Magnet company owner. Problem "Magnet" Sergey Galitsky

The other day, the founder of the Magnit trading network Sergei Galitsky reported on the sale of almost the entire package of the VTB group.

The news has become a shock for the market and provoked another collapse of retailer shares. The deal caused a lot of questions, for which no one has given answers. The most important of them: Why did businessman sold the company that a quarter of a century was engaged and did not ask him to do it?

Time - bought

The transaction for the sale of "Magnit", of course, became the main event in the Russian economy and business lately. Moreover, she claims to be a "transaction of the year." Everything happened very unexpectedly. Investment Forum in Sochi, earlier morning. Magnit, Russian Post and VTB Sign Cooperation Agreement. Suddenly the founder and until the last moment, the main owner of the Magnit trading network Sergey Galitsky announces that it sells his VTB shares. It was clear that the businessman worried. "Drinks", asks for his assistant, and constantly brings his hands to his eyes. And the head of VTB Andrei Kostin is sitting nearby, and on his face you can make an assumption that he is quite satisfied with life. We do not know why Kostina had such an expression at that moment. Maybe I remembered something pleasant from life. And maybe he has just been canceled in a Sochi restaurant. In the end, bankers are also living people.

But we admit that Andrei Leonidovich was simply pleased, because he spent a brilliant deal. VTB bought a package of slightly less than 30%, Galician left about 3%. This is important because if the bank acquired 30%, then by law it would have to make a mandatory offer to minority shareholders. And if they wished to sell their shares, the new owner of the "Magnit" would have to buy them, spending big money on it. But VTB made a tricky move, than extremely upset "Mingrars". The problems of small shareholders, of course, are also important, but we will leave them yet aside. Much more important than others: what could this happen that Sergey Galitsky so suddenly broke up with the case he dedicated a quarter of a century?

He is tired and he leaves

Sergey Galitsky himself explained his decision including fatigue. He is already 50 years old, he can no longer engage in retail, especially recent years he has not just owned shares, but also completely led the company. This explanation could be satisfied, if you do not know that a businessman in its nature workaholic. 50 years for the entrepreneur of his level is not at all age. Take, for example, Oleg Deripaska. In early January, he also noted half a century anniversary, and the business is clearly not going to leave. However, all people are different, all different opportunities and stocks of vitality. The media immediately remembered last year's statement Galitsky. Speaking at the Skolkovo business school, he said that he once went to sleep only in order to wake up as soon as possible and again to do his loved business. And now he falls asleep only with sleeping pills, because he has many problems. Perhaps this statement, which then passed not particularly seen, should I look for a rayster? The sleeping pill is really useful if there is a very large mental burden on a person. However, large businessmen are not accustomed to such. Why did Galitsky need a medicine? Perhaps someone persistently asked him to sell his brainchild? But another important statement of the businessman, which he did, declaring the transaction. According to the entrepreneur, he had disagreements with investors who differently see the future of the company. More Sergey Nikolaevich did not explain anything. But a legitimate question is born, what are these investors who are able to change the shareholder and the Director-General?

Final fall

It would be clear if the "magnet" had a lot of debts. Then the main lender has the right to demand from the debtor to fulfill his recommendations, because, lent a large amount, it practically turns into the owner. But with this Sergey Galitsky was all fine, the company's debt burden is quite comfortable. True, the network recently has difficult times, as a result of last year, the profit decreased. But, let me, she did not fall to zero: in 2017, the product retailer earned more than 30 billion rubles. Of course, it is worse than 50 billion, as it was in the year before last, but not deadly, you can live. However, due to the best financial results, the company's shares fell sharply. The collapse began in the fall, and from that time the paper "Magnit" fell more than twice. That is why it is now circulating rumors that if a businessman did not sell his package that after some time he would have fallen even stronger, so it was better to give than to wait and watch how your state melts.

And this is also the mysterious part of the story. Why would this share the company so much? There was no catastrophe, the more profit fell, as they explained in the management of the product network, due to the fact that the company was in line in the renovation of its stores. "Magnit" last years has grunted, and was clearly not going to stop halfway. The Russian Exchange, in contrast to Western sites - the Institute of Young, the volume of trading is not very large. And this opens the space for "bullish" or "bearish" activities. An article for manipulating the market in our criminal code is, but it is practically not used. Recall how many years ago, the shares of VTB himself were inexplicable. Then it turned out that they so fantastically took off just by that time when Suleiman Kerimov sold her package. But the financial regulator did not find any manipulation. Again, we will not argue to say, but the assumption that someone could have been very beneficial to the fall of the quotations "Magnit", has the right to exist.

And we are happy!

Remember, we mentioned about the face of Andrei Kostin. How to be dissatisfied here when you buy shares of a successful company at the bottom of their price. Sergey Galitsky sold his package for 138 billion rubles. But this is not just 29%. This is practically control. The remaining shares of the "Magnit" in the free circulation on the stock exchange, which means no one for any such large package of shares. His, what was the businessman himself, it is very difficult to collect. Usually, when buying a control, the seller assumes a bonus, because it sells not only shares, but also the right to complete the company's management. But the businessman, according to the reasons unknown for the public, gave his share not only without a premium, but even with a discount of 4%. He seems to not look like a crazy, ready to give such a discount. Is it really so tired?

But another curious item. Back in 2014, in the comments, one of the Russian experts sounded the idea that VTB could be interested in a business with a "magnet". At least, foreign funds that own small packages in the company are considered. So, not so quickly and happened, and Gosbank could have been looking for approaches to retailers. By the way, at the end of last year, "Magnit" held a secondary placement of shares, Galitsky reduced his share by 7.5%, and investors were glad to provide him more than $ 700 million. These money had to go not in Galitsky's pocket, but on the development of the network. But, in fact, now they went to VTB, which as the main shareholder will dispose of the company's funds. And the new general director has already stated that the "Magnit" will refuse the policy of expansion and will simply grow organically.

Life after Galitsky

By the way, small shareholders reacted to the transaction. One of the funds called it the "spit in the face" and stated that the state bank had behaved ugly. And, by the way, minority, among which large foreign funds were invested in Magnit, because they believed in its founder and director, and all the success of the retailer associated with the figure of Sergei Galitsky. And it is somewhat disavowed by a businessman's statement about contradictions with investors. It remains to hope that someday he will tell at least part of the truth about this deal, and we learn something new from the life of the Russian business. However, if it happens, there will be only details. We will not know anything ideologically and systemically new, everything, in general, and so something is understandable.

But what will happen to the "magnet" further, not so interesting. True, the Deputy Minister of Finance Sergei Storchak immediately stated that for VTB, this portfolio investment, and the bank probably will sell a retailer shares. The official rightly noticed that "Magnet" bought not directly VTB, but its banking group. In fact, it's surprising that Storchak took comment on this topic, it is more of the placement of government bonds, and is engaged in the ministry. But Sergey Anatolyevich perfectly disassembled in Russian realities, almost a year he helped him in this very much.

In the meantime, VTB is divided by plans to create a single platform, where the logistics abilities of the "Magnet" and "Russian Post" will play a major role. And the mail will begin to deliver products from the shops of the trading network. What a cute picture is evoked: advanced pensioners order through the Internet a cheap sour cream product and potatoes, and a smiling postman brings all this to the apartment. Perhaps this picture was also represented by the agitated Sergey Galitsky, when he publicly parted with his business.

In 2016, the Forbes rating has stated the fact that Sergey Galitsky, owner of the magnet store chain, is located in the twenty of the richest people in Russia. The native of the Krasnodar Territory had the name of Harutyunyan, until she changed her on the name of his wife - Galitsky. I started my career in the banking sector, it was known thanks to the successful opening and promotion of the Magnit network. Patient, sponsor of the construction of the stadium for the Krasnodar football club.


Sergey Galitsky: biography

A future billionaire was born on 14.08.1967 in Lazarevsky village (Sochi). His surname issues Armenian roots - Harutyunyan. However, Sergey himself admits that the Armenian language never knew and grew up in a fully Russian environment.

As a child, Sergey became interested in football and chess. In chess, his success led to the conquest of the first vertex - receiving the title of the candidate in the master of sports. And the passion for football will be held a red thread throughout life.

In the school, the teacher remembered the boy as an average student. In the certificate, Trok did not have, but also special achievements for any subjects too. Sergei himself says he studied mediocrely, but a special passion experienced to football.

Served in the army from 1985 to 1987, he enters the correspondence department of the Kuban State University. During his studies, it was necessary to work as a loader, later it is arranged to work in the bank.

This is exactly the case when the employer himself ranked the employee. On the third year, Sergey published an article in a serious economic journal Finance and Credit. The article was deep and competent, and the calculations contained in it fully corresponded to the economic realities and showed the economic literacy of the author. After reading this article, the head of the commercial bank found Sergey and made him an incredible offer: the post of head of the credit department.

Subsequently, he will leave the bank, reaching the post of deputy manager to start his work, but one way or another his life will be associated with the banking sector: it is also a member of the Supervisory Board of VTBank.

Entrepreneurial activity Sergey Nikolayevich begins in 1993, when he becomes one of the co-owners of Transassia, which is engaged in distribution activities, cooperating with brands: "Avon", "Johnson & Johnson", "Procter & Gamble". For this, a loan was taken by 30 thousand dollars for purchasing the wholesale party of cosmetics and subsequent selling it to retail.

In 1998, Sergey decides on the start of sole entrepreneurial activity, after which she leaves Transassia and opens a food store in Krasnodar. The difference between his other trading points is Cash & Carry, which implies the possibility of buying products to retail and small wholesale.

The idea turns out to be successful, and soon the entrepreneur has a whole network of stores in small cities, bypassing the notorious "Pyaterochka" and other popular supermarkets. In 2000, he changes their profile - now these are discounters offering goods at a lower than in the retail network, price. So there was a network of stores "Magnit", and Sergey Galitsky sounded in the country as one of the prosperous businessmen.

Sergey Galitsky and "Magnit"

The incomes of Sergei Galitsky are associated with a network of magnet stores and competent economic and management decisions that have brought the entrepreneur on the crest of success. So, starting trading in food products, the billionaire did not try to compete with major market players. He opened a lot of small shops in small cities where it was possible to make a profit without visible competition.

The first hypermarket "Magnit" Sergey Galitsky opened only in 2007. Today, the network of stores "Magnit" includes more than 14 thousand stores, many call their products and cosmetic empire. Only in 2016, 1970 new sales points were opened. This once again confirms the demand for new grocery stores in Russia, despite the crisis.

Photo of the magnet shop.
Source: site

Today Magnit is an unprecedented leader in Russia in the product segment. It is significant that 2.4 thousand of them were opened in the crisis of 2015. In the same year, the businessman decides to attract additional funds to implement personal projects. It sells 1% of the shares of "Magnit" and cuts 10 billion rubles.

"If the work does not give pleasure - there is nothing to do it." S. Galitsky

The personal state of the billionaire in 2016 was assessed by 5.7 billion dollars. He is included in the 300 richest people of the planet, in Russia ranks 17th. The main shareholder "Magnit" (owner of 35.3% of shares). 2% of the shares he sold in 2016 to invest in his personal projects.

Public activities billionaire

Chess - Source of Strategy and Tactics

Everyone knows about the hobby of a businessman sports. So, he is sometimes still not against playing chess. By the way, it believes that it was this game that taught it to concentrate on achieving the goal and build a competent strategy.

Sergey introduced chess as a mandatory object in the FC Krasnodar FC FC FC Academy. In 2013, he spent for twenty best pupils session simultaneous game. Judging by what is written in the "Twitter" of a businessman, such a kind of workouts of the mind gives pleasure not only to pupils, but also himself.

"Man biting football"

Another weakness of the billionaire is football. The owner of FC "Krasnodar" sponsors the football academy, in which the guys are promising for this sport. It seems that over time, all team players will be pupils of the Academy. The last patronage project Galitsky - Stadium. According to him, the stadium will never pay off, because its only goal is football. However, he is ready for this, because the most important thing is the game!

"The man who bited football" - so characterized the 49-year-old billionaire correspondent of the Komsomolskaya Pravda Galitsky his close friend. The businessman himself does not hide that this occupation brings him true pleasure. Speaking about football, he notes that it is primarily a spectacle, emotions and pleasure, and no business. At the matches of their own football team, the billionaire flies on a helicopter - does not like traffic jams.

Galitsky and politics

Politics Sergey Galitsky does not plan. To the question of a journalist, why not to run, for example, for the post of mayor of Krasnodar, modestly answers: "I want to stay a happy person, and I have no such responsibility. He agrees to spend his money on the city and its development, but at the same time maintain freedom.

Family life Sergey Galitsky

About this sphere billionaire does not like to spread. He believes that personal life should remain personal. Everything that is known is that with his wife - Victoria - he met at the university. She studied at the accountant.

After the decision to get married, according to rumors, the future ash sharply opposed his daughter to be the name Harutyunyan. Sergey arrived witty: he took the name of his wife, thereby minimizing the conflict to the joke.

In 1995, the daughter of Polina was born, in which the billionaire soul does not make up. The wife does not work, as this is not needed. All attempts to find more information about the family are doomed to failure: Sergey Nikolayevich prefers this sphere of his life.

Other achievements billionaire

  • 2005 - for the first time enters the rating of the richest businessmen of Russia according to ForBS;
  • 2008 - Galitsky becomes president of the Krasnodar football club founded by him. In 2011 - the inclusion of it in the Premier League;
  • 2011 - a businessman awarded the title of Hero of Labor Kuban;
  • 2013 - Sergey Galitsky recognized as a businessman of the year in Russia;
  • 2016 - Regional Rating Obermatt of the Year Recognizes "Magnit" the most prestigious company for investing in the field of food sales.

The actual nationalization of the trading network occurred against the background of the failure in business: in just six months, the capitalization of the retailer fell 2.5 times

The historical deal is announced today at the Russian Investment Forum: Sergey Galitsky will sell almost all his stake in Magnietic, 29.1% of the shares, VTB Bank for 138 billion rubles. VTB immediately announced plans for the asset: he expects to increase capitalization and decided to unite the logistics of the network with Russian Post, it will also be engaged in the food delivery service. About the state of food stores, experts "Business Online" reason.

On the Russian investment forum, the transaction of the year was signed by 138 billion rubles: Sergey Galitsky sold 29.1% of the shares, leaving himself a modest 3%
Photo: Vladimir Smirnov /

Transaction of the year

Today, the transaction of the year was signed at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi by 138 billion rubles. Founder of the trading network "Magnit" Sergey Galitskyi sold the main stake in the company - 29.1% of the shares, leaving for a modest 3%. The buyer was the VTB Bank, which is now becoming the largest shareholder of Magnit. Also Galitsky announced the intention to add off the authority of the Director General and the member of the Company's Board of Directors. Chain of stores, according to preliminary information, will be headed by the Financial Director Khaccatur Pombochchan.

According to President VTB Andrei KostinaThis is one of the largest mergers and acquisition transactions in 2018. Her closure will require the coordination of the federal antimonopoly service. Kostin stated that it counts on the further growth of the capitalization of the "Magnit".

Galitsky headed the company 25 years. "It was a good time. It was a difficult decision. I founded this company, but nothing is forever. The impetus was the fact that investors do not quite see the future as the founder. I should not stand across the process - if investors want changes, they must get them, "Galitsky commented on the transaction to journalists. According to him, the transaction parameters do not provide an option to reverse ransom. "Even if such conditions were, I would be against it. Leaving - Leave, "said businessman.

He stated that "the time came something to change in his life." "I am already 50 years old - this age is unlikely to start something. I will live in Krasnodar, I will probably be engaged in children and youth football, "he added. Recall that Galitsky - the owner and president of the professional football club "Krasnodar", speaking in the championship of Russia.

Immediately on the forum, without postponing things in a long box, VTB with a "magnet" signed an agreement with Russian Post. Gosbank has conceived a curious project - to create a service for the delivery of products through the courier service "Mail". The agreement was signed by Kostin, Galitsky and the general director of the Russian Post Nikolai Podvyov. Gosbank will be a reference bank of the project. In addition, Russian Post and Magnit are planning to combine logistics - coordinated to use the capacity of distribution and sorting centers of both companies and transport, consider the general system for the provision of trade, postal, logistics and banking offline services to their customers.

The buyer was the VTB Bank, which is now becoming the largest shareholder of Magnit. Andrei Kostin stated that it counts on the further growth of the capitalization of "Magnit" Photo: Smirnov Vladimir /

"Magnet" lost attractiveness?

2017 was for the "magnet" one of the most unsuccessful. The network has demonstrated the lowest growth rates in history: the revenue increased by only 6.73% to 1.143 trillion rubles, although in October 2017, the retailer predicted an increase of 8-10% in ruble expression. EBITDA decreased by 14.86% to 91.775 billion rubles, net profit fell 34.7% to 35.53 billion rubles. During the conference call with investors, Pombochchan reported that in 2018 the company may not pay dividends, which will happen for the first time since 2011. At the same time, the company clearly experienced the need for money. In November 2017, it became known about a loan in the amount of 44 billion rubles, which Galitsky provided his company for a term until March 1, 2018. For this, he sold 7.5% of the shares for 43.9 billion rubles.

According to the results of trading in the London Exchange on February 13, "Magnit" for the first time in 7 years, the X5 capitalization championship gave way. By the end of trading, the cost of X5 was $ 10.05 billion, while the capital "Magnet" was at a level of $ 9.91 billion. Shares "Magnit" assessed as much as possible by 12.9 thousand rubles in August 2015. Back in August 2017, they traded about 11 thousand rubles for paper, but after receiving fresh portions of financial data, we saw 6 months of falling quotations - up to 4.5 thousand rubles for today by 12:30 Moscow time, it turns out for six months. 2.4 times.

Such a dramatic drop in capitalization, which caused Martin Kolly from traders, is a reflection of both objective market factors and problems within the company. The fall in the purchasing power of the population is accompanied by an acute competition (first of all with the same "five-pools"). At the same time, the network actually reached the limits of growth in Russia - new stores already nowhere to open, they begin to compete with old.At the end of 2017, a network of 12,125 stores in the "At home" format, 243 hypermarket, 208 stores "Family Magnet" and 3774 store "Magnit Cosmetics". Against this background, the company launched a campaign for the formated redesign of obsolete points to stop the outflow of buyers, but in the short term, the closure of stores is only reduced financial results. In addition, Galician became interested in unclear business areas. As part of the program for creating their own trademarks, "Magnit" took itself to produce a wide range of products on sites in Krasnodar, Tolyatti and Tver. In particular,the industrial park in Krasnodar will have to supply baking, confectionery, frozen semi-finished products, ice cream, frozen vegetables and fruits, baby food, juices, canned vegetables and fruits, frozen baking, household chemicals, cosmetics, melted cheeses and oil, animal feed, etc. . D. Investments only in this park will be about 40 billion rubles lei. The effectiveness of such a development path may caused controversy between shareholders.

By the way, in recent years, Galitsky himself stated that he was tired of managing his company, he sleeps and confuses the birthdays of his wife and daughter. "A businessman is specific, you have nothing. No family, you stole yourself in the office. You are constantly in a state of stress. I have 6 thousand trucks, and when in Russia a large accident, I shudder with an incredible force. When you have 260 thousand workers, you sleep with sleeping pills, "he honestly admitted to lecture at Skolkovo in 2016. "The number of emotions that you experience in Russia for 25 years and abroad during the same time is a different amount of emotion. When you are constantly under the voltage, then you think that it is better a terrible end than horror without end. This process from you daily pulls out energy. Our entrepreneur in 48 is imported in 68, "he warned young managers then. In July last year, at a meeting with analysts, Galitsky even allowed that his share in the company could even drop to zero, although Pombohean then immediately hurried to declare that the words of a businessman should not be perceived as a real intention.

Businessman of the Year, Owner of FC, Philanthrop

The transfer of "Magnit" to the state is a really historical deal for the Retail market and for the entire Russian business, for which Galitsky was a symbol of a self-made-entrepreneur, which became one of the richest people in the country, not due to privatization. He founded a trading company in 1994, in 1998 opened the first store under the magnet brand in Krasnodar. The retail network has developed rapidly, reaching 1.5 thousand shops by the end of 2005. Since 2006, Magnit began to open hypermarkets. So, in 2000, the Magnit network became one of the largest retail chains in Russia. In 2006, the company entered the open markets of RTS and MICEX. Exchange investors bought out 19% of the company's shares for $ 368 million. Then the share of Galitsky in the company was 58%, and its permanent partner Alexey Bogacheva - fifteen %. After another exit to the stock exchange in 2008, the share of Galitsky decreased to 36% (in recent years he remained the largest shareholder, and in the open market, it was swimming about 57% of the company's shares).

In the early 2000s, Galician entered the list of 200 richest businessmen in the world. Now, however, he came out for these limits - according to Forbes for 2016, the businessman is at 217th place in the world, but in Russia it is consistently included in the top 30: in 2017 Forbes put it on the 18th place among the richest Russian businessmen with a capital of $ 6.8 billion.

Galician 10 years is engaged in the development of football - according to him, this is not a business project, but pleasure. In 2008, he bought the Krasnodar football team and invests about $ 40 million a year in its development. In 2013-2016, the businessman built one largest sports facilities in the Southern Federal District in the Southern Federal District. According to Galitsky, the estimate amounted to about 20 billion rubles. On October 9, 2016, the stadium was opened by a friendly match, in which the Russian national team met with the Costa Rica national team. . In September 2017, a gorgeous park with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 23 hectares was opened next to the Krasnodar stadium - with a summer amphitheater, a garden, a fountain, which in winter turns into a rink, skate park and other platforms.

"In the Executive Committee will come back in the RFU," said Galitsky today, who was in the Union since 2014. The owner of "Krasnodar" several years critically responded about the activities of the Union and did not fall into his leadership in 2016. "Except how to take away, the RFU does not know anything else. It is easier than to look for sponsors, "Galitsky wrote in Twitter. In the championship of Russia, he is considered the exemplary owner and the President of the Club. He created one of the best academies in the country, the club transfer policy is also considered successful in terms of price and recoil players. The policy of "Krasnodar" Galitsky and infrastructure, the Club Academy - beyond competition in Russia.

2017 was for the "magnet" one of the most unsuccessful. The network has demonstrated the lowest growth rates in history.
Photo: "Business Online"

"The last stronghold, not touched by the state, was the market of catering and retail"

Dmitry Potapenko- Economist, Managing Partner, Management Development GROUP:

- Sergey Galitsky, in general, does it right. The state comes on one principle: someone created the market, and someone snapped him under him. Galitsky in time pops up from this market, because then a proposal may be received, from which he can no longer refuse. The last stronghold, not touching the state, was the catering market and retail. Now and he fell.

From the point of view of assets, VTB is an unprofitable story ... But in Russia, it happens - the unprofitable bank has assets, in any normal economy it would be bankrupt. No options, where are you going from a submarine? "Magnit" key locations. Remember the airline "Victory"? All the same convinced that privately worse than the state. If there were scandals before, I learned about them, now you will walk in the store and look around. Go to Russian Post, complain, but the post has changed after that? It will cope with the state-owned company with market management, no longer matters, because there are no alternatives.

Oleg Grigoriev- Economist, head of the Research Center "Neonicomics":

- Recently, the "Magnit" has not walked very well, the shares fell almost twice. Galitsky, apparently, there was a conflict with other investors who were concerned about the situation and believed that he had already exhausted their managerial potential. To answer exactly, you need to own insider information. Yes, market assets switched to the state, but who else could go? Still, the amount of the transaction is almost 2 billion euros. Already seen the reports that interaction with Russian Post is planned. We have a weak, and even with a large private dealing company, only government structures can produce transactions.

We see that the market appreciated this transaction negatively. But I think, why not? At this level, business survival depends not so much from the efficiency of management, but from the availability of credit resources. Now their accessibility of "magnet" is provided.

Alexey Korenev- Analytic GC "Finam":

- According to Mr. Galitsky himself, his views on the development of the company differ significantly from the views of the remaining shareholders. We believe that this is not a very good sign, when the company's founder is forced to sell it to a new owner, leaving the minority (actually formal) share. Moreover, the dynamics of VTB shares in recent years, which has been sold by 29.1 percent, should not be proud of the bank managers for the results of its activities. In May 2007, VTB already conducted a "folk IPO" at a price of 13.6 kopecks for one share, and then the leadership of the bank would have promised that the growth potential of quotes ranges from 20 to 50 percent by the end of 2007. Moreover, the price of the "folk IPO" of the stock quotes have never risen. At the moment, the cost of VTB shares is 4.77 kopecks. That says it all.

For which the VTB Bank, the product retail network is incomprehensible. The question of which the whole country breaks over this morning. Business is completely non-core for large state bank. Apparently, overwhelming money makes it seek the paths of alternative investment. As for increasing the presence of the state in a large business, then yes, this transaction is all signs of continuing this trend.

Given that lately, the "magnet" is not very good at the magnet, the transition to the wing of the bank, which himself is not a model of an ideal business structure, in our opinion, does not carry anything good.

It is difficult to predict what a new management and new shareholders of the company will take a new management of the "Magnit". Of course, huge and highly cheap VTB resources will be used to continue expanding the retailer network. And we hope that something good that was in the "magnet", in terms of customer service the customer service will be saved. But the operating and financial indicators remain in question.

Maxim Saddy - Member of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Corporate Finance, Head of Analytical Governance:

- Companies need new opportunities for growth, she needs a new powerful investor who could contribute to its further development. Of course, the retail network is a non-core asset for the bank. Probably VTB will sell its package when a favorable environment arises. Therefore, I would not consider this transaction as an indicator of the process of nationalization of the economy. We are talking about a purely market deal. VTB has a great experience in managing non-core assets - and in Retail ("Tape"), and in telecommunication business (Tele2), and in other industries.

VTB has already made statements about its plans to develop the company's business. If the stated plans of the bank will be implemented, then Magnit can become an absolute industry leader.

Igor Shevelev- Kazan Marketer, Retail Expert:

- I do not think that the sale of shares of "Magnit" VTB fundamentally something in the market will change. It looks more like financial affairs. I do not think Galitsky comes out of business. Need money. It is necessary to understand and know the background, whether "Magnit" was aslended in VTB. At one time, Alfa-Bank gave loans, and then took the premises under its structures.

"... a person comes to our shops four times a week. We must be a complete idiot, not to remember where what lies. "

Sergey Galitsky, founder and main shareholder of a retail network magnet, sometimes compared with Sam Walton, the creator of the famous Wal-Mart. Extreme flattering comparison, right?

However, Galitsky himself, having heard this, goes out: Walton was crazy genius! He traveled on an ancient pickup, dwined on his shops on the old plane. And I almost do not go out of the office, I wear expensive shirts! Add also that Galitsky loves to drive on Ferrari, and the difference will become completely obvious? By no means. He is so similar to Sam that he does not want to admit it, "the post is insisted by a post, friendly with Galitsky for more than 10 years. - Just from modesty considers itself a small businessman. Small? Magnet capitalization exceeds $ 3 billion compared to Wal-Mart (capitalization - $ 182 billion), of course, a little. But the rest is an accurate copy.

Sergey Galitsky Born in 1967 in the village of Lazarevskoye Krasnodar Territory ..

In 1985-1987 served in the army. In 1993, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Planning National Economy of the Kuban State University.

Galitsky did not receive a million inheritance, did not participate in privatization competitions, did not build financial pyramids. It all started with the publication in the financial journal of the article by the Faculty of Economics of the Kuban University. The owner of a tiny local bank - as Galitsky himself says, the nameless changeable office - was so impressed with the article that I found the author and offered to take the place of the nasty. However, Banker Galitsky stayed for a long time: some operations could bring to heart attack and a much more experienced financade than a 24-year-old student. For example, a loan for the purchase of champagne. In fact, the money was converted, bought on them in Thailand Parrots and, feeding drunk grain, was illegally imported to France and sold. Galitsky quit - because he did not want to participate in the funeral of the bank. But connections in the Bancakers remained.

One of the Bank's customers who traded the PROCTER GAMBLE products (PG), brought Galitsky to the idea of \u200b\u200bselling all the goods of everyday demand. For her, Galitsky and took about $ 30,000 on credit. I bought a wagon with Johnson Johnson products and sold small wholesale. And in 1994, taking into the share of three classmates, registered a distribution company Transassia, which was engaged in distribution of cosmetics and perfumes Avon, Johnson Johnson, Procter Gamble.

In 1995, the company received the right to become an exclusive distributor of Procter Gamble in the southern region. However, the contract turned into an apple of contention: a perfume giant demanded to divide the businesses in order to distribute its goods a separate company.

Transazia and the established distribution business, which brought about $ 70 thousand. Profit per month, Galitsky gave its partners (Transassia still supplies PG products). And he took a new company Tander with the balance of business (so that the partners did not have monetary claims, I had to ask for help to the friend, the capital banker Alexei Bogachev - he became a shareholder of Tander. The owner of the "Magnit" says that the business exchanged business with clear perspectives on the ball in the field.

Tander's company since 1998 began to develop magnetized magnetic discounters in Krasnodar. Since April, Sergey Galitsky 2006 is the general director of the Magnit network.

Magnet history

1998 - 1999: access to retail food market

Opening of the first grocery store in Krasnodar

Experiments with format

Shops are combined into a retail network "Magnit"

2001 - 2005: Intensive development for the purpose of taking a firm position in the market

Rapid regional development: 1,500 stores at the end of 2005

Adoption of IFRS

Strict financial control

Motivational wage system

2006 - 2007: Further development of the traditional format. Transition to multiformation

Leader of the Russian product retail in the number of buyers

The beginning of the construction of hypermarkets

Independent Director elected to the board of directors

The audit committee was established

A set of corporate behavior rules has been developed and introduced

3 hypermarket open in 2007

14 hypermarkets in construction

2008: Active hypermarket development program

As of September 30, 2008, the network numbered 2,394 stores at the house and 11 hypermarkets

For the first 9 months of 2008, 208 stores are open, including 8 hypermarkets

For the first 9 months of 2008, the net revenue increased by 50.87% and amounted to $ 3.881 million.

About Galitsky say: he is a man of fantastic energy, has a non-standard look at all questions. The businessman himself likes to criticize the state policy, the oligarchs of the arrangements that spoiled the image of entrepreneurs, intolerant to stupid traditions, for example, compliments in restaurants.

Forgives your top managers. So, one of them came and put a statement about the departure on the table, because he spent several hundred thousand dollars to the floor of the distribution center under Krasnodar and was mistaken with the material. To lay a new one, it was necessary to spend the same. Galitsky not only did not sign a statement, but also presented him with a magnet shares - just like nine other top managers who work with him from the date of the company's foundation. His explanations are simple: I spent a lot of money on the manager, he can't let him go so easily. Must work. And work out. Just without all these guys, I would not build a company. They put the ten best years of life on the tandder, sat here afternoon and at night, "he explains in one of the interviews.

$ 1,520 million - state at the beginning of 2007, 45th place in ranking 500 Russian millionaires (Evaluation of the magazine Finance)

Now Sergey Nikolayevich has a 13-year-old daughter of Polina.

Interesting Facts. Spouse Sergey Nikolayevich, Victoria Nikolaevna, has a native brother. Her brother is a complete forcing her husband. The history of obtaining the last name of his wife Sergei Nikolayevich is no less interesting. Father Victoria Nikolaevna insisted that his daughter would leave the name after the wedding, and on the fact that her husband would take this surname. The motivation was approximately the following: "My daughter will not wear the Armenian surname and my grandchildren too!". Thus, after the wedding, another Sergey Nikolaevich Galitsky appeared.

Network store magnet is:

The market leader in the number of trading facilities and the territory of their coverage in Russia is 56 branches, more than 2620 stores in more than 760 cities and settlements. Currently there are several dozen stores per month;

More than 55,000 employees who provide their work to buyers the opportunity to purchase high-quality goods of everyday demand at affordable prices;

The latest methods and technologies in the field of product, sales, finance and personnel policies, allowing to effectively manage the company and reduce the price of goods for the final consumer;

Network of distribution centers on the entire European part of Russia receiving goods from large suppliers and prepare it to be sent to the stores;

An enterprise having a large car park and cargo transportation throughout the European part of Russia;

More than 700 items of goods under the private brand.

In our country, there are not a lot of oligarchs that created a business from scratch, without participation in the implementation of any raw materials. One of these is Sergey Galitsky ("Magnit"). The biography of the businessman is a unique story about how a person has made himself, without participating in the privatization of factories or selling resources abroad. His personal history is an example of dedication and hard work. We will tell about how the owner of the Magnit network Sergey Galitsky was formed and rose. The biography of the entrepreneur will be interested in those who dream of their business and is looking for their way in life.


Arutyunyan (Galitsky) Sergey Nikolaevich was born, whose biography is our article, on August 14, 1967 in the village of Lazarevskoye, close to Sochi. Despite the surname, the boy grew in a completely Russian environment. According to him, it is only 25% of Armenian blood, and even the language of this nation Sergey does not know, but today he is proud of its origin. Since childhood, the boy fell a big passion for football, he was engaged in the section, played with friends in the yard. But I realized that he had no future in this sport. Another his children's passion is chess. But here, with all his prudence, he realized that he would not become the champion of the world. And the desire to be the first to him was inherent since childhood. Therefore, Sergey decided to take place in school. Although he did not become an excellent student, but quite succeeded in the exact sciences. School Sergey studied well, was an active participant in public life.

Adult life

In the Soviet times, the service in the army for many young men was a mandatory vital step, and Sergey Galitsky also belonged to such young people. Biography, guy's parents were quite typical for that time. The origin and the beginning of Sergey's life path did not foretell some great accomplishments. Everything that he had is he himself, his sanity and hard work. Therefore, he decided to start his adult life from service in the Armed Forces. Two years in the army helped him clearly decide on its priorities and life goals.


After demobilization, Sergey Galitsky, whose biography developed on a very typical scenario for that time, enters the University of Kuban, at the Faculty of Economics. The service in the army gave him certain benefits, and Sergey easily entered the prestigious university. He studied well and even wrote an article on the second year on financial liquidity in the famous professional magazine "Finance and Credit". Editorial acknowledged Article Sergey seriously and published it. In the financial world of Krasnodar, this publication made a real extension, and Galitsky invited to an interview to one of the banks of the city. If Sergey had to be worked out before this by a loader, now he was offered to work as a deputy manager of the bank. He successfully combined work with study and safely received a diploma of higher education, which gave him opportunities for

Failed banker

At the end of the University of Galitsky, a year worked in a bank, but a young specialist quickly began to understand that this institution was not at all what he would like to be engaged in the future. Later in an interview, Sergey said that the bank was actually a "petty changeable shop." Therefore, a year after graduation, Galitsky decided to quit the bank. According to him, he left, because "she did not want to attend his funeral."

The first experience of entrepreneurship

At this time, a private entrepreneurship boom increased in the country, all around the business began different types of business, dreamed of getting rich. These moods covered Sergey. After leaving the bank, he, together with several classmates, creates a company "Transassia", the initial capital has become 30 thousand dollars, which Sergey claimed a loan due to its banking dating. The company took up the wholesale supply of cosmetics and household chemicals. The first time, according to Galitsky, the firm balanced between the financial precipice and a small profit. But soon the guys managed to become the only distributor in the Krasnodar Territory of the largest global company Procter & Gambl. The firm began to bring stable income and prospects. But soon, Procter & Gambl demanded that a separate company worked with her. Therefore, the decision came about the section "Transassia". Cosmetic business went to Galitsky's partners, and he got the firm "Tander". For several years he was looking for his niche in the market, calculated the options. A business flair and unique talent to find money helped to enter the new market.


In 1998, Sergey Galitsky, whose biography from this point on for a long time connected with opens its first Cash & Carry Food Store. The point brought profits, but did not give big prospects for development. And in two years, Galitsky decided to change the format. In 2000, the first magnet store in the discounter format appears in Krasnodar. Sergey immediately began to position his points as a network of food stores with low prices.

The format was very popular, and Sergey began to actively develop the network. He rented small premises for shops that he now positioned as "home shops at low prices." The development of the network he began by quiet expansion into small towns. He tried not to compete with large product network retailers. And the strategy was very successful. After five years, the network turnover reached 1.6 billion dollars.

Galitsky did not stop at the achieved and in 2006 brought the company on an IPO and attracted investments by $ 368 million. The company accounted for 58%, and its permanent partner Alexei Bogacheva - 15%. The funds received were allowed on the development of the network, and in 2007 it consisted of 1900 stores throughout the country. "Magnit" will grow new formats - hypermarkets,

In 2008, the network once again goes to the stock exchange, and in 2010 the number of its outlets grows up to 4 thousand. In 2011, 5 thousand has already become a different format stores under the name "Magnit". The company once again resorts to the sale of shares, which reduces the share of Galitsky to 36%, but it still remains the main owner of the network. This is his principled position, Sergey believes that the business should have one owner.

In 2013, Magnit became the leader in turnover and the number of stores in the country, overtaking his eternal competitor - the "Pyaterochka" network. In 2014, Galitsky reduced his stake in the stake, selling a part to get money to finance other projects. By 2015, "Magnit" rose to 120 thousand dots of different formats.


For 2016, the founder of the "Magnet" Sergey Galitsky, whose biography is firmly associated with grocery stores, is the largest shareholder of the network, it has 37% of the shares. In 2016, his condition, according to the Journal "Forbes", has 5,700 million dollars, this is the 17th line in the list of richest entrepreneurs of Russia. It should be noted that for Galitsky is not the best indicator, in 2014 he held the 10th line with a state of $ 10,300 million. Businessman often says that he is experiencing two pleasures in life: when earns money and when they spend. In recent years, he spends a lot of funds for different projects. Sergey also said that he intended to spend all his condition during his lifetime.

Galitsky - Head

Large entrepreneurs always produce their, unique leadership style, is no exception to Sergey Galitsky. The biography of the businessman proves that he is an extraordinary man. And this confirm the impressions of his partners and employees. Galitsky - strategist, he always looks far ahead, and trust trusts managers. He knows how to hire high-class employees and trusts them to solve the tasks of its level. Galitsky - a bold businessman, he loves risky, extraordinary solutions and is not afraid to implement them. At the same time, Sergey is a rather hard leader, he is not ready to make concessions, knows how to motivate employees to good work. Thus, the company's top management owns 8% of the shares of "Magnit", so it is interested in the profits of the stores.


Billionaire Sergey Galitsky, whose biography developed as in a fairy tale, did not forget about his children's hobbies. In 2008, he bought a very medium football team "Krasnodar" and invested in her huge money. Today it refers to the elite of Russian football. Galitsky finances school for novice football players "Krasnodar", built a great stadium for training and playing his team. He puts in the team about $ 40 million a year, but at the same time, he said, this is not a business project, but a great pleasure for him.

Personal life

The owner of the "Magnet" Sergey Galitsky, whose biography - the subject of our consideration, is married. His wife became the former Syaznicnik Victoria. Sometime she was an accountant, but for many years it does not work, fulfilling the "hard work" of the oligarch's wife. Couple has a daughter of Polina. She is studying at the same university where her parents once studied. The girl is among the ten richest Russian heirers. But at the same time, all of her acquaintances note that Polina at all there are no stellar jams.