Attic house projects. Houses with an attic. Advantages and disadvantages of country houses with an attic: projects with a full floor or a residential attic

The construction company "Dachny Season" offers ready-made projects of turnkey houses with an attic, and we also carry out their construction. According to the wishes of the customer, the architects make changes to the finished drawings - as a result, we build a cottage that meets all the requirements and wishes of the client. We use high-quality materials and modern construction technologies, thanks to which the turnkey houses we build with an attic are comfortable, ergonomic, reliable and high-quality buildings.

Advantages and disadvantages


House designs with a bay window and attic have the following advantages:

  1. Savings on building area

It is logical to build these buildings on land plots of limited area.

  1. Rational use of housing space

Projects of country houses with an attic are superior in this regard to one-story and two-story cottages, since in them the attic space is not used rationally.

  1. Affordable price for a house with an attic

If we compare the cost of constructing an attic space and a second floor, the latter option is much inferior in this regard. The first option is economical because it requires less materials and costs for construction work. The cost of a house with an attic per 1 square meter is lower compared to other projects.

  1. Lower heating costs

Warm air rises, which entails lower costs for heating the attic space.


  • Insufficient lighting

Based on our own experience in the construction of such buildings, we confidently declare that this minus is conditional. The solution to the problem is windows. Their special arrangement allows more light to penetrate into the room than with a standard arrangement.

  • Mitered corners cause depression

This minus of house projects with an attic is also considered conditional. Thoughtful and competent design of the room eliminates this contradiction.


If you consider how much it costs to build a house with an attic and carry out simple economic calculations, then these projects can be called the most profitable and optimal for private homeownership. We not only offer projects, but also carry out turnkey construction. We guarantee quality, affordable prices and efficiency of construction. For any questions you may have, please call the numbers listed on the website. We will make the most favorable offer!

Attic in the house - two floors for the price of one!
A properly constructed attic is no less convenient than a full floor, and even has some advantages:

1. Savings.
. A house with an attic is one and a half to two meters lower than a cottage, and has no attic floor- this saves on materials and work.

2. Discreet charm
. In small buildings, increasing the height due to the attic spoils the proportions of the facades, stretching them too high. Attic buildings are lower, their appearance is more harmonious, and they fit better into the environment.
. Powerful beams, rafters and attic roof lining enrich the interior (see), but in houses with an attic their beauty is wasted. Read more about attic designs in INVAPOLIS house projects
. A cottage with an attic, compared to a two-story one, shades own and neighboring areas less. Although in this regard, of course, we can consider ideal

3. Coziness and comfort
. The attics are incredibly cozy. Children and young people adore them for their romanticism, silence and privacy.
. In our projects of houses with an attic the height of the walls at the lowest point is always more than 1.5 m. This allows you to use the entire area of ​​the room, conveniently arrange furniture and move freely.

houses with an attic second floor

This section presents more than 80 ready-made author's projects houses and cottages with an attic.
If the chosen project does not exactly coincide with the “dream home”, we can always bring it closer to your ideal.

The embodiment and synonym of home comfort for many is a comfortable country cottage. And if an attic and a terrace are attached to the house, then this is just a true romantic’s dream. If in former times the attic space was not at all considered elite and served as a storage space, now modern attics in country houses are equipped according to exclusive design projects.

Such buildings will be an excellent option for owners of small plots. By making a floor under the roof, you get additional living space, which means you will need a smaller space for the foundation.


In addition, the attic floor and terrace will help to functionally “unload” the room, since you can use these additional meters for games, feasts, get-togethers with friends, or storing clothes.


Why do summer residents, as a rule, choose house designs with a veranda and attic? This type of covered structure is not only good for outdoor gatherings, but also creates additional shade. In addition, on the terrace, in rain or heat, you can carry out various daily activities or do preparations in the fall.

In the view of a summer resident, it is the presence of a terrace or attic that adds coziness to a country cottage. Meanwhile, not every project is as easy to implement as it looks in the drawings and diagrams. Practical experience in designing complex, from a geometric point of view, structures will be of great importance here.

An important feature of the attic is the pointed roof, the ceilings of which hang over the head of the person standing inside. To make being in the attic area comfortable, the ceiling height at the highest point should be at least 2-2.5 meters. And the blunter the angle of the slope, the easier it will be to be under the roof. A way out of this situation can also be a sloping roof, which will free up maximum space in the attic.

Houses with an attic and a terrace differ from ordinary ones not only in their design features and unusual architecture, but also in their “filling”. Since the floor under the roof is subject to temperature changes, it is particularly carefully insulated and insulated both from the inside and outside. As for the interior decoration, it is an open plan with a minimum of partitions. And the role of zoning may well be played by lighting, of which there should be a lot in the attic. You can also use unusually shaped windows in an original way.

As for the features of the terrace, it is better to combine its construction with the construction of the house so that there is a single foundation. And if you are adding a veranda later, pay special attention to the quality of the fastening of the walls - so that the base does not crack when the terrace shrinks, and the walls do not move apart.

Advantages and disadvantages

Houses with an attic and a terrace have both advantages and disadvantages; pay attention to this when planning your construction.

The advantages are as follows:

  • the attic makes the interior more original;
  • high functionality of the attic space;
  • opportunity to save on building materials;
  • reduction of heat loss through the roof;
  • possibility of arrangement of non-residential premises.

Disadvantages include:

  • inaccurate adherence to construction technology can lead to condensation and moisture in the attic;
  • the complex geometry of the attic and, accordingly, the considerable cost of custom-made windows, of which there must also be a lot if you ultimately want to build a sunny attic rather than a gloomy attic.


Projects of ready-made country cottages with an attic and a terrace, in principle, allow the use of different styles and layouts. Attic-type buildings are constructed from wood, brick, timber, and foam blocks. There are also stone houses and cottages built using Finnish technology (they are distinguished by their compactness and at the same time being economical and practical in organizing living space).

It is by including the attic in the overall plan that it is possible to increase the internal volume of the premises. And an additional terrace extension will not only increase the usable area of ​​the house, but also make the design unique and inimitable.

If you plan to use the terrace during the cold season, consider a heating system for the extension. Of course, verandas without heating will be cheaper, but you won’t be able to make a living room or winter garden on them. Such open terraces will serve for summer gatherings.

Each professionally completed country house project takes into account the following factors:

  • climatic features;
  • soil and landscape features (for example, a house is located on flat ground or on a slope);
  • options for combining home design with the environment;
  • the ability to organize the most convenient space, taking into account the age of family members and their individual characteristics.

Even at the design stage of the cottage, the location of the rooms, utility networks and all communications is thought through. As a budget option, as a rule, a house project with an attic and a veranda measuring 6x6 square meters is chosen. m. This area and 2-3 floors are enough to accommodate all the necessary living quarters. For such a house, it is preferable to make a sloping attic roof so that the room under the roof is more spacious.

Compact and small country house 6x6 sq. m includes everything you need: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Such a project implies that you will get not 36, but at least 50 square meters. m of usable area. And if this is not enough, then you can always make an extension or convert the existing terrace into living space. In the center there is a living room with access to the kitchen, and separate bedrooms for adults and children are in the attic floor.

To avoid feeling cramped in such a mini-house, buy folding furniture that will help preserve maximum usable space.

You can also choose a rectangular house project of 6x8 square meters. m, when the facade is designed along the longer side. This is necessary so that the attic does not turn into a “tunnel” and becomes wider. The terrace is designed on the front side of the building, which is well lit.

In a house measuring 9x9 sq. m even more possibilities for planning functional premises. The kitchen and dining room can be combined with the living room. A small corridor leads to the bedroom and bathroom. And in the attic floor you can place a bedroom, a gym, a nursery, a wine cellar, a dressing room or a recreation room - in general, what you need most.

For an oblong shaped house measuring 8x10 square meters. m is characterized by the placement of living rooms along the corridor. The advantage of such a project is that both floors can accommodate a bedroom, which means you will have a place for guests to relax.

Spacious house 10x10 sq. m will be an ideal solution for a large family with children. There are several bathrooms, as well as a spacious dining room and kitchen. In the attic you can place several zones at once: a bedroom, a nursery, a dressing room or a guest room.

In all projects, the terrace is attached to the house or is initially planned on a common foundation. This depends on the method of fencing it and the presence of a roof. If you want to use the terrace for cooking (for example, barbecue or barbecue), it is worth making a common foundation that will be durable and withstand maximum load. If the terrace space is planned to be used for relaxation, games, or will serve a purely aesthetic function of decorating the house, then you can get by with a simple and light wooden structure on stilts or poles.

Of course, standard projects are cheaper than exclusive and personal ones, but with individual orders, designers and architects provide all sorts of nuances that will improve the quality of life outside the city, for example, they equip special comfortable stairs for the elderly or equip a luxurious winter garden on the terrace or in the attic.


Now let's talk about the materials used for construction.


The most popular and environmentally friendly version of a country house among our compatriots is made of wood. Wood is a safe and even healthy material, but quite difficult to use.. It is necessary to carefully follow not only the technology of building a house, but also take care of special treatment of the wood with compounds that protect it from external influences.

A wooden house is an ideal choice for the northern regions of the country, because this material retains heat well, so you don’t even need to additionally build a fireplace. The only drawback is that when constructing an eco-house, you will have to wait six months due to shrinkage of the log house, and only then can you begin finishing work.

One of the advantages of wooden construction, we also note that wood absorbs moisture, and when the air is too dry, on the contrary, it releases it. Therefore, an ideal microclimate for the human body will reign in a wooden house. And there is no need to talk about the pine smell - it is healing for those who have problems with the lungs, and it is also a simple disease prevention for healthy people.

This material is also suitable for those who are allergic to dust, because wood does not accumulate it.

Frame elements

The frame option is suitable for small and simple, in terms of architectural solutions, houses. The frame elements are easy to install, so it will take you a minimum of time to build a country house. Domestic companies produce frames made of wood and metal, ready-made or in the form of a collapsible structure. And the walls of such structures are made of PVC, chipboard and insulation. Thus, with minimal financial and time costs, you will receive a mini-house for a good rest in the lap of nature.


Among the advantages of such a building material as brick, we note its reliability and durability - the service life of such a house will be at least 100 years, and even more if used carefully. A brick house is durable, fireproof and resistant to negative environmental influences.

A common planning solution in individual and cottage construction is the installation of an attic in the space of a pitched roof. The layout of a house with an attic has its own characteristic features, which significantly distinguish it from the layout of a house on one level, and make the project almost identical to a two-story building.

The most important difference in the layout of a one-story house with an attic is the need to create a staircase to provide access to the second level. Often the developer does not understand the complexity of this planning element, treating it with disdain. This approach is a gross mistake, turning daily living in the house into an endless repetition of inconvenient and meaningless movements around obstacles.

Plan of the 1st floor of a house with an attic 9x9 Attic floor plan of the same house 9x9

The decision to construct a usable attic must be made at the design stage and the building must be designed taking into account the correct and convenient placement of the staircase on the first floor and the creation of a convenient and space-efficient exit to the second, attic floor.

Depending on the number of floors of the building, the performance characteristics of the staircase used change. The attic in a one-story building, as a rule, serves as a “quiet zone”, the premises in which are intended for night rest and daytime leisure. For such houses, it is possible to save as much space as possible on the expensive first floor by installing staircases of small width, from half a meter and above, with the most economical shape, for example, a spiral one or with a minimum platform between flights.

Plan of a one-story house with an attic 6x6

When designing the layout of a 6x6 or 8x8 house with an attic, as a rule, there are no other reasonable solutions left, since a space of about six square meters in the central part of the room falls out of the total area, since access to the attic can only be arranged in the area of ​​the roof ridge.

Plan of a one-story house with an attic 8x8

The layout of houses 8x10, 9x9, 9x12 with an attic is less sensitive to the design of the staircase assembly, since it occupies a smaller percentage of the area of ​​the entire room and fits more easily into the floor plan.

Layout of a one-story house with an attic 9×12

It is very important to understand that the space required for the staircase also includes approaches to it from various rooms, which also take up space and should be organized as conveniently as possible. Unfortunately, when analyzing many modern projects that delight the eye with architectural forms, as a rule, you become convinced that it is the staircase assembly that is their weak point, negating many of their advantages.

Typical layout of a house with an attic 10×10

Layout of a two-story house with an attic

The plan of a two-story house with an attic may differ from a one-story house with a larger staircase area. A two-story house implies more frequent and intensive movement across floors, so the staircase should be made flatter and wider, and the landings should be large enough to allow those moving in the opposite direction to pass each other.

Read also

Convenient layout of a one-story house

The attic, unlike the ordinary floor of the house, has specific features. First of all, this concerns roof slopes. They create additional usable space, but they also impose restrictions on the layout.

The roof slopes, supported by load-bearing walls, limit a significant part of the room in height, preventing the use of the entire area, as is done in a regular room. As a rule, they try to adapt the low sinuses formed by the rafters for storing things, arranging cabinets or storage rooms. The same property of the attic structure limits the location of the staircase space in the house plan, since the entrance to the staircase must have a normal height, which is usually only available in the ridge area.

The organization of lighting, insolation, and attic spaces is of great difficulty. Traditional roofs have vertical walls suitable for installing windows along the gables. But being limited to only lighting from two sides does not allow access of daylight to the central part of the attic, for example, to the stairwell.

Large skylights on the roof of the house

Therefore, a common way out of this situation is to install separate roof windows on the roof slopes. These can be independent pitched structures facing the street with their own pediment or special window systems embedded in the roof. However, these solutions significantly complicate the roof structure, although they give the roof and the entire building greater expressiveness.

The plan of a 9x9, 10x10 house with an attic will depend on how the light openings can be placed, since the dimensions imply the presence of several rooms, the lighting of which is difficult to organize through the gables. The partitions should be supported on a load-bearing wall, so the layout of the underlying floors will also depend on the layout of the attic.

Plan of the 1st floor of a house with an attic 9×9
Plan of the 2nd floor of a house with an attic 9×9

In addition to the described difficulties with the placement of the staircase assembly and the organization of lighting of rooms separated from the gables by partitions, one should also take into account the complication of engineering systems when constructing an attic in use. The arrangement of rooms for sleeping and rest in the attic involves equipping it with a heating system, sewerage, water supply, with the installation of appropriate networks and premises.

If the plan of a house with an attic of up to 100 sq.m may involve minimal equipment, taking into account a smaller number of users, then with an increase in the area of ​​the house there is a need to expand sanitary and household premises, as well as to increase their number.

Unlike a conventional roof, the floor of the attic room is subject to loads of the same intensity as conventional floor coverings. Therefore, when constructing an attic, you should use beams or floor panels that can support them.

Modern layout of a house with an attic area of ​​more than 150 sq. m

An attic space can sometimes be insulated only at the floor level, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the roof structure, make it lighter and reduce the cross-sections of load-bearing elements. For the attic, this option is excluded, and insulation, as a rule, is carried out directly in the plane of the rafters, under the external roofing. At the same time, the roof structure becomes more complicated, the loads on the rafter system increase, which must be taken into account when designing.

An attic is a great idea for building a house in a small area. Both in this case, and when the structure of the building changes some time after its use, it is necessary to strictly adhere to design principles. This is the only way to achieve the most efficient use of space.

Often a problem for designers is the small size of the house. Therefore, many ways have been developed to overcome these difficulties and turn difficult circumstances into advantages.

How to beat limited space?

Buying your own home is the dream of many people, no matter whether it will be their main home or just a place for short leisure. Financial circumstances force many to give preference to small-sized houses. In this case, it is recommended not to rush, but to carefully select a project, considering the options of different design organizations, comparing proposals with each other.

The most common mistake is choosing projects that include bedrooms or children's rooms at the top of the building.

It is difficult for small children, elderly, sick or simply tired people to get to the attic. Going down again is also not very convenient. In this case, you just need to swap different rooms.

Balcony exits can be very attractive, but the cost of such a design solution is quite high. Sometimes it is more advisable to limit yourself to a not too large area instead of a full-fledged balcony, while maintaining aesthetics.

When building a small house with an attic, a reasonable balance should be maintained between the quality of the foundation (its load-bearing capacity) and the total cost of the work. If the base is significantly raised above the ground, you will have to equip the entrance staircase and railings on it. For people seeking maximum comfort, this circumstance will not be very pleasant.

In order to competently use the territory of small buildings, it is recommended to seek help only from trained designers and architects.

Selection of materials

The building materials industry has developed a large number of options that can be used in the construction and decoration of the attic.

Traditional solutions are:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • clay (adobe);
  • shell rock

Most often, the heaviest materials are used on the ground floor, and relatively light ones are used to create attics. Among them there is also aerated concrete. Blocks with a thickness of 300 - 400 mm are formed from it, which are superior to many other materials in thermal insulation. Construction with aerated concrete is cheap and practical.

Wood is a more natural material, but its use forces one to scrupulously follow standard construction technology and process the material strictly according to the rules.

Brick walls have their advantages. One of them is the long service life of the building, which can be more than 100 years. The brick easily holds its shape and does not collapse under the influence of changes in temperature and humidity. Piece bricks are more modern and cheaper, but their parameters are in no way inferior to the classic version.

Frame buildings with an attic have a number of strengths:

  • multiple reduction in heat losses compared to cold attics;
  • the decoration of the upper room can be smooth (tenants can easily be on the first tier);
  • there are many ways to use the top floor.

However, a frame solution requires strict compliance with building codes and regulations.

If you deviate from them, you may encounter constant freezing, loss of heat and accumulation of condensing moisture. It is also necessary to take measures to ensure that snowfall does not interfere with the natural lighting of the attic.

We decorate the exterior

The outer wall of the attic is made from a vertical part formed by the main structural material of the house. Here they use rafters, roofing and cladding for the inside of the room. The relationship between them in each specific case is established based on the characteristics of the project.

Outside, metal tiles or soft roofing are mainly used. There are a lot of options for finishing the facade of houses with an attic. These include experiments with the roof configuration, which is made hip or half-hip with a different number of slopes. These include complementary canopies of a round and even more extravagant shape (the so-called shed roof).

Often, designers experiment with different types of windows, giving them an intricate and extraordinary look (round, trapezoidal, etc.). Other designers prefer less flashy, but high-quality and stable types of windows.

Window units can be installed:

  • in a single version;
  • in the form of a chain;
  • divided into separate blocks;
  • monolithic.

One of the latest design solutions is a “folding” balcony, which can be easily rolled up and opened as needed.

Interior ideas

  • According to experts, it is best to either completely abandon the division of space in the attic, or give preference to partitions made of plasterboard. This is a fairly light material that minimizes the load on the base of the building. At the same time, such delimiting blocks perform their task stably.
  • It is undesirable to make a ceiling that will occupy less than half the area of ​​the entire room. This may create visual discomfort.
  • Windows of an atypical design are a way not only to express your aesthetic concept, but also to add the maximum amount of light to the room.

Attics began to be used for permanent residence in the 17th century, but today people have much more options for their design and functionality. Inside you can place both bedrooms with panoramic windows and more economical options (for example, gyms). A fairly spacious and bright room can easily be converted into an office or a children's room. Some designers propose to occupy the entire attic with a bathroom in order to save useful space on the ground floor of the house.

To make a compact space more enjoyable, you need to think about a suitable roofing option.

For example, gable roofs, for all their visual appeal, make it possible to use only 2/3 of the available area. Broken configurations can increase this figure to 90%. By raising the roof by 150 cm, you can increase the total area of ​​the home by 100%. This will also help get rid of the feeling of lack of space inside.

If you can only create a narrow area in the attic, it is recommended to place a bedroom in it. It is recommended to place storage systems in the lowest segments of attics, since people will still not be able to move there.

Designers advise from the very beginning to think through how the entrance to and exit from the attic will be carried out, and what stairs will be installed. Another important point is to use durable flooring to ensure that unpleasant incidents do not occur. Of course, the rafters and ceiling parts must also be strong. In areas where summers are hot, it is rational to use air conditioning.