often people read prayerso that everything is good on the work.

In our economically unstable time there is a massive reduction due to the inability to pay for a large number of employees. Everything else, in such a period, the competition of people in the labor market is growing. To cope with this problem, it is necessary to excerpt, composure and faith in yourself and your forces that are so lacking. Finding support in this situation will help: they are able to lead from the leadership anger, to protect against evil attacks of ill-wishers and envious and much more to protect themselves from dismissal.

Prayer from envious

Quite often, the cause of dismissal is becoming an evil language of envious and rivals, wearing intrigue everywhere. It is possible to protect themselves if you sit at the workplace every day to pronounce this prayer:

"The merciful Lord is now dying to delay and slow down all the plans around me about my movement, dismissal, displacement, exile. So now destroy evil wants and the demands of all condemning me. So now, in front of the spiritual blindness on the eyes of all the enemies of my enemies. And you, all the holy lands of the Russian, break the power of prayers of his about me all the demonic spells, all the devilish plans and the goats - to shock me and destroy me and my heritage. And you, the Great and Terrible Guard, ArchReart Mikhail, Fire Sword Safety All Waldings of the Enemy of the Republic of Human and all the minions of him who do to destroy me. Stay indiscriminately on guard at home of this all living in it and all the treasures of it. And you, Vladychitsa, not in vain called the "unreal wall", be for all those who are warring against me and malicious readiness to do me, truly a certain obstacle and an unreal wall that enlightens me from any evil and serious circumstances, bless. "

But before you contact the highest forces, it is necessary to confess and compete. This prayer will not only save the attacks of ill-wishers, but will turn all their evil against them themselves, and will also have a strong influence on the bosses.

Morning prayer not fired

Going out of the house, you need to cross the threshold with my left foot and whisper to pronounce Prayer Archangel Mikhail. It is very important that no one is distracted during her progress, so it's best to do this in the corridor in which you will not meet neighbors.

"Lord, God's great, the king is initial, went, Lord, the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slaves (name). Protect, Archangel, us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh Lord Great Archangel Mikhail! Demons crusher, prohibit all enemies fighting with me, and the coordinate of their Yako Sheep, and Smiri their evil hearts, and crushing their sneaks in the face of the wind. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Six-colored first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force - Cherubimov and Serafimov, Budge the assistant to all the troubles, sorrow, in the sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet man. Oh Lord Great Archangel Mikhail! Get rid of us from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya, Zechy will hear us, sinful, praying for you, calling your name Holy. Speakers to help and bring all opposed to us, the power of honestly and the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the Holy Apostles, the saint of the Wonderworker Nikolai, Andrei, Christ for the sake of whitewash, the Holy Prophet Elijah and All Saints Great Martyrs: Holy Martyr Nikita and Eustafia , and all the reverend fathers of our, from the century God of the faithful, and all the saints of heavenly forces.

Oh Lord Great Archangel Mikhail! Help us, the sinful (name), and save us from the coward, the flood, fire, the sword and in vain death, from the great evil, from the enemy of flattened, from the storms of a pronounced, from the dear to get rid of us forever, now and are confused and forever. Amen. The Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail, the lightning sword of your discharge from me the Spirit of the Deck, tempting and Toying me. Amen".

And if there are some difficulties at work, it needs to be read three times, and it is better to even rewrite a prayer on a sheet and carry it with you in a bag or wallet.

Conspiracy so as not to reduce at work

When everyone goes from work, you need to linger and, holding three bumps in your hand, attached to each other plasticine, say such words:

"I'm at work, work, I have a lot of work, and there are no evil people. As these cones are firmly connected, so I (here you indicate your name) with it forever. To part with the work, you need to disconnect the bumps. So that it was always at work, work, work. Amen!"

After that, be sure to do some job. So faster it turns out - no one can dismiss. Corses bonded, you need to put in the desktop box or in your locker.

If they are going to fire

Accidentally the authorities have changed about the nearest reduction? Need to act. Go to the office of the head, get up on the threshold right foot, raise the right hand and say such words with a whisper:

"My hand right. My leg is my right. Yes, and my right right! Therefore, I worked here (s), I work and work will be smoothly until it is a desire for it! Amen!"

After that, you can start a conversation with the head about the upcoming dismissal, convincing that you cannot be reduced in any way. The protective force of magic will help that Fortuna is on your side.

If they reported dismissal

It is already known that you are a candidate for dismissal, but you can still fix it. You need to take a glass with bad water, put it near my bed on three days, and then attribute to work. Close up in the toilet and wash this water, looking at the same time in and sentenced words:

"This watch is my face washed and left here. So let me go here! As I came here, and the driver brought. Now this guy is not removed from here. And this means that I will stay here! Stayed exactly until I want to go. When he herself wants, then desired and get. Amen!"

After that, you need to try to avoid those who can wish your dismissal, not to enter into conflicts, even if you are provoked hard. In this case, this conspiracy must be pronounced, again going to the toilet:

"This place is sneezing from people rubbish all takes and washes off. So let my enemies go only here, and no complaints are presented to me. And if in their heads and there will be angry thoughts, so let them go here and stay! And let people go out from here, good, calm and loose! Amen!"

Perhaps someone from the unfriendlies will be fired, but in no case can not be rejected on this matter, otherwise everything will come back to you.

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will tell in this article how to apply magical rituals for good work for the sake of change and enhance its social status. Many effective conspiracies to help work, and in particular, proposed by me in this material, are simple and easily fulfilled, many can read on their own at home. Everyone seems to be clear how important the good high-paying work is - the key to success, the provision, the life welfare of man. Good work today gives advantages in the life of the peripetia.

For good luck at work - independent magic rituals

You can read various reviews about magical rites and conspiracies, depending on the personal experience of those who have made independent rituals for good luck in the work. Each magician, of course, has a personal practice and its strong conspiracy to work in work, which they often apply and show them. Undoubtedly one: money magic, rites to receive work And for career growth, is a serious support in professional and financial matters.

Any situation is individual. You know your circumstances better than anyone else. Magic rituals should contribute to your promotion at work and financial success. The main thing here is to form the intention to correctly, and weaklessly, but with the full return work with the forces.

How to make a strongest conspiracy on successful work - so that in matters luck

As far as this conspiracy to work everything in work, strong everyone will decide for himself. To understand how one or another effective ritual for success in work is working, you need to practice. You should read on the growing moon in odd numbers. Specifically, this witchcraft conspiracy to help at work, which I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom, is going to offer you, neutral, works on the personal power of the artist. However, it can be made more intense, calling for strength before ritual actions. In this case, after work, it is necessary to attribute to the crossroads, with the words: "Brothers for work". Either with a different verbal formula in this vein, depending on your practical developments.

Moreover, since a powerful conspiracy to work everything in operation, it is originally neutral, then you can contact the forces of Christian egregar if you work with him. To contact the egregor, you need to read 3 times "our father" before plotting.

For ritual, you need a cup of running water. Stand in the evening by the window, call for forces, or work on personal power - the choice is yours.

The words of the conspiracy for high paying work read 3 times:

"Good luck came, the entire longing sand brought, with his joy (name) brought me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Plotted water on the windowsill until the morning. Waking up, smear this water. Any conspiracy fluid should be used for the purpose without the residue.

What are the consequences of conspiracy on cash?

The question of the consequences always worries newbies. If your magic does not bother to anyone, you do not attack and do not cause damage to other, no negative consequences have to wait. There is, of course, in monetary magic and dangerous rituals, such, for example, as good luck's kradnikov - happiness to happiness and well-being. I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom, I'm not talking about damage to poverty and the ruin of the enemy.

This is really a mistake can cost expensive. But, that is, experience and mind, and, of course, film-based protection (or protection within the framework of the tradition in which you practice). But, if we talk about independent strong conspiracies to work everything at work, it makes no sense to fear rollbacks or returns or other negative manifestations.

Try to read a plot of work - Simple magic at home

If for a long time you are not lucky in search of work, help yourself with a conspiracy of monetary magic, read a plot for good work:

"I go to the catcher, I will leave the merchant, I am a wolf, I'm a lion, I am a fox, everywhere I have a staircase. Who are below, and I always have others above. Everyone would love me, read. At invited. All my words be smeared, strong and chains. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

There are reviews about the efficiency of the home conspiracy in finding good work.

By experience: To quickly find good work, use the help of the dead, make cash rituals, such as

  • On honey on the buy
  • On the water with three rivers.

Do not forget about the mighty, influential power of runes. To find a job, the runets are excellent for good luck. As for the rite "On the water from three rivers", then this is indeed one of the strongest conspiracies for good luck in work, as well as a strong cash rite, well, and plus everything else, excellent cleaning of the money channel. Since this rite is universal and self-sufficient, I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom will give it in this material.

Making a magic rite of luck at work was on a growing moon so that you had money, yes, things have improved. Some Magi practitioners spend a rite to a decreasing moon, as they consider it precisely as cleaning against money negative. The essence of the question is how exactly the wizard ritual to take. If in your understanding it is - magic ritual for good work, and you will be the power of Cemetery to ask, giving purchase, then, of course, do on the lunar growth.

Strong rite of cash, cemetery. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, recommend to make a purchase of purchases in advance, get a job permit, ask for a sign, find out whether you should do this witch ritual in the cemetery land. Externally, it is very simple. In fact, not everything is so obvious. Magic rite of raising at work, energy consumption, and this. This technique is universal, you can use, having any money problems, for example, to be returned to work - this effective conspiracy is coping with various problems.

The witchcraft conspiracy to increase the effective, fast.

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, recommend this ritual for filling the money channel, naturally after a number of good cleaning. But, and the home rite itself works like a serious cleaning of negative money. In general, this witchcraft conspiracy to the authorities at work Self-sufficient, if diagnostics shows that it is suitable for you, you will do everything right, and the impact will normally fall, then it can be even not reinforced. Here, in fact, the way to independently make a conspiracy to work at home.

The strongest conspiracy for good luck, money and success in work - on water with three rivers

In the last 7 days of the month in 3 different rivers you need to dial water. Pour into different vessels. Drawing water in the river, read the words of the conspiracy to work:

"Under the chain fled, and then delaigi my hurry, a little, and a delometric, healthy, then I lost the water speech, and Blessed. Amen".

When water is recruited in a third river, the path is kept on the cemetery. The second part of the rite takes place in the cemetery land. Entering, throwing off with themselves, and river water wash themselves. Having finished, read the text of the conspiracy for success at work:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, Magician Sergey Artgrom, I recommend to wear a proven mascot for attracting the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. The cash amulet is made strictly individually, under the name of a particular person and his date of birth. The main thing is right to immediately configure it in accordance with the sent instructions, is equally well suited for people of any religion.

"From Treshnika, yes, I clighed, yes, from three uniforms (name) I caught up, which nailed, yes thin washed, yes, the tired of the gold, yes, Roszypan River, and then the stars are lied, and now it is false. Likewise, the hardest word, and the road is the last, then a diving, and a spool, a polar desire, right, then I like a driver on a river, escape to run, yes, in money, we live, firmly done, and three rivers on me (name) Rubleshka, yes royal monetina, and the renovation, yes respect for human. It is also a lie to the fence here, it is treated with me through the driver, in the Barine to walk, I will act like a lucky way, and my fate in Novu-Jawi is creative, and the waters of water bent. Amen".

Go, back without looking around. The fate can change it through this. When you read a strong conspiracy, you will visualize what you want:

  • on raising at work,
  • on the filling of the money channel
  • for success in trading
  • or just on positive changes in fate.

An independent conspiracy that is read on the way to work

If in search of work you found a worthy proposal, so that it is definitely to have this work and not get a refusal, going for an interview to the employer, three times in the way read the words of conspiracy going to work:

"I go to the bar, not junk and not old, I go to fit, the owner is noticed. My face is nice, my soul has not picked up. I would be surprised for me, the owners smiled, I died with words. The word is my hard. It will be in my opinion, but in any other. Truly speech. "

Independent conspiracy to respect for you colleagues

If you do not accept you in the team, there are difficulties to communicate with colleagues at work, or the authorities refers to you not as you deserve, do yourself conspiracy to respect for employees. Golden or Silver Ring Throw into a glass with water, and read the words of the conspiracy for respect and love in the team. Visualize the success of your magic, uttering a plot:

"As all Zlatto, Silver love, respect, and me (name) will love and respect. Amen".

Effective conspiracy - save workplace and return to work

If your problem is related to the preservation of the workplace, on the growing moon you can try home ritual for good luck at work, the action of which is directed to the protection and retention of your income source. For the rite you need:

  • lacetok fabric

It is clear that the magic salt should be prepared. At home, heating salt in a pan, and read an effective conspiracy to be returned to work, or not to dismiss:

"I have (name), there is a tyne iron, I will reveal for him reliably. I close to twelve locks, I donate with twelve keys. I am not going to get me out, do not chromate knives, do not chop the axes. According to my faithful - power, and key, and castle. Amen".

You need to read a conspiracy to help at work 9 times, then give salt to cool, wrap it into a clean flap of natural canvas. Bring this conspiracted salt there where we work and imperceptibly for others crumble near your workplace. Home conspiracies like this really work well, but require frequent repetition.

Extremely effective conspiracy to make a profit at work

Where you work, take a coin. Her dignity does not play any role, it can be like 10 kopecks and 10 rubles. Apply the coin to the lips, and read a conspiracy on high paying job three times:

"As in the sea of \u200b\u200bfish, the fish-uncompanying, as in the sky of asterisks, glow-illegally, as in the field of herbs, a non-relentless of herbs, and I (my name), the deaths of growing-inaccessible. My words are faithful, hard as Alatyr stone, iron key in crude ground. Forever eternal. Amen".

The money conspired to ensure that good luck at work and profit is good, should lie on your workplace on your right hand. Periodically, an independent conspiracy to success in work should be repaired.

How to read conspiracies to the authorities at work - simple effective rituals

An effective conspiracy so that good luck at work was in everything - both in the money, and in a career, works well on the mercy of the authorities. The director is just a person, and you can influence it in the same way as on any other. Founded the rite on the personal power of the artist, so that good visualization is needed.

So, that the employer does not raise, did not diminish your merits, as an employee, and noticed and in every way promoted you in service, read the plot to be respected at workSo that the leadership referred to. And it is necessary to do this at home on a decreasing moon of an odd number, observing male and women's days.

Stand up at dawn, pour into a glass of water and holding it in the left hand, 3 times, looking at the water, read the words of the conspiracy so that everything was laid at work:

"The lamb is afraid of a wolf, the wolf is afraid of a lynx, and you, the slave (name), be afraid of me, (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Wash the witchcraft water and spray themselves from head to toe.

Here is another way to make a magically affect your boss. Looking in front of the door of his office, read the text of the conspiracy on kindness and benevolence, respect, bosses and that luck at work was:

"I'm on this side, you will not shout at that, when I keep silent, your mouth is closed, your thoughts are silent, standing, as a mute, you are silent when I do not shout. Exactly".

The impact of such a plan is permissible and even desirable to reinforce with the suggestion of thoughts. You can also make the chief to think to think as well as it is advantageous to you, when applying Runes for solving social, career and financial issues, as well as applying hundreds from the field of suggestion of thoughts, and calling certain feelings and emotions.

Hello. I i am very worried about work. Help me stay at work. There is a bosses that humiliates and have their own coalition at work What to do, how to survive?

Hello Svetlana!

To stay at work, make a special charm.

Wererag so that they did not dismiss from work

From the birch tree, disconnect a piece of bark by whispeting to himself:

"For happiness, good and good luck. Thank you".

Then this piece of home break into two parts. On two small sheets of paper Write the words of the Operse:

"Birch will protect, will save from evil. All that the enemies thought, would sweep it past, I will not touch me at all! I sit on the former work and does not move from the spot! And there is!"

Wrap each piece of Beresta in a separate leaf. One attach a pin to clothing and always wear with you, and the second put in the desktop box. Soon the situation in your work will change for the better, and the enemies will be bypassing you, and their goats do not touch you.